Conference Manager Version 3 - SchoolSoftPage 3! As illustrated above, the set-up and configuration...


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    Conference Manager Version 3.0










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    8&.+-'&!%-!%,&!"+,--."-6%!7-)6&1&)+&!Designed by educators who know schools, the SchoolSoft Conference Manager is the premier web-based solution for scheduling Parent-Teacher conferences. The SchoolSoft Conference Manager eliminates the frustration faced by parents wanting to book a Parent-Teacher conference by making it possible to view, schedule and coordinate their conferences anywhere and anytime they have access to the Internet. While parents have convenience, school staff are empowered to create, manage and stay on top of the process of scheduling conferences in ways that were previously not possible.


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    The following diagram outlines the configuration process for schools that have previously used the SchoolSoft Conference Manager. !


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    As illustrated above, the set-up and configuration process begins by SchoolSoft collecting information from you about your school. As the system administrator and/or school administrator, you kick off the set-up and configuration process by completing a pre-formatted spreadsheet that will be emailed to you by your SchoolSoft representative. This spreadsheet typically takes about 15 minutes to complete and should be emailed back to your SchoolSoft representative. Once we received SchoolSoft creates a Conference Manger “shell” that provides the basis for a version of the Conference Manager that is unique to your school. This portion of the set-up involves creating the base parameters for your school, configuring the Conference Manager database, establishing a school profile, and creating the primary system administration account that will be used to create other staff accounts at the school and to create the upcoming conference rounds. It typically takes SchoolSoft 2-3 business days from the time the completed spreadsheet is received to provide you with your school’s Conference Manager “shell”. As a school you will need to ensure someone creates and verifies staff accounts. Once this is done you can optionally configure conference “teaching teams”, which allow you to link two or more teacher accounts to one shared conference schedule. After the staff accounts and any teams have been created, the system administrator must configure the upcoming conference round. The final step to a completely configured Conference Manager is carefully reviewing all items entered and to confirm accuracy of the School Profile, which is accessible through the SCHOOL PROFILE tab (see . The actual configuration work for a school typically takes approximately 2 hours, but varies depending upon the size of the school. To ensure a thoughtful implementation, we recommend that your school plan for the entire implementation to take one week from when the school makes a decision to proceed with using the conference manager. This timeline will allow for not only the set-up and configuration, but also an opportunity to double check your configuration and try out the SchoolSoft Conference Manager in your school site.

    "%(66!/++&$$!()*!"#$%&'!2()(?&'&)%!Once the SchoolSoft Conference Manager is configured, each teacher can securely access the system and view their schedules in real time. The Conference Manager accommodates for a teacher adding additional school personnel, such as a resource teacher or guidance counselor, for any given conference. Knowing that some conference schedules extend over a long period of time, teachers have the ability to block off one or more times to accommodate for a break or the system administrator can create a common break for all teachers. The System Administrators can create and manage conference rounds, staff and parent accounts, review parent survey data and add, edit and cancel conferences.

    A*0%0)?!#-3!"+,--.!@1-60.&!SchoolSoft establishes the initial school profile for you. You must review the School Profile to to ensure it is accurate. Follow the steps below to confirm or edit your school Profile.

    1. Log into the SchoolSoft Conference Manager with System Administrator or Office Staff permissions.

    2. Click on the SCHOOL PROFILE tab. Make any adjustments required using the figure 1 below as a guide.

    3. Click on SUBMIT to save the changes

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    !"#$%&'(' Complete the contact information on the same screen. Pay particular attention to the information for the parent and staff support individuals as their email is used when a user clicks the SUPPORT button in the top right corner (Figure 2).


    B'>-1%()%!7-)$0*&1(%0-)$!C&6-1&!@1-+&&*0)?!Properly set up, the SchoolSoft Conference Manager provides a customized platform for scheduling parent conferences that is simple and intuitive to use. The Conference Manager empowers your parents to create and coordinate their own conference schedules and provides you with a set of tools to easily and effectively manage all other aspects of managing parent-teacher conferences. The best outcomes of Parent-Teacher Conferences arise when the Conference Manager is used along with best practices in planning and implementing Parent-Teacher conferences. To help ensure a successful round of parent-teacher conferences in your school, we offer up the follow 10 items to consider. Your experience, judgment and knowledge of your school community are ultimately the best to guide your decision-making regarding parent-teacher conferences.

    1. Determine how many time slots will be needed to accommodate all parents and guardians who may be interested in attending conferences with a teacher. Once you have estimated this you can determine what the duration of each conference should be, when to plan the starting time and end ending time for the conference schedule (or conference session as we refer to it in the Conference Manager), and how many conference schedule sessions to conduct.





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    Our experience, especially at the higher-grade levels, is that scheduling appointments on-line typically increases attendance because of convenience and the fact that reminder emails are automatically sent to parents.

    2. Try to accommodate the greatest number of conference time blocks during the time period that best fits with your school community. Our experience is that the majority of parents prefer evening time blocks, although this does depend on your community and other school circumstances. Teachers want to have effective communication with parents about student progress. It is unfortunate when a parent wants to meet with a teacher and all the available conference blocks have been filled. When a teacher’s schedule is fully booked, the parent will see a message indicating the school can be contacted for advice on how to meet a meeting with a teacher outside of parent-teacher conferences.

    3. Determine any “pre-booked conferences” that will need to be made prior to the system opening to all parents. These pre-bookings might include such things as blocks when foreign language interpreters may be available, appointments for resource teachers, etc. These pre-bookings are normally completed by one of the office staff but coordinated with teachers or schools administration.

    4. Communication is the key to having parents effectively schedule and coordinate their own parent-teacher appointments and to staff managing the appointments that have been booked. Use the school newsletter, school web site and any other communication channels available to inform your parents of the importance of parent conferences and how they can access your school’s Conference Manager. SchoolSoft provides sample documents you can use at: SchoolSoft provides sample newsletter articles, letters to parents, emails and web site posts to assist in ensuring communication is effective. If on-line scheduling is new to your parents, communicating how booking will be done well in advance is essential. The most important information will ensure parents know the URL to the application or where to go on your web site to access it. This URL is provided to you after the conference manager has been initially configured for your school. It is also important to inform parents that a relatively recent version of an internet browser, such as Internet Explorer, Safari, or Firefox, is required to access and use the application. If parents do access the application with an out-of-date browser, the application will alert them to this and provide the link to the download page for the current version of their browser (this alert function applies to Internet Explorer, Safari or Firefox) Provide teachers with the document (available from SchoolSoft at that will act as a guide for logging in and accessing one’s schedule. Logging in and accessing a teacher’s schedule is a simple process, but having the guide available or providing a 5 to 10 minute walk through demonstration will help ensure success.

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    The Conference Manager uses a number of automated emails to inform and/or remind parents and staff about matters pertaining to parent-teacher conferences. These include:

    • Email confirming the registration and creation of a parent or staff account. • Emails informing them of the date and time the Conference Manager

    becomes available for parents to book conferences. These emails are sent by default one-week before scheduling occurs and at the date and time that parents can schedule.

    • Confirmation emails are sent to parents after each conference booking. • A parent reminder and conference itinerary email is sent just after

    midnight on the day of the scheduled parent conferences. It contains a list of the conference bookings, times and locations for each conference appointment made by a parent.

    5. Accommodate for parents who may not have access to the Internet. Our experience is that there is a diminishing number of families who do not have access to the Internet, but you will still need to provide a means for those who can’t access the Conference Manager. We suggest that you retain the method you have used in the past, but look at how to structure it so that it meets your needs. For example, if you previously sent out a paper form for parents to complete, it would be better to let parents know that forms are available at the school office for those who need them (as opposed to sending out paper forms to everyone). High Schools that used to have parents line up for conferences may suggest parents phone in. Our experience is that setting the on-line scheduling on a Saturday and implementing traditional booking channels on the following Monday is an effective way to encourage parents who can to book on-line.

    6. Make accessing the Conference Manager as simple for parents to access as possible. Here are some suggestions for doing this (You can access samples of the any documents mentioned below at

    • If you are implementing your school’s version of the Conference Manager for the very first time and you have the email addresses of your parents, you can send out one email indicating that you will be using the Conference Manager and include a link to the application. After the initial implementation, the parents who require this basic information are those parents who are new to your school. All parents who register have their accounts carried forward from one year to the next. After one year of no parent account activity, the parent account is automatically.

    • Include a link on your school’s web site. Use the URL provided to you when the SchoolSoft Conference Manager was configured for your school. We suggest you configure the link so that a new window or browser tab opens when the parents click on it.

    • Send a letter to all parents that explains the conference set up and arrangement. Highlight the URL or where the parents can find the link to the Conference Manager.

    • Include an article about the upcoming parent conferences in the school newsletter. Highlight the URL or where the parents can find the link to the Conference Manager.

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    Conference Manager Managing Staff Accounts Managing Teaching Teams

    This document will assist you doing the following:

    • A&%2$;#@E!%L;$;#@!2#L!L%*%$;#@!2!3$299!277+K#$!• U;%I;#@E!1&;#$;#@E!2#L!V%3%&H;#@!$;B%!R*+7W3!RM!277%33;#@!$8%!"#L;H;LK2*!

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    /5-3%!"%(66!/++-3)%$!Before a conference round or conference session can be completed you must create all the required staff accounts for the school. When a staff account is created the SchoolSoft Conference Manager will send an email to the address specified during the set-up of their account. This email includes information about the SchoolSoft Conference Manager, their login credentials, and a link to the login screen. Once a staff account has been set-up, staff members are able to manage their own account using the MY PROFILE tab (figure 1). Only a user with System Administrator or Office Administrator permissions can delete accounts.


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    /5-3%!4&(+,0)?!4&('$!Oftentimes schools will have one or more teachers who conduct conferences together. The SchoolSoft Conference Manager Teaching Team feature allows individual teachers who have staff accounts to be grouped into teaching teams. This enables two or more teachers to be grouped together to create a single conference schedule for a conference session that is shared by all members of the team. The Teaching Teams feature permits each member of the team to login and see a schedule that will be identical to the other members of the teams. The SchoolSoft Conference Manager does not limit the number of members that can be placed into a teaching team. Staff members who have been associated with a teaching team are

    identified on the staff list by the icon. Once teaching teams are created the system administrator will notice that both the teaching team(s) and the individual teachers who make up the team(s) are displayed in the staff list. The system administrator has the option of selecting either the individuals or the team during the creation of a conference session. Both the individuals and the teams cannot be selected. This avoids the possibility of a staff member being double booked.



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  • Page 15!


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  • Page 16!

    Conference Manager Creating and Managing Conference Rounds and Sessions

    This document will assist you doing the following:

    • A&%2$%!2!A+#9%&%#7%!V+K#L!• 'L;$!2!A+#9%&%#7%!V+K#L!• A&%2$%!2!A+#9%&%#7%!6%33;+#!• 'L;$!2!A+#9%&%#7%!6%33;+#!

    Typically a school hosts two or three conference rounds a year. A conference round consists of any number and combination of day or evening schedules when teachers, parents and often students meet at times that are booked. In the SchoolSoft Conference Manager each of these schedules is referred to as a conference session. You can view the Conference Round and Sessions by clicking on MANAGE CONFERENCE ROUNDS or the CONFERENCE tab. Any Conference Rounds created will be displayed in order according to date. Conferences occurring in the past are at the bottom of the page, Conference Rounds occurring furthest in the future will be displayed on top. The current Conference Round will be highlighted with a double border. All other Conference Rounds will be displayed with a single border. In creating a conference round the system administrator must specify information, such as; date and times of the round of conferences, dates and times parents can start booking and when they can no longer book on-line, and if and when a “conference round email” reminder is sent by the system to parents who have booked appointments. An appointment reminder email is always sent to the parent the morning of their scheduled conference. The Conference Manager also provides the system administrator with the ability to create a special on-screen note to parents that pertains to the entire round and is displayed when parents log in. A separate parent note can also be created for any particular conference session, which can be useful to describe such things as teachers who are not participating on a particular day, or teams of teachers who may be conducting conferences together.



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  • Page 17!



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  • Page 22!

    Conference Manager Master Schedule


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  • Page 28!




    teachers for a specified conference session. Conference Session A conference session can be considered one of a number of

    conference schedules that make up a conference round. For example, a school that has both elementary as well as middle school grades might want to have 15-minute elementary conferences and 10-minute conferences for junior high conferences. In this case the school would set up two sessions, one for the elementary conferences and one for the junior high conferences.


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    Conference Manager • Creating and Managing Parent Accounts • Accessing Parent Survey Data


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