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W hat is the dismay of th e early pedes * tr ian , who leaves his cozy home on a w in te r’s m orning in quest of lucre or pleasure, when he fines himself suddenly th e victim of th e treachery of a slippery pavetnent I t will be a com fort to know th a t Salvation Oil will cure his bruised lim bs, 3 8 1 - I t

Mrs. S k in n er— H ave you tried tlie .ch ieken . ju d g e ? S ta r B oarder—Yes, m adam , an d found i t g u ilty .—Town To} i os.

To Escape the Cholera.Don’t get scared. Keep clean in person

and surroundings. Keep the system gen­erally in vigorous tone Keep the secre­tions active See to i t th a t the stomach aud bowels are in good condition ■’̂ s p e ­cially have th e liver, th a t g reat cleanser of th e system , active and vigorous. I f " these points are carefully 'attendee^ to there is little chance for disease, germs to find lodg* m eut iu the s>stem These conditions are no t difficult to produce. One of tbe Simplest and best aids tow ard all this is Pai-meiee’s Mandrake and Dandelion B itters. Their action upon the stomach, is such as to correct any irregularity or deiangeineu t and put them in normal, ac tive condition. Ouly 35 cents a bottle a tdruggists 3 7 5 -4c

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T h e Crust- o f T a r t a r Speedily leaves the surface of tee th upon which th e cleansing and preserva­tive influence of Sozodonc is daily exerted. No form of decay can infest a set of “ ivories” upon which i t is used I t has, m orover, a m ost refreshing effect upon the m outh in which i t leaves a very agree able taste , besides rendering the breath frag ran t. If the m outh be rinsed w ith i a fte r smoking, the taste of tobacco is en tire ly dissipated As an auxiliary to pt-r sonal comeliness i t cannot be too highly extolled Sold by druggists 3 7 5 -4 t

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T h i n g s s e e n a n d H e a r d i n V i l l a g e s

a n d H a m l e t s . a b o u t tT s. a n d I t e m s

F r o m A l l O v e r t h e C o u n t y .

E lm Stum p.E lm S tu m p , (Jet. 2 4 . — The Rev. Mr.

Murphy was present yesterday and de­livered an excellent sermon from II T im ­othy ii:8 . The Sunday-school held a harvest home concert in the evening The exercises being better by far th an a t any previous occasion. The program was as folioM u-ic .,, Gall for R eapersP ra y e r .. ........................................ Rev. .T. 0. MurphyMusic—Memories of E a r th — D uet and Chorus S e ie c tlo n -T h e M issionary’s Dream .M iss E arsk y Music- W here Are the R eapers,

schoo l and Congregation Rec. -Seeds.M iss Luelia W ard, E d ith Gray and

others.Rec.—The H arvest T im e . . .L e n a PriceM usic..................................... Don’t Leave the FarmSelection—L abor is W orship-----George MunsonRec —The V ictory . . . .L e n a Price. Nellie Brown,

Maud Muusou, M alie McMannRec —N othing b u t L e a v e s Maud MunsonMusic—W here H ast Thou G leaned To-day,

D uett aud cho rusRec.—H arvest H om e.........................A nna B row nMusic—W here arc the P lains of Zion,

Mrs E a Brown and Miss Earsley Selection—The S. S H arvest Home,

Mrs Irv ing Price Music—Must I Go and Empty Handed

D u ett and ChorusRec.—A utum n T im e Pearl MillerRec —Afiei G randm a is G one............. A nna PriceAddress.........................................Rev. J . c . M uiphyMusic................. C ast Thy Bread upon the W atersa e e .—How Ja n e Conquest Rang the Beil,

Miss E thel Munson Chant—Come to Me L ast.-M r. and Mrs. E. A.

Brown and Mrs. Alertie M unson. Benediction.

The church was very tastily decorated for tbe occasion And the exercises were very appropriate and nicely rendered

Next Sunday morning Mr. Coe Chrisman will occupy the desk, in the absence of the pastor.

Mr. and Mrs Geerge Sherm an, who have been absent for the past week visiting friends a t Vesper and Syracuse returned home yesterday.

Rev. Jam es Shults and wife of Avoca, Sleuben Co , are guests of his niece, Mrs. Sarah Munson.

Mrs. Polly Gillett is quite sick.Mrs. F. J. Doubleday and Mrs M. E.

Cummings of Cortland called a t Mr. Irving Price’s last Tuesday.

Miss .Ethel Munson who has been a t Syracuse for several weeks returned homo last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. W atts F reerer of Higgins- ville w ere guests of his bro ther, Mr. Frank Freerer, yesterday.

Mrs. F r a n k O a k s is quite s ic k w ith diphtheria. Dr. Muncey attends her.

Mrs. Cora Lang of Harford is a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perkins, for a few days.

Mrs. A. Ei8man is quite sick.Mrs. A. V. Rounds of Virgil was a guest

of her aun t, Mrs. H arvey Y ager last F r i­day. •

Mrs E. W ard and Son, who have been absent for the past week visiting friends in Groton, returned home yesterday.

Th© C o n s u m p t iv e and F e e s f le ana »u whoe .tiorfrom exhausting diseasesflhould usal?arkftr a Bimrer Vonic. I t cutes the worst Cousfi, WeakLungs, d' -t -Stion, Female -weakness, Rheumatism and ri

Debility. In- dim 50c. ii §1.


H u n t s C o r n e r s .

H u n t s C o r n e r s , Oct. 24. —Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gale aud daughter and Mrs H. M. Cleveland of Galeton, P a . , visited relatives in tow n this week.

Mrs E. N. Johnson of Cortland is spend­ing some tim e w ith friends in town,

Mr. and Mrs. E. A Homer visited Mrs. Lewis Day a t her home on Owen Hill on Thursday of this week. On their re tu rn home the entrance to bouse and out build­ings w as hatred l>y potato crates. P er­haps the ir friends a t Berkshire and H ar­ford could account for th e chaos.

Mrs Lucy JeDnison is a guest of her daughter, Mrs Le Roy W atros.

Mr and Mrs. Henry Mollet were a t Mc­Lean on Saturday and Sunday.

Mrs. Isaac Bliss and Mrs J . P. W a’s w orth w ere in M arathon on F iiday, guestsa tM r.W m . W itty ’s.

Mr. J . P. W alsw orth was in N ew ark on business Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. C. E. Robbins of Berkshire was in tow n on Monday of last week.

Rev. L. Jennison of Chenango Forks was w ith relatives in tow n the tore parto f t h e w e e k .

A num ber of families of this place a t ­tended the Buckland-Johnson wedding at M arathon on Wednesday

Mr. F rank Hall has completed his labor for Mr. David Young anti is now in the employ of Mr. Orren Moffat a t Ithaca

Mrs. Isaac Bliss w as in Dryden the g reater p a r t of last week, called there by the illness of Mr. Harvey W itty ’s youngest son.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hubbard of Harford Mills were visitihg in tow n Inst week.

Miss H attie E Pollard, teacher a t H ar ford Mills, was w ith her parents over Sun day.

The th irtie th session of the Harford and Lapeer Sunday-school association will be held a t H arford Mills, Sunday, Oct 30 Opening services at 2 p. m.Singing.......................................................... ChoirPrayer................................. Rev E. C. LivingstonSinging................ Quartette from Hunts Corner*Report of Seoretary ..Mr Ray SextonReoitatioa.........................................Lena SextonRecitation____________________ Libbie Bolct-Essay—Tbe Value o'' the Sunday-sebool to the

Church and to the World.-Mrs. Henry Vincent Discussion. S Ilults, L Watious, E.C LivingstonD uet.......................-Mrs. D om berg and Mis. MooreReoiation.........................................Ray SextonRecitation.........................................Elfa SextonD uet....................... Mrs. Orel Sexton, Jen n ie PeastRecitation....................................... Harvey RootRecitation........................................ Ray HawleyDiscussion, Should the Old Testament as well as

the Now be Taught in Sunday-school.... F. Granger, N. H. Ellis, G. C. Smith, E C Livings­ton, F. Jennings, S. Hults.

Solo...........................................................Alice MyersCollection.Election o f Officers.Singing ..........- ......................................... ChoirB enediction.

Committee, Mrs. F . M. Surdam , MissH attie E. Pollard, Mrs. H. Vincent, Mrs.O. F S e x to n , Mr F . G ra n g e r .

Mrs O. S Day of Cortland is visiting friends iu town.

S o u t h C o r t l a n d .

S o u t h C o r t l a n d , Oct. 24. — Farmers ought not to complain of not being able to get their woi k done this fail on account of the w eather

Mr John Jonen is repairing his house. Mrs P Rowley spent Fiiday and S a tu r­

day w ith her sister, Mrs CalvertMr. and Mrs M R W ood visited friends

in Marathon last week.Hay presses are doing a lively business

in this vicinity, the> e being th ree different presses a t w ork last week. Hay brings ten dollars a ton.

Mr. E Doubleday and family spent Sat­urday a t Mr A. A. Sheerar’s.

Rev 0. E Hamilton will preach here next Friday evening, Oct. 28 I t is hoped there will be a full house to welcome him back to be w ith us another year.

Mr. Riley Niles is m aking quite exten sive repairs on his house.

G o o d i n c a s e o f f i r e — W a t e r .

H arford.H a r f o r d , Oct. 24 .—Col. Shaw of W ater­

tow n, N Y ., spoke on Saturday eveuing to a crowded hoitse on the issues of the pres­en t campaign. The H arford male quarte t was in attendance and rendered some campaign songs, there w as also a fife and drum coipa present, whose music was well appreciated.

Thursday evening of this week the Dem­ocrats are to liave a m ass-m eeting a t the Congregational church. Mr. Datus C. Sm ith of D akota is to speak.

Mrs N. G. Wilcox and Mrs. S. Chaplin spent Thursday last in Ricliford.

R e v . and Mrs., S. I) Galpin speht last week in Candor.

Mr George Seamans, who has been under trea tm en t for an abscess of the Jung, a t the House of the Good Shepherd in Syiacuse, returned home, last Thursday.

Mrs. Sutton returned to her home in Cortland on Friday after a m onth’s visit in this tow n

Mr, G A W avle’s little son Leon m et w ith a severe accident on Sunday, b reak ­ing his arm. The lad is doing as well as can be expected.

A goodly num ber of friends of Mr. and Mrs S . S e a m a n s g a v e t h e m a surprise on the th irtie th anniversary of the ir wedding The happy couple received somefin e p r e s e n ts a m o n g w h ic h i s a n u p h o lstered chaire, m arble top table and a large framed picture.

Mr G. E Kind has been in Binghamton and Sidney on business the past week.

School Commissioner Stillm an has been in tow n to day inspecting our schools.

M ir a

W ille t.W ille t, Oct, 2 4 .—Rev. Mr. Brown is

holding revival meetings a t German.Mr. David Wiles is w orking a t carpen ­

te r w ork for Mr. F rank Crittenden.Mias Minnie Brown of Penelope is again

a t w ork for Mrs. Thomas Jones.Columbus Day w as celebrated here la st

Friday w ith appropriate exercises and also by raising the flag.

A dime social! was held a t Mrs Riley Cole’s last Friday afternoon and evening.

An3 auction began in Mr. Bert W ilson’s store la st Saturday eveniDg Tne articles to be sold oousiBt of dry goods, blankets, glasswaie, snawiis and notions. The sale continues until all goods are sold.

The McDonough boys played ball w ith the W illet boys last Saturday. The game stood 9 to 12 in favor of Willet.

Mr. Dell G ieeus is building an addition on his house.

Mr. Earnest Gardiner and sister. Miss Allie, visited a t Mr. Girden Clough’s S u n ­day.

A Sunday -school concert will be held in the M. E. church tw o weeks from last Sunday evening.

E lder Gleason preached in the M. E. church last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Covey w ere through this place ofie day last week.

Mr. D ew itt Ingersoll and wife of North. Pitcher recently visited relatives in this place.

A political meeting was held in the school house hall Thursday evening. Col. Shaw was the speaker

H a r f o r d M i l l s .

Harford M ills, Oct. 24. —Columbus Day exercises w ere held a t the school room Friday and were very interesting.

Mrs. W anser of Long Island, who has been spending a few days w ith her aunt, Mrs. Emmeline Hyde, visited Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Hults of Lapeer, last week.

Mrs Hull of Binghamton visited friends in tow n recently.

Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Shaw of Berkshire spent Sunday w ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs C. W. H arrington. Mr. Shaw expects to s ta r t for Chicago, Tuesday.

Dr. and Mrs Rood of E tna visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Job Ayers, Sunday.

Mrs. John Davis of E ast R ichfo7d spent last week w ith her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Leonard.

Messrs Ellis and Moon have purchased a grist-m ill in Candor. Mr. Moon will leave about the 15 of Nov. and Mr. Ellis will re­main until the 1st of January .

Mr. and Mrs. Simon Seaman, celebrated the ir th irtie th anniversary Thursday. Friends from Virgil, H arford and H arford Mills were in attendance.

Mr. and Mrs, H. C. Gray are visitiDg in New York.

B lo d g ett m i l s .Blodgett M ills, Oct. 2 4 .—Columbus

Day was celebrated here by a very fine evening entertainm ent w hich drew out a full hall. The teachers, Prof. Clementsand Mrs. K irk spared no pains to have the exercises the best possible. Most of the members of the school were represented in the flag drill. “ Queen Isabella” was here and “ Columbia” w ith her tra in . Quite a num ber of our people helped make up the great celebration a t Cortland Some of the Normalites attended the exer­cises here.

Mrs. Elijah W heeler and Mrs. V . Beck­w ith of Cortland have been visiting a t Mr. J . H ubbard’s.

Mr. and Mrs. June have been making a brief visit a t Groton.

Mr. Eleazar Fuller of E ast River is assist­ing in the grsit mill here.

Mr and Mrs. Wm. Chidester are a t Bridgeport, Conn., w ith one of the ir daughters.

Mr. and Mrs. George Hazzard of Upper Lisle spent a couple of days w ith his uncle, J . Kendall.

Mrs. P. F . Moses is absent for a few days visiting friends a t Deansvilie, Oneida Co.

Mrs. Isaac W oodin is in Montrose, Pa. staying a few days w ith her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Baldwin.

Mr. R D. Bierce will move back to C ort­land soon.

Mr. Israel W oodard is to move onte the place vacated by Mr. Pierce.

Rev. C Hall of Wisconsin will give a tem perance lecture a t Union hall Monday evening of this week.

Mr. John Hubbai’d bad the m isfortune to nearly cu t off the end of one “ of Lis fingers the last of the week.

Mrs. H unter and Mrs. Nason both seem a little be tte r again.

Died—In Main, Broome county, N Y 1, of typhoid pneumonia, Jam es Hicks, formerly of Cortland. Sister Dora.

C o ld B r o o k .

C o l d B r o o k , O c t. 24. — Miss Carrie Wheeler attended the Y. P. S. C. E con­vention held in Binghamton l a s t week.

Mrs W A Lawrence is spending a few day s in Truxton, the guest of her sister, Mrs. D. Severance.

Miss Addiie Underwood is sewing for parties in Homer.

Miss Hinman of Canisteo w as recently the guest of Miss Mary Lawrence.

Mrs. Charlotte Hurd or Lake Hollow is stopping with her sister, Mrs. W. H. Craig.

Mr and Mrs W alter.Moxie spent Sun­day iu Tully, the guest of her brother, Albert Hill.

Mr. and Mrs Willie Case of M aredlus were guests of Mr. and Mis S. A. Churchill recently.

Mr. and Mrs J . P. T aft and Mr. and Mrs. J . L. Thomas of Homer, who have been visiting in Massachusetts th e past tw o weeks, have returned to the ir homes and report a good time.

Mrs. E Tucker of Marcellos w as the guest of her sister, Mrs. W alter Moxie, a sho rt tim e ago.

Freetow n.F reetown, Oct 2 4 .—Rev. Mr. Mevring,

the new m inister, occupied the pulpit a t the M. E church last Sunday m orning for the flist tim e and made a very favorable impression.

A large and appreciative audience listened to one of the best Republican lectures last Wednesday evening from Col. Shaw of W atertow n th a t has ever been giver, to tho people of this place. The Marathon Glee club were present and en­livened the m eeting w ith several of the ir rousing songs.

The next meeting of the Christian E n ­deavor society will be held a t Mr. and Mrs. A. E D art’s on Tuesday evewiqg Nov. 1.

P. Corwin is newly painting his house Mrs. M. M. Brown started Tuesday

morning for Dixon, 111 , to v isit her m other who is no t expected to live.

Mrs. Wheelock and Miss Myra Wells of Me Grawville were guests of Mrs M. M. Bx’own on Thursday

Mr. H Lennon is visiting friends iu Mc­Grawville and Bolon.

E. M Pudney of Cortland came over to A E D art’s on his bicycle on Wednesday last

The Aid society of the M E chui oh will m eet w ith Mrs. F rank Eaton on Friday of this week

Mr and Mrs Hall of Green w ere recent guests of friends in tow n

Miss Jennie Griffin of Amber is visiting relatives in tow n

Anna Martins attended the M aybury— Kenfield wedding in Solon on Thursday.

Mi-s. Horner W ightinan of Texas Valley spent a num ber of days the past week w ith her brother, Chauneey Sm ith and family.

Mbs Jennie Brown and Mrs. K ate Brown of Cineinnatus were guests of Morgan Piekeros family Saturday and Sunday

Mr. and Mrs. A uthur Dickinson visited a t E ast Homor on Saturday.

Mrs S. Tripp has returned from a tw o weeks’ visit w ith her daughter Mrs George Cass of Solon.

Mrs. W. D. T uttle and son of Cortland visited a t Harvey and Chauneey T u ttle’s last week.

Miss Nellie Davidson is having a tw o weeks’ vacation before commencing her w inter te rm of school.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sm ith of Eftj&fc Homer were hom e over Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs M. Allen of M arathon were guests of B urdett H all’s fam ily on Sun­day.

Mr. and Mrs “S. S Hamm ond visited friends a t W hitney’s Point and Triangle last week. The Triangle visit was the occasion of the six ty -n in th anniversary of the Saxton family moving from Long Island to the old hom estead now occupied by the youngest son, Henry H. Saxton.A week was occupied in m aking the jo u r­ney while i t was thought by tlieir friends who bade them good-bye th a t they w ere alm ost going out of the world. The Sax ton fam ily consisted of father, m other and ten children, and when they arrived a t their journey’s end they found in thehouse they w ere to occupy another fam ­ily of twelve, m aking tw enty-four persons who lived in the same house through the winter. Such was life three score and ten years ago. Among the ancient things now in th e Saxton family is a rocking chair one hundred and one years oid in which your humble reporter had an hon­ored seat. Seventeen of the Saxton a n ­cestors were present on tlie occasion, four of whom Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Strow bridge and Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Conger w ere from Cortland. S ybil.

U n io n V alley .Union Valley, Oct. 2 5 .—October 13

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lucas’ fam ily was in ­creased by a daughter, and Mr. aud Mrs. F rank Lyon’s by a son.

Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Reed have left for tbe ir new field of labor. I t is a question yet w hether the Valley will have a m inis­te r reside w ith them or n o t : bu t then the valleyites can’t be im proved much any ­how.

Mr. and Mrs H. D P o tte r of Cortland have been visitiDg about, town.

There is considerable excitem ent here every Saturday over base ball The last victims w ere the boys from Taylor Centre.

W alter Brooks reports 127 bu. corn (ears) from less than th ree-quarters of an acre of grouud.

Elias Burgess has recently* bought the Follett farm on E ast Hill for §1200. He is now occupying ifc

Deputy Sheriff I. S Crandall is a t court this week.

The Grnssbeek-Burgess- Brooks la w ­suit cost §50 to settle. Each party paid his own cost, and the query now is, “ Who is th e richer for i t? ”

Mr. and Mis. Nelson Keeler of Cuyler visited Calvin G ilbert’s and others last week.

Mr. and Mrs Henry Hall of Keeney Settlem ent visited Mis P. E. Gilbert le - cenoiy.

Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Neary recently visited his parents near Cortland.

Mr. A W. Angel and daughter, Miss Maude, w ere in tow n calling last week

N ext Saturday evening and Sunday morning th e ie will be quarterly meeting services a t the church, the presiding elder w ill be present.

T ruxton .Truxton, Oct. 25. —Columbus Day was

celebrated here by the village school. The students m et a t the school building a t 9 :30 The children marched ou t of the building onto the school green where they form ed in squares, the G A. R. post being iu fron t of them . Rev. Win. Huntington read the proclam ation, Mr. Schermei horn raised the flag to th e top of the flagstaff on the school building. W hile tne flag was being raised three cheers w ere given The students pledged the ir allegiance to the flag. They then sang America ; then form ed into a line headed by the G. A R post and m arched to th e church where the following program was given :Singing—Columbus Day, Messrs. F I. an d W. It

W oodw ard, Mrs. F. I. W oodw ard an d Mrs.II. C. W icks. f

P ray er—Rev. Wm. H unting ton .The M eaning of th e F our C enturies—Prof. C larkT he Ode................................. Miss B erth a Bosw orthE ssay—A m erica 1492 an d 1892.

M r Nelson W iegand S in gin g—T h e S ta r S p a n g le d B a n n e r ........... Sch oolBenediction.

The exercises w ere very fine and w ere well rendered.

The I. O. of G. T. lodge elect their officers Friday evening of this week.

Mr. A lbert Fierce of New Jersey is visiting friends in tow n. Crazy Pat.

Preble.P reble, Oct. 2 4 .—Mrs M. L Leete has

been ill for the past week. A t present she is improving under tbe care of H. D. H unt, M D.

S. P. DuBois and wife w ere in HomerMonday,

Columbus Day was appropriately cele­brated by the school children on Friday.

Mrs A lbert Van Hoesen D slowly im ­proving under th e care o t Dr. W hite.

Mrs Ju lia D Frederick of Syracuse spent Sunday w ith her father, Eben Daley.

A Democratic m eeting was held a t K lock’s hail Tuesday night.

David Leggeo is quite ill. Dr. H un t a t ­tends him .

Mrs Lewis is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Stephen Daleys

T aylor Centre.T a y l o r C e n t r e , Oct 3 5 .—A Prohibi­

tion speech a t the church this week W ed­nesday night. W e see the speaker is billed as follows ; “ Hon. H. I). Po tter of Cortland. ”

Mrs. Hoxsie and (laughter J ' law of Leonardsville, N .Y . , w eie v is l, ug their niece, Mrs. W. H. De Long last week.

Our boys w ent to Lincklaen last S a tu r­day to cross hats w ith the boys from th a t place. As the Lincklaen boys did not materialize, our boys w ent to Union Valley and and had a “ scrub game. ”

W. D McDonald and family spent Sun­day a t Mt Roderick.

Miss Augusta Brown, who has been here to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs.F. A. Sm ith, w ent to Cortland yesterday where she will open a school of stenog­raphy the 25 th insfc.

Miss Nellie Paint closed a ■ successful te rm of school in Dist. No 3 last Friday.

J , A. Pudney is laying the basem ent wall to H C*. Allen's new barn.

A good many from this place w ent to South Cuyler last Tuesday niglit to hear Col. A D.Rhaw ; they7 were well repaid.

Some of our Democrat friends are carrying around a small p late of tin . One side is headed “ Object No 2 ,” and following is a lo t of campaign lies, deny­ing th a t any tin plate is m anufactured in this country, only w hat is brought over raw and m ade up by foreign workmen, claiming the tin i t was made of came from Wales, the m etal from another country, aud so on To end witb i t savs“ Vote the Democratic ticket and lower( ?) the taxes. ” On the opposite side is the picture of Cleve land and Stevenson. N e r o .

G roton .G r o to n , Oct. 26 .—Isaac Sobers, who

has been a t w ork for B. P. C lark, has moved to Ithaca.

The Junior Y. P. S. C. E. of th e Con­gregational church held a sociable a t the home of Miss Ju lia Backus last evening.

Fred B artle tt, the old reliable shoe­m aker, has engaged w ith Stevens & Gale to take charge of their repairing d ep art­ment.

Geo. B. Sickman of McLean was in town yesterday looking a fte r his interests as candidate for school commissioner.

W. L Pike is in Buffalo on business this week.

The funeral of Carlos Baldwin, who died Friday last of heart failure, was held Sun­day a t liis home The S. of V . , G A R. and F. and A. M. attended the funeral in a body.

Mrs. Cl. W. Dickins is visiting her b ro ther Ed Sherwood.

E ast V irg il.E ast V ir g il , O ct. 2 5 . — M iss E . Bell

A n g e li o f N e w Y o r k v is i te d r e la t iv e s h e re l a s t w e e k .

Mrs. Lyman Matson spent Friday a t An­drew Davis’s.

N. J . Sm ith is still a t Cortland as juror.E .D . Angeli and family and Mrs. N. J .

Sm ith a t te n d e d t l i e Johnson-B u c k la n d wedding in M arathon, Wednesday.

Miss Ju lia Angeli has been confined to her room for some days w ith th ro a t trouble.

Lyman Matson, Mel. Miller and A. L. Dickinson, m et as a reg ’stering board last Sa t u i day-. DOROTH Y.

F r a n k ’s C ornersF rank's Corners, Oct. 2 1 —Robbie

Me Master of Cortland was tbe guest or his uncle, Jam es McVean Sunday.

Will S tew art is improving.Our ham let was well represented a t the

Republican rally a t Virgil,W ednesday even- Oct. 20.

A rthu r Terpenning’s youngest son is dangerously ill w ith periostitis. Dr. Allen of Dryden attends him.

“ Yes, "sa id tbe young s tuden t th o u g h t­fully . “ w hen I get in terested iu a sub­jec t I never stop u n til I have em braced i t tho ro u g h ly .” “ T h a t’s n ic e .” w as the hesitating reply. ‘ ‘Do—do you th in k I am an in teresting su b jec t?” —New Y ork H erald.

IN PURPUANOBof an o rd f r of Hon J E Eg- grlesron S urrogate of the county ( f C ortland,

nolice is hereby given to all persons having claim s against the e s ta te o f Sally Al. Bennett, la te of the tow n of ( ort.landville, deceased. r*-L. they a re required to exh ib it the sam e, w ith the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, the execu frix of the e s ta te of *he said deceased, a t her residence in C ortland Village, N .Y ., on o r before the 26th day of Dec* m ber. 1892. Dated Ju n e 22, 1892 FLORENCE E. BENNETT,

sw-fr-345 mG Executrix .

Th e p e o p l e o f t h e s t a t e OF NEW YORKto Ontheriue Ball. George Terpt-nning. Sa­

rah T erpeuning. Willie *J erpeuning, Grae- Lam ­bert, < ach of Geneseo, H enry Co , i l l ; Rokena T hatcher, Cam bridge, Henry Co . 1 1 . ; Em m a Comstock Chicago, cook county 111.; B enjam in Kinney, Elijah K inney, George Kin ey. William H T erpeuning, Henry Terpeuning, each of whose places of residence is unknow n, and ca n ­n o t a f te r di'igent, inquiry be ascerta ined , heirs a t law arid nex t o f k in o f A nna Saxton, la te ot Virgil, C ortland Co , N. Y , deceased, an to all o ’htir persons who a re in t rested in the e sta te of Anna Saxton, deceased, e ither as heirs a t law o r nex t o f kin, if any there be, who>e respective nam es and places of residence a re unknow n, and a f te r o lligen t i quiry can n o t be ascer­tained , greeting : You aud each of you a re here- b t cited to personally be and ap p ear before the S urrogate oi tbe oonnty ot C ort and a t his of­fice In the village of C oriland. in the said coun­ty of Cortland, N. Y ,o n the 14 h day o f Novem­ber, 1892 a t ten o’clock in the forenoon of th a t day. then and th e re to show cause, if at y you have, whv le tters of adm inistra tion on the es ta te of A nna Saxtoj,. ia te of Virgil, C ortland county, N Y., should no t be aw arded and g ran ted to A ugusta Mott of H om er, N. Y. And if anv of tlie aforesaid persons a re under the age of tw enty-one years they will p 1 ease tak e notice that they are rtq u ired to appear by th t i r general guardian, if they have one, and if they have none, th a t they ap p ear and apply fo r the appo 'n tm en t of a special guardian, o r in the event, o f th n 'r neg lect o r faiiur, to do so, a spe­cial guard ian will be appoin ted by the Surro g a te t.o rep resen t and a c t fo r them in th is p ro ­ceeding. . . .

Tn testim ony w hereof, w e have caused tlie seal of office ef ou r said Surrogate to be hereun to affixed.

W itness, Joseph E Eggleston, Surro- [l s 1 g a te of o u r c u n t y of C ortland, a t the

village o f C ortland, in said county, this 28'h day of Septem ber in Ihe year of o u r Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-tw o.

J . E. EGGLE TON, sw-fri-37-KT, _______________ Surrogate.

IN PURSUANCE of an o rd e r of How. J . E Eg­gleston. S urrogate of the county of C ortland,

n o tice is hereby given to all persons having claim s aga in st the e s ta te o f Eunice Graves, la te Of the tow n of C ortlandville, deceased, th a t they a re required to exhihit. the sam e, w ith th e vouchers thereof, to th e subscriber, th e execu­to r of the e s ta te of th e said deceased, at his sto re . N o 25 Main s tfee t, C ortland, N. Y., on or before the 1st day o i April, 1893. D ated Sep­tem ber 30, 1S92.

373 mG II EN RY M. KELLO G G, E xecutor.

IN PURSUANCE of an o rd e r of Hon. J . E Eggleston, Surrogate of the county of C ort

land, notice Is hereby given to all persons hav ing claim s against the esta te of A lbert Sw eet la te of the tow n of Virgil, deceased, fchal they a re required to exhibit the sam e, w ith the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, the adm in­istra trix of the esta te oi the said deceased, at h er r<-ridenee in Virgil, N. Y.. on or before tbe 21th d»y of M arch, 1SSI3 Dated Sepc. 14, 1892.

3G9mG AUGUSTA SW EET, A dm inistratrix .

IN PURSUANCE ol an o rd er of Hon. J . E. Eg­gleston. Surrogate of the countv of C ortland,

noDce is hereby given to all persons having claim s agains7 th e e s ta te of C am e S. V an Hoe­sen. l a t e of i h e tow n of Cortlandville, deceased, that they a re required to exhibit the sam e, w ith the vouchers thereol, to the subscriber, the ad ­m in is tra to r o f the e s 'a te o f Ihe said deceased, a t his residence. No. 60 G rant s tree t, fo , N Y., on o r before ihe 8ih day of February, 1683, B a ted August 4.1*92.

GERRST VAN HOESEN, sW'357-nsO A dm inistrator.

M ortgage Sale.TX7HER.EAR, d efau lt has been m ade In th e

f t paym ent of m oney secured by m ortgage, d a ted th e Sjtli day of M arch in th e y ea r one thousand e igh t hundred an d eighty-four, b e ­tw een Charles H artm an , of tlie to w n o f Hom er, coun ty of C ortland an d S ta te o f New York, of th e first p a rt, an d Caroline H artm an , of th e sam e place, of tlie second p a rt. Said m ortgage w as given to secure the paym ent of th e sum of $5,035 OG and w as duly reco rded in th e Clerk’s office of C ortland county , N. Y., on th e 18th day of Ju n e , 1884, a t 11 o ’clock a. m , in L iber 25 of M ortgages, a t page 255. And. w hereas, the said Caroline H artm an is noW deceased and Alonzo H arte r, o f the town o i Preb 'e , in the county of C ortland and S ta te of New York, has been duly appoin ted ad m in is tra to r of th e e s ta te o f said Caroline H artm an, deceased, is now as sucli ad ­m in istra to r the ow ner and holder of said m o rt­gage. The sura claim ed to be due and to be­com e due and unpaid upon said m ortgage a t the first publication of th is no tice is th e sum of $6,948 37 five thousand thirty-five dollars and six cen ts principal, and $1,913 31 in terest. Of the principal th e re is y e t to becom e due th e sum of $4,635.i(i; and no proceedings a t law o r equity have been in stitu ted to recover the d eb t o r any p a rt thereof. Now, therefo re , no tice is hereby given th a t, by v irtue of the of sale con ta in ed in said m ortgage, the said m ortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the prem ises therein described, a t a public auction a t th e sou th fro n t door of the drug store, occupied by D W H unt, in the village of Preble, in The tow n o f Preble, C ortland county and S ta te of New York, on the first day of November, in the y ear 1892. a t one o ’clock In (he afternoon of tnaf, day. The fol­low ing is a description of the m ortgaged prem i­ses as they a re contained in s-aid m ortgage : A ll i h a t i ra c t o r p a rce l of land s itua te in the tow n of Preble, in said c unty , o n lo t N o . 79 bounded as follows, to w i t : Beginning a t the sou thw est co rner of Sam uel M anchester’s land ; tbence north tw enty-six (26) chains and tw enty-five (25) links, w est six di) chains and seventy five (7 d links, no rth ten (10' chains and eighty-eight 1881 links, e as t six <6,1 chains and seventy live (75) li/ius, no rth fif'eeh (15) chains and ninety-four (94) links, east tw o (2) chains and thirty-five (35) links, n o rth nine (9) chains and fifiy-four (54> links, w est tw en ty tw o (22) chains and th irty - eight (38) links, sou th fifty i50) links, w est three op chains, sou th sixty-tw o (62) chains and five (5) links; thence eas t tw entv-five U5) chains and th irty five (35) links t.o th e p lace of beginning, contain ing one hundred and forty-seven (117) acres or land a fte r deducting five acres ou t of tne sou thw est corner, now ow ned by T rum an Kingsley. Also all th a t ce rta in o th e r p k e e or parcel o f land s itu a te in th e tow n of Preble, county o f C ortland, on lo t No. <79), bounded as fo llow s: Beginning 1(5 rods no rth of Samuel M anchester’s sou thw est c o rn e r ; t.hence w est 27 ro d s ; thence north parallel w ith those tw o cor­ners m ain tained fa* enough to m ake seven (7) acres and 50 rods o f land.

D ated this 12th day of Ju ly , 1892.ALONZO HARTER.

A dm inistra tor of the e s ta te or Caroline H a r t m a n , M o r t g a g e e .

E D. C ro s ley , A tt’y for M ortgagee Office a n d p o a t - o f i io e a d d r e s s . E a s t S c o t t , N Y.

The above sa le is postponed un til Ja n u a ry 17, 18:3 a t lo o’clock a m

E. D. C 'uosley, A tf y fo r M ortgagee. Office and post-oflioe address, E as t S co tt, N. Y.

swSSl td

M o rtg a g e Sale.

WHEREAS, d e fau lt h*s been m ade in the paym ent of th e money secured by m ort­

gage, d a ted the 31st day o f March in th e year 18’3, executed by Caroline H artm an and Charles H artm an, o f P reble, C ortland county. N. Y., p arties of the first p a rt, and Mary E King, of the tow n of Tully, O nondaga county. New York, p a rty of th e s e c o n d , p a r r , f o r th e s u m o f S i .900. n ineteen hundred dollars. S fld m ortgage was recorded i n the ClerK’s office of C o r t l a n d c o u n t yon the fifth day of April. 1883, at iLj o’clock r. m.In L iber 23 of M ortgages, a t page 481. said m ortgage w as duly assigned by said Mary E. King to Caroline H artm an, now deceased, on the 1st day of April, J8W5. and said assignm ent is recorded in tbe Clerk's office ol' C ortland county , N .Y . Alonzo Harter, of the town oiP reble, N. Y., Is the legally appointed adm inis­t ra to r of the per-onal t s ta te of said Caroline H artm an, and as such ad ra in i-tra to r is now the ow ner and holder of said m ortgage, and th a t no proceeding a t law o r equity has been institu ted to recover said d eb t or any p a rt thereof. And, w hereas, tb e am ount claimed to be due and to becom e due upon said m ortgage a t the d a te of the first publication of th is n o iite is $2.638 45 eighteen hundred and fifty dollars principal, $808 45 in te r e s t ; the am ount to becom e duo is the sum of $1 450. Now, therefore, no tice is hereby given th a t by the pow er of sab- contained in said m ortgage the said m origage will be fore­closed by a sale ot the prem ises there in describ ed, a t a public auction a t the south fron t door of the drug sto re occupied by D. W H unt, in th e village of P reble, in tne tow n of Preble C ortland county and S ta te o f jvew York, on the first day of N ovem ber in tn e year 1892. a t one o ’clock in tho afternoon o f th a t day. The fol­lowing is a descrip tion of th e m ortgaged prem ­ises, as they a re contained in said m ortgage : All th a t t r a c t o r parcel of land s itu a te in the tow n of Preble, in said county , on lo t No. 79, bounded as follows, to w i t ; Beginning a t the sou thw est co rner of Sam uel M anchester’s la n d ; thence n o rth tw enty-six (20) chains and tw en ty five Go) links, w est six (i) chains and seventy-five (75) links, north ten (10,i chains and eignty-eight (88) links, e as t six .0) chains and seventy-five (75) links, no rth fifteen (15) chains and ninety-four (94i links, east tw o (2) chains and thirty-five (35) links, nor h nine (9) chains and fifty-four (54) links, w est tw enty-rw o (22) chains and th irty- eight (IS) links, south fifty (30) links, w est th ree (3) chains, south sixty tw o (62) chains and five (5) lin k s ; thence eas t tw en ty five (251 chains and th irty live (35) links to the place of beginning contain ing one hundred aud fo rty seven (147) acres o t land a 't e r deducting five acres o u t of th e sou thw est corner, now ow ned b y T iu m an Kingsley Also a ll th a t certa in o ther piece orp a r c e l o f l a u d s i ' u a t e in t h e t o w n o f P r e b l e ,county of Cortland, on lot number 73, boundeda s f o l l o w s : B e g in n i n g 105 r o d s n o r t h o f S a m u e lManchester’s southwest corner; thence west 27iods ; thence nortn p a r a l l e l w ith t h o s e tw o cor­ners m aintained fa r enough to m ake seven t7) acres and 53 rods of land.

D ated this 12th day of July, 1592.A L O N Z O HARTER,

A dm inistrator of the personal e s ta te of Caro­line H a r l m a n , M o r t g a g e e

E. D C bosiey , A tt’y for Mortgagee. Office a n d p o s t office a d d r e s s . E a s t . S c o t t , N . Y.

The above sale is postponed un til Jan u a ry 17, 189 i. a t 10 o’clock a ii

E D. ' 'roslky, A tt’y for M ortgagee. Office and p st-office address, E as t Scott, N. Y.

sy(33l td

IN PURSUANCE of an o rd er of n o n J E. Eg­gleston. Surrogate of tbe county of C ortland,

no tice is hereby given to a ll persons haying claim s against the e sta te of Lovd B R ichard­son, la te of th e tow n of ( 'ortlandville , deceased, th a t they a re required to exhib it the same, w ith tlie vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, the ad ru in istra trix of the e s ta te of tbe said deceased, a t her residence, No 9) River S t . in C ortland Village. N. Y., on o r before the 1st day o t M aj,1893. D ated O ctober 25, '892

MILLIE L. R lt nARDSON, sw381 mG A d m in is tra trx

XN PURSUANCE of an o rd er of Hon. J . E. Eg­gleston. S urrogate oi the county of Ooru -nd.

notice is hereby given to all persons having claim s against th e e s ta te of Mary J Hollenbeck, la 'e o f the tow n ol V T til, deceased, th a t they a re required to exh ib it the sam e, with the von» h- e rs thereof, to ihe subscriber, (he ad m in is tra to r of th e e sta te of the saM dfcea^ed , a t his rest dence. No 35 Union 8t., C oitland, N. Y ,« n or be­fore th e 1st day of May 1893 Dated October 25. 1892. W. J . H O I.L E 'B E K,

3w381 mli A dm inistrator.

r p n E PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. X to all persons in terested iu the e s ta 'e of

T heodore S tevenson, assigned to Philip suger- m an and Thom as F Bray ton, fo r th e benefit of creditors, send g re e tin g : You and each of you a re hereby cited and required personally to be and appear a t a te rm of the County C ourt of C ortland county , N Y., to be held a t the C ourt House in C o rtla rd Village. C> rtland county, N. Y„ on th e 5th day of December, 1892, a t ten o ’clock a . m , then and there to show cam e why a final se ttlem en t of th e accounts of Philip Su- germ an and Thom as F. Brayton, as assignees of above nam ed Theodore Stevenson, insolvent debtor, should n o t be had. and if no cause be show n then to a tte n d the final se ttlem en t ol the assignees’ accounts.

W itness. Hon. Joseph E Eggleston, County Judge of Cortland county, N.

[l. s.] Y . and the seal of said Court this 5th day of October, 1893

S. K JONES, Clerk S S. Kn( x, A tt’y fo r Assign* es. Office and P . O. address, Cortland, Cortland Co., N. Y.

sw375 w4

IN PURSUANCE of an o rd er of Hon. J . E. Eg­gleston. Surrogate of the county of C ortland,

notice is hereby giveu to all persons having claim s against th e esta te of W aite Risley, la te of th e to w n of Cuyler, decease^, th a t they are required to exhib it the sam e, w ith the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, th e ad m in is tra trix and adm in istra to r of the esta te of the said de­ceased, a t th e ir residence in Cuyler, N. Y.. on or before th e 21st day of April. 18*3. D ated Octo­ber, 1893. EUNICE 5 RISLEY,

Adm nisti a trix .GRANT W. BISLb-Y,

sw fr 379 mG A dm in istra to r.

IN PURSUANCE o t an o rd e r of Hon. J . E. Eg­gleston. Surrogate of the coun ty of Cort

land, notice is here,by given to all persons hav ing claim s against the e s ta te of Lester E. Hane, la te of the tow n of Cortlandville, deceased, th a t they a re required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to tbe subscriber, the ex eeu to r of tb e e s ta te of the said deceased, a t bis residence, No. 44 Union St.. Cortland N Y .,o n n r before th e 19th day of Novem ber, 189.3 Dated May9,lg92._ . ’

sfe-fr-piG EARL 8, SMITH, Executor,

T N PURSUANCE of an o rd er of H on. J . E. Eg- X gleston. Surrogate of th e county of C ortia d , notice is hereby given to a ll persons having claim s aga in st th e e s ta te o f M. L inda Miller, la te o f th e tow n df C ortlandville, deceased, th a t they a re requ ired to exh ib it th e sam e, w ith th e vouchers thereof, to th e subscriber, th e exeou to r o f th e e s ta te of th e said deceased, a t his residence, No. 31 C layton avenue, c o rtla n c , C ortland coun ty , N. Y ., on o r hei ore th e 20th day of N ovem ber. Is92. Dated May 9.1892

333 fr-mG BURNETT E. MILLER .E xecutor.

Concurrent ^Resolutions.A m endm ent N um ber One.

STATE OF NEW YORK,O f f i c e o f t h e ( s e o k - e t a r y o f s t a t e ,

Albuny, Amju ̂1 . 1P u rsu an t to the provisions o f section seven,

c h ap te r six hundred and eighty. Laws of eigh­teen hundred and n inety-tw o, no tice is herebv given th a t the following proposed am endm ent

kto section ten , a rtic le th ree of th e C onstitu tion of th e S ta te of New Y ork w ill be subm itted to th e people of said S ta te , for th e purpose of v o t­ing thereon a t th e n ex t genera l election in th is S ta te , to be held on th e eightli day of N ovem ­ber, eighteen hundred an d ninety-tw o :

CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONProposing an am endm ent to section ten , a rtic le th ree of th e C onstitu tion , re la ting to th e pow­ers of the tw o housi s of the Legislature.

Sbctwy l. Jiisofz't d (il the As*emly concur), T h a t section te n of a rtic le th ree of th e const! tu tio n be am ended so th a t i t will read a s fol­lows :

§ 10. A m ajo rity o f each house shall co n stitu te a quorum to do business. Each house shall d e ­t e rm in e th e r u le s of its ow n p ro c e e d in g s an d choose its own officers. The Senate shall choose a tem porary p residen t w hen the lieu tenant-gov­e rn o r shall n o t a tten d as president o r shall a c t as governor The election, re -u rn and qualifi­cations of any m em ber ot e ith e r house of the Legislature, w hen oisputed o r con tested , shall be determ ined by the courts in such m aim er as the Leg’sla tu re shall prescribe, and su ch d e te r ­m ination, w hen m ade, shall be conclusive upon the Legislature. E ither house of the Legisla­tu re m ay expel any of its m em bers for m iscon­d u c t ; bu t every person who teeeives a certifi­ca te ol' election as a m em ber of e ith e r house, according to law , shall be en titled to a sea t therein unless expelled for m isconduct o r ousted p u rsuan t to a ju dgm en t o f a co u rt o f com pe­te n t jurisd iction .

£2. Whereas the foregoing am endm ent to th e C onstitution was agreed to by a m a jm R v of th e m em hets elected to each o f the houses of th e Legislature in the y ea r eighteen hundred an d ninety-one, and w as en tered in th e j u rnal w ith the yeas and nays taken thereon and referred to this Legislature a f te r publication thereo f fo r th ree m .m ths previous to the la s t g enera l e le c ­tion o f Senators.

§3. Bisoh'ed (if the Assembly concur), T h a t the foregoing am endm ent be subm itted to the people of the S ta te of New Y ork a t the next,general election.

S t a t e o f N e w Y o r k , i . In Assem bly, March 30, 1892. i

The foregoing resolution w as du!v passed, a m ajority of all the m em bers elected to th e As­sembly voting in favoi thereof.

By o rd er of the Assembly.CHARLES R, ] ) e FREEST,

o lerk .S ta te o f New Y o rk , i

, . I n S e n a t e . March 13, 1S92. ('The foregoing resolurion w as duly passed, a

m ajority o f ail the senato rs e lected voting in favor thereof.

By o rd er o f the Senate,CHARLES T. DUNNING,

„ Clerk.S t a t e o f N e w Y o r k , i

Office of the S e c r e ta r y o f S ta te , u ' 4’ ’I have com pared the preceding copy of con­

cu rren t resolution, proposing an am endm ent to section ten. artic le three of the Cons itr tio n w itli tbe original concurren t resolution on file in thisoffice, and I do hereby certify th a t the game i,s aco rrect, tra n scrip t, t h e r e fro m , an d o f th e w h o lethereof. (Published pu rsuan t to a rtic le th irteenof the S ta te Const!tu ion, and ch ap te r six hun ­dred and eighty of tlie Law s of eighteen hun­dred and ninety-tw o, in tw o public new spapers in each eouniy, in s id h ta te , represen ting re ­spectively the tw o political parties pollicg the highest num ber of vores a t the ia s t general elee- tiou , and in one add itional new spaper in each eouniy fo r every one hundred thousand people in such county, as show n by the. la s t preceding S ta te enum eration.)

Given under m y hand and the seal of office of th e Secretary ol S ta te , a t the City of Albany, th is first day7 of

ID S.j August, in the y ear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred an d ninety- two.

FRANK RICE, S ecretary o t S ta le .

The following a re the form s o f h a ’lots to be used in voting on said am enum cn t:

FORtl e proposed am endm ent to section (en, a.i (i<-hs th ree of the Constitution, relai ing to the pow ­ers of the tw o houses of the Legislature.

AGAI.sSTthe proposed am endm ent to section fen, a rtic le three of the C onstitution, re la ting to tne pow ers of the tw o houses of tlie L egi-lature.

FRANK RICE,357-W14 Seen ta ry of S ta te .

A m endm ent N um ber Two.

STATE OF NEW YORK,Office cf the Secretary of State,Albany. . 1 ’!rj’i\i x, ' ?.

P u rsu an t t.o the provisions of section seven, chap te r six hundred and eighty, Law s of e igh t­een hundred and ninety-tw o, notice is hereby giveu tlia t the following proposed am endm ent to A rticle six of ihe Com ti tu tion of the S ta te of N ew York wiil he subm itted to th e j'eo p le of tho s-iid S tate, for th e puipose of voting thereon a t the n ex t general election in th b S tate, to be held ou the e ighth day of Novom ber, eighteen hun­d red and ninety-tw o

CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONSProposing an am endm ent to artic le six o f (he co n stitu tion relating to election of add itional Ju stices of the Suprem e Court.

Rrsolvnl, (if tb e seria te concur) T h a t the S ixth A rticle of th e Const it to ion be am ended by a d d ­ing I hereto the following section :

S ection 29 The Legislature at the first session thereof, a f te r the adoption of this am endm ent, shall provide fo r the election a t the genera election n ex t a f te r (he adoption o» th is am en d ­m ent by the e lectors of the first and second jud icial d istric ts o f no t m ore than tw o Jusrices of the Suprem e f’o u rt in addition to the justices of th a t conn, now7 id office in each o f sri-i ju d i­cial d istricts, and one justice of said court, in addition to the justices of th a t co u rt now a u ­thorized bv iavv to be elected in each of t : e fol­lowing judicial d istricts, n am ely : The th ird , fourth, filth sixth, seventh and eighth jud ic ia l d istric ts The jur-tices so elected shall be in ­vested w ith the ir office on the first Monday o f •Tat nary next after th e ir eleorion.

W/n-reas, The foregoing am endm ent to the C orstitu tion w as agreed to by a m ajority of tho mt-mbers elect!-d to each of the houses in rhe year eighteen hundred aud eighty-nine and w as entered in the j mrna) w ith the yeas and nays taken tbereou and referred to th is legislature a fte r pub:ieation there.of fo r th ree m onths pre­vious to the last general election of senato rs.

Resolved: (ir the Assembly concur) T h a t th e foregoing am endm ent ha subm itted to the peo­ple o f the S tate of New Y ork a t th e n e x t gener­al election.

S t a t e o e N e w Y o r k , »In A s s e m b l y , May 7, 1*90 )"

The foregoing resolution w as duly passed, a m ajo rity of all the m em bers of assem bly elec ted voting in favor thereof.

By o rder of th e Assembly,C. A. CHICKERING,

Clerk.S t a t e o f N e w Y o r k . /

I s S e n a t e , April 7, 1890.)' The foregoing resolution was duly passed,

m aj *riiy of a ll th e sena to rs e lected voting favor ̂ hereof - By o rd er of th e Senate.


State of New Yoke , I .Office of the S e c r e t a r y o f S t a t e , f '

I have com pared th e preceding copy o f con­cu rren t resolution, proposing an am endm ent to a rtic le six of (he Constitution, w itn the orig inalco n cu rren t resolution on file in th is office, an d f do hereby certify th a t the sam e is a co rrec t tran sc rip t therefrom , and of ihe w hole thereof. (Published p u rsuan t to a rtic le th irteen of the s ta te C onstitution, and chap ters tw o hundred and fifteen and six hundred and eighty. Laws of eighteen hundred a rd n inety tw o , in tw>> public new spapers in each county, in said S ta te , rep re ­senting respectively th e tw o political parties polling the h ighest num ber of vo tes a t th e la s t genera l election, and in one add itional new s­paper in each county fo r every one hundred thousand people in such county, as show n by the lasc preceding 8ta te enum eration.)

Given u n d er my hand and the seal of c ffice of tbe Secretary of S ta ’e. a t th e City of Albany, th is first day of Au-

[L. S.] gust, in the year of our L ord, one thousand eight hundred and n inety- two.

FRANK RICE, Secretary of S ta te .

The following a re ti e form s o f ballo ts to be used in vo ting thereon :

FORthe proposed am endm ent to artic le six of tb e C onstitu tion, re la ting to election of add itio n a l J u s t ic is o f th e Suprem e Court.

AGAINSTth e proposed am endm ent to a rtic le six of th e ’Constitution, re la ting to election of add itiona l Ju stices o f the Suprem e Court,

FRANK RICE, 357-wH Seoretary of State.
