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Sport Scotland CPD






Can impact on performance

Consideration of two aspects – coach and athlete displays of emotion

Coach: Do you consider how your own emotions show around

your athletes? Do you have any dominant emotions that you express?

Athlete Emotions

Anxiety a common and debilitative emotion

Linked with increases in physiological arousal

Athletes need to be able to control arousal: Increasing arousal (i.e., psyching up) Decreasing (i.e., increased pressure leading to anxiety

and nervousness)

Coping – Social Support

Support from others can help athletes cope in sport

Social support has 4 dimensions: Emotional support - being there for comfort and security Esteem support – bolstering person’s sense of competence of self-

belief Informational support – providing advice or guidance Tangible support – concrete instrumental assistance

Matching support type to needs of athlete at that time important

Important that support does not undermine autonomy, competence and relatedness!

Pep Talks

Guidelines for a coach’s successful pregame talk Give them a plan. Make them believe they can win. Do not lie. Be yourself. Use humor.

“Getting the Butterflies to Fly in Formation”

Is arousal/anxiety debilitative or facilitative?

Helping athletes understand arousal and its impact is important

Regular reviews of performances

Controlling strategies: Relaxation techniques (e.g., progressive muscle relaxation) Imagery Self talk

What Is Coping?

Coping is a process of constantly changing cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage specific external and/or internal demands or conflicts appraised as taxing or exceeding one’s resources (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984).

Researchers differentiate between two types of coping: Problem-focused and emotion focused coping.

Coping Categories

Problem-focused coping: Efforts to alter or manage the problems that are causing stress (e.g., time management, problem solving)

Emotion-focused coping: Regulating the emotional responses to the problem that causes the stress (e.g., through relaxation, mediation).


Coping Categories

Major problem-focused categories Information gathering Precompetition and competition plans Goal setting Time management skills Problem solving


Coping Categories

Major problem-focused categories Increasing effort Self-talk Adhering to injury rehabilitation program


Coping Categories

Major emotion-focused categories Meditation Relaxation Wishful thinking Reappraisal Self-blame, mental and behavioral withdrawal Cognitive efforts to change the meaning (but not the

actual problem or environment) of the situation

Coping in Sport

Coping strategies frequently used by athletes Task focus Rational thinking and self-talk Positive focus and orientation Social support Mental preparation and anxiety management Time management Training hard and smart

Resiliency: Bouncing Back from Adversity

Mental toughness and personal resources (e.g., determination, competitiveness, commitment) are keys for resilient performers to cope with adversity.

Sociocultural influences such as social support (or lack of it) were seen as critical to being resilient.

Coping in Sport

Gender, age, and pubertal status can influence both the type of coping strategy employed and its perceived effectiveness.

Coping appears to be situation specific.There are great individual differences in

coping strategies, and each athlete has to find what works best for him or her in specific situations.

Beyond Anxiety: Coping with Emotions

Self-statement modification: Change negative to positive statements.

Imagery: Cope with negative emotions or use positive emotions.


Beyond Anxiety: Coping with Emotions

Socratic dialogue Thought-provoking questions are asked so athletes

can reevaluate their self-defeating thoughts.

Corrective experiences Athlete makes a conscious decision to engage in the

behavior that is of concern, which can reduce anxiety and correct past mistakes.


Beyond Anxiety: Coping with Emotions

Vicarious learning: Modeling appropriate behaviors makes it more likely

that behavior will be produced.

Self-analysis: Monitor emotions in sport and thus increase self-


Beyond Anxiety: Coping with Emotions

Storytelling, metaphors, and poetry: Literary techniques encourage athletes to consider

alternative ways of viewing and dealing with the situation (e.g., quotes or stories from sport stars).

Reframing: Perspective taking involves viewing an important

competition as just another game.

Keys to Generalizing Coping Strategies

Recognition of stimulus generality: Understand that certain coping skills transfer to other

life situations.

Broad application of coping skills: Some skills are likely to generalize to non-sport

situations, such as stress inoculation training and progressive relaxation.


Keys to Generalizing Coping Strategies

Personal significance of coping application: Coping skills that are important to an individual will typically

transfer to other situations.

Internal locus of control of coping skill: Coping skills become more transferable when an athlete claims

ownership of the skill.

Learned resourcefulness: Resourceful individuals realize that coping skills can apply to

different aspects of life.

On-Site Relaxation Tips

Smile when you feel tension coming on.

Have fun—enjoy the situation.

Set up stressful situations in practice.

Slow down; take your time.

Stay focused on the present.

Come prepared with a good game plan.

Signs of Underarousal

Moving slowly, not getting set

Mind wandering, being easily distracted

Lack of concern about how one will perform

Lack of anticipation or enthusiasm

Heavy feeling in legs, no bounce

Arousal-Inducing Techniques

The goal is to get athletes at an optimal level of arousal.

Often things such as pep talks and motivational speeches can over-arouse athletes.

If arousal is to be raised, it should be done in a deliberate fashion with awareness of optimal arousal states.


Arousal-Inducing Techniques (continued)

Increase breathing rate.

Act energized.

Use mood words and positive statements.

Listen to music.

Use energizing imagery.

Complete a pre-competition workout.


When experience is just right, athlete can have psychological experience which both results in high performance and personal ecstasy.

9 defining characteristics of flow: Challenge/skill balance Merging of action and awareness (sense of automaticity and

spontaneity) Goals are clearly defined Clear, unambiguous feedback Total concentration on the skill being performed Sense of being in control without trying to be in control Loss of self-awareness Loss of time awareness Autotelic experience (end result of all the above)


Facilitative of flow: Development of positive mental attitude Positive precompetitive affect Positive competitive affect Maintaining appropriate attentional focus Physical readiness Unity with team mates and/or coach

Debilitative of flow: Experience physical problems and mistakes Inability to maintain appropriate attentional focus Negative mental attitude Lack of audience response




Self-confidence definition: “the belief that you can successfully perform a desired behaviour”

(Wienberg & Gould, 2011)

State-like and trait-like Confidence can change depending on the proximity to certain

events Some people more predisposed to confidence

Self-fulfilling prophecy If you think something will go wrong it will Example of overcoming this – Roger Bannister breaking the 4

minute mile

Sources of Confidence

Different types of sport-confidence: Confidence about ability to execute physical skills Confidence about one’s ability to use psychological

skills Confidence to use perceptual skills (e.g. Decision

making) Confidence in one’s level of physical fitness Confidence in one’s learning potential

Where does this confidence come from?

Where Does My Confidence Come From?

Type of Confidence Sources

•Fitness •Training (improvements)•Warm up and cool down routines•Proper Equipment•Appropriate Rest

•Technique •Fitness•Training•Coach feedback•Previous performances

•Equipment •Recommendations – coaches and other athletes•Improvements in performance•Comfort

How Would I Rate My Confidence, and Why?

Type Sources Rating (1-10) Reasons

Fitness •Training (improvements)•Warm up and cool down routines•Proper Equipment•Appropriate Rest

6 •Recent injury•No set routines during training•Not enough training

Technique •Fitness•Training•Coach feedback•Previous performances

7 •Performances improving•Positive feedback from coach•Always room for improvement

Equipment •Recommendations – coaches and other athletes•Improvements in performance•Comfort

9 •Improvements in performance since changing equipment•Recommended by coach and colleagues•Equipment feels great to run in!

What Can I Do To Improve My Confidence?

Type Sources Rating (1-10)

Reasons What Can I Do?

Fitness •Training (improvements)•Warm up and cool down routines•Proper Equipment•Appropriate Rest

6 •Recent injury•No set routines during training•Not enough training

•See Physiotherapist about injury•Plan routines for warming up and cooling down, and use in training•Set training plan for coming months (goal setting)

Technique •Fitness•Training•Coach feedback•Previous performances

7 •Performances improving•Positive feedback from coach•Always room for improvement

•Increased training•Get more coach feedback – ask more questions•Review previous performances

Equipment •Recommendations – coaches and other athletes•Improvements in performance•Comfort

9 •Improvements in performance since changing equipment•Recommended by coach and colleagues•Equipment feels great to run in!

•Maintain equipment as best as possible•Continue enjoying equipment•Keep up to date with possible new equipment

Self-Efficacy (Bandura, 1977)

Situation-specific form of self-confidence Belief in one’s ability to perform a specific task

Underlying assumptions If someone has required ability and sufficient motivation,

defining aspect of performance is self-efficacy High self effacious athletes tend to persevere, particularly

under tough conditions Self-efficacy is task-specific, but can generalise to other

similar skills or situations Self-efficacy is linked to goal setting – those who have

high self efficacy tend to set more challenging goals

Sources of Self Efficacy

Athletic Performance

Efficacy Expectations

Performance Accomplishment


Vicarious Experience

Verbal Persuasion

Imaginal Experiences

Physiological States

Emotional States

Psychological Skills

Goal Setting



Goal Setting

“...success and failure are not concrete events, they are psychological states consequent on perception of reaching or not reaching goals...”

(Maehr & Nichols, 1980)

Goal Setting

In your groups:

Define goal setting and goals

List 5 different goals for the next year that your athletes have set

What are goals?

“What and individual is trying to accomplish”

“ The object or aim of an action”

Goals motivate individuals to take action by: Focussing attention Increasing effort and intensity Prompting development of new problem

solving strategies Encouraging persistence in the face of failure

What is goal setting?

Theory of motivation that energises athletes to become more productive and effective

Objective vs. Subjective Goals

Objective goals: Focus on achieving something within a certain time E.g., reaching a certain weight in a certain amount of


Subjective goals: General statements of intent E.g., “I want to do well”

1. I want to win this tennis match

2. I will keep my arms straight during my handstand

3. I want to run this 100m sprint in 12.9s

4. I want to make this hole in 3 shots

5. I want to beat this boxer

6. I want to keep my elbow high through the stroke

7. I want to score a hatrick

8. I want the club to follow through after the shot

9. I want to win this marathon

3 Types of Objective Goals (Kingston & Hardy, 1997)

Outcome goals Focus on outcome of events Usually involve comparisons with others

Performance goals End product of performance Independent of others

Process goals Specific behaviours exhibited during performance Skill and technique related

Which Goal Type is Better?

Outcome goals: May increase motivation away from competition Can increase anxiety just before, or during,


Performance and process goals Easier to adjust than outcome goals Depend less on performance of others

Multiple Goal Strategy

Multiple Goal


Outcome Goals: Focus on winning

Performance Goals:

Focus on skill achievement

Process Goals:Focus on skill


Why Does Goal Setting Work?

Four basic ways goal setting influences performance (Locke et al, 1981)

Directed attention Focuses athlete attention on task

Effort mobilisation Once attention is directed, athlete knows where to place their effort

Persistence Goal setting helps athletes direct their effort over long periods of


Development of new learning strategies Setting new goals allows athlete to develop new methods of

achieving these

Effective Goal Setting

1. Make goals specific and measurable

2. Set moderately difficult, but realistic, goals

3. Set long and short term goals

4. Write down goals and monitor progress regularly

Effective Goal Setting

1. Use a mix of process, performance and outcome goals

2. Use short-range goals to achieve long-range goals

3. Set practice as well as competition goals

4. Make sure goals are internalised

SMART goals














Goal Setting Pitfalls

Poorly written goal statements i.e., not using SMART goals

Failure to develop a goal-attainment strategy

Failure to follow goal-attainment strategy

Setting too many goals too soon

Failure to adjust goals Due to injury especially

Usefulness of Goal Setting

Motivation: Athlete given ownership over training – AUTONOMY Athlete achieves goals – COMPETENCE Athlete sets goals with team mates/coach – RELATEDNESS

Confidence: Athlete achieves goals – performance accomplishment

Flow Clear goals – facilitative of flow

Control & concentration Ability to refocus on task – coping mechanism


What is imagery? Image can be created in the mind in the absence

of any external stimuli

Imagery involves one or all of the senses: visual, kinesthetic, auditory, tactile, olfactory

Imagery involves moods and emotions


Psycho neuromuscular Theory

Imagery results in subliminal neuromuscular patterns identical to patterns used during actual movement

Neuromuscular system “practices” movement

Research has shown increased electrical activity in passive muscles associated with imagery (Jowdy & Harris, 1990; Slade et al, 2002; Smith & Collins, 2004)

Most plausible explanation of why imagery facilitates physical performance and learning (Cox, 2007)

Why does imagery work?

Symbolic learning theory:

Imagery works because the individual plans their actions in advance

Attention and arousal set theory:

Imagery improves performance in 2 ways: Imagery may help athlete attend to task at hand

(cognitive) Imagery may help athlete adjust arousal level for

optimal performance (physiological)

Why does imagery work?

Internal vs. external perspective

Internal perspective◦ Athlete imagines executing skill from within

their own body◦ Very natural, as we see the world this way

External perspective◦ Athlete imagining self from outside their body –

like watching a video of self◦ Less natural, but offers good opportunity to

observe technique and form

Imagery Perspective

Visual imagery◦ Related to the visual processing of information◦ “Seeing movement”

Kinaesthetic Imagery◦ Refers to sensory information from receptors

throughout body ◦ Information about body-part location and

movement, objects in contact with body, movement of muscles, joints and tendons (Schmidt & Wrisberg, 2004)

◦ “Feeling movement”

Imagery Modality

Cox (1998) suggests: “internal imagery is considered to be primarily

kinaesthetic in nature, as opposed to visual” (p176)

“external imagery is considered to be primarily visual in nature” (p176)

Callow and Hardy (2004) Internal imagery considered superior to external

due to association with kinaesthetic imagery

Perspective and Modality

Callow and Hardy (2004)

◦ Used VMIQ (Isaac et al, 1986) to measure internal/external imagery

◦ Used MIQ (Hall et al, 1985) to measure visual/kinaesthetic imagery

◦ Study 1 Significant correlation between imagery perspective and imagery


◦ Study 2 External imagery significantly correlated with kinaesthetic imagery,

internal was not!

◦ Conclusion: External imagery has a stronger association with kinaesthetic

imagery for tasks where form is important

Perspective and Modality

Athletes can form kinaesthetic imagery equally well from both internal and external perspectives (Gates et al, 2003; Hardy & Callow, 1999)

Advanced performers capable of switching between perspectives, and speed of change may lead to athletes experiencing both perspectives at once (Holmes & Collins, 2001)

New focus of research◦ External imagery perspective angle (Roberts et al,


Perspective and Modality

Paivio’s Two-Dimensional Model of Imagery (1985)◦ Imagery has both cognitive and motivational functions

◦ 5 independent types of imagery: Motivational Specific (MS) – athlete imagines self in specific

sport setting that is highly motivating Motivational General – Mastery (MG-M) – athlete imagines

self exhibiting ability to remain focussed Motivational General – Arousal (MG-A) – athlete imagines self

exhibiting ability to control anxiety Cognitive Specific (CS) – athlete imagines self correctly

executing specific skills Cognitive General (CG) – athlete imagines self correctly

executing strategies and game plans

Models of Imagery

Four Ws

Where and When?◦ Most imagery takes place during training and competition

(Munroe et al, 2000)◦ Imagery used both in-season and during off-season,

(Cummings and Hall, 2002)

What?◦ Smith and Holmes (2004) contrasted

Written script of successful putting Watching video of self successfully putting Hearing ball dropping into hole Control condition

◦ Found – watching self most effective

Models of Imagery

Four Ws

What (cont)◦ Direction of imagery – positive vs. negative

Nordin & Cumming (2005) – debilitative imagery causes decrease in self-efficacy and performance

◦ Imagery and motivation Wilson et al. (2003) – exercisers motivated for external

rewards do not use imagery for improving technique, improving appearance or increasing energy

◦ Imagery and goal perspective Harwood et al (2003) – athletes high on task and ego

orientation exhibit highest imagery use for 5 types of imagery

Models of Imagery

Four Ws

What (cont)◦ Imagery speed

Calmels and Fournier (2001) – imaged gymnastics routines shorter than actual practiced routines

Reed (2002) – diver imagery speeds: Intermediate divers > novice divers > elite divers

McCann (2009) – slow motion/real time/fast motion No impact on confidence or affect Slow motion lead to better timing of performance

Models of Imagery

Four Ws


◦ Improving performance (Nordin & Cumming, 2005)◦ Also shown to improve:

Anxiety control, confidence and motivation amongst elite rugby players (Evans et al, 2004)

Anxiety control and self-efficacy of novice rock climbers (Jones et al, 2002)

Confidence of high-level badminton players (Callow et al, 2001)

Attention abilities of softball players (Calmels et al, 2004)◦ Cyclical relationship – more confident individuals use

imagery more (Abma et al, 2002)

Models of Imagery

Skill learning and practice: Skill acquisition, skill practice, error detection

and correction

Tactical and game skills Strategy development, strategy learning,

strategy practice, problem solving

Competition and performance Familiarisation of location, mental warm-up, pre-

performance routine, preview, review

Uses of Imagery

Psychological skills Arousal and anxiety control, improving

concentration and attention Increasing self-awareness, building confidence

and self-efficacy Increasing motivation, developing interpersonal


Coping with injury Coping with pain and injury, dealing with long

term injury, recovering from injury

Uses of Imagery

PETTLEP (Holmes & Collins, 2001)◦ Physical nature of task – what imagery is for◦ Environment – use of stimulus materials that mimic

real environment◦ Task – imagery represents the nature of skill to be

performed and reflects level of imager◦ Timing – imagery being performed in real time◦ Learning – imagery content reviewed and revised as

new skills are learned◦ Emotion – necessity for inclusion of emotional

component to imagery◦ Perspective – prioritises internal, but external used

when appropriate

Imagery Interventions

Key components (Morris et al, 2005)◦ Vivid and controllable◦ Involve all senses◦ Realism ◦ Positive performance and outcome focus◦ Base images on memories◦ Use stimulus and response propositions

Stimulus propositions – references to the environment, equipment, performance actions (e.g. tempo), performance setting

Response propositions – responses to the environment, e.g. heart / breathing rate, muscular fatigue, sweating, etc

Imagery Interventions

Developing an Imagery Script

Usefulness of Imagery

Motivation Imagery used to preview/review performance – competence Athlete responsible for image – autonomy

Confidence Athlete imagining perfect performance – performance

accomplishment Athlete ‘seeing’ others – vicarious experience Imaginal experiences

Concentration and control Imagery used as pre-performance routine – athlete getting into zone,

or increasing arousal Psychological tool for use during play – maintaining or regaining


Internal vs. ExternalMotivational vs.


Internal Talking to yourself in

your own head People do it all the time!

External Speaking out loud to

yourself E.g. Andy Murray

Motivational Come on!!

Instructional To do with technique Dealing with

distractions – focus!

Self Talk
