Cord Blood 2013 Workshop Morning Session Introduction to ... · Cord Blood Inspection &...


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Cord BloodInspection & Accreditation

WorkshopJune 92013


Morning Session8:00 am Welcome Phyllis Warkentin, MD

8:30 am Fifth Edition NetCord-FACT Cord Blood Standards Phyllis Warkentin, MD

9:15 am Cord Blood Research and its Impact on Banks Pamela Clark, MS, BS, MT(ASCP)

10:15 am Break

10:30 am Following the Accreditation Process in FACTWeb Ramona Repaczki-Jones, MSE

11:15 am Lunch

Introduction to Cord Blood Issues in Cord Blood Banking Track Inspections Track 11:45 am Cord Blood Bank Inspection Cord Blood Unit Specifications

Robyn Rodwell, PhD Michele Carbone, MS, CLS, MT(ASCP)

12:30 pm Collection Site Inspections Written Agreements

Phyllis Warkentin, MD Jean Sanders, MD

1:15 pm Processing Facility Inspections Validation Studies

Michele Carbone, MS, CLS, MT(ASCP) Robyn Rodwell, PhD

2:00 pm Quality Management Programs Donor Informed Consent and Evaluation

Jean Sanders, MD Phyllis Warkentin, MD

2:45 pm Break

Afternoon Session3:00 pm Critical Quality Attributes of Cord Blood Units -

Post-Processing and Post-Thaw Robyn Rodwell, PhD

3:45 pm Common Citations Michele Carbone, MS, CLS, MT(ASCP)

4:15 pm Mock Inspection Videos Robyn Rodwell, PhD

4:30 pm Expert Panel Michele Carbone, MS, CLS, MT(ASCP); Robyn Rodwell, PhD; Ramona Repaczki-Jones, MSE; Jean Sanders, MD

5:00 pm Adjourn
