CPC Newsletter - March 2020 - Calvary Church 1.pdf · 2020. 3. 1. · pastorivan@calvarycp.ca...


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  • "Go into all the world and preach the

    gospel to every creature” Mark 16:15.

    ‘‘But they all alike began to make excuses.’ Luke 14:18 NIV Jesus told the story of a man who planned a banquet and invited several guests. Listen to some of their excuses for not attending. ‘I’ve purchased a field.’ ‘I’ve bought some oxen.’ ‘I just got married.’ So the host said, ‘Not one

    of those who were invited will get a taste of my banquet.’ (Luke 14:24 NIV) Maybe you think you’re different, that you have a good reason for saying no to God. But is it worth missing your destiny for? When God speaks to you, that’s the moment of truth! At that point you either make a commitment or make an excuse. There and then you’re deciding your destiny! What is God asking you to do? What’s making you hesitate? Fear of failure? Fear of being criticised? Fear usually comes dressed up as an excuse. And every time you waver or pull back, you lay another brick in the wall that will ultimately keep you from reaching your God-ordained destiny. Author John Mason says, ‘Opportunity is often lost in deliber-ation.’ So if God’s telling you to do something, take His hand and move forward in faith. You can’t control the direction of the wind, but by God’s grace you can adjust your sails to take you where you need to go. The great educator and scientist George Washington Carver said, ‘Ninety-nine per cent of failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses.’ Remember, opportunity is a visitor: don’t assume it will be back tomorrow. Now is the time—move while the door is open!

    Move While

    The Door Is Open by Bob Gass

    ood for


    133 Bridge Street

    The Storeroom is looking for volunteers. Contact Pastor Ivan or Diana

    Owned by and supporting

    Calvary Christian Academy

    If you would like confidentiality in giving we have a numbered envelopes system and sets are available. See Cindy Halcrow or Pastor Ivan and they will make a set available to you for the year 2019. “God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 [NIV]

    Offering Envelopes

    Online Giving: We are also set up to receive donations on our website with CanadaHelps.org. Note that any donations made online will cost us a 3% fee and the donor will receive an instant receipt from CanadaHelps.org for income tax purposes. CanadaHelps.org is a registered charity with a goal to make giving simple and an online fundraising solution that allows charities to accept donations over the internet. They make online fundraising affordable, easy and secure. A great tool to aid the church with cash flow when unable to attend.

    CPC Newsletter - March 2020 Sunday Service 10:30 am

    Worship and the Word Children’s Church is held

    downstairs during the sermon. Other services are as

    outlined in this newsletter.

    A warm welcome is extended to

    all our visitors. We are

    honoured to have you join us.

    Please fill out our visitor

    information card so we can

    have a record of your visit.

    Our Senior Pastor, other staff

    and congregation members

    would be delighted to meet

    with you as you fellowship in

    the foyer following our service.

    Feel free to inquire about our

    service times and church

    programs we offer here at

    Calvary Church. We trust you

    will enjoy your time of worship

    with us. Calvary endeavours

    to offer a friendly family


    Rev. Ivan Davis

    (Lead Pastor)

    I will put together my church, a church so expansive with energy that not even the gates of hell will be able to keep it out. (Matthew 16:18 MSG)

    Fulfilling the Great Commission by: xalting the Lord Jesus Christ!

    quipping the Believer!

    difying the Body!

    vangelizing the Lost!

    Lead Pastor: Rev. Ivan Davis pastorivan@calvarycp.ca

    Calvary Pentecostal Church

    7196 County Road 29 North Carleton Place, ON, K7C 3P1

    Church: 613-800-3331 Toll Free: 1-844-533-1062

    www.calvarycp.ca calvarychurch@calvarycp.ca


    • Jef & Renatta WALTON, Malawi Jef and Renatta, along with their family of four children, serve at the Village of Hope, a ministry to orphan and vulnerable children.

    • Diana Billlings, Malawi Pray for Diana as she works with Jef and Renatta at Village of Hope.

    • The NAYLOR’S Pray for the Naylor's as they are ministering in a Restricted Access Nation.

    • Seeds International Pray for our mission’s endeavor in Grenada. Partnering with Seeds International bringing the good news into the public schools.

    • Sponsor Children Pray for our Watoto/VOH sponsor children, (Ameniah, Marvin & Patricia) that God will bless, lead and guide them to become true men and women of God.

  • Missions Sunday - 10:30am

    Sunday, March 1

    Remember our missionaries both in prayer, and with your financial giving. Your giving makes it possible for them to spread the gospel to the nations of the world. We ask that you also consider giving on a monthly basis towards

    our Seeds Grenada Mission.

    (Grades K - 5)

    Every attender and visitor at Calvary Church now will have free access to this unique resource. If you didn’t get an invite from Right Now Media please contact the Pastor.

    Wednesday, March 4, 11, 25 - 6:30pm

    PULSE Youth Ministry for teens in Grades 6 to

    12. A time where teens discover God through

    study and activities. Special events also take place

    throughout the year. “PULSE — Can You

    Feel It.” Pulse Youth and OVV Youth and are meeting at Carambeck Community Center.

    Tuesday, March 3, 10, 24, 31

    Monday, March 2, 9, 23, 30

    Bible Study - 7:00pm

    Eric Kayia and Ruth Draper will be hosting our Life Group sessions. The Life Groups last fall were the most successful ones we had and looking forward to another great group this winter. If you haven’t been attending I’d encourage you to. Invite someone.

    What does it look like for people to experience the love, power, and presence of God so strongly they’re transformed from the inside out? Many people go to church when it’s convenient, occasionally read their Bibles and pray, and sometimes feel close to God, but He’s not the passion and purpose of their lives. They may be believers, but they’re not devoted disciples. In this study, Dennis Rouse gives us a clear contrast between believers and disciples, and he inspires us to experience more of God than ever before.

    Pulse Youth Ministry - 7:00pm


    Praying For Diana & Owen Village of Hope, Malawi

    Continuing to remember Diana and Owen in prayer as they minister to the children of Village of Hope in Malawi. Pray God will bless them and their ministry endeavours. Pray for Gods protection as they will be exposed at times to various kinds of dangers and circumstances. Pray for protection from disease, etc.

    Pastor Ivan will continue with a series on casting vision for 2020.

    “Spiritual DNA Profiling Jesus’ Building Program”

    The ladies will be meeting at Wheelers. Carpool from the church at 9:00 am. Invite a friend. Sign up list in Foyer.

    Saturday, March 28

    Ladies Breakfast At
