Copa leveraging the power of social media




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Leveraging The Power Of Social Media To Grow

Your Business

Who Is Fern Joseph… • My online journey began as a web designer in 1999. I won Website of the Month from

Demon for my first website for it’s silo structure and easily navigable layout.

• Branched out into Search Engine Optimisation and Internet Marketing in 2006 after I started an ecommerce site and didn’t make a single sale in the first 3 months.

• 2009 formed Web Design Tunbridge Wells, a local business offering SEO Optimised Website Creation and Social Media Marketing using Facebook pages and Twitter…most thought I was mad and couldn’t see the connection between Social Media and marketing their businesses using this medium.

• 2012 rebranded the business as Fern Joseph Media to appeal to a more global clientele.

• From July 2012 to present, I grew my Twitter following from 1500 to over 51 000 + followers across 8 niches, the bulk of which are in my personal and business accounts.

• I now get 90% of my new business from Twitter and have clients in the UK, the USA and South Africa.

• I am going to share with you today my top Social Media Marketing techniques…



Why Social Media?

FREE TARGETED TRAFFIC. Social media has opened a stream of FREE traffic for businesses to engage with.

You can literally jump into this ocean of traffic and say, “Hi, here I am, this is what I do, how can my business help you?

Utilised correctly, you have the opportunity to grow your potential customer base on free to use social platforms

• Unlimited Potential For New Customers– people who may only live a few miles from your place of business, but don’t drive that route, now know you’re there, because they’ve seen a post on their friends’ Facebook wall or shared a funny image or followed you on Twitter.

• Reconnecting with past customers who you may not have seen for some time.

• Social Signals- These now count heavily towards your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) on the search engines – Social signals are crucial and play a major role in the relevancy Google places on your website content and position on the search engine. Google has built Social Signals into their algorithms and for this reason alone, you can no longer ignore social media!

3 Reasons You Should be Using Social Media For Your Business?

Here We Go…Facebook! • Facebook hit 1 BILLION users in December 2012. It is the most visited

website in the history of the internet.

• A Facebook post has an average lifespan of 2 days depending on the popularity of the post, determined by the Edgerank Algorithm.

• Facebook pages are completely separate to Facebook profiles.

• To build Facebook likes on your business page requires a fair amount of trust in your credibility in return for that like. Building likes to your FB page takes longer than building your Twitter following.

• How many of you have a Facebook page for your business?

• How many of you have a Twitter account for your business?

• How many of you are active on these accounts, on a daily/weekly basis?

A Bunch Of My Top Facebook Marketing Techniques

First things first! Facebook is NOT a selling environment. If you try to hard sell on Facebook you WILL fail and no one will like your page ;-)

• Get The Facebook App On Your Phone if you haven’t already…

• Post At Peak Times: posting on a Wednesday morning is far less effective than posting at 5pm on Friday afternoon. Weekends are good too. Traffic spikes are 7am, 12pm, 5pm and 11pm.

• Post Emotion Inducing Images or Content: funny, inspirational, educational (positive) or nostalgic content, particularly images. People are more likely to share and comment on this kind of content, which inadvertently expands your reach. This engagement triggers FB’s Edgerank algorithm and helps keeps your content at the top of the newsfeed for longer. See my website for What Is Edgerank article.

A Bunch Of My Top Facebook Marketing Techniques

Always Like Your Own Posts. Facebook's Edgerank algorithm puts the most popular posts, ones that have the most likes, comments and shares, as top stories, at the top of the newsfeed.

• Link Your FB page To Your Twitter Account: BUT not the other way around. All posts on your Facebook page then automatically post on your Twitter account with a link back to your FB page. Facebook users generally don’t get hashtags and this is not a standard medium on Facebook.

• Schedule Your Posts: Put aside half an hour to an hour a week and schedule posts for the rest of the week or month. There is a schedule option at the bottom left of every post – a little clock. This way you are maximising your time and maintaining a consistent presence on the page.

• Call To Action: Put a call to action in your cover image ie: a small arrow pointing to your email sign up tab. Do the same on every post if possible ie: tell the viewer what to do: “Click like if you’re happy it’s Friday.” “Share if you love this image” etc

A Bunch Of My Top Facebook Marketing Techniques

Schedule Your Posts:

Schedule Your Posts:

• I love Facebook, but I love Twitter even more! Faster, shorter updates, instant responses, grow your community quickly!

• Twitter has over 554 million active users.

• 135 000 new users sign up each day.

• 43% of users tweet from their smartphones.

• You have a max of 140 characters available including link.

• The average lifespan of an excellent tweet is 2 hours. Make your 140 characters count.


Here We Go…Twitter!

“On Twitter, people talk about what they care about and what’s happening around them right

now, including your business. This gives you powerful context to connect your message to

what’s most meaningful to your customers in real time. Engaging with real-time Tweets can

influence conversations in a way that can help build your business. “

Twitter says…

• Get The Twitter App On Your Phone if you haven’t already…enough said

• Tweet Regularly And Consistently: The optimum number of times to tweet a day is a minimum of 3 preferably 8 to 15+ times a day…Tweets roll down the newsfeed rapidly and disappear fast. The bigger your following, the more tweets happen on your newsfeed…

• Tweet At High Traffic Times For Maximum Exposure: This is the same as Facebook…catch people before work, at lunchtime, on the way home and before they go to bed.

My Top Twitter Marketing Techniques

My Top Twitter Marketing Techniques

• Use Hashtags: A hashtag is Twitters answer to keyword searches, much like we type search terms into Google.

• A Hashtag Adds Relevance to the topic you are tweeting about and makes the word preceded by the hashtag searchable by other Twitter users.

A Short Diversion To Hashtag Etiquette

Hashtag etiquette:

• Don't use more than 2 hashtags in your tweets, it makes them unreadable and look like spam

• Do use hashtags in your bio to get found more easily

• Do capitalise the first letter of each word in a hashtag

• If you are making a phrase into a hashtag make sure there are no spaces between the words

Example One: Hashtags In And After Tweet:

• Are you tweeting enough to get #Traffic to your new product? We can save you time & tweet for you-> #TwitterManagement

• 138 characters in total

Example Three: Both Hashtags After Tweet:

• Want lots of potential customers to see your new product? We’ll tweet about it for you-> #BizTalk #TwitterManagement

• 136 characters in total

What A Well Constructed Tweet Looks Like

• Tweet Those Same Funny, Inspirational, Emotional Images As You Do On Facebook: Yes, you can tweet images and videos too. This ensures a high retweet rate, which in turn builds your following.

• Optimise Your Profile: Make sure you have optimised your profile with a profile image, a good description of what you do, make good use of 2 hashtags and links back to your other web properties. Headshot profile images of you smiling/looking at the camera tend to convert followers better.

• Engage, Engage, Engage: If someone thanks you for following do the same back, retweet interesting tweets that you might come across and tweet links back to your Facebook page with an offer to exchange likes. The opportunities on Twitter are endless.

My Top Twitter Marketing Techniques Continued

My Top Twitter Marketing Techniques

• Like Exchange: The trick to getting likes to your Facebook page from Twitter is offering an incentive in the form of a like exchange.

• Twitter followers who respond to this usually have a Facebook page themselves and are happy to promote yours if you do the same for them. They are active and interested.

See my website for “The Anatomy Of A Tweet”

Due to time limitations, I will touch very briefly on Google + and Youtube.

• A Google + account is a must along with a Google+ page for your business. It is quite a confusing landscape to navigate, but even if you don’t do anything with it, the links from G+ are powerful backlinks which Google will index quickly and they add to your websites relevance. You can automate your Facebook page & website RSS feed to post via Hootsuite to populate your G+ business page with the content from your Facebook page and website.

• Youtube is also a must: Not only because it is owned by Google, but Google loves video and indexes and ranks video faster than any other content. If you have a few videos linking back to your website and even better, those Youtube videos embedded on your website, you will get a boost in your rankings and your relevance in Google’s beady eyes!

Google +? Do You Youtube?

• Google ranks and indexes websites that are relevant to what people are searching for and talking about.

• As social media has gained traction and people are able to share what they like with their friends, Google has taken note of this and has built these social signals into their algorithm.

• These social signals now play a major role in the relevancy Google places on your website and it’s position in the search engines. If your website it getting a whole lot of mentions on large social media platforms, Google takes note.

• For this reason alone, you cannot ignore the use of social media for your businesses online success.

Social Signals…WTH?

• Marketing as we know it has changed forever, thanks to Social Media, in particular, Mark Zuckerburg!

• This is the potentially (in my opinion) the most exciting thing to happen to small business owners, ever, in the history of owning a small business

• It has totally transformed my business in a short space of time and I have no doubt that it can do the same for yours.

• You’ve attended this talk because you know how crucial Social Media Marketing has become for building your business.

• The only reason Social Media Marketing WON’T work for your business is if you don’t consistently and regularly update and engage with your followings.

• You could be the next Dr Mercola…
