Commenting out the legacy code instead of deleting it · 2019-06-28 · Packer •VMware...


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Redesigning a pipeline flow with Docker Compose@AlmBrand

Loke Norlin Johannessen

Senior System Specialist

Commenting out the legacy code instead of deleting it

Old setup


• Single instance

• Pinged by Gitlab pipeline


• Build pipeline

Docker Enterprise

• Called by custom script

Old deploy method

- custom script -

Old “deploy” pipeline

Jenkins pipeline

New setup

Base systems


• Minimal/Cloud

• Small iso – under 300mb


• On-Prem virtualizasion provider


• CI/CD system

Docker Enterprise

• UCP – Access control

• DTR – Image repository

• Engine – Container engine


• Configuration management

• Used during template generation

• Used during deploy of infrastructure


• VMware iso/template generation


• Infrastructure provisioner

Automation tools

Gitlab repo


• TIP: Comment the different stages

• TIP: Specify base image tag ( Do not use latest )

Basic layout

Basic layout

Single job pipeline


Use variables

• TIP: Gitlab CI/CD has a LOT of environmental variables

Lint a Dockerfile

• TIP: Hadolint is an excellent linting tool



TIP: Use COPY instead of ADD


TIP: Environment variables can be defined in a file

• TIP: Define multiple compose files in .env

• TIP: Order of precedence matters

• TIP: Use docker-compose config > combined_config.yml

Tip: Set defaults Tip: Mandatory variables

TIP: Set defaults if ENVs are not definedTIP: Allows you to build/deploy on workstationTIP: Requires docker-engine 18.09

• TIP: When installing packages, ensure you specify the version

• TIP: WORKDIR is recommended to use if you need to CD

• TIP: scratch is a perfect image to use with golang ( “zero” attack surface )

• TIP: Use “COPY --from” to import ca-certs/trusted-certs into scratch images

TIP: Use commit-SHA as tags

• TIP: Add environmentals in compose-files

• TIP: Environmentals are great in a multistage pipeline ( Dev -> Test -> Prod )

• TIP: Pushing to a Gitlab or DTR is easy ( We impersonate users and do the push on their behalf with ucp-bundles )

• TIP: Use dive to rate quality of image ( size, wasted space )


Include pipelines

• TIP: Include/Use centralized gitlab configs for pipelines


local storage driver

• TIP: The local storage driver is powerful – NFS mount without any plugins