Copyright © 2009 NDIA PMSC Robert Loop August 2009 NDIA PMSC Guides Working Group Status


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Copyright © 2009 NDIA PMSC

Robert LoopAugust 2009

NDIA PMSC Guides Working Group Status

Copyright © 2009 NDIA PMSC. All rights reserved.


Bob Loop (Lead) Lockheed MartinJames Brasell UnisysShelli Debardi MCRIMarty Doucette Pilgrim Companions, IncDale Gillam SAICScott Gring Lockheed MartinAllen Knapp Robbins-GioiaBill Mendelsohn ITTMatthew Pflieger BattelleDave Roberts Navigant ConsultingTodd Schulzetenberg RaytheonMitzi Shepard Lockheed MartinEd Silvia Raytheon

Note: We Request Government Participation.


Copyright © 2009 NDIA PMSC. All rights reserved.


Brief Summary of Existing Guides

ANSI EIA 748 Intent Guide – To define what is the intended meaning of the ANSI-EIA 748 Guidelines. Primary Customers: Industry, DOD, Civilian Agency.

Surveillance Guide – To define how a company demonstrates on-going compliance to the ANSI-EIA 748 Guidelines. Primary Customers: Industry, DOD, Civilian Agency.

The Program Manager’s Guide to IBRs – To define how to conduct an IBR. Primary Customers: All FAR/DFAR Agencies and Industry.

System Acceptance Guide – To define how to obtain initial acceptance of

compliance to the ANSI-EIA 748 Guidelines. Primary Customers: Civilian Agency.

Application Guide – To define how to use the other NDIA PMSC guides. Primary Customers: Civilian Agency.

Copyright © 2009 NDIA PMSC. All rights reserved.


Strategic Goal, Purpose & History of Guides

Strategic Goal– Produce/update, and maintain guides as supplements to the

ANSI/EIA 748 Standard that are recognized and useful to both industry and government

Strategic Purpose & History– The guides were developed as supplemental guidance to support the

implementation of ANSI-EIA 748.

– The guides are used to some extent by both industry and customer communities.

– All of the guides are recognized by the OMB or OSD documentation.

– Each guide was produced by the committee at the request of the government. According both industry and government have vested interests in the guides and a stake in this strategic plan.

– The guides are part of industry’s commitment as the subject matter experts of the ANSI-EIA guidelines.

Copyright © 2009 NDIA PMSC. All rights reserved.



Conducted community wide and anonymously

Collected context information on the responders

Focus on determining the degree of use and specific updates needed for each existing guide

Ended with two open ended questions to allow for future requirements not yet addressed

Results have been examined and discussed as part of the weekly working group activities

Copyright © 2009 NDIA PMSC. All rights reserved.


Summary Points

209 people responded Categorization of Responders:

– Contractor (67.9%)– Advanced Agreement (47.1%)– Large Company (48.8%)– EVM Focal Point (34.1%); PM (22%)

Degree of Use of Guides:

Use / Guide Intent Surveillance IBR Acceptance Application

Often 34.9% 13.0% 14.9% 5.9% 6.3%

Some 41.1% 39.1% 38.9% 27.0% 31.6%

Rarely/Never 23.9% 47.8% 43.2% 67.2% 62.1%

Copyright © 2009 NDIA PMSC. All rights reserved.


Category # Intent Surv IBR Accept Appl

Consultant 40 80.0% 52.5% 47.5% 42.5% 37.5%

Contractor 142 76.1% 53.6% 53.2% 28.8% 36.0%

EVM Focal 71 94.4% 57.1% 65.7% 31.4% 37.5%

No AA 88 65.9% 38.6% 48.9% 33.7% 37.5%

Civilian Gov 7 71.4% 42.9% 71.4% 42.9% 57.9%

Total 209 76.1% 52.2% 56.8% 32.8% 37.9%

Note: The sum of the individual responses does not equal 209 as the responses can overlap.

Splits by Subcategory – Use/Not UsePercentages Reflect the Sum of Often & Some Use.

Red – Below the Average; Green – Above the Average

Copyright © 2009 NDIA PMSC. All rights reserved.


Themes from the Comments (1 of 2)

Need for clear purpose for each guide and context to other guides along with consistency

Alignment of guides with other guides and documents in government and industry

Trade off between high level overview documents vs. detailed procedural manuals (need more breadth and depth)

Desire for detailed templates, checklists and practical examples

Clear strategy for updates, finalization, and dissemination of guides

Need to overcome different interpretation issues

Importance of government and industry acceptance and consistency in use of guides

Copyright © 2009 NDIA PMSC. All rights reserved.


Themes from the Comments (2 of 2)

Alignment with project management practices (e.g., PMI, WBS Handbook)

Detailed practices on project planning and scheduling

Discussions on program versus project level EVM

Consideration for the roles of prime versus subcontractor when implementing one EVMS

Better incorporation of risk management practices

Best practices on baseline revisions and change control

Addressing EVM scaling and tailoring

Lessons learned in obtaining and maintaining an EVM validation (e.g., Validation Reviews, Surveillance)

Increase awareness and use of the guides

Copyright © 2009 NDIA PMSC. All rights reserved.


Last Points on the Survey

We have sliced and examined the objective data from many vantage points

There were many other comments not summarized that will be addressed in the guide update process.

Copyright © 2009 NDIA PMSC. All rights reserved.


The Draft Strategic Plan

Purpose of working group:– Assess the user requirements to determine if any guides should

be eliminated or if new guides are needed.

– Determine if the existing guides need updated.

– Implement the changes required to the existing guides.

– Establish a process for how the PMSC guides will be maintained and controlled.

Copyright © 2009 NDIA PMSC. All rights reserved.


Strategic Plan - Commitment to Maintaining Guides

We must have a plan for continual updates and maintenance of the guides

We need to formally publish all guides

We will commit to a two year update maintenance cycle with a target release of a revised guide in the third year

The EVMS Intent Guide is the exception in that revisions should be minimally linked to the ANSI/EIA 748 Standard update cycle

Guides may be updated more frequently

Copyright © 2009 NDIA PMSC. All rights reserved.


Strategic Plan - Special Interest Topics

The following special interest topics need to be addressed within existing guides as areas of emphasis, appendices; or as white papers or as supplemental publications.– Planning and scheduling

– Program versus Project Level EVM

– Prime versus Subcontractor Issue

– Risk management

– Revision and change control

– EVM scaling and tailoring

– Lessons learned in obtaining and maintaining an EVM validation

Copyright © 2009 NDIA PMSC. All rights reserved.


Strategic Plan - Priority and Schedule of Updates Priorities

– The Program Manager’s Guide to IBRs– ANSI EIA 748 Intent Guide– Surveillance– System Acceptance– Application

IBR Guide Update Plan (Tentative)– August 2009 – PMSC approval to move forward– September 30, 2009 – Publication of detailed update plan to

community with call for comments. Comment period ends with Fall IPM conference.

– March 31st, 2010 – Draft IBR Guide review copy– April 15th 2010 – Final Draft Copy– May 2010 – Committee vote on IBR Guide– May 2010 – Distribute to government for acceptance– August 2010 – Target for final publication

Copyright © 2009 NDIA PMSC. All rights reserved.


Strategic Plan - Priority and Schedule of Updates Other guides will start after progress made on IBR guide

Will split into teams for concurrent development

Detailed guide supporting team guidelines. Will be available in minutes.

Call for joint government – industry participation
