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Construction of magazine front cover and posterBY VICKRAM SINGH

This the original image of the one that’s on the magazine front cover. This is perfect for a magazine front cover as it’s in the middle of the page which means I don’t have to do much edits to it.

This is the process of me creating the actual magazine front cover. You can see how I have cropped out the grey background so it looks more like a magazine front cover.

Here I’m deciding the font of which I should choose as my masthead.

This is the final product. (Magazine front cover)

This is the original image I used for my poster. This is not placed where I want it so I had to crop it out.

I added an effect in the background to make it dark so it relates to the supernatural/horror genre.

Here I’m adding on the texts which is effective as it makes the whole image look like a poster.

This is the final product. (Poster)
