Computer security By Shreya Houji. VirusesViruses


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Computer security

By Shreya Houji


Viruses . . .What is a virus?

A computer virus is a software that can damage your computer and steal any or all of you personal data from it and sometimes delete info from the hard disk and also interferes in the way your computer operates.

What damage can a virus do?

A virus is very dangerous and could cause a lot of damage to your computer. As mentioned before it can slow down your computer and interfere with how it works.

What are the different types of virus?

One of the virus is Trojan horse which look like normal computer programs. But actually they are a virus as soon as you click start protecting they get onto your computer. The best thing to do if this problem ever occurs is to restart your computer and also keep checking your anti-virus software.

How can you stop yourself from getting a virus on your computer?

There are quite a few ways you can stop yourself from getting a virus. One of the ways is to get a anti-virus software this programs protect you computer form harmful viruses and help you to get rid of them (remember you cant always rely on it!)

Viruses continued . . .How can you stop yourself from getting a virus on your computer?There are lots of things you can do to stop your computer getting a virus. You have to make sure you don’t open emails from unknown people and not putting others memory sticks in your computer as it may have a virus that will then go on your computer. You should also back up all important data on your computer.

Are there any draw backs to using anti-virus software?The only draw back of an anti-virus software is that it some times makes your computer slow, but its better to have one than not.


Hacking. . .What is hacking?

Hacking is when another person gains access to your computer without legal authorisation and uses your work that is on there.

What damage can hackers do?

Different programs can do different amounts of damage to your computer. Hackers can write new files, delete files, edit files, and do practically anything to a file that could be done to a file. A hacker could install several programs on to your system without your knowledge. Such programs could also be used to steal personal information such as passwords and credit card information.

How can you stop hackers being able to get on your computer?

You can use something called a fire wall. This will help keep hackers from getting into your system and sending out your personal information. Antivirus software will scan incoming files and e-mails but a fire wall stands guard outside the system to block any communications or information exchanges from other computers that don't have your permission.


Backups continued. . .Where should you keep your backed up work or information?

You should keep you backed up work in a separate room to your PC in a safe and secure place which is not damp and wet.



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