COVID19-related Risk Assessments for Holy Trinity


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Page 1 of 30 Version 22 – issued 9th June 2021

COVID19-related Risk Assessments for Holy Trinity Prestwood: Church

Contents 1. Use of Holy Trinity Church for Prayer and Regular Worship ................................................................................................................................................... 4

2. Cleaning of the Church ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14

3. Use of Holy Trinity Church for Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals ........................................................................................................................................ 16

4. Outdoor services in Holy Trinity Churchyard ......................................................................................................................................................................... 22

5. Controls relating to non-worship activities in Church ........................................................................................................................................................... 25

6. Procedures ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27

7. Items for Reviews ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29

Version Control

Issue Date Version Number Issued by/update

9th June 2021 22 Update to additional controls for Toddler Thursday, also for revised seating plan

20th May 2021 21 Revised seating plan for church

17th May 2021 20 Changes for Step 3: revisions to general church mitigations; coffee after church, updated references to latest Church of England guidance. Removal of historic controls, relating to the opening of church after initial lockdown in June 2020 (previous versions of this Risk Assessment are retained in historic archive).

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15th April 2021 19 Addition of controls for Toddler Thursdays

29th March 2021 18 Reintroduction of ‘rule of six’, singing outdoors, reintroduction of servers in worship

15th December 17 Toddler services added

3rd December 16 End of the national lockdown on 3rd December. Public worship allowed to recommence.

9th November 15 National lockdown 5/11/2020 – 2/12/2020 Churches can remain open for individual prayer. Collective or congregational prayer and regular scheduled services are not permitted. Broadcasting worship from church is permitted with those people essential for the content of the service, and for technical support. Individuals may still carry out voluntary activities such as opening and closing the church. Baptisms not allowed nor most weddings. Funerals permitted. New section added for interments and burials in churchyard with 15 person limit. Permitted activities in church buildings specified.

12th October 2020 14 Electrical safety. Heating switched on and revised ventilation procedures. Use of NHS Test and Trace QR poster. Introduction of the rule of 6. Change to maximum attendees at weddings

14th September 2020 13 Inclusion of risk assessment for reopening of church toilet facilities

4th September 2020 12 Non-worship activities risk assessment fully populated in this version

2nd September 2020 11 Addition of non-worship activities, also Children’s activities in worship and various other minor updates

21st August 2020 10 Baptisms

17th August 2020 9 Inclusion of outdoor services

11th August 2020 8 Weddings, funerals and Face coverings for clergy and leaders

4/8/2020 7 Facecoverings are mandatory

26/7/2020 6 Facemasks guidance

20/7/2020 5 Revision following review

9th July 2020 4 Holy Trinity Prestwood, covering 8am worship

12th June 2020 3 The House of Bishops COVID-19 Recovery Group

8th June 2020 2 The House of Bishops COVID-19 Recovery Group

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22nd May 2020 1 The House of Bishops COVID-19 Recovery Group

Churches and cathedrals are legally permitted to open for purposes of individual private prayer from 13th June 2020. House of Bishops guidance provides for churches to open for funerals from 15th June.

The government guidance for the safe use of places of worship during the pandemic requires a COVID-19 risk assessment to be carried out for every building and site open to the public. This document provides a template risk assessment, with links to the relevant advice notes. It relates to opening up church and cathedral buildings to clergy and members of the public entering for individual private prayer. As well as offering guidance on best-practice, it is also intended to help parishes make a decision on whether to open for individual private prayer or not, based on their local circumstances, resources and context. Future versions of this document will be produced when different forms of public worship and access are allowed. A risk assessment relating to contractors and construction workers forms part of an updated document giving advice on access for these groups. This can be found on the Church of England Coronavirus pages.

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1. Use of Holy Trinity Church for Prayer and Regular Worship

Area of Focus Controls required Additional information Action by whom? Completed – date and name

Ongoing controls for the Church building, for private prayer, during Step 3 (from 17th May 2021)

Summary of controls in place at Step 3:

• Signage: A-frame outside; at entrance/exit; by flower sink; in toilet.

• Sanitise hands on arrival and on leaving the building.

• Wipes available to wipe seating if needed

• Track & Trace: sheet and QR code at main entrance.

• In church, masks to be worn (unless exempt) and social distancing to be observed, in groups of max 6 people or 2 households.

• Daily ventilation during opening, also during services.

• Weekly cleaning regime, plus specific cleaning between services which fall at less than 72 hour intervals.

• Books, leaflets, candles etc. taken away.

• Seating to meet social distancing requirements.

See below for further detail.

Summary of changes since Step 2:

• Updated signage (some removed), to reflect current instructions and general public understanding.

• One way system removed from church, owing to low footfall during the week and natural one-way traffic around services.

• Rope cordons removed, also daily wiping down of seating stopped, as low footfall and reduced general incidence of Covid make this unnecessary.

Kevin Lovell and Deiniol Heywood

In progress

Signage updated to emphasise:

• Masks on in church

• Sign in using Track & Trace sheet or scan QR code

A-frame front: welcome visitors, point them to the entrance, indicate secure processes. A-frame back: Come again soon!

Kevin Lovell 17/05/2021

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Area of Focus Controls required Additional information Action by whom? Completed – date and name

• Sanitise hands as you arrive and when you leave

• While in church, maintain social distance 2m

• Wipes available at entrance if needed

• Groups of max 6 people (or 2 households) Signage to be updated as instructions change.

Poster on stand at main entrance: masks on; complete T&T/QR scan; sanitise hands, keep distance, max 6 people/2 households. At flower sink: reminder to wash hands thoroughly. Toilet: reminder to wash hands thoroughly; reminder of good handwashing technique; wipe down regularly touched surfaces (flush handle, taps, doorhandle) with disinfectant cleaning wipes before leaving.

Supply of blank Track & Trace sheets to be held in vestry, by the service register book.

Three types of T&T sheet: 1) for private prayer 2) for a service in church 3) for an outdoor service.

Kevin Lovell Ongoing

Covid-secure items to ensure safety, are located at:

• Main entrance

• Flower sink

• Toilet

• Vestry

Inside main entrance door (beside font):

• Welcome sign

• Table with: QR code, track & trace sheet, anti-bacterial wipes and bin underneath

• Hand sanitiser stand At the flower sink:

• Hand sanitiser

• Soap and paper towels

• Bin

Deiniol Heywood 17/5/2021

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Area of Focus Controls required Additional information Action by whom? Completed – date and name

• Cleaning materials (paper towels, sanitiser spray and gloves) in cupboard over sink


• Soap and paper towels

• Bin Clergy vestry:

• Hand sanitiser and spray bottles of hand sanitiser for use by clergy during worship

• Supply of replacement consumables for the building

Kitchen area remains locked.

Walk through the church to plan for physical distancing in seats, to achieve required distance between households/bubbles.

Benches/seats set at required distance apart for social distancing. 25 social bubbles: 15 benches and 10 single seats. Plus 1 bench for sidesperson, spaces for organist and laptop operator (see sketch map at end of this document).

Dick Rivett Kevin Lovell and ColinMcBride Deiniol Heywood Deiniol Heywood

30/6/2020 30/10/2020 20/5/2021 25/5/2021

Remove all devotional items (hymn books, bibles, orders of service), plus leaflets except single use material that will be removed by user

Bookstand moved, banner in front to prevent access. Weekly use service sheets kept behind noticeboard in separate wallets. Kneelers behind stacked chairs. Candle/prayer request holders stored in Cottage Vestry.

Deiniol Heywood and Dick Rivett Kevin Lovell and Colin McBride

30/6/2020 31/10/2020

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Area of Focus Controls required Additional information Action by whom? Completed – date and name

Ensure regular ventilation of the building, by opening the main entrance and back doors for 15 minutes:

• Each morning during opening

• Before and after each service or event.

person opening the church, verger/ sidesperson or clergy.

Ongoing, no completion date.

After a service/event in church, wipe down benches and high-risk surfaces and touch points with sanitiser spray or anti-bacterial solution.

Wipe down benches/seats, doorhandles and handrails.

verger/sidesperson. Ongoing, no completion date.

Check the flower sink: ensure an adequate supply of soap and paper towels, and a bin for the paper towels is available.

Daily topping-up carried out by church openers.

Person opening the church (Jean Green to arrange).

Ongoing, daily

Check the toilet: ensure an adequate supply of soap and paper towels, and a bin for towels, is available.

Daily topping-up carried out by church openers.

Person opening the church (Jean Green to arrange).

Ongoing daily

Ensure all waste receptacles have disposable liners (e.g. polythene bin bags) to reduce the risk to those responsible for removing them.

All disposable liners to be removed as required by gloved opener and placed in wheelie bin outside back door. New ones inserted into bins.

Person opening the church

Ongoing role, no completion date.

Ensure a ready supply of consumables is

available in the vestry: hand sanitiser, toilet rolls, paper towels, soap, gloves, bin bags.

Regular checks on consumables to be made by clergy on Wednesdays and Sundays (following worship): any shortages reported to Parish Secretary

Kevin Lovell, Nigel Spoor or Deiniol Heywood


Ensure regular cleaning of the church and toilet area, together with appropriate regular waste removal.

Regular weekly cleaning every Monday from 21st September 2020 onwards. Church openers empty bin regularly, for Monday collections.

Cleaner scheduled (Lesley Nicholl) Jean Green arrange via opening/closing rota


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Area of Focus Controls required Additional information Action by whom? Completed – date and name

Review the adequacy of our cleaning regime as the level of hirers increases through May/June 2021, and adjust if necessary to maintain safety.

Currently, low numbers in the building and familiarity with the need for social distancing do not warrant additional cleaning/signage.

Lesley Nicholl and Deiniol Heywood

Ongoing, weekly

Additional controls for Worship

Hand sanitiser and notices checked before people begin arriving for worship

Sidesperson Ongoing

Church seating laid out for worship See p6 ‘Benches/seats set at required distance apart for social distancing’ also back page for diagram

Sidesperson Ongoing

All persons volunteering to attend church to support worship (sidespersons, ministry team leaders, readers, intercessors, servers, etc.) to do so, fully aware of their own personal risk.

All volunteers must work through the Personal Risk Factors document before agreeing to volunteer

Clergy, wardens, ministry team leaders, etc.


Sidesperson for each service appointed Colin McBride Ongoing

Up to three servers to participate in services, stationed in the chancel area, remaining socially distanced throughout.

• All servers to be briefed by head server and/or Rector beforehand, as to their role, any hygiene procedures and seating arrangements during the service.

• Servers to arrive in good time, to allow for socially-distanced access to vestry and robing, before service start time.

Worship procedures to be followed. See below Sidesperson/ Minister


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Area of Focus Controls required Additional information Action by whom? Completed – date and name

Ensure building well ventilated before and during services, with main door(s) and back door open as appropriate, depending on wind speed/direction.

All doors to be open 15 minutes before services for ventilation

Sidesperson/ Minister


Face coverings are mandatory for all. There are exemptions for clergy and others whilst leading worship (such as readers and intercessors).

Sidesperson to wear face coverings and all attendees to do same. At the distribution of Holy Communion, the priest wears a face covering while the communicant temporarily removes their face covering.

Sidesperson/ Minister


There is to be no congregational singing, government guidance is to be followed regarding music played/sung by small groups of musicians.

See Church of England guidance (updated 17MAY21) sections 17-19

Minister Ongoing

Microphones to be used but not to be shared. Sidesperson/ minister


Orders of service: once weekly, low risk, but attendees invited to download to tablets, but sidesperson to put out Orders of service and collect afterwards whilst wearing gloves.

Sidesperson Ongoing

Vestry to be clear for minister(s) and server(s) to vest whilst maintaining social distancing.

Minister Ongoing

Hand Hygiene Protocol for communion: a) President only to prepare altar, lay up, ablute and tidy. b) Hands washed:

• before preparing altar,

• at start of service,

President Ongoing

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• at offertory,

• before distribution

Aerosol Hygiene for communion a) Face mask to be worn by President throughout b) Small communion wafers to be used by all, contained in ciborium (with lid affixed) during consecration. c) monstrance wafer placed on paten with pall covering. d) Priest’s wafer on top. e) Only president consumes priest’s wafer, assisting clergy consume small wafers. f) Presiding priest to consume monstrance wafer after Online Worship

President Ongoing

Assisting clergy to maintain social distancing in chancel.

Assisting clergy Ongoing

At distribution of Holy Communion, congregation remain in their places, priest comes to them (to reduce movement in church)

President Ongoing

Voices to be kept low and other guidance followed

Govt guidance and C of E specific guidance

Minister/Sidesperson Ongoing

Register to be kept of attendees as per guidance (from Eventbrite ticketing system or Track & Trace form)

Eventbrite online ticketing system preferred but capacity to safely record names of casual attendees. NHS Test and Trace QR poster for church also on display for users of the NHS Covid-19 App

Sidesperson Ongoing

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Area of Focus Controls required Additional information Action by whom? Completed – date and name

When gathered for communal worship and other permitted activities, people must not be part of a group of more than six (or 2 households/bubbles). People should be 2 metres apart or more than 1 metre apart as well as taking extra steps to stay safe (such as wearing face coverings) to reduce the risk of transmission.

Remind people to not mingle in groups >6 after services.

Minister/Sidesperson Ongoing

Church to be cleaned after worship ensure benches, high-risk surfaces and touch points have been wiped with appropriate sanitiser spray or disposable wipes

Sidesperson will use disposable gloves and ensure that all handles, santisers, open benches etc. are cleaned.

Sidesperson Ongoing

Additional controls for Toddler Services

Children <5 years in age are not expected to remain socially distanced and multiple adults can care for them.

Adult carers must maintain social distance

Adults Ongoing

Additional controls for Toddler Thursday

Social distancing to be maintained between adults who do not live together and are not in the same support bubble. Face masks to be worn by all adults.

Adult carers and volunteers must maintain social distance

Adults Ongoing

The Church is to be well ventilated throughout the session, with front and back doors open and stair gates in place.

Session leader Ongoing

No more than 6 adults, including the group leader, may sing along with the children under 5.

Session leader to appoint 6 adult singers. Adult Ongoing

Wrapped snacks to be provided.

Session leader and adult carers.

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Area of Focus Controls required Additional information Action by whom? Completed – date and name

Hot drinks to be provided following Church procedures (see section in green below).

Only attendee to touch their own travel mug.

Session leader, volunteers and adults carers.

Only plastic or easily wipeable toys and resources to be used.

Anti bac wipes to be available for parents to wipe a toy before their child’s turn if they so chose to do so.

Adult carers Ongoing

Session leader and volunteers to wear disposable gloves when setting out and packing away toys and resources. Toys and resources to then quarantined until the following session.

Session leader to ensure gloves are used, and that no other adults pack away the toys and resources.

Session leader Ongoing

Church to be cleaned after the session; ensure benches, high-risk surfaces and touch points have been wiped with appropriate sanitiser spray or disposable wipes.

Session leader or appointed volunteer will use disposable gloves and ensure that all handles, santisers, open benches etc are cleaned.

Session leader or appointed volunteer


Additional Controls for providing Refreshments after Sunday services

Refreshments may be served after a church service and consumed in the churchyard/marquee, subject to the controls below:

Before the first occasion when refreshments are provided, all kitchen areas, storage cupboards, mugs, crockery, and utensils and other related equipment must receive a thorough cleaning.

Doreen Clarke and SEARCH

Doreen Clarke dd/mm/yyyy

Refreshments (coffee, tea, squash and biscuits) will be prepared by a team of refreshment servers briefed in advance.

• All volunteers to have reviewed the Personal Risk Factors document before agreeing to volunteer.

• Volunteers to wear face masks throughout and wash/sanitise hands frequently throughout their duty.

• Those involved in serving refreshments to be prepared

Doreen Clarke and SEARCH


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Area of Focus Controls required Additional information Action by whom? Completed – date and name

beforehand, to work as a team to limit movement and cross-contact. Note that clergy and others packing away are also likely to be moving in the same area around the vestry/back door.

Before refreshments are served:

• Two tables outside at the east end of church: one to serve drinks from; another for the placing of empty/used mugs etc.

• Refreshments to be prepared in the kitchen area and carried by refreshment servers to table(s) outside the east end of church.

• Hand sanitiser to be freely available at the serving table.

• Those serving coffee to always wear masks and wash/sanitise their hands frequently during the preparation and serving, and always immediately after any ‘dirty’ contact.

• Biscuits may be served, but only if prepared in a Covid-secure way and individually wrapped at least 48 hours prior to being served.

Doreen Clarke and SEARCH


At the serving of refreshments

• Congregation to leave church via the main doors and walk round to the east end of the church.

• Congregation to queue socially distanced and move away from the table immediately they receive their drink.

• Volunteers serving prepare the drinks with the absolute minimum of contact with different surfaces.

• Congregation to be served their own drink, such that they (and only they) touch their mug.

Doreen Clarke and SEARCH


Washing up and clearing away.

• All items to be thoroughly washed, dried and stored away

• Clean tea towels every week

• Final cleaning of all sufaces, table tops, etc. using anti-bacterial spray.

• Volunteers to wash/sanitise hands before finally leaving.

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Area of Focus Controls required Additional information Action by whom? Completed – date and name

2. Cleaning of the Church

Area of Focus Controls required Additional information Action by whom? Completed – date and name

Cleaning the church before and after general use (no known exposure to anyone with Coronavirus symptoms) Advice on cleaning church buildings can be found here.

If the church building has been closed for 72 hours between periods of being open then there is no need for extra cleaning to remove the virus from surfaces.


If 72-hour closure is not possible then check all cleaners are not in a vulnerable group or self-isolating.

Cleaners will be the people opening the church and closing the church.

Set up a cleaning rota to cover your opening arrangements.

Weekly cleaning by an employed cleaner After service cleaning by sidesperson, verger or minister.

Lesley Nichol, church cleaner, sidesperson, verger, minister


All cleaners provided with gloves (ideally disposable).

Ensure adequate supply for church openers, closers and caretaker.

Supply Purchase: Parish Secretary

Ongoing role.

Suitable cleaning materials provided, depending on materials and if historic surfaces are to be cleaned.

No historic surfaces identified. Supply Purchase: Parish Secretary

Ongoing role.

Confirm person responsible for removing potentially contaminated waste (e.g. hand towels) from the site.

Church openers and closers. Wheelie bin by back door.

Deiniol Heywood 21.6.20

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Confirm the frequency for removing potentially contaminated waste (e.g. hand towels) from the site – suggested daily removal.

As required on opening of church. Deiniol Heywood 21.6.20

Cleaning the church after known exposure to someone with Coronavirus symptoms

If possible close the church building for 72 hours with no access permitted.

Ensure church is closed. Notices amended to say closed. Identify who is going to carry out deep clean. And check PHE advice.

Deiniol Heywood and Colin McBride

If 72-hour closure is not possible then follow Public Health England guidance on cleaning in non-healthcare settings.

Public Health England guidance available here.

Deiniol Heywood and Colin McBride

If the building has been quarantined for 72 hours, then carry out cleaning as per the normal advice on cleaning.

Advice on cleaning church buildings can be found here.

Deiniol Heywood and Colin McBride

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3. Use of Holy Trinity Church for Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals

Area of Focus Controls required Additional information Action by whom? Completed – date and name

For Baptism services the ‘Additional Controls for Worship’ (above) apply, plus the following

In advance of the baptism, if the baptism occurs less than 72 hours after the last use of the building, then plan for additional cleaning of church (see ‘Cleaning the Church’ section).

Ensure all benches, seats, high-risk

surfaces and touchpoints were sanitised

after the last use: if in doubt, verger or

sidesperson to clean all benches and other

surfaces with appropriate sanitiser spray

or disposable wipes

Verger or Sidesperson Before the service

Maximum number of people attending the

baptism is dependent on seating people within

their social bubbles according to the seating

arrangements (see final page), or government

limits, whichever is the lower.

Ensure social distancing is maintained.

See also CofE advice on conducting

baptisms (17MAY21).

Minister conducting

the baptism

Before the


All those taking a formal role (especially organist, verger, etc.) to have worked through the Personal Risk Factors document before agreeing to take part in the service

Circulate the Personal risk factors document with every request for a role/volunteer

Minister conducting

the baptism

Before the


Single use Orders of service only, verger or

sidesperson to place them inside the main

entrance door

Each attendee picks up their own Order of

service on arrival

Verger or Sidesperson Before the


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Area of Focus Controls required Additional information Action by whom? Completed – date and name

Clergy to be mindful of their own personal


Wash hands before and after service, face

coverings to be worn whenever physical

distancing cannot be maintained (e.g. at

the font)

Minister conducting

the baptism

If candidate is an infant, he/she is to be held by

parent or guardian for duration of the service,

including during the baptism itself

Minister conducting

the baptism

Before anointing forehead with oil and signing

with the Cross, minister to sanitise hands and

either use a suitable implement to apply the oil

or ask a parent to do this

Minister conducting

the baptism

A suitable implement such as a shell to be

used to pour water over the candidate’s

forehead at the baptism. Paper towels to be

used by the parents or guardian to wipe the

forehead afterwards and the used towel(s) to

be immediately disposed of

No-one else to sign themselves with

baptismal water or be sprinkled with it

Minister conducting

the baptism and verger

or sidesperson

A candle to be provided for the parent or

guardian to light from the paschal candle

Verger or sidesperson Before the


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Area of Focus Controls required Additional information Action by whom? Completed – date and name

Church to be cleaned after baptism. Ensure

benches, high-risk surfaces and touch points

have been wiped with appropriate sanitiser

spray or disposable wipes

Verger will use disposable gloves and

ensure that all handles, santisers, open

benches etc. are cleaned.

Verger Ongoing

For Weddings

and wedding

rehearsals, the


Controls for


(above) apply,

plus the


In advance of the wedding and the rehearsal, if

it occurs less than 72 hours after the last use of

the building, then plan for additional cleaning

of church (see ‘Cleaning the Church’ section).

Ensure all benches, seats, high-risk

surfaces and touchpoints were sanitised

after the last use: if in doubt, verger or

sidesperson to clean all benches and other

surfaces with appropriate sanitiser spray

or disposable wipes

Verger At least 1 week

before wedding


All church staff/volunteers taking a role

(especially organist, verger, etc.) to have

worked through the Personal Risk Factors

document before agreeing to take part in the


Circulate the Personal risk factors

document with every request for a


Clergy Before the


Maximum number of people attending the

wedding is dependent on seating people

within their social bubbles according to the

seating arrangements (see final page), or

government limits, whichever is the lower. See

CofE guidance on conducting weddings

(17MAY21) section 1.

Anyone ‘working’ at the wedding is not

included as part of the limit on those

attending. However, the intention of the

guidance is to minimise the numbers at

weddings down to reduce risk while still

enabling them to go ahead.

Clergy, in conjunction

with bride/groom

As early as

possible before

the wedding

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Area of Focus Controls required Additional information Action by whom? Completed – date and name

All attending the wedding must wear a face

covering. Bride, groom and officiant are

exempt, as is anyone who shares in leading the


Clergy, in conjunction

with bride/groom

Before the


Single use Orders of service only, verger to

place them inside the main entrance door

Each person picks up their own Order of

service on arrrival

Verger and ushers Agreed at


Clergy to maintain social distancing from bride

and groom as far as possible throughout the


• Avoid touching the couples’ hands

• Avoid touching the rings

Clergy Rehearsal

Additional arrangements to be made for the

signing of the register, so that witnesses can

sanitise hands before and after signing.

Arrange table and one-way system so

each signatory/witness signs and moves

away from the table

Verger, at the direction

of the clergy

Agreed at


Bride and groom leave church via the main

(entrance) door, everyone else leaves via the

back door

Verger and ushers Agreed at


Church to be cleaned after wedding. Ensure

benches, high-risk surfaces and touch points

have been wiped with appropriate sanitiser

spray or disposable wipes

Verger will use disposable gloves and

ensure that all handles, santisers, open

benches etc. are cleaned.

Verger Ongoing

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Area of Focus Controls required Additional information Action by whom? Completed – date and name

For Funeral

services the


Controls for


(above) apply,

plus the


In advance of the funeral, if the funeral occurs

less than 72 hours after the last use of the

building, then plan for additional cleaning of

church (see ‘Cleaning the Church’ section).

Ensure all benches, seats, high-risk

surfaces and touchpoints were sanitised

after the last use: if in doubt, verger or

sidesperson to clean all benches and other

surfaces with appropriate sanitiser spray

or disposable wipes

Verger Approx. 1 week

before funeral

Maximum number of people attending the

baptism is dependent on seating people within

their social bubbles according to the seating

arrangements (see final page), or government

limits, whichever is the lower. See CofE

guidance on funerals in church (17MAY21)

Ensure social distancing is maintained. Minister conducting

the funeral, in

conjunction with family

of the deceased

Before the


All those taking a formal role (especially

organist, verger, etc.) to have worked through

the Personal Risk Factors document before

agreeing to take part in the funeral.

Circulate the Personal risk factors

document with every request for a


Minister conducting

the funeral

Before the


Single use Orders of service only, verger to

place them inside the main entrance door

Each mourner picks up their own Order of

service on arrrival

Verger Before the


Bearing the coffin in and out of church. To further mitigate risk, the coffin may be

placed in church before the mourners


Minister, in

conjunction with family

and funeral director

Before the


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Area of Focus Controls required Additional information Action by whom? Completed – date and name

• While inside church, if coffin bearers are within 2m of mourners, face coverings are worn as mitigation.

Where committal takes place at the lychgate,

allow sufficient time and space for all

mourners to gather, whilst maintaining social


Potential mitigations to create sufficient

space around the lychgate:

• Park hearse further forward than


Cordon off the disabled parking space

next to lychgate (and create additional

space further across)

Minister, in

conjunction with the

Funeral Director

Before the


Church to be cleaned after funeral. Ensure

benches, high-risk surfaces and touch points

have been wiped with appropriate sanitiser

spray or disposable wipes

Verger will use disposable gloves and

ensure that all handles, santisers, open

benches etc. are cleaned.

Verger Ongoing

For interments

and burials in

the churchyard

Maximum number of people attending the

interment or burial is governed by government


Ensure social distancing is maintained. Minister conducting

the funeral, in

conjunction with family

of the deceased

Before the

interment or


Social distancing of 1m+ mitigation, such as

facecoverings, or 2m

Minister At the interment

or burial

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4. Outdoor services in Holy Trinity Churchyard In addition to CofE guidance HSE guidance has been consulted alongside


Area of Focus Controls required Additional information Action by whom? Completed – date and name

For routine communal worship, held in the churchyard/ marquee, the ‘Additional Controls for Worship’ (above) apply, plus the following

Each household/bubble attending:

• sits socially distant from any other household/bubble

• brings their own seating/blankets. Young children should attend supervised by parent/ guardian. Advance notice of arrangements to be communicated via notices.

Over 60 household/bubbles can be safely accommodated in and around the marquee (placed beyond the east end of the church), typical congregations are very unlikely to exceed this level.

Clergy or wardens During the week prior to the service

Marquee sides to be taken down before congregation begins to arrive, to ensure maximum ventilation while providing protection from rain for the electrical PA equipment, ministers, vestments, wafers, etc.

Those involved should wash/sanitise hands before and after this work (including replacing sides afterwards) and must wear face coverings if close working (under 2m) is required.

Clergy or wardens in conjunction with able-bodied ‘set-up’ team

30 mins before service start

Sufficient sidespeople on duty to ensure each household arrives and is guided to a marker smoothly, without queues forming in the car park Suggest three: 1) at lych gate 2) at fork of path near bench 3) by war memorial.

Encourage people to arrive in plenty of time.

Ministry team, supplemented if necessary by others

30 mins before service start

One way system in operation: enter via lychgate only, leave by pathways towards annexe or overflow carpark. At the end of the service all paths may act as exit ways.

Additional signage required? Churchyard pathways to be kept clear (2m wide corridor), no sitting on the pathways.

30 mins before service start

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Names and contact number for each household/bubble to be collected on entry

Attendees outside will not book via Eventbrite. Attendees inside church will book via Eventbrite so will already be recorded.

Ministry team (using standard contact sheets)

At service start

From 29MAR21 congregational singing is permitted during worship outdoors in the churchyard, subject to maintaining social distancing.

Also, from 28MAR21 there are no restrictions on which instruments can be played. See RSCM guidance 26MAR21.

Rector and organist Planning before each service

Printed orders of service, if used, to be printed at least 48 hours in advance, stored untouched, placed for collection (not handed out) at the lychgate, by congregation members on arrival. Congregation take their OOS home after. Families attending with young children collect a Family Pack at the lychgate ( containing craft materials and resources for the service). These will have been prepared and placed into plastic zip lock bags 48 hours in advance. Each family writes their surname on their bag to ensure they use the same pack at the next service, and leave their pack at the lychgate on leaving.

Optional recycling box(es) may be placed at exits.

Clergy and parish secretary (printing), ministry team (distribution)

2+ days before service

If Holy Communion is to be distributed, clergy are to take communion (bread only) to the people, to minimise movement and mingling.

Presiding clergy Before service start

The disabled toilet (annexe) will be open and available for use. A notice will point this out and an announcement made.

Cleaning implication. Users will need to sanitise toilet before and after use.

Ministry team 30 mins before service start

Outdoor services will be live-streamed in order that those who feel vulnerable can still

Additional seating inside church will be available as for other services inside

Clergy to arrange Before service start

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follow the service and not feel pressured to attend.

church, the live-stream will be played in church.

Appropriate microphone stands to be used such that the microphones do not need to be touched during the service.

Alcohol-based wipes to be available in case of adjustment (e.g. speakers of different height)

Clergy Before service start

Before the service, careful allocation of any leadership roles (president, deacon, preacher, servers, readers, etc.) and briefing of the leaders before service starts to ensure any one-off circumstances are considered

Service leader (e.g. President for a service of Holy Communion)

Before service start

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5. Controls relating to non-worship activities in Church

Area of Focus Controls required Additional information Action by whom? Completed – date and name

Return of hirers to the church for non-worship activities

Hands to be sanitised upon entrance to the church

Hirer Before hire session commences

Outer doors to be left open to avoid multiple touching of door handles. Glass doors are pushed upon entry and where practical in warmer weather, should be left open. Back door to remain open during hire session and whilst setting up and clearing away.

See guidance in previous sections regarding maintaining heat and ventilation in cooler weather

Hirer Before hire session commences

Prevailing physical distancing guidance to be adhered to at all times by hirers and their clients.

Hirers Throughout hire session

All hirers will be required to undertake their own risk assessment before hiring the church to ensure prevailing government advice is adhered to with respect to their own activities. Lesley Nicholl to be given access to this.

Hirers Before hire session

Cleaning materials have been supplied should hirers wish to wipe down any surfaces, furniture, handles, switches etc before or after their hire session. If benches are used, they should be wiped down afterwards, using the anti-bacterial spray provided.

Ensure adequate supply of cleaning materials

Hirers. Supply purchase: Parish Secretary

Before and after hire session

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Hirers and their clients should come ready for their session and should only bring the minimum equipment required for the class.

Hirers Before hire session

Hands must be sanitised thoroughly before moving any benches. Any benches moved must be returned to their original positions (see last page).

Coloured masking tape has been put down under each leg of each bench to help with repositioning.

Hirers/Lesley Nicholl After hire session

All hirers are required to sign and return a copy of Special Terms & Conditions to Lesley Nicholl.

These Special Terms & Conditions are in addition to our usual Terms & Conditions of hire and outline the additional responsibilities and obligations required of hirers.

Hirers/Lesley Nicholl Before hire session

Hirers are asked to remind their clients not to enter the premises should they be feeling unwell.

‘Covid-safe’ posters to be displayed in all buildings

Hirers/Lesley Nicholl Ongoing

All hirers are required to sign the log-in sheet at the entrance to the church to assist with contact tracing in the event of an outbreak or a suspected case of coronavirus. The hirers’ clients are not required to sign this sheet on the condition that the hirer themselves is keeping accurate records of who is attending their class.

All hirers will also be required to contact Lesley Nicholl should they be notified by Track & Trace of having been in contact with someone with a suspected case of coronavirus. Hirers can also scan the QR code using the NHS Covid-19 app. This QR code is located at the entrance to the church.

Hirers/Lesley Nicholl Before hire session

Face coverings should be worn if prevailing government guidance dictates.

Hirers Ongoing

Government guidance around choirs, singing and small groups of musicians must be adhered to.

Hirers Ongoing

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6. Procedures Note the doors are referred to as follows:

• ‘Main entrance’ doors (two sets: outer wooden doors and inner glass doors)

• ‘Back’ door: the outside door by the toilet/flower sink

• ‘Vestry’ door: the internal door to the vestry

Daily Opening procedure: 1. Enter through back door. 2. Put on gloves (drawer by sink near cleaning cupboard). 3. Turn on lights – church on and the kitchen light. 4. Open all doors to ventilate church 5. Check levels of consumables:

Main entrance doors Back door Toilet Materials for staff Hand sanitiser Hand sanitiser Liquid soap Anti-bacterial cleaning spray Cleaning wipes Liquid soap Paper towels Blue cleaning paper Paper towels Gloves Replace/refill where necessary. Additional supplies in vestry. Contact Parish Secretary or clergy about any shortages or problems.

6. Check bins (entrance, back door and toilet) and empty when full/nearly full, place bin bags in Wheelie Bin and reline bins as required. On Sunday evening, wheelie bin to be put out onto road near cottage for bin men collection on Monday morning. Bin be put back in position once they have been.

7. Put out A-frame onto path, just before the path splits. 8. Main entrance doors: fix outer wooden doors open, glass inner doors to be left closed 9. Turn off kitchen light, leave via back door, drop the latch. 10. Dispose of gloves in wheelie bin

Closing procedure: 1. Put on gloves (drawer by sink near cleaning cupboard). 2. Take in A-frame. 3. Close main entrance outer wooden doors and lock inner glass doors.

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4. Turn off kitchen light and church light to exit. 5. Lock back door.

8am Worship Procedures: 1. Before Service open church following Opening Procedure. Church building to be ventilated for 15 minutes before the service. 2. Put out Orders of Service 3. Switch lights to “Nave Service” 4. Unlock vestry 5. Track & Trace sheet (may be brought by clergy) and pens out to record attendees 6. Wear facemask and maintain Social Distance whilst welcoming congregation and throughout worship

7. After service clean benches, doors, other surfaces following use in last 72 hours cleaning procedure, that is:

Use spray and blue paper towels to spray door furniture (back and inner and outer main doors), all seating benches, handwashing station, sanitising station (entrance), GoodBox.

8. Check levels of consumables: Main entrance doors Back door Toilet Materials for staff Hand sanitiser Hand sanitiser Liquid soap Anti-bacterial cleaning spray Cleaning wipes Liquid soap Paper towels Blue cleaning paper Paper towels Gloves Replace/refill where necessary. Additional supplies in vestry. Contact Parish Secretary or clergy about any shortages or problems.

9. Check bins (entrance, back door and toilet) and empty when full/nearly full, place bin bags in Wheelie Bin and reline bins as required. 10. Put away Orders of Service 11. Switch lights to “Church On” 12. Place name sheet in vestry or church office ‘Test and Trace’ folder. 13. Lock vestry 14. Dispose of gloves.

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7. Items for Reviews Review: 1. Changes to government guidance on singing indoors.

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Sketch map of the Covid-secure seating: 15 benches, 10 single seats, bench for sidesperson, seats for laptop operator and organist
