Common assessment


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Consumerism Common


The purpose of this project is to demonstrate knowledge gained from the identity and consumer economics unit. To do that, the following slides will show what I’ve learned through the processes of identification, description and analysis of 5 products as well as a reflection (in word). I will analyze what I had had a part in buying and it’s general values as well as personal beliefs, and try to see whether or not it is something that is a good choice (reflection).

This will help us ‘prepare’ for the future and how we spend our money on consumerism.

The 5 products I will analyze are…

1. iPhone – Apple2. Piano – Yamaha3. Tennis racket – Wilson4. Glasses – Ray Ban5. Pencil – Platinum R3


You own an iphone. You’re playing a game, or surfing the internet, or listening to music. Others think “WOW! You’re cool, or smart, or artistic, or rich, or a music lover.” Successful people use iphones for business and contacts giving the image of “smart”, singers and rappers use iphones to listen to music giving the image of “talented”, “artistic” or “creative”. Celebrities use iphones to connect with their friends giving the image of “cool” and “popular”. They are what influences people, they are the start of the stereotypes and perception of iphones. They are what people associate with owning the product itself. When you see someone with an iphone, you perceive them to be rich, creative, cool or smart. Sometimes, the perception of being spoiled is seen as well because iphones are expensive and therefore you have to be fairly wealthy to own one.

Iphones are perceived and believed that it is of top quality and is the best of IT-based companies. It gives the perception that the iphone is very modern, top of the business and convenient. Basically, the best.


The values associated with apple iphone is image. With the iphone, people believe it can improve their image and the way others view them. Because of the positive perceptions about iphones, those who value image will find the iphone very appealing; they too want to be viewed as smart or cool. It’s also associated with the value intelligence and how an iphone is convenient, easy to use and will make you succeed, basically “smart”. Iphones are associated with the value of wealth as well. Iphones are appealing to those who value wealth and the owning of money or processions because they are very expensive and high-end. Others view you as rich, at least rich enough to afford it, and for some who values wealth, that is what they want. Not only that but iphones contain the value convenience and excellence as well. It’s easy to use and is portable, convenient for all uses and it is also good quality. It doesn’t break easily, it doesn’t damage easily. Apple emphasizes excellence and intelligence in a lot of their advertisements, as well as the image of “cool” and/or a great social life.

It’s about “when I have an iphone, my image will be improved; I will look smart and cool. People will also view me as rich and I like that.” and “If I have an iphone, I can connect easily and conveniently with my friends, improving my social life.” and “Iphones are of great quality and is convenient, increasing my chance to succeed.

BELIEFS/INFLUENCESWhy did I buy an iphone? Personally? Apple would not be my first choice . Apple products, to me, are too limited. Everything has to be apple in order for it to work, songs has to be downloaded and synced through iTunes and only iTunes. ITunes have to be either Mac-synced or windows-synced and switching between them is a pain. However, I did ended up being an iphone-user. Why? Though I think apple products are limited, I’ve got to admit that apple products are advertised greatly and every new product becomes a big deal. I ended up buying an iphone for many reasons. My brother, my friends and my society and community were what influenced me the most. My brother used an iphone for a while and I loved those little games with the colorful graphics. My friends had also started using iphones and many people in my school owned them. It became quite a big deal in the school for a while, and I was swept with the flow. I would always borrow my friend’s and my brother’s to play games and listen to music, I loved the touch screen and how easy it was to use. I wanted one too. Things around me continuously influenced me. At school, my classmates would have iphones, in the malls there would be advertisements and iphones were sold in every electronic stores. It was a huge deal back then, when it first came in.

I bought an iphone because it was a huge deal back then, everyone seemed to use it and it was a big hit, the best and top product.


You play the piano and love music. You go shop for a piano and choose Yamaha. Why? The image of a piano player is a music lover. The image of a Yamaha piano is a music lover with talent. Yamaha is one of the biggest and most popular music companies and their pianos are very popular. The image of Yamaha pianos are that the people who play on it are talented and that they’re good at piano. Yamahas are perceived to have a light soft touch and very sweet natural-sounding pitches. It is perceived in having a brighter tone and that professionals prefer it over other brands. Famous people are what influences people and they are the start of the perceptions and image about Yamaha pianos. Yamaha pianos are believed to have be the gentle sweet sounding melody creating the image of gentle but talented players. The image are created from famous piano players and the sheer number of people who own Yamaha pianos. They play the sweetest songs creating the image of “gentleness” and “talented”, they play quick fast songs creating the image of “skills” and “speed”, they play intense sounding pieces creating the image of “brilliance” and “depth”. The image is basically that people using Yamahas are skillled and talented. It’s about “If I use Yamaha pianos, I can also be talented, skilled and create gentle sweet melodies.”

Yamaha pianos are perceived and believed that it is of top quality and has the lightest touch without being too overpriced. It gives the perception that the product is of good quality and that it is popular. The image is a talented and skillful player.


The values associated with Yamaha pianos is accomplishment and achievements. Yamaha are greatly advertised as the best and the most popular. It is believed that really good and famous piano players use it. Because of the positive perceptions that goes along with famous piano players and their success, those who value accomplishments and achievements will find the product appealing because they believe it can help them succeed. It’s about “If I use this, I can do it too!” It’s also associated with the value excellence, individuality and creativity. Yamaha pianos are believed to be top quality and the best, others who see you play on a Yamaha piano basically thinks you are good and talented which appeals to those who value excellence. Individuality and creativity is associated with this product as playing the piano is viewed as artistic and creative, and using the “top brand” greater emphasizes that. It is also associated with image and whether or not you want to be viewed as a music lover or artistic/creative.

It’s about “when I am playing on my Yamaha piano, others will think I am creative, talented and smart.” and “If I play on a Yamaha piano, I will succeed because it is of best quality” and “Yamaha pianos have the brightest tone as well as the lightest touch, it is of great quality and will increase my chance of succeeding.


Why did I buy a Yamaha piano? It is a brand that I am familiar with as well as one that many would recommend. My uncle owns a music store and ever since I was young I would go around the many different brands of pianos and play a note or two. I have always liked Yamaha and its sweet gentle tone best. When I was old enough to learn and start playing considerably more seriously, my uncle recommended the Yamaha to buy. All my cousins used Yamaha and they too had positive opinions on the buy. I ended up with the Yamaha because it was one I was familiar with, at my cousin’s house and even at school. I also liked the pitches and sound of Yamaha and the light touch. I was influenced mostly by my own experience and my cousin’s choices but also by the advertisements as well. Yamaha seemed to be very popular and talented/successful piano players use it which also made it that much more appealing to me; don’t we all want to succeed? A lot of people I know use and like Yamaha and it seemed to be the best buy, the most popular brand.

I bought a Yamaha piano because it was a brand I was the most familiar with and I also liked the tone and pitches best. Also, it seemed to be the most popular brand and a lot of talented people use it.


You wear Ray Ban glasses. You are perceived to be rich and cool. The image with Ray Ban is being “cool” basically because it is greatly advertised and perceived to be the best and the coolest. Famous celebrities, ‘sexy’ people, basically the most beautiful and handsome people are believed to all wear Ray Ban. They are what makes up the image of “coolness” and “popularity” in Ray Ban. Because our world and people are often judged by looks and first impressions, it is perceived that the people who appear on Ray Ban ads are popular and have a great social life because they are cool and good-looking, and therefore that they have lots of friends. The main image of Ray Ban is “cool” and “trendy”. The people on the Ray Ban ads are what people associate with Ray Ban products itself. Because sunglasses are the biggest and most popular product of Ray Ban, it greater emphasizes the “coolness” and “excellence” that comes with Ray Ban. When you see someone with Ray Ban glasses or sunglasses you perceive them to be rich (Ray Ban products are expensive), cool, trendy and ‘popular’ because they can afford Ray Ban glasses which are the best coolest brand, making them popular as well. But because of that, they might be perceived as snobby and/or spoiled as well since Ray Ban are very expensive and high-end.

Ray Ban glasses are perceived and believed to be the best quality and is the coolest. It is believed that the people with Ray Ban are cool, trendy and have a good social life.


The values associated with Ray Ban glasses is image. With Ray Ban, people believe it can improve their image and the way they are seen by others. Because of the positive perceptions about Ray Ban glasses, those who value image will find Ray Ban appealing; they too want to look cool and trendy and rich. It’s also associated with wealth because Ray Ban is expensive and high-end, and will therefore appeal to those who value the owning of (expensive) processions. Both beauty and creativity is associated with Ray Ban products as well. Ray Ban is considered cool and trendy (beauty) and the many colors and designs of the glasses can express someone’s creativity and/or individuality and their own personal style at the same time. It can express their identity and their choice of color and design which appeals to those who value individuality and creativity.

Because of how Ray Ban is perceived as used by the most-liked and best-looking people, it’s about “If I wear Ray Ban, my image will improve. People will think I am cool and rich.” and “I can express my individuality and distinctiveness as well as be creative with my choice of design.”


Why did I choose to buy Ray Ban glasses? It wasn’t anything to do with famous celebrities or anything like that. Sure, the advertisements influenced me, but not the celebrities part, rather the colors. I liked the designs offered, and because I value individuality and creativity, I found Ray Ban very appealing. There were so many cool designs and I loved the fact that I was able to choose the color, size and texture. I liked choosing and I believed it would allow me to express myself. Whether I took the cute style, or the sophisticated style, small rimmed or big, bright and colorful or laidback and simple. Another influence was my cousins and friends. They had Ray Ban glasses, none of the same design and I liked the ‘choice’ and freedom of designs and patterns. It also suited them, all in different ways. Another big influence was the salesperson. She went on and on about the quality of Ray Ban glasses and how their endurance was excellent and she was persuasive of the fact that Ray Ban was “the best quality”.

I ended up with Ray Ban glasses because I liked the freedom of choosing and expressing myself, as well as because I liked the design and color of the glasses I ended up with a lot. Also, it seemed to be a very popular brand as well as very good quality.

You play tennis. Your choice of racket? Wilson. The perception of Wilson tennis rackets is “professionalism”. Their advertisements are rich with the marketing technique of celebrity branding. Their advertisements are full of celebrities with Wilson products and they are what creates the image of professionalism and skilled/talented. Those famous tennis players are what people associate with Wilson. Because they are the “top” players, they create the image that Wilson is the best with great quality that top players choose it when they compete. Because of that people believe that they too can be good and talented if they have Wilson which is the brand that many “serious athletes” use. When you see someone with a Wilson racket, you think to those famous tennis people and you perceive that they too are talented or skillful. It’s slogan for tennis “Number 1 in tennis” greater emphasizes the professionalism associated with Wilson (and the famous players in the ads). Not only that but Wilson was the choice of many in the US open and it is the US open’s official ball enhancing the image of excellence and professionalism in Wilson tennis equipments. It is advertised as the “weapon of choice” for the professionals.

Wilson tennis rackets are perceived and believed to be the best and used by the top players. It gives the perception that Wilson has the best quality and that you too can be good. It’s image is excellence, brilliance and professionalism. It’s about “All the top players use Wilson because it is the best”.


VALUESBecause Wilson is known for it’s good quality rackets which are suitable for everyone depending on what they want to focus on and because they are often advertised with famous tennis players, the values associated with Wilson is accomplishment and achievement. It’s about “If I use Wilson tennis rackets, I will improve and accomplish/achieve my goal”. It’s also about excellence and how Wilson rackets are made with different purposes depending on the customer and their wants/needs (control, maneuverability, power, stability). Another value of Wilson is action and being athletic and active. Tennis is about running around, exercising while having fun and competing with others. Those who value action will find Wilson tennis rackets appealing because it is made especially for the sport and it is also considered the best. Also, those who value athleticism and competitiveness will also find Wilson appealing because it is perceived to be the best, almost as if guaranteeing a fun game where you will improve. Wilson also associates comfort with their rackets; the head size, length, string pattern, grip and balance differs according to your own personal comfort and there is many to choose from.

It’s about “If I use Wilson, I will improve and accomplish my goals” and “I will win because I am comfortable with my racket” and “I will be active and have a fun and challenging game” and also “Wilson tennis rackets are of the best quality and will cater to my needs”.

BELIEFS/INFLUENCESI chose to buy a Wilson tennis racket because I believe that it is the ‘best’. It is advertised greatly and it seemed to be the most popular brand. My brother also used Wilson and so do many others. The advertisements influenced me and made me think that it really is the best and high-quality and that it will make me improve. The salesperson just had to nudge that idea a little bit, showing me the different designs and aims of the rackets and saying how it will make me a better player and I was sold. I also liked the colors and designs offered. Because I value accomplishment and achievement, Wilson appealed to me because I believed that it will help me improve and make me a better player if I practiced enough. The comfort offered was also a plus.

I ended up with a Wilson tennis racket because of all the advertisements that emphasized the image of professionalism and brilliance. The famous people and the marketing techniques that enhanced the “excellence” of the rackets was also a big one, and because it seemed as if Wilson was the most popular brand and the choice of many, I perceived it to be the best quality and bought it. The image and perception of Wilson products is excellence and I believe it will help me improve.


Platinum Double Action R3 pen(cil). This choice of pencil/pen is made in Japan and imported to Thailand. The image and perception is associated with Japan itself. Because Japan is known for it’s good quality of the products, the image of a delicate but sophisticated product is passed onto all it’s products. The image with this product is a sophisticated look and it’s about excellence. Japanese products are perceived to be strong and very delicately and carefully made, making it of the best quality. Their designs are done with detail, creating again, the perception of a carefully made product, something that isn’t just ‘cheap’ and will actually last. Japanese products are perceived to be cute, delicate and sophisticated and they are known for their packaging and such. It creates the image of professionalism and smartness as well.

Japanese products (specifically Platinum pen/pencil) are perceived to be of good quality because it comes from Japan. It is believed to be carefully made and with detail. It’s image is excellence (quality).


Platinum pens/pencils are associated with excellence. Japanese products are known for the quality of their products. It is also associated with achievement as well. Because it is believed to be of the best quality, it’s about “If I use this multi-purpose pen/pencil, I can accomplish/achieve what I want, I can write with ease and that will help”. Comfort is also associated with this product because of the many designs and the delicate detail that allows your hand to perfectly grasp the pen. The size is not too big, and there are many to choose from which appeals to those who value comfort. It’s also about convenience and how, with just one writing utensil, there are 2 color pens and a pencil. It’s about “3 in 1”. It’s also to do with frugalness. Not that the product is cheap, but that it will last. It’s about buying something that is priced a bit higher but will last much longer.

It’s about “This pencil is comfortable and fits my hand” and “I can write with ease which will make me improve and have more ideas” and “It’s 3 in 1, I only need 1 utensil and I have 2 color pens and a pencil” and “The quality is great and it will last me a long time”.


I chose to buy a Platinum Double Action R3 pen because of several reasons. One is because I liked how convenient it was to have a two color pen and pencil in one thing, so I didn’t have to carry 3 separate writing utensils. I also liked the color and design and how it seemed like a normal pencil and wasn’t thick/fat like many 3 in 1 pens are, making it comfortable to hold and use. Another reason was because Japanese products are usually very good quality and I wanted a pencil that would last me many years instead of the one year and trash kinds. I tried a lot of pencils and this one allowed me to grasp it comfortably and write with ease, and it seemed sturdy enough to last me several years.It’s about “I can write with ease with this pen and therefore will do better on my work”.

A big influence was that my previous two pencils were not good at all. One lasted a few months and the other was too big to write comfortably with and it hurt to use for a long period of time, so I wanted one that was the opposite of those ones. Another reason was that it was new at that time and was on sale as well, which quite frankly made the decision for me.

