Courteous Audience. A is for Almanack B is for Be “Be always ashamed to catch thyself idle when...


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Courteous Audience

A is for Almanack

B is for Be “Be always ashamed to catch thyself idle when work needs to be done.”

C is for Cheese“Cheese and salty meat should be sparingly ate.”

D is for Doors“The Doors of wisdom are never shut.”

E is for Early“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”

F is for Full“Full of courtesy, full of craft.”

G is for Goodness “Goodness comes to those that try to help themselves.”

H is for Hunger“Hunger never saw bad bread.”

I is for If“If you'd have a servant that you like, serve yourself.”

J is for Judgment“A lean award is better than a fat judgment.”

K is for Keep“Keep up thy shop and thy shop will keep thy customers happy.”

L is for Lie“A lie stands on one leg, the truth on two.”

M is for Man“A man without a friend is but half a man.”

N is for Noble“The noblest question in the world is: What good may I do in it?”

Even little things can make the world a better place!

O is for One“One today is worth two tomorrows.”

P is for Pay“Pay what you owe and you'll know what's your own.”

Q is for Quarrel “A quarrelsome man has no good neighbors.”

R is for Rotten“The rotten apple spoils his companions.”

S is for Speak“Speak little, do much.”

T is for Time“Lost time is never found again.”

U is for Up“Up, sluggard, and waste not life!”

V is for Visit“Visits should be short, like a winter's day.”

W is for Well“Well done is better than well said.”

X is for Example“A good example is the best sermon.”

Y is for You“You may delay, but time will not.”

Z is for Zealous“By diligence, patience, and a zealous nature, the mouse bit in two the cable

I can reach my goal by working each and every day.

Thank you courteous audience!Take what you want from our advice. The rest is up to you.
