Coordinate and maintain teams.pptx


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  • 8/12/2019 Coordinate and maintain teams.pptx


  • 8/12/2019 Coordinate and maintain teams.pptx



    At the end of presentation traineeswould have gained knowledge onhow to :Establish , develop and improve team

    Coordinate teams

    Delegate responsibility and authority teams

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    Summary and importance of unit

    This unit deals with the skills and knowledgrequired to establish and improve teams anteamwork in an Information Technologyenvironment and applies to individualsoperating in the Information Technology


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    Delegate - entrust (a task or responsibility) to another petypically one who is less senior than oneself.

    Responsibilities - the opportunity or ability to actindependently and take decisions without authorization.

    Objectives - a thing aimed at or sought

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    Establish, develop and

    improve teams

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    What are team objectives?Objectives are the specific goals that the team accomplish in a fixed amount of time.

    These objectives flow from the team's purpose.Each one moves you towards your vision.

    Team objectives support the teams vision andpurpose and the Company and/or Departmentobjectives.

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    Why are team objectives important?They are the basis of the teams planned work.

    They are the starting point for the employeeobjectives set as part of the performancemanagement process.

    They provide the basis for talent and resourceplanning.

    They dictate the resources needed.

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    Ways to develop team objectivesTeam goals should be developed through group process of team interaction andagreement. Ways to facilitate this group

    process are:Focused Team Workshop

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    Ensure that clear, accurate and relevant team objectives developed

    Ensure team expected performance standards are outlin

    Objectives are designed to reflect organizational culture aperformance standards

    Objectives are regularly reviewed against service provisio

    A collaborative approach is adopted with the team memb

    Team members input is recognised

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    Coordinate Team

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    Why Co-ordination is Necessary?Co-ordinationmeans to integrate (bring togethall the activities of an organisation. It is done foachieving the goals of the organisation. There be proper co-ordination throughout the


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    According to management experts, co-ordination is necesbecause :

    It is the Essence of Management (co-ordination effects a

    functions of management, Planning, Organising, Staffing It is a principle of management (co-ordination is the " oPrinciple) According to Mary Parker Follett, Co-ordination is the "Plthe team. That is, if there is good Co-ordination then th

    combined team achievement will be greater than the totaindividual achievement (i.e. 2+2=5. This is impossible in physical world, but it is possible in human affairs througordination)

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    IMPORTANCE OF COORDINATION1. Coordination encourages team spiritThere exist many conflicts and rivalries between individuals, departstaff, etc. Similarly, conflicts are also between individual objectives organisational objectives. Coordination arranges the work and the such a way that there are minimum conflicts and rivalries. It encouemployees to work as a team and achieve the common objectives organisation. This increases the team spirit of the employees.

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    2. Coordination gives proper directionThere are many departments in the organisation. Each departmenperforms different activities. Coordination integrates (bring togethactivities for achieving the common goals or objectives of the org

    Thus, coordination gives proper direction to all the departments oorganisation.

    3. Coordination facilitates motivationCoordination gives complete freedom to the employees. It encouremployees to show initiative. It also gives them many financial anfinancial incentives. Therefore, the employees get job satisfaction,are motivated to perform better.

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    4. Coordination makes optimum utilisation of resourcesCoordination helps to bring together the human and materials resouorganisation. It helps to make optimum utilisation of resources. The

    are used to achieve the objectives of the organisation. Coordinationminimise the wastage of resources in the organisation.

    5. Coordination helps to achieve objectives quicklyCoordination helps to minimise the conflicts, rivalries, wastages, del

    other organisational problems. It ensures smooth working of the orTherefore, with the help of coordination an organisation can achieveobjectives easily and quickly.

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    6. Coordination improves relations in the organisationThe Top Level Managers co-ordinates the activities of the Middle Levand develops good relations with them. Similarly, the Middle Level Mordinates the activities of the Lower Level Managers and develops g

    with them. Also, the Lower Level Managers co-ordinates the activitiesworkers and develops good relations with them. Thus, coordination improves the relations in the organisation.

    7. Coordination leads to higher efficiencyEfficiency is the relationship between Returns and Cost. There will be

    efficiency when the returns are more and the cost is less. Since cooto optimum utilisation of resources it results in more returns and lowcoordination leads to higher efficiency.

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    8. Coordination improves the of torganisationCoordination helps an organisation to sell high quality goods and se

    lower prices. This improves the goodwill of the organisation and hela good name and image in the market and corporate world.

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    Ensure that team is motivated to achieve high sclient support

    Team is provided with feedback in regard toachievement/non-achievement of agreedperformance/service standard

    Team members are encouraged to contribute fein regard to achievement of performance/servicstandards.

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    Delegate responsibility and


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    2. Engage team through work

    Delegate and empower appropriately Promote debate and discussion on where we are, where we want to b

    how we should get there use brainstorming, lateral thinking

    Ensure that all the team has discussed, contributed to and committeitself to the work tasks and objectives

    Try to reach consensus decisions

    Make sure the combined purpose and importance of the teams workunderstood by everyone Keep everyone informed on progress

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    3. Ensure clarity of definition of key roleand tasks

    Develop individual roles

    Ensure job descriptions and job plans are up-to-datand accurate

    Ensure goals are realistic and achievable

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    4. Develop the team and organizat

    Ensure new staff are induced

    Identify individual and team training needs

    Ensure personal development plans are produced andimplemented

    Engage others in wider organizational development matte

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    5. Foster a culture of innovation andcreativity

    Challenge the culture and values of the team and agency

    Encourage thinking outside the box, reframing the probleand risk taking

    Minimize criticism of failure

    Reward and publicize innovation and creativity

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    6. Managing performance

    Ensure staff know the governance and accountabilityarrangements

    Ensure staff know how team and individual performance be managed

    Ensure all staff are appraised annually

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    Group Trainees in groups of 3. Ask the team members to alone and spend 15 minutes listing at least 25 their own the current team objectives. Afterwards, get back in your with your ideas, compare ideas and eliminate duplicates

    decide on the main objectives you want to consider. Thethe benefits and resources required for each potential oAsk them to prepare a mini-presentation to present their the larger group. Following the presentations, have anothgroup discussion, ensuring that each option has been tho

    considered. Lead the team in voting using secret ballots, the top favoured objectives.
