Containment and the Truman Doctrine PD George Kennen- and the Long Telegram Greece pleas for Aid ...


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Containment and the Truman Doctrine PD George Kennen- and the Long Telegram Greece pleas for Aid Turkey under threat Domino Theory Domino Theory Slide 2 Truman Doctrine Address to Congress on March 12 th, 1947 I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures. Economic Aid $400,000,000 To Greece and Turkey PD Slide 3 United Nation Spearheaded by US. Invited the Allied Powers to join + China Met in San Francisco in June of 1945 47 other nations were founding signatories Slide 4 Organization Secretary-General Security Council and General Assembly International Court of Justice Slide 5 Founding principals Dedicated to helping nations resolve disputes without war Dedicated to relieving suffering around the world UN Declaration of Human Rights Slide 6 P-5 US Britain France Soviet Union China Slide 7 Why Communist Revolution in China Chieng Kai-Shek flees and establishes democracy in Taiwan US and UN refuse to acknowledge Communist Government Do Recognize Taiwan Slide 8 Korea Communist forces in Korea invade South Korea US- Using Truman Doctrine of Containment pushes the UN to intervene USSR Abstains Slide 9 Why was there war in Korea? Post WWII Korea divided along the 38 th Parallel Soviets controlled north US controlled south Intention was always to have unified Korea Slide 10 Invasion US Forces land at Pusan and Inchon UN forces make huge gains for until winter of 51 China enters war to protest US involvement with Taiwan Slide 11 Communists push back Communist forces push UN forces back to entry points. UN forces push back to about 38 th Parallel Slide 12 China Pulls out of Korea Eisenhower Secretary of State- John Foster Dulles Author of Brinkmanship Threatened to Nuke Manchuria China Pulls out Slide 13 The Forgotten War 50,000 Us Dead 100,000 Injured Armistice Signed on July 27 th, 1953 Slide 14 Korea today Still at Armistice South is still democratic North is still communist Slide 15
