COMMAND SET - 4Safe Oy | Ladattavat...


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Document version 1.1Modified December 10, 2008



COMMAND SYNTAX........................................................................................................................................................4

RETURN MESSAGES........................................................................................................................................................5

GET COMMANDS..............................................................................................................................................................5

GET GPRS COMMANDS...................................................................................................................................................5

GET ETHERNET COMMANDS........................................................................................................................................7GET DIALIN COMMANDS...............................................................................................................................................7 GET SSHVPN COMMANDS..............................................................................................................................................8

GET SERVICES COMMANDS..........................................................................................................................................9

GET MONITOR COMMANDS........................................................................................................................................10

OTHER GET COMMANDS..............................................................................................................................................11

SET COMMANDS.............................................................................................................................................................11

SET GPRS COMMANDS..................................................................................................................................................12

SET ETHERNET COMMANDS.......................................................................................................................................13

SET DIALIN COMMANDS..............................................................................................................................................13

SET SSHVPN COMMANDS............................................................................................................................................14

SET MONITOR COMMANDS.........................................................................................................................................16

SET SERVICES COMMANDS.........................................................................................................................................17

SET FIREWALL COMMANDS........................................................................................................................................17

SET RESTART COMMANDS...........................................................................................................................................18

SET EXECUTE COMMANDS.........................................................................................................................................19

OTHER SET COMMANDS..............................................................................................................................................19




The smsconfig is meant for "emergency usage" to monitor and control the Arctic devices on the field. Such a situation would be e.g. when a configuration error prevents device GPRS/VPN access and dial-in access is not possible.



The settings are done by using WEB configuration.

Enabled {yes | no}-defines whether the smsconfig is enabled or disabled

Get command access {disabled | everywhere | defined phone}-defines are the "get" smsconfig commands accepted. Disabled: Disables the "get" commands. Everywhere: Allows "get" commands from every phone. Defined phone: Requires the command to arrive from define phone number.

Get allowed phone [complete phone number]-if the "Get command access" parameter has value "defined phone" then the "get" commands are only accepted from that phone. The phone numbers are compared exactly so the number should have country code prefix (e.g. +358 for Finland) defined.

Get require password {yes | no}-additional to other "get" settings above, the password can be used to limit access to "get" commands. The password is same as Arctic's login password.

Set command access {disabled | everywhere | defined phone}-defines are the "set" smsconfig commands accepted. Disabled: Disables the "set" commands. Everywhere: Allows "set" commands from every phone. Defined phone: Requires the command to arrive from the predefined phone number.

Set allowed phone [complete phone number]-if the "Set command access" parameter has value "defined phone" then the "set" commands are only accepted from that phone. The phone numbers are compared exactly so the number should have country code prefix (e.g.+358 for Finland) defined.

Set require password {yes | no}-additional to other "set” settings above the password can be used to limit access to "set" commands. The password is same as Arctic's login password.

Set allow execute commands {yes | no}-additional to other "set” settings above this parameter can be used to limit access to "execute" commands like executing potentially dangerous user defined commands.

Reply error to unknown commands {yes | no}-defines are unknown SMS commands replied with error SMS or discarded silently.

Reply error to unauthorized commands {yes | no}-defines are unauthorized SMS commands (like having invalid password) replied with error SMS or discarded silently.


The smsconfig has two main types of commands, "set" and "get". The "set" commands are divided to "normal" and "execute" commands.

Examples:get hostnameset hostname MyArcticset execute reply setio 1 0All commands must be given by using small caps. The command parameters caps are not limited (e.g. "set gprs user SomeUser" is allowed).

If the password is required then it must be given before the commands and delimited with '#' character.

Example:mypass#get hostnameMaximum SMS message length is 160 characters. Commands can be concatenated to single SMS message by separating the commands with ';' character. The SMS command length must not exceed160 characters.

Example:mypass#set hostname MyArctic;set gprs apn INTERNET;set commit;get gprs statusIf the command has multiple parameters the parameters must be separated by comma "," character. Not all commands require every parameter. If the parameter is empty it's not altered. If there are less than maximum amount of parameters given, the parameters are processed in hard-coded order.

Examples:"set gprs settings" allows defining the:enabled,usepin,pin,apn,username,password,idle,defaultroute in single


Giving values for all of the parameters:mypass#set gprs settings 1,1,1122,INTERNET,user,pass,1800,0Altering the value of "enabled" status only:mypass#set gprs settings 1ormypass#set gprs settings 1,,,,,,Altering the values of "enabled", "apn", "idle" and "defaultroute" only:mypass#set gprs settings 1,,,INTERNET,,,1800,0Altering the value of defaultroute only:mypass#set gprs settings ,,,,,,0


The returned SMS messages contain the original command and response delimited by ':' character. With "get" commands the return message can be either the requested value or "error" message. With "set" commands the return message can be either "ok" message or "error" message.

Example of successful "get" response:get gprs apn:INTERNET

Example of "error" response:get gprs phonenumber:error (unknown function)

Example of successful "set" response:set gprs pin 1234:ok

GET COMMANDS-Description-Return values


get gprs enabled-Description: returns is the GPRS enabled or not-Return values: 0=disabled,1=enabled,error

get gprs pin-Description: returns the PIN code-Return values: PIN code or error

get gprs apn-Description: return the GPRS apn-Return values: apn name or error

get gprs user-Description: returns the GPRS PAP user name-Return values: user name or error

get gprs password-Description: returns the GPRS PAP password-Return values: password or error

get gprs idle-Description: returns the GPRS idle timeout setting-Return values: idle timeout in seconds or error

get gprs defaultroute-Description: returns the GPRS "defaultroute" setting-Return values: 0=default route disabled, 1=default route enabled, error

get gprs signal-Description: returns the GSM signal level-Return values: signal level or error

get gprs operator-Description: returns the name of GPRS operator-Return values: operator name or error

get gprs settings (enabled, pin, apn, user, passwd, idle, defroute)-Description: returns the most important GPRS settings in one message -Return values: error or comma separated list of

enabled - GPRS enabled or notpin - GPRS PIN codeapn - GPRS APN nameuser - GPRS user namepasswd - GPRS passwordidle - GPRS idle settingdefroute - GPRS default route enabled or not

get gprs status-Description: returns the GPRS current status-Return values: error or comma separated list of

enabled - GPRS enabled (1) or not (0)up/down - GPRS interface currently down (0) or up (1)interface - GPRS current interface if interface up (e.g. ppp2)myip - Arctic GPRS IP address if interface up peerip - Operator's GPRS IP address if interface uproute - is the GPRS interface currently the default route (1) or not (0) signal - GSM signal level


get ethernet ip-Description: returns the IP address of Ethernet-Return values: IP address or error

get ethernet netmask-Description: returns the network mask of Ethernet-Return values: Network mask IP address or error

get ethernet gateway-Description: returns the default Gateway of Ethernet-Return values: IP address or error

get ethernet settings (ip, mask,gw)-Description: returns all Ethernet settings in one message -Return values: comma-separated list of ip,netmask,gateway or error

get ethernet status-Description: returns Ethernet runtime status-Return values: error or comma-separated list of Ethernet ip,netmask


get dialin enabled-Description: returns is the GSM dial-in enabled or not-Return values: 0=disabled,1=enabled,error

get dialin auth-Description: does the dial-in require users to authenticate with PAP-Return values: 0=no authentication required, 1=authentication required, error

get dialin username-Description: required dial-in authentication user name-Return values: user name

get dialin passwd-Description: required dial-in password-Return values: password

get dialin idle-Description: dial-in idle timeot setting -Return values: idle timeout in seconds

get dialin localip-Description: IP address allocated to Arctic when dial-in is active-Return values: IP address

get dialin peerip-Description: IP address allocated to connected peer when dial-in is active-Return values:

get dialin settings -Description: the most important dial-in settings in one message -Return values: error or comma-separated list of

-enabled - is the GSM-data dial-in enabled (1) or not (0)-auth - authentication required (1) or not (0)-user - required user name-pass - required password-idle -idle timeout in seconds-localip - Arctic dial-in IP-peerip - Peer dial-in IP

get dialin status-Description: returns the runtime status of dial-in-Return values: error or comma-separated list of

-enabled - dial-in enabled (1) or not (0)-up/down - is the dial-in interface up (1) or down(0)-interface - name of the dial-in interface if up (e.g. ppp2)-localip - Arctic dial-in IP-peerip - Peer dial-in IP


get sshvpn enabled-Description: returns is the SSH-VPN enabled or not-Return values: 0=disabled,1=enabled,error

get sshvpn interface-Description: returns the interface used to for SSH-VPN connection-Return values: gprs,ethernet, error

get sshvpn server-Description: the IP address of SSH-VPN server -Return values: IP address or error

get sshvpn port-Description: the remote TCP port of SSH-VPN server -Return values: port number or error

get sshvpn gateway-Description: if Ethernet is used as interface the IP address of LANdefault gateway-Return values: zero (GW not used), IP address or error

get sshvpn routingmode-Description: Do routing to remote network over SSH-VPN

-Return values: 0=disabled, 1=enabled, 2=default route, error

get sshvpn routeip-Description: the IP address of remote network over SSH-VPN -Return values: IP address or error

get sshvpn routemask-Description: the network mask of remote network over SSH-VPN-Return values: IP address or error

get sshvpn settings-Description: returns the most important settings of SSH-VPN-Return values: error or comma-separated list of


get sshvpn status (enabled, up/down, interface, myip, peerip, route)-Description: returns the tuntime status of SSH-VPN interface-Return values: error or comma-separated list of

enabled - SSH-VPN enabled (1) or not (0)up/down - SSH-VPN interface currently down (0) or up (1)interface - SSH-VPN current interface if interface up (e.g. ppp2)myip - Arctic SSH-VPN IP address if interface up peerip - Server's SSH-VPN IP address if interface uproute - is the SSH-VPN interface currently the default route (1) or not (0)


get services www -Description: is the WEB server enabled or not-Return values: 0=disabled,1=enabled,error

get services dnsproxy -Description: is the DNS proxy/forwarder enabled or not-Return values: 0=disabled,1=enabled,error

get services webaccess-Description: is the WEB user interface enabled or not-Return values: 0=disabled, 1=enabled, error

get services telnet-Description: is the Telnet server enabled or not-Return values: 0=disabled, 1=enabled, error

get services ssh-Description: is the SSH server enabled or not-Return values: 0=disabled, 1=enabled, error


get monitor enabled-Description: is the monitor (pinger) enabled or not-Return values: 0=disabled,1=enabled,error

get monitor interval-Description: ping interval in seconds-Return values: ping interval in seconds or error

get monitor timeout-Description: ping reply timeout in seconds-Return values: ping reply timeout in seconds or error

get monitor retries-Description: number of ping retries before restarting GPRS,Dial-In and VPNs-Return values: ping retiries or error

get monitor primaryip-Description: primary IP address to ping-Return values: ip address or error

get monitor secondaryip-Description: secondary IP address to ping if primary IP fails-Return values: 0=disabled, IP address or error

get monitor settings-Description: returns the monitor settings in one message-Return values: error or comma-separated list of



get hostname-Description: returns Arctic hostname-Return values: Arctic hostname or error

get fs-Description: returns the operating system file descriptor usage-Return values: error or space separated list of

-allocated file descriptors-currently free file descriptors-maximum amount that can be allocated

get date-Description: returns the date and time -Return values: date and time or error

get temperature-Description: returns Arctic internal temperature-Return values: temperature in degrees of Celcius or error

get prodname-Description: returns Arctic product name-Return values: Product name or error

get firmware-Description: returns the name and version of Arctic firmware-Return values: firmware name and version or error

get version-Description: retuns the version of smsconfig-Return values: smsconfig version or error

get routing-Description: returns is the routing enabled or not-Return values: 0=Arctic does not route, 1=Arctic routes IP packets, error

get proxyarp-Description: returns is the proxyarp enabled on Ethernet-Return values: 0=proxyarp disabled, 1=proxyarp enabled, error


{...} means mandatory parameter[...] means optional parameter

NOTE!! Before the parameters take effect they must be committed by "set commit" and the Arctic must be booted by "set reboot".


set gprs enabled-Description: enables or disables GPRS-Parameters: {0 | 1}-Return values: ok or error

set gprs pin-Description: sets GSM SIM PIN-Parameters: {"PIN code"}-Return values: ok or error

set gprs apn-Description: sets GPRS access point name-Parameters: {"apn name"}-Return values: ok or error

set gprs idle-Description: defines the GPRS idle timeout in seconds-Parameters: {"idle timeout" >= 60} in seconds-Return values: ok or error

set gprs user-Description: sets GPRS authentication user name-Parameters: {"GPRS username"}-Return values: ok or error

set gprs password-Description: sets GPRS authentication password-Parameters: {"GPRS password"}-Return values: ok or errorset gprs idle

set gprs defaultroute-Description: enables or disables GPRS default route-Parameters: {0 | 1}-Return values: ok or error

set gprs settings -Description: sets GPRS settings with one message-Parameters: [enabled],[pin],[apn],[user],[password],[idle],[defaultroute] -Return values: ok or error


set ethernet ip-Description: defines Ethernet IP address-Parameters: {"IP address"}-Return values: ok or error

set ethernet netmask-Description: defines Ethernet network mask-Parameters: {"IP mask}-Return values: ok or error

set ehernet gateway-Description: defines Ethernet default gateway-Parameters: {"IP address" | 0=disabled}-Return values: ok or error

set ehernet settings-Description: defines Ethernet settings with one message-Parameters: [ip],[netmask],[gateway]-Return values: ok or error


set dialin enabled-Description: defines is the GSM dial-in access enabled or not-Parameters: {0 | 1}-Return values: ok or error

set dialin auth-Description: defines are the dial-in calls authenticated with PAP-Parameters: {0=authentication not required | 1=peer must authenticate}-Return values: ok or error

set dialin user-Description: defines the required dial-in PAP username-Parameters: {"username"}-Return values: ok or error

set dialin password-Description: defines the required dial-in PAP password-Parameters: {"password"}-Return values: ok or error

set dialin idle-Description: defines dial-in idle timeout in seconds

-Parameters: {"Idle timeout" >= 10} in seconds-Return values: ok or error

set dialin localip-Description: defines the local IP address of dial-in PPP connection-Parameters: {"IP address"}-Return values: ok or error

set dialin peerip-Description: defines the remote IP address or dial-in PPP connection-Parameters: {"IP address"}-Return values: ok or error

set dialin settings-Description: defines the dial-in settings with single message -Parameters: [enabled],[auth],[user],[password],[idle],[localip],[peerip]-Return values: ok or error


set sshvpn enabled-Description: defines is the ssh-vpn enabled or not-Parameters: {0 | 1}-Return values: ok or error

set sshvpn interface-Description: defines the interface used to for ssh-vpn connection-Parameters: {gprs | ethernet}-Return values: ok or error

set sshvpn server-Description: defines the IP address of ssh-vpn server-Parameters: {"IP address"}-Return values: ok or error

set sshvpn port-Description: defines the TCP port of ssh-vpn server-Parameters: {"TCP port"} default value is 22-Return values: ok or error

set sshvpn gateway-Description: defines the gateway to use when accessing ssh-vpn server. This parameter is meaningful only when ssh-vpn is formed over Ethernet. In that case the parameter should be the IP address of default gateway on LAN.-Parameters:{ 0=disabled | "IP address"}-Return values: ok or error

set sshvpn routingmode-Description: enables or disables routing to defined remote network over ssh-vpn.

-Parameters: {0 = disabled | 1 = enabled | 2 = default route}-Return values: ok or error

set sshvpn routeip-Description: defines the remote network IP behind ssh-vpn tunnel-Parameters: {"IP address"}-Return values: ok or error

set sshvpn routemask-Description: defines the network mask of remote network over ssh-vpn tunnel-Parameters: {"IP mask"}-Return values: ok or error

set sshvpn settings-Description: defines most of the ssh-vpn settings with single message-Parameters: [enabled], [interface],[server],[port],[gateway],[routingmode],[routeip],[routemask]-Return values: ok or error

set sshvpn fetchkey -Description: used to download the ssh-vpn authentication key from server, The downloading is done by using HTTP protocol over TCP port 80.

-Parameters: [filename],[server ip],[interface],[gateway]If no filename is given or it's empty the default value used is "server.key"If no server IP is given or it's empty the default value used is ssh-vpn serverIf no interface is given the download is done by using the interface defined by current runtime routes. If the interface is empty the ssh-vpn interface is used.If no gateway is given no gateway is used. If the gateway is empty the ssh-vpn gateway is used. After download the key is inserted to ssh "known hosts" with server ip address.

-Examples:Fetch over GPRS:sshvpn fetchkey server.key,,gprssshvpn fetchkey ,,gprsFetch over current route:sshvpn fetchkey server.key, fetchkey , over Ethernet:sshvpn fetchkey server.key,,ethernet, fetchkey ,,ethernet, values: ok or error

set sshvpn deletekeys-Description: deletes the ssh "known hosts" file. This is useful if the file is corrupted for some reason.-Parameters: none-Return values: ok or error

set sshvpn sendkey -Description: used to send the Arctic ssh public key with FTP to remote server.

Passive FTP mode is used.-Parameters: [remote filename],[ftp server],[ftp user],[ftp password], [interface],[gateway]If no "remote filename" is given or it's empty the hostname.key is used where "hostname" is the hostname of Arctic. If no "ftp server" is given or it's empty the ssh-vpn server IP is used. The "ftp user" and "ftp password" are required if the server requires authentication. If no interface is given the transfer is done by using the interface defined by current runtime routes. If the interface is empty the ssh-vpn interface is used. If no gateway is given no gateway is used. If the gateway is empty the ssh-vpn gateway is used. -Return values: ok or error


set monitor enabled-Description: defines is the "pinger" enabled-Parameters: {0 | 1}-Return values: ok or error

set monitor interval-Description: defines the pinger interval-Parameters: {"interval" 10 ... 3600} in seconds-Return values: ok or error

set monitor timeout-Description: defines ping reponse timeout-Parameters: {"timeout" = 5 ... 200} in seconds-Return values: ok or error

set monitor retries-Description: defines number of retries before re-starting GPRS and VPNs-Parameters: {"retries" = 0 ... 10}-Return values: ok or error

set monitor primaryip-Description: defines the primary IP address to ping-Parameters: {"IP address"}-Return values: ok or error

set monitor secondaryip-Description: defines the secondary IP address to ping if primary fails-Parameters: {0=disabled | "IP address"}-Return values: ok or error

set monitor settings -Description: defines the pinger settings with one message-Parameters: [enabled],[interval],[timeout],[retries],[primaryip],[secondaryip]-Return values: ok or error


set services www -Description: defines is the WEB server enabled or disabled-Parameters: {0 | 1}-Return values: ok or error

set services dnsproxy-Description: defines is the DNS proxy/forwarder enabled or disabled-Parameters: {0 | 1}-Return values: ok or error

set services webaccess-Description: defines is the WEB configurator enabled or disabled-Parameters: {0 | 1}-Return values: ok or error

set services telnet-Description: defines is the Telnet server enabled or disabled-Parameters: {0 | 1}-Return values: ok or error

set services ssh-Description: defines is the SSH server enabled or disabled-Parameters: {0 | 1}-Return values: ok or error


set firewall flush filter-Description: disables the firewall IP filters and allows all traffic-Parameters: none-Return values: ok or error

set firewall flush all-Description: disables the firewall IP filters and NAT rules and allows all traffic-Parameters: none-Return values: ok or error

set firewall flush nat-Description: disables the firewall S-NAT and D-NAT rules-Parameters: none-Return values: ok or error

set firewall flush snat-Description: disables the firewall S-NAT rules

-Parameters: none-Return values: ok or error

set firewall flush dnat-Description: disables the firewall D-NAT rules-Parameters: none-Return values: ok or error


set restart gprs-Description: re-starts GPRS and Dial-In and VPN's-Parameters: none-Return values: ok or error

set restart sshvpn-Description: re-starts SSH-VPN-Parameters: none-Return values: ok or error

set restart l2tpvpn-Description: re-starts L2TP-VPN-Parameters: none-Return values: ok or error

set restart modbusgw-Description: re-starts Modbus gateway-Parameters: none-Return values: ok or error

set restart modbusio-Description: re-starts Modbus IO-Parameters: none-Return values: ok or error

set restart snmpd-Description: re-starts SNMP agent-Parameters: none-Return values: ok or error

set restart trap-Description: re-starts Trap sender-Parameters: none-Return values: ok or error

set restart sergw-Description: re-starts Serial-IP gateway-Parameters: none

-Return values: ok or error

set restart iec104-Description: re-starts IEC-104 gateway-Parameters: none-Return values: ok or error


set execute update-Description: Used to update settings or similar task. The script is downloaded with HTTP from given IP address and executed. Usually the script downloads other files to Arctic.-Parameters: {filename},[server],[interface = gprs | ethernet],[gateway]If no server is given or it's empty the ssh-vpn server is used.If no interface is given the transfer is done by using the interface defined by current runtime routes. If the interface is empty the ssh-vpn interface is used. If no gateway is given no gateway is used. If the gateway is empty the ssh-vpn gateway is used. -Return values: ok or error

set execute noreply -Description: Executes shell-command or application but does not read the reply from it.-Parameters: {application name}-Return values: ok or error

set execute reply -Description: Executes shell-command or application and reads the reply from it.-Parameters: {application name}-Return values: reply from application or error


set reboot-Description: reboots the arctic (soft reboot)-Parameters: none-Return values: ok or error

set echo-Description: echoes back the message-Parameters: [message]-Return values: message or error

set hostname-Description: defines the Arctic hostname.-Parameters: {hostname}-Return values: ok or error

set default-Description: sets default settings

-Parameters: none-Return values: ok or error

set commit-Description: saves settings-Parameters: none-Return values: ok or error

set routing-Description: defines is Arctic routing IP packets between interfaces -Parameters: {0 | 1}-Return values: ok or error

set proxyarp-Description: defines is the proxyarp enabled on Ethernet interface-Parameters: {0 | 1}-Return values: ok or error


The following examples present strategies for handling different problems.

PROBLEM 1The SMS commands are not working.

Solution:Check that you have SIM card with correct PIN installed to Arctic. This information is available on WEB UI Tools->Modeminfo. After that check from Network->SMS Config that the SMS Configuration is enabled and the set/get access are correct. Alter the settings if required, apply settings and reboot. Now send SMS command to Arctic and follow the system log file on Tools->Recent events to see are the commands processed.

PROBLEM 2The installation location is powered only occasionally and I need to known when Arctic is up in order to alter the configuration.

Solution:-send command "set echo im up now" to Arctic. When it is up it will reply to you with "I'm up now" SMS message. Then make dial-in to Arctic to configure.

PROBLEM 3Arctic on the field is totally unconfigured/I don't know the configuration. I need to configure it.

Solution A:-make dial-in connection to Arctic GSM number and configure it.-if dial-in is not successful send command "get dialin status" to see if someone is already using the dial-in (line busy) or if the dial-in is disabled.-if someone is using the dial-in send command "set dialin restart" in order to drop the user from line. After that try dial-in again.

-if the dial-in is disabled enable it, commit and reboot with "set dialin settings;set commit;set reboot" and try again-if dial-in is not working it probably means the SIM card has not GSM data call enabled, the network does not support GSM data call or the network is busy. On that case move to solution B below.

Solution B:-Set up M2M Gateway to public IP address that Arctic can form the SSH-VPN connection to it-enable FTP server and WEB server on M2M GW and make required holes to firewall-define new peer to M2M GW SSH-VPN with appropriate hostname-configure Arctic to default settings with: "set default"-wait for response-configure Arctic hostname and GPRS with SMS:"set hostname myarctic;set gprs settings 1,<pincode>,<apn>,<user>,<pass>,1800,0"-wait until Arctic replies to both commands with OK-configure Arctic SSH-VPN with:"set sshvpn settings 1,gprs,<your_m2mgw_ip>,22,0,0,,0;set commit;set reboot"-wait few minutes until Arctic is up again-change the keys with"set sshvpn fetchkey ,,;set sshvpn sendkey ,,<user>,<pass>,,"-insert the file to "known hosts" on M2M GW-wait until Arctic forms the SSH-VPN connection to M2M GW-now it's possible to Access Arctic by using VPN connection

Solution C:-Set up M2M Gateway to public IP address that Arctic can form the SSH-VPN connection to it-enable FTP server and WEB server on M2M GW and make required holes to firewall-define new peer to M2M GW SSH-VPN with appropriate hostname-form a script to be executed on Arctic to configure it-store the script to M2M GW WEB server-configure Arctic GPRS with:"set hostname <your_hostname>;set gprs settings 1,<pincode>,<apn>,<user>,<pass>,1800,0;set commit;set restart gprs"-wait few minutes until GPRS is up-download and execute the script on Arctic by"set execute download <your_script>,<your_m2mg_ip>,gprs;set commit;set reboot"


When constructing the update scripts executed on Arctic one can use the shell-tools sendftp and wget to send and receive files. Also shell-tool sendsms is available for sending SMS. Set the hostname with SMS before running the update script.

In that case you can identify the required files on server by using hostname as a key to correct folder. The hostname for script is available with command `cat /proc/config/hostname`.
