Come Away From the Water, Shirley by John Burningham Included: A brief excerpt from the book and...


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Come Away From the Water, Shirleyby John Burningham

Included: A brief excerpt from the book and rigorous question set activities promoting higher level-thinking


Tier 1

Excerpt from book

Jacob’s Ladder Goals & Objectives

Habits of Mind


When Shirley’s family goes to the beach one day, her imagination runs wild, taking her on a dangerous journey involving pirates and buried treasure. All

the while, her parents caution her with familiar parental warnings, highlighting the different ways in which parents and children experience such an excursion.

Obtain the book from a school library to read the story in its entirety and complete the ladder activities.

Students will be able:

Ladder BB1: Details - To list specific details or recall facts related to the text or generate a list of ideas about a specific topic or character.B2: Classifications - To categorize different aspects of the text or identify and sort categories from a list of topics or details.B3: Generalizations - To make general statements about a reading and/or idea within the reading, using data to support their statements.

Ladder CC1: Literary Elements-To identify and explain specific story elements.C2: Inference—To use textual clues to read between the lines and make judgments about specific textual events, ideas, or character analysis.C3: Theme and Concept—To identify a major theme or ideas common throughout the text.

Ladder DD1: Paraphrasing—To restate lines read using their own words.D2: Summarizing—To provide a synopsis of text sections.D3: Creative Synthesis—To create something new using what they have learned from the reading and their synopsis.

Habits of Mind

Working Interdependently

Thinking about Thinking (metacognition)

Innovating, Creating, Imagining

Refer to Jacob’s Ladder Story Table for Ladder B, C, & D Thinking Questions.

Tier 2Rigor


High Level Strategies with

Ladder B, C, & D Questions

Discussion Strategies: Think-Pair-Share, Write-around, Sequencing pictures, Role Play, Journaling

Choose 3 of 4 questions below to complete.

B1: What are the details you know about Shirley based on the pictures and the text? Make a list.

C1: The plot of Shirley’s adventure with the pirates is not written out. Compose the adventure using the pictures as your basis.

C2: What is your explanation of the differences in the commentary on the left side of the page and the pictures on the right? Why are they so different?

D1: Elaborate on Shirley’s fantasy story.

Tier 3Rigor


High Level Strategies with

Ladder B & C Questions

Discussion Strategies: Think-Pair-Share, Write-around, Sequencing pictures, Role Play, JournalingChoose 2 of 3 questions below to complete.

B2: Categorize a list of qualities Shirley exhibits.B3: What statements can you make about Shirley that are supported by the list and categories of her qualities?C3: The concept of a fantasy life is very real in this story. How does the author show the reader Shirley’s fantasy? What role does she play? What acts does she perform?

Tier 4


Choose one of the ideas to complete.  Be creative. 

1. Create a series of eight panels that show ideas you have that are different from your parents’. Think of everyday life events on one side and fantasies about something on the other. Draw the panels and compose captions to go underneath the pictures.

2. Choose your own way to retell the story. Use one of the strategies below or create your original way to retell the story. Check with your teacher.

Optional project strategies:  Commercial Role Play; Create a Puppet Show; Charts, Posters, Flyers, Brochures: Video tape a skit you perform.
