Complete BPSC Syllabus - SELF STUDY HISTORY...ifiT 74 c4,411-‘ 3Tirr**M4 (t.11141W7R7IF•AWP Vt)...


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BPSC Syllabus


For Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC)

Common Combined (PT & Mains) Competitive Exam

सम्प ूर्णर िबिहार लोक सेवा आयोग पाठ्य िववरण

िबिहार लोक सेवा आयोग सिलिम्मिलिलत संयकु्त (प्रारिलिम्भिक एवं मिलखु्य) प्रितयोिगता परीक्षा हेतुपहला संस्करण

1st Edition

• 1101-41 •311-Ichlti 1 • tiI4-11-el fz-q? 9 • 410-11-41 alarzi9 ---- 9 • *134 10 • Animal Husbandary & Veterinary Science 12 • 41114 fa -4R 16 • Botany 19 • Chemistry ---- 20 • Civil Enginering 22 • Commerce & Accountancy 26 • aitiVirR 29 • Electrical Engineering 29 • ilit/ 31 • lizicioi-t 33 • -4f-dmi 35 • fit K4 +11-114 a+cwM 38 a Law 39 • Management , — 41 • Mathematics 43 • Mechanical Engineering — 46 • cq -Ritt-4 48 • Physics -------- 48 -- • ti 1fcf fwii4 alitT di-a 04'4 .. SO • iii aqa-1 52 • Public Administration • Sociolo:zy - • Statistics • Zoology • fa +TIM 314tT *fact!. • English Language & Literature • Urdu Language & Literature 67 • *at TIM a14r{ 68 • tit-cpcf 1-1711 1:11kM . 68 • 1-bittil T1711 afri TITI-67/ 69 • aRts T 3fR Trri-g-m 70 • giril 'ailEfT 3 1:itrTM 71 • itrzto/ Tfrkm 72 • .4T it f-4wR-4 4ft4i3191TqftTwt (C.D.P.O.) 73 • wirEf if-dT 'RIM (Judicial Service Exam.) 75 • t.Mlich 3Tfivir4w (A.P.P.) --r- 76 • 4ikti 451ri-Tchi (Ranger Service) - 77

54 56 59 62 65

(Gazetted Post Service)

*zi-4u 51ictqlkorlut -4 (-111-41rocr t-4 coQI sv-414ci1t1 TIT3Tiftrq t 64, f11 414-it swich * -ffrrq 811Tff t, titcbit filzrotii to-ti Infrd sicellkir -NO TicriT1 3ITATff-74 31111f IcK qra ►

1. i6Mit Wilting) *-41 (WEE TRIO), (2) r(461t auKt 1 (allit Tutiluw), (3) 84diRig-f goilust (1-6ITT wiril), (4) grit -Nu *-41 (arruFq Ti mstitichuil), (5) kW ftfklf *-41, (6) r *I, (7) 16Mit WU -*V (VRIth1W), (8) tMigg) fi*Mff-ERIftiVt, (9) Pg6IT *41 44-2 3174ff ti6ltig) fiVATW tinfittii), (10) ITN 1:1C1f4Wrft, (10 'NMI fff4tiff-*-41 (3T-17 fT44-1T),

(12) dick rigi,zi-t ticTRTVITI, (13) Wifc nak-TW .7q? (14) sti-iti-Lic4. 1MICTVT# '74 3T-44 IT4* izitk *Du Nicvallidt titer * -4rtznT t Tri- alri1 fizifTT tg fad fTF-wrgiirticrigi Trd9T A vmrar r, 1-ITTa4i -Wirtga fatu (*R-144) 7-1 1Y 30-ci ail4P-Ao fTR

1. *Ow—ar-kff 31Titff 31f-14 fir Pbtit 4-11-qcummic="kcircividA. t-1104, aTelar *mane wet! ARE I e

2. 3ITS ATIT—(i) ai lltf ra O-37 arillfkrd (Viral), -Mit1 1 oftw-d fcro-T Mx 7-4 4400-40 44 Ire( 3rger0 *rt aTaltat AlAcir

i Trk00-42 qE, I

f4V1T * tichrg 11141.4) 2374 kfffEr) 16-07-2007 * Ma* "ttt *Icon A:-111 Wsif 43- fat-gt 11-4110 VT * fit, 0.-"c1C1(

A Tlavulzrif Twr-4 * foR aftwaff awl kik 11 05 (49) wit mzr xi-krof ct, SIRP4fich Crftif -4 gm -A-4 r -TR 3 (t9') ar41:11 I

AP* -R4 sixtRika, f lit fcimir*VT--ei 01414, 62, R-11.4) 05-01-2007 * aro* -4 rachow Ti -a-4u 31FET-+-61.33 tiliir 10.a argir-AF

(iv) 4 d.iiscHt 1461( TR--+-Tft A-41. 4 t r#4 -au *Ira * (6•1 147 rc461( faTi AAT, mdirogi 40-11-6,( RR' Alf891) F6161( 744T

1-4-51-TT * trff 9.-4i 4-4 (ow 7-44-a, 1983 *Vc Rff. *1.111.1:11Tal ri.birticre it-en/aTTOTTY

11-44.-4-. farad ̀ titchit * 3 d-it * * 13 dizzOsta *m4 fizirgif * rokt 3rd almiach z-ff T:1 calf mrerk

31 1 d, fAcp1 d -01 -Ti.Tal.4. Tl ricbirma, ilar zi 3rYt qt.'s mikuivil -a-TA, 64- farusz*-41 * reK fa-F-6-ff utT (41H1 t-ff ati 31RETT

H111 z1l11 7 -37 -1.113-if if 7T 144 TR ff-47 Fc-R. 3-1Thohdi-f vrq ¶1 ,*a

(vi) ¶96i fkf 74 (tvbim)/k;q.v-h.Thim Tto) ift

LisiRtwit #97 micviiiiicit iitt311. * 31P-417 ifT •414 41c31. Tit PQA

74 TR 3-.444 39 TPITET 11 5 ci LIT CI 39 Nit-211 *I "0154

t <4141Y1-5 31FT-RT4 (tTit3iR774.w-b.TFT341- 7*-4) T 3-1-114Fri

' iii 4,4-1--i1-*TI 5 awl 14Ilc1R Tif 1GT j&I t T4vrA. --TrrfrftRT

iTirwr WI 11 WI, 31?-1-4 u: i-p6Vt 1iP iI WI , 4vra. k ift rc4i1 obsNit, 31-41-177T, iR rrn3-14-41 3-it-i+Icif,s4


(vii) &T 1-1TI4 *riT (t7:113-/M4.T-11.7113-1.1,71 Trf-t-q) -4 31-171-Ku AlFcri 3T-TIF-44 ,51-1,411-cf TicTzl Frm 3T--171-N-u qiiku3T-gpu wow 0).1 ,41 1Tfti-t fuzfo FrK 3,,idi4 39 -114-1I [fcui*r ñ - 1.14 kqr 7711 dich[ 1.-48T7-Mu Kz .*T 7r4Tfr TO t 3lf--d147 f-45-4171q17 ,i111-1I-4 111 I 31e-17 ,11(1/3-1144ci '311'l1fil TOIT4

ifiT 74 c4,411-‘ 3Tirr**M4 (t.11141W7R7IF•AWP Vt) cb1(1 .1`41


crier .m.TT 3TP4 tfq A134- zrcf aTfw-

.t-41 A faThi AP,TIT ircfs,40aA.--44 * fir 61;f

U1-1Iuf-if4 TITP,11k4)R *119 31fT4T4 7€,.-4 A v d4-41sql4 1977:a wT A-FITII

(V) dchi tl1 1 -1104 -33 414-11 Uchlt t-

'3'W Agit V1-4-*-1 311-+-713if Wif ki.(941 1, 0,4 4tse41 4 A 414 1t 12

7* 74 T-11 ti'mtif 14 *i Aaf3if Fo7 22 727 f-4-g17 31170 r, iFiq.i

(i{6 7%,-11 clirrA) 74 -3-04K r-laqw t-j, 20 44 I

3. pia kiTI-dr-r46K "jr-M:1 411 71T1 4,1-11u.Lt (IF WI 4Tr - ft)

t-'711 5 9l 5 143ft P771; .ITT7i-ii (ef TIN)

VIVI 32 (6141k4)1-4 44 -411-6 I Litt 3T-1TP7 sTlIrcf/317ftff •41,=111cf* lccIIi * NATI if wzrziwt kilaReb TIT3,441cqlt '11.-"OaTi1 t4 tr(

5 ThlZ 3 1-q 727 (D-171 TIN), 1,411"cli4, 31 N441k4) t-4 fit lick I lifTMT3-11

,t1.=.11 5 thit 2 tq fr-R

4. fircelqi—dcl-ciIr4 T 311WITT 0;iFeaR Acite kFork-1-11 1.-4-4Ttu (-11,410d (wr) iuiATI-urch-.a *Trig .0 sil,iFkid t ‘414,11

61,1t; mc-,71a, Tiziqu 1FvII1iIcI1 vNTRTTT we I

5. irEIT d4ci 731417444141t 1 31704 cadclit -39-47 iiruirthi

51F441P1c11 irtur f(ralqI*1 %RA* 4ftjçj fi (-Iw)

II1MI Liaur IT 3-ra11zi7if Arrwa, -1i& sioniPid

7rirrfr; T 3Twqlk1r Trki-q-ru 3II11 ATIkTrIFF ,A1 41-0-)d, IfT-t 317371. 111FLq1( 14t1TWR 1 t fWzff '1111T

6. ITRIM-TW t-1144irriti, TIA-47f (ARThlit) micigThicir -Ertk-TI -q-11-F-45 150 3t4 wo F144, (-11411-q 31atzi9 -4 2 (0) qua 411 siqlait qeacbc, 11,4 anti T1A. -ft-t 4, 371( ti S14 i 3l-4-fk-rd 611a

(ii) r -9R-frqw T121 Tr f4iT V17:1 .5L1T 34-IfitZT '"161.4

t1r(9 f4gT1 * .f-d-M14 "SPF§I raq)Lic11q, (-11411-q 1-174F, frgR s1 to 411)-F7W 391PT qer Trg---Erf 9-k-z(1, 1/11u 7-4-{-41 4-T 31Tr2k T , 31(-4rt 47,1Ic1 f4g7 31 d1 t ITI3U 4ftqcf r, 9411ff *T 1Ttzr '21T W14 f--0-07 z1)1grff -cr4 111-4,41 z111117T -4k4 c41(4 51q1 614 I

(iii) -, TITTFTilt Atqr 3TA1A di-H1cal4 -> 1 TrftwEF, 3 t.E1u-ifne1 Tfziwr (-1 - r) sricNIfilor ANTE fa-rvm Fer-mt -qrzl-Trr I 7r f-414-8., -rf14.w tk4

qq1m11.4, TriR faiTTA, 4(s,Er 2374 f-c-ifw 16-07-2007 * 37-0)* 91(11-1 -A-Nrr t reN 40%, ftT037 qrf Riq 36.5%, 31-R. f1:103-1 * 34%, 31-11PU TifrOT311 fr1 32% 33e11T 1171

3Tft414 61411 I

7. dc1c1 1-19K4 34-1414011414Z1fulfMa , tfaq71 (la:1) zr-N,Tr f i 34-01T A, T.:, AA-Azr, 31r4q7 31Frfr-4-4 1 l70-4 I ArTfm-T- ANTI 74 -13:r ANIT 3110 t 1711 11-9-E3T1 fiTR--dE 611 1a14 ,131( ANT -El 4i-Hocr 61.1

A AT-4U rchqf 1T iicnor -g 8. .14341-Atil ARf-m-Tw sEf4411-414r 611 .t ,q1( la et F1-44

TtEi 0)4) ileir *111 11a1 31TtTlTV31 1 w4e1 3T1 1T gitf fif 314B1 , ef,c1,41( iirrA T1 .TRIut A -4-1--44 1t.1 31rkqT rcbif 111IT t I 314-kci14* TEND 3TPTIA 1 f9.04 31f ciI 511If I

9. 317411-cT1411:f01 *T*-1 iirrdN *1 1711 914 TIMR11741 7r4-91

alit f--*-111 31P4 7#qi err era t R14 31r1fkm (ft) t «51 .71 Trtrft I 311:14rkt- -11P:14 1-1 TRIM 3774 41 A r, Arrzti =1 3114KW TT f 8111 1111147 q)11 'T{ *TO 311A1 I d+-1-kcilt 31477:1

# -4 74 ANTE t 411 AT I61 AT -ANA 41k1 71rr cm1* 46(.4 31079 cnk4 1 1r T1 ('I1 1d (,04 A 311r1 -0

10. 1ic1T T1 e 3i1T 31ra-c9 cht:f T114 e 4-4r 7r11 crA1 t 46C1 75 31-47i11r-if7 cbt 14) dlei; wit 4cirti-cr7-4 gRi 3T-ff1T1R7 Pc4

Aziwr Tr#kTr - r-{Y Tri 3Trzni74 7rr-4-Trl I • (i) —ANA -N-Awr -k-krzr .1(94 AN.Tr -14 .164 tq

d14-11qellif TV4-1 61JI1 I (ii) Tim ATIvr—fr-+r 3-07 fR1u4 ANA 7-d 3T-----olkTr 3119,11{ 'IT fq-11-1-R

41k.h14 (-1.11311 74 44 1T1 1V1 -1 t d"-1s1l(1 1 14-i 61'11 I vrTrvir Afivr (i) aTuTER Trq--iso at", Tirrzr—t xpr-

AN.TE 4 (-11,11.-4r 31w4-9 -A4 4RIF--its -74 .16,1-14m4 MehIt t ier I

*IT •FW dILK cbVIFIT ,;Iffrit* 711411 1-11 q%. "c121 T1 14.1 ?Ai* -ITE1 itk-11tq 44-4-i1catti*T ralq1 77171 I aM: @t441-51RiicK ITR a4-4 *-1 -13W1 1TTT 21 Qi 1:1TERT I lataf 1RI*1* rwl cac-1 d“-ilcollif tit«ai

zTre-att ftfadttl t 13 TIT alfti* 614

airmur Trizr-mt airovErw ar-al-au ,nlict/39-4-4ff airmut *

24t Ti~4t * t1414 1,7torzr'gftT*Ttl gRT t-cIlkifia 717 slid zed 641 * ft:gra

fir 47i uttr aio-ct twit fcro4 14r-6-311 (742T1 araraff si-vi114, aTI ftTgr arf Trf-t- r) :KT( atRkTuf

*1'1u ecirctoqi .3iTu-et * arlirdff Aircf 1",r4 argiNff ,11-Mircf f-4-6R TF=f*. 11 afti-44a Afurzti

3174114 14 d44-ilsciiii 1:11kiiTt * Rio( 5usiftwit -gm 711. sifitt.ofkirm Atiti mmut-71 aTERT at-fig-F ticAchi0 giT itoraift-d

(-sif-dgwofta Tgl) oafs -srgrot-Tr4 afriaRf .-Tr w wrgr On I 144 arm TR-rftrwt grit Stratmetra 711'd TitTritt- as Trt-Ar -ff-e*

tfa 3r4ra1-vi 3Tf*TF srtla *74 * fez) 31-mre aT7alur * ca-4 fittifla fett, 31.1.4 fat); (Cut Off Date) -4-{4 smit -stFtrt 3t

33131r it AK WV 701 Tria1-71:ti T61: T511 aRt*ul Tx? 151 10/11 I airki-V1 alREel *1 -qqr 4)(4 TR 312171 ̀chriir ' ail7ur-071' ,fit di-41ccIR *-1 airmuT *I fg-ATri

rem,( tttam( 711 ftiff4/31FR for-Oritr-g-mit 34-14-4ff 4111c1 atI.t -11-t 31-07-4ff 41111cf ,W2TF f04411* m1124 * *TPIK iT1 Q114 awklur #1,47 t Tr* t, * at -T 71-61 7[174* irt .1 t I tt.4 * etit 37ftd Airdiargftff A-1,11k 4{1c1cca aiRkitg 'FIT1 ITATT1 71

7if741 f487 +whit WE I** 9toiqf: arar---4-d Aircf/araf *1 a4 fifa altal t

latfrtiw 104 air--4-c9-Trq k4 *1 tett ant stc4tai w-tq r•Tfre 34eaci--117 * 1412T ar4F1 chtil *1

f*-4Fri * 17f a 713 -(iicift1 11-49-4t wt Trit alvoiicf Trfo

TIF74, f-4-m 014) 441 3-74171, 15 Acilt'aTM Alrf Te91-800001 FiGifiTff sich •14 c1( IW fittifta fen -ct4 1:Frtrat (aka 4 Titzfp 3Tr*TE—Helic-v4 aTTtzr Trra 1 AO I fittfrta faftt wet Trg 3rrcer 31m


TIT f*Til 61Mcf-11 rcixtlt 3e rchqr .91-z--11,411,4cr «Alf atarr -cria *2g21 do-R fertg-d 23sitket TRIvr

at-qq-Tt *Z • tf-e-u -4 fq-T1 NA 9 19r R-4 at-Irrreff T6-1-4a2 atr-d-ci-T-q

f4414 t41 247 TR -q fq-Ta a411 l

[ 4 ]

TRI4TT *--ki 4 .d,411cclit a4Wi1-IT4 WRMR cbt lizgf tig 731-41Wi "El P5 31.; 4114.14 371f7=?A-1:14 * A211T-4T 11A.1-412 ZR114tR IT4t a I Ak

. 41+.2.1fcf-trq 'ER tAiug t.11 1t Tot a -ppm 4- -ITINIT a9x1ftztff TFIT q14111

a4. 11 alt trtRa .51441,1 T 414.-low1 dim M4 71( 34.13-4 ai* 4 -atm 3:1854 4 aTtriT 4430)441 (*I 9) afefFf Fria 31--An z-d( -affif3R t

.Tvid <silviich xiK <SW fiR1*1 74 4144 I Will titta d1( 4,67 dillb-mitt) 3 -, 44 14,k4 Ile IR 4w41-1 -zu 144 -(14114 f as+ti 4 Tr{ ddi lif7;ZFR 74 t WIAlft1 ditql4f aTWNOTTGR 41-11T 4 tin Az; k4 aftmll 4

x*Vi 1-4R1 -17§E1714 4 .4-411 174A 411.)-za 14141F1E11 ItitII 1A--4711 w 1t1; 1144 iff4 1*--t awlizr ant 4tentl4.4. ck alf4C74 ktaKit ard: d415,41t 044 -AZIIIR fTMT Az- 76-T dt-ei4s alPFI 4 1911-To *x41-4 IR T4.(14iT aziros 414 *T Ow

It *TT ,z;-s4. 44rticlf * 311471 44114b144 le 611 I

91Z—TFIWT 4)4.4 *114 31114 adlit49-1:131 flow(* 2liFF3

ale4A7-7g atc£91i tiER 34;z12,11 IRK' WTI 4 6Thicil .AtTAT 4.1f3 -1T 240-ci w(4 t 4,14.01 -331-1:14 -3742P WI -fir "WWI fie 1

* avkci-TA. 14-47 fin 4144,1( MIR fiTifft 4sakAii. 311- -Trq 3Fr4 "k"*T will, .;,*(1 • 310- -vr# s4rd zr-4u 41E44 te 4

3-11-4-c+-Tri 4 1*-4 w-4311 1 1.w4 4-{ alTATF-1,431 mzit*3 *-{f4. t ..144ut

trtm 4'3T f4R31 aukiv( A waF I 4 air* -Efi'44A 31 Fr h1.1T

31Fefr44- 1*A41 to4x4110 4.41roiRI -43Agi 'Ow 4 *34 * t97 7: BIMINI

* 1:14R111÷11( TRIM 7Trzr Oil 4

'OF) 1w41 341-4-1:14 * te.11 3-67 *If -34 f431 WRal T

311R •Ti fair W4111 AT f** *I:ft-Mt 4 iTT aRAIAT * fgt..; fiF:4 3117114-‹i 111111( Td tRi ‘441414(

tig) aTTM.IT gRI ifftiffur af--44 fen rTTA * AK 341'RT 3111-t154117(

Te fc4)441 WT111 I

(Tr) -am "Ti `1374 * ‘*el TITTrVii 31-1-01 i34, tri I cbli 3 4bi111-1 -4g1A *41 W‘ I alTE4* 1114-a 4 /ft -wW 4>im RFT Te 'AM t t dill -111" 3T274T f0731 aTt zrr nazi 3T14-49-11-1 3R*541 'WC fq-44 71411 4

(1q) 44.14.1m 4.l444 TIMM-47W +163 TR-91 . 44fg7 (W) 44Sclit 370ci-1:11 411.t 111S -Rt&rt folg4 4 lardIA 3f-431

3- fitzT .FTT i4 I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.-- zlft -wag le I *efF T IFI 1 -4 1T311 3 fcqr 1►d t31 1 fa- rtuff 4FA-d1 *

I 0

A 3titrki t 3114-cff--EN 14-{-a Aga 1-14-tioligcr fita larmaffl-

4kier *ZI 31fit-*frr ttls Lnii4 kia ,4,18

-11cItIT9Tr-TR I -R.* iTt ‘314-13 ant * f(-1 iT7 t iiiltnt -tut atf 1-* Lm A aftr* 3f-* 410R-r if 31-1-*7 fait 'tip 1 3an mls

1.71 atfir* ate f-6 7§19T 3ci4 l 41.1-4 f<4 t *111 fwal- chls

-4 01 3-TET41 02 ltif at**, 312.14 twif aat o T ai W4%119110* 0 * ZTtQT 17).s

*r34-9 c-ft lt-11 f* 114 fc{§1711 7171* I Rrif 0 * *T 3f*-i chk•if

11rict 31*-9.-Tfq *1-6 * Ri ail .11(-1 -3tg -11-4 fwza TrzT1

etac14-1 ( 3TRAPTI ft gird ) chlS

01 ii1411- 4 02 3TICA9 AIR!

03 311499 41,71lict

04 31P:r NUT ATI 05 ft" qrf 06. rfrTFT (ftro--4-r a,if t l Afg--- r mil 3T:ft-a ,,tricr ‘71-1,3afcr,

ftru--4-1 arf a.fg-urQ)

311rt fwal d.-±IcaR a R,Rliad aTrArt A 9-ef t ,416

TI A 5 1;rfa-uff -ff.-* *gal q-Fl-al

fffr-z§rd 4N-T1 a To-ft di41qatti Faqg *10%-19 Tffal oiq

qiik. 9 f*. Wel qtli I 34-1414c114 tact TIT-4W* -FT1 * 1-1Tt Tcriz

7-4 -q-4-714 ‘&[-49rntlurrffr . 7-1-- T* SV-1111 14fi-Ricqrqdf*t 3-1-41T A wzi-rit

IRTT (-1 )-1[ 644 qc(14 fi?iWT f 314a*T{ sTf4 ci*

(w-1 ift11( Cl)tir 3-1T 4F1* T11:01 * 34t1Kf A-ga QIN f*

icif fizirwr Trit lig0-11T f e-AlLt I

3-TP*1 *P46(4 31-1-11q011t d-I4 A 4m41 41l 4ar at 317-1-Aff cb(4

aifq=bik f -t:11* Fritk. 31101 314 qi+4 I

vren-Tw TR-1w (Preliminary Test)

34N4r4 faxtEl (Compulsory Paper) aragm (General Studies)

mq-f-trff 1 719-4m44 * cv-ifoRAcr 4q A *171F.-49 t414-o-e4 (General) ntOrHtn 3-T-.- rtzr H67,4 A Wit.10-114401

fff-an tt f-4-61T eff-an Arlig fcRiticq I

[ 6 1

+114114 ThA—foTR* -51-11-gr 3131A Az zr-6T - 1A-6---tErf 4k4I, 1117ff

;1-4T-QTT 31r 311f2i* ardr2lT, 311 f-4-6R miaraRt TrEgg y1t1~i t, 1111a Trttzt, 211 fa-6R 711TR79 211 4-11-41'11 1)1719f wiA4 1l11 Tryff

111H) Lf faqirs 31 i .kfa-w 39A1 a211 -Wm A ITiztfAIff Trfg-a faT9. Apichrl Atu TT-WA 1 -&-14 51k.1 w4.4 f7-{1-4- f-+-111 ifyrruu arra?'

A 3-1Akir 11? * f *41fi* faqql ra-,'1' fmart I chirt

vr-d-gg 3T7T1ff 1444 * kw-Hr.ich, 31INT a -{ LifaAA fatiq 1114-11.44 Ailchlit tTt laxly arra f7r17F1111 I IltRITIW* 31711 ,111c11 .f* fraT

fA-61t4 Nderrat A trftrAu

iltIA 11,44 -4 i'llTrd U211 ITT f'crqla arri icqr 7i4Trr " Arrff Anr f-4uT 1-17 317Tfff kyr 11IHIrI AtTr 3TIN* Tka -5RA

4,1 fwITI 911T11-4 cprti 'ffETT Tfrffa* 7TR19Y 9151 1404(11( eTil I

9111a Fr r oaatxll 3417. arfft ce41t4.41 31— rf1 kyr (1.1.-111 er, spu)?,

f4-*T* a211 ilirdlzf *-491 (I-471 *1:1- 4 1-11) WT-7.11

•111-14111 *T TRW:9' 1m47 zwliir I"

"iyrra* 31TtA9." 34+1Z yr-dr1 7z1--Er 31t ~a9Tra, (111441 1a-*-71 t-citi4c11 3firqf *1:414-1ff 9 I •4144 trturNi-Al A atyrr A Arralzi 133M11 44,114 -11 ":17

"IR We l( *1 14 dtit I

TITIATT (Main Examination)

TgEr Itur 31194T4 r444 :

fa-GrEr ct)16 ?atm 01 (114-11-4 1-6-c1 100 3f* *1

02 k114-11.4-1 3W47:4 200 3* *7

111H1 tr 31t7FR 3119-tri-ii, 200 at* *1

— (111-11-4 1;frqf 'ffalf* 3-1.71 frfzal A-11 3t7 .44140ccr -Ertuffr Aa1f1;'1 4 la 771111, it d4-41s4it 31f9-41-4 +114-11-4 1:1q 30 31tkriff

-0 1441 A fAN-d TrA4Tr trzrai 717 la .wro 7144 I

(2) r3c1.4111 3116a14 fTERTI afrem - Pz[ AN-TT 1-p-rkil(Acr cici-)R-Hob 14b14

qt=r I d+-1-11SclIk .1;4(-1 t ?TERI TrWa f*t f**1 Arbil 3fr{ Art7:r A afAw riqg la A Awk

faak cnls 0 ratiti Paw.' chls rCitiq

04 cpia 1m11 09 f*F-4 . jA11141k11

05 LRALIm-f MIT Hyl Nrchc\yi f4T9' 10 0111111.11 q1101 121T #I NT

06 H114 II 31ziym 07 1-11-H1d f4-47 12 fTtia. "•=i11:-1,4Fq 08 (111111 fa-JR 13 9ite

'NWT cads f41;171 26 ligfRIVTR1 27464411 28 Inuit fain 29 ,grit *If8M 30 attA * 3! IlfreT 32 Giffe I'M 371" Term 33 1:4-4 %um 3 Miret 34 TM* 43RR1 37 Vtru'gf

23 ,174-afir fay 441 3FiRPOT lizzr41 35 31t* iciftft 0:1 24 144=1511:1 36rF mrret 25 WI% TAW 37. AfI 31tT fit

sssaacqt4 i Fisifortice fay 1 On AR 4 aTrra -T6.1

(w) .0,441E1 fwcFi Rzt 3Fatttiftzi 414Asr wqr vIIcI Wrgi, (N) citfiii.4 .7rwr Ti11 fkrEr wew win, (in Tam vow wzo Trrortivow, (sr) 41P1d utir

('w) 104 few 341 tptplev, Carchmi rao-F, (.4) 3PRT 3211 0)iaPtqa icReiT ir*ittirwi iql1V-V44, 4-14, i411;tqA 4 v,ch 4 mitcw fay ;

2. TE111 f4 s/41-/011 #4, a*U, 44, *al', *ifif,-IfiR*, 61011, 4101 4 4 dmIcceit ARI1 Tow Ta wzb-a t ;

3- well, achli,tvb imrq -cm 61 am' sr a> xr/ 200 ai.ta 81111 I 4_ Slfticts Inff—'151 tff "1

5. Irt TOW 14,141* 3 f 1 (4,-tpla-) 3i71-4 -zrr wif4c; 4 4 Iwul

W6 Tim 4 ZWT fctIrawn r 31T MR 4 zvt w dAmiscit4 Oft

6. S119-Aft *Zgt A'4" w Row; c R4 .5.4)cciff qrc atta-a cm-aca *-4 ctigratixti .31ff AFC tOf felc1(41 t di'11 WI it * * 111e1 243-Nft t V*1 t I

7. 1:1*411 * fell( Tiritfuo 1410,,40.4 #Et 01* aI doef14r 7T1 311-41 fps ir-4*1 (WO T1*§11* etlotf Tit t a r IBT f4-471 0,4 i4<ctIR of 11-+Tfrla fcbto -81171 1

g. d"acclif .W1 34114 3141-1T1 ZU( Izczt 3TER 814 * reitsel 8Y4 I f**1 141 f-d‘ Sit iiwicit z11 ay1 5ryerd t 7r4rft

9. fir fcittetT g14 (.44cut TikIT arwr-4i; .11P-wqr.14 shI PAM I

1 0 . 1A9-Ta1 4 .16i .0 111- aTrAFTw TrrEr-ciic4 wA-4 3rvi igurr* ell 1

11. 34cait 379-74 * 3KR 41.111 * d,- (1 (14-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) TZ

12. ,4-11 cc11( 7(Ri 1ff (3i$9 TRW) *1 3t1( kk*R-K skit iicha I aTu: A T4 vdur gaff -4 ovl

13. Ti 1:11111 iitbAlid d-11qcsi:i c.e4F4-1(4 travur siiir Al 150 341 *I 61411 I

*T-318411 t)11?-11 3t4I4 1:144 t frii.Rff. tl fowl 311IP71-11-4 3n i

di-Hiscuti 1 oz1f4ac.4 -crt-krur os-r rsqt I 14. *119i1 di-1115,4R 11gEi TRU-11* 31f-TE TRIAITTFa *I" tax11311 MP" 1:10

f5-11 3 r 31f11 ?awl -4Tur-dlzr ThRsF 31t (31I t311.) --Er 4 74r -+-t .srmi*-/* w11 Cdr wtr .-RwA t

1:1341 311-ki * 1174 TY 37197 TIM Tei silstoficti -14-sit) WZ I

15. tt-er 1404 lchre-tichfi 1*I M1:111 trir trail fqqcligtutter A-ff

air TENT( 16. TjUEI "tfft11 lcbroich rcP44asr"crW febeif TRIT Tod 31r- Olt "ali

f*-1-41- 9t ziorr mqe-Ir

. Timm r6.1 (General Hindi) J

.73 749 -cm -4 p4611 flum4 trfte ii-1f7 '+ (14;.611) -RR *t 74 'Rho -4 tart 41'14 '11-41 kr4 7i4-71-4 4 i-du 4,t4 kTrrar ti6uf AltiVATI "AY4 TE1311 I

341 *1 'NMI f9l=1

1444i-30 31*, c4ichtur-30 at*, aldri gt-eiii1-25 diet), 44)Nu1-15 3I I

02. aTvrari (General Studies)

kill-II-4 AVM * Iffi-T131 "I" 3* 3P49-til 4 '2" * TETI 221-4

PAPER-I 1. siRff IIR*4 TilVd (Modern History of India and

Indian Culutre). 2. 1it5:14 Azit Tfarii "W' (Current events of National

and International Importance). 3. iii1iiw.441 FcwItaur, (Statistical Analysis. Graphs and


[ 9

PAPER—II 1. `1-111-ftzlti'-t 1.-41:9-1T (Indian Polity)

2. 1-11-{#0:1 3-12tufff-gl %47ff T4-111 (Indian Economy and Geography of


*3. '11R f4T14 4 fq-erff 3 si1dfli4 4 1:1-*-1. 3117 "5(1114 (The role and

impact of science and technology in the development of India).

PAPER—I 31TIfiT fq-OT{ 1-40-q -1.-o4 t frdgm31 r ITRA7f Tf7Frff T

319Tfff t TR-74 Ilrri c1c4-)( rfa-grA -F4-17§1

A47-Api -1$(4, A wrf.-77 sR 4 fart * 3Trf-

fa-s-Fr +1.-o-i 4 uq-4 417 4 4R-clic-44 f7T41r (lil4ritc44 fkiTur 14)cr) t *-3,14

*fq*Rzi A TO Q11 41 aTR7-17tad Idr 4104 4 fart 1f4t4 TiT7F4-17 -cra

441 I t 5R-f #21Ta f-4-61-{ 4 1857, 'N' MT -41-141tuf tic114.16

"UP-TT 1942 14 14 ,TI10)' I TWIT T1 A 347T1

9-11 4rrr chici =nor AT 44,14 fat vstatall A

trftf-77 ifir 1 fflitsqcraLl fcwItot, 311 a 3Tr(q7 i-i.w(uf A 4TErfetta. F444I

4164144 a -Ruff zit N,1101.11 tIRT iffift ,111.110 3-Ttm--t TR

-Witt 41-4 7 to Cit.b4 ii14-011 aft a-TA-gra-4i

4tA a,1 Urn 11 1t1 1T 041 I

PAPER—II 41-4T (1.-44 17T-2.1T w-c41.4-T1 _qLJ 4 147 (2T1 'F-4-6TT

- r-4-T-.2tt -1,-.41:-qu 14-1-{a11 342t---4T-gr 3417 4-R-d -ffzti f4g-R a A

Tnwf.4--Tu 7Jrr-- 41 i-TRa- 7179-4 37Z 4r-a. 4rat, 311f2 31t ffl1-1Irzich

ATrEif-t-t-a sR.t Tt4 A4,1 I 1-TR-a- Faq4 41 fay 3frt 71-714

tTR taus 1-4 ,-,11 -4'1~l alma'ff2TT fc.46R 4 fd-T9 3117

3T r-Trr*--1 41S to t 10 -4 di-i-ilcaR A1-1chR1 14 714-1i c4,2 I Iu U141[44)

1T <46 fq-zu '0111 I

04. cpiii (Agriculture) PAPER—I

11 tiff-pat fd-Ti +11.14trf I 31:T*1. /1101.611,


i1 I 701 dc+415-1 f77Tur c)40 (17g-ut1;1-4.49. .4414414)

clIdleRuf, k.ri 1F44T Arictlq drcli TT 3II111, 4t-ICT 0T44 ut 011d1cftuf -Ft9T

if LA(14140 clIdlcituf 71-Tra I Lbiivi, 41.94 TR tx--rtird elicnaeui dtr 313-1Td

3-*T TP*-8--Td Uat I

-F-4-61T k-)7, Tfzi- 44 -4 tbiic-r Q41 drt1

4f4-1791 ic45R 311t olemply *I# 4 1 f4-6R 41 4,(10 T-4 44

[ 1 0 I

LIRaci-r 31-14 3-thr r f r 91-1Ta I a-b+ic-i1,4 srurrol,

firr0u srurr, 34--fg 41+1(4 srurr +fa-K-41r Ti2.t .a-ffr dc-4K-r

dlchr I trr fa-fit 0-AY if iNtrfi. 3th tat itY-ffril 3T9, sc•M-f,

04,11.401-44.1) 1157R1* dcgi5-1 TT417 TrTzlY, fart 1W1 44(ii(11

1'f f, 31.q-TU, 6r51 3 v--If97: I

.q91*- Spilt +414tFach aif 1, TR{ qrF947--t-f-d- ai-*4 -A-ttcrr

faf l'artpli i rliNc1R, T:11-1rdil a17T Skil( I

t.V-LIcicIR, 39-4 rcR)411(1, TF-g-oY *- Tii2T +-11+-r, qui-r,

ISf-filTfuT -511W4T 72T1 alto,, 11744 +-ASIA "1 cliffchtuf 3-1T 3-Tag RuTT

711-0, fart a-)1 Icr * -9-13u sichR, Ica*. 1714114) oien ac-A a2Ti

-9-7 dcglcchdr '497 (,k914 -443 1 9.-pT4I +14+411mq7 110-17{ 314,I

.241 faun, 41cr alTzral T:1117zET .ff211 ';1-4tTi lqr

71-19-4Y 34ra-FT-*- 41qa-, 24-r 3i lT 9 ova, ftii -4 faa-{-ffr, fwztr 37h

3-Tr-A--47 011c4 a-a(a, I +f ,alcit 3-1Tre-tt ft-R•Tui, IT*

3-4-TaT -9711r1 tc-441.hi if-4W

4 dm, f-qzur AT -41T ltiRzrr -tfr fr-qra -14ti 4,Cf3rErrml f41-yr-A7 3TP-ITT TR V 74T 00-r fir, 1, '-tr-g-qr

34ER--.9 ath 317-A7 4 #9.1-r-q9T, 3 1 -cr+yrN-A a-F-61 fth-zi-r1 311T ehlT1-1 I qfrITt

TN 31)7 3-m4 717P--a. TITITErr I a qi 37-4r9 4-11 TT 3c415-1 14 -ft-21-t--l-r ii-i cia-)-4

TAT7z1 3c41c-1 TiTTIzff4-tra •Tici 3717117 91144 3iTtITTIV, 3T517-7 11--r 4 Tit a*1 191i4I Aoia-)fc-r 9f14 1-4-67 Trcr

fa---h4 f-afi 1-0-Hus f-44-P -cr*I1- 4 1-f-114 I

TN TT-4 fawn, 4-1 ,A 72n faq14/1q. I tra 0-A 3i---4-i 31ir1

fa194 Trur 4,41R-14I 342tara-wr

f-tr ir4 t 3th 3c414 4 fa-qu19 34-17 9c4-1 f97-4171, sic-4 3c1R-T4oSicf, 144

TPTrr* 417It 3 t 99-1-td7 1-)1t7, I f-a--t-R cpia f-47;1R feNull 3 T a 1 iliTrWr I

f-4--R farm =f-,Y Tf TN3c415 i t t=04«or I f4Tri 1:1 9 iTiT Trfu

3th t-fEr '6041c77cif 1:R 6-11-4 91-1T4 I

VET 4-167c1 a2iT 1, TrEr -9-77 o7v-ia,47 4.ion-r ffifi-T,

31trT rall-47-4T 31h -5RtR Nrgf1r +114-11rAch 3-TrfOT 140-01 34

Tilril mil' %-firo-1-9Y 4 7-4 Nfire 4 -FR-fa I tfEr a'a1a,(ur 72n WI*" 3T1-T

TrEf 3c415-f -14 9-1frr-+1 I Ufa TTFTR aii4a-m1341 m1 rut3T 471491104, ttEr

fad i;Frr{ 14 th-+Robil +14,6-1I a-a Ifir-*7

PAPER—II fad TfEr f7r0r 707-61 z-of-u f4TRI I 111 th-TrOi

TTR Thu, 4,111 .t r+-141-cif -tzr ath TR-Trufrrff 77-6Y 4 • ■INIIIM■

fdfiTzit I VT t rvief, 4.0cnof, 'ff211 dticht 5161, 'ff-1qti4ho1 dc-II-tack AT WerffIrd 54,711-1 iff*1,* icb-ileta 41( dllch 41c-rit

A TN 11 WATI airpfvwdt it-s-af4Twar

"rwzr, rc.fffM'if TfilirdU Fri.111:IsTff 71 I t-cuti'd 311Ttf T do4Racti, liuri fag-r-{ 13--QT th-TrY 1 9 3111491M' f*-14/ Th71-01 A dcs,1 44 37 tfulwrur tai4 0,14 .10 5i14 A:11 drRIT3zif-Erd 5111i ii

A 3TrA871u fall fir,rgttt cblich dtlr *-14 ztrulu. ail 4, silsilf+ma iiiVR*1 4.161-cf, Th71-61", A-A1 *1 dckfiy-f, It •3:1)( *' do4K-1 *PR a T fdttIITi 71 •Titz1 naqi IsIA I TM

Ufa fd-019 WA 1461-a 414 t A 71,Thfd* atR PITatrTVl, * -4M A ii-icmisqdr

-gri-g-4. 3 qisti „Iet,, ch u 3111W ticbt•441111, I 15t) tli311 ail 7111AV ch(4 curl .4.)Rcb, a-TW 3 1 3 Batt t I

11.5. 41t-ocbireicif 31FATRI, Z111419 * arAt TIM

4,14 ffitli cta -4 ii6rd I

fq-e-R d~i -stigt 1:tW *-1-1:61:ro1 f avlfkrd qtdcul acat *-t.R T 41 +Weeni '51ETT *ticbi Ur-4W 3Tt44Tt, 'h 1I tiromqi 1:11:11Fk*

wimnt, -13Ear flfgzii, 41(4 Ai 1:1W * dcmis I Nall-jig) tict1414 *.4 zfq I MI-14 *PT 4 .4)(4 4 1-frm, Kat Al aura tti diricpti t.ti flictitht I AFT-qt-a1 asr aTfu 3-411 1-a it14-410

NgTi *Th7:761,1:14, -cM Wire*T-4Y a111 t141 thi 411-nretil 31h 41z.-tRi.b,

d'14;' R`b 3 fitlIT1 4 fel-4I 415i4 44(4, afk dict)i cpictikul, 1111 fTzElal f-4.74 r sut, $41iRaft-Tur s 4tavit 4)11.

Araw fizf-Avr Ad ql,f11(441 VOL craditka 374'Z 39* IV I TIM *APT 7fq,

39-4 TITT4191 39 TAT I 3T9M Al 506 11n 4 cradilqph, ers tt, AvrtY ici-cocit, tirimErt A.{ TaT 4141 1 9,1diRft zwilq * ure At Tau d,lizr fg-gR t-plikiR .11 -T§1 371A 13$t alr+-fFTW TFITH 4 a, 1413 4

1i1+11 <{nidt (gisa--1 t1 f4gIt f4011 WI 14 I 71Itzl 311T T-{fitg-141 iwst 9-1-faza, 4z-Rut, fq-aut, kikari d141 do9m 4 3T-411n, Trtu auml

7t T7 tgITa 1:11:4-41, *OM * "Alai A Aft I


1. Animal Nutrition—Energy sources, energy metabolism and requirements for maintenance and production of milk, meat, eggs and wool evaluation of feeds as sources of energy.

1.1' Advanced Studies in Nutrition Protein—Sources of protein, metabolism and synthesis, protein quantity and quality in relation to requirement. Energy protein ratios in a ration.

1.2 Advanced Studies in Nutrition Minerals—Sources, functions, requirements and their relationship of the basic mineral nutrients including trace elements.

1.3 Vitamins, Hormones and Growth Stimulating Substances—Sources, functions, requirements and inter-relationship with minerals.

1.4 Advanced Ruminant Nutrition Dairy Cattle—Nutrients and their metabolism with reference to milk production and its composition. Nutrient requirements for calves, heifers, dry and milking cows and buffaloes. Limitations of various feeding systems.

1.5 Advanced Non-Ruminant Nutrition Poultry—Nutrients and their metabolism with referecne to poultry, meat and egg production. Nutrients requirements and feed formulation and broilers at different ages.

1.6 Advanced Non-Ruminant Nutrition Swine—Nutrients and their metabolism with special reference to growth and quality of meat production. Nuttient requirements and feed formation for baby-growth and finishing pigs.

1.7 Advanced Applied Animal Nutrition—A critical review and evaluation of feeding experiments, digestibility and balance studies. Feeding standards and measure of feed energy. Nutrition requirements for growth maintenance and production. Balanced rations. _

2. Animal Physiology-2.1 Growth and Animal Prod uction--,Prenatal , and post-natal growth. maturation, growth curves, measures of growth factors affecting growth, conformation, body composition, meat quality.

2.2 Milk Production and ReprodUction and Digestion—Currenct status ofhormonal control of mammary, development milk secretion and milk-ejection, composition of milk of cows and buffaloes. Male and female reproduction organs, their components and function. Digestive organs and their functions.

2.3 Environmental Physiology—Physiological relations and their regulation; mechanisms of adaption, environmental factors and regulatory mechanism involved in animal behaviour, methods of controlling climatic stress.

2.4 Seman quality Preservation and Artifical Insemination—Components of semen, composition of spermatozoc chemical and physical properties of ejeculated semen, factors affecting semen in vivo and in vitro. Factors affecting semen preservation composition of diluents, sperm concentration transport of diluted seman. Deep Freezing techniques in cows, sheep and goats, swinc and poultry.

3. Livestock Production and Management : 3.1 Commercial Diary Farming--Comparision or dairy farming in India with advanced countries dairying under mixed farming and as a specialised farming; economic dairy

farming, starting of a dairy farm. Capital and land requirement organisation of the dairy farm, procurenent of goods; opportunities in dairy farming, factors determining the efficiency of dairy animals. Herd recording, budgeting, cost of milk production; pricing policy; personnel management.

42 Feeding Pratices of Dairy Cattle—Developing practical and economic ration for dairy cattle; supply of greens throughout the year, field and fodder requirements of dairy farm. Feeding regimes for day and young stock and bulls heifers and breeding animals; new trends in feeding young and adult stock; feeding records.

3.3 General problems of sheep, goat pigs and poultry management. 3.4 Feeding of animals under drought conditions. 4. Milk Technology : 4.1 Organization of rural milk procurement, collection

and transport of raw milk. 4.2 Quality testing and grading raw milk. Quality storagte grades of whole

milk skimmed milk and cream. 4.3 Processing, packaging, storing, distributing marketing defects and

their control and nutritive properties of the following milks. Pasteurized, standerdized, toned double toned, sterilized, Homogenized, reconstituted, recombined, filed and flavoured milks.

4.4 Preparation of cultured milks, cultures and their management. Vitamin D soft curd acidified and other special milks.

4.5 Legal standard, sanitation requirement for clean and safe milk and for the milk plant equipment.

PAPER-II 1. Genetics and Animal Breeding—Probability applied to Mendelian

inheritance Hardy Weiberg Law Concept and mesurement of inbreeding and heterozygosity Wright's approach in contrast of Melecort's Estimation of Parameters and measurements. Fishers theorem of natural selecton, polymorphism. Polygenic systems and inheritance of quantitative trails, cassual components of variation. Biometerical models and convariance between relatives. The theory of pathocoefficient applied to quantitative genetic analysis. Heritability Repeatability and selection models.

1.1 Population, Genetics Applied to Animal Breeding—Population vs. individual, population size factors changing it. Gene numbers, and their estimation in farm animals gene frequency and zygotic frequency and forces changing them, mean and variance approach to equilibrium under different situations, sub-division of phenotypic variances in animal population, Mendelism and blending inheritance,. Genetic nature of differences between species, races breeds and other sub-specific grouping and the origin of group differences Resemblances between relatives.

1.2 Breeding Systems—Heritability, repeatability, genetics and environmental correlations, methods of estimation and the precision of


estimates of animal data. Review of biometrical relations between relatives. Mating system, inbreeding, out-breeding and used Phenotypic assertive mating aids to selections. Family structure of animal population under non-random mating systems. Breeding for threshold traits; selections index, its precision. General and specific combining ability, choice of effective breeding plans.

Different types and methods of selection, their effectiveness and limitations, selection indices construction of selection in retrospect; evaluation of genetic gains through selection, correlated response in animal experimentations.

Approach to estimation of general and specific combining ability, diallete, fractional diallete crosses, reciprocal recurrent selection; in-breeding and hydrization.

2. Health and Hygiene—Anatomy of Ox and Fowl, Histological technique, freezing, paraffim embeding etc. Preparation and staining of blood fims.

2.1 Common histoligical stains, embryology of a cow. 2.2 Physiology of blood and its circulation, respiration; excretion,

endocrine glands in health and disease. 2.3 General knowledge of pharmacology and the repeutics of drugs. 2.4 Vety-hygiene with respect of water air and habitation. 2.5 Most common cattle and poultry diseases, their mode of infection

revention and treatment etc. Immunity. General principles and problems of meat inspection jurisprudence of vet practice.

2.6 Milk Hygiene. 3. Milk Product Technology—Selection of raw materials, assembiling

production, processing, storing, distributing and marketing milk products such as Butter, Ghee, Khoa, Channa, Chese, Condenesed, Evaporated dried milk and baby foods; Ice cream and Kulfi, by-products; by products, butter milk lactose and casein, Testing Grading Budging milk products-1S1 and Agmark specification, legal standards quality control nutritive properties. Packaging processing and operational control Costs.

4. Meat Hygiene-4.1 Zoonosis diseases transmitted from animals to man.

4.2 Duties and role of Veterinarians in a slaughter house to provide meat that is produced under ideal hygienic conditions.

4.3 By products from slaughter houses and their economic utilisation. 4.4 Methods of collection, preservation and processing of hormonal

glands for medicinal use. 5. Extension-5.1 Extension Different methods adopted to educate

farmers under rural conditions. 5.2 Utilisation of fallen animals for profit-extension education etc. 5.3 Define Trysem—Different possibilities and methods to provide self-

employment to educated your under rural conditions. 5.4 Cross-breeding as a methods of upgrading the local cattle.

06. 1:1M4 laqui (Anthropology)

PAPER—I trma raoil 311117 (Foundation of Anthropology)

(us-I 31f-i4r4 * I d+-iiisait (*) Tit II (13) -1:1 f*-741. 7w T1 -7 iict.)(1 tit c - iaus 3324d I* It* fi,.m too afw fffgfi-Ta

1. Trria arif mu 0-1 afiT dticta iggt (Measning and Scope of Anthropology and its main branches)

( I ) Novi, (2) Htict Nog, (3) riticaffl-ta fct4ti-r, (4) 'gift* lir{a fagri, (5) 39311-4a feiqii-f I

II. 1 H+114 1#411, *Pi§ 3 tlisf-Tkzfrff Ai,gifilqi

III. ft' (Marriage)--imit-4 "*Y-f--4W -artirart wzTt Alf" fa-erm. afgrrAr +41 w It-4R 11Tia TPTR

3TrErRftrur *Trt T1Tr4var-cmdt alh 9fl4R, ,irtait.* mfictit VaET 0 trrlaft, aTft TtrriErm .41taci-t I

Iv. (Kinship)--aTiakWf, aiieRk{, 1:1" *14*-43T eqam,

akv m ITT4 Not+-374 At Hh( qq, fci1l4ti * 11g f441rzt dctica TR1:cg-dl AT 7: faatal, atIllit I

VI. toPinct) Timer 31k Lam, fartT teit4I -31+4 vt-firc-4 fRfa. Alf-wt dkic Trzi I IP; kr4 voleftql earK

-(w4T i1 tNFILINT f9hqf tike ti91'4 4A1 74 w4T7 .1 vu. gra .i4 ,7115s *91 4 5R fl, eitmais

cof-tr vIll. 9114 fay E iigTiTfff 'WrEf TR=zrul IX. Aisminiti arattlq-1-17-41t silAiratlY*11-411F 311f2tw, E4 tTiftiW aitaqi I 11113

smiziircita air -414 etief, 142.1TU -cr4 fagli * 3171 sIvi1ctqt * fariTR #73-4 *T WPM I

13173.-2 ( 1. *a Nerlit4 Riaai•ti 3iTarf (Foundations of the Theoury of Organic

Evolution Lamarckism)--tvi4eits, stRi-tctic 4krIquitoicri ft:r4T 11TT4 f4-+-71 %rem 3-z41T1 otirtd Richio

2. (*) TITqa 3c4 detsr;Ichlti 10,141411 4 1:1-11zi TetT9' (Place of Man Among Animal)—t-4140 (alfff retk1f4) 3.41 Arilt{ Aluket) * tir4 wr-4 1NR1 7-4 ditqw, * icRtimcnitt, (TR:)

) q i TrTszi klliirttt) 311:11:1197T311 viliciict) 3TuFri I al it Hilcf 3071 cifriki 711R qr,c t-414-iirsicb mmi1a t i aitziTF I

3. 3IT1 TIT-qq. * Nit-11101 3Ifga (Fossil Evidence of Human Evolution)—

3-T4Ni ate TR 1-1I-14 ql1arich faa;riii 31t7ITR I Slt-clricf c11-1(

ftrcli2r4TI, m14 )o)14rzwf, -cRroT2T-4q, ,ai-fruzirEr-414, 34-*-9To,

Triarcrlfwa, al-Nrarcrtlfm-p, ati:#9)-fErfq*cr, afcrf*--414, 71ThAtt:RT,

atiftftr, fl-g*TR, ti`tkidq, e11"k1cte*4 3Tv4-49'

* 37TR TR T * f-gwrR a7 FoRcItItif I

4. 3iri.e7r4 (Genetics)-11f ilTsIT #rzm IT diPi •71-Iiitsif siik I

5. ( Alic-141d cliefcMuf * alTtiR -FET 31fsmiur-1-1.

4t44--TREF-tft qQTT 1 I Tit* olif3iTT-41VW-dT cudici(11 1:14 I

) Wit A -crft%TrEn, FcR14 wrfff aTatiRvg I sismifit .ff2Tr -aera? 'Wit I k.irkkEuC> fCYl4dIZ i1 1 501IrcIcilc 31ZIERI

(TO 1,14urCier) aiffctrtut Sit T{ 1 DfAtiiiiit (Bass Criterios of Radial

Classification)-4zTr, eo41, 4,41, -gr17-4-1 .mige, .41 A mime, 7W,

, TWE WIT A aiurA 6. Hi-id * mchit, T7241 a; Trpr 3r-4rfa.-R-4

3T 1 3.11--S0111-iit11*?f-chicqi1tis T 4- 37-317Ttzlt, 31r1W 4-14.40.1416 MIT rit 39-1,1,411c141, 1 3-T411-+-7* P.191-7-4f-OFTrfq

d14; mf1rtm, aqi 1-1t1-4411d 1,114 74 11-4, kI4111c1I rcitiiid13-11 T 3Teziziff I

7. ma. A 5014'0,41* ITRFAT f111, *9, -gr cTZ1T tileoR ZRET cliffenvi 3n49T I 11TO 11 WIt * StsIllideo ljuli

3-cirf-sit I

1. ricfrilet), (-hard MIT 3711T ft 3W7 I 2. 'NW-0 1 312f ifaw t.litlr<14)-19* 71(114 * faeoitico<

31TeITPU iii-qctitt I qoilcii* 441d tachiticos-1 aTtzfEri A tvichicik 3T-qfe I

3. reititui (Diffusion and Diffusionism)—~ faitur

-atTr vtifit UrfiA 4.4111ich itsllrd *grim eii itg DIET

gr{T qc,111044) TrZt TR 3TRI4 I (-111-1IrssIch *Eft 1-1114 fr-efi vif of sicprd Act

MT! 4.11d61 Z5111ri4)-911di, AtTI Mir tit-ti I 4. 3-1.1.471-V 06IRITIccl 3ir0 c4irchiccr I liTtzI arot 3T ,a;

tViff SII0Ichc11 I 4-I-1141P-Ich HI-Icf vif-dat I

5. 'ff2TT chltui (Function and Cause)-611-111,44) fd-oR T1 sicomcil< 11 Arcieilkehl 7i1-7x'-rd 444 afr{ tita.ii 15rcfrILI) shd-f frFtf -ffER .)6(4

6. `inter*" ffzIT TITiq tdgriT 4(1-ticils #a .147CQTT ril -cr fa-AR

t TIT T# +1+11f-,44, +kali tritzTW * 3IWR T titahlals1 icred

i ITTcZ2 f clIrcolch 3-TOTW rclkcItiut

7. UETT 4,c-4f1:Leif* W:1 44114 brfiw auk trtf/ r- 11*. (41c1 Ttf TY 4-11-14 fd7f91air HI-14 t 11-FT I tilit RN) *i1441-41-‹ iicMIH~t TFri rcpv4

8. tiiiiirslich +11-14 f4T9 'ff21 f1711 I -4-0TfiW alt 71-49 3R I Si1ticice42T1 OP-CA7 fawi -R--*--dr 01.1* tRhqui I +11-14 1-4T-11 4-11Tff 444 tr‘rff 4c 72.1t tal4nnt I

9. CW 'RI-4M 0 fellz(f (Theories and methods in

Anthropology)—Nehlt-Igic .ffEIT fartrzil, -g-W Ter-4R, v i. mod. Tom, wat <de. 72tr gIt1 Tr1Tal

(u) rafiltdcilaiq (Particulansm)--IF .q13-1TE, -crM. P./ rci-di I -OM TT1 9T, RIPItdc1IcIIS #1-4M Tfto

( ) (Structive and Function Approach)--Slehl4c115 ncr4T, 1-11tle'r 91131:14(11 Af-d-413-11, 31R. 151=klit) 4r4z, r

(1111 ltki 1 10. 71179T 'ffq1 3^1f4 11 4-11-11RIK-4 cIIT VTErrATff 31V:1791 air

-411-cTi I f-VessIcf d-Ircf 044441 tiktrcIch tiVq, fa. ttiftff 4Rack UlttrcIcl-) TIPTWtifYi, 1-17714 afreitw fq-*Tt4 kticpRia, Thtr I

ii. srmsnicila tiNt.441 . (Tribal Problems)=t--chitui, gitun44 "cr TITIT41-9 I s51-1,41cRel -MU ko+-11r3icti 74T- Fi f4M1 "f4M ‘,11 t

iii ri Tz1tf I f4gR s=frisT11414 I

PAPER—II qual-a Trma raqn-i (Indian Anthropology)

1-11ra21 tikticicb 1R2:1 1111tIlut ("Ff'N Laic

aliziPi I

1-TR7 7ralzr iTrErrt f-a-aui 1.17-44 31TV17, 31T3TrT, WO, 7:N W! tirc4IT I

1-irt 7t W11-4-C171 I 'Miff •1i-1,1nrif MIT =pact) TrTiq4

31424-49. TY 1-11-14 4eir-4W *RR a1 faftreor I 33Ttitz9p ardtTRTITTI, tH14,(1" Lit+ARKI, 9fqf kietri,TITtiRTOWPT 9-/T 3T-1‘174K-t-kticict)tuf 724T

3141 siirdvfroiircr iiiracqq), -5r-frff rti 3119741f13151tr1 I

Trgaizl TI auk 'FcrtgIT "1-azt, TfTtIP:11741 tii411r,lict), 31TNT

fq`YIeLnII I

Aissiicati tott4li (The Problems of Culture Contact)-14

3tdiut 4zuilltodt, *OW 31111-4, 31FMT ctirt( Slats i, 72.1T ssI.-Izific1q)

,l()Aillito -ar-du Tr-A7 flmt 72.1t attgrt 496 'WM 4++(-414 74 3TPI 4-1111

A.1,7111c111 I Iti:Effff (Culture)—t{"4 cti : Ylach(ur'd?-41 31Id.r-irur 'TT

,T1-141 Sits, 0-1171-df, 3-TrfOT 'ffziT 9-1Aurict) ajar I

A-011114 WII*1-1*1 ft11:1 1 argftff AlAlfilii*R1R144q119-* Tim -91f3t, /1179-rq, qi-1,7un141 taw* * frig tftztr, *-7ffiq 3117 41140114 TalT 3-1411 11141-44-1 1 •71-1A1114 0)+4* Friq. NI. ITT*Tti 41,4 f 39 tfT 511iIlmy(1 AlA10W TliTiz11311 * 3ifff fqf-T9 ifir*tuT 1 A-011114 f4WRi =1 4-11-1,4 f4-4ti

3-17Lf- 7tra711 -t-rd *atnfa* *F4T-P-til i argcm.a 7Crdzii rtTi*Th. 31WWfaT 'ff2TT 39? t-114-11fAll allfq*TITIFfq 1 Illtzt 3174TaT t14 4.5. fame 1


1. Microbiology—Viruses, bacteria, plasmids—structure and reproduc-tion. General account of infection and immunology. Microbes in agriculture, industry and medicine and air, soil and water. Control of pollution using micro-organisms.

2. Pathology—Important plant diseases in India caused by viruses, bac-teria, mycoplasma, fungi and nematodes. Modes of infection, dissemination, physiology of parasitism and methods of control. Mechanism of action of bioaides. Fungal toxins.

3. Cryptogams—Structure and reproduction from evolutionary aspect and ecology and economic importance of algate, fungi, bryophytes and pteri-dophytes. Principal distribution in India.

4. Phanerogams—Anatomy of wood, secondary growth anatomy of C, and C2 plants, stomatal types, Embroyology, barriers to sexual incompatibility. Seed structure, Apomixls and polyembroyony. Polynology and its applications. Comparision of systems of classification of angiosperms. Modern trends in biosystematics. Taxonomic and economic importance of Cycadaceae. Pinancae, Gnetabes, magnoliaces, Ranunculanceae, Cruciferae, Rosaceae, Leguninosae, Euphorbiaceae, Malvaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Umbelliforeae, Asclepiadaceae, Verbenaceae, Solanaceae, Rubiaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Compositae, Grammineae, Palmae, Liliaceae, Musaceae and Orchidaceae.

5. Morphogenesis—Polarity, symmetry and totipotency. Differentiation and dedifferentiation of cells and organs. Factors of morphogenesis. Methodology and applications of cell, tissue, organ and protoplast cultures from vegetative and reproductive parts. Somatic hybrids.

PAPAER-II 1. Cell Biology—Scope and perspective. General knowledge of modern

tools and techniques in the study of Cytology. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells-structural and ultrastructural details. Functions of organelles including membrances. Detailed study of mitosis, meiosis. Numerical and structural variations in chromosome, and their significance. Study of polytene and lampbrush chromosomes-structure, behaviour and cytological sigpifica,ve.

2. Genetics and Evolution—Development of genetics and gene concept. Structure and role of nucleic acids in protein synthesis and reproduction. Genetic code and regulation of gene expression. Gene amplification. Mutation and evolution, multiple factors linkage and crossing over. Methods .of gene mapping. Sex chromosomes and sex–linked inheritance. Malesterility, its significance in plant breeding. Cytoplasmic inheritance. Elements of human genetics. Standard deviation and chi–squars analysis. Gene transfer in micro-organisms. Genetic engineering. Organic evolution–evidence, machanism and theories.

3. Physiology and Biochemistry–Detailed study of water relation. Mineral nutrition and ion/transport. Mineral deficiencies, photosynthesis mechanism and importance, photosystems I and II, photo respiration. Respiration and fermentation. Ntirogen fixation and nitrogen Metabolism. Protein synthesis, Enzymes. Importances of secondary metabolities. Pigments as photoreceptors. Photoporiodism, flowering

Growth indices, growth movements, Sehescence. Growth substances—Their chemical nature, role and applications in

agrihorticulture. Agrochemicals, Stress physiology, Vernulization Fruit and seed

Physiologydormancy, storage and germination of seed. Perthenocarphy, fruit ripening.

4. Ecology—Ecological factors, Concept and dynamics of community, succession. Concept of biospheres. Conservation of ecosystems. Pollution and its control. Forest types of India. Aforestation, deforestation and social forestry, Endangered plants.

5. Economic Botany—Origin of cultivated plants. Study of plants as sources of food. Fodder and forage, fatty oils, wood and timber, fiber, paper rubber, bevarages, alcohol, drugs, narcotics, resins and gums essential oils, dyes mucilage, insecticides and pesticides. Plant indicators. Ornamental plants. Energy plantat'i'on.


1. Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding—Quantum theory, Heisenberg's uncxertainty principle, Schrodinger wave equation (time independent), Interpretation of the wave function, particle in a one-dimensional box, quantum members, hydrogen atom wave functions, Shapes of s, p and d orbitals, Ionic bond; Lattice enery Born-Haber Cycle, Fajans' Rule dipole moment, characteristics of Ionic compounds, electronegativity differences. Covalent bond and its general characteristics valence bond approach. Concept of resonance and resonance energy. Electronics configuration of H2 + N„ N,, 0,, F„ NO, CO and HF mole-cules in terms of molecular orbital approach. Sigma and pi bonds. Bond order, bond strength and bond length.

2. Thermodynamics—Work, heat and energy, First law of thermodynamcs. Enthalpy, heat capacity Relationship between Cp and Cv. Laws of thermochemistry. l(irchoffs equation. Spontaneous and non-spontaneous changes, second law of thermodynamics. Entropy changes. in gases for reversible and irreversible processes. Third law ofthermodynamics. Free energy, variations of free energy of a gas with temperature, pressure and volume, Gibbs-Heimhboltz equation. Chemical reaction and equilibrium constant. Effect of temperature and pressure on chemical equilibrium. Calculation of equilibrium constants from thermodynamic measurements.

3. Solid State—Forms of solids, law of constancy of interfacial angles. Crystal systems and crystal classes (crystallographi groups). Designation of crystal faces, lattice structure and unit cell. Laws of rational indices. Bragg's law, x-ray diffraction by crystals. Defects in crystals. Elementary study of liquid crystals.

4. Chemical Kinetics—Order and molecularity of a reaction. Rate equations (differential and integrated forms) of zero, first and second order reaction. Half life of a reaction. Effect of temperature, pressure and catalysts on reaction rates. Collision theory of reaction rates of bimolecular reactions. Absolute reaction rate theory. Kinetics of polymerisation and photo chemical reactions.

5. Electrochemistry—Limitations of Arrhenius theory of dissociation, Debye-Muckel theory of strong electrolytes and its quantitative treatment. Electrolytic conductance theory and theory of activity coefficients. Derivation of limiting laws for various equilibria and transport properties of electrolyte solutions.

6. Concentration cells, liquid junction potential, application of e.m.f. measurements of fuel cells.

7. Photochemistry—Absorption of light, Lambert-Beer's law, Laws of photochemistry. Quantum efficiency. Reasons for high and low quantum yields. Photo-electric cells.

8. General Chemistry of 'd' block elements : (a) Electronic configuration. Introduction to theories of bonding in

transition metal complexes, Crystal field theory and its modification; application of the theories in the explanation of magnetism and electronic spectra of meta complexes.

(b) Metal Carbonyls; Cyclopentadienyl, Olefin and acetylene complexes. (c) Compounds with metal—Metals bonds and metal atom clusters. 9. General chemistry of 'f block elements; Lanthanides and actinides;

Separation. Oxidation states, magnetic and spectral properties. 10. Reactions in non-aqueous solevant (liqud ammonia and sulphur dioxide).

PAPER—II 1. Reaction Mechanisms—General methods (both kinetic and non-kinetic)

of study of mechanisms of organic reactions illustrated by examples.

Formation and stability of reactive intermediates (carbocations, carbanious, free radicals, carbenes, nitrenes and benzynes).

SN' and S1\12 mechanisms-H, E2 and EI CB eliminations-cis and trans addition to carbon to carbon double bonds-mechanisms of addition to carbon- oxygen double bounds, micheal addition-addition to conjugated carbon- carbon doubt bonds, aromatic electrophillic and nuclephilic substitutions- allylic and benzylic substitutions.

2. Perieyclic Reactions—Classification and examples—and elementary study of woodward-Hoff-mann rules of pericylic reaction.

3. Chemistry of the following name Reactions—Aldol condensation, Claisen condensation, Dieck-mann reaction, Perkin reaction, Reimer-Tiemann reaction, cannizzaro reaction.

4. Polymeric System : (a) Physical chemistry of polymers; End group analysis, sedimentation,

lighgt scattering and viscosity of polymer. (b) Polyethylene, Polystyrene, Polyvinyl chloride, Ziegler Nana Catalysis,

Nylon, terylene. (c) Inorganic polymeric systems; Phosphonitric halide compounds

sillicones; Borazines. Friendel-Craft reaction, Reformatsky reaction, pinacol-pinacolone.wagner

Meerwein and Beck-mann rearrangements, and thefi mechanisms-uses of the following reagents in organic syntheis 0, 04, HI04, NBS, dibocrane, Naliquid ammonia. NaNH4, LiaIN4.

5. Photochemical reactions of organic and inorganic compounds—Types of reactions and examles and synthetic uses-methods used in structure determination; principles and applications of uv-visible, IR, 1H, NMH and mass spectra for structure determination of simple organic and inorganic molecules.

6. Molecular structural determinations—Principles and applications to simple organic and inorganic'molecules.

(1) Rotational spectra of dianinic molecules (Infrared and Raman) isotopic substitution and rotational constants.

(2) Vibrational spectra of diatomic, linear symmetric, linear asymmetric and bent tri-atomic molecules (infrared and Raman).

(3) Specificity of the functional groups (Infrared and Raman). (4) Electronic spectra-singlet and triplet states, conjugated double bonds.

a Bun-saturated carbonyl compounds. (5) Nuclear Mangetic Reasonance; chemical shift, spin-spin coupling. (6) Electron spin reasonance : Study of inorganic complexes and free radicals.


(A) Theory and design of structure : (a) Theory of structures—F*F theorems-Casfrigliano theorems I and

II. Unit load method and method ofiiinsistent deforrhation applied to beams

Iii hont treat

and pinjointed plane frames. Slope deflection, moment distribution and Kani method of analysis applied to indeterminate beams and rigid frames.

Moving loads—Criteria for maximum sheer force and bending moment in beams traversed by a system of moving loads. Influence lines for simply supported plane pinjointed girders.

Arches—Three hinged, two hinged and fixed arches-rib shortening and temperature effects-Influence lines.

Matrix methods of analysis—Force method and displacement method. . (b) Structural steel—Factors of safety and load factors. Design of tension and compresssion members, beams of built up section, riveted and welded plats girders, ganty girders, stanchions with battens and lacings, slab and gusseted bases.

Design of highway and railways bridges—Through the deck type plate girder warren girder and prattruss.

(c) Reinforced concrete Limit state method design—Recommendations of IS codes-design of one-way and two way slabs, staircase slabe, simple and continuous beams of rectangular, T and L sections.

Compression memebers under direct load with or without eccentricity, footings, isolated and combined.

Retaining walls, cantilever and counterfort types- Medhods and systems of prestressing, Anchorage's Analysis and design

of sections for flexure, loss of prestress. (B) Fluid Mechanics—Fluid properties and their role in fluid motion, fluid

statics including forces acting on plane and curved surfaces. Kinematics and Dynamic of Fluid flow : Velocity and accelerations, stream

lines, equation of continuity, irrotational and rotational flows, velocity potential and stream function, flownets and methods of drawing flownet sources and sinks and flow separation any stagnation.

Euler's equation of motion, energy and momentum equations and their applications to pipe flow free and forced vortices, plane and curved stationary and moving vanes, sluice gates, weirs, orifice meters and venturimeters.

Dimensional Analysis and Similitude—Buckingham's Pi theorem, similarities, mode laws, undistorted and distorted models, movable bed models, model calibration.

Laminar Flow—Laminar flow between parallel stationary and moving plates, flow through tube, Reynolds experiments, lubrication principles.

Boundary Layers—Laminar and turbulent boundary layer on a flat plate, laminar sub-layer, smooth and rough boundaries, drag and lift.

Turbulent Flow Through Pipes—Characteristics of turbulent flow, velocity distritbution and variation of friction factor, hydraulic grade line and total energy line, siphons, expansions and contractions in pipes, pipe networks, water hammer.

Open Channel Flow—Uniform, non-uniform flows, specific energy and specific force, critical depth, resistance equations and variation of roughness

coefficients; Raidly varied flow, flow in contractions, flow at sudden drop, dydraulic jump and its applications, surges and waves; Gradually varied flow, differential equation of gradually varied flow, classification of surface profiles, control section, seep method of integration of varied flow equation.

(C) Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering—Soil composition, ilfluence of clay minerals on engineering behaviour; Effective stress principle; cifange in effective stress due to water flow condition, static water table and steady flow conditions permeability and compressibility of soils.

Strength behaviour, strength determination through direct and triaxial tests, total and effective stress strength parameters, total and effective stress paths.

Methods of site exploration, planning a sub surface exploration programme; samping procedures and sampling disturbance, penetration tests and plate load tests and data interpretation.

Foundation types and selection; footings, rafts, pile, floating foundations; effect of footing shape, dimensions, depth of embedment, load inclination and ground water on bearing capacity; settlement components, computation for immediate and consolidation settlements, limit on total and differential settlement, correction for rigidity.

Deep foundations, philosophy of deep foundations; piles, estimation of individual and group capacity, static and dynamic approaches; pile load test, separation into skin friction and point bearing; under-reamed piles; well foundations for bridges and aspects of design.

arth pressure, states of plastic equilibrium, Culmann's procedure for determination of lateral thrust; determination of anchor force and depth of penetration; reinforced earth retaining walls, concept, materials and applications.

Machine foundations, modes of vibration, determination of natural frequency, criteria for design, effect of vibration on soils, vibration isolation.

(D) Computer Programming—Types of computers, components of computers, history and development, different languages.

Fortran7Basic programming, constants, variables, expressions, arithmatic statements library functions, control statements, unconditional GO-To statements, computed GO-TO statements, IF and DO statements—CONTINUE. CALL, RETURN, STOP, ENO statements, I/O statements, FORMATS field specifications.

Subscripted variables arrays, DIMENSION statement, function and subroutine subprogrammes, application to simple problems with flow charts in civil engineering.

PAPER—II Note—Candidate shall answer questions from any two parts.

Part—A. Building Construction—Physical and mechanical properties of

construction materials, factors influencing selectidn; brick and clay products.



limes an cements. Polymeric materials and special uses, damp-proofing materials.

Brickwork for walls, types, caving walls, design of brick masonary walls per 1.S. code, factors of safety, serviceability and strength requirements, detailing of walls, floors, roots, ceiling; finishing of building, plastering, pointing, painting.

Functional planning of building, orientation of buildings, elements of fire-proof construction, repairs to damaged and cracked building; use of ferrocement, fibre-reinforced and polymer concrete in construction; techniques and materials for low-cost housing.

Building estimates and specifications; construction scheduling, PERT and CPM methods.

Part—B Transportation Engineering—Roads, Traffic engineering and traffic

syrveys, intersections, road signs, signals and markings. Classification of roads, plannings and geometric design. Design of flexible and rigid pavements Indian roads Congress guidelines

on pavement layers and design methodologies. Part—C

Water Resources and Irrigation Engineering Hydrology—Hydrologic cycle, precipitation, evaporation, transpiration,

depression storage, infiltration, hydrograph, unit hydrograph, frequency analysis, flood estimation.

Ground water flow—Specific yield, storage co-efficient, co-efficient of per-meability, confined and unconfined aquifers; radial flow into a well under confined and unconfined conditions, tube wells, pumping and recuperation tests, ground water potential.

Water resources planning—Ground and surface water resources single and multipurpose projects, storage capacity of reservoirs, reservoirs losses, reservoir sedimentation, flood routing through reservoirs, economics Of water resources projects.

Water requirement for crops Consumptive use of water, quality of irrigation water, duty and delta, irrigation methods and their efficiencies.

Canals—Distribution system for canal irrigation, canal capacity, canal losses., alignment of main and distributary canals, most efficient sections; lines channels, their design, regime theory, critical shear stress, bed load local and suspenced load trnasport, cost analysis of lined and unlined canals, drainage behind lining.

Water logging—Causes and control, drainage system design, salinity. Canal structures—Design of regulation, cross-drainage and

communication works, cross regulators, head regulators, canal falls, aqueducts metering flumes and canal outlets.

Diversion head works—Principles of design of weirs on permeable and impermeable foundations. Khosla's theory, energy dissipation, stilling basins, sediment exclusion.

Storage works—Types of dams, design principles of rigid gravity and earth dams, stability analysis, foundation treatment, joints and gallories, control of seepage, construction methods and machinery.

Spillways—Types, crest gates, energy dissipation. RivPr training—Objectives of river training methods of river training.

Pa rt—D Environmental Engineering—Water Supply, Estimation of water

resources, ground and surface water hydraulics, predicting demand for water, impurities of water and their significance phyiscal, chemical and bacteriological analysis, water bone diseases, standards for potable water.

Intake of water—Pumbing and gravity scheme. Water treatment—Principles of coagulation, flocculation and

sedimentation, slow, rapid, pressure, biffow and multimedia filteres, chlorination, softening removal of taste, odour and salinity.

Water storage and distribution--Storage and balancing reservoir types, location and capacity.

Distribution systeMs—Layout, hydraulics of pipelines, pipe fittings, valves including check and pressure reducing values, meters, analysis of distribution systems using Hardy Cross methods general principles of optimal design based on cost headloss ratio criterion, leak detention, maintenance of distribution system, pumping stations and their operations.

Sewerage systems—Domestic and industrial wastes, storm sewage-separate and combined systems, flow through sewers, design of sewers, sewer appurtenance, manholes, inlets, juctions, syphon, Sewage characterisation : BOD, COD, solids dissolved oxygen, nitrogen and TOC, Standards of disposal in normal water course and on land.

Sewage treatment—Working principles, units, chambers, sedimentation tank, trickling filters, oxidation ponds, activated sludge process, septic tank, disposal of sludge, recycling of waste water.

Solid waste—Collection and disposal. Environmental pollution—Ecological balance, water pollution control

acts, radio active, waster and disposal environmental impact assesment for thermal power plants, mines.

Sanitation—Site and orientation or buildings, ventilation and damp proof course, houses drainage, conservancy and waterbone system of waste disposal, sanitary applicances, latrines and urinals, rural sanitation.


Accounting and Finance Part—I

Accounting, Auditing and Taxation Accounting as a financial information system—Impact of behavioral

sciences—Methods of accounting of changing price levels with particular

[ 26 I

reference to Current Purchasing power (CPP) accounting Advanced problems of company accounts—Amalgamation absorption and reconstruction of companies—accounting of holding companies—Valuation of shares and goodwill. Controllership functions-Property control legal and management.

Important provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961—Definition Charge of Income tax-Exemptions Depreciation and investment allowance. Simple problems of computation of income under the various heads and determination of assessable income—income tax authorities.

Nature and functions of Cost Accounting—Cost classification Techniques of segregating semivariable cost into fixed and variable components—job, costing—FIFO and weighted average methods or calculating equivalent units of production—Reconciliation of cost and financial accounts—Marginal Costing—Cost-volume-profit relationship; Algebralic formulae and graphical representation. Shut-down point-Techniques of cost control and cost reduction Budgetary control-flexible Budgets—Standard costing and variance analysis. Responsibility accounting bases of charging overheads and their inherent fallacy—Costing for princing decisions.

Significance of the attest function—Programming the audit works-Valuation and verification of assets, fixed, wasting and current assets—Verification of liabiliites—Audit of limited companies-appointment status, powers, duties and liabilities of the auditor—Adutitor's report-Audit of Share capital and transfer of shares-Special points in the audit of banking and insurance companies.

Part-11 Business Finance and Financial Institutions. Concept and Scope of Financial Management—Financial goals of

corporations—Capital budgeting; Rules of the thumb and Discounted cash flow approaches—Incorporating uncertainly in investment decisions—Designing an optimal capital structure-Weighted average cost of capital and the controversy surrounding the Modigliani and Miller model, Sources of raising short-term, intermediate and longterm finance—Role of public and convertible debentures-Norms and guidelines regarding debt-equity rations—Determinants of an optimal divident policy—optimising models of James E. Walter and John Lintner-Forms of divident payment-Structure of working capital and the variable affecting the level of difference of components Cash flow approach of forecasting working capital needs-Profiles of working capital in Indian industires-Credit management and credit policy-Consideration of tax in relation to financial planning and cashflow statements.

Organisation and deficiencies of Indian Money Market structure of assets and liabilities of commercial banks—Achievements and failures of nationalisation-Regional rural banks-Recommendations of the Tandon (P. L). study group on following of bank credit. 1976 and their revision by the Chore (K. B.) committee, 1979-An assessement of the monetary and credit policies of

the Reser')e Bank of India-Constituents of the Indian Capital Market-Functions and working ofAll India term financial institution (1DB), IFCI, ICICI and IRCI)— Investment policies of the Life Insurance Corporation of India and the Unit Trust of India—Present state of stock exchanges and their regulation.

Provision of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881. Crossings and endorsements with particular reference to statutory

protection to the paying and collecting bankers—Saliont provision of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 with regard, to chartering, supervision and regulation of banks.

PAPER—II Organisation Theory and Industrial Relations

Part—I Organisation Theory : Nature and concept of Organisation—Organisation goals : Primary and

secondary goals Single and multiple goals, ends-means chain, Displacement, succession, expansion and multiplication of goals-Formal organisation : Type. Structure-Line and Staff, functional matrix and project-informal organisation-functions and limitations.

Evolution of organisation theory—(Classical neo-classical and system approach Bureaucracy Nature and basis of power, sources of power, power structure and pol itics-Organisational behaviour as a dynamic system : technical social and power systems interrelations and interactions-Perception. Status system : Theoretical and empirical foundations of Maslow, Mcgergore, Herzberg, Likert, Vroom, Porter and Lawier, Odam and Human Models of motivation. Moral and productivity Leadership; Theories and styles-Management of conflicts in organisation-Transactional Analysis- Significance of culture to organisations. Limits of rationality-simon-March approach. Organisational change, adoptations, growth and development Organisation control and effectiveness.

Part—II Industrial Relations—Nature and scope of industrial relations. Industrial

labour in India and its commitment. Theories of unionism-Trade union movement in India. Growth and structure-Role of outside leadership-Workers education and other problems-Collective bargaining-approaches conditions, limitations and its effectiveness in India conditions-Workers participation in management : philosophy, rationale, present day state of affairs and its future prospects.

Prevention and Settlement of Industrial Disputes in India—Preventive measures, settlement machinery and other measures in practice-Industrial relations in Public enterprises–Absenteeism and labour turn-over in Indian industries–Relative wages and wage differentials : wage policy in India-The Bonus issue-International Labour Organisation and India-Role of personnel department in the organisation-Executive developrrfent, personnel policies, personnnel audit and personnel reasearch.



1. 33ef.tcy441 prat, tt i 3TiZl vt K.14.41,4Auf 2. allfttT rcialrq (Economical Choice)—W4WiT 04c1W-dc4-1M41 04161(

eitAR * Vti I 3. r-i41 7:1T44.11flout air allzf 31/T fitiftvr-orR, facto

tii-pa oft* yr-dFtt 4. 4ch 'arggli-l),7111614 fc1mrttx1rf MfaiWtit * *-4-4 04cRzIT 374

31tf Rr MIT Tug -arritiT I icier( T Tft71;71 i isbencbc-1114 I 5. Whit 3fil WrardP41* Waq t1,11cAv1q trd Al tiltig 1 6. 317detlt c41141A 3Int•-ch 14144 V,aiggFil VatT, al-mit:04 w

IttzTF9 PAPER-11

1.ITFrazi ai ear t, grolq avi tr4 * Mrw ftr-4R, 4.11114 114 * ictcitui *-1 34rdi I 11111111 MiTIATEIT TT *tiro e-41-4414 rntM titwft-TfR diltililten OR, #044-141 At fit 411, titc34 3:1111, di.14)( 41-INT At WANT factor rrtlwl wet-wg1 fth791 I

2. ctitT dctrrc-f-Tft#latIR-4611T-tur xf{-441-41difiiw 01 Trrgrim I 3. 315.1.1fital 30-115i-grarT1* trd t *44711ich alt Altzi fdaTuT-

41INT7T 'SIM T1 filiXin 3 tikwIftr+T{ 4.cpiti 3 3-11F ahrITT 304Te `l, fa 1:11:4-411 tfxeit aftTstfqi

inciArich fTiluT 1 5. GOV. *1 3:117 oAcrilAti feicitut I 6. "sp aitt 'CrIftzei, 41fa-i* urdrgIT aftk 3T-41 facer Titzli4 1 7. f0191 c.tirm 3fR 3T ft wIT4 8. Nrci/z1 417-41

304, Wit;, tztyl 39%11 At iiiit44111, 1 9. ffR R-4 dait Trrtlfw Term, atii* fewo * -rfri

Twre, iii1.11 wr A wind


Network—Steady state analysis of d.c. and a.c. networks, neiwork the orems. Matrix Algebra, network functions, transient response, frequency re-sponse. Laplace transform, Fourier series and Fourier trnasform, frequency spectral plezero concept, elementary network synthesis.

Static and Magnetics—Analysis of electrostatic and magnetostatic fields : Laplace and Poisson Equations, solution of boundry value problems, Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic wave propagation, ground and space waves, propagation between earth station and satellites.


Measurements—Basic methods of measurements, standards, error analy-sis indicating instruments cathode ray oscillo-scope : measurement of volt-age current, power, resistance, inductance, capacitance, time, frequency and flux; electronic meters.

Fjectronies—Vaccum and semiconductor devices; equivalent circuits transistor parameters, detOrminations of current and voltage gain and input and output impedences biasing technique, single and multistage, audio and radio small signal and large signal amplifiers and their analysis Feedback amplifiers and oscillators : wave shaping circuits and time base generators : analysis of different types of multivibrator and their uses; digital circuits.

Electrical Machines—Generation of e.m.f., m.m.f. and torque in rotating machines; motor and generator characteristics of d. c. synchronous and in-duction machines equivalent circuits.Commutation parallel operation.; phasor diagram and equivalent cicurits of power transformer, determination of perfor-mance and efficiency, auto transformers, 3-phase transformers.


Control System—Mathematical modelling of dynamic linear control sys-tems, block diagrams and signal flow graphs, transient suspense steady state error, stability, frequency response techniques, rootlocus techniques series compensation.

Industrial Electronics—Principles and design of single phase and polyphase rectifiers controlled rectification, smoothing Filters; regulated power supplies speed control cicuits for drivers, inverters, d.c. to d.c. conversion, Choppera; timers and welding circuits.

SECTON B (Heavy Currents) Electrical Machines—Induction Machines-Rotating magnetic fields;

Polyphase motor : Principle of operation pheaser diagram; Torque slip charac-teristics; Equivalent circuit and determination of its parameters; circle dia-gram; starters; speed control Double cage motor; Induction generator Theory. Pheser diagram, characteristics and application of single phase motors. Appli-cation of two phase induction motor.

Synchronous Machine—e.m.f. equation phase and circle diagrams; op-eration on infinite bus; synchronozing power, operating characteristic and performance by different methods; Sudden short circuit and analysis of oscil-logram to determine machine reactances and time constants, motor character-istics and performance methods of starting applications.

Special Machines—Amplidyne and metadynes operating characteris-tics; and their applications.

Power Systems and Protection—General layout and economics of differ-ent types of power stations; Baseload, peak-load and pumged-storage plants; Economics of different systems of d.c. and a.c. power distribution. Transmis-sion line parameter calculation; concept of G.M.D. short, medium and long transmission line; Insulators, voltage distribution in a string of insulators and

[30 j

grading; Environment effects on insulators. Fault calculation by symmetrical components; load flow analysis and economic operation steady state and transient stability; Switchgear methods of are extinction; Restriking and re-covery voltage; Testing of circuit breaker, Protective relays; protective schemes for power system equipment; C.T. and P.T. Surges in transmission lines; Travelling waves and protection.

Utilisation—Industrial drives electric motors for various drives and esti-mates of their rating; Behaviour of motors during starting acceleration, break-ing and reversing operation; Schemes of speed control for d.c. and induction motors.

Economic and other aspects of different systems of rail traction; mechanics of train movement and estimation of power and energy requirements and motor rating characteristics of traction motors. Dielectric and induction heating.

SECTION C (Light Currents) Communication System—Generation and detection of amplitude—

frequency phase-and Pulsemodulate signals using oscillators, modulators and demodulators, Comparison of modulated systems, noise problems, channel efficiency sampling theorem sound and vision broadcast transmitting and receiving system, antennas, feeders and receiving circuits, transmission line at audio radio and ultra high frequencies.

Microwaves—Electromagnetic wave in guided media wave guide components cavity resonaters, microwave tubes and solid-state devices, mocrowave generators and amplifiers, filters microwave measuring techniques, microwave radiation pattern, communication and antena systems.Radio aids to navigation.

D.C. Amplifiers—Direct coupled amplifiers, difference amplifiers, choppers and analog computation. ,

13. TIM (Geography) PAPER—I

irfrR 1444Pci (Principles of Geography) 71fuT-(

Tirff4W ipte (Physical Geography)

1. vi-34T OW (Geomorphology)--TA * dro+4 fdWrki, tizzl/T . tizuri-r 'mu 7z fa ei , tul(sit -attrM tr-41:1'ffvfl 1.11-1 Ra1.10114 T41 44k4 tkaTredzri Tizeiff our -4E-4w14 ibiitcpriNt I

2. siimail f 4.1I1 (Climatology)---cnTi6rf '41:1-4" 4o4-11 fief tiTiotit MIT st) a cf WETT 'WERT LlitNelltt-Acicili 'den 21T-0- 1-1-We dire I

3. 1FT ciitmfil (Soils and Vegetations)-71 ZTIfff racttut

Hof Ili 1.41 ITRTri qff .414114 LIIRriv-41.Clch trfq I

4. Trig 1 411-1 (Oceanography)—TraTITTR TO d",,11e1 ,-1 4-1614n+104 •T d1icr=1 eiciumf, WTI air 1:17 fff0:1 -Wk-g' I

5. 141fifferra'W (Ecosystem) ii- tiffizzird -43-it siFdaid, fakrq Trffr-P-Trff 3rff-1-


QP 111101 "Rsai 3ITFU TWR (Human and Economic Geography) 1. lerlr6W No1 fcichit4 (Development of Geographical Thought)—

70t4 2.11 feevf T1)7-01 aiT 44717, 1-Not-c1Is MU i-R4-11-qclIcIl5, 1-1T11 111/10-141

air 014(161tIclich wrfazrt 2. "gtrilEf Th-R (Human Geography)--i114 iIQT1 '11-1c4 SOUritif 4,1 3113 -4

iiit-Trucb fq-*-114 fqva. grsu ftzt AT "44149 f474 Alt-itsqf t f4VR air AiiiIits44441 4sh4Iu1 741 ffivq

+14-W-4 I 3. oltril `414-6 (Settlements Geography)-311:1TIT 11T 97714 Allrzff

-1411011kul dek41.4-3Tt4t I 51t. FIT, Titzt c411chtur-911(171 311-11d.

-a-g1 vitur 9TR-14Trl-grr 1414 -er 1-474 9-TR-117 fr-4 w1i-4414.

4. iisu-arcich (Political Geography)— i-cale-4-1(1", Ttl-rifa Tr1-10. i T ay-r) -Wf TP-M M-11 d4td kfcbri-frif, 4b.icti4 I

5. 3if9ft 1-111)-0 (Economic Geography)—rivef T 311Ittw fwm. TITER P-.1T (-11-11-141lt, 4kari t1enc-4-1f, fqva *11%7, dicilf fq?oi Tim fad fa-T4 31frrle4 *TrrC fqra 4gq-3rF4 fErdllapt f-174 Trti-4q

31-4ft-24-fu fawn 3Taf-P-Tiff fm.-4 311:11-fri-T ffET1 -11-1t-1.1)1t, fdrd c411411 ft:r4T- cTWT 111q4 * 1+0 I

PAPER—H grm zg T1R

11l ,fdw4 xrris (Physical Aspects)-9--hti f-dgRzt, 11-3rtf-dW fq-4•9- 3474ff sma-117 -grri-tu rzgiraRT, 1 h a-micr

tr-4-ff, (Human Aspects)-311fc*R:11 Z-i*1 ‘41(-1(9-qf fq-d7131 44101 31 114 .ef *141(411 7 iii tfazir I

WM' (Resources)-14, Z5Ifiq., WO,1-Azt * TIM9Y T TitkiuT

Liqict(uf-ITif?fMtw +111-41(1 .1144 1:11:1Vri I TPA (Agriculture)—ftt-lit, *-14-61 *-1' TRTA*11#1179*, 6fict shim, 44

5141)4( Trizi-Aft -ard, mittrf 37ltaK 2IT-4n41(1-1 ti11111■31.4) AT1T4 d61141. I dal! (Industry)— f f fvggl, TaltalzKrT 4)10.)-71f47 3INTRU,

cpra 3TINTIT-1d zTr as 31TVrri 3dTlYair 31t717(i, afrerw -flfif-3frerrw 1.1.11(4 3ftT aflarrl-rT 4-t-*-Tur

4r(a61 atft c4uLut (Transport and Trade)--TIT4, to-m-4 al4RP 7(+1 3T77 4-44 ce4I41! alit 11I * niont 195T*1 I

GI rt-ciqT (Settlements)--3Pturft7z11 : 1-779 =1 7171-7 MTTR 92.Tr

40411, 9-7 3Tr*-49., -ff2tr 7911'4

3ITTR 7TTtzf -Pkiemur -in I

AWN' raziti MIT 37-479 (Regional Development and Planning)—`979 4lcrif4 TA-49T,rt174 311474 q,i,e4 Not wqr igu,s

-Alr-4.T 41---Aln`mil tisnArrich tT (Political Aspects)--1379 ti,ref 133439,

%TRU 31--- Kttzt .ant Trrzi4 Trirr I 173 72.1T 9(m-ilid I

1 46R 1.17k9 (Geography of Bihar)--r-P--ik-ifiAcf 7T1-4TIT 3 i 31%749,

7ittaTfdwi, igtfent, TrraTit, iziut31T qt1m-cr 0q-1

ii&MIlt -ffrT11.79, 111313 3V.1.111-c4f-PuiTff, c111-11-:-1414-1, 1141,

3-fraMT 51W, rciw s=k44.sqf TrgitErT, ,Y11,1-111-cP4I 11 71:FEITI 3117 diet)f

1:1•17417, fisimt ' iiiilcovir -*1 Tifd.F7 I

14. 11-rciqoi (Geology) PAPER-1

`41--"ftTi, :11-3irft tit-et-no-Pt), 9fqw9, zileiR9 M-019 AT Ifft--*-1

(General Geology; Temorophology. Structural Geology, Palaeontology and

Stratigraphy) I

1. *.u&u-ei 13„--rctor-i (General Geology)--I-Ft f4T9 dlzir

writ ath far fafv-4 3 cbM

thin iffnivrt cni(uf 311t 371f-9, si4c•1111(.41 1-1qT

-4gro1311 kier4emui 3 t 9--kirri 3174 92.7 Ira I ¶1u1 M-.11 3-1.111 1,11.1101

#1-17 tilllt 1§1TPY chdch TFift-QTr-dT 4-4-mc4t( 3th

3C01-i ligraq TrTk.Tqf M'grI, TT-1t:6 727 eiN3 3-1)7

Itzwri-3-11 7t-*-T cvlicr I

2. 13,-31c9 Nom (Geomorophology) fRzr7 741 4-mcci I %I-37TM

311-- zrr 2.11 4(144't, 9-31T-frff 19a 3u1 Ti* wrcNicq 7913ff 71, T4 TT-fr k1(,=1.1311 3 31vit fq-.F A * 14 11-41 1s1 91-3T1V771 I 3-174M1 11{g111

IT" 491d11111V 461( TAT

3. t-iir4-11cli4h Ii-re:4111 (Structural Geology)—T414 927 1-7( tErfdq* 727

44d1-I 1-keotur I ero-f 311t 3v17 Tlaifl T oioT 3111 Loi-R 3t17 301r1+Vich

'46Cci I 4.:11,4,1514, Fakc.)tot 311t Tqwt 9-Urr-a-w AART311 A 411-11-ePr1ef 7174-4-9 3T1T

rimer I %-179 1 raeitiketa Gill I

4. Nrilcuk)+1 Ictqui (Palacontology)--TTT 72.11 TS-.1{-,111c1Ik9, ,311em-if

TWIT 311{ 344111c11 911174f9 311T eVientuf r t11411-4 f4-4T't I k-nerifelen 3T9-4 47

1T{ flirtactl 3-117177b1 1;ii-TM

37-fiafa re 44(84) t{, F33ft,14 31 1T Fa-rolctiKkr 0=4-ksq

T 1T wh--dA racbRiatql 7-119. ed"um Trr-z--d cplemur

locsiaiXtql 3INT9 *viz 'MT dic1 area UT I -1129114 115611.Ri •711clef fcATR,

Itaiciqf I 317-41, l'F"trzff f417 alTzfziff I 4 T. cuirt iPi 3:ftt

*tic 1-1c( I

11,444w1c4 11I sichit MIT diebf ,iclault rqYl9 kis4 t4kcf 4.1$cct 5. tlifictil (Stratigraphy)—Vii- *ft:1-4M I ta4 ci4lchtut a211'91TT ti..sfd I

Ter41-4 qJHc 13N, 111Taz1 344-1@i1*f-45:19 9--4-01f4W LI•ard iii f-417 31ar4r9, iiRtzi aired f-4-47 ti11-111:11:1FITIt I tftH 11-.4-erf-qwri-4-fat 3-Ic Slchlt

iRtrt*1 TI:TkIgn I 1-1Rtzf 344-161614 I:F*1R ardfq I 'BUM •31ociiq AT

3Tf4 fshe.iichruLIT altzfrfff I TAT 141711rFW Teirlfrli I

PAPER—I1 ITFT '"fcr-4*, tgti t ic4n-1,"*R raqui 1:1-Nom

(Crystallography, Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology) lzFe tArLichl (Crystallography)—tAbdioich hut dit-Lodiclich rcik)ti

sIont4 7:ffrIfff I 1:1f11f-d 32 eaRTI ci4ffcbtuf I 1:ER 'Ffc1-4* I:4' 79T A 1-14rc1, retold at14 1/1.1.4 griellA-4 I 411-iryi MIT

Tcb_z 3ir7zr" 3115474, feriz 1014 " dqq),E

2. webiOtt 1g1 1'3f Nom (Optical Mineralogy)--SicMf ft:r4T7,

ti&i4Nict) AT 3lf9711-aftPi ifsz etticticbtuT tTtPTT Pictigut iite 1:1 isikra-qm, rcikvIgur afem it

3. (Mineralogy)—mi4t•de tt1f44 t ET.W*" sichit I 311411-1' 44th, 11'-t1141,4 q1014,,irf tolArchctzt rimicteiT *ft'clitclich

ci4ffchtut t 64-1t4 Wf1-ft fdRiff alafER, 31chr 1Iti141Pich WqT

51ctq1]4f MIT 3.1c 514f)41, rft VW* droci* 3TRTzll I

4. AtiRiqiiq (Petrology)—AITIT, 4tichi 514m-1,1411R MIT 79'4I1-41 I 4[011 IT

edit 441-d airliitITTTFT ttqf sitoi+f MIT d-Ictit i16r4 a1461-1 urcifsbtit ftF4M,

4, rert13,4Aut atiovuti-vtoi t dita tITEPT,

3107 1r11 .141.mut I 11T1ff T1-6-1:114 -circe.14 4e)9144 MIT

49141rtit{, tATCet:i t9T71:1 MTI chiiilem*dt4, sctehi citiriet4, dor:9e wcz191 31-Wzrilt, sicolVtiti MIT fRfzifthcfRli amicieaZtT 1t.t.r1-11 AT

416rc1 3.1T74 -AK-d-417 collet-Au( chic-keen MT f441 chori.dcb I 9 wi-44 3i1(61 i-Mrcf I LigicitLFI* 3ITTfritT ft1-4M I 611441 dr"Ird +11+11-44 .ade.t-t sobiti * Pk-10411

t‘oit-cRui fir 4r d4, .\41-c1tur* Sla,lt, te'Lll'clr(4, 448101 cut 3131:6T I R. 1:11. 75., *. MTT 'crr-F. 31T faI W<-49it tN9i-cItt4 A M'11qe, 11111'1T

-iiiiichtuf .j 'r1- WT91* rqicif 711 Wiff I

5. 3TTtiftreloil (Economic Geology)--ch tug ff1-4T7 %9 01-1,4 2/T fdITTg, tug A Triu'raftT, 49ri41 tiue .1-ticte...4 sifinqr, tug

cillehtuf, c44 ag #.4.41 4;46, urtfuw turd 1:1117

3igi, TROLI zgiti-A1 .13tATI our dqztlfitot I

6. Irs-au 11-111011 (Applied Geology)-31171 311T 41(11 3%11- -dIlt I

19-1-1 fad

7749 "Ted, -PVT ctvacit IITZRlarT MIT -MT, 31ftTEITT cbt,IT 1:1 sitilit

[ 34 ]

UnTa. tilri.Ptlf TIMM

Asir 21'T I f-4-aF Skqf 0-1-1THrict) 11 ,4111

ATZi TIW4 114 t M441 I

15. VI-Tag (History) PAPER—I 'Un-( )

VIM *W1. *UR' ( 760 tlq1 TR ) 1. rtil Trrerdi (The Indus Civilization)-3771, fdRR, "Sr1pf * f-4*.ro * 4Rur 31.0 71f--49T tifciccf I

2. •U4cn ITT (The Vedic Age)--AR 'W Tritm "arc'W /71 441-41-d* fir TrizfaT #17Ft * *9' t kitiitiqtch aRRI* 3irwEI 11 T9 terk icualk afrt tt-fram I

3. Till WR*Tri (The Pre-Maurya Period)— Nififw aTr-1.-m9 GiLs 31-f ggi) iii41114141 3T11 xlifti* ?mit I TPTET tilNivt{ 3111

4. Tkai +114,11•04 (The Maurya Empire)—Tliqq, b1511'01 SR 1 I 3VI4, 11..1;, s3i1( tiffff, in4i1FAcr) alrfifw fmrd I am* -9rff Tut wra I

5.4.4 At A. wr4 ( 200 t I-300 t Tr, ) (The Past-Maurya Period (200 B.C.-300 A.D.)--dtil 1-111ff 4 71 tislci.YI 311fatW t.11411 isn *It

Micpcf * (Art 44 (grgFriff• atql51 d'Altilf) I chor (311t17, 1:ITT 'Mg 3TRT t-l-zr 441qt vq-41- I

6. 111Z1 "TM' (The Gupta Age)-7I NiMis,e1 354 3i Tdff, Glchldcb, 54Y1M-1, 3T2icicitx11, TITruFf, chrif .11171-114 R17111T 14W-t/

7. 71 chid * trf--4r( (500 t 11,-700 t .1) (Past-Gupta Period (1.C. 500-700 A.D.)—y4iPt 11 1 Ted 't1M

WEkti 3fr( 3ti4T cblci 61c1141* vlicictel I tr'4, * =not I am' Row

8. fad 3111T Viff 1:1TRMI ytteilvi I


liteitgai RIM (Medieval India)

WM 750 1. * 1200 1. WW (India 750 A.D. to 1200 A.D.)

1. (1,31-1l1ach 311t Z11RIPw4 -q1T, T1" -3A41 ttzit 3111 **ichr t11-114 ITT 161T4 I

2. egivit 311T Alful7E1 I

3. chcif, Y1.41w4141 I

4. -az-4g ismucnciltf, awol 371:114 iiittrciGn "519 I

5. mictlef, 4 314 iiiiict)i-chrif 3 fd =1 7ftrigi I -chi 41131.-4,

T-9-11917 Ntchlt, 1-111t4 treff •fkl-W 311far4P41,

cbcif 311t favf I

6. 1pwri< 174-it t 34WrIol TO i:Iretzt tiMM 3T-Of4F91

'WM 1200-1765 (India 1200-1765)

7. dTi1 9TTt I T1 f5 11 chl 44, chRur 3T trftf7Rif-d-zfr grcazi ITT

dtichf 311Tq I

8. 1 i(1•311 TIP.471 at)7 311-krfzi, SIYIR4f:14) 3 aiTfO* 3tR t1.1

T1 lar T1{ dichf "SP-Trd I

9. 71=rrqfw r T-ra* * ftrz-f-dY is r #2if-d

yuri 31)7 olct)19-4frit

10. Pcm-ol fd1M-ctAtuf 31'1T 1-1Rtz1 11,T10.4 311T t11-1 ITT 'FM 313-114 I

I I. fqq-Ito, f97 tf-ErT ti( 11

Tt4q, .7TO *--1 ot1t4R 311 Ntz44,14**Er*-1, -141-t

ddir 1-1-Fal7T 3T fuelfmfff I

12. 1-111.44 Tt-iVd. TIT - R;i11,1 TT 111-1T4-ipp9

31-Tr 17*--dt, 4-161.t1t1‘. kil+-11F,114)

afr{ gif14 TITOWM, 1P911 117 11414s4 dTT 71-11.4 I

13. fd-44 .97r{ flI91.q-f,W-4" 3771fff f1-4cnrlf, TITFTFT *1:4Tra. zITT<Ti,

(111-11F,314) afr{ 3Trf2ft-ETth-41, fq-T74 art kitui\r4 fqq-ea. I

14. !fM* tad TITpf NIc-111It51 3 r fd-4711 1

15. drIt 91117 11 til+Alvu TtIPT9T; .1161( t3RTi -4

(IA-11Fda, 31r kipiirsion fPfi, qiqt *7-r-4;I 3TR---44 Rv 4 TATA. f-P#iff

TzT7T9-r Tqt tism-ilrcren 3TM* 91t.1141

16. 7, 1,T1.-11ri4), ti•Nit-cf 3-111 SlkIR1-f 1

17. 31-*-07 311-117 41,111 fq- 117, t1,11Rich WIT; 3T 3Ttlb

1411 TEW11; 3-1WT( "WI tiTc14-W fls31-ircich f4917, f11 TINT

1:1117-9-4 1

18. 7,--14,1l-1 7 4 al-t-zr ii-rErrA 3 Tfr-g-e4 1-rz =hoc cR-ci.bor


19. 1,5t-ilrocr, fq---R 3-117 TfTZTTI; -firM ti1N13--4 9-ttff, 1-1-114

+i ibw5it1 33-1t ,T11,11tc14 Ted-zit I-ft 41.clif 3T1471Tic1t1 9M 11,

11+a1 g4, tifT*" 4,1d-t 1

20. 3'1t11 .4' MI-4W 11 fit , -cfqcrT 13IT .*-1"fITiT1Z; 3hiT4q fay

fa r1?, TefFEI 4 t 4itull+4 1

21. 7717

'TT fdR1TT; 3frtlifITW 31.21"&r4R43-; 7711 AT 3F1-11:11 fd-4711 0L1141t

it-4 061141neh 4)4-41v-1 1

22. F6-5-1P914 #47-4, k4,41(uf .514r-ff,TIA-41TW-ff (16411 18171-ff.4.) I 23. DIc11\111 d54-1i1M1 TrT2T 61.1-4 #174 f414TA•ITT 51YIit4-11 "4111

(1707-1761) t 3119 TRTUI "WF fdT FR, Try-TIT ci-f ,1Y,113T1 altr17

wrar td-1116* tit I Ir, 911 3 RcR--a-T-7A• 1791-crff .911:0 c-151 43-101

3113-, 4-1(161 1m11 3-11f4ilh TtzTT1 4(-c11r 33-1t 91 I

24. 141-1 4•44 (I'4 3 TNI-Ifq


PAPER—II tgus-()

ainifffw 1-17d ( 1757 A 1947 ) Section (A), (Modern India)

1. "fi-1611N.r) qiictoqi* chltch f 1q7-' afTM 1T Aftwm faY14dqr i-iwN AT #itT * *Pi 14 liltal7 TT-4 'WU -51C-Aq 3-T*-1 31 -dT311 chltuf 1

2. t1,1Iq14 TI7 att fd9R I

3. 34r1c1Y1e1IS 3T47 3T :011 r-146 GI i *traz11 14 Llficici-f 1 -4I4 fkr1C1:RFAII aft-449 3 fofew 33 1d F i fel 4 dim, ITIE-pod

4. fe-alT Afft 4114 3 7 dictli 30-1-14 TN cilful,rtachtuf, utr-ilur ltum-cror, fr,r-eqf. at-c-mi4 3 Tf *r fq9P-r, TTP:rfu 4e11~I-f, 3T1

11:5, MT1'1:01-4r1 Ali aTr 3c4I Tri-drqftit' 5. lifrazi Ti * 7374, kill-111,m, 'NNW 31.K1 -1 latig*Y

k-114-11rAch, ter k, flszfrilfirct) Afft falit 3 3T i airdal d--11Hca YT T * .-1,11f4ituf *I 1-Fcf *414, fclOticht

fkficrr Tzkil 311f -4R31fatg fqYl4mt Fri air 3R4 6. ffift-1857 f -nitro, fa* * cto=14, ffitg- raql4,-11(

w'uacr * TtrZF-4 .f.k.Tur t * 411-Erwr collad 7. 1.17617 TTE,41:4 dqt1 (Naic * +11rriNeb

3TRTR, yOr-T* Afa-zit* chitisb44, 31J chiroct)10 art, Aatart (-414usift.ohot TT dcg AT 7T--341-4-07 * c i 3-1*6417 *ffi-97:1 3-WA 3 .0171 37409, #1549 * fq*i* 31TI-M9 I t1,11c114 sst-Iclf

3TE479, clat4 alit tilWalQ1 1 1T13-171. 31F4-M9 * 1;ffff *F*14 SircIrshcii, 1909-1935 * -41.41f-i*Ilfr091*4it ct.i4r T1 (,(1, 3i1 tc 16-S thi7 1946 iiTrd f40.179 teici:icif 31Tfca 1

Vrri-(Igf ) fdrtT $11f41t4 ( 1500-1950 )

(World History (1500 A.D. to 1950 A.D.)

1-0TIre 41 (Geographical Discoveries)—(T) trdi, T14K 71#1, zOtt 19-41-49 * $44 TV I 14-1 fat T (1,31c1.4-(11, 71-1)74 of 1a1 71,4 starct-airuw4aK

44T,K-1-4 #141 -1 fa-wre, #1.T3 0141,4 $5, 1,(14 tIt-aTzr 4 TTTw 7hl1:1 1:11-1 (Renaissance of Reformation in Europe) (7g) fa T4 fg-414 -wr 7-wt;r0149 T17, 31.4fTwr wifff, wwr 1 SHIN TTffi 9-11 .)4)(M41-1 *T (1789-1915) feRcf f-d8T* 4 WTI its ca/

Lifq.c14-11 /1*cf=1 dqltcll< .fftll *T releblt4 (1815-1914), *At* ITT Of9* MIT dm-11m1 -77€51-P-T14 31110fITIF wift 1 ard7-414 71-eftf 1111111z1.11

2.11 5r14

(11) fffkrTM• 71*-(17, 4dzil T kohlchtur, •1141 311-4711 I 311411-*1 cif ffif7F $g I 19t3 i 20t qinircqqi 749741 ff2IT 3336-*T =l 34f-1dYlql4 z:rr

.414 .u2Tr 4{z4+11 ktra-oqi Av-n-t 3117 TErt 3s4 ,441 vrrwt 37rei-ewtur

T-Ith klickvit HQTT 3-113Pri P.M (1815-1914) vgyrt -Nr94-14 ;T aTirtfW H i til+11F,314) 311-0-3114&1 1919. ( ) 0111.0 1917-.FTT T 37TYOW WelT k1I1nrHm 139: firrfur I -*,s1.)Piqr,

f UtIsilSri 31T-179- I T +111-41,1IS 3c77 *P-117F1 I 3-117 ti.*ilt 4 .14d-firm lzutti-di 'ffEIT

1194 cwilri. an** 34th 37iffrdT es41 3TIN1T9 I 3117 utl.coc T dcti I 1929-32 *T relk4 cirri I Schrti^i Ted.Th-T ITT 044c161( re014 #-Icifillql<

e.c.-11 TT '̀T I .14d 4 di.11,4ts I .11414 1:1 fg-44 f479-4 3714 m mituliq

16. 3 ti441,71 a6c-e1Itil (Labour and Social Welfare)


& PcM111 1 SIR VVirci7

(Labour Legislation and Labour Administration) 1. NTT tNIff * ftrgtff-.T d4%179'* whit I 2. MO > R-fdtuizfT irffkird1--dtm 3. slIT&21 tirciNri 3111 1:117-4 31:17E1 I 4. 1-14-iitifiaci T 37f11 T 72T1 444t4 > 97IT itt-ttich-f (W) alftlfizrzi, 1948, (N) 'P:ff-drt 147111 30-11971:1, 1948-*7 (701:1-4 i317 31ftifizrri, 1936 CEO *Piot 1:rifted* aifirkzITI, 1976 (W) *47 Aitxrd 31ftlfizfri, 1923 (7) nfff 1 9er13 31f fi, 1961 (U) TrAl. talif 31filf-PTR, 1948 (7) 44isiq 4c14 37ftlfiz174, 1972 (1') AIR WI (sticitig

raPiii4) atgritrri, 1986 (7) 4011 4N1 ftiil,t cb4chit "11 ) 31M97117, 1966 (Z) imzit schi-1 Qd Sliclb114 aft 1197r1, 1953 I

5. ar<tilts & tilics-T-TITi-fst“fichrutf-31 NTT iitica tt31-1 TIT #4:1 NTT f4t174 TR 3711r4

6. fimit T W1 51711V-1 I


3114:11ftM TITZR:fl t1441411 ch("41411 (Industrial Relations and Social Welfare)

1. gtittir* 144t1 5111 t141, I77ff 311i f4eTi * 4 (Industrial Relations and Trade Unions with Reference to India and Bihar)—

(it) dildPict) 144ET-314tIntill, f4RITT OR, 4dt:A Tig-q, 1 (V) 3T1-terrw f4ar< 74 65clIci-V4, crag( 371Z tWP-TP:1-AckfTr

Wftf, -RTsrff. *WA., fd-d7 3-Ttl1fdz1TT, 1947 I

(IT) -5r4ti 4-gr*iTrp-Trfirm—z-04, #R-Tt 441:1F fRTFff, TITT4 if Famwicit


(ti) 17-0 if N Tist—TrTTqr fff-GR, sow, --04 74 1;11-F7 74 slYIR-i-f, tissI4ric11 (14114 74 ATM, 5iing.r.-gnt "4' Trill:4T, 3T1 3-TrNr--4414, 1926 I

(W) 3971719 Ilium 74 air4tErr Trimor 2. to.iis4 a,rtiu1 I 1VA:IT (Social Welfare and Social Security)— (W) tIlmr4lch WW-30-04 mgmffd 74 4ft I ) 5111R,

cbgut, 7 * 3414, TfIrd if tIsaml+a f4*-1. 41I49111-1 I (Tr) f9-4-4m-334, sow, -gm, cw.i, t ct)(=I * 3414, tirrff 74 f4-67 if mrrIvr Triw-4 iitcw 1,441,4 #449t04 ( V ) 1:11Wf11, 3ti i cbc-q1u1-4)14 I (W)IlftelT "IM14)-4i3Fel1all ii4-K-(11 , Tit 3r17 ct)(Wm 4)i4 I (W) f-Plia—rmw if ftedI (W) tstlqicif—.5r-t-f , cbRui, 31-1.14, 7 ct-)4

341g I *Weft—Ted, VreUT, Bart 4 fmfff f4-6-r-{ wchR

WAR 4114strii, cpaIqtell direici)%311 `q-41, TrTpr *ITT, 4133T


1. Consitutional Law of India 1. Nature of the Indian Constitution : The distinctive features of its fed-

eral character. / Fundamental Rights Directive. Principles and their Relationship with

Fundmental Right; Fundamental Duties. 3. Right to Equality. 4 Right to Freedom of speech and Expression. 5. Right to Life and Personal Liberty 6. Religious, Cultural and Educational Right. _7. Constitutional position ofthe president and relationship with the Council

of Ministers. 8. Governor and his power_ 9. Supreme Court and High Courts, their Powers and Jurisdication. 10. Union Public Service Commission and State Public Service Commis-

sions their powers and functions. 41. Principle of Natural Justice. 12. Distribution of Legislative powers between the Union and the States. 13. Delegated Legislation :.Its constitutionality, judicial and legislative

controls. 14. Administrative and Financial Relations between the Union and the

States. 15. Trade, Commerce and Intercourse in India. 16. Emergency Provisions. 17. Constitutional safeguards to Civil Servants.

18. Parliamentary Privileges and immunities. 19. Amendment of the Constitution.

IL International Law : I. Nature of International Law. 2. Sources : Treaty, Custom, General Principles of Law recognised by

civilized nations, subsidiary means for the determination of Law. Resolutions of Inter-national organs and regulations of Specialised Agencies.

3. Relationship between International Law and Municipal Law. 4. State Recognition and state succession. 5. Territory of States : modes of acquisition, boundaries, International

Rivers. 6. Sea : Inland Water, Territorial Sea, Contiguous Zone, Continental Shelf,

Exclusive Economic Zone and Ocean beyond national jurisdiction 7. Air-space and aerial navigation. 8. Outer-space : Exploration and use of Outer space. 9. Individuals, nationality, statelessness; Human Rights and proceduers

available for their enforcement. 10. Jurisdiction of States : bases ofjurisdiction, immunity from jurisdiction. II. Extradition and Asylum. 12. Diplomatic Missions and Consular Posts. 13. Treaties : Formation application and termination. 14. State Responsibility. 15. United Nations : Its principle organs, power and functions. 16. Peaceful Settlement of disputes. 17. Lawful recourse to force; aggression, self-defence, intervention. 18. Legality of the use of nuclear weapons; ban on testing of nuclear

weapons; Nuclear non proliferation treaty, CTBT. PAPER-II

1. Law of crimes and Torts, Law of Crimes : 1. Concept of crime-actus reus, mens rea, means rea in statutory offences,

punishments mandatory sentences preparation and attempt. 2. Indian Penal Codes : (a) Application of the Code, (b) General exception, (c) Joint and

constructive liability, (d)Abetment, (e) Criminal conspiracy, (0 Offences against the State. (g) Offences against public tranqulity, (h) Offences by or relating to public servants, (i) Offences against human body, (j) Offences against preperty,

• (k) Offences relating to Marriage; Cruelty by husband or his relatives to wife, (1) Defamation.

3. Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955. 4. Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961. 5. Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954.

LAW TORTS 1. Nature of tortious liability, 2. Liability based upon fault and strict liability.

3. Statutory liability, 4. Vicarious liability, 5. Joint Tort-feasors. 6. Remedies,

[ 40 ]

7. Negligence, 8. Occupier's liability and liability in respect of Structures, 9. Debtenu and conversion, 10. Defamation, I 1. Nuisance, 12. Conspiracy, 13. False imprisonment and Malicious Prosecution. II. Law of Contracts and Mercantile Law :

I . Formation of Contract, 2. Factors vitiating consent, 3. Void, voidable illegal and unenforceable agreements, 4. Performance of contracts, 5. Dissolution of contractual obligations, frustration of contracts, 6. Quasicontracts. 7. Remedies for breach of contract, 8. Sale of goods and hire purchase, 9. Agency, 10. Formation and dissolution of partnership, 11. Negotiable Instruments, 12. The Banker customer relationship, 13. Government control over private Companies, 14. The Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969,15. The Consumer Protection Act, 1986.


The candidate should make a study of the development of the field of management as a systematic body of knowledge and acquaint himself adequately with the constributions of leading authorities on the subject. lie should study the role, function and behaviour of a manager and relevance of various concepts and theories to the Indian context. Apart from these general concepts, the candidate should study the environment of business and also attempt to understand the tools and techniques of decision making.

The candidate would be given choice to answer any five questions. Organisational Behaviour and Management Concepts, Significance of

social Psychological factors for understanding organisational behvaiour Relavance of theories of motivation; contribution of Maslow, Herzherg. McGregor, Mc Clelland and other leading authorities. Research studies in leadership. Management by Objectives, small group and intergroup behaviour. Application of these concepts for understanding the managerial role, conflict and coperation, work norms and dynamics of organisational behaviour. Organisational change.

Organisational Design—Classical, neo-classical and open systems theories of organisation, Centralisation, decentralisation, delegation, authority and control. Organisational structure, systems and processes, strategies, policies and objectives, Decision making communication and control. Management information system and role of computer in management.

Economic Environment—National Income, analysis and its use in business forcasting, Trends and structure in Indian Economy, Government programmes and policies. Regulatory Policies : monetary fiscal and planning and the impact of such macro-olicies on enterprises decisions and plans-Demand analysis and forecasting, cost analysis, pricing decisions under different market structures—pricing ofjoint products, and price discrimination—capital budgeting-applications under Indian condition. Choice of projects and cost benefit analysis choice of production techniques.

QUANTITATIVE METHODS Classical Optimization—Maxima and minima of single and several

Variables; optimization under constraints—Applications, Linear Programming. Problem formulation, Graphical Solution Simplex Method Duality-Post optimality, analysis-Applications of integar Programming and dynamic programming Formulation of Transportation and assignment Models of linear proramming and methods of solution.

•Statistical Methods—Measures of Central tendencies and variations Application of Binominal, Poison and Normal distributions. Time series, Regression and correlation, Tests of Hypotheses, Decision marking under risk : Demision Trees Expected Monetary Value. Value of Information. Application of bayes Theorem to posterior analysis. Decision-making under uncertainty. Different criteria for selecting optimum stragegies.

PAPER —II The candidate would be required to attempt five questions but not more

than two questions from any one section. Section 1 (Marketing Management)

Marketing and Economic Development—Marketing Concept and its applicability to the Indian economy–Major tasks of management in the context of developing economy. Rural and Urban marketing theirprospects and problems.

Planning and Strategy in the context of domestic and export marketing—Concept of marketing mix-Market Segmentation and product differentiation strategies. Consumer Motivation and Behaviour, Consumer Behavioural Models, Product, Brind, distribution Public distribution system price and promotion.

Decisions—Planning and control of marketing programmes, Marketing research and models, Sales Organisational dynamics, Marketing Information system, Marketing audit and control.

Export Incentives and Promotional Strategies—Role of Government, trade association and individual organisation, problems and prospects of export marketing.

Section 11 Production and Materials Management

Fundamentals of production from Management point of view. Types of Manufacturing systems continuous, repetitive, intermittent, Organising for production, Long range, forecast and aggregate production planning. Plant Design : Process planning, plant size and scale of operations, location of plant, layout of physical facilities.

Equipment replacement and maintenance. Functions of production planning and Control, Routing, Loading and

Scheduling for different types of production systems, assembly. Role and importance of materials management, Material handling, Value

analysis, Quality control Waste and Scrap disposal, Make or Buy decisions,


Codification, Standardisation and Spare parts inventory. Inventory control ABC Analysis, Economic order quantity. Recorder point, Safety stock, Two Bin system, Waste management DOS and D purchase process and procedure.

Section III Financial Management

General tools of Financial Analysis—Ratio analysis, funds flow analysis, cost-volume-profit analysis, cash budgeting, financial and operating leverage.

Investment Decision—Steps in capital expenditure management, criteria for investment appraisal, cost of capital and its application in public and private sectors. Risk analysis in investment decisions, organisational evaluation of capital expenditure management with special reference to India.

Financing Decision—Estimating the Firms of financial requirements, financial structure determinations, capital markets, institutional mechanism for funds with special reference to India, security analysis, leasing and subcontracting.

Working Capital Management—Determining the size of working capital, managing the managerial attitude towards risk in working capital, management of case, inventory and accounts receivables, effects of inflation on working capital management.

Income Determination and Distribution—Internal financing, determination of dividend policy, implication of inflationary tendencies in determining the devidend policy, valuation and dividend policy.

Financial management in public sector with special reference to India. Perfomance budgeting and principles of financial accounting. Systems

of management control. Section—IV

Human Resource Management—Characteristics and significance of Human Resources, Personnel policies—Man power, policy and planning, Recruitment and selection Technique, Training and Development, Promotions and Transfer : Performance Appraisal—Job Evaluation; Wage and Salary Administration; Employee Morals and Motivation. Conflict Management, Management of Change and Development

Industrial Relations Economy and Society in India—Worker profile and management Styles in India; Trade Unionism in India; labour Legislation with special reference to Industrial Disputes Act : payment of Bonus Act; Trade Unions Act; Industrial democracy and Workers participation in manage-indication. Discipline and Grievances Handling in Industry.


Any five questions may be attempted out of 12 questions to be set in the paper.

Linear Algebra—Vector space bases, dimesion of finitely generated space, Linear transformations, Rank and nulity of a linear transformation Cayley Hamilton theorem, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors.

[ 43

Martix of a linear transformation row and Column reduction, Echelon form Equivalence, Congreuence and similarity, Reduction to canonical forms.

Orthogonal, symmetrical, skey-symmetrical, unitary, Hermitain and skew-Hermitian matrices-their eigenvalues, orthogonal and unitary reduction of quadric and Hermitan forms, positive definite quadratic forms. Simultaneous reduction.

Calculus—Real numbers, limits continuity, differentiability, mean-value theorems, Taylor's theorem, inditerminate forms, Maxima and Minima Curve Tracing, Asymptotes, Functions of several variables. partial derivatives, maxima and minima, Jacobian, Definite and indefinite integrals. Double and triple integrals (techniques only). Application to Beta and Gamma functions, Areas, Volumes, Centre of gravity.

Analytic Geometry of two and three dimensions : First and second degree equations in two dimensions in Cartesian and

polar coordinaters. Plane, sphere, paraboloid, Ellipsoid, hyperboloid of one and two sheets and their elementary porperties, Curves in space, curvature and torsion, Frenet's formulae.

Different Equations—Order and Degree and a differential equation, differential equation of first order and first degree, variables separable. Homogeneous, linear and exact differential equations, Differential equations with constant coefficients. The complementary function and the particulars integral of ea', cosax, eax, cos bx, ex, sin bx.

Vector, Tensor Statics, Dynamics and Hydrostatics. (i) Vector Analysis—Vector Algebra, Differential of Vector function of a

scalar variable, Gradient, divergence and curl in cartesian cylindrical and spherical coordinates and .their physical interpretation. Higher order derivatives. Vector identities and vector equations, Gauss and Stocks Theorems.

(ii) Tensor Analysis—Definition of a Tensor, transformation of coordinates, contravariant and covariant tensor, Addition and multiplication of tensors, contraction of tensors. Inner product, fundamental ternsor, christoflel symbols, covariant differentation, Gradient, Curl and divergence in tensor notation.

(iii) Statics—Equilibrium of a system of particles, work and potential energy, Friction, Common catenary, Principle of Virtual Work, Stability of equal ibrium, Equilibrium of forces in three dimensions.

(iv) Dynamics—Degree of freedom and constraints, Rectilinear motion. Simple harmonic motion Motion in a plane, Projectiles, Constrained motion. Work and energy Motion under implusive forces, Kepler's laws, Orbits under central forces, Motion of varying mass. Motion under resistance.

(v) Hydrostatics—Pressure of heavy fluids, Equilibrium of fluids under given system of forces. Centre of pressure. Thr,ust on curved surfaces. Equilibrium and pressure of gases, problems relating to atmosphere.

PAPER—II The paper will be in two sections. Each section will contain eight questions.

Candidates will have to answer any five questions. Section A : Algebra, Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Partial Differential

equations. Section B : Mechanics Hydrodynamics, Numerical Analysis, Statistics

including probability, Coprational Research. Algebra—Groups, subgroups, normal subgroups, homomorphism of

groups, quotient groups, Basic isomorophism theorems, Sylow's group, Permutation Groups, Cayley's theorem. Rings and ideals, principal ideal domains, unique factorization domains and Euclidean domains. Field extensions, finite fields.

Real Analysis : Metric spaces, their topology with special reference to Rn sequence in a metric space. Cauchy sequence completeness, completion continous functions Uniform Continuity, Properties of continuous functions on Compact sets. Reimann Stielties Integral, Improper integrals and their conditions of existence. Differentation of functions of several variables. Implicit function theorem, Maxima and minima, Absolute and Conditional Covergence series of real and Complex terms, Rearrangement of series, Uniform convergence, infinite porducts. Continuity, differentiability and integrability for series, Multiple integrals.

Complex Analysis : Analytic functions, Cauchy's theorem, Cauchy's integral formula, power series, Taylor's Singularities, Cauchy's Residue theorem, Contour integration.

Partial Differential Equations : Formations of partial differential equations. Types of integrals of partial differential equations of first order Charpits method, partial differential equations with constant coefficient.

Mechanics : Generalised Co-ordinates, Constraints, Holonomic and non-holonomics system, D A lemberts's principle and Laganges equations. Moment of Inertia. Motion of rigid bodies in two dimentions.

Hydrodynamics : Equation of continuity, momentum and energy, Inviscid Flow Theory—Two dimensional motion, streaming motion, Sources and Sinks.

Numerical Analysis—Transcendental and polynomial Equations-' Methods of tabulation, bisection, regula-talsi, secant; and Newton-Raphson and order of it convergence,

Interpolation and Nunieficatififferentiation—Polynomial interpolation with equal or unequal step size. Spline interpolation--Cubic splines. Numerical differentation formulae with error terms.

Numerical Integration : Problems of approximate guadrative, quadrature formulae with equispaced arguments, Caussian quardrature Convergence.

Ordinary Differential Equations—Eulers method, multisteppredictor Corrector methods—Adam's and Milne's method, Convergence and stability, Runge—Kutta. Methods.


Probability and Statistics : 1. Statistical Methods—Concept of statistical population and readom sample, Collection and persentation of data. Measure of location and dispersion. Moments and Shepard's correction Comulants. Measures of Skewness and Murtosis.

Curve fitting by least squares Regression, correlation and correlation ration. Rank correlation, Partial correlation co-efficient and Multiple correlation co-Pfficient.

2. Probability—Discrete sample space. Events, their union and intersecton. etc. Probability—Classical relative frequency and exiomatic approaches. Probability in continum, Probability space Conditional probability and independence, Basic laws of probability, Probability of combination of events. Bayes theorem, Random variable probability function, probability density function. Distribution function, Mathematical expectation,. Marginal and Conditional distributions, Conditional expectation.

3. Probability Distributions—Binomial, Poisson Normal Gamma, Beta, Cauchy, Multinomial, Hypergeometric, Negative Binomial, Chebychey's lemma (Weak) law of large numbers, Central limit theorem for independent and identical varieties. Standard errors, Sampling distribution of T.F. and Chi-square and their uses in tests of significance large sample tests for mean and proportion.

Operational Research—Mathematical Programming—Defiliiiron and some elementary properties of convex sets, simplex methods, degeneracy, quality sensitivity analysis, rectangular games and their solutions Transjortation and assignment problems. Kuha Tucker COndition for non-linear programming Bellman's optimality principle and some elementary applications of dynamic programming..

Theory Theory of Qaeues—Analysis of steady-state and transient solutions for queueing system with Poisson arrivals and exponential service time.

Deterministic replacement models, Sequencing problems with two machines, n jobs, I, machines, njobs (special case) and n machines, 2 jobs.


Statics—Equalibrium in three dimension suspension cables, Principles of virtual work.

Dynamic—Relative motion coriolis force Motion, of a rigid body, Gyrscopic motion impulse.

Theory of Machins—Higher and lower pairs, inversions, stering mechanism, Hooks joint velocity and acceleration of links, intertia forces. Cams conjugate action of gearing and interference, gear trains epicyclic gears. ClUtches, belt drives, brakes, dynamometers, Flywheels Governors. Balancing of


rotating and reciprocating masses and multicylinder engines. Free, forced and damped vibrations for a single degree of freedom. Degrees of freedom Critical speed and whirling of shafts.

IVIachanics of Solids—Stress and strain in two dimension. Mohar's circle Theories of failure. Deflection of beams. Buckling of columns. Combined bending and torsion, Castiglapo's theorem. Thick cylinders Rotating disks. Shrink fit. Thermal stresses.

Manufacturing Science—Merceant's theory Taylors equation, Machineability. Unconventional machining methods including EDM. ECM and ultrasonic machining. Use of lasers and plasma. Analysis of forming processes Hihg. velocity forming Explosive forming. Surface roughness gauging Comparators, Jigs and Fixtures.

Production Management—Work simplification work sampling value engineering. Line balancing work station design, storage space requirement. A, B, C analysis, Economic order, quantity including finite production rate. Graphical and simplex methods for linear programming; transportation model, elementary quieing theory. Quality control and its uses in product design. Use of X, R, P (Sigma) and C charts, Single sampling plans, operating characteristics curves. Average sample size, Regression analysis.

PAPER—II Thermodynamics—Applications of the first and second laws of

thermodynamics. Detailed analysis of thermodynamics cycles. Fluid Machanics--Cotinuity, momemtum and energy equations. Velocity

distribution in laminar and turbulent flow. Dimensional analysis Boundary layer on a flat plate. A diabatic and isentrophic Clow. Mach number.

Heat Transfer—Critical thickness of insulation Conduction in the presence of heat sources and sinks. Heat transfer from tins. One dimensional unstudy conduction. Time constant for the mocouples. Momentum and energy equations for boundary layers on a flat plate. Dimensionless numbers. Free and Forced convection. Boiling and condensation Nature of radiant heat. Stefan-Boltzmann law. Configuration factor logarithmic mean temperature difference. Heat exchanger effectiveness and number of transfer units.

Energy Conversion—Combustion phenomenon in C.I. and S. I. engines Carburation and fuel injection. Selection of pumps classification of hydraulic turbines. Specific speed Perfrormance of compressor, Analysis of steam and gas turbines. High pressue boilers. Unconventional power systems, including Nuclear power and M HD systems. Utilisation of solar energy.

Environmental control—Vapour compression absorption, steam jet and air refrigeration system, properties and characteristics of important refrigerants. Use of psychrometric chart and comfort chart, Estimation of cooling and haring loads. Calculation of supply air state and rate. Air conditioning plants layout.


21. qqii WM (Philosophy) PAPER—I

4-11Hito .grff 41,lit4r (Metaphyses and Epistemology)

314-11calif aTclur t rawil* 144,1a TiTit 4 Tinalzi imiquctt Tff *dm * sichtti A ,41-147til

kilqrmcct (Western) 3MNK, 714144R, P-R44-T4TC, oc63Lscns, aTf t , fiRvIttai tiarxmt-A dint' CciqrS Al 41246 titzii

) qTrAti Al WPM, irM * TIM 311-t altt t ckfi, ski-t A alga treazif (tTlats 31tt vf--413-*1) sultioqi * N-414 4 zrtstf-4K * fuz.r I

PAPER-111 1.niuRnce 0■314fitee A444 atm

(Socio Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Religion) I. T4fi stict4 fcrent * *zed izzfai I 2. WM * 3 fakiticet * WTI *ri 4 114-rfrlf+.oct fay,

CA-4 lintzt TTFa of rfrrcr sl–tmilroch f4aRgml, fl=ir,Trcitc, n-41.c4

1,411rtict, isnqrfarti xreffri, -41T-4vRarc, snrrcr, 3714-41.0 3 tz iiNg16 I 3. RIT8171 .114-fir‘nch #14/134Y * WO 4 TiTaRT, 31TETtiTa1 I 4. NNW 141141 370 5qi4 I

5. 4 3th f-69„ strgi -ftirt %PI3i fttrola %Pi * rakla *1.1 4 T c41

(v) trzfmq 31i I (ar) tTri-ft ilfxcui4 ZITUR tzi.tilvid-1, i-v=af at( t-ticits r (7) trq"( 101' 3 aP11 7ttl :frR211 I (14) tirt *RTal clef-ULM cif, tlir4,:b mrocti i v.Kiluai i

6. 1:1)AT (Moksha)-1:11411;e71* TRT I


MECHANICS, THERMAL PHYSICS AND WAVES AND OSCILLATIONS t. Mechanics—Conservation Laws, Collisions, impact parameter,

scattering cross-section, centre of mass and lab systems with transformation of physical quantities, Rutherford Scattering. Motion of a rocket under constant force field. Rotating frames of reference, Coriolis force, Motion of rigid bodies. Angular momentum. Torque and procession of a top Gyroscope. Central forces, Motion under inverse square law, Kapler's Laws, Motion of Satellities (including geostationary), Galilean Relativity, Special TheOry of Relativity, Michelson-Morley Experiment, Lorentz Transformation—addition theorem of velocities, Variation of mass with, Velocity, Mass-Energy equivalence. Fluid dynamics, Streamlines, turbulence, Bernoullis Equation with simple applications.

[ 48 ]

2. Thermal Physics—Law of thermodynamics, Entropy, Carnot's cycle, Isothermal and Adiabatic Change, Thermodynamic Potentials Maxwell's relations. The Clausius-Clapeyren equation reversible cell. Joule-Kelvin effect etc. fan Boltazmann Law, Kinetic Theory of Gases, Maxwell's Distribution Law of velocities, Equipartition of energy, Specific heats of gases. Mean Free Path, Brownian Motion, Black Body radiation, specific heat of solids-Einstean and Dbye theories, Wein's Law, Plack's Law, Sloar Constant. Thermalionization and Stellar spectra, production of law temperatures using adiabatic demagnatization and dilution refrigeration, Concept of negative temperature.

3. Waves and Oscillations—Oscillations, Simple harmonic motion, stationary and travelling waves, Damped harmonic motion, Forced oscillation and Resonace, wave equation, Harmonic Solutions, Plane and Spherical waves, Superposition of waves, Phase and Group velocities. Beats, Huygen's principle, Interference. Differaction-Fresnee and Fraunhofer. Diffraction by straight edge, Single and multiple slits. Resolving power of grating and Optical Instiments. Rayleigh Criterion, Polarization; Production and Detection of polarized light (linear, circular and elliptical), Laser sources (Helium-Neon, Ruby, and semiconductor diode). Concept of spatial and temporal coherence. Diffraction as a Fourier transformation. Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction by rectangular and circular apetues. Holography; theory and applications.


1. Electricity and Magnetism--Coulmb's law, Electric field, Gauss's Law, Electric-potential, Possion and Laplace equations for a homogeneous dielectric, uncharged conducting sphere in a uniform field, point Charge and infinite conduction plane. Magnetic Shell Magnetic induction and field strength. Biot-Savart law and applications. Electromagnetic induction. Faraday's and Lenz's laws, Self and mutual inductances. Alternating currents. L.C.R. cicurits series and parallel resonance circuits, quality factor. Kirchoffs laws with application. Maxwell's equations and electromagnetic waves, Transverse nature of electro-magnetic waves. Poynting vector. Magnetic fields in matter-dia. Para, ferro antiferro and ferri magnetism (qualitative approach only).

2. Modern Physics—Bohr's theory of hydrogenatom, Electron spin, Optical and X-ray Spectra, Sterm-Gerlach experiment and spatial quantization. Vector model of the atom, spectral terms, fine structure of spectral lines, J.J. and L-S coupling. Zeeman effect, Paull's exclusion principle, spectral terms of two equivalent and non-equivalent electrons. Gross and fine structure of electronic band Spectra. Raman effect, Photoelectric effect, Compton effect, Debroglie waves. Wave particle duality and uncertainty principle. Schrodinger wave quation with application to (i) Particle in a box, (ii) motion across a step potential, One dimensional harmonic oscillator eigen values and eigen functions. Uncertainty Principle Radioactivity, Alpha, beta and gamma radiations Elementary theory of the alpha decay. Nuclear bindind energy, Mass Spectroscopy, Semi empirical mass formula. Nuclear fission and fusion

[ 49 )

Elementary Reactor physics. Elementary particles and their classification Strong and Weak Electromagnetic interactions. Particle accelerators : Cyclotraon. Linear accelerations. Elementary ideas of Superconductivity.

3. Electronics—Band theory of Solids : Conductors, insulators and semiconductors, Intrinsic and extrinsic.semiconductors. P.N. junction, Thermist of Zenner diods reverse and forward biased R.N. junction, Solar Cell Use of diodePand transistors of rectification, amplification, oscillation modulation and detection or r. f. waves, Transisto receivers, Television Logic Gates.

23. 11A-ti fagT9 aft 3MTMET 711ZrAT (Political Science and International Relations)

PAPER—I 1-117–(

Pon ffr4m (Political Theory) 1. NrAli TER44 f4-41 ru Itser li-i*TlfeF4,311—d17

TII11 f4-41Tt/PJ, Telt, 101:1111 (1,141rocr) f49TTVTTI

fl?lbldlIZ, TT? 441110, 41zar 4-I1g1,11-04 10(4, 0'14), t.N(11, 44411, 4. RR frm, z1. mod. Trr-44,(.11-14 AT TR-A-VT I

2. (1•31-il1 i fd-Wi 'WT TEIFIT 311-{ fawn ccK11 TzI 1:1 tl,31-1114 fdy 3ilrcII-114-11V41(111cf Tii1i tigt.IIIINch 341+144, ce1c161(clIc AT «ia6Raislcit,

tmil114) 1,44clauf 1;1111T-T1 311 alf31.9-4 ifir414, (1•71-111c1 faYrlaur


3. 3111iW tIs,4ai 311f411r4 3 tTEfFt1 3T r, 7131TT 11c,-icrAi4 3117

Tsw4r4 cvvitiut, qi6f, -set 3117 Ali I

4. tlqllircich Mardi, Triwfriz "Pt 3T19.wrT, kaciior -qitt

5. M'1114 f Ia I

6. 3cIt41c, -14-11,11,11c 51,11cliNch I:044i) I

iTur—( Tff )

turra rtiqlq 11-0 Litchi i 31T t1,31.11fil

(Government and Politics with Special Reference to India) • 1. vi-scion (1.1-11fd 34urzm 311ff 4t1-4(111c1 i1t-c1-110-14) .111+-110-Ich ifF4uT I

2. (1411rich *PO, fdtTIFW, .1,14,-Iirocni 3AT -fft1T c,414 sag. Iona.* r, .--4T 3f VTR, Ficifli 3furrl, list )(q1161 dqt

*44 4-41 wilku I

3. tisailritch LIWIT (Political Process)---tm-arcich t1411Q.Muf, 3litir9-WIWT7 TM (Aqui, dItilYzilcti (1,31-Ircicb TzWEI, 311;h1V. 31.141f4ff 4)(4 aid Mieftilf4W 3 t1,11-H1cIct) 4114-11-4 ATM I

[ 50 ]

4. WM' thaillitch IlulTA. (Indian Political System)—() 1rr virtu 4 3 CA-inch filmtn. *-1

zrf ki+-14-4-1 zta, cici Tiff *6.41(4, 3TR. aTizlwr, RR. I. Zla, 4,(A, ziqucbm iitiqui 1-

(w) *.km-n-iirt-alzi TriatTR, alftm-rt *Alfa fit4w fit.talt,

4114 (whit, d-vanif -tivurrti 3 -eurem 1-1*-11, Iliteazt t14c11‹,

trrti kit4a-thr<491r1 a lirrIWI kiriitiol 1, kw 4 iiarztal- IR I (7) "17:1-TITI-dIzI t64-111r 4 art Ard, qruar‹ killilcir4441c11clic .11A-R1d (1,71(14 *14-f-1(4411-Wrn * (194 q,47cfr Tirrfql, 14-11m,

31fir-Arm art, wcual kitvVIT tIql-arittO 4.211 klAli1i141 q141-11 rakaio anfilw Tfra-49 311/ 411 111114 Alwag, 4ft«sfu5 fa, ti ci 41



1. 31 d1 1:FzI AuWA * lzwzr wzf 2. 31-I1itzt flqpiifif *1' tictwiipt /fa eta frd, /1f4ii tigril "TART

f{wraf I" 3. 31-417,44 -tfer-41-- 74m:fait ft GI 1 stutml fti.1Kt fitkul 4. flt41 41f 4 fititIVc c wz,041 1-4-?f titati OR.14

Timr3-4 *cft•tf fifid) 1 5. 10;91 ilk 141,1-MINF=t1clIc, 3Ifad 4101111414. -4.1°,9t`ir,

W4111f1:1*-7T4g (W.( TIT +xilri4d WP", 4iiirtght E111 tailf9d wr-d, .grg Teurtrff 111:-Er 11a t 1T14 f1:41844 -1416:6(.6-a, 7 1.1(441d1)

6. Y1cf 14, 3701 f4-*-71 wad 111114, TIM firer

*i-1111 311114, Tot711-dziZ I 7. 7 1-1(44Tur, 31%f aiftiR (o94 64-0494) F-4141--dr 416-q14ti

Tmt-Aii 4 *i-01.4 'Ow I 8. 31- ifTtzT 3141R Nalladfxiat chit 411-11114 31t61

wr-AzI az warq Rftrzfrf mb-14 1-4EffER I 9. Tura 3TWit, 3lifft c4T191( c1Et1 &TNT' 144110,

37-44g17T 31f2k. ar4pm *ft lifff-dW ilinviltrI511c11, owil IgtriT

tite. I 10. 3T74tzT 1z04-411 4 3T--4dtzt fife Mail di-dtKiq -ez1414 11. 3TWK'N1 *rail w 3c 4 3 fawm tird Tiq *1-41wtz diRtrbtor

3T-- tftgl4 mil 4 dichl Ilirm I 12. Ot-zi 3111 "R. KR., 311. 'VI. 31T$ 1. 4. Tit. 31,1411:1104

TrIzr-AiY 4 4144 ifr-v 13. YR-4 Tcrtif, riwikhkur al Y1Fa 1i .u1 : -usgi 4641.1414 -war,

7T E4 aTt e4191( ardlgjzi TRRIT 4 441{1 Ifffm *A.1461 71114

14. (!11F4 f 3T1f "9-eff 15. osu%1 TRfkItt-i*ft*

311T-0* *oumwoLcitc, gIti 1Ft .zRRkEr

grrt--2 1. yoituialg T71 *T z-EPTITI I 4(4-ii.1414 vwA1 *T

-qw-t# Tr{ ThITa, 31-ftW tRIVuf 1 i4t1 TR-vcrui fit-ltrw 7'gT •

(7i. it. t.) Amia-crf timroi faTc5-1z (11. 2. f-6- -kill-kJ 4)1 w-R.4114" TITTIMT1 I 3. 7fmrt Al *Pi Tokt1f ft:tTrff 4. •f4Trrr-'7N-mr 1,15 4 31tTr-gtkrr I 5. +11Y114orvir aTifi*T, te\t-f, -41-1 trazir 1:1A-Erd to i, 111 I 6. 3T - 1-4T RIZFEW plzt T-P-Tri Iff TiEf 1 3TtErtl41

371( •qf4Piff 1-4-4R-fat I 7. 1-1R7 ffitql -11fil*T1144T, %TRU * 1-1Mikirci-c14, trtt,

1-Triff 7r-vrzrr, tm-ff w2u 3T5F*.1 ill-W-44 I 8. 1-1Trd alfatT tiAitiqcncti, t-TRff 3 TR1:19 31-0 *T 1749 I

24. Hilraqui (Psychology) PAPER—I

'14-traqui * 3IMITT (Foundation of Psychology) 1. wilrelqiii *T fmizr #i* (The Scope of Psychology)—(wilizich

fay * ifT-417 94,44114 Ttin.

2. 4.441ret*i.1 .4.46.4 (Methods of Psychology)—H-a1 71-f 4-11)a4-11 Pict? *T afir*-Fr 4-1-114-firict, aTvit-TH 54chlt

1-1414ilrich 4114i rcli1Mc114. 3. Livote( wfd, dr,±iiot 311' fa*TR (The nature, origin and

development of human behavimir)-3-TriqfqT*71 MT1 44401,.ii.tocprcIcti a-4 M4 324T coge46it wimlcorptuf 31f TT, 7T731.4 'aft f *-1. 44)(I-if I

4. tioi-mlich Tri*TITI (Congnitive Processes)-3MTAI 5174 - 4-T Wi ft:T-4R, swoRsT T9. 44icsi, oticti 111c RillT miNfkiT TC, AFAR OH *1 cbiLifoict dku4i34, t- W2T1 cqrchica, airfa. 3r191-1N, VFW 3-fr{ .tkal .?mac f4r4

3pmp1rP4 Tra-edr

5. aiftirm (Learning)-4411-noicr) 191,t4T Mtqcfc7 T ctclirkicho 3T-T*-0 "I" aft-pm, f-4-61q, fa* aTrwm, -5(ftTrrt*-dT aftpm, bra al-Rpm I

6. f41( (Remembering)--(4-itur*3-1-0:(*Tra*k4ifil, Tipfff

7. Poi-cii (Thinking)—TPWIT ki+-11qT9, 44-KA-11 fiLTfuT, 447(.44-11 f9TTh (1-if *IrF, t:L"-9T willcioich 3ir1-11,1-14 W2T1 dLIK-114 'T-Me

8. airs (Intelligence)-314 31tfff, 11.5 1sTiiiricnof ?iii, 315.147181 (-414-81,4a, qi,s tie,c41t I

9. airtittlin (Motivation}--3fgMff alaw railticu t alf*Irmi 3414144, ffrz-r, ftTZTM, 3.7-474-*-81 3-1f FT 1*1.5.1-ct, Triqt

3411114, air*-fkir TT{ 1 t-ishrt1-11, 31514Tu1T 7 f7F, f'd1VF Herr fa td «lice :)t.t,

10. ce-lieticet (Personality)—ogictocti 4,11('4li, f4k144) 3f Met)It 3414114 ct)1(4)14 a2ir 3TRIP:117 341,14, cifcracq fg-4-R• aftrrrq fff-4-R airklq oqichicri 1-1R-d171 34r144 714 kicbc41f, ce-lictciccf

4-114-f, S1711c1c11 fitikuT *Fit tRIA-Tur, 314Ft Vai 314.114 3farM1 11. I1P7I AT IthrIT (Language and Communication)-1-1711 *I

31TNR, 11711 fq*NT * ft r7, rt4)-it * al-giftqv, (aqui, chk-uto

iatiuf 1118 47 11 c1[ RiqlticutZ, air I

12. 3TrireffErt 3.0 117:1 (Attitudes and Values)--alfireff4 titq if, 3111T*741 Gi-ticte., of 141 ft4 rte, afireAzi 311rfu 441(44* uebik, 311 fd trft-4-49' 3Tftth-crazt -qur*Ti,

piT +414-1 I

13. aifimf TI-IfffEt (Recent Trends)—+i ecisil °4 I( V1

4011,144 3iv,401 aTuPri, an lr VT alErFfi, 14ficir4c1

fMr-azit, fi r, ter, Uiri Triziln Ace4 3"-arl-8 41(.144 kidci

afR atdftki 311-f =1 4.1114

14. z1Tfid * Nis t4 (Models of Man)--zrrTh* l-uici, HfricT, Hilanialq? +-nla, °claw tTBq f-dfl-TR fifor4 -T4 74.-t7


icrait-7444 3t 317* (Psychology : Issues and Applications)

1, ctirctliii fdfiTR-0 (Individual Differences)—egich-Ficf f4fiTaiaff

tit 4-114vrict, TRIATaff 44-001F-ton

TRIqui fak)4cii(, 1-1-07firict) TRIATITii t74171 I 2. ii-1)41ikct) Nchlt (Psychological Disorders)—fa*RY '*1 cvilet)(1-11 9-T1

)1-1 cvlemuf mulircv41, -8Thvr, 11414, 41-1(.c1141 31 t 41.-Afen f-dV71,14-41-4t-8 0461cci,

11-1.1111:1c11 f-q-c4 31Tgrc MIT fdar4 I 3. 1=46(1.11r-1er> 341414 (Therapeutic Approaches)-4-i-441rcict, 14141+4, o4c4 it

f-c41i, foirehmr, 4711-110414 r-cifr, Trzy FaRnmi

4. 4,16-110-14) aftelTW WRZ[Tall 4-1-11rcWli 31 TTlirchleh mPRivr, .1,14 af*Rtrr, cnk 3TfiTslruT fq-4m epc,4 Sirk14..7, TRITrril

-sr4q I 5. t.11.0 (Small Groups) kit6 4c174,1?, * -71114, wit(7

-ffly, TIT co-IclIt aftF4T7, *IV 041c161( T TIFF3T----*--Eft 'Alv-zrr Tf-4.4

6. tOLUIZIP:b 41(ack (Social Change)—kisiNt 4fich-14 l rcRlttufi, Lifiack

4-1-1144111:14) 311 NR, -afattil cow)), "afTedi .azitA9, 7-i-cbc44-if I 7. 41-i-Wct4u4 aifiang lifibtit (Psychology and the Learning Process)—

fmni tiLnAlcht 01 1Y w-qf T rauciei, atimq ft-zria* ft-4-4vurf-4-T-ff 31r-Igniral 3117 TrKa enrieh ati1 di4 Amin 14-Pif-ATff -i4i*-4i11;

8. .grag-T1-4.1-4ff J (DisadyantageGroups)--Mcblt : ii1411f3lcb (-11t-tfuch 311.F aufziwlfrawki stilaqt■F-m too fkaku, 4-1111 4.-48 RV( i 3TislaTor ti41t-f-4, I

9.144)1001-I MIT t411.111-41cb .31Gbi ‘i I 1:1117:EIT (Psychology and the Problem of Social)—i4,111414 Vag'err, 10ag" .srfra, Vag 3-TfiTato.,

1-4-13-6 TI-R, T4-33-6 ogichicci, a.)-lch(gt d414 10. ii-irc14111 WM. aTIMW *NWT; (Psychology and Economic Developments)—

ZaOfaT 3fiT51-(-Er1 z-trofai. 3fril-Otrt, dtli-RlOcil #4-44 dV4lqa0di 4-tklut shafitet:14, 4ficick air 3-11-1414 ciciw 11 TR-0 ;Pi m I

11. fit.411 1 v-Ea. 3i titer-n (Management of Information and Communi-cation)-1T1713r4N > 41-04iiiien 4(4), 119-71 331t117 4,41( 3117 Ti f T, t fT T IP-TR, -glut 4-04111-14) 3111171 I

12. (i4o=hicili W-11,4 t-II.It-tUlt (Problems of Contempoiary Society)— 14,4)4, 3-1Vaci-fe1cti 41Iccb ozi «R-1-1, RR-114-11-q, fwvii7 aTtRra rco-1411.-4 Ti 7: TP-TIER .111t-,416,.. I

25. Public Administration PAPER—I

#741-4 (Administrative Theory) 1. IF aiciatituirkl, (Basic Prenises)-ci)4) 3Tei, f4TaR 9.241

RTr 14411iicl it4.1141 4 .P:K1 SRIRF1 4314)11.44i, (1-11-tlictch aff far-qtt -crit-P-falff, (114) simm 1,..t)

-F4-+T7t, 44, SRIIi-1-1 I 2. tittd4 ai 144 (Theories of Organisation)— 0.(lt 311-{

: -114,o)161 ( 410, 3Tt i tiqcs-t -rwar

,b41(4, qv-4( row MIT 31- 1), 411-14 ki4O1-f f( 1i. Nrt-f 4ir41 311( 1:112.11), celcIatco ir.L41171, 04cti-t4I, frce-44, SITIIcRilrUil I

3. tilicsi 4fl:14M (Principles of Organisation)—tiitaq Or, 311-471., 31rikiwR drRcrf404, famr-t, 3117 ret4,14,tut mc,QA-f 1

4. 101111r4W c4061t (Administrative Rehaviour)-66W zaa-79. Failg Ticii4 fiuM 4-4.4c4, t°i1 3117 W-4--4-4)

5. 411.31 fitzlif (Structure of Organisation}— -ljtErEI 4114chlil, lfg71 chi4404

51411t AT 3141 4,14 atIT -71tF fqvim, fiiiu ct.-1-11, 41g +pqmi T Otzf 1414;t1 I

6. .1)&441 TIVIRT4 (Personal Administration)--11<holiF1 ail( 'RIF-4R 7 t,tfc

Alm-Tut, cfcl fq4.11 .bi4 air ftf-fii4,4, 1,11 Tra, 4.4T 3TVTIV9, 1.1411111 40-froil ITRPT, SIYI1M•i iioPittst,

fa Ism, az-pardr 3k 3r4frrm I

7. 14914 TIVITI:/9' (Financial Administration— ti cI 111 niz(e.

4+t-if 3R dfila Gott, ruituta IRT4tat I

8. dTif (Accountatity and Control)--drifsifittl

-ef solli-frf ITT f4qPil, 4,144)441 3111 s-iiRoh .azn.

17TRTi I

9. lik.ilifrich WITT (Administrative Reforms)-411,34 treff, Vgi 3ib914, 4)141-114-f, T/R-3Ifwgf * 314.44

10. 5Riitikati "Wli (Administrative Law)-971T4Tri*chitt*T r18, wetiram.

f4 , f4t1T9 310 3f*Ti, fl1+4, 1311, 3414, 3rxntlrl4, aiftmToi 11. fleviitifuh 74 r.44)1*4 vvinT1 (Comperative and Development

Administration)—aiei Lzr.Frf 4k f-41ITT -RON* Mot 4-iisrf *Milt( 4c4 R1*4 zOKR, sRimi fq-411. ticbc-ki-ft, f4R(fi t ti.6x<4, 34036 3R .cref Tfcti uktRi-r 14R, fa* R1 fri,11f-ki-11i I

12. 4:6 tilri (Public Policy)--m1cn sivitf-i -Wm 31Ifi1141di .11t fitlfttrl 4bt4 Aft, t14 4k chitikKi-f I

PAPER—II IlTrazt slyiliii (Indian Administration)

1. VITaltr 9Y11t44 Wfachm (Evolution of Indian Administration)—*Ifze4,

314-Al 7 I

2. trieFaiftv w (Environmental Setting)--ZIfiqR, *Kilt

fil-11,4Wc I

3. TOEr -Rif trr chitigiti-lubi (Political Executive at the Union

4. *--17:1 74117174 41%411 (Structure of Central Administration)--

Hrlwril, 1-11;1,1u5(4 4-b11(14 4k facet, eilt4 411cli

5. 1,4444441 (Centre-State Relations)---fEct7T41, 011*11111, 4414111

fdth-4 I

6. ri)ct) 'Acii;* (Public Services)--31 11;w1

+E(1-114 ff:Tr4 I tic ,tit *7Pzi olcb ufkiwit I

7. t1-1,3i-ii (Machinery for Planning)--(14 -RR TR *wit Fmktrf, fiN14

f4TR4 IrR7R 31111)7, 1PqMkii RIK TT tilAit 9

8. film, dListo-i (Public Undertakings) 11-4-4.1 toit-enit I

9. rilch W:gf CiAilui (Control of Public Expenditure)— *144 fart 4/1(14 %PM, ktiluT 'ff9T1 TRIVW I

10. Ps46it >lr chiTf 3tf wfWeri t4+404 IPTITR (Administration of Law and Order in Bihar)-4)11-1 311.{ 'arEITFT 311-TRA-17Tql 11174 I

11. Trwf TRI'Mr9* Riot roOtil:11z1-41' it (State Administration with Special Reference to Bihar)--176FIT, Tv{ f-Rmi4 I

12. Prim *44i4tis1Yntth fesitt #44 it (District Administra-

tion with Special Reference to Bihar)—IF,IAT 1-Mrcf, 1■101 df, 141 311( thrlt4, 4)114 aglt ardT2TT aTIT 3+11 144-4T TrizrAil r4, Nor fa4R fwYla 4A40-04 I

13. %ITT firAtr Tmli 4 (Local Administration with Special Reference to Bihar)--Aimiiiicil 31'1-1 Tit-# T.249-1-4 titcbit, rctqlticlItt TEfFIT, Whit fr+711 twlyrar I

14. 'kW chreitui t cciatR41 (Welfare Administration in Bihar}—Wrest -111*•r-aR rcRiticht argft'd alf-4-14 chrqiuf fir R W4RTI; *Mali M.TT arr1W1 4)c-till-If fa'R I

15. ̀VIRATT TIVIT(49' w:FIRIT4Iltqlqitqq* (Issue Areas in Ind ian Administration)-- tkirtich 4,i4l-iirci.b1 A Ca Tr1W-4-1,stYntt t chtql +111-114 UP4T f-40151-4

irr+1, MkIlkirich c4,141 A-tor 4linTifTrdT, iviRcn -1-41.wRIT 4 7 ant-ir, olcb4rzt 3th el)ch 39-0, 'WM -4 -taw I


til+.11•<4 (-4111•11q11t1 (General Sociology) 1. t41+44.1.4, treir3ff.-4 311444 (Scientific Study to Social Phe-

nomena)—Wiissmioi 3TifT144, aT:f 'NWT Ytii.graiY d-icilf 0-1 f-4-RrR 7-4 TTrarf-tm tiatra-4 f-4 T9tifiiirAch c.061( A,T 37urzrq TiParf-dr, F.R.R-14141cir -R4 4 394NTff 40411, "auf 4110-1 1 Utzi fur fqftrzri' 13TfiTfu Wit.eillt ocivilea rTf (7:EtT), 3TR. T. -11-4-07 4'I4 cni(uf 3MTRu11 I

2. ti4iNWIII-i* 0'1.4 tigi-s1qq1-1 (Pioneering Contributions to Sociology)—

47KR-44ir-cm 717r11 UqT 11I4k,Rro6tRi4, Trr-44 dq.k t 71. R. ti,ilrehi, sicnicialc„ 711-14 44-ki 74

1J-r I tit.itiqlq't ftt -477 4T-1,-0)R M, SISILtf 4)1.1( I W-1IzRII“ a; 31rt~f f4---{tirul I (iitulirtch 74 &re:MT koiomi“, Warn -RTTIRT fa #1-4T- I

3. ti I Hi cfi kl ni 1i « t4 I 4.11r31 ch ti4irri (Social Structure and Social

Organisation)—ardtTRWE 1■14 'AAR, iimirsTich -F-4--4RtTR4,

whiticiicl, ciit ft;r4T, rf14rlIlm c174, 04 ctd 74 Wils3i, i111-11 TIV-314t1T(71 74 whit, ttwifwm Tffi 1-friTT, dti

fitiftW lcr4simlt, t-Rri 74 IrTTi*f411-1 4fium-1, itiTT +111-11 Act) 314.4Ru1T 74 SOW Tftzft cqictcicci 31--tral 74 kiv-iiisIten 114-iu1f T1

314t/TVIT I.ii4iir•Tt,* fa °r *TiTta, areTt:iTT Gi§t-its4,4) 74 3T-11:fUTW T11:4-44 I 4. tu4iirssich t-citichtui 1 4irciqilcicii (Social Stratification and Mobility)-

tiiiii vlcI tdtlmtur * 3T4t1TTuTT, 311-1T4 74 sichit, 311 IT1ffT 74 ttlt1mtur, +tit =btu( 31MR TiftilTuf, t<1t1mtur TIM7-211 f4- RtiRT4, 4chlticiK 74 scr4 *41,64,(ur qi-ktvilet)*ur,

3T#FIT0 .1114 ar--d7 itroiloor, iircRloor*vf-dFq

5. Lincui, f4"dr6 (Family Marriage and Kinship)-4tT-11f, mcbi4 1Td mchik, -+114-11Nen Lirock 74 sill -74tat-Tow Ifir+7331 -4 -Eft -44i, f44ff, -cift4n -cr4 -4-9', SilaPlet) ti+11s4 1:1 tiftdg I

6. altErViftw tiiio-f (Formal Organisations)-8117-41fTT '211 3-T911:mirTT #70-9.1* -11i,(k1161 sia,14 31*T4 .C1-4 (1,1 rich kv-iisi choir 74 tisilroct) TIP-TiffraT fqfti TTP-TifoT

cbc-u Act) 741 .i.1-110-1,4) (-1F1151ch 11uT-M1 I

7. alTtliT wunril (Economic System)-Traff7 1 314 Q, tiiBlfwtm si6-110f, 1141-;p4,4 f4ft afdr-4--* 31ei-ar4T-4T

AgerRTUT thrfriliacb, *Ifm-rt mow, qtrialfien 74 i-citra-44141-

4-4 11 tr-T4-A, atrOfw1 R1 * f9tzfrw7,4 dictl tfturr4

8. tisli-illuch1-4T-FrfT (Political Sysiem)--(N1711104) a: MP-1T 3-1•44R41T, cTcic

-51T17, 'aMT-211* sich14, tIvI1VCIeta .ardINT*31- 44 Tom, «i fad

(Is i deb rat, tlwlti1fdm .c.-0* 37-4j Tfp-T9Y* is31-11-1-cIcIi st)41 *, fad TN-TR 74 AtTaT 3T4t1RuTTit, 311t1T1 74 NWT, (1.4414 tiHiwr '4 tcbrA-i-if

eiltuf 611114 och %.1T717 ft, tiver icik1411Q 51,71Icli1c4ch

tiA-ilruct) ardtWT* 3f-44'ff TTPR1'q-rf 74' Aiipip .RIP:tcr, q.1-11rden

74 Hdc1-1, i14cmcf, 31,11101Eich1'4T-2-11 74 solid-Act) #41di

. 9. 011f4m mum-a (Educational System)-ftRIT 3T4tITTall '74 304, fvf4i1

"TT wilFaciC, 311047 41.5ctiqK SP114, ki111\71, 31-Tfltzi S1‘711c1-1 :MT-21T 74 * 7:K4 .4 fsTk-1T 46tcf, fmit 1c111.4, #T4IT 74

+Iii-usilchtur f4fi-i91TMi, 1fiT4R fav4m,f, 1,-11•4, (1..4 R-4 44•-1 ifrwt I ,i-Ritvir fmr-3T4470-rr R-4 di4 461ki4, ii14-111414)

(Rit riot 74 3714*1-+-tu1 * T11*Ti -NAT! 31fuw1

10. ET4 (Religion)--20*E7f, TIM 1 allIrdi ard*TRIFTTI trri TT +Hi Act) -5w-4 3T 14, All--alaT 44 1 caT1vi,44 f9TrItTluT 74 +1141rsial 44tcicii I

11. tii4iRsicil v lttf^I7'4:t Rtcrtiti (Social Change and Development)- +Ii4iNch TIF(4-493114 Afqw 1Fd shilfiich 44(4), ii1111ch trfrati*fachmaKI

51.4,1 falc1 Ea fiti -ti, t1r+11f*1 4ftgcf4, 31111.74 3-1R1 50111,1141( (.141-1d1 74. (11411414) w114, (I1(411■44) Tftilful 1


Miran 141:1TW (Society of India) 1. qtralzi WIM (Indian Society)---41(+4Rch F6-5, (11111 Act) Id-1 olY

vI--11:614* (41411;14) tifitfitch 411,444, 4w.d.14 (141,71 Gilcs, 311THW 41.4".141 311;11q I kt-cItt-11 afR 4Rcick 44(4) (414411 1

2. (414421ch ittactitul (Social Stratilication)--zurct eelatqf tw41-t-Ruf, q11 * *4 4 aril-4w ticq-uom 7.4 wfusitri

tea} 4 3 .W1F131 .1{4 +1111GIch was *-11 (-14(411It I vIlRf AIR1011c, Agit 4-u4 fEro4 44, 3rgif4a. AIR 74 3i9-Frm, 3 wrfit 4 Oft-1.-4i

3T9Fr81 Z-41-69, ailestW Ufa 31tT7 +-ISM chl-aq14 R-4 T4f1 1 cf * 3FT d f4-at 374-41zi * 4q F4 lehIcr I

3. TIff4TT rac116 i 411-1cIl (Family Marriage and Kinship)—wI oticKtif 041r4 f4fttrdl 74 3-r.6 iik-cpruen Tig 1:11W4i, 1:1*4-ffl "Erg% tiThi TIFT4TIU ft, 6(1411 +10.1-11(lich 74 o4c1611(4) Tom, fit►€4 4c 4 W:1 74 taut-f, RI '4-1 1'4Ii-dw ITO alrift 441 f4arg, 4fauT 4 zit 4c a. 3Ft-fa. grigi{ q4 fgglf XR WZIT * 4sdl yoTrq,

3f4IM 74141 3T1141151, *awl -4. weal. lifter iiIHIP•44, fq*R1 I kw 4 di-clAkler 1-4-aw-ehtier viviN

4. 3TIMW static a (Economic System)-11•11-1141 cqq+4! ̀11("41147 di-1411 31:1T4, 41,41( 31tfaT4P611 3 t-fugaztch TIfttritTi, 044cmiitial f4ftl-*-TuT 74

iiviir.teb +it cilt, ITAif Tr, 3TrreiT fay +iv-11Ni) .ff2T1 31 4 tu114. 31111k 3rg1119-0, 311{ VEZTWT, -NW( 31Titi* F405141 * f4g11 * avrtit fig 14-gR * 1:TI:f 3Trfeit If-4 .74 *ii4iFici, 1-4-tr*TREr-44

5. ilsit-aPich WrdglIT (Political System)-4R4-41(41 4 MAIM 14) (1,311 deb ot4c1+41* sich14, i1,4411-0* d .74 dica (-114IRTM (1,71-11RM VrtIT wf t 3c4 d 74 4-M1 (.11411,314) v11114, ?Ir4d r(1.4--A141(01, (NI-1111 f4 -6R itricfrr DT I, fart * -naqi smith. 4 Agit Tfficgr1 a1rfiiwwc4 3TIFTdT, *tit ficcia 3114111, TIR-44 31W14 74 f4iltiffi, 17-Cd 4 --,0h(quil. 74 (1,311 GM14.1, •31-15111(1xifillIR, Tim +1141r1M 74 (1,11-11R141 3114 I

6. #1411 Wafgli (Educational Systero)—tuts-glich 74 31TgiW INT4 - 74 #1411, *Ileum, dminiciliZ -R4 -Efirddff, *kir 74 klINIRTIch (1q

6 * #1411 (14(411q, 1-404 44 74 argf.-qi 7Cr-dzii, kw 4 ituitit. RIO 4-1 t 4)1(14, P161( 4 diFigiNcr Tri44 4+r-114 * sotii4 3rtT4 f-4-fft 4 3",-c1 (14411c1-111t, .it;f;11kf f4R-TI I

7. Uri (Religion)—A-Ritsiefic‘ice ttrtimuf, f4aluT 74 T1311:1, grrfficfi 4.1ERri 37--- Trrzfw zift4r71* 44417-4-4i -1,:br

[ 68 ]

• 3 R, tfait i tirifiTclaTM, iciRff ‘41cf ogatxfr x17 11- f qtrit 3111-Mii 'A4TT4 I GL, , tgr-C Ttrr4, 94 1w-lis4 1 374 tiif * 337-1191 * 3rgTa, fggi.{ 1 41qmii-l1chtut 74 31T11-4*-7T, t-iThi 74 311Th 1:nt411 ebRch, ITR41-4 ii1+-111v1ch 4,1e-r TR 44 7-4 uAllfif t .10 RT:Ic ixtrra I

8. sri-isnifi-i 4.IIsif (Tribal Societies)-1-1117 * A A1s1Ifif 111Elzr 314;1 clrYlbd 4c11 1',AIN Qilfcr, T flit-Trrich 3Tref9-mei-f i tO) chttlf, Fi

•311,s1IFtili* (-11,111,51.1.), 3Trftfw 74 t1,31-11roct) ,51-1,111c1-4)(-411u1 * feIfit^i Ti* Ttiwri* -cr" fl,71.111,4 1-17d 11tit*ITTlff


N-MT 3T-119 1. *ilttqu5 3174-ea' •111\TIlict * fq*-114 4 8-Ichr I 9. 4,114-ilui tkikbg WW-KT tillqlreleh fl*Tff (Rural Social System and

Community Development)-7711uT ITIFFT fl14-11F,TIch *flit rug) 3iig144, -

qTr.44 titri11, mssuctiNchtul74 *4-1, TR-1-41 itult1+c1d1 4t.TW Tr40, * 4ku1144, filtre-fch rd*R4 *Wit 4)144 c 7t ar4fizer4ff fqwrtz1 chrei9bs-r

i.11 6ficr 914-11.1 fawuT .91f4411 10. TIT P1 tkigif:geh •44Io-i (Urban Social Organisation)—kfl411,1eh ti1Io.f *

91(-4 el? Tt i, •14 #th-di * 'eFf a 1 r-R-cior 7-4 filet. Y16{ 41,-,4 -4, TO Trrs-qPiY- .-IN-ur‘Trci, taeb(uf 1ATF--dw 3A-*--dt flIV q.11 Illehkur, 71e1 Aikilikseig1ef "cr4 kiiikiNen-kkiktioet) 4.71T Wu a T lit4 3ft Mil 71* kiI411rAch I-Ilium-I I

11. ,q-ititY-11 Tr16-4 (Population Dynamics)—Alt-1(self 11-41:14 1~4.T8 fkizt - Trff-2-17, lfe141ef TrfT-449,74fftw sT1-14(S4-11 +1*(-.4-if flIsiiFsgeh kiik oq) -ERT i-grg* 5-1-c7 gut a; eni(ch,

zi-ikiksql 3R-qTzTWUT si-IINT-441 3-TRT ffftlfk-*4-74, Alifwgzt 441-triich, tiit cien -atn 3irf2twfN .tirk-gf-{ 3rf-wzrt aTI:Etlisfff

3414 3T T LIleitIlef *491344 tricgR fizft-49 chikishg *1 i4.41-f f sili.141 3-1-qt/Ruff, 3 YET, fi$T, Ttl'eN .cr4 •Ttitiksert f4ir1h ei-gehtif I

12.. tiikkirssieh 411(441 T4 airgiftlwrIT (Social Change and Modernisation)— Ifm TiEPEI Tr4tzrr, 3ITH14 T 3T{, H311 1 Wc-edi 11:141ff t1 Hlfvla~ 11F744 * 59u /31ff R-4 `incick -Cfr-Atft "11*tiycf,4[Y-cii{ 31%-74, ljt1R-dre1 *ItT*TuT R-4 Ylaehtril, egret •ig Act' 4 kg twiT74. f4q141 R-4 liyiltiglef 3414-4ficicil

31 it, kkikepinettur, 4Peirilhkur aft 3TT tur * 14t w4ti=4 14r 1 ftRIT, 9Rick •cr 3T119A*Kui A TrriFfr, iit*110-14) W411R I *41Tri +111-111Aeh T, vizzraR .4411:f1 W, -87*-k1-*TOTeTi I


Attempt any 5 questions choosing at most 2 from each section. Four questions of equal weightage will be set in each section.

[ 59 ]

I. Probability—Sample space and events, probability measures and • probability space. Statistical independence, Random variable as a mesurable function, Discrete and continuous randon variables. Probability density and distribution functions, marginal and conditional distributions functions of random variables and their distribution, expectation and movements, conditional expectation correlation co-efficient; convergence in probability in LP almost everywhere; Markov, Chebychev and Kolmogrov inequalities. Borel—Cantellilemma, Weak and strong law of large numbers probability generating and characteristic functions. Uniqueness and continuity theorems. Determination of distribution by moments Lindeberg-Levy Centrel limit theorem. Standard discrete and continuous probability distribution, their interrelations including limiting cases.

II. Statistical Inference—Properties of estimates, consistency, unbiasedness, efficiency, sufficiency and completeness Cromer-Rao bond, Minimum variance unbiassed estimation, Rao Blockwell and Lehinann Sheffe's theorem methods of estimation by moments maximum likelihood, minimum Chi-square. Properties of maximum likelihood estimators confidence intervals for parameters of standards distribution.

Simple and composite hypothesis, statistical tests and critical region, two kinds of error, power function unbiased tests, most powerful and uniformaly most powerful tests Neyman person Lemma, Optimal tests for simple hypotheses concerning, one parameter, monotone likelihood ratio property and its use in constructing UMP test, likelihood ratio criterion and its asymptotic distribution, Chi-square and. Kolmogoro tests fox goodness of fit. Run test for randomness. Sign test for Location. Wilcoxon-Mann-whitney test and Kologor-Simirnov test for the two sample problem. Distribution free confidence intervals for quantities and corifidence bands for distribution functions. Notions of a sequential test, Walds SPRT, its CC and ASN function.

III. Linear Inference and Multivariate Analysis—Theory of least squares and Analysis of variance, Gausse Markoff theory, normal equations, least square estimates and their precision. Tests of significance and intervals estimates based on least square theory in one way, two way and three way classified data. Regression Analysis, linear regression, estimates and tests about correlation and regression coefficient curve linear regression and orthogonal polynomials, test for linearity of regression Multivariate normal distribution, multiple regression, multiple and partial correlation. Mahalanobis D2 and Hote II ing 1'2—Statistics and their applications (derivations of distribution of D2 and T2 excluded) Fisher's discriminant, analysis.

PAPER--li (i) Select any three section. (ii) Attempt any 5 questions from the selected sections, choosing at most,

two question from each'selected Section. Foul' questions of equal weight will be set in each section:

[ 60 ]

I. Sampling Theory and Design of Experiments—Nature and scope of sampling, simple random sampling, sampling from finite populations with and without replacement, estimation of the standard errors sampling with equal probabilities and PPs sampling. Stratified random and systematic sampling, two stage and multi-stage sampling, multiphase and cluster sampling schemes.

Estimation of population total and mean, use of biased and unbiased estimates auxiliary variables, double sampling standard errors of estimates cost and variance functions ratio and regression estimates and their relative efficiency. Planning and organization of sample surveys with special reference to recent large scale surveys conducted in India.

Principles of experimental designs. CRD, RBD, LSD, missing plot technique factorial experiments 2nd and 3rd design general theory of total and partial confounding and fractional replication, analysis of split, BIB and simple lattice designs.

II. Engineering Statistics—Concepts of quality and meaning of control, Different types of control charts like X-R charts, P charts np charts and cummulative sum control charts.

Sampling inspection Vs 100 percent inspection. Single double multiple and sequetial sampling plans for attributes inspection. OC, ASN and ATI curves. Concept of producer's risk and consumer's risk. AQL, AOQL, LTPD etc. Variable sampling plants.

Definition of Reliability, maintainability and availability. Life distribution failure rate and bath-tub, failure curve exponential and Weibull models, Reliability of series and parallel systems and other simple configurations. Different types of redundancy like hot and cold and use of redundancy in reliability improvement problems in life testing. COnsored and turncated expriements for exponential model.

III. Operational Research—Scope and definition of OR different types of models, their conmstruction and obtaining solution.

Homogenous discrete time Markov chains, transition probability matrix, classification of states and ergodic theorems. Homogenous continous time Markov chains. Elements of queuing theory M/M/I and M/M/K queues, The problem of machine interference and GI/M/I and B/G I queues.

Concept of scientific inventory management and analytical structure of inventory problems Simple models with deterministic and stochastic demand with and without leadtime. Storage models with particular reference to dam type.

The Structure and formation of a linear programming problem. The Smplex procedure two phase methods and charmes-M Method with artifical variables. The quality theory of linear programming and its economic interpretation. Sensitivity analysis.

Transportation and Assignment Problems—Replacement of items that fail and those that deteriorate, group and individual replacement policies.

1 61

Introduction to computers and elements of Fortran IV Programming Formats for input and output statements, specification and logical statements and subroutines. Application to some simple statistical problems.

IV. Quantitative Economics—Concept of time-series, additive and multiplicative modols, resolution into four components, determination of trend

elpy free-hand drawing, moving averages and fitting of mathematical curves, seasonal indices and estimate of the variance of the random components.

Definition, construction, interpretation and limitation of index numbers, Lespeyre parsche Edgewoth—Marshall and Fisher index numbers their comparitions tests for index numbers and construction of cost of living index.

Theory and Analysis of Consumer Demand—Specification and estimation of demand functions. Demand elasticities, Theory of production, supply functions and elasticities, input demand functions. Estimation of parameters in single equation model—classical least squares, generalisedieasts squares beteroscedasti-city, serial correlation multicollinearity, errors in vairables model, simultaneous equation models—Indentification, rank and order conditions. Indirect least squares and two stage least squares, Short-term economic frecasting.

V. Demography and Psychomety—Sources of demographic data : Census registration : NSS and other demographic surveys. Limitation and uses of demographic data.

Vital rates and ratios—Definition construction and uses. Life Tables—Complete and absidged : Construction of life tables from

vital statistics and census returns Uses of life tables. Logistic and other population growth curves. Measure of fertility gross

and net reproduction rates. Stable population theory, uses of stable and quasi-stable population

techniques in estimation of demographic parameters. Morbidity and its measurement Standard classification by cause of death.

Health surveys and use of hospital statistics. Educational and psychological statistics methods of Standardisation of

scales and tests. IQ tests, reliability of tests and T and Z scores.


Non Chordata and Chordata, Ecology, Ethology, Biostatistics and Economic Zoology.

Section (A) Non Chordata and Chordata

1.A general Survey—Classification and relationship of the various phyla. 2. Protozoa—Study of the structure, bionomica and life history of

paramaeciurn, Monocyotis, Malarial parasite, Trypanosoma and Leishmania. Locomotion, nutrition and reproduction in Protozoa.

[ 62 ]

3. Porifera—Canal system, skeleton and reproduction. 4. Coelenterata—Structure and life history. of Obelia and Aurelia,

polymorphism in Hydrozoa, coral formation, metagenesis, phylogenetic relationship of Cinidaria and Acnidarai.

5. Helminths—Structure and life history of Planaria. Fascio la, Taenia and Ascaris. Parastic adaptation, Helminths in relation to man.

6. Annelida—Nereis, earthworm and leech; coelom and metamerism; modes of life in polychactes.

7. Arthropoda—Palemon, Scorpion, Cockroach, larval forms and parasitism in Crustacea, mouth part vision and respiration in arthropodas, social life and metamorphois in insects. Importance of peripatus.

8. Mollusea—Unio Pila, Oyster culture and pearl formation, cephalopods. 9. Echinodermata—General organisation, larval forms and affinities of

Echinodemiata. 10. General organisation and characters, outline classification and inter-

relationship of protochordata, pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia, Ayes and mammalia. 11. Neoteny and retrogressive metamorphosis. 12. A general study of comparative account of the various systems of

vertebrates. 13. Locomotion, migration and respiration in fishes; structure and

affinities of Dipnoi. 14. Origin of Amphibia; distribution, anatomical peculiarities and affinities

of Urodela and Apoda. 15. Origin of Reptiles; adaptise rediation in reptiles; fossil reptiles;

poisonous and non poisonous snakes of India; poison apparatus of snake. 16. Origin of birds; flightless birds; aerial adaptation and migration of

birds. 17. Origin of mammals; homologies of ear ossicles in mammals; dentition

and skin derivatives and mammals; distribution, structural peculiarities and phylogenetic relation of prototheria and Methatheria.

Section B • Ecology, Ethology, Biostatics and Economic Zoology—

Ecology- 1. Environment—Abiotic factors and their role; Biotic factors—Inter and

inter-specific relations. 2. Animal—Organisation at population and community levels, ecological

successions. 3. Ecosytem—Concept, components, fundamental operation, energy flow,

biogeo-chemical cycles, food chain and trophic levels. 4. Adaptation in fresh water, marine and terrestial habitats. 5. Pollution in air, water and land. 6. Wild life in India and its conservation.

Ethology- 7. General survey of various types of animal behaviour. 8. Role of harmones and pheromones in behaviour. 9. Choronobiology—Biological check, seasonal rhythms, tidal rhythms. 10. Neuro-endocrine control of behaviour. 11. Methods of studying animals behaviour. •

Illiostatistics- 12. Methods of smapling, fequency distribution and measures of central

tendency. Standard deviation, standard error and standard deviance, correlation and regression and Chi-square and f--test Economic Zoology-

13. Parasitism, commensalism and host parasite relationship. 14. Parasitic protozoans, helminthis and insects ofman and domestic animals. 15. Insect pests of crops and stored products. 16. Benefical insects. 17. Pisciculture and induced breeding.

PAPAER-11 Cell Biology, Genetics, Evolution and Systematics Biochemistry,

Physiology and Embryology. Section 'A'

Cell Biology, Genetics, evolution and Systematics. 1. Cell Biology—Structure and function of cell and cytoplasmic

constituents; structure of nucleus, plasma membrane, mitochondria, golgibodies, endo-plasmic reticulum and ribosomes, cell division; mitoticspiridle and chromosome movements and meiosis.

Gene structure and function; Watson-Crick model-of DNA, replication of DNA Genetip code; protein synthesis cell differentiation; sexchromosomes and sex determination.

2. Genetics—Medelian laws of inheritance recombinations, linkage and linkage maps, multiple, al lels; mutation (natural and induced), mutation and evolution, meiosis, chromosome number and form, structural rearrangements; polyploidy; cytoplasmic inheritance, regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes; biochemical genetics, elements of human genetics; normal and abnormal karyotypes; genes and diseases. Eugenics,

3. Evolution and Systematics—Origin of life, history of evolutionary though, Lamarck and his works. Darwin and his works, sourcess and nature of organic variation, Natural selection, hardy-weinberg law, cryptic and warning colouration mimicry; Isolating mechanisms and their role. Insular fauna. concept of species and sub-species, principles of classification, zoological nomenclature and international code. Fossils, outline of geological cras phy logeny of horse, elephant, camel, origin and evolution of man, principles and theories of continental distribution of animals, zoogeographical realms of the world.


•/01 ,11■ Y11 CA. r"


Section 'B' 1. Biochemistry, Physiology and Embryology—Biochemistry—Structure

of carbohydrates, lipids, amino-acids, proteins, and nucleic acids, glycolysis and krebs cycle, oxidation and reduction, oxidative phosphorylation, energy conservation and release, ATP, cyclic AMP, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, cholesterol, streroid hormones; Types of enzymes, mechanism of enzyme action, immuno globulius and immunity, vitamins and coenzymes; Hormone, their classification, biosynthesis and functions.

2, Physiology with special reference to mammals Composition ofblood, blood groups in man coagulation, oxygen and carbondioxide transport, haemoglobin, breathing and its regulation; nephron and uneformation, acid-base balance and homeostasis; temperature regulation in man, techanism of conduction along axon and across synaes,neurotransmitters, vision, hearing and other receptors; types of musces, ultrastructures and 'mechanism of contractionofskeltal muscle, role of salivary gland, liver, pancreas and intestinal glands in degestion absorption of digested food, nutrition and balanced diot of man, mechanism of action of steroid and peptide hormones, role of hypo-thalamus, pituitary thyrod, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal, testis ovary and pineal organs and their inter-relationships, physiology of reproduction in humans, hormonal control of development in man and insects, phenomones in insects and mammals.

3. Embryology—Gametogenesis, fertilization, types of eggs, cleavage, development upto gastrulation in branchiostoma, frog and chick; Fare maps of frog and chick; Metamorphosis in frog; Formation and fate of extra embryonic membranes in chick; Formation of annion, allantoii and types of placenta in mammals, function of placenta in mammals„ Organisers, Regeneration, genetic control of development. Organogenesis of central nervous system, sense organs heart and kidney of vertebrate embryos. Aging and its implication in relation to man.

29. R.grt grztr wrot HINDI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE

PAPER—I 1. -F-4-4 mrr wr earn ( 1 ) .3174TT 31-1V * 4444) fi-St (:(41cbt ich alt Y11 ,scch fqY 4114- 1

(2) iit414)1(-1 i whil 311i 1r4 sum `121711* Tri f4-+-74 I ( 3 ) 19* vr-dr‘l 1:1 (9151 .A101 f6-4 air tinfiqq, vi:r f4wRi 1 (4) pia 11~1t? Rif

t INT T 1-1114)1chtet 1 (5) 74M11-4-dT 1:11:171 - 1:f 14 fay 1 (6) (441.111* Wic TITTff ITMITErT*7 fi-sI *1 fa-+-rg (7)

i 311( dichf 4lte4 ((#) TIWt,T 1 (8) 41141 375 ulcb rT I

2. t4i -1

(1) 1.- -11:111TM*T 311143 cnit-if—a-TEk 311.ft .1)1(4, 3:1FIT1 fabm, .blzf,f-Ot 111(.4 31Trc 71174,


(2) 3719-W¶ •-c ONIctic, (6+41c115, I W1 Nig, r ,qtr aTrRlit iliclkftrzft 3ftt "CrIW t V rqq),,IcIlit I

(3) 3719.W 34-q1i4 311T ZitITZNKr 3ilf43-4-4 I (4) ,ivior aft-{ Tft-ird I (5) .1-6-1 -4 Tflf-0:1 fti-4rt AT -16-cl *- u t-14-IlMlum I (6) F6-crt f441-34 3V1-4 fdTh-TR

PAPER—H -51Vi "Cr fititi7u 410 1 iii13-4R1 IT 319;Fr9 314N7 3ft-{ ‘31144 fWrt1 3,4-11qclIt ITIRIATI-kirrdi TRIATT m; :W-0-17 *-TRA•( t 200 trc qq04 I(.4) itqlo : vriTsib I200 irc)

: 3Filarr 4flus, mramar11, 311( chlu6) I 171* : 3 ( -mit I

: 111-mi)cR ciTur wkiK : (aka T fiat, 1•411, 3ti-{ t?f) I

tlHU-7r4F : 54-civifur (weir 141-4) (9T-N 10 11,440 I achl-ct fitrral- : 37-4ftrwr (4,4Q-r 7,07 9 AT Till 3rf*TIL-7T)

cilrw4v4-1 "3T T" : -ft7 wr) ,(.111-1 Timm itra<1.41N : air y zcp ( 11)

30. English Language and Literature PAPER—I

Detailed study of a literary age (19th century). The paper will cover the study of English literature from 1798 to 1900 with

special reference to the works of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shally, Keats, Lamb, Hazlitt, Thackeray, Dickens, Tennyson, Robert Browning Arnold, George Eliot, Caryle Ruskin, Pater.

Evidence of first-hand reading will be required. The paper will be de-signed to test not only the condidates knowledge of the authors prescribed but also their understanding of the main literary trends during the period. Questions having on the social and cultural background of the period may be included.

PAPER—H This paper will require first-hand reading of the texts prescribed and will

be designed to test the candidate's critical ability. I. Shakespere : As you like it; Henry IV parts 1,11 : Hamlet,

The Tempest. 2. Milton Paradise Lost 3. Jane Austen Emma. 4.. Wordsworths • The Prelude. 5. Dickens David Copperfield. 6. George Eliot Middlemarch. 7. Hardy • Jude the Obscure.


8. Yeats : Easter 1916. The Second Coming : Byzantium. A Prayer for My Daughter : Leada and the Swan. Sailing to Byzantium : Meru. The Tower : Among School Children : Lapois

Lazudili. 9. D. H. Lawrence : The Rainbow.

31. Urdu Language & Literature PAPER-1

(a) The coming of the Aryans in India, the development of the Indo-Aryan through three stages. lid Indo-Aryan (01A). Middle Indo-Aryan (MIA) and New Indo-Aryan (NIA)—Grouping of the New Indo-Aryan Languages—Western Hindi and its dialects Khari Boli, Braj Bhasha and Haryani- Relation-ship of Urdu to Khadi-Perso-Arabic elements in Urdu Development of Urdu from 1200 to 1800 in the North and 1400 to 1700 in the Deccan, with special to the Development of Urdu in Bihar from 1200 to I 800.

(b) Significant features of Urdu, Phonology-Morphology Syntax-Perso-Arabic elements in its Phonology, Morphology and Syntax its vocabulary.

(c) Dakhani Urdu—Its origin and development its significant linguistic features.

(d) The significant features of the Dakhani Urdu literature (1450-1700)—The two classical backgrounds of Urdu Literature-Person-Arabic and Indian-Mysnavi, Indian Tales, the influence of the west on Urdu literature, classcial genres-Ghazal, Masticism-Qasida, Rubai-Qita, Prose, Fiction, Modern Genres Blank Verse, Free Verse, Novel, Short Stories, Drama-Literary criticism and Essay.

This paper will require first-hand reading of the texts prescribed and will be designed to test the candidate's critical ability.

PROSE 1. Mir Amman Bagh-O-Bahar. 2. Ghalib Khatu-eGhalib (Anjuman Tarraque-e-Urdu). 3. Hali Kalimuddin Ahmad Urdu Tangqueed Per Aik Nazar. 4. Ruswa Uma-O-Jan Ada. 5. Prem Chand Wardat. 6. Abdul Kalam Azad Ghubar-e-Khatir. 7. Imtiaz Ali Taj Anar Kali. POETRY 8. Mir Intikhab-e-Kalam-O-Mir (Ed. Abdul Haq) 9. Sauda Qasaid (Including Hajwiyat). 10. Ghalib Diwan-e-Ghalib. 11. Iqbal Bal-a-Gibrail. 12. Josh Malihabadi Saif-O-Sudu. 13. Firak Gorakhpuri

Shad Azimabadi 14. Faiz

Kulliyat-e-Shad. Kalam-e-Faiz (Complete).

[ 67 ]

32. esv wit IT ITT 30 Taft-FT Bengla Language and Literature

PAPER-4 1. miiim TirtiT is :

(1) Gi4M1 I1111 aft fq-*-nt I (2) Gvic-if 3fTp Ztr-3-711 I (3) Trrq triff 3-1)( I-TrErr r (4) will "Ted, fc-m-ovit (t-1-11cmul) fit # .34 titichlcmut 3111 It 4l 2. *MT :

01/1 Ap-mil. faTff 1- (.1) Girt 391.9-w 1->m cich 44 iCi( le-0TT f.-d-frg I ( 2 ) A'rrt

wruFT flii-azAct, 3 t trit fnG .7601. t (3) .itidt Tirro:t r it..1, TREVTi (4) 41ter 11T1 T tTt 4(k-citc44 71-11-4t (5) alrgriw 71F-dzit

PAPER-41 TIT Trvff fitTriftff ykkef IRrei *-7 Tic &Tam aitrAiff rif -k4 919

duilcalt al Ti.3:1417-ktrrdi -1-4.8kit *141. 1 :

: c6i0e1 : ¶ T midtfact ctoicif WOK VOT{ : 41c.LITzt9 (1) fir ar4Ri• cntcli : atITi8 (1) : It* T4i-4rol

iiui : Itff

33. titild RIM aft Tere:i (Sanskrit Language & Literature)


() liffa WIT 3-TIT4 3th 1-1-+-Rt (Tardlzr 11-44-4 val liTrultr 374 9:111T311 4W) 'Pt -kW! I

(M) TAT, cbRch, WI IR rcik)4 c life c41cbtuf al Tf fdt111811 I 2. 1:11fgFr fam 1:11141131 afft 1:11f-rm 141-414-ii Tria fir4T-

-rmr Grog, 41faGr«r 31 title- 4 3T1f iiireceict) fat113T1 3V-T4 1-4- TFT I 3. sull-f TIT014 ltfffd f". 4:11?( aulfs3T43W-41:K1, *ictlIt 3th Itri-gf

SR -ten -59-1-171.1 F.R114 air 171T rn I 4. iittpcf 1•Fq 1-4-4ti I

: taus (3) 3th (4) 8-nt N 411 f-o-gr-4 PAPER—H

(1) r-P-iirirtqc-1 Tr-44 31arcii () cbcNilqc,, (3f) 1-1,140c1f, (7) 14:11-itlq, (31r4T417), (10 1EP7f

artra4r'~ ( 91T11), (W) 315-1FM1TTyell (.611C-1410), ("9) IfErgrf (44(1410),

[ 68 ]

(cbirock4),(7) tITR-41-T-411 (cnifociti), (7) simochrechtt -(Ticcb), (7) icmictiTatoi (1-117N), (Z) (TM), (a) TM (14-raRcv{ (1-TMit), (T) (Paqiiosq), (v) Alitr4K-di (t-671), (vt) tototplua (cnc.vir), 4111k1Clehlis O( ft), (ET) () (c=(

(%T) cqicre-utartctg, (quit), (7) AST ,4-c15tiit (T' fiTs3i) I 2. It 11 1=1,-ifilitict 410,4 4u1i4 017fEri T 31#TUT

SET: caM -T1 3119 10 41144 I 1. ch.:514114i, "RW 31Ecigff—galti grol (qolcb 10 .11 15 14) I 2. 1-17-4711m 31EgTg 2 (qrtlen 13 34 25 WW) I 3. I-4-4FTU qtilq (hili-, 1 1:1 10 VW) I 4. 1z117 Ora 3#) I 5. afrfuri qua3-do4f, (-47:f 3fW) I 6. ilt41,9 41, (3TR1tiw c,i)ct, 1 14 10. VW) I 7. fchtin1141444f, (Agri wf) I 8. 3-1't tiovartn4( (Vig "W) I 9. -firotlichat (qolal 14 10 ww) 10. (km-H*41440 I 11. WifTe4 3407777-12tP1 airgWrif, 'PM 31121T4 cb

f4tTRTIrckum, ffq 'ffETT tuciat mcbtui-iqtta 312414 vil-oto ?item 3th AI chfile,'W-eFr 3T2fVrre4 TrITT (1) (1W aralqirmw

titcbtuf 4-11cilefici tiimilsitt Re-cll.-1986 I) 1:fc 141NT 2 wl fetql7TI-WIT-* -Wrf 25 5It7M MY-11 T *4ii1 w4

34. 41Itti %INT atT Tnitgr (Parasi Language and Literature)

PAPER-1 I. (a) 444' 117ff WT 3T-14 3 f4wru (TOW) 1 (b) cirotuf vbiotf quit-4 41 C441(4 Wiar riiitint 2. Tlirrm 5T IfV811i -441-er-ofirmo, airl-eff *twit 31rg11, kwit 4P*,

wllwtfnai 311-1T4 3 31Ttir7w wIrvg1-311q7w tificeichfaMw 3ckvIcr f4WR:f fq74 W4-,411{, Ula WO', ROT 'Tfifii9 t I

3. 4,ItwM1 T fib PAPER--II

T{ziT fiqtfo. 1-110 1aRre 31t7Rri 3iCirgff *ti we-f X ssll "NTRI trftur t 4-4

1. 4441--k,1111,41—(1) citoir -T13-6-u4 I (2) emicif 4-11 ‘3ti 2. ksTuAil airf* HcbItll I • 3. tt,\44144 turgid 31f-ow, 4 cm) I 4. Ii -da-W471 (t14) '11.T i-ari-r) I 5. ifroT7T -Frf 1:17:9t (WaT 9417 ) I 6. 14W-4 fwv-Al tr I

[ 69 ]

7. &cat lvrft-TrATTI-R-SG11.11-f 7§1TRI (*F--3TEF I

8. Wriv7-tqfi----g.lic (0-4) I

9. 3.TT6 1:67R-3-70--R-al--*--4t1.

10. 6i6ii 1:17T -t—dra-::7-11( (312.71 #1.71---) I

11. vteutm sTitql-ticti

9h-lidi-914a14 .--1 25 311777 3-tee t -57-41* d7ft th-Rt T1t4

35. 3T iTTEIT atm 1111-0:f (Arabi Language and Literature)

PAPER—I 1. () 3m1 IITErf 3711.4 rd"*-IFI (zr-I-T§Tr) (u) 34T-41 %TM 0,41,410f, 3T-Otr{-71R7 MIT *-SYIR-;{ -striu igYltr 2. c Tfff-67f 3 TfTri iikrNct, TITfreLf 3r4Tq 3-117 311.ii.7-T itdcb, 64.4-11*-f,

r-s.fq Tfo 3T111- w1.6-444) famaT1 -3--T-T4 AT 1-12finzr 3. 317-41 rit" riq 1-14T--1 I

PAPER—II T(:r so-r - 1.1 fffuifT-ff 11K4ch1 aTRP:ri 31-11fuu 41r AT

d44-114q14 3Tr1--49F-1:rw zrYrzfur al(-1 so-r L 4041 cb cf : I. *Hlt,rf <1;t-{ 61111 : "f*-thr -114414 fqw -crfaf--49 4F-491! ()I

2. 1416( R-f 3-TzTT : 3.14T HIdc-rich : 3-T1 1 i .ff11-1 d4 IM3iT7i1

(1117f) I 3. 5*1-1RI-1 arm 1:1 41.-4 wt-cr I c-I 4 I

" clm116 cR■ 11c44 74-,414-14 -1,44C-R-bi" 4. 3-14Tffa3 z14-4 -t-474T : 31:Tt t-dri 5 11,4(4 I

7-614:11 cild4.1114)-11 74114-dwg dchlrf V‘c54-f ssf$Ic-f 1 3-TiTatl4' (17110) I (1§f) cicif F6-q1-13f-AT-47 TfT ThijcIRI4-1,1R-1 3T-N1i dINS (TfPlut) I (IT) fiT9 A-Ft qck-i1r6-1 (TTPTli) I (q) 3Tr-d--6.1 3-fff uki-f ,b14-114 ,14 ticc-tr 341:51WO

(71-170 (w) Mlg1 T 3ff-4v 4141(1,f LF)I,TR-f I 5. Lhtqtich *-419 -4 if 4 wql-q : (*W) T 3-11F4t9 3T-61 fa-r #r9 cb1 -11,11 ttcE. -4-dr3 t 1" (f) dHt fw f 31. SiYitII 1.1 " ,31Rcr 1 3 aT9---gr f-Atra" (7) T* soi-ir "AT f M fix 31TzTif14" (#pi) I (T:f) "Aig4" 5Rii-ir 4 "qr 31--d-a-R43-T---F--o-T-41 1,ff ehf-if ci 4I-f I" 6. sPIOT N-1* : 39* 71-4Tff r-Mrrirdcf -7:1171 : (W) HYI,101 4Mc\ Tgleff ailff 94-0 6Ikc1 (Tfoluf) ( -W 4.f rH-f 31.WERT-3-11 414. P11 t-(1-14 "T61(TIPTI) I

[70 ]

7. 374 -1,114 : 3-1 tqri WF11- I 8. 711-4" : 34 1,11-I "3T 4)F 14-1 igcr -cfra w11-1-4 : () "11111 tic-i1344" (wvi) I (1§) "cb-ilkoid ) I (TT) "3-17r Tare( fri-F zrE-11 (TTP:0) (Tt) Tr-di a7 cRcr 37ir-qz5 (lcbaiq icHRar) (94) (w) "T01-4 410 TAT ITWM t; 1M •116t N-1 (7413:0) I

*EM : (1) WIF 11441 tt)siir .er -o14*--T f-Trr4" 31aF1 : 1 (7:1-74) "3i9-Sit-IK zir 3T-92-1114 I" (2) 31-9 Air6c4 : c4II,.s11-1 I tp-LiKai 3i rT tirlI4 T41 elti f 41k-11 (10 31 74 85 cion) I

(3) oi ciii4K.11 39-7g-91 31%.-41I4 14 179 06 3-19 1.-irri TftT1 #191 317 rOcItrolci 31-qT9 -4 41 fLT9 "pl 3-T9 zl,sit■ 4AchlIcli" cich I

(4) ITP:7 thlra 39"-*1 TRI.W " *Mt till Tel 3-TqfliT" I (5) Afch-T. 3-T9 T*-1R--341 1TT " TRTNTI till-14)4M 6.4-iklit 11Leb-‘FiTr- T

Ti-direi" AZ--314i14c41 .64-H74-chi4 25 Trr--dwu 3-it a-0 soli t 3dt if 01

36. tiici WI TIT 3frf 7:1TrTM (Pali Language and Literature)


v79. ta* ITT 1-TFT Lika 14PTI T 37,i1-q 3117 fa-Tr-{cr 0-TRficil-zr* -grvr*-0-1-4 31-r4 wsrr

trr-ol -3711 T41-9 3T17 37rt .5pTi4,Trii (3r) 0,41,44611, wri Tu4

fa T, Tr-gm, (-414-14, 34cr (qiw), (ala-w) 4L41 AT 4(91 (*TW) 4'4 I

2. LIIr11 7T1f-6- 4 (fcra 37 fcrdWt17-491 741F6- 1) ti14-11-4

-9-1p1 f40, Tarr ccIeRullt-4-1.11 mcbor 114dchl44qr, fT1f (w), icT

(71-cmt, -gra-t-t 31-ft) 1-4-alEr 4-1111104, 11r4log eblc41 Tfrig 3Ttf 771-67T f4tTT311 3754 3

fd-WR1) 3. 115. * Tel-97 471717T pfd 7211 fq9.4 tr{

fqtEr ar19 fqz11 3Tiftzi 4-4114, ri-Icit5uf (77.1, 3197 31f9-.6q) rT 34ri-Tam4 47111944 (anTfaff, =‘,.f 37 7 fa .--R) I

4. HMI Ml (t.-49 <41.5 tR) (11-F1 [3] AI [4] siTi( T1T1 T t4

PAPER—II *ti WY4- 1. f1+-liortqcr Tr-daY +11,11-4 37€rzr4 () (7) LIrci 1:11W§T, (zi) fcra fir, (T) Trf--${14

f97, (-9) WT () ti-rffEr4, (5T) fitrm, (f) ,311c1.11, qtrritil,

(Z) 2117112/T, (V) tT=R4Tr*, (V) W2TT-4- 1, (V) (T) ttr-411,

(T) 1-Mick, (IT) 31E211:1Tfa4, () rati41-P-144 (V) 315-17zrffl () 7mr, (7) Troly-A-R, (v) 10-<7 I

2. riiiiiingd*. t7 gickqiigN* TER 3TEZITR* TIRTAT IT4TErr ( It ail

TITT:1 * TriTr4 fm g1 A' 14) 4lesti VP qiiv; —

•(w) Hzitim 4$1s4w), (V) fcrETriTrzr (*q• 614-11-47m 7), (7) trftzfii-V (sr) tTixrcK (*-4u 7.44) WIT),

(3) 139firrIff (eck-f saiTt (N) frrr-6 truu. (cett-t qt.tout 4 1), (U) M1c171 (32Tr1 fat; * 1114 *It), (7) fwirg1Trza ( t•-f-

•AN), (V) 3TrcitraTOEF *it 1

Tigar 2 * TIMM, foxgril : (1)WIT-4-TT1 25 Urti' 3151 * 11V91 * 3x1t 4IM1 TY fa-130 i (2) 31r1< aet)f* d, T1 310114*-14vll '

37. 11(41 ITIVT atl-f 1:11f

.11.1-i 1. Aril ITrEfTW edgMi :

I. -4f21-61 %PT 3c04{ V 4 41 VT 4 tell( -4 Aftrolw Teirq I In. lifts TRW trc1Z1filet) Ici4)Itist)44 1 IV. 1-6-1, 411Cti, 911 11, 4461 1{4 Tinrml ilTErfT Tfrt t(fictal-w 1:117AT 1 v. AN4014, f-479- .11cil vt. TRW *int 17kivrd7 1

AF ITIfkat 061{ Afttrft' -urkFt 4111311 R-4 175T9 ebitiet) 'WIT* favlutar II. areiw

Aferal chiativt, f-4-+-Tu t augftwArezzal d4-41ffch...rgcbto 1 iv. au. A, ifday.t) ctcom I V. am oletNich f4TIR 1 VI. llieml-fTOT 74' aitol-ail.t, fq-+-17

folzt-trl er51 ratifftu wt-rricf, athT Teel aiwzR aieffkm 1144n airailt 19 WI WM' •711qc1 -71W 1:11141TvilT VI:MT tRIATI 1-17 t1et)4 I I. icIVILla 11 9T-1 titsAT 1 4 50 'hft I II. ~nra-s~Itl-'ifa i:T-A9T-4-A_Afsf.rol irc TiterT-1 50 ti ft 1

77-417.W-TEuT-3141 1 IV. T Vet) 42701 liTqf (1411e4uf—tttehl 5 TIP I V. q1,11.4.)-NIT I VI. 3TRIII 11t1I5 ft:ftT Tiztligft 1 VII. rT t ti 5I sitiet) fglft.MI ildet) I VIII. Al. 6it,-4-1 Vet) 4,-41141-1 ail I IX. "114,-v-4-4T HIM I X. toietniAlet)-titiehf In 1

cum fq-*-TRRes4)4p-o (C.D.P.O.) tqtR ei ctf 3-TTFATE g10 3TRIT-4ff Tik aml "curt 41141,ilt

(C.D. P.O. ) 'RUT 919 Trt. 3Trilf--4ff (I) TINIT (P.T.) (n) Tse-i iltkiT (Main Exam.) (iii)174-1T W( (Interview)

trflAlT (P.T.) : 317fzi-TW TRIVI tda' -7W 31•39 751 " 3W4Tri" I f41:(14 t-a 150

afA 150 TR9 94IT TF 2 13a 1:11:14 R4 wa 31 5T 1d( 4-61 B.P.S.C. itizIftl 11,425 A * TfaW1

54i.tra-ITWittEtiT (P.T.) a,T 131-4 t 1 I ITN tittAit (Main Exam.) I

:NftiPtfixerit (1F) Timm fir41—loo •

3R9 7ff -4 ralW reISIMg IRIATT * Sit) -RR * 739 * I Ttur .1t(4 aTtr 743-r-oi Trrizff: -41 r-*r 4,t4

V1:191* ti6,11 .qitrirf-§Tr Arelrh. I *14 af-4 fguTut 1-1.f whit tTIT-

ogicbtur-30.F3*. w47i f-47R311'17-25';31*,. 1 f*--30t AST *1701-15 31* I t4i40-e4 3TVERM-200 afw :

3-117:1719 BFI 4icke1st)4 aF1 ilor * *wps.e. 3rte-4-d ,m-as x ta Tfziwf 134gi mitAlis (Main Exam.)* t91 .5R9 74 *1 Pietietit wit t

fatrEr-2oo aiwt 1. Noll (Home Science)

f-4-eri LircHitif, 'wed Wq1 4Mcci I 2. lit 74-4T AFT-4T 74 diiellsst-f, fiztAvT 74 lc-44mi, 1111-41I T1 cluief *

uPirst>qr Tzrr 171-6-Eql ai 3TT-437W I 3. Liiiteiiitch TN-4 fi4iii aiqtxil4 i, *i qt.( T1 ETff

Wd7-2.719 1 4. 9ficilt * TKFli aird$WargiF 4)44 NI-11%1i I 5. lit 4114, Eft triw, Hiti4-11 -4141

fgr-‹-A d4.4,(4 A V.ITTI 6. 311r-{-T kfm1f—r5A1“ * fdliTR TR- cfretit4 [am ,

ciirealf, tOssll * Tittl -*--4r1 7. TFIVT WITO, WI 7411144 ent.4 girl Gwen .ffti-rtF91-at A TAIT 1 8."clfts519, cGd 92/T 344+tuf I 9. * fir, ~clild.lei f ci,Irclvtuf, 4TmT P141114, fegiR mcbt(

414A 371r7arrFd-TA R-4 7r, t71- trr ART f[F-F-9A trr

.11,(11, at-4 Thitur onNT rc,R T-4 174 I

10. tKIft M•TT =j6 -PI* 4-1-t 1-1T7T ITT 9t4-400c1 4i I

2. H-traqu-f (Psychology) 4-1-treizll-f r 4i091114 cI B1P.S.C. 510 7F4I1 5 441t-q

=4494 litRIku (Main) t 411 -T1 RimicIA 6101. I

3. MT T ti i'1 cr-mtuur (L.S.W.) w-r -cr4 04-114 011(.11uf gicosto-( cl) 4-11 t B.P.S.C.'gR1

Trd TizsTa T LINTT (Maul)* 514 ITT9 tft *UT* I

4. torisoutm (Sociology) wt-1 il11 B.P.S.C. 510 31P1r7U tq

tis,4 711411 (Main) t al 11 51k-1 ti-q 11-1011-ii. I

5. 3.114TTR (Economics) 342471R:5(1


416q4 4- 1*q1 B.P.S.C. g10. 3171riqff lizt?A NW T 4ilarf (Main) t

slif pi -4-4 Ric,11.11 $1c1( I

6. *VTR' (Nutricuts) 1. 4ttrat 4(=i1r, cviTch(ur, f-ofAR (1711 Arcrr,

talff, 71.1-9.7 R1-1 wriAld I 2. 4>lisi161ie, M.T1 101 A alci-1-744, 314V1-1151-7 cr ii 34111-44 I

3. 1-111 IT70, 4t-4-1F, (41c14, airy, Hris,441, V, V * 44

TM4, atlll, AF, 31-ut, 114 774, (G4 74 3T97 1 9)4u[ Tl I

4. 1-11—A9' i,110 A -1:41TR-71 rTI-q-4T, 7171:rf, 3i47li7r 414,1, 9414ul I

5. *91ft--Eff{3.11-41, 31971-47 ct)(4 41-4 *Itch, 41-01# 3-11c1Ygcbc-11 I

6.rffff TP-fat TA- A *TIM, alol 1-lot fqrsq -w— i-r-q-T-ztr -91-Erra-t, f-*-711-rraTtiT 3117 TZT4T-41 4 -crlErrut I

7. ,-11--44 4-114 felrWIT T tglt1TRI2TT -01f1Z*- 1T{ 41eil r9W-41 30-1T4 I

8. 14fff -tr<121-1 f 1-1-03-1(7 I

9. %-1/-44 t1(1,s( s 111, 911 fqraq-d-r, A17-i ATuaT I 10. 1-11-49 11-1(111d 1

11. (),IT 3-1-4PT1 -4 F5411 ,T114 01101 *TM, dl*Ltil*6,

3f-d-gR, getici TzTA-4T;RWAA 3TI-R

12. gl0 -9113MT -41-A.9-1T I

7. mum rachrti (Child Development) 1. 1114 =t rl11 1l t ft AftAmr, I-Mcc( aQT1 -srtf-d, 2. fachmiciich iii11114tiq

34t7Fri-fafqi, 3. ffi--*-TA 3TO, =wen unr P-NA, 4. "cikIllsti1-101 'ff211 44(1cRulf,

5. qII(F(4) 3 '114-14) f-4A-ff, 6. +114411 i4+ f4-*-T-ff a21-1 1411,41chtui, 7. 444110-1*

[ 74 ]

f-4-*-TFI, 8. 4 0-irt-ico di f4-*-114, 9. 4111311 f "r4--"M, 10. 1For

11. 600 rachit-f 31-41:24TI, 12. t 9.T *714, chRUI, 13. c110 414,1) M114-114, 14.

t A 4-4 311 T1 1 fq-*-71, 15. "c0 111IFFT, 16. curY-lobirf :

ITT. A 12 -Tit 17. Glic-44.610 kii-H1e0, 18. ITT, 19. aqt-41-3T21, f4TT{T

72TT 3114Tq, 20. TIM( 591 311T 9R9criof, 21 WO, 22. t(1 5T fdTR:f 1 4-icf, 23.

t-ikchR gi0 curl' fq-91T-{4 -41-49r1

c:;ti OW (Judicial Service Examination)

:1174 *1—dT Pic0-31749 abtl curl dui cal( fdTcri T1-17§1

04iictit f454 eqativil 61-it lfgR 'UtTT 944 IRA TITRE

•crw f-49.4 kir ),Ir

TRIaii xri fis-4l -4 fffgrii glFcl i tr7 1-6-51 zl fr Tr*-a 3ftt

.3f11,11 foi.!.4-it iis(1 TN 314-A1 zl foig I

t1 I

3-1TTFM 10-4--w471 #41* fov, 314 22 ati 40

•U20 35 71 tf

q171 * I Litl 3-rgfqd-


3T-TftdU Als-Tef -3-g

lTZT .kIlItg I lifrqr

Paper) d14 ratitt (Compulsory

1. t.-11,-11-4 70-1 (t-0-it0H qch TfrO) — 150 34

2. i-10-0-4 fTi — 100 3fT

3. iO4-0-4 6-c — 100 3T

1-{TF-4-o- tla1,fraTr tla1 3Trf T Tta-W1 51R14.11filcli, 31-1-4-4k TN** la -1I

tray 3-Tra-41-4 Tfziwf TRIur 1 3thavf


fqx/E1 (Optional Paper)

31'h iltf pia -1141 414,RI-TA-4f Tis ( 3-T1-9-414

falfzrY 4-11 6101 I

f4EPT : afw 1. V 31 R bus 150

2. enF-d-vi-ki '4fuwzrr 150

3. 1.5, •1 I50

4. ciT 3T1EF. 4ki4t 3TTIF Atc 150

5. alfTF 150

6. di, ,-1141q(4 ciTT I50

---lI 4 tcif "Eft t 167 otiletch-cf ERUPT 200 31T A t

(Trf AWT * Plata t4rat-cm xiick<49644

1. iT 3111:F 7r-47T us v.+) t ( 1 31f 1872 ) ,

( (v 34TT 1889 ) , 9TP4TrlzM 4)14 1 Paz (1888) I

2. (A) th 4-1fER vfo-rtf-11-14.11z 34W •fa3711 kW- (1935), 4-41 07-1‘477-{; 10-c- 1947; 1-1741-4 .T.4%1T9' I

(B) enr-dvviiri 14 aft* PrAtrg—iit- t-a stun turrhuile., alft:F. dot, 41 4414id, Irsf414e,f 3i eft tnifte14, f .4 f

vrodi, 0.-0114k.f (cis lqwfzia too alfzu Itz, 414(4 emit st.U.4 31T IF itf- zr

3. (A) wrI:EfFtf, kuttrit rqq16, 13-4M, 7*. 446 1,14A-W1 nr-Terrt 3 Ta-e, ur 6(-11-cttuf fanr44, twat *1 lauff-ff; ate, Kiri* 41'1 ava rq!iltri I

(B) /644isi 7Y-0071 rain *1:4, RA-4 qut9134 4-Tv-1 ,311T 111-r.ff rifIL *- 71fttiff T4Z (1937), "WIN 44 WT. cht.3.11ivilg,

3iT'{ 51q11cin, facts t41,:t41*.-stz11,t: WR 331-M7 I -t1Nroltit 41114,- DTI t

4.cif affER citi4“. aft u)14c17-7-f,siFo..aTrWl #4zrel, Ric,1.41 fi:re t I - "

5.cif aft cha,scle.ctf `us e144—(A) chi 31ftuv--4-47r—fru711 (pc 4W 1972) i

(B)71 airw 4„4—s,q-t7Tr v,. mow, 7f,'F e-eft-4 -01,4s4i4e. 5141/4,, civilIctc131M,

4k7fmr4 15A-4(1(-1 i.tkirqm E. chT4iiiii#4ci #1"—fm:i fqt441 .* tirs4P-4 TfItzi leg (i) Mi Rica .4„ki (m) ao-wit tirq (i;,) 4iJ1tik

I Nw,4,4) {i§:.P.P.)I 331 iitnr-=rri 31Ar 20 ciZl1 aiftichcfli 35 -44 *raft I Sc & ST ml

1T-Ii if 5 '44 f i 3 r ainfkia feR'Ift -suni t 4-iicitt. I

it:c411-4+41saR Thtt xrta *Pig 4144 fen Fsa ki Wit 1-Tig 711 34NIFITfurff Wilut-TI feitt4tht f -ER aTcHt vat Folsom *kti-f ct)Z

ti6itict. Ml ch aTriTif)-4-4 /Awl W' 4tckenuis 31rMalti -WWI (Compulsory Paper)

1. Ni-n-ri 1•4 iir6d) 150 3fER . 2. su+.14ith ±4H1-4 f4-419' — 150 3fm. 3. tili-ffrq — 150 3:4' 4. WI 311T 9fwm f4fET — 150 afw

.k-rww f4ti:zr (Optional Paper) I. IITT'd #49ff-i-* fen — 150 afm 2. 1-1i017 su6 Titm 150 3fm 3. in-0T 'MKT( (rchtittt 11f0) — 150 alm

fi=t (Syllabus) airi~ll -ttq

I a, keisto4 *-41' tTe Likgsb4 A.P.P. I

ctgR tTifffW

fen iiRtzt cusIf-0T '*T Liicki5to4 -4114 * 41cke451.04 174

wffktlw aaiict it (Ranger Service)

34i1 tilmt-Ranger* It< fc-R Iv 18 Azi * 721T 21 4-e4 ST "4-1

91 qirR1 SC & ST* faR 30 Ali t I TV 37'4i ti liartcb 163 *111', WRIU 79 *1*. I

3iiciv-ich Ac-Rangel-1K * fa* thti V11 k * AK 4 Vra '1:1 25 144. 1-13'WE1 %Tit "On 1211 SI 'MI *14Zii ift triteilT Qualifying 'ER tv.oribta

Interview--100 341 /51 ' IiRengit (Syllabus)

3dO1>ITif fluent (Compulsory Paper) r. sttlit -TO *tem ice, 4144 -wt Ki..scht -100 a I 2. 7I1121 ( )-11R 751 Aolfziki, .4141.111,Ki weu ITT 317-4

-Or- too 3 3. -elm (iNiu-am)-WA '141 id a211 41-Ifzit*W49 TA-100 3* I 4. 7T9' (VM-11-1)-0 Ardw /11-R, ttutii flit-4 aih

1.101.! tTi srva' 1111-100 3*1 S. Trtirr4 7r4 (fatu-lar)-m tri u;tFit ar4zR-,

tri M WIT11-100 3* I 6. ITITTRZ fr4-100 S*1

achfCvich ft (Optional Paper) PP-I1 AK! 1,4,R,Kt, film rchul xi iwztzt f-47171 ltqr tim Itri

1007*t- 1. Tifurd 2. citimit-4, 3. tiiitig Ynt f, 4. 9 f'dWi, 5. aliAi fv9,

6. ATfT4' I English—The question paper will be signed to test the Candidate

understanding of his power to write English correctly and India critically. It will also include question to test the candidates knowledge of grammar, idiom and its usage passage will be set for summary of precies.

Mathematic (Paper 1)—Arithmatic—N umber System, Natural numbers, Integeral and Real numbers, Communtatine associative and substraction law. Fundamental operations addition and substraction, Multiplication and division, Square and Cube, roots, decimal fractions, time and distance Time and wor, Profit and Loss, Ratio and proportion races.

Algebra—Basic operations—Simple factors, Remineder Theorem, H.C.F. L.C.M. of Polynominals solution of quadratic equation relation between its

roots and co-efficient, Simulataneous equation in two unknowng, Linear, simultaneous equation in three unknowns. Application of equations inequality graphs.

Trigonometry—Trigonometry ratios and Identifies Trigonometry ratios of 41, 45, 60 and their use in elementry problems of heights and distance.

Mathematics (Paper 11) Geometry—Theorams on properties of angle at a point parallel lines, sides and angles of triangles, Congruency of traingle Simelar-triangles Concerrance of medious ultitudes, perpendicular, bisectors of sides and bisectors of angles of triangle properties of angles, sides and diagolans of a parallelogram thombus rectangles, square and trapezium, Circles and its properties including tangentes and normals cycline fluadriectreos loci.

Practical problems and construction involving use of geometrical instrument, Bisection of a angle and segment of an straight action line, Construgles tangents or circle, inscribed and circumscribed circle or Constmention of perpendiculars, parallel lines triangles.

Mensuration—Areas of plain figure, Volume and surfaces of Cube pyramid right Circular Cylinders cones and sphares.

General Knowledge (Paper I)—Comprising, Physics, Chemistry and General Science.

General Knowledge (Paper II)—Comprising social Studies, Geography and Current Events.

Optional Paper—The Standard of Examination for all the above papers shall be that of Graduate Examination or equivalent there of.

Training Centre—Forest College 704 TR TINTIWRII I-11 49' 31Mft tiaciglci4 F441141, 1,.;11Z-iit 741 4n-I -4 t t UN R1111 ch(-11 6)111 our 411

3-11- qPrutu 61,11






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