COS 125 Internet Fundamentals and Web Page Design Day 3


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COS 125

Internet Fundamentals and Web Page Design

Day 3


Questions Assignment 1 posted

Due Feb 2 @ 9:35 AM Source Code for text book examples

Today discuss Basic XHTML Structure & Formatting Chaps 3 & 4

Ftp using Windows Explorer

In address bar

Login with the same info you used to login in to lab computers

Select COS 125 folder Select the folder with your first name Moving files

Drag and drop files Use menu edit copy/paste Click on file and right mouse for context menu


Declare the page as XML <?xml version=“” encoding=“” ?>

Set the DTD <!DOCTYPE … > Tells browser what “rules” you are using

Set the namespace <html xmlns=“”> </html> Instructions for tag sets

Create the page Head & title

<head><title> </title></head> Body

<body> </body>

Template for Transitional XHTML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0

Transitional//EN" "">

<html xmlns=""><head><title></title></head>


</body></html> Dreamweaver does this for you automatically

Declaring the Encoding

Not a required component Tells web browser how to translate the 1’s

and 0’s as characters for Cyrillic character set

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251" />

For Western European <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"

content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

USING xHTML in Dreamweaver


Adding a title

Type <title> The Title </title> Between <head> </head>

In Dreamweaver <title>Untitled Document</title> Just change text

The text in the title are indexed by Search engines

Creating Headers

Used as Dividers and Title for sections of your page Always displayed with a line return at end (Block

element!) Six levels

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 h1 is largest font

Can be formatted with styles Can be aligned (left, right, center) Can be “named” (id=“aName”)

Naming elements is a good idea since it allows for DHTML and DOM manipulations

Examples of Headers

<h1 align="center" id="fred">Header 1</h1> <h2 align="right" id="barney">header 2</h2> <h3 align="left">header 3</h3> <h6 id="wilma" align="right" > header 6</h6>

Starting a Paragraph (Block)

Type <p> Type your paragraph Type </p> Can be aligned (deprecated)

Left, right, center, justified Can be named (id’d) Can formatted with style rules Add a space

&nbsp Add a blank line



Naming and Classifying Elements

All HTML element can be named and/or made a member of class group

Why For Style Sheet Formatting For page navigation

Naming is creating a unique name for a specific element id=“daName”

Classifying is for grouping elements in a group with similar characteristics class=“daGroup”

Breaking a page into parts

Two ways Division

Block level <div> </div>

Spans Inline <span></span>

Useful for formatting with style sheets Can (and should) be named (ID’d)

Adding comments

Comments are for the maintainers of the XHTML code

Comments are viewable in the code but NOT in the web page

What should you put in comments Your name (prove ownership) Notes to yourself so that you can edit your code Identify places in the code that need work or updates

<!-- Write your comments here -->

Gee Whiz Tip of the Day

Adding Titles to your elements Title=“daTitle” When the user puts his mouse cursor over the

element in the web page a little box with the “daTitle” will appear

Basic XHTML Formatting

Making text Bold <b></b>

Making text italic <i></i>

Making Text Bigger <big></big>

Making Text Smaller <small></small>

Can be “nested” <big><big></big></big> <big><small></small></big> ??????

Basic XHTML Formatting

Using a Monospaced Font <tt></tt> <code></code> <kbd></kbd> <samp></samp>

Using Preformatted text Used when you want the browser to

display text as it is written in the code <pre></pre>

Quoting text

Either Block or in-line Block <blockquote cite=“”>

</blockquote> Inline quote (doesn’t work with IE) <q></q> <q xml:lang=“xx” lang=“xx”></q>

Other stuff Superscript

Super<sup>script</sup> Subscript

Sub<sub>script</sub> Revised Text (underlined)

Revised<ins>Text</ins> Deleted text (strike through)

Deleted<del>text</del> Abbreviations (doesn’t work with IE)

<abbr title=“explanation”></abbr> <acronym title=“explanation”></ ></acronym>


Inserting a Image

Determine after what element in your WebPage you want the Image to appear

Place cursor in your code after the element Type <img src=“image.url”/> “image.url” is location of the file ../images/image.gif images/image.gif image.gif

For this class It is easier just to copy the image into the same directory

as the xHTML page

Centering elements

<center>stuff</center> Works on most elements

Center block elements in middle of page Centers inline element in space allowed for


Works on Graphics

Offering Alternative Text

If the image won’t appear, the “alternative text” will <img src=“cat.gif” alt=“Picture of a cat”/> alt is REQUIRED for XHTML Can also use title attribute On some browsers “Alt” text will be a mouse over

pop-up Examples

Second Gee-Wiz tip of the day

Wed documents can be validated against the standards for correct syntax If your web document passes you can place a

icon on your page

In class excerise

Create an XHTML page using Dreamweaver Code Mode

Do an example of each of the elements shown today Headers Paragraph Division and spans Line breaks and Spaces Names, classes and titles Text formatting

Bold, Italics Big, small, Superscript, subscript Insert, delete, quotes, abbreviations Preformatted text
