Contourlet Transform and Histogram Equalization for Brightness Enhancement of Color Image


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  • 8/12/2019 Contourlet Transform and Histogram Equalization for Brightness Enhancement of Color Image



    CInternational Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Security

    VOL. 1, NO. 4, SEPTEMBER 2013, 140143

    Available online at: www.ijcncs.orgISSN 2308-9830

    Contourlet Transform and Histogram Equalization for Brightness

    Enhancement of Color Image

    Khalil Ibraheem AlSaif1and Ahmed S. Abdullah


    12Dept. of Computer Science College of Computer & Mathematic Science-Mosul Univ./ IRAQ



    For decades, several image enhancement techniques have been proposed. Although most techniques require

    profuse amount of advance and critical steps, the result for the perceive image are not as satisfied, In this

    paper a new approach for enhancing brightness of color image based on contourlet transform and histogram

    equalization proposes. The color image is converted to HSI (hue, saturation, intensity) values. The i, which

    represent the luminance value of color image, decomposed to its coefficients by non-sampling contourlet

    transform, then applying grey-level contrast enhancement technique on some of the coefficients. Then,

    inverse contourlet transform is performed to reconstruct the enhanced S compoment. The S component is

    enhanced by histogram equalization while the H component does not change to avoid degradation color

    balance between the HSI components. Finally the enhanced S and I together with H are converted back to

    its original color system. The new approach gives Brightness enhancement more than 20% when was

    applied on different type of images and tested the performance.

    Keywords: Image Processing, Image Enhancement, Brightness Enhancement, Contourlet Transform ,

    HSI Color Space.

    1 INTRODUCTIONImage enhancement is a technology to improve

    the quality of an image in terms of visual

    perception of human beings [1]. With the growing

    quality in image acquisition, image enhancement

    technologies are more and more needed for many

    applications [2]. Images are categorized into grey-

    level images and color images. Each pixel of the

    grey-level image has only one grey-level value as

    opposed to color images pixels; therefore, there

    have been many algorithms for contrast enhance-

    ment for grey-level images. The main techniques

    for image enhancement such as contrast stretching,

    slicing, histogram equalization, for grey-level

    images are discussed in many articles and books.

    On the other hand, since each pixel of color images

    consists of color information as well as grey-level

    information, these typical techniques for grey-level

    images cannot be applied to color images. Thus,

    compared with grey-level images, the enhancement

    of color images is more difficult, and there are

    much more points to be researched.

    Some color enhancement methods were proposed

    based on histogram equalization [3]. An enhance-

    ment algorithm is one that yields a better-quality

    image for the purpose of some particular

    application which can be done by either suppress-

    ing the noise or increasing the image contrast and

    brightness. Image enhancement algorithms are

    employed to emphasized, sharpen or smoothen

    image features for display and analysis. Enhance-

    ment methods are application specific and are often

    developed empirically. The enhancement process

    does not increase the inherent information content

    in the data but it does increase the dynamic range of

    chosen features so that they can be detected easily


    2 RELATED WORKIn 2013, khalil alsaif and ahmed saadi presented

    in their research "color image enhancement based

    on contourlet transform coefficients", amethod to

    enhance the color image based on contourlet

    transform after convert the color space from (RGB)

  • 8/12/2019 Contourlet Transform and Histogram Equalization for Brightness Enhancement of Color Image



    K. I. AlSaif and A. S. Abdullah / International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Security, 1 (4), September 2013

    to (HSV) and applied contourlet on valuecomponents.

    In 2011 , Muna F. Al-Samaraie and NedhalAbdul Majied Al Saiyd presented in their research," Colored Satellites Image Enhancement UsingWavelet and Threshold Decomposition", a methodto improve the color of satellites image based onwavelet transform after convert the color imagefrom (RGB) color space to Gray scale.

    Kartik Sau, Amitabha Chanda and Milan Pal, In2010, presented in their research "color imageenhancement based on wavelet transform andhuman visual system". A schema to enhancing thecolor image, contrast enhancement technique appl-ied on approximate component of wavelet transfo-rm after applied on intensity component (Kartik etal, 2010).

    In 2008, Li He and You Yang presented in their

    research" An Improved Color Image EnhancementAlgorithm Based on MSR". The appropriatewavelet bases were selected to decompose the inputimage into three levels. Then different enhancementalgorithms were employed to process the decomp-osed wavelet coefficients and scale coefficients, forthe scale coefficients, the MSR algorithm was used(Li and you, 2008).

    In 2007 , Ding Xiao and Jun Ohya presented intheir research " Contrast Enhancement Of ColorImages Based On Wavelet Transform And HumanVisual System", a method to improve the contrastof color image, wavelet transform applied on value

    component ,the approximate components enhancingby using contrast enhancement technique based onhuman visual System(Ding and Jun,2007).

    in 2007, "Color image enhancement based onsingle-scale retinex with a JND-based nonlinearfilter" , an input RGB color image is transformedinto HSV color image and the S and V componentimages are enhanced [5].

    Choi et al. in 2008 proposed Color Imageenhancement using single scale retinex based on animproved information model, in which all the

    processing was done in the HSV color space

    3 COLOR SPACEColor provides a significant portion of visual

    information to human beings and enhances theirability of object detection. In black and whiteintensity image, the visual stimulus covers theentire bandwidth of the visible spectrum rangingfrom 0.4 micrometer to 0.7 micrometer. If we

    narrow down the bandwidth and vary the centralwavelength, different colors are seen. It isexperimentally estimated that the human eye candistinguish above 3, 50,000 different colors. Asystematic way of representing and describingcolors is a color model. If the visible portion of thelight spectrum is divided into three components thedominant colors are red, green and blue, then thoseare considered as the primary colors of the visiblelight spectrum. In RGB-color model the colors arespecified by the amounts of the red, green and bluecomponents present in the color. This model iscalled additive and subtraction model because anycolor in this model, can be defined using theweighted (weights are non-negative) sum of R, Gand B components. In HSI model the informationabout the color is described in terms that aremorefamiliar to humans. In HSI color space, the

    color is decomposed into hue, saturation andIntensity values, which is quite similar with the way

    by which human tends to perceive color. Amongthe components of HSI color space, hue is theattribute of a color, which describes which color itis [3]. During the process of enhancement, it must

    be seen that hue should not be changed for anypixel. If hue is changed then the color gets changed;thus the image gets distorted. Compared with theother perceptually uniform color space such as CIE,LUV and CIE lab, it is easier to control the huecomponent of color and avoid color shifting in theHSI color space [1]. In the algorithm, the hue is

    kept preserved and enhancement technique isapplied to saturation(S) and intensity (I) compone-nts only, to enhance the contrast as well as brightn-ess of the image. We apply our enhance-mentmethod in HSI color space. In general, color imagesare represented by RGB color space. Therefore thefirst step is to convert RGB color space to HSIcolor space. The conversion algorithm is shown infig(1) which show a complete relation between thetwo color model.

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  • 8/12/2019 Contourlet Transform and Histogram Equalization for Brightness Enhancement of Color Image



    K. I. AlSaif and A. S. Abdullah / International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Security, 1 (4), September 2013

    Do and Vetterli[7;8] refer to function f (lj

    )j;k;n(t)gn2Z2 as contourlets. The indexes j; k; and

    n are for the scale, direction, and location,

    respectively. Fig. 2 illustrates the 3-level contourlet

    decom- position for Zoneplate image.


    Step 1: read the color image (RGB colorspace).

    Step 2: convert (RGB) color space to (HSI)color space and focus on components like H, S

    and I .

    Step 3: apply nonsubsampling contourlettransform on I complement.

    Step 4: apply enhancement techniques(contrast stretch) to coefficients.

    Step 5: Reconstruct I by inverse nonsubsamp-ling transform.

    Step 6: Apply the Histogram Equalization onS complement.

    Step 7: Now H component, modified S andmodified I components converted to RGB

    color space.

    6 APPLIED EXAMPLETesting the performance of proposed algorithm,

    by applying it on a low brightness color images

    and a dark color images and compare the results

    with original image, Fig 3 show the experimental

    result on different images [1]

    5 REFERENCES[1] Khalil Ibraheem Al-Saif and Ahmed S.

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    [4] Sharmila, R., and R. Uma. "A New ApproachTo Image Contrast Enhancement using

    Weighted Threshold Histogram Equalization

    with Improved Switching Median Filter."

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