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Application Process

¿Que es CCHE?

1. A learning and organizing community to support [food and recreation] justice in communities of color. 2. Up to ten local groups and indigenous nations receiving funding and other support to advance relevant food and recreation policies that are effective and replicable. 3. Web and other TA resources for youth organizing for food and recreation justice with get fre.e.

CCHE: Overview of the Issue:Scope of the Problem & Context

Rising Trend in Childhood Obesity:

o 33% children and youth – 25 Million – are overweight or obese

o Obese children at higher risk for heart disease, stroke, asthma, and cancer

o Children and families in low income communities and communities of color are disproportionately affected

“Children’s health has sunk to its lowest point in [30 years], driven largely by an alarming rise in the number of children who are obese…”

Foundation for Child DevelopmentChild Well-Being Index 2007 Report

It’s not just what you eat, it’s where you live

Built EnvironmentSafe places to play and move around

Neighborhood Food Environment Affordable, fresh, healthy food

The Food Industry’s Attack on Children

Children as consumers:

Shop and cook on their own at increasing earlier ages

Eat most meals and snacks away from home

$900M spent annually on children’s TV ads

11 Big Food companies control

2/3 of the TV advertising market for

children under age 12

what makes CCHE different?

Single issue focus on individual behavior change and “cultural” context

Primary strategies: education and programmatic interventions by professionals targeting those affected

Funding to service providers and researchers

TA delivery is “vertical” and short term and static

Multi-issue focus on policy and environmental change and political context shaped by racism, privilege and power

Primary strategies: organizing, media and policy advocacy by those affected targeting decisionmakers

Funding to local, community organizing groups of color including youth led groups with track records

Strives for “circular” TA support: mutual, long term (beyond funding) and evolving (we are all teachers/learners/comrades)

Traditional Approach CCHE/HJ Approach

Application Process Overview

Application process is rigorous to ensure: Fairness Integrity Funding to groups with organizing

track records Program effectiveness

Q: Who Is Eligible to Apply?

A: Local organizations or indigenous government agencies that:

work in communities of color whose leadership and membership and/or constituencies reflect the populations they seek to serve and are located in the US or US territories.

demonstrate a successful track record of at least two years in community organizing and policy advocacy to address health-related problems in communities of color.

Who is Eligible to Apply? (Continued) tax-exempt organizations under Section

501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or federally chartered tribal nations. Local affiliates of national organizations are eligible to apply. Organizations classified as private foundations under Section 509(a) are not eligible.

NOT currently receiving funding from an industry, corporation, business or other entity or subsidiary of such an entity that markets low-nutrition food and/or beverage products to youth

What do we mean by policy advocacy?

Work done as a group to advocate publicly for changes in policy (e.g., laws, ordinances, institutional procedures, administrative rulings) by a decision-making body that resulted in new policy actions, agreements or stronger enforcement of existing policies that improved some aspect of community health status.

Some examples of health-related policy advocacy:

increasing regulation of/limiting alcohol outlets

changing laws to extend Medicaid eligibility

restricting land uses that pollute or otherwise compromise environmental health

What do we mean by industry funding?

Examples include fast food and soda beverage companies.

If you are unsure, ask the NPO

Submitting Your Proposal

Stage 1: Brief Proposals Applicants must submit a brief proposal

of no more than four pages in length, plus a preliminary budget of no more than one page in length.

The proposal should clearly describe: the community’s food and recreation environment and the

needs/problems the project will address; the target community (i.e., demographics, socio-economic and political

context) project staff and leadership and their experience, skills and

relationships in communities where they are working the applicant organization’s history of policy advocacy work; assets and community relationships the group will bring to the initiative

(e.g., matching funds and other support, strength of community and institutional relationships, community awareness and activism on the issue); and

disclosure of any industry funding, if applicable. The one-page budget should be for the entire three-year period and

must include RWJF funds, matching grants and any other revenues. The budget for RWJF funds must not exceed $250,000 for the three-year period.

Please go to to submit your brief proposal.

Pre-Application Process

Call For Proposal Release Date: January 15, 2009 Electronic version only on CCHE website:

Pre-Application TA Process

Pre-Application Workshops and Technical Assistance to Prospective Applicants Time Frame: January 15 through February

26, 2009 Webinar schedule at Technical Assistance Provided via

telephone, email and CCHE website

Brief Proposal Review

Review Team: TA Team members, NPO and RWJF staff

Selection: Proposal Review Criteria Applicants notified of status by email Completed by: April 9, 2009

Brief Proposal Selection Criteria There are nine broad criteria that will

be used to score Brief Proposals The nine criteria are presented in the

following slides The questions following each criteria

will guide reviewers in scoring each Brief Proposal and are provided here ONLY to clarify the CCHE process

The Brief Proposal is only four pages maximum. Be sure to develop Brief Proposals in response to the broad criteria, not the specific questions following each criteria

The Brief Proposal Review Criteria Assessment of the Cultural, Socio-Economic, and Political

Context and Opportunities Track Record and History in Community Organizing Track Record in Policy Advocacy Assessment of the Food and Recreation Equity Context Strength of Organization/ Management/Community

Assets   Budget and Matching Funds Staff/Organizational Skills, Leadership, Service, and

Connection to Local Communities of Color Demonstration of Independence from Industry Influence  Potential for New Information/Innovation

Brief Proposal Selection Criteria Assessment of the Cultural, Socio-Economic, and

Political Context and Opportunities

• Does the applicant demonstrate adequate knowledge of the local area's demographics and various group histories of tension and collaboration and their implications for community work?

• Does the applicant demonstrate adequate knowledge of class issues in the local area and their implication for community work?

• Is the political assessment clear, concise and include discussion of both elected and non-elected leadership?

• Is the assessment of opportunities clear, relevant to the project, and informed by community organizing and cultural competency?

Brief Proposal Selection Criteria Track Record and History in Community


• Does the applicant have at least two years of organizing history in the local area?

• Does the applicant demonstrate the ability to build, maintain, and mobilize a broad base of members and other volunteers for political action?

• Has the applicant convincingly demonstrated the ability to garner organizing victories?

• Does the applicant demonstrate the ability to work with a range of community actors and interests toward community change?

Brief Proposal Selection Criteria Track Record and History in Policy Advocacy

• Does the applicant have at least two years of experience engaging in policy advocacy at the state or local level?

• Does the applicant demonstrate a thorough knowledge of policymaking and policy advocacy processes?

• Has the applicant convincingly demonstrated the ability to garner strategic policy victories (i.e., “wins” analyzed and interpreted as part of larger vision or context)?

• Does the applicant demonstrate the ability and capacity to engage community members in policymaking and policy advocacy processes?

Brief Proposal Selection Criteria Assessment of the Food and Recreation Context

• Does the applicant demonstrate knowledge of food and recreation related problems and their impact on communities?

• Does the applicant provide a clear, concise picture of the role of the food industry in the local area?

• Do the problems and challenges described include health, economic, and political considerations?

• Does the applicant demonstrate a clear understanding of the potential impact of undertaking food and recreation policy on current power relationships in the local area?

Brief Proposal Selection Criteria Strength of Organization/Fiscal Management

Capacity/Community Assets

• Does the applicant provide a clear and convincing assessment of community assets that can be mobilized to support food and recreation policy advocacy?

• Are the assets/strengths as described adequate to support and sustain the applicant group as a successful CCHE grantee?

• Is there a strong history of collaboration and attention to diversity (appropriate to the local context) by the applicant that can be successfully leveraged for their participation in CCHE?

• Does the applicant organization appear to have the capacity to successfully participate in CCHE, including a track record of successful fiscal management?

Brief Proposal Selection Criteria Staff /Organizational Skills, Leadership, Service, and

Connection to Local Communities of Color• Is the applicant group a local organization?• Has the applicant organization demonstrated that it is

truly aligned with the communities it serves in terms of membership, board and staff, community participation etc.?

• Does the applicant demonstrate the capacity for cultural competencies necessary to work effectively in the local area?

• Does the applicant demonstrate a track record of successful work in communities of color?

• Is the current staff representative of the communities in which they plan to work and have the experience and knowledge to be effective?

Brief Proposal Selection Criteria Budget and Matching Funds

• Has the applicant identified the necessary match in "cash" and in kind? Is the budget clear and reasonable?

Brief Proposal Selection Criteria Demonstration of Independence from Food

Industry Influence

• Does the applicant organization or its Board members have any ties, relationships, history that will prevent them from acting aggressively in the area of food and recreation policy advocacy?

Brief Proposal Selection Criteria Potential for New


• Are there new things might we learn from funding the applicant?

• Will the project help us reach new constituencies and/or constituencies currently underrepresented in food and recreation policy advocacy?

• Will the project help us build relationships and policy advocacy in areas where little work is going on?

Grantmaking Online (GO) Process Applications have to be

submitted using the RWJF online process.

Go to

Grantmaking Online (GO) Process

Grantmaking Online (GO) Process

Grantmaking Online (GO) Process

Budget Specifications

One page limit Cover entire three year grant period See Budget Worksheet on the

Grantmaking Online site for general format and requirements

No budget narrative required in Stage 1

Budget Specifications

Include: CCHE/RWJF funds* Hard or cash match funds In-kind contributions and any other


* Note: the maximum amount of CCHE/RWJ Foundation funding is $250,000 for the three-year period

Budget Specifications

RWJF funds may only be used for: Staff salaries Project-related travel (recommended

$5,000 p/yr maximum) Supplies Communications and public education Limited amount of equipment (i.e.,

project related computers, fax machine, printers, etc.)

Other expenses directly related to project implementation

Budget Specifications

CCHE grant funds cannot be used for: Capital costs Renovation Construction Most equipment purchases Existing operational expenses or


Lobbying Restrictions

RWJF Funds cannot be used for lobbying

Matching Funds Requirement

“Hard” or cash match requirement is 10% of proposed budget ($25,000 over three year grant period and at least $8,333 each year)

Additional “In-Kind” match requirement: 10% in-kind services directly related to the effective implementation of the grant

Matching Funds Requirement

Hard match requirement ensures availability of unrestricted resources for lobbying and related legislative activities

Hard match funds must be new revenues (not existing grants) and come from sources that allow for direct lobbying (direct communication with policy makers on specific legislative issues) to move your policy advocacy.

Budget Format Example

Line Item Total RWJF Cash In-Kind

Funds Match Match

Organizer $50,000 $45,000 $ 5,000 $ 0

Office Operations $ 7,500 $ 5,000 $ 0 $ 2,500

Commun- $10,000 $ 8,000 $ 1,500 $ 1,500


Prohibitions Concerning Industry Funding Applicants who currently accept funding or other

support from an industry, corporation, business or other entity or subsidiary of such an entity that markets low-nutrition food and/or beverage products to youth will not be considered for funding

No disqualification for accepting such funding in the past

Restriction applies to applicant organizations directed by board members who currently receive such industry funding

Contact NPO if you are unsure about a funding source

Brief Proposal Submission

Due Date: Thursday, February 26, 2009

3 p.m. Eastern Standard Time Electronic delivery via RWJF Grants

Online No hard copy submissions will be


Invitation to Submit Full Proposals

40 Semi Finalists Invited to Submit Full Proposals

Semi-finalists notified by NPO email Technical Assistance Provided via

telephone, email Proposals Due: May 12, 2009 at 3pm


Finalist Selection & Site Visits

Identification of 15 finalists Selection: Based upon on scores,

portfolio balance considerations, team recommendations

Site visits: Teams conduct site visits, develop evaluations and make recommendations

Finalist Selection & Site Visits

NAC recommends 10 grantees and forwards to RWJ Foundation for approval

Applicants Notified of status by RWJF letter and calls

Completed by: July 2009

CCHE Grants Scheduled to Begin

October 1, 2009

Technical Assistance

For technical assistance regarding the CCHE Program application process, contact:



En Español: Josué Guillé

For more information, please visit

Thank you!
