Come enjoy some music, food, fun & fellowship Hot Dogs ......Ramiro Mendez Building Maintenance...


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90 E. 14th St.

San Angelo, TX. 76903


June 22, 2017 Volume 6 / Issue 49

Sunday Radio Broadcast

KKSA 1260 am

11:00 A.M.

Facebook Live 11:00 A.M.

Pastor’s Paragraph p. 2 Upcoming Events p.4 Serving this Week p. 3 Prayer Concerns . p.5

Come enjoy some music, food, fun & fellowship

Hot Dogs, Chips & Drinks provided

Page 2

From the Pastor

“Have you not even read this Scripture?” -Mark 12:10

I wanted to highlight this question that Jesus asks after telling

his listeners a parable. Reading our scripture will lead us to

truth. Discovering these truths will always require faith.

The absence of faith puts us outside the reach of God’s

truth. God’s Word never sounds like a scientific experiment,

where the rule is to test and retest until you’re sure nothing else works. God’s

Word always sounds like a loving Father saying, “Believe this, and follow this

way.” When we trust and then obey God’s Word, we come to know how true it

is. Do what God says because you know his way is best. God can be trusted.

It was another great day at church. Thank you for the positive comments on

the transition to and in the gym as our place of worship. A number of people

have worked a lot of hours to make this happen. Probably too many to name,

but a big thank you to each. It was good to see Bryan and Kim Pearson

become official members of the IBC family this past week. We rejoice over

the decision of Joseph Lorenzo giving his heart to the Lord at camp! God is

still moving! I can’t encourage you enough to remain faithful through this hot

summer (the A/C works well in the gym) and be in your place each Sunday.

You won’t want to miss a single blessing!

Blessed to be your pastor!

Bro. Tommy

Welcome New Members

Joseph Lorenzo

2310 Wilson St. (01)

Pray faithfully for our

Music Minister Search Committee

Rhonda Bertrand, Bradley Petty

Leslie Beal, Steve Compton

Peggy Little, Penny Smith


Amber Weiblen, Scott Farris & Roger Julien

Bryan & Kimberly Pearson

3420 Lake Drive (03)

Page 3


JUNE 25 & 28


Carolyn Drennan & Mike Salisbury


9:30am - Mary Conoly

11am - Kelly McGinty & Dawn Fee

TRANSPORTATION Big Bus: Bob Norwood 227-1318

Small Bus: Manfred Thompson 234-3845

WATCHMEN Sunday am: Johnnie Gifford, Wayne Drennan

Sunday pm: Byron Beal & Mark Ewing

Wednesday: Sammy Farmer & Steve Floyd


Joe Self 656-6889


Dwayne Welch Team (9:00am)

Prayer Garden:

June 24 ~ Paula Shelton

July 1 ~ Thomas Ogilvy



Charlotte Waters, Suzanne McCray,

Coletta Lively

Toddlers: Chandra Brock, Whitney Thetford

2 Year Olds: Amber Pitcock & Chelsea Young

3 Year Olds: Dennis McGuire

& Leighanna Thetford

4/5 Year Olds: Mark & Carrie Crisp

Quicksand Golf Course

Join the IBC Family in the Journey of Faith

Need Prayer

Garden Workers

Time Commitment is 1 Saturday

a month


Paula Shelton 939-3537

GIFTED SS Class Fellowship


Meet at IBC on West Side


We will drive out

to Lowake’s on bus


Kindergarten - 5th Grade


KIDS EAT FREE July 10 - August 11

Noon - 1PM If you would like

to volunteer to help contact

Cha Amburn 245-0143

Page 5

IBC Staff

Tommy Richardson Pastor


Josh Fee Youth Pastor


Jedediah Denman Minister of Children

& Young Adults

(940) 613-8668

Brandy McGuire Preschool Director

Mary Rauch Financial Secretary

Crystal Lorenzo Education Secretary

Betty James Secretary/Receptionist

Ramiro Mendez Building Maintenance

Ana Fellers Part-Time Custodian

WEEKLY REPORT June 18, 2017

Sunday School Enrollment 648

Attendance 306

Homebound Enrollment 19

Weekly Budget Requirement $18,466.73

Received this Week $10,998.96

Building Fund

Received this Week $240.00

Received this Month $870.00

Thank You from …

Wanda Hudson

Jason & Amber Weiblen


Devotionals, and

Other Periodicals

are available



Located at the Resource Center

in the hall behind the sanctuary.

Get some of these great tools for

yourself (and a friend) and

be encouraged!

There are several Sunday

School Classes to choose from

Get Connected!

Be in prayer for...

Kids Kamp

June 26-29

Belize Team

June 30 - July 8

Page 4

Prayer Requests:

Sympathy to Jeannine Rundell in the loss of her cousin,

Larry Shuttlesworth

Music Minister Search Committee

Jason Weiblen - released Tuesday after 11 days in hospital for


Pauline Garrison - still has severe back pain; appointment not until

7/31, may have to call doctor before then

Donna Shearman - in Shannon for pneumonia; possibly released


Brenda LaPier - still has a terrible cough; took last of medicine

Ava Covey– doing well after hip surgery; on walker and unable to lift

much for 6 weeks

Robert Underwood - (Megan Denman’s dad) still under treatment for

pacemaker infection

Fred & Elaine Risser - (Mary Bailey’s son & wife) opted to have surgery

for prostate cancer; Elaine has thyroid problems, diabetes & TIA’s

Bobby Laurens - (Mary Bailey’s brother-in-law) has lung cancer

Sally West - inner ear problems

Prayer Requests:

Nathan Edge - (Barbara Epperson ’s 17yr.

old great grandson) having seizures;

awaiting test results

Carlos Martinez - had yearly cancer scan

last week; also waiting for results from

stomach issues; results tomorrow

Sandra Slate - had steroid injection in ear

last week in Dallas; had another shot

yesterday and will have steroid injection

today & tomorrow

Ramona Haynie - appointment 7/13 to

schedule further plans for lumbar spine

Fred Burgess - (Betty James’ dad) in

rehab for 20 days then will move to nursing

home where wife is. Will & Betty are there

with them, Betty dealing with legal issues

concerning parents

All those traveling this summer