Contact Center Discovery Exercise - Palm Beach...


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Contact Center Discovery Exercise

Introduction The County is currently planning to implement a new telephone system, based on Voice over IP (VoIP), including a new Contact Center solution. VoIP is a proven technology which is also extremely reliable. In the VoIP model, both the telephone and the computer will utilize the same building wiring and same technical network. One of the many ways this design saves money is by eliminating the need for the County to build and maintain two separate (voice and data) communication networks. Some of the other benefits include:

Enhanced communications capabilities will be available to locations that currently do not have a feature rich telephone system.

Through consolidation of several diverse systems, we will reduce training requirements for staff moving between locations and for telecommunications staff maintaining the system.

In this survey we are asking for you to provide feedback on features that are important to your Contact Center and its business needs. Please review the lists below and select the features that would benefit your department. Also, add any additional features that would be important to your department; noting whether the feature is a “Need” or a “Want”. Following the lists are questionnaires which will assist us in the planning and implementation of the new system. Please answer these questions to the best of your ability. Thank you for your assistance. NOTE: The items on this survey do not dictate which features will be available in the new system. This is a discovery exercise to assist us in pursuing the appropriate overall solution.

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Automated Call Distribution (ACD) / Contact Center Automated call distribution refers to a system that recognizes, answers, and routes incoming calls to a specific group of terminals used by agents.

Robust customizable real-time reporting screens for multiple supervisors to include agent status, called number status, skill set status, call wait times, service levels, customizable alarm notifications

Supervisor monitoring and private consult to agent

Customizable queue depths Supervisor assistance

Skillset based call routing Skill-based routing

Recorded in-queue announcements customizable per skillset

Customizable holiday schedule per department

Announcement of anticipated wait times Call recording/ storage for future reference

IVR integration Option for an after-call survey by the customer

Agent monitoring by supervisor and call interrupt capability of supervisor

Translation ability to receive and deliver the language of preference by customer

Visual interface to screens from work station to be reviewed when calls are audited

Chat with agent from the internet/web site

Automated Call Distribution (ACD) / Contact Center - Additional









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Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Interactive voice response (IVR) allows customers to interact with a company’s host system via a telephone keypad or by speech recognition, after which they can service their own inquiries by following the IVR dialogue.

Ability for customers to submit Credit Card payments by phone and check by phone.

Read and process information from a database

Ability to include unique data like “past due dates”, “bill amount”, etc. for each customer called

Multiple applications interfacing with various servers

Allow customer access to basic account info (bill due date, amount due, last month’s usage, etc.)

Multi-lingual IVR

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) – Additional













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Voicemail and Auto Attendant System Voicemail refers to a system enabling the recording of voice messages, which can be retrieved by the intended recipient Auto Attendant allows callers to be automatically transferred to an extension without the intervention of an operator.

Record standard greeting – internal and external Date and time stamp for all messages

Record out of office greeting – vacation and holiday

Retrieve voicemail from any touchtone phone

Forward messages Transfer via express messaging into voice mail box

Delete messages User programmable password

Mark messages as un-heard Secure menu with customizable restriction

Mark messages as regular, urgent and private Customizable operator service per mailbox or application

Replay messages Program announcements based on days of week, time of day, holiday

Automated attendant statistical reports for evaluation of effectiveness of structure

Over the telephone of via electronic file recording updates.

Voicemail sent to email as a sound file Voicemail transcribed to text and emailed

Voicemail and Auto Attendant System – Additional











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QUESTIONNAIRES Be sure to answer every question. If a question does not pertain to the Contact Center, please enter “N/A”. If reference material is available to accompany an answer, note it in the answer field and provide the documentation.


1. List Contact Center Contacts and/or Stakeholders, and their role/s in supporting this project.

2. Outline the Business Goals of the Contact Center

3. Are the Contact Center’s Customers internal customers, external customers, or both?

Please provide additional information.

4. Business Hours of the Contact Center

5. If the Contact Center is not 24X7, how are after hour calls handled?

(i.e. prompts, voicemail, forwarded)

6. What day does the Contact Center’s “work week” begin?

7. Does the Contact Center operate on a shift basis?

8. Current Operations – What are the Contact Center’s Strengths?

9. Current Operations – What areas of the Contact Center need improvement?

10. How many Agents are currently employed?

11. Max # of Agents projected over the next 10 years?

How many concurrent

(i.e. max # of agents signed in to the contact center at one time)?

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12. How many Supervisors are currently employed?

13. Max # of Supervisors projected over the next 10 years?

How many are concurrent?

14. Will there be a local group administrator for the Contact Center?

(i.e. IT administrator or Contact Center Manager)

15. Are Agents focused on one interaction at a time or multiple?

(i.e. Can an Agent answer a 2nd incoming call, etc.)

16. Provide any processes currently in use that must transfer over to the new solution.

17. What are the Contact Center’s Average Call Volume and Peak Call Volume per Day?

Are Peak Call Volumes predictable?

If yes, please explain.

18. How many queues are currently used? Please list them.

19. How many queues will be needed? Please list them.

20. What is the Average # of calls in the queue?

21. What has been the Max # of calls in the queue?

22. Current Service Levels?

23. Desired Service Levels?

24. Does the Contact Center have Remote/Mobile Agents?

(i.e. work from home)

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If no, are there any future plans?

25. Disaster Recovery – Is the Contact Center open during and/or after a disaster?

If yes, do the agents work remotely or in office?

If no, is there currently a recording heard and what is the recording?

26. Downtime – Max amount of time that the Contact Center can be down?

27. How many windows/programs do Agents currently use to handle an interaction?

28. What is the desired voice path in the new system; to phone set, computer, or both?

29. How are calls currently routed?

(i.e. by skillset, first available agent, agent with least amount of calls, priority, etc.)

30. Skillsets – Does the Contact Center make use of skillsets?

If yes, please provide a list of skillsets.

If no, are there plans to utilize skillsets in the new system and what are they?

31. How many phone numbers are routed through the Contact Center?

List those phone numbers?

32. Are calls received at this Contact Center routed to other Contact Centers?

(i.e. Main Contact Center routes call to Technical Contact Center)

33. Does the Contact Center currently have a workflow?

If yes, please provide additional information.

34. Provide any information on Call Treatment.

(i.e. if a call is in queue for x minutes then transfer call to voicemail.)

35. Are scripts currently used at the Contact Center?

If yes, please provide additional information.

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36. Is sensitive information discussed during Contact Center operations?

(i.e. credit card information for payments)

If yes, what security measures are used for redacting sensitive data?

37. Do Agents currently have a wrap up time?

If yes, how long is the wrap up time?

38. Can Agents exit the wrap up time early/manually?

If no, should they be able to?

39. What are your current standard computer specs?

40. Does the Contact Center have a Knowledge Management system?

If yes, please provide additional information.

If no, are there plans to implement a Knowledge Management system?

41. Additional Comments pertaining to the CONTACT CENTER OPERATIONS.

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42. What types of interactions are currently used?

(i.e. Voice Calls, E-mail, Chat, Instant Messaging (IM), Fax, SMS, Callback, Video, Social Media)

43. What types of interactions are planned for future use?

(i.e. Voice Calls, E-mail, Chat/, Instant Messaging (IM), Fax, SMS, Callback, Video, Social Media)

44. Are release codes used at the end of an interaction?

If yes, what codes are currently used?

If no, should they be and which codes should be used?

45. Are queue voicemails currently accessible by all Agents?

Is this feature required in the new system?

46. Is Quality Monitoring currently used?

If yes, what types?

If no, is it needed and what types?

(Types: Silent = Supervisor listens to call but cannot converse; Whisper = Supervisor can listen and speak, Supervisor audio is only heard by the Agent; Barge-in= Supervisor joins the call; Intercept= Supervisor takes over the call and the Agent is disconnected)

47. Customer Feedback – Does the Contact Center request surveys from customers?

What is the purpose/aim of this feedback?

(i.e. customer service, performance measurement, process improvement, etc)

48. Desktop Sharing/Remote Control – Do Agents currently have the ability to view the Customer’s screen or to share

Agent’s screen?

If yes, what is currently used? If not, do the Agents need the ability to do so?

49. Does the Contact Center currently handle interactions in other languages?

If yes, how are those interactions handled?

(i.e. Language Translation Service, Skillset, etc)

50. If Callbacks are currently used, what type of scheduling is used?

If Callbacks are not currently, what type of scheduling is preferred?

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(Types: Datebook-type scheduling = Callback scheduled for date/time; Timer scheduling= Callback within x minutes/hours; Forecast-based scheduling = Callback during slow times)

51. If Chat is currently used, please provide a brief description of the process along with URLs.

52. Chat – Will Agents need the capability to chat/IM amongst each other?

53. Conferencing – Are Agents able to host conference calls?

54. Does the Contact Center currently use a Wallboard/Broadcaster/Whiteboard/Dashboard?

If yes, what type of information is currently displayed?

If no, are any needed and what information will need to be displayed?

55. Does the Contact Center engage in outbound campaigns?

If yes, what types of campaigns are used (surveys, sales, reminders, follow ups, etc.)?

How are they conducted (calls, emails, faxes, etc.)?

56. Is an Auto Attendant currently in use?

If yes, how is it currently utilized?

57. Is an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) currently in use?

If yes, what purpose does it serve; routing, customer identification, self service, etc.?

What type of input does it accept; digit, voice, or both?

58. If an IVR is not currently in use, will it be used?

For what purpose will it serve (routing, customer identification, self service, etc.)?

What type of input will it accept (digit, voice, or both)?

59. Are there any current CRM, ticketing system, and/or database used in the Contact Center?

If no, are there plans to implement one?

Will the system interface with the Contact Center?

60. Will Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) be helpful in the Contact Center?

(i.e. “screen pop” with customer information on Agent’s desktop)

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61. Is Workforce Management currently in use at the Contact Center?

If yes, please provide additional information.

If no, are there plans to implement a Workforce Management solution?

62. Email Management - Will Supervisors review, approve, and/or edit Agents’ outgoing emails prior to delivery?

63. Does the Contact Center currently utilize any form of Interaction Analytics?

(i.e. speech analytics, text analytics, etc)

64. Additional Comments pertaining to FEATURES.

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65. Reports currently used?

66. Reports not available which will be useful to the Contact Center?

67. What delivery methods are used for reports?

(i.e. email, print outs, shared folder, etc)

68. How granular do the reports need to be?

69. Are graphs required?

If yes, what type?

(i.e. Bar, Line, Pie, etc)

70. Are Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) currently utilized?

71. Top metrics used in reporting on the Contact Center and its Agents?

(i.e. Avg Handle Time, Avg Talk Time, Avg Speed to Answer, Call Abandonment Rate, Call Time, Idle Time)

72. What helpful metrics are not available in the Contact Center’s current reports, if any?

73. What intervals are needed?

(i.e. 15 minutes, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, annually, etc)

74. Scheduling of reports required?

If yes, what intervals are needed?

75. Will Agents need access to reports?

76. Real time reports/statistics – currently used?

If yes, which ones?

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If no, are they needed and which ones?

77. Thresholds – Current thresholds in use?

78. List Thresholds for use in the new system. (if the same as what is currently in use, type “same as above”)

79. Real time reports/statistics – Alarms/notifications when thresholds are exceeded or close to.

What type of notifications (visible, audible, email, etc)?

80. Will the Contact Center require custom reports?

81. Wait Time – Include time outside of business hours?

(i.e. Email received after hours)

82. Additional Comments pertaining to REPORTING.

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83. Is recording currently used?

If yes, in what ways?

84. Will the Contact Center require recording of interactions?

If yes, which interactions will need to be recorded?

(i.e. Voice Call Recording, Screen Capture, Keystroke Logging, Chat Archiving, etc.)

85. What rate of recording is needed; 100% of Interactions, Randomly, On Demand (Manually)?

86. Are Grading/Evaluations currently performed on recordings?

If yes, please provide additional information on the process.

87. Will Grading/Evaluations be performed against recordings?

If yes, please provide additional information on what will be required.

88. Will the Contact Center require a custom grading/evaluation form?

If yes, please provide additional information on what will be required.

89. What type of annotations are desired on recording gradings/evaluations; text, audio, etc?

90. Will recordings be utilized for training or performance improvement?

91. Desired method of sharing recordings?

(i.e. within the application, via email, network share, etc.)

92. Is there a requirement for outbound interactions to be recorded?

93. List which fields should be searchable to locate a recording?

(i.e. customer’s number, date, etc.)

94. Does the Contact Center require a specific timeframe for retention of recordings?

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(i.e. recordings must be kept for x days/months/years)

95. Additional Comments pertaining to RECORDING.
