Consciously entering The Great...


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Consciously entering The Great Dance!

Purposes of Tarot:

Ø  Becoming a Conscious participant in the Great Dance: Know Thyself

Ø  Experiencing everything as correspondences: As Above, So Below (Hierophantic Nature)

Ø  Combined with the Prayer of the Heart, very powerful tool for Inner Self to unite to the Divine Cosmic Rhythm

Ø  As a conscious participant in the Great Dance, become a worker for the Reintegration (Tikun Olam, Apocatastasis, Cooling of the Fire) which is its goal.

Brief History of Tarot!

Ø 1st – 3rd centuries CE: in Alexandria, Kabbalah emerges from Jewish / Neo-Platonic / Hermetic / Gnostic Milieu. Basis of Tarot

Ø 1200s CE: According to Fama Adepts of all lands meet in “Fez” and share wisdom. Tarot may have been developed as an international symbol set to convey wisdom to the West.

Brief History of Tarot!

Ø 1367: Use of Tarot Cards banned in Bern, Switzerland

Ø 1392: Jaccquemin Grigonneur makes 3 packs of Tarot for Charles VI of France

Ø 1450: Visconti-Sforza Tarot in Milan. Earliest surviving models for 78 card deck.

Ø 1500s: Earliest list of Major Arcana and first mention of use in Divination.

Brief History of Tarot!

Ø 1614-1615: The Fama & Confessio mention that the Rosicrucians have “a device” called “Rota” which is consulted

for information about past, present and future.

Ø 1781: Court de Gebelin equates Tarot with the ancient Book of Thoth. Ettella amplifies this.

Brief History of Tarot!

Ø  1856: Eliphas Levi first to link (in print) Kabbalah and Tarot, however, he encodes blinds and feints into the text.

Ø  1887: Golden Dawn established. S.L. MacGregor Mathers records his insights into Tarot in the unpublished Book T. British school specializes in the Esoteric Tarot.

Ø  1889: Papus published Tarot of the Bohemians, containing same blinds and feints as Levi. French schools continues the Exoteric Tarot.

Ø  1900s: Golden Dawn corrected Tarot order and attributions published by A.E. Waite, Crowley, Regardie, Case, Hulse, et al.

Ø  1930s: H.S. Lewis re-publishes Rosicrucian Egyptian Tarot Major Arcana as a tribute to Tarot’s Egyptian roots.

Ø  21st Century: Hundreds of Tarot Deck Designs in circulation.

This timeline is greatly indebted to the work of David Allen Hulse, The Western Mysteries.

Simple Celtic Cross Layout!

a. There are no reversed meanings

b. There are no evil cards or suits

c. the cards near a card modify and

condition a card’s meaning

d. No set time can be established

Also look over the spread for Suits, Court Cards, Major Arcana, etc.

The Journey Continues!

Ø Tarot works because it is a book to reveal the Great Dance within and around us. The Magic is not in the Cards, it is in us.

Ø The Secret is in the Fool:

0 (The Fool) = Aleph (1) ∴ 0=1 (The Source is in its manifestation, solving the One and the Many.)

The Journey Continues!

Ø  If you would become a serious student of Tarot, here are some suggestions*:

Ø  Study each card of the Tarot using the Concentration Exercise we have done.

Ø  Establish for yourself your Kabbalistic understanding of the numbers 0-10, so that the associations are automatic.

Ø  Obtain a traditional Deck, and an alternate Deck

Ø  Create two original decks, one with only names and numbers, and one your draw yourself.

* Thanks to David Allen Hulse for some of these!

The Journey Continues!

Ø  Using the names/numbers blank deck, test your knowledge of the cards until you can use it as easily as with a printed deck.

Ø  Draw your own deck, no matter your skill in art

Ø  Meditate on the Tarot daily, in any pattern directed by the Master Within, singly or in sets. If you wish, combine this with the Prayer of the Heart

Ø  In your study notebook, relate the symbols, colors, astrological meanings, sounds, etc., of each card and elements of the cards, as these come to you in meditation.
