Contact Sheet Analysis


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Diane ArbusChild with Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park, New York City 1962

Diane ArbusChild with Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park, New York City 1962

Diane ArbusChild with Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park, New York City 1962

Diane ArbusChild with Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park, New York City 1962

Diane ArbusChild with Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park, New York City 1962

Diane ArbusChild with Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park, New York City 1962

Diane ArbusChild with Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park, New York City 1962

Contact Sheets

Consider not only what is the best composition, but also which composition communicates your idea best.

Consider not only what is the best composition, but also which composition communicates your idea best.

Faces are covered, Division of frame into rectangles

exposure-is it correctly exposed-or over/under-exposed-is there a sense of light

composition-principles of composition-depth of field-action-framing through the viewfinder

subject matter-does it support your idea-is it distracting-how is it framed-what would you change or alter

printing considerations-size-dodge/burn-value range

record settings:- aperture- shutter speed

Contact Sheet Analysis

most important

exposure-is it correctly exposed-or over/under-exposed-is there a sense of light

composition-principles of composition-depth of field-action-framing through the viewfinder

subject matter-does it support your idea-is it distracting-how is it framed-what would you change or alter

printing considerations-size-dodge/burn-value range

record settings:- aperture- shutter speed

Contact Sheet Analysis

most important

exposure-is it correctly exposed-or over/under-exposed-is there a sense of light

composition-principles of composition-depth of field-action-framing through the viewfinder

subject matter-does it support your idea-is it distracting-how is it framed-what would you change or alter

printing considerations-size-dodge/burn-value range

record settings:- aperture- shutter speed

Contact Sheet Analysis

most important