CON7700 Bastidas CON7700 Migrating and Managing Customizations for Oracle E Business Suite R122




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  • Migra&ng and Managing Customiza&ons Oracle E-Business Suite R12.2

    San&ago Bas&das Senior Principal Product Manager Applica&ons Technology, E-Business Suite Development Oct 1st, 2014

    Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Safe Harbor Statement The following is intended to outline our general product direc&on. It is intended for informa&on purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or func&onality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and &ming of any features or func&onality described for Oracles products remains at the sole discre&on of Oracle.


  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Related Sessions

    Tuesday Sep 30

    5:00 pm - 5:45 pm

    CON7702 - Online Patching with Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 Kevin Hudson, Sr. Director, ATG Development MW-2018


  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Program Agenda

    Customiza&ons 12.1 vs 12.2

    Preparing Customiza&ons for 12.2 Upgrade

    12.2 Upgrade impact to Customiza&ons

    Managing Customiza&ons in 12.2

    Key Takeaways







  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Program Agenda

    Customiza&ons 12.1 vs 12.2

    Preparing Customiza&ons for 12.2 Upgrade

    12.2 Upgrade impact to Customiza&ons

    Managing Customiza&ons in 12.2

    Key Takeaways







  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Customiza&ons in E-Business Suite


    Implemented in several technologies Components live in the middle &er and in the database Custom DB components reside in Custom schemas and

    EBS schemas

    Custom DB components could have dependencies on EBS components

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |


    Custom Schemas

    Customiza&ons Releases 12.1


    Applica&on Tier Database

    Applica&on Code Custom Code

    Web Listener


    Oracle Developer 10g

    Applica&on Schemas

    Applica&on Code

    Custom Code

    Custom Code

    Applica&on Data Model

    Custom Data Model


    Applica&on Code Custom Code

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 and Online Patching

    Oracle Conden&al Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted 9

    Quick High-level Recap

    Copy the produc&on code, including customiza&ons

    Apply patches to the copy

    Patches - 12.2.4 - Customiza&on -

    E-Business Suite 12.2.3

    ProducIon Copy of ProducIon

    E-Business Suite 12.2.3

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. | Oracle Conden&al Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted 10

    Dual File System

    Applica&on Tier

    Oracle OHS Web Listener

    WebLogic Server

    Oracle Developer 10g

    Oracle OHS Web Listener

    WebLogic Server

    Oracle Developer 10g







    File System 1 File System 2

    Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 and Online Patching

    Two Complete Copies of the File System

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 and Online Patching EdiIon-Based RedeniIon

    Oracle Conden&al Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted 11

    Eciently stores mul&ple copies of Applica&on deni&ons in the same database

    Provides an isola&on mechanism (Edi&on) that allows pre-upgrade and post-upgrade schemas to co-exist

    Client code chooses the par&cular Edi&on that it wants to connect to Edi&on-Based


  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Customiza&ons in R12.2 Have to comply with Online Patching Standards Can be patched Online Live in the dual le system Custom DB objects with EBS DB code dependencies reside in edi&oned



  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Customiza&ons in Oracle E-Business Suite R12.2


    Custom Schemas


    Applica&on Schemas

    Applica&on Code Custom Code

    Custom Code

    Applica&on Data Model

    Custom Data Model


    Applica&on Tier

    Applica&on Code Custom Code

    Oracle OHS Web Listener

    WebLogic Server

    Oracle Developer 10g


    Applica&on Code Custom Code


    Applica&on Code Custom Code

    Oracle OHS Web Listener

    WebLogic Server

    Oracle Developer 10g


    Applica&on Code Custom Code

    Data Model Logical View

    Data Model Logical View

    EdiIoned DB Schemas Run Patch



    Dual File System Run Patch

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Program Agenda

    Customiza&ons [12.1 and prior] vs 12.2

    Preparing Customiza&ons for 12.2 Upgrade

    12.2 Upgrade impact to Customiza&ons

    Managing Customiza&ons in 12.2

    Key Takeaways







  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Create a Project for Preparing your Customiza&ons for the 12.2 Upgrade


    Create a catalog of your customiza&ons Analyze and Implement code


    Deploy revised customiza&ons

    Pre-Upgrade Project

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Customiza&ons Prepara&on Project

    Make sure the catalog iden&es all the ar&facts Database ar&facts Middle &er ar&facts Technology Used

    OAF, Forms, Reports, Java, PLSQL, etc


    CustomizaIons Catalog

    Pre-Upgrade Project

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Customiza&ons Prepara&on Project

    Based on the Catalog U&li&es available for the analysis:

    Online Patching Readiness Reports Database

    Online Patching Standards Compliance Report Database Applica&on &er

    Available as standalone patches for 11i, 12.0, 12.1 and 12.2 Reference Note:1531121.1 17

    Analysis and ImplementaIon

    Pre-Upgrade Project

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Online Patching Readiness Reports

    Will direct you to Register custom schemas containing custom code that depends on EBS Code A few viola&ons require manual interven&on

    Reports will provide guidance on how to address the viola&ons

    12.2 Upgrade will automaIcally address most custom code viola&ons contained in schemas registered with the applica&on

    Failure to address viola&ons will result in Invalid Custom Code aqer the R12.2 Upgrade



    Pre-Upgrade Project

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Online Patching Readiness Reports

    Main purpose is to iden&fy the Edi&oned Based Redeni&on golden rule: Non-Edi&oned objects cannot depend on Edi&oned Objects



    PLSQL Spec




    Tables Indexes Materialized Views Sequences Constraints

    Edi&oned Objects Non-Edi&oned Objects Views EdiIoning Views Triggers Types Synonyms

    Pre-Upgrade Project

    Data Storage Objects Code Objects

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Online Patching Readiness Reports

    Oracle Conden&al Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted 20


    CUSTOM Schema

    Custom Code

    EBS Schema Non-Edi&oned Edi&oned

    EBS Code


    Register Custom Schema with the applica&on Online Enablement automa&cally edi&ons enable schemas

    Edi&oning is enabled at Schema Level

    Pre-Upgrade Project

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Online Patching Readiness Reports

    Very few viola&ons require manual interven&on if schema is registered with the applica&on Materialized View with a dependency on a PLSQL package or func&on Constraints with a dependency on PLSQL code Triggers dened on LONG columns

    Readiness Report will tell you how to address them Register your Custom schemas with the applica&on!

    Oracle Conden&al Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted 21


    Pre-Upgrade Project

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Online Patching Standards Compliance Report

    Custom code should comply with Online Patching Development Standards Reference: Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide Release 12.2

    Chapter 7. Database Object Development Standards for Online Patching

    Standards include Data model access pauern Code naming standards Special Object deni&on requirements (VPDs, MVs)

    Failure to address these viola&ons could result in Future Code invalida&on Inability to patch Custom Code online (Down&me required to maintain Custom Code)



    Pre-Upgrade Project

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Online Patching Standards Compliance Report

    All code must access the data model via the Logical View (APPS synonyms)


    Database, Data Model Access PaZern

    APPS EBS Schema Synonym

    EBS Table

    EBS Code

    Custom Code

    CUSTOM Schema

    Custom Code

    Custom Table

    Pre-Upgrade Project

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Online Patching Standards Compliance Report

    Table Names cannot exceed 29 characters Column Names cannot exceed 28 characters Table Names cannot use the # character Object Names must end in alphanumeric character Index names must contain at least one _ character Constraint Names must contain at least one _ character Materialized Views Name cannot exceed 29 characters


    Database, Code Naming Standards

    Pre-Upgrade Project

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Online Patching Standards Compliance Report

    Included as part of the Readiness Reports ( Validates Data Model Access Pauern in middle &er source code


    Currently working on enhancement to support Oracle Forms Oracle Reports


    ApplicaIon Tier

    Pre-Upgrade Project

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Online Patching Standards Compliance Report

    All code must access the data model via the Logical View (APPS synonyms)


    ApplicaIon Tier

    APPS EBS Schema

    E-Business Code

    Custom Code


    EBS Table

    Data Model Access Pauern

    Pre-Upgrade Project

    Custom Schema

    Custom Table

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Deploy Revised Customiza&ons

    Compa&ble with any pre-12.2 releases Can be deployed in the current release (Preferred) Deployment can be deferred to the upgrade down&me


    Revised Code

    Pre-Upgrade Project

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |


    E-Business Suite 12.1 Instance Ready for 12.2 Upgrade


    Applica&on Tier

    Applica&on Code Custom Code

    Web Listener


    Oracle Developer 10g


    Applica&on Code Custom Code

    Custom Code

    Custom Code

    Online Patching Compliant

    Pre-Upgrade Project

    Custom Schemas


    Applica&on Schemas

    Applica&on Code

    Custom Code

    Custom Code

    Applica&on Data Model

    Custom Data Model

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Program Agenda

    Customiza&ons [12.1 and prior] vs 12.2

    Preparing Customiza&ons for 12.2 Upgrade

    12.2 Upgrade impact to Customiza&ons

    Managing Customiza&ons in 12.2

    Key Takeaways







  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. | 30

    R12.2 Technical Upgrade Process

    Upgrade Database

    Lay down R12.2 File System

    2 1

    Enable Online Patching


    Upgrade To 12.2.0


    Deploy Customiza&ons and External Integra&ons


    Upgrade to 12.2.x RUP


    Congure System to Produc&on Capacity


  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    R12.2 Technical Upgrade Process


    Key Stages for CustomizaIon MigraIon

    Lay down R12.2 File System

    2 1

    Enable Online Patching


    Upgrade To 12.2.0


    Deploy Customiza&ons and External Integra&ons


    Upgrade to 12.2.x RUP


    Congure System to Produc&on Capacity


    Upgrade Database

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    R12.2 Technical Upgrade Process

    Completely New Dual File System Does not carry over any code from pre-12.2 le system


    Lay Down R12.2 File System

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7


    Oracle E-Business Suite R12.2 Applica&on Tier

    Applica&on Code

    OHS Web Listener

    Oracle WebLogic Server

    Oracle Developer 10g

    COMMON_TOP Applica&on Code

    APPL_TOP Applica&on Code

    OHS Web Listener

    Oracle WebLogic Server

    Oracle Developer 10g

    COMMON_TOP Applica&on Code

    Rapid Wizard

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    R12.2 Technical Upgrade Process

    This process is Database centric Before running this process:

    Deploy any remediated database code not deployed in the prepara&on project Register any custom schemas iden&ed by the prepara&on project Re-run Readiness Reports to verify customiza&on compliance prior to Enablement


    Enable Online Patching

    1 3 4 5 6 7 2

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    R12.2 Technical Upgrade Process

    High level steps in the process Prepares all the database code for edi&oning,

    E-Business Suite code + CustomizaIons

    Enables Edi&onioning on E-Business Suite schemas, as well as Custom schemas only if they have been previously registered

    Creates the Logical View of the Oracle E-Business Suite and Custom Data Models. adop replaces adpatch as the ocial E-Business Suite patching tool from this point forward


    Enable Online Patching

    1 3 4 5 6 7 2

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |


    R12.2 Technical Upgrade Process


    Enable Online Patching

    APPS EBS/Custom Schema


    EBS Code

    Custom Code EBS/Custom Table Physical Data Model

    User Dened Type

    1 3 4 5 6 7 2

    EdiIoning View Logical View

    1. Prepares Code for Edi&oning 2. Enables Edi&oning on Schemas registered with EBS 3. Creates Logical View

    Edi&oned Edi&oned Non-Edi&oned

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    R12.2 Technical Upgrade Process

    Deploy customiza&ons as per new guidelines Note:1577661.1 Developing and Deploying CustomizaIons in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2

    Key dierences compared to prior releases: Register custom tops with adsplice Register your custom code with Custom Synchroniza&on Driver to keep custom code in sync between le systems

    CUSTOM_TOP must reside within the APPL_TOP


    Deploy CustomizaIons and External IntegraIons

    1 3 5 6 7 2 4

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Deploy Customiza&ons



    Applica&on Tier

    Oracle OHS Web Listener

    WebLogic Server

    Oracle Developer 10g

    APPL_TOP Custom Code


    Oracle OHS Web Listener

    WebLogic Server

    Oracle Developer 10g




    Dual File Systems Schemas EdiIons Enabled

    Applica&on Code

    Custom Code Applica&on Code

    Custom Code Applica&on Code

    Custom Code Applica&on Code

    Custom Schemas


    Applica&on Schemas

    Applica&on Code Custom Code

    Custom Code

    Applica&on Data Model

    Custom Data Model

    Data Model Logical View

    Data Model Logical View

    1 3 5 6 7 2 4

    Applica&on Code Custom Code

    Custom Code

    Data Model Logical View

    Data Model Logical View

    Run Patch Run Patch

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Valida&ng Customiza&on aqer 12.2 Upgrade

    Oracle Conden&al Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted 38

    Example: Custom APEX ApplicaIon Upgrade

    APEX Workspace

    APEX Engine


    APEX_040200 Schema

    Grant Select

    Standard published EBS APIs

    APPS Schema

    Custom APEX Applica&on interac&ng with E-Business Suite 12.1 via public APIs APEX_EBS_EXTENSION Schema

    Iden&ed by Readiness Reports Registered with the applica&on prior to 12.2 upgrade Edi&ons Enabled as part of the Upgrade

    Custom APEX Workspace fully func&onal aqer the 12.2 upgrade Review the APEX cer&ca&on Whitepaper for more details

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Program Agenda

    Customiza&ons [12.1 and prior] vs 12.2

    Preparing Customiza&ons for 12.2 Upgrade

    12.2 Upgrade impact to Customiza&ons

    Managing Customiza&ons in 12.2

    Key Takeaways







  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Managing Customiza&ons in R12.2


    Maintain customiza&ons with Online Patching New R12.2 Development and Deployment Process New R12.2 Development Standards Tools to help manage customiza&ons

    Customiza&ons in R12.2

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Maintain Customiza&ons with Online Patching in R12.2


    Customiza&ons are deployed during the Apply phase Deployment instruc&ons available in Note:1577661.1

    Custom Patch

    Middle Tier Database

    Custom Code


    Custom Code


    Customiza&ons in R12.2

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    New R12.2 Development and Deployment Process Use the new Development and Deployment Process for future

    customiza&ons Reference: 1577661.1 Developing and Deploying CustomizaIons in

    Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2

    Oracle Conden&al Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted 42

    Customiza&ons in R12.2

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    New 12.2 Development Standards Any future customiza&on development has to comply with Online Patching Development Standards

    Development Standards are covered in the following document: Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide Release 12.2 Chapter 7. Database Object Development Standards for Online Patching

    Oracle Conden&al Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted 43

    Customiza&ons in R12.2

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Tools to Help Manage Customiza&ons in R12.2

    Oracle Conden&al Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted 44

    Oracle Applica&ons Manager - Patch Wizard Oracle E-Business Suite Plug-in for Enterprise Manager

    Cloud Control

    Customiza&ons in R12.2

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Register customized les


    Patch Wizard

    Tools to Help Manage Customiza&ons

    Analyze impact to customized les

    Customiza&ons in R12.2

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Perform patch impact analysis on recommended patch and prerequisites


    Patch Wizard Tools to Help Manage Customiza&ons

    Analyze impact to customiza&ons

    Customiza&ons in R12.2

    Direct, Indirect and CustomizaIon Impact Analysis

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Create AD compliant customiza&on packages


    Oracle E-Business Suite Plug-in: CustomizaIon Manager

    Tools to Help Manage Customiza&ons

    MOS Doc ID 1623105.1

    Apply custom patches with Patch Manger

    Validate customiza&ons adhere to EBS development standards

    Interface with version control systems

    Validate the custom les based on a set of standards

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Related Sessions

    Thursday, October 2, 2014

    1:15 pm - 2:00 pm

    CON7697 - Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Cloud Control for Managing Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 Angelo Rosado, Sr. Principal Product Manager, ATG Development


    Oracle Conden&al Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted 48

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Program Agenda

    Customiza&ons [12.1 and prior] vs 12.2

    Preparing Customiza&ons for 12.2 Upgrade

    12.2 Upgrade impact to Customiza&ons

    Managing Customiza&ons in 12.2

    Key Takeaways







  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Key Takeaways

    Oracle Conden&al Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted 50

    Upgrade Project for your Customiza&ons ahead of the 12.2 Upgrade

    Get Familiar with the Development and Deployment Standards for R12.2

    Take advantage of Online Patching to deploy your customiza&ons

    Use the Right Tools to Maintain your customiza&ons

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

    Safe Harbor Statement The preceding is intended to outline our general product direc&on. It is intended for informa&on purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or func&onality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and &ming of any features or func&onality described for Oracles products remains at the sole discre&on of Oracle.


  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. | 52