Corporate Accountability


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• Corporate Accountability

Corporate governance Other definitions

1 Much of the contemporary interest in corporate governance is concerned with

mitigation of the conflicts of interests between stakeholders. Ways of mitigating or preventing these conflicts of interests include the processes, customs, policies,

laws, and institutions which have an impact on the way a company is controlled. An important theme of governance is the

nature and extent of corporate accountability.

Index of ethics articles - C

1 * corporate accountability

United Nations Global Compact - Criticism

1 as an excuse and argument to oppose any binding international

regulation on corporate accountability, and as an entry door to increase corporate influence on

the policy discourse and the development strategies of the United


Corporate social responsibility - Social accounting, auditing, and reporting

1 Social accounting emphasizes the

notion of corporate accountability

Social accounting

1 Social accounting emphasises the notion

of corporate accountability

Social accounting - Accountability vs authority enjoyed

1 In democratic systems, Gray argues, there must then be flows of

information in which those controlling the resources provide accounts to

society of their use of those resources: a system of corporate

accountability.Ibid, esp Ch 3.

Gaza Strip - Hamas rule

1 The Israeli government uses economic means to pressure Hamas. Among other things, it caused Israeli commercial enterprises like banks and

fuel companies to stop doing business with the Gaza Strip. The role of private corporations in the relationship between Israel and the Gaza Strip is an issue that has not been extensively studied.Dana Weiss and Ronen Shamir (2011)

Corporate Accountability to Human Rights: The Case of the Gaza Strip. Harvard Human Rights

Journal, Vol. 24, 1, 155-183.

Environmental Working Group

1 'The Environmental Working Group' (EWG) is an American environmental organization that specializes in research and advocacy in

the areas of Toxicity|toxic chemicals, Agricultural subsidy|agricultural subsidies,

public lands, and Corporate crime|corporate accountability. EWG is a non-profit

organization (501(c)(3)) whose mission, according to their website, is to use the power of public information to protect

public health and the environment.

International Center for Technology Assessment - Other projects

1 ICTA also does a lot of work in the areas of corporate accountability and economics, trying to ensure the

observance of ethical principles as part of business practices. Thus, ICTA is a founding member of the Center for

Corporate Policy that works actively in these

areas.[ Center for Corporate Policy] website

Chip Pitts - Career

1 Recent pro bono litigation in which he has been involved includes EPIC’s

successful lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security

and Transportation Security Administration against the “naked

body scanners,” as well as the Kiobel litigation to preserve the Alien Tort

Statute as a corporate accountability remedy.

Chip Pitts - Works

1 *Human Rights Corporate Accountability Guide: From Law to Norms to Values (BLIHR

Harvard, 2008).

Anti-globalization movement - Influences

1 Stiglitz (another Economic Sciences Nobel prize winner, formerly of the World Bank, author of Globalization

and Its Discontents) and David Korten have made arguments for

drastically improving transparency (humanities)|transparency, for debt relief, land reform, and restructuring

corporate accountability systems

Society of Management Accountants of Canada - Activities

1 CMAs apply expertise in accounting, management and strategy to ensure

corporate accountability and help organizations maintain a long-term

competitive advantage. CMA Canada offers executive development programs, online courses, and

knowledge management publications.

Corporate Accountability International

1 'Corporate Accountability International' (formerly INFACT) is a non-

profit organization, founded in 1977. Their campaign headquarters are in

Boston, Massachusetts and they have offices in Oakland, California, Seattle, Washington, and Bogotá, Colombia.

Currently, their most prominent campaign is [

Think Outside the Bottle].

Corporate Accountability International - History

1 Since 1977 Corporate Accountability International has waged a number of

high-profile campaigns to protect public health, the Natural

environment|environment and democracy from abuse by transnational corporations.

Corporate Accountability International - History

1 From 1977 to 1986 the Infant Formula Campaign and Nestlé boycott|Nestlé

Boycott brought about significant reforms in the life-threatening marketing of infant formula in developing countries. The work of Corporate Accountability International and allies contributed to the passage of

the World Health Organization's International Code of Marketing of Breast-

milk Substitutes in 1981.

Corporate Accountability International - History

1 In 1991, Corporate Accountability International commissioned the

Academy Award winning documentary, Deadly Deception|

Deadly Deception: General Electric, Nuclear Weapons, and Our


Corporate Accountability International - Current campaigns

1 In 1994 Corporate Accountability International launched the

Challenging Big Tobacco Campaign. In 2003, years of campaigning

culminated in the adoption of the world's first public health and

corporate accountability treaty

Corporate Accountability International - Current campaigns

1 In 2004 Corporate Accountability International launched the Think Outside the Bottle Campaign

to promote, protect and ensure public funding for public water systems and challenge

corporations who undermine public confidence in tap water. Recently, Corporate Accountability

International’s Think Outside The Bottle Campaign has garnered international notice.

The campaign has been supported by Salt Lake City mayor Rocky Anderson, who has also begun

his own “Knock Out Bottled Water” website,

Corporate Accountability International - Current campaigns

1 On World Water Day March 22, 2010 Corporate Accountability

International released the film Story of Bottled Water with the Story of

Stuff project.

Corporate Accountability International - Current campaigns

1 In 2009 Corporate Accountability International launched the Value

[The] Meal Campaign challenging corporate abuse of food by the fast

food industry

CorpWatch - Purpose

1 The group's mission is non-profit investigative research and journalism

to expose corporate malfeasance and to advocate for multinational

corporate accountability and transparency

Mark Thomas - Biography

1 Leaving Channel 4 was a mutual decision, following a series of disputes over how far the channel would go in its broadcasting, one of which concerned the channel's reluctance to

support actions concerning corporate accountability and corporate manslaughter

(England and Wales)|corporate manslaughter laws — a cause he had campaigned for — which coincided with Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon|the Queen Mother's funeral. He declined to take part in a

proposed Celebrity Guantanamo Bay 'reality TV' show.

One share, one vote - Other definitions

1 15 An important theme of governance is the nature and extent of corporate accountability.

Procedure (term)

1 A Procedure is designed to describe Who, What, Where, When, and Why by means of establishing corporate

accountability in support of the implementation of a policy

Ronald McDonald - McDonald's version

1 In 2010, the Corporate Accountability International in Boston,

Massachusetts suggested Ronald McDonald should retire due to

childhood obesity, however McDonald's CEO Jim Skinner

said there are no plans to retire Ronald McDonald.

Ronald McDonald - McDonald's version

1 On May 18, 2011, Corporate Accountability International renewed their call to retire Ronald McDonald, by running ads in major newspapers

and launching several web pages dedicated to the retirement of the


National Whistleblower Center

1 The 'National Whistleblowers Center' (NWC) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, tax exempt, educational and advocacy organization,

founded and operated by the employment lawyers Kohn, Kohn and Colapinto, based in

Washington, D.C.. Since its founding in 1988, the Center has worked on whistleblower cases relating to

environmental protection, nuclear safety, and government and corporate


National Whistleblower Center - Mission

1 Since 1988, NWC has supported whistleblowers in the courts and

before Congress, achieving victories for environmental protection, nuclear

safety, government ethics and corporate accountability

Qualifications for professional social work - Australia

1 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is an ongoing

requirement of accredited membership of the AASW and must incorporate accountability, gaining

new knowledge and information skill development (CPD Policy 2011/12,


Government Accountability Project

1 A nonprofit public interest group, GAP litigates whistleblower cases, helps

expose wrongdoing to the public, and actively promotes government and

corporate accountability

Global Exchange - Activities and programs

1 The Economic Activism for Palestine project focuses on corporate accountability for

human rights and international law violations from companies profiting from the occupation

in Palestine. The program targets corporations that are directly involved in Israeli settlement activity in the occupied

West Bank – contributing to and perpetuating the restriction of Palestinian basic rights and in the exploitation of Palestinian resources

and Labor (economics)|labor.

Bottled water - Bottled water versus tap water

1 The Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, and World Wildlife Fund have urged their

supporters to consume less bottled water. Anti-bottled-water-campaigns and organizations, such as Corporate Accountability International, typically argue that bottled water is no better than tap water, and emphasize the

detrimental environmental side-effects of disposable plastic bottles.

Tort reform - Disputed issues

1 They contend that limitations on punitive damages and other

restrictions on plaintiff's traditional rights will reduce corporate


Frances Moore Lappé - Biography

1 In 2009 she joined the advisory board of Corporate Accountability

International|Corporate Accountability International's Value

the Meal campaign.

Q’orianka Kilcher - Activism

1 Kilcher recently launched her own youth-driven human rights and environmental organization

On-q Initiative,[ Peru Youth 4 Truth] to connect young Hollywood with youth activist leaders and projects from around the world in

support of environmental sustainability, corporate accountability, and basic human

rights. Through her production company, IQ-Films, Kilcher is producing several cause-driven

documentaries and youth-programming projects.

Corporate responsibility - Accounting, auditing and reporting

1 Social accounting emphasizes the notion of corporate accountability. Crowther defines

social accounting as an approach to reporting a firm’s activities which stresses the need for the identification of socially relevant behavior, the determination of

those to whom the company is accountable for its social performance and the

development of appropriate measures and reporting techniques.

Amazon Watch

1 'Amazon Watch' is a nonprofit organization

Founded in 1996,' based in Oakland, California. It works to protect the rainforest

and advance the rights of indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin. It partners with

indigenous and environmental organizations in Ecuador, Peru, Colombia and Brazil in campaigns for human rights, corporate

accountability and the preservation of the Amazon's ecological systems.

John McKay (politician) - Corporate Accountability of Mining, Oil and Gas Corporations in Developing Countries Act - Bill C-300

1 Bill C- 300, also cited as the Corporate Accountability of Mining,

Oil and Gas Corporations in Developing Countries Act, has the

stated purpose of promoting environmental best practices and to ensure the protection and promotion

of international human rights standards in respect of the mining,

oil or gas activities of Canadian corporations in developing countries

John McKay (politician) - Corporate Accountability of Mining, Oil and Gas Corporations in Developing Countries Act - Bill C-300

1 King, Ogilvy Renault LLP, [

sector---an-environmental-law-perspective-on-bill-c-300.aspx?sub=11 CSR in the Mining Sector - An environmental law perspective on Bill C-

300]BDO Dunwoody Weekly CEO/Business Leader Poll - [ Compas

Survey on C-300]Fraser Institute - [

“Private member’s bill unfairly targets Canadian mining industry”] However, Bill C-300 is also supported by a wide array of public

academics, and NGOs both internationally and within Canada.

Supporters of the Bill include (but are not limited to): Amnesty International, the Halifax Initiative, Make Poverty History, MiningWatch Canada, Africa Files, World Vision, The North-South Institute, Canadian

Labour Congress, Development and Peace (Canada), Ecojustice Canada, Rights and Democracy, Social Justice Committee of Montreal, and

Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability

Karen Silkwood - Death

1 PBS Frontline (U.S. TV series)|Frontline produced the program, Nuclear Reaction, which included aspects of the Silkwood story. Its

website for the program includes The Karen Silkwood Story, as printed in

1995 in Los Alamos Science. The PBS program covered the risks of Nuclear

power|nuclear energy and raised questions about corporate

accountability and responsibility.

Aitken Spence - Corporate sustainability

1 Aitken Spence's sustainability framework is rated platinum and has been ranked 2nd in the STING Corporate Accountability Index

2012, where corporate accountability performance of 63 corporate entities of Sri

Lanka—LMD 50 companies, 9 SOEs on compulsory basis—were analyzed. STING Consultants have also recognized Aitken

Spence's Integrated Sustainability Policy as ‘Best in Class for Policy Coverage’ in 2011

and 2012.
