Copyright MMXVI - AmondaRose Igoe – Your Speaking ...2017/04/08  · From my heart to your heart,...


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Copyright MMXVI - AmondaRose Igoe – Your Speaking Success Strategist

(800) 610-9056 (Toll-Free) / (561) 498-8919 (Office) /


Copyright MMXVI - AmondaRose Igoe – Your Speaking Success Strategist

(800) 610-9056 (Toll-Free) / (561) 498-8919 (Office) /


It is time to amplify your speaking results!

Congratulations on making a great decision to receive my

FREE Report - "8 High Performance Speaking Tips so YOU can

Double or Triple Your Speaking Results and your Revenue!"

I wish I could tell you that there was a magic pill to achieving

extraordinary speaking success. There isn't. However, you

absolutely can improve your results if you have the dedication,

passion and commitment that is needed. At first, you might

find what I am going to share with you may be unlike anything you have learned

before. I promise you, I am here to help you achieve your ultimate speaking desires.

Thanks for taking the first step.

From my heart to your heart, I want to thank you for trusting me with your time

and energy. Before you take the fist step in creating more clients and cashflow and

begin reading my "8 High Performance Speaking Tips so YOU can Double or Triple

Your Speaking Results!", I thought you would appreciate knowing a little bit about

me and the how and why I do what I do.

Fate Stepped In and Threw Me a Curve Ball

Copyright MMXVI - AmondaRose Igoe – Your Speaking Success Strategist

(800) 610-9056 (Toll-Free) / (561) 498-8919 (Office) /


Today I am “Your Speaking Success Strategist” and the Creator of the Invincible

Speaker Systems to Amplify Your Impact and Income. As a result, most people

think that being a public speaking expert and successful business owner is

something that came easy to me. Nothing could be further from the truth. In

actuality, it was the exact opposite.

Fate often has a totally different plan for us. That is what happened to me! As I

look back on the past, I would say I used to be a status quo type of gal who never

stretched herself out of her comfort zones, until fate unexpectedly stepped into my

life and threw me a curve ball.

In 1999, I had taken a job with a non-profit organization as a fund raiser. When I

took the job, they didn’t tell me that I had to speak to groups of a 100 or more to

raise funds. I had been a social worker for many years prior to this and had zero

public speaking experience.

When I found this out, I knew I was either going to sink or swim. I was committed

to swimming so I invested in public speaking training programs to learn as much as

I could about presenting so that I didn’t embarrass myself and lose my job.

When it came to learning about the art of public speaking, my initial hesitation was

replaced by the excitement and creative spark I felt during my first presentation.

Before I knew it, I was like a sponge. I wanted to learn as much as I could and I

was determined to master the secrets and the tricks of the trade – and I did!

As a result, I discovered that public speaking could be exciting and fun. The best

part was it tapped into creative abilities I didn’t even know I had. There is nothing

more satisfying, more empowering, than overcoming a limiting belief and roadblock

that once held you back.

In 2004, I made a decision to leave my job and began doing my own personal

development seminars to help others connect with their true passion and purpose in

Copyright MMXVI - AmondaRose Igoe – Your Speaking Success Strategist

(800) 610-9056 (Toll-Free) / (561) 498-8919 (Office) /


life. I quickly discovered that the majority of my clients lacked an essential

professional and personal success skill, how to be a confident and powerful public

speaker. As a result, I began focusing my programs on helping individuals

overcome their public speaking challenges and showing them how to master the art

of professional speaking.

When I took that job in 1999, I never imagined that it would lead me to owning a

business and having a career that I was truly passionate about. Since I left that job

in 2004 and started my own business, I have never looked back. I get to do what I

love to do everyday because I get to help others step into the speaking spotlight so

they can go from invisible to influential.

As a result of overcoming my own significant speaking challenges

and limited beliefs, I have dedicated my life to helping business

owners, entrepreneurs and visionary leaders maximize the profound

power of speaking to create more money, clients and breakthroughs

in their business. I feel incredibly blessed because the power of what

I do now helps my clients from around the globe including North

America, Germany, Switzerland, Romania, England and Australia.

As an Award Winning Speaking Expert and Best Selling Author, I feel

incredibly blessed that today I am widely regarded as an expert in the

field of public speaking. I am the author of “Pain-Free Public Speaking”

and “Share Your Story” and am a contributing author in the number #1

Best Selling book series “Chicken Soup for the Soul.” I have helped

clients from around the globe overcome their biggest speaking mistakes and

achieve massive monetary results. I have trained and coached business

professionals in over 20 different countries.

I have enjoyed every step of my journey into public speaking, especially discovering

my unique ability to help others. Everyday, I get to use my unique talents and gifts

to help my clients connect with the mind, heart and spirit of their audiences and

Copyright MMXVI - AmondaRose Igoe – Your Speaking Success Strategist

(800) 610-9056 (Toll-Free) / (561) 498-8919 (Office) /


ultimately reach new heights. As a result, some of my clients have been featured in

the news, on the radio and in print. I am often humbled when my clients attest

that I impart my talent so incredibly that the benefits are priceless.

If you have had challenges or roadblocks with public speaking, know that if I can do

it, so can you! There is hope! I am no different than you. If you are ready to let go

of those things that hold you back and move past what keeps you stuck, there is a

feeling of freedom, pride, and power waiting for you. All you need is the willingness

and the desire to take one step in the right direction - NOW. Public speaking brings

out the best in everyone and gives them the ability to let their magnificent light

shine so that others may do the same. It will bring out the best in you too! Once

you learn what to do - you will never be the same.

High Performance Speaking Tip # 1

Open with a Bang

Your audience has so many other things on their mind. They have long to do lists,

sick children at home, pressures at work and so on. This is why you never want to

open your presentation by asking your audience a question like this "How is

everybody today?" Usually you will get one or two individuals that will respond with

a simple "Good."

If you were in a presentation and the speaker opened their talk with “How is

everyone doing this evening?” would it grab your attention?

Yep, you are right. That is a big “No!”

You always want to start your speech with something that reminds them of why

they need to be there and clearly indicates that you have something important to

Copyright MMXVI - AmondaRose Igoe – Your Speaking Success Strategist

(800) 610-9056 (Toll-Free) / (561) 498-8919 (Office) /


say. You only have a few seconds to grab the attention of your audience and set

the stage for the rest of your presentation so you need to open with a bang.

When I work with my clients on designing their customized “Signature Presentation

that Sells”, I create for them an opening that has their audience visualize a powerful

and emotion based experience. The purpose is to get the audience to deeply

connect with the reason they are there and why they need to listen to the presenter.

When visualization is done correctly, it says to the audience that the speaker has

something important to say and it is in their best interest to pay attention. It works

every time like magic!

Remember, your opening sets the tone of your presentation and it is a crucial factor

in whether a presentation is financially successful. If your opening doesn’t grab

them, it makes it so much harder to get their attention as you move through your


To get the results you want, you do want to spend a significant amount of time on

creating and practicing your opening. It has the potential to be truly powerful so

give it the time and energy it needs.

High Performance Speaking Tip # 2

The Non-Verbal Advantage

Most people think that great speakers are masters of their words. That is partially

true. They are also masters of their facial expressions, harnessing the power of their

voice and utilizing the right body language.

When your words don't match what your body is doing, the non-verbal

communication will win every single time. Non-verbal communication, your body

language, is 55% of your communication so it is super important. To create the

Copyright MMXVI - AmondaRose Igoe – Your Speaking Success Strategist

(800) 610-9056 (Toll-Free) / (561) 498-8919 (Office) /


speaking results you want, you need to make sure that your body is in absolute

alignment with your words.

For example, many individuals believe that standing behind a podium when they are

presenting is a good thing. I absolutely disagree. The podium actually creates a wall

between you and your audience. If they can't see your ENTIRE body, it says to them

from a body language perspective that you have something to hide.

In addition, when speakers are using a podium they tend to grab it with both hands.

What does their body language say at that time? It says they are hanging on to it

for dear life and appear to be nervous. Ultimately, that says they can’t be trusted.

If you want to stand out in a good way when it comes to body language, you need

to avoid this common assumption. Many people just assume their body language is

okay, until they either invest in a video camera and see it for themselves, or have

someone like me carefully critique their non-verbal communication skills.

You would be really surprised at how many people clench their fists, sway their

bodies, awkwardly lean, and bob their heads without realizing it. Once you find out

what isn’t working when it comes to your body language, you can then fix it. Get

clear on what your body is doing when you are speaking because it will change the

way you present forever.

High Performance Speaking Tip # 3

Perfectly Imperfect

I am extremely passionate about teaching others how to be their best when it

comes to speaking. However, on a rare occasion the need to be the best can have

a downside such as when you are trying to be perfect during your presenting. The

end result is that you are so caught up in being perfect that you end up appearing

Copyright MMXVI - AmondaRose Igoe – Your Speaking Success Strategist

(800) 610-9056 (Toll-Free) / (561) 498-8919 (Office) /


inauthentic, unnatural and stiff. As a result, when you become stiff and constricted,

it distances you from the audience and you loose the authentic, inviting and

comfortable you in the process.

So how can you be “Perfectly Imperfect” and still achieve a new level of speaking

success? Here are two important ways:

# 1 - If you make an unplanned mistake that is clearly a challenge, here is a simple

way to handle those types of presentation imperfections.

� If your mistake may impact your credibility, appears really obvious and you

suspect your audience noticed it, find a fun way to turn it into a fun joke or

humorous story. You audience may think that you made the mistake on

purpose to make them laugh. When that happens those situations are

priceless and you just turned a negative into a positive.

# 2 - If you tend to be perfect and rarely make a mistake, how do you find

perfection in those “minor” imperfections?

� If you are one of those “totally perfect speakers” who never messes up

consider this – plan in two to three little mistakes in your presentation to

show that you are a human being that the audience can relate to. It can be

as simple as a verbal blunder like using an “ah” or an “um”. (Remember, I

am not recommending you use ahs and ums all the time because if you use

them regularly they can absolutely hinder your presentation.) Keep your pre-

planned mistakes simple, subtle and natural looking. The key is to ensure

that when you make a small mistake your audience will be able to relate to

you which can ultimately improve sales.

High Performance Speaking Tip # 4

Copyright MMXVI - AmondaRose Igoe – Your Speaking Success Strategist

(800) 610-9056 (Toll-Free) / (561) 498-8919 (Office) /


Giving It All Away For Free

One of the biggest challenges I see is the “Giving It All Away For Free” presentation

model. Before I get into why it is a serious challenge, I need to be crystal clear

that I am a true believer in delivering amazing content for your audiences because if

you truly give great content they will love you forever and will sing your praises to

everyone they know.

HOWEVER, here is where “Giving It All Away For Free” presentation model becomes

a BIG PROBLEM. Too many speakers don’t know the difference between giving

value and giving away too much of their highly desired information for free. There

is a fine line between the two!

To double or triple your sales, you must include two strategies when you are


1. Your presentation content needs to ensure that your audience is receiving

valuable information that they are genuinely excited about it. You want them

to feel good!

2. Your presentation content must leave them wanting more. Even though you

have provided great content, you audience still needs to see you as their next

step. If you don’t do this, it is highly unlikely that your audience will purchase

your products, programs and services. You may have a few purchases,

however it will be limited.

How do you know when you are giving away too much information for free and you

need to change what you are doing? It will become crystal clear to you if you have

ever heard someone say to you:

♥ “That was a great presentation. I have so much to do before I can hire you.”

Copyright MMXVI - AmondaRose Igoe – Your Speaking Success Strategist

(800) 610-9056 (Toll-Free) / (561) 498-8919 (Office) /


♥ “Wow! That was awesome. I have such a long to do list. I don’t know where

to begin. Plus, I can’t work with you until I get all these things finished.”

♥ “You gave us everything we needed. I can’t thank you enough. I know

exactly what I need to do now.”

If you have ever heard those dreaded words, you will need to make some changes

because your audience believes they can either do it without you or they can’t work

with you until they apply all the principles you shared with them. This may be a

huge wake up call for you!

When I am creating my own presentation content and working with my clients on

developing theirs, I always ask myself this critical question “Did I leave them

wanting more?” Make sure you do this too! It will be the deciding factor on

whether what you are currently doing is working for you or if you need to start

making some significant changes :-)

High Performance Speaking Tip # 5

Undervaluing You!

Most presenters know what their products and services do. However, they have

only touched the surface and never looked at how their products or services truly

change lives on a deep level. So much so they are not crystal clear on how to

express their real value to an audience.

First, you need to take some time to really think about the impact you are having

on the lives of others, learn how to really own it and share it. If everyone in your

audience moved forward with your programs, how would it impact them in a

positive way Financially? Physically? Emotionally? As it pertains to their

Relationships? When you think about this, you will realize how significant your

Copyright MMXVI - AmondaRose Igoe – Your Speaking Success Strategist

(800) 610-9056 (Toll-Free) / (561) 498-8919 (Office) /


impact is. Get crystal clear on the power of your impact before you implement the

next step.

Secondly, when you are creating your presentation, think about how you can add

into your talk specific results that those who do invest in your programs and

services achieve. You may find sharing a positive client experience an easy way to

incorporate this principle into your talk that showcases the results they achieved

from working with you.

For example, I have had many clients that are business coaches who want to create

more clients and income with speaking. They often don’t acknowledge the real day

to day impact they have on their clients so when it comes to presenting they tend to

leave this out. They may be hesitant to speak about it because they don’t want to

appear arrogant or cocky.

If you really think about the impact a business coach can have on a life it is

significant. They have the ability to take a struggling business and turn it around so

that it is successful. As a result, the owner's lives have changed, thus avoiding

things like bankruptcy, foreclosure on their home, personal struggles and the list

goes on. It will certainly amp up their results if they shared these types of things

with an audience rather than assuming they can figure it out on their own.

When it comes to you and your business, you have to be willing to “speak it” aloud

to your audiences and tell them about the power of what you do. Otherwise, they

won’t see the real value of you and your offer. It is time for your audiences to know

how amazing you and/or your programs are.

High Performance Speaking Tip # 6

Avoid the Boring and Uninspired

Copyright MMXVI - AmondaRose Igoe – Your Speaking Success Strategist

(800) 610-9056 (Toll-Free) / (561) 498-8919 (Office) /


When you are thinking about registering for a presentation or training event, what

is one of the first things that grabs your attention? If you said “The title”, you are

spot on! A boring and uninspired title will absolutely lead to lack luster results

because if no one shows up or just a few, you may be wondering why should I


Would you go to a presentation that was titled something like the 3 listed below?

� Pathway to Health

� Sugar Blues

� Relationship Relief

I am pretty sure you are saying something like “No way! They all sound boring!”

That is exactly what a prospective audience member would think. You never want

this to happen to you. That is why your presentation title must be memorable and

enticing at the same time so that it says to the potential attendee “You need to be


Your presentation title is an essential key element in every presentation. It has to

tell people why they need to be there and what they will learn from you. This is

often the deciding factor whether a prospective guest or team member attends the

presentation or not.

In your title you want to showcase that they will be receiving something special as it

pertains to the information you are sharing. To help you do that you may want to

consider using one of my favorite words to include in your next title such as:

� Secrets

� Tools

� Ways

� Tips

� Strategies

Copyright MMXVI - AmondaRose Igoe – Your Speaking Success Strategist

(800) 610-9056 (Toll-Free) / (561) 498-8919 (Office) /


The words listed above will automatically say to a prospective audience member

that there is something specific they will be receiving which is really enticing to

someone who is reading it.

Remember to keep your titles power packed, easy to read and focused on what the

audience wants. Once you complete your title, ask yourself is it clear, concise and

showcases the end results your audiences are craving.

High Performance Speaking Tip # 7

EC Matters

If you want to leave a lasting impression on your audience, you need your audience

to hear your information, as well as get them to feel and experience what you are

sharing. This is where the Emotional Connection (EC) to your content and your

offer is key.

Most presenters focus on an over abundance of data which makes it seem like they

are talking at the audience rather than having an appealing conversation with them.

The speaker ends up never really engaging the audience in their presentation. As a

result, the audience ends up with a bunch of information flying around their head

that they never really connect with which ensures that they will never apply it.

The information you are sharing with your audience must go from their “head” to

their “heart.” Let me explain. When your content and offer goes from the head

(data based) to the heart (emotion based), that is where they will ultimately say

“That’s for me! I want that!”

Copyright MMXVI - AmondaRose Igoe – Your Speaking Success Strategist

(800) 610-9056 (Toll-Free) / (561) 498-8919 (Office) /


People move forward and/or take action primarily because of emotional impact and

connection. There is a small percentage of the logical mind that is being used and

the majority is the emotional mind that makes the final decision.

A key element in getting them to emotionally connect is to find unique ways to have

your audience participate in your presentation from envisioning a personal

experience to answering thought provoking questions.

To help you really see the power of emotional connection and how it can leave a life

changing impression on your audience, let me share with you a powerful statistic by

William Glasser.

Your Audience Will Remember:

� 10% of what they READ

� 20% of what they HEAR

� 30% of what they SEE

� 50% of what they SEE AND HEAR

� 70% of what they DISCUSS


� 80% of what they EXPERIENCE PERSONALLY

From your opening to your closing, think Emotional Connection and how you can get

the audience to experience what you are saying personally. If you can effectively

get your audience to emotionally experience the information you are sharing with

them, including your offer, you will skyrocket the results for you and your audience.

High Performance Speaking Tip # 8

Seize the Opportunity

Copyright MMXVI - AmondaRose Igoe – Your Speaking Success Strategist

(800) 610-9056 (Toll-Free) / (561) 498-8919 (Office) /


The sad reality is a lot of individuals will read this and never get out there and start

speaking more. They have all the best intentions; however self sabotage and

limiting beliefs are key factors that often get in the way. Those beliefs may be

showing up in your life as procrastination, self-doubt and/or buying into other

people’s negativity.

I hope with all my heart that you are not one of them and you really seize the

opportunity that speaking can provide for you. Now is the time for you to start

speaking more. If you are committed to showing up in this world by being bolder,

bigger and brighter then it is essential that you start speaking to more people,

especially live audiences.

The reality is that speaking is the #1 way to grow your business! Here are the clear

reasons why.

1) When you are the one presenting the information to an audience and you do it

well, you are seen as a TRUE LEADER and EXPERT in your industry. People want to

do business with individuals they believe are experts who can really help them get

what they want. When we are presenting, we all have the ability to showcase our

expert skills and abilities. It is the BEST WAY!

Many of the audience members that attend my live presentations and decide to

work with me do so because I can clearly showcase that I am a leading expert in

the speaking industry. Because they have seen me present which highlights my

abilities, it become crystal clear to them that I can help them get what they want

and need, such as helping them craft their signature presentation and delivering

their presentation with high impact.

2) Have you ever heard the saying “People do business with people they know, like

and trust”? When you are speaking to a live audience, you have a significant

advantage vs. a virtual event like a webinar. They get to see you live which can

clearly help you build an undeniable rapport with them -- that just can’t be done in

Copyright MMXVI - AmondaRose Igoe – Your Speaking Success Strategist

(800) 610-9056 (Toll-Free) / (561) 498-8919 (Office) /


internet based presentations. When they can see you live, it is much easier for them

to relate to you and know you are someone they can TRUST which absolutely

increases conversion ratios (people buying from you!)

3) Picture yourself speaking to one person at a time. Now see yourself speaking to

your ideal audience. There can be 20, 50, 100 or 1000s in your audience. Does it

make sense to speak to one person at a time when you could be presenting to

groups? Which one do you think is a better use of your time?

Yes, when you are speaking to audiences instead of one to one you get to maximize

your time, knowledge and energy. You can spend your time talking to one person

at a time or you can share the same information with 20, 50 or 1000s of people at a

time. And because you’re the expert speaker, they will see your time, knowledge

and energy as having a higher value than if they met you at a networking meeting.

If you want to work smarter and not harder, it makes total sense that speaking is

#1 way to maximize your time, knowledge and energy. It does that for me and for

my clients, it can do that for you too! It is time to seize the opportunity!

Final Thoughts

If you’re not already doing so, it is time to step into the speaking spotlight! Bravo

for being proactive by taking this first step. You are on the right path to

significantly improving your presentation skills and making a bigger difference in the

lives of others. Extraordinary presenters are committed to learning and growing so

they can master the art of speaking and ultimately have the impact, influence and

income they truly desire.

Success is Your Destiny!


Copyright MMXVI - AmondaRose Igoe – Your Speaking Success Strategist

(800) 610-9056 (Toll-Free) / (561) 498-8919 (Office) /


P.S. If you have any questions at all about designing your key points, delivering

your closing, creating your signature presentation, or booking speaking

opportunities … go to and contact me. I’ll be sure to

personally read your message and get back to you just as soon as I can.

Need More Help? Read My Raving Client Reviews

“We are thrilled with the results! We put the new strategy for making an offer from the stage into immediate use and for the first time in many years, we had a long line of people waiting to enroll. Instantaneous tangible results - you can't beat that!” Aimée Lyndon-Adams

“AmondaRose, I love your professional approach along with your great energy and awesome personality! Your process moved me along quickly, was super well organized and led me to my end goal smoothly. Work with AmondaRose because it will catapult you to the head of the

line!” Janet Grosshandler

“I can’t thank AmondaRose enough for the impact she has had on my business. She has helped me deliver a message that resonates with my target audience. If you want to reach new heights in your business through speaking, AmondaRose is the coach for you.” Gloria Rand

“All I can say first of all is RUN; don’t walk, if you have an opportunity to hire AmondaRose. Do not hesitate. Just do it. It will be the best decision you ever made. AmondaRose taught me how to literally DOUBLE my income in one day.” Cindy Ruccolo
