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Computer Science 121

Scientific Computing

Winter 2014

Chapter 9

(“Lessons Learned /

Next Steps”)

9.1 Environments and Scope

● There are rules expressing how we link

variable names to values

● Script : names are linked in workspace

● Function: names are linked only inside function

● In general, the “place” in which a variable

is linked is called the variable’s


● The rules that determine how the linking

takes place are called scoping rules.

9.1 Environments and Scope

● When a function is invoked, a new environment is

created for its variables – both the parameters (input

vars) and the internal variables (“local” vars)

● This environment contains a copy of each input value,

which is why input values cannot be modified.

● This environment is destroyed when the function

returns (exits).

● Scripts do not create a new environment, which is why

they mess with your workspace variables.

9.2 The Debugger

● How do we find bugs in our programs?

● Leave off semicolons so we see intermediate


● Use the debugger

● Debugger has two basic features

● Stop your program’s execution

at a crucial “breakpoint”

● Examine values of variables in

the current environment

9.3 Shared Environments (Obsolete; use Object-Oriented Matlab)

9.4 Scoping of Functions

● Functions themselves (as opposed to their

parameters and local variables) are available

everywhere – In workspace

– To other functions

● Therefore, if two functions have the same

name (in two different folders), we get a


● How to resolve this?

9.4 Scoping of Functions

● Recall the path concept from Chapter 5: to find a file (.m function,

data, etc.), Matlab first looks in the working directory, then

successively in the list of directories in your path (which you can

view/modify by using Set Path...)

● Therefore, name conflicts can be resolved by using the version of

the function first encountered in the path list. This is what Matlab


● But it is a BAD IDEA to rely on this mechanism – i.e, DO NOT re-

use function names if you can avoid that!

When / Why to Write a Function

• Biggest motivation is always : Do not repeat code!

• But there are other reasons – “Segregation” : If a variable is used only once

in your code, maybe you should put that part of

your code into a function, so the rest of the

code doesn't see the variable: recall amortized

smallestfactor function....

function res = smallestfactor(n)

persistent primes

res = n;

if isempty(primes)

primes = [2 3];


if primes(end) < sqrt(abs(n)) % we need more primes

for k = primes(end)+2:sqrt(abs(n))

if isprime(k)

primes(end+1) = k;




for k = 1:length(primes) % a different k

if rem(n, primes(k)) == 0

res = primes(k);




function res = smallestfactor(n)

persistent primes

res = n;

if isempty(primes)

primes = [2 3];


if primes(end) < sqrt(abs(n))

primes = more_primes(primes, n);


for k = 1:length(primes)

if rem(n, primes(k)) == 0

res = primes(k);




function newprimes = moreprimes(oldprimes, n)

newprimes = oldprimes;

for k = oldprimes(end)+2:sqrt(abs(n))

if isprime(k)

newprimes(end+1) = k;



When / Why to Write a Function

• Biggest motivation is always : Do not repeat code!

• But there are other reasons – Segregation

– Abstraction:

• Maybe you will want to use a different algorithm in

the future . Putting your current algorithm into a

separate function makes it easier to find and

replace your old algorithm quickly.

function newstate = caiter(oldstate)


% commented-out : yucky!

%for i = 2:(length(oldstate)-1)

% newstate(i)=rule22(oldstate(i-1),oldstate(i),oldstate(i+1));


newstate(2:length(oldstate)-1) = rule22(oldstate(1:end-2), ...


1), ...




function newstate = caiter(oldstate)


newstate = update_innerV1(oldstate);



function newstate = update_innerV1(oldstate)

for i = 2:(length(oldstate)-1)



function newstate = update_innerV2(oldstate)

newstate(2:length(oldstate)-1) = rule22(oldstate(1:end-2), ...

oldstate(2:end-1), ...


When / Why to Write a Function

• Biggest motivation is always : Do not repeat code!

• But there are other reasons – Segregation

– Abstraction:

• Maybe you will want to use a different algorithm in

the future . Putting your current algorithm into a

separate function makes it easier to find and

replace your old algorithm quickly.

• Also supports division of labor: Bob writes

primeFactors; Alice writes smallestfactor .

9.6 Warnings and Errors (Skip 9.5)

● Sometimes we want to let the programmer do something

“wrong” without causing the program to crash.

● E.g., divide by zero:

>> x = 1/0;

Warning: Divide by zero

x = Inf

● When writing your own functions, the choice is up to you:

function res = average(vec)

res = sum(vec)/ length(vec);

>> average([]) % ???

9.6 Warnings and Errors

function res = averageV2(vec)

if length(vec) < 1

error('Empty vector, Einstein!')


res = sum(vec) / length(vec);

function res = averageV3(vec)

if length(vec) < 1

warning('Empty vector, ain''t no thing')

res = NaN; % not a number


res = sum(vec) / length(vec);


Catching Errors • Instead of just quitting, we can have our

program respond to an error by doing some kind of “repair” or “panic mode”

• We try to do the operation, and then catch

the error: % compute means of vectors in cell array c

for i = 1:size(c, 1)


means(i) = averageV2(c{i});


warning('Empty vector; using NaN mean')

means(i) = NaN;



9.7 Testing Functions

• eXtreme Programming – “More eyes make shallower bugs” : pair programming

(think about it for your projects!)

– Write your tests before you write your solution

(otherwise, what problem are you solving?)

• Test-cases – Compare to known answers

– Look at “edge cases”

9.7 Testing Functions

• Compare to known answers : e.g., product of prime factors of N should equal N:

>> num = 83723423424323;

>> f = primeFactors(num)

f = 31 109211 2479703

prod(f) == num

ans = 1

9.7 Testing Functions

• Edge cases: what you usually don't consider a typical input to the function

>> primeFactors(2)

ans = 2

>> primeFactors(1)

ans = [] % why?

>> primeFactors(0)

ans = []

>> primeFactors(-10)

ans = []

>> primeFactors(4.1)

ans = 4.1 % ???

%primeFactors(n) - prime factors of n

function factors = primeFactors(n)

factors = [];

remaining = n;

while remaining > 1 % Condition for continuing

sf = smallestfactor(remaining);

factors(end+1) = sf; % Update accumulator

remaining = remaining/sf;


% smallestfactor(n) - smallest integer factor

function res = smallestfactor(n)

res = n;

for k=2:sqrt(abs(n))

if rem(n,k) == 0

res = k;




9.7 Testing Functions

• What do edge cases tell us? – Situations (like primeFactors) where we don't

get an error and probably should (0, negative, non-


– Situations where we do get an error and probably


function res = findSock(placesToLook)

for i = 1:length(placesToLook)

if contains(placesToLook{i}, 'sock')

res = placesToLook{i};




9.7 Testing Functions

• Large projects will often involve a “test harness” that puts the code through its paces automatically:

function res = testPrimeFactors(ncases)

% test on random #'s, returning problem cases

res = [];

edgecases = [-1 0 1 2 4.1];

randomcases = floor(1000000000000*rand(1,ncases));

for k = [edgecases randomcases]


factors = primefactors(k);

if prod(factors) ~= k

res = [res k];



res = [res k];



9.7 Testing: Final Thoughts

• Testing is annoying, but it's much cheaper than paying the cost of untested code later.

• “If there is no way to check the output of your program, ... you have left the realm of scientific computation and entered that of mysticism, numerology, and the occult.”

• Never “program around the problem” (like Captain Crunch).

9.8 Optional and Default Arguments

• Recall plot function: >> plot(x, y, 'ro')

>> plot(x, y, 'b-’)

>> plot(x, y) % same as above

• In general, Matlab functions (should) support

a quoted option which defaults to some

sensible value if unspecified

• This requires use of special local variable

nargin - automagically ignore missing


function res = nicecos(angle, units)

% “nice” cosine supporting degrees and

% radians (default radians)

if nargin == 1 % one input argument

units = 'radians';


switch(lower(units)) % ???

case {'radians', 'rad', 'r'}

res = cos(angle);

case {'degrees', 'deg', 'd'}

res = cos(pi.*angle./180);


error('Dammit, Beavis!')


function res = nicecos(angle, units)

% “nice” cosine supporting degrees and

% radians (default radians); less redundant

if nargin == 1 % one input argument

units = 'radians';


switch(lower(units)) % ???

case {'radians', 'rad', 'r'}

a = angle;

case {'degrees', 'deg', 'd'}

a = pi.*angle./180


error('Dammit, Beavis!')


res = cos(a);

function res = nicetrig(fcn, angle, units)

% “nice” trig function supporting degrees and

% radians (default radians), multiple functions

if nargin < 3 % two input arguments

units = 'radians';


switch(lower(units)) % ???

case {'radians', 'rad', 'r'}

a = angle;

case {'degrees', 'deg', 'd'}

a = pi.*angle./180


error('Dammit, Beavis!')


res = feval(fcn, a);

9.8 Optional and Default Arguments: Named Arguments

• axes function lets us adjust the axes in a

figure: >> plot(x, y)

>> axes('Position', [.5 .5 2 3], ...

'Units', 'inches')

>> axes('Units', 'inches' , …

'Position', [.5 .5 2 3])

9.8 Optional and Default Arguments: Named Arguments

• axes function lets us adjust the axes in a

figure: >> plot(x, y)

>> axes('Position', [.5 .5 2 3], ...

'Units', 'inches' )

• Requires use of special varargin variable: function axes( varargin )

for i = 1:2:length(varargin)

param = varargin{i};

value = varargin{i+1};

switch (param)

case 'Position':

% etc.

9.8 Optional and Default Arguments: Named Arguments

• varargin can follow required arguments: function plot( x, varargin )

if isempty(varargin)

y = x;

x = 1:length(y);

% etc.
