CONTENT TEAM SERVICE MANUAL - Amazon S3€¦ · SEO ranking signals revolve around content of some...


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Content is simply the king in today’s SEO-powered internet age. Many times, we read this phrase repeatedly from webmasters and SEO experts. And it's certainly correct. Matt Cutts, head of Google's Webspam team, has said over and over again that quality content is key to Google rankings, and Bing’s Duane Forrester reminded marketers that “all SEO ranking signals revolve around content of some kind” at SMX Advanced 2011 (a conference designed exclusively for experienced search marketers). A website's content, more than its products, is what attracts and engages visitors. So by getting our content right, we are then assured of building a solid foundation to support all of your other SEO efforts. Hence why, we here at the Content Team, are working hard to construct engaging and persuasive content that's relevant to our target audience. In addition, we understand how high-quality, search-friendly content allows VroomVroomVroom visitors to settle and visit us again for their car rental and other important needs. In terms of web content, there are two valuable aspects that we always keep an eye on. We like to call them – quantity and quality. Quality means any VroomVroomVroom content should be well written and be free from those embarrassing or compromising typos that can make our visitors wonder if we really know what we are discussing about. For our purposes, however, it also means that content should be rich in keywords, informative, and interesting so that our visitors at least feel they've learned or discovered something. Such is the power of having quality content. Quantity, on the other hand, means that VroomVroomVroom websites should be updated regularly with new content added. We know that a visitor may return to an informational (“How To” helpful article once, or even two or three times, say the ones published on our websites and blog), that's why we know the importance of updating the content every day. Updating a content is also essential for SEO-purposes because it helps maintain or boost the pages thus improve the traffic. The Content Team makes sure visitors will have all the right reasons to return and visit our sites again. In other words, we want our first-time VroomVroomVroom visitors to become our repeat visitors.


1. We update existing content pages In order to maintain a healthy and growing site, we make sure to update existing content/s at all VroomVroomVroom websites. Doing this on a regular basis is one of the best ways to attract and retain website traffic. Of course, it's pretty apparent that people who are interested in our subject/business are going to keep coming back to VroomVroomVroom as long as we continue to make the investment or habit of producing fresh and high-quality content. That being said, refreshing or updating our existing content is a good marketing strategy in order to refine and evolve our articles/stories. In order to update existing content, SEO and/or the Marketing team first determines which pages make the most sense to update. Depending on page ranking(s), the SEO team picks the top five to ten location pages on our websites (or sometimes it is decided according to its importance) based on our traffic numbers over the past weeks, months, and/or quarters. We also update blog articles and other pages. Normally, the content team spends more time updating the pages that most people read and find value in. We use Google Analytics in order to find out what our top performing website pages are in terms of visits, time on page, etc. Once identified or established which pages need refreshing, then that's when we start updating content pages. Notable updates vary from the Title, Meta Description, keywords, H1, H2 and other SEO-related stuff. Here’s a step-by-step guide on updating location pages: Step 1: Determine the priority pages (SEO team provides the weekly report). Make sure to read the target keywords and recommendations before updating so you will know what keywords to use and what needs to be fixed.

Step 2: Improve and update the title, meta description, keywords, etc. when necessary. Make sure to use the exact keywords + VroomVroomVroom in the title. For the meta, include the special features of VroomVroomVroom (e.g. free to book and cancel, guaranteed lowest rates). Click “Save Properties” below General editing window.

Step 3: Update or add H1, H2, photo(s) and content. Use the target keywords in H1. Write a brief description of what’s in store for the readers in H2 (note: keep it short). When adding a new photo, edit the size based on VroomVroomVroom’s Images Guide. Proofread the content and remove bad links.

Step 4: Click “Save Content” and fill up the required field for the changes made on the page then click on “Continue.” Make sure to check if the changes were saved due to previous website glitches.

Watch this video tutorial on using CMS Basic Functions: Benefits of updating existing pages on all VroomVroomVroom websites

Increase website traffic – Search engines notice it when a web page has been updated. They can push those older web pages back up the search rankings for our keywords if they know we are updating our content regularly.

Lessen the bounce rate – By giving fresh information on existing web pages, there will be a higher chance of engaging our readers thus spending more time on our websites.

Gain more loyal customers/audience – People who have read (or visited) our pages in the past will be enticed to come back and re-read them if they know that they have been updated, most especially if the topics are valuable to them.

Opportunity to go viral – If the content is engaging or the readers find them very useful, there will be a bigger chance that they will share it on social media thus an opportunity of having a viral post is possible.

2. We create new content pages Developing a truly engaging content is one of the greatest challenges we normally face. To effectively produce a high-quality content, our strategy is to always be exceptionally focused. And it is through this focused strategy that we can accurately and effectively get the job done. Content helps drive traffic to our website. Google is a big part of our business at present, and we have to convince Google that our business is car rental, by using particular keywords throughout our content and providing useful information. 5 Most Important Things for Content Writing with VroomVroomVroom

Make it interesting and engaging

Write for the customers

Write for someone who has never been to that location before

Be creative and unique

Have FUN

Content is King! To better understand how content and SEO go hand in hand, check out the PowerPoint Presentation below:

How to write content successfully for a Location Page

While we want to rank well on Google, we also like our content to be customer focused so they will think we are AWESOME. Here are some do’s and don’ts for our location pages. Do

Write like you have never been to the location.

Keep the sentences flowing like you are telling a story.

Make sure the content being added fits in well with what already exists.

Complete a spellcheck and grammar check before uploading content.

Read through other location pages to see the format and style of writing.

Add car rental / car hire or other relevant words at least once to every update.

Always write unique content that is in your own words.


Copy and paste or use sentences that appear on any other website including our own. Keep content fresh and unique (duplicate content is penalized by Google).

Add too many car rental / car hire words to one update that may make the content look spammy. The words must be included in a natural way and must not feel forced.

Never update anything unless you have been instructed to or it is due for update based on the Content Update Schedule spreadsheet.

Add links unless it is useful for the page

Add images unless it is useful for the page.

If you are not sure about what to do, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Here is an example of what a good content update looks like and a bad content update looks like. (Keywords are highlighted) Good Content Brisbane is an awesome place to visit and having a hire car can ensure you get to see the city and all it has to offer. With so much to do, make sure you research and plan out each day before arriving into Brisbane so you can maximise your time spent there. With an International and Domestic Airport located 15 mins from the city, people from all over the world get to experience Brisbane all year round. Bad content Brisbane is good. Hire a car in Brisbane. There is an airport in Brisbane so hire a car. Plan before you travel what you want to do in Brisbane in a rental car. People visit Brisbane so why not book a rental car. The bad content paragraph looks spammy and unnatural.

How to Update a Location Page You will be given a Login and Password to enter the CMS for each VroomVroomVroom website. Watch these videos. part 1 - part 2 - Login information AU - NZ - CA - UK - USA - CarHire - Bwheels - User name and password will be provided for each website.

An update equals one full paragraph of content on one tab of each location page 10 Things to Remember 1. Create 2 tabs for each location pg on the schedule 2. First tab is specifically related to car rental in that city 3. Second tab can be about the city 4. Make sure in both tabs car rental and car hire are spread throughout the content evenly and naturally 5. Each tab should have a H3 with the words car hire or car rental in it 6. Read all content on all tabs out loud before saving!!!!! 7. Once you hit 'Update' return to the location page and refresh to see if your updates where successful and do a CNTL F and search to see how many times ‘car’ is mentioned 8. If you are using word or another document to write the content, you must copy and paste it to your notepad to eliminate all formatting from the content before cutting and pasting to the CMS 9. It is fine to just write directly onto the CMS as long as you read your content out loud before hitting 'update' 10. Make sure to update the content schedule after each update. This way the schedule is always current. It is important to state which tab you have updated as well. 3. We write and publish blog articles Of course, we know that one of the awesome ways to write great content is to make time to write great content. So how do we spend our time when we are writing? We'd love to show you. Here’s how it all breaks down: We publish _____ posts per day, _______ posts per week, each post at least _______ words (and typically over __________). For instance, Jason Dickson writes ___________ of these posts. How Much Time It Takes to Write a Blog Post I write a car rental/hire blog post in an average of _______ hours, _____ minutes. The longest post took ______ hours, _________ minutes. The shortest post took _________ hours, ________ minutes. The post I’m writing right now took ______ hours, ______ minutes. Steps to Uploading Content on CMS Content upload procedure:

1. Make sure you are logged in at the VroomVroomVroom Login. 2. Choose the location that you’re planning to add content. (For example:

3. Point your mouse cursor on the icon of a man located on the upper right side of the page. Click “Start Admin”. A pencil icon will appear so you click on that to edit. 4. There usually is a default title but you can edit the H1. 5. Copy and paste the content you wrote on notepad first before uploading it on the website. 6. Add H2 on the content and make it in bold letters. 7. Add photo by clicking on the “Insert Image” which can be seen on the toolbox above the content. Choose the file that you want to upload or choose from the photos that were already used in the website. Then click on “Insert”. 8. When editing the photo, just click on the image. You will see a box where you can add the Title, link, adjust the size of the photo and position it. After editing, click on “Save”. Check this document for more information on Website Images. 9. Highlight the word that you wanted to add a link, then click on the “Link” icon on the toolbox. You will see “Insert Link” and “Unlink” so choose the first one. Insert the URL of the link and click the small box beside “open link in a new tab” then click on “Insert”. 10. There is also an option where you can add a “Tab” and “Sort Tabs” on the upper right side of the page below the check mark. Just click on those icons if you need to add a tab or sort tabs. 11. Once you’re done, move your cursor on the check mark and click on “Save Content”. A note will appear where you’ll have to indicate the revisions that you made on the page. Click on “Continue” then you will see a note above that says “task in progress”. 12. Refresh the page to check if the content you added was saved. SEO and Page Layout Option 1. Click “Start Admin” then click on the arrow located on the topmost left part of the page. 2. Choose the Template. Make sure to follow the template of other location pages to make it uniform. 3. Edit the Title using exact keyword and limit the word count to 55 characters. 4. Edit the Keywords by listing the keywords you used in the title and content. 5. Edit Description by using a variety in keywords and limit the word count to 155 characters. 6. Click on the “Show Disqus Widget”. 7. Choose “Top” for Share Widget Position. 8. Choose your name for “Authorship” 9. Click “Forecast” for Weather 10. Save the changed by clicking “Save Properties” 4. We do B2B marketing to build relationships and to acquire backlinks When or every time we publish new content we often link to posts we have written. We know how valuable links can be to gain and reach more audience. A good example of this is the Regional Article Link Building we have at VroomVroomVroom. 5. We help Marketing team with the social media accounts and the company newsletter(s) Right now, social media is the great place for marketing. The Content Team sees a huge potential on the importance of social media marketing. Here’s a look at just some of the ways social media marketing can further improve VroomVroomVroom (as well as its importance).

It can help increase brand recognition. We take advantage of our social media networks, as they are just new channels for our brand’s voice and content. This is important because it simultaneously makes us easier and more accessible for new customers, and makes us more familiar and recognizable for existing customers. For example, a frequent Twitter user could hear about our company for the first time only after stumbling upon it in a Facebook news feed. Or, an otherwise an uninterested customer might become better acquainted with VroomVroomVroom after seeing our presence on multiple networks, such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Improved brand loyalty. In a report published by Texas Tech University, it revealed that brands who engage more on social media channels can enjoy higher loyalty from their customers. Hence why, we are also taking advantage of the tools social media gives us in terms of connecting with our audience.

More opportunities to convert. We already know the power of social media – that every post we make on a social media platform is an opportunity for customers to convert. In addition, we understand that when we build a following, we will simultaneously have access to new customers, recent customers, and even old customers, and we will be able to interact with all of them. For every blog post, image, video, or comment we share or make is a chance for someone to react, and every reaction could lead to a site visit, and eventually a conversion.

Better Search Engine Rankings. Of course, SEO is the best way to capture relevant traffic from search engines. The Content team is aware that it’s no longer enough to regularly update our blog, ensure optimized title tags and meta descriptions – as Google and other search engines may be also calculating our rankings via using social media presence as an important factor, since all strong brands today almost always use social media. As such, VroomVroomVroom being active on social media like Twitter, Facebook, etc. could act as a |brand signal” to search engines that our brand is truly legitimate, credible, and trustworthy.

Overall, social media marketing, when executed right, can lead to more customers, more traffic, and more conversions, and it’s definitely here to stay! 6. We monitor analytical tools to make sure what we are doing is beneficial Thanks to Google Analytics, which is a free web analytics service that provides statistics and easy to use analytical tools for search engine optimization (SEO) and analytical marketing purposes, we can now monitor the following:

Traffic sources. We can track which keywords are driving the most traffic to our website. Popular keywords that we normally use at VroomVroomVroom are the car rental + location, car hire + location, campervan rental and campervan hire. Consistently applying these keywords the right way throughout oour website will help us rank higher in SEO.

Referring sites. We will find out which websites are sending the most quality traffic to

our website and through this, will allow us to focus more effort and time on those sites, and less of our time on under performing websites.

Monitor the types of visitors. Analyzing how much of our website traffic is new visitors against returning visitors. This information will help us run certain marketing activities aimed at new visitors or returning visitors.

Monitor the popular pages. Through this, we can analyze what pages are performing best on our website so as to give us an idea to what our visitors are most interested in and what needs work on our website

Monitoring visits. Analyzing what days visitors are coming to visit our website will allow us to publish new content or launch a new marketing activity on those days in order to attract the most attention

Monitor the geographical location. Google Analytics presents data that will let us analyze the top ten countries that visit our page.

7. We produce quality content More than anything else, we at the CONTENT TEAM always make sure we provide high-quality content for our site. When assessing whether we really are providing quality content, below are some of the questions we ask ourselves when, or before writing.

Do we offer them a reason to spend more than a few seconds reading and/or visiting our pages?

Do we give them real value, something of substance, that is unique, different, useful and that they won’t find in any other car rental sites?

In terms of writing powerful and engaging content, the key here is to produce content that catches the attention of the audience and inspires them to share our content. A great content not only helps to drive more organic search traffic but also helps in earning and winning trust. Just imagine when a visitor sees our content and is able to learn more about VroomVroomVroom, for sure, he/she will feel as though he/she developing a relationship with you. He/she learns to trust you. And obviously, it is always easier to generate a sale when the consumer trusts you.