Components for Honour among Thieves



Picture of components for Honour among Thieves for Fastaval 2014.

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Lost 2 Trust tokens, re-placed with black No-trust tokens.

Loot dice. Bronze gives 5, 1, 2, and silver (the bonus) gives 7 (3+4)

Green Steals one loot die, the rest are shared.

Green didn’t complete her task (2+1 from cards, +3 from Trust - Target was 8), but it is ok, because the two other players did (Orange got 4+3 from cards and 1 from Trust, Blue got 4+5 from cards and 2 from Trust). So cards and 2 from Trust). So the Heist is a succes and Green gets the personal loot of 4.

One Trust token re-ceived from blue. The sign doesn’t matter at this stage.