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Community and Alumni News Letter August – October 2016

Introduction of Islamic and

National Values to Children

through Impressing Activities

C. P. : 083804325564, 081297938213 (Dian) atau 081311372236 (Arsi)

Jl. Tanjung Pura No. 34 (Depan Gerbang Barat Citra 2 Ext.) Pegadungan, Kalideres, Jakarta Barat




Warrohmatullahii Wabarokaatuh.

Welcome to the second edition of

AIS News Letter for this academic

year. As you will see at the

following pages the breadth of

achievement academically,

artistically, in the field of literature

and art do credit to all the hard

work by staffs, teachers, and

students at AIS.

One of the highlights this term was

receiving a visitation from Syeikh

Abdullah Asy-Syajaroh from Yemen

to appraise the student’s ability in

memorizing Al-Qur’an at Sima’an

Agenda and Islamic New Year

Celebration. Besides it, there were

many reviews about others agenda

at AIS this term.

The last thirteen weeks have been

full of excitement, challenges, and

a few pleasant with our term break

holiday rounding off a quite

remarkably busy term. I hope you

all have taken the opportunity to

catch your breath before start of

the next term.


Warrohmatullahi Wabarokaatuh.

Hari Usmawan


Independence Day

03-04 Idul Adha


PTA and SB


Kindergarten Student Swim


Secondary Students’ Achievements


Islamic New Year & Sima’an

10, 11, 12




Genderang kemerdekaan semakin terpatri

tatkala pagi Hari Kamis, Tanggal 18 Agustus

2016 seluruh siswa-siswi Ananda Islamic School

turun ke lapangan guna mengikuti Upacara

Bendera dalam rangka Memperingati Hari

Kemerdekaan ke-71 Republik Indonesia. Nuansa

merah dan putih menyelimuti lapangan hijau

Ananda Islamic School. Seluruh siswa-siswi

mengikuti upacara dengan penuh kekhidmatan.

Seluruh siswa-siswi Ananda Islamic School

yang memang dihimbau untuk mengenakan

pakaian kasual berwarna merah atau putih (bagi

yang memiliki) guna menyemarakkan kegiatan

perayaan Hari Ulang Tahun Kemerdekaan ke-71

Republik Indonesia ini. Petugas upacara bendera

ini diembankan kepada siswa-siswi kelas enam

SD Ananda Islamic School dan dikombinasikan

dengan siswa-siswi SMP Ananda Islamic School.

Perpaduan yang sangat tepat dan terbukti

mereka dapat bertugas dengan amat baik di


Perjuangan setelah kemerdekaan

akan lebih sulit daripada perjuangan

meraih kemerdekaan. Karena

Perjuangan meraih kemerdekaan

hanya melawan orang asing yang

menjajah kita, tapi perjuangan

setelah merdeka adalah berjuang

melawan dirimu sendiri, saudaramu

sendiri, bangsamu sendiri.

- Anonim


Nursery and Kindergarten students held

the independence’ day celebration in

different area in the school. It was

considered because of the student’s physic

condition. Even though the celebration

was held indoor, it did not decrease the

student’s spirit. There were few kinds of

competitions which held for the students,

such as eating chips, the most favorite

competition. The ceremony also was held

indoor in the school lobby. The national

spirit has been recognized for the nursery

and kindergarten students by those

activities. Wish all the students have

nationality spirit and love to their nation.

After the flag ceremony, all students from

primary till secondary followed a lot of competitions,

such as sprint, eating chips, water strike, pairing

dance, tray carry on head etc. The competitions

were not held to celebrate the independence’ day

only, but also have implicit aims. Spirit of the

competition need to be owned by all of AIS

students, because later in their future will be so

competitive. But, their competition must be fair. All

of AIS students had given an understanding to

compete fairly with a rule.

For example, Ghaffar (5B) student, he won

the “tampok air” or water strike competition. He had

tried to win the competition even his clothes became

wet because of the water. He could eliminate his

competitors from grade four and six. He played

fairly appropriate with the rules of the game. Finally,

he got win and he felt so excited. Not only he, his

sister and brother also were proud of him. His class

teacher, Mr. Hari also felt proud of him, because

Ghaffar had competed fairly and got win. The happy

moment had recorded at the following photos.



Sahabat Abi Umamah Rodhiallahu’anhu berkata, bahwa Rasulullah Sholallahualaihi wassalam telah bersabda: "Barang siapa tidak terhalang oleh kebutuhan yang mendesak, sakit, atau penguasa yang zalim, kemudian dia tidak melaksanakan ibadah haji, maka kalau dia mati akan mati sebagai seorang Yahudi atau Nasrani (murtad)." (HR. Baihaqi).

Idul Adha

Manasik Haji

Menanamkan karakter Islami sejak dini pada si buah hati

Sekolah sebagai sebuah miniatur masyarakat memberikan ruang khusus bagi setiap peserta didik untuk mengaktualisasi potensi yang dimilikinya dengan aturan dan nilai-nilai yang mesti dipatuhi. Penanaman karakter Islami dipandang menjadi solusi yang tepat akan kebutuhan tersebut.

Salah satunya melalui kegiatan manasik haji dalam peringatan hari besar Islam, Idul Adha.

Di tengah gencarnya pengaruh

perkembangan teknologi dan informasi di

tengah kehidupan buah hati kita, sebagai

orang tua dan guru, kita mesti pandai-

pandai memilah asupan mana saja yang

sesuai dengan tahapan tumbuh dan

kembang si anak, baik secara psikis maupun

fisik. Di samping itu, upaya untuk senantiasa

melestarikan nilai-nilai keislaman juga tidak

boleh berhenti untuk diberikan.

Setiap anak mesti diberikan pemahaman

mendasar mengenai pentingnya ketaatan

kepada Allah SWT sejak usia dini. Salah

satu perintah-Nya yang mesti kita

ejawantah adalah Haji. Haji yang

merupakan Rukun Islam yang kelima

harus diperkenalkan tata laksanannya

secara rinci agar anak memiliki motivasi

tersendiri untuk beribadah. Di sinilah

pentingnya manasik haji.

Setiap rukun haji memiliki nilai-nilai

filosofis tersendiri. Jumroh merupakan salah satu rukun haji yang memiliki filosofi

mendalam. Melempar tiang-tiang yang menyimbolkan

syaithon merefleksikan kita mesti berperang melawan godaan

syaithon. Namun mampukah kita melakukannya tanpa rasa

benci? Karena kebencian merupakan salah satu hembusan

syaithon itu sendiri dan dapat mengotori hati.

For more galery go to

This page >>>

Pillars of Haj

Primary and Secondary Manasik

Nursery and Kindergarten Manasik


Many people have saved their own money for their future, in

example for education, marriage, house, health, vehicle, etc.

But, just a little who thinking for haj-pilgrimage. Nowadays,

some bank, syariah bank especially, offered a service a

planned saving for haj-pilgrimage.

Pillars of Haj

In t e n t i o n

We a r in g Ih r a m

Th a w a f

Sa ’i

Wu k u f

Ju m r o h

Ta h a lu l

Or d e r l y

Kindergarten and nursery students also held the manasik but in different time.

All of the activities were same with the primary and secondary manasik. All

students followed the activity by well and got many values for their character

development. They have been introduced to one of the Islamic Pillars, Haj early

on. This was a part of Islamic education and it must be held for the next years.

All the primary and secondary students followed the manasik enthusiastically. In the morning before the activity begun, they wore their ihram with the teacher’s or their parents’ guidance. After that, all of the students went down to the mushollah for dhuha together and opened the activity.

After opening, all students went to the school court (arofah) for hearing a sermon. Then, the each student’s group went to muzdalifah for taking about twenty-one cobblestones. The cobblestones would be used for jumroh. The next agenda was Jumroh. Students directly went to the jumroh spot with the teacher’s guidance. In the jumroh spot, they stoned three (prototype) pillars by using the cobblestones, seven for each. The next activity was going upstairs to the hall for rounding the Ka’bah. After that, step by step, students went to shofa and marwa for running and be finished by shaving the students’ hair. The last agenda was eating together with satai that have been provided.

Kindergarten and Nursery

School Board


Parent and Teacher Association

Ananda Islamic School held the general election to choose the

parent and teacher association and for next will choose the school

board. The meeting was held at AIS hall and attended by all the

parents from Nursery & Kindergarten, Primary, and Secondary.

Before the election held, there was a speech from Mrs. Azza

Fauziah as the AIS Manager to open the meeting.

After that, election to choose the class moms for each class be

held and have been chosen. Everyone who has chosen as the class

mom have a chance to choose someone among them to be the

leader of Parent and Teacher Association. The last step was

choosing the School Board.

School Board were chosen by the representative of the

PTA from each level, Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary and

Secondary. Finally, after the long process, Bunda Laela, Ricky’s

Mother (IVB Student) has chosen by the leader of school board.

Bunda Laela will be helped by her team for this academic year

2016/ 2017.


Nobody children who does not love to play at the water.

Since they was at intrauterine, they usually play inside

the water. So, water is the best media to be used to

improve their ability in physical and social. Kindergarten

students went to swimming pool at October 5, 2016. The

pool location was not too far from school. The parents

could watch all of their children’s activity at pool. Although

almost children still could not swim, they enjoy the activity.

Fun Learning At the Water Fun Learning

At the Water


Jumlah Bukanlah Kendala


Jika ada ungkapan, “Semakin sedikit kuantitas, semakin banyak kualitas.” Agaknya ungkapan yang ironi dan banyak orang yang tidak menyepakatinya ini terbukti….


September 2016

Ada empat peserta

didik yang

kesemuanya adalah

perempuan yang

mengikuti lomba ini.

Dimana, tercatat

Ghita sebagai Juara

kedua lomba

deklamasi puisi

tingkat Kota

Administrasi Jakarta

Barat 1, dan Salsa

sebagai Juara

Harapan 1 lomba

cipta puisi se-

Provinsi DKI Jakarta.

Jenjang pendidikan menengah diawali

pada tingkat sekolah menengah

pertama (SMP). Yang mana pada

tingkat ini, para peserta didiknya telah

memiliki kedewasaan berpikir

menjurus matang dan pola pergaulan

memiliki pengaruh yang sangat besar

dalam kehidupan keseharian mereka.

Pola didik yang tepat pada usia ini

sangat menentukan langkah mereka

selanjutnya. Penanaman nilai-nilai

luhur dirasa sudah tidak lagi tepat

dilakukan dengan sistem dogmatis

pada jenjang usia ini. Mereka akan

lebih terbuka dengan sikap

bersahabat dari orang tua dan guru,

serta contoh nyata yang dapat ditiru.

Pada September lalu, empat peserta

didik SMP Ananda Islamic School

diikutsertakan dalam suatu kompetisi

local tingkat kecamatan. Adapun

lomba atau kompetisi yang dimaksud

adalah lomba cipta puisi dan lomba

deklamasi puisi. Peserta yang

diikutsertakan bertanding melawan

sekolah-sekolah lain se-Kecamatan

Kalideres, baik yang berstatus

sekolah negeri maupun sekolah

swasta. Alhamdulillah, pada tingkat ini

peserta didik Ananda Islamic School

mampu mengantarkan sekolah

mereka untuk melaju ke level yang

lebih tinggi, yakni tingkat Kota

Administrasi Jakarta Barat Wilayah 1.

Menyadari vitalnya rentang usia ini,

sekolah, dalam hal ini dewan guru

yang ada di Ananda Islamic School

terus berupaya mencari terobosan-

terobosan baru dalam mendidik dan

mengajar peserta didik pada jenjang

menengah (secondary) ini. Salah

satunya dengan mengikut-sertakan

para peserta didik tersebut dalam

berbagai ajang adu prestasi, baik

yang bersifat akademis maupun non-

akademis. Hal ini penting kiranya

untuk mengakomodasi kebutuhan

akan aktualisasi diri mereka.

Pada tingkat Wilayah (Kota), ternyata

mereka pun mampu membuat mata

tim panelis terbelalak takjub, tatkala

nama mereka disebut sebagai

penyandang gelar juara dan secara

otomatis, mereka harus bersiap untuk

berkompetisi dengan sekolah-sekolah

terbaik se-Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Pada

kompetisi level teratas ini, mereka pun

masih unjuk gigi, dan menyandang

predikat sebagai juara ke-empat dan

mendapatkan trofi Juara Harapan

Pertama untuk Lomba Cipta Puisi se-

Provinsi DKI Jakarta.




On 12th October 2016, Ananda

Islamic School has held a big

occasion, the celebration of Islamic

New Year 1438 Hijriyah. It was not

as usual, this year there were

special moment for sima’an, the

time for AIS students to show how

well they understand and

memorize ayah per ayah at The

Holly Quran especially at the last

juz, Juz 30.

Before the sima’an be held, all of

the audiences had come on time at

08.00 a.m. and they had permitted

to have a seat at the provided

places. The students were seated at

front carpets and for parent were

behind them. The event was guided

by Mr. Hari and Mrs. Nely as the

MC and opened by Mr. Ade as the


At the beginning, the event was enlivened by

some performances from primary students

and secondary students, such as: speeches

from students; poetry declamations; Islamic

modern dance; and traditional dance from

Nangroe Aceh Darussalam, Saman.

It was also the appropriate moment for

informing to the all audiences that the

secondary students just won poetry

competitions. All students from secondary

come on stage and received the trophy from

Mr. Dion as the CEO of Ananda Dionita

Foundation. All audiences were very proud of

their successful. Wish others students could

follow them at others chances. Mrs. Mustah as

the Bahasa Indonesia teacher was very excited

at the moment.



Bpk. Murdiyono sebagai pemimpin

Yayasan Ananda Dionita juga turut

memeriahkan acara peringatan Tahun

Baru Hijriyah. Beliau tampil

mendeklamasikan naskah monolog

dengan latar musik yang mengiringinya.

Penampilan yang sangat memukau

perhatian semua mata yang hadir saat itu.

Acara sima’an pun dimulai. Ziyi (4a)

adalah peserta tunggal dalam kegiatan

sima’an ini. Ziyi tidak hanya disimak oleh

para pengunjung yang hadir, namun juga

oleh penilai khusus bernama Syeikh

Abdulloh Asy-Syajaroh dari Yaman.

Beliau telah menyatakan bahwa Ziyi

dinobatkan sebagai penghapal Juz ke-30.

Setelah sima’an, Syeikh Abdulloh Asy-

Syajaroh memberikan mauwidzoh

hasanah berbahasa arab dan

diinterpretasikan oleh Ust. Abdurrohman

dari Pondok Pesantren Darul Qur’an.

Kegiatan semacam ini akan terus

dilaksanakan secara kontinyu kedepannya.

Semoga para peserta didik Ananda Islamic

School menjadi generasi Qur’ani yang

tidak hanya hafal namun juga baik dalam


