Columns: April - June 2010



Philbrook Museum of Art Quarterly Member Magazine

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Philbrook MuseuM of Art A Members Magazine

April – June 2010

To Live ForeverEgyptian Treasures from

the Brooklyn MuseumJune 6 – September 12, 2010

April  through   June










Randall Suffolk


BEcomEa docEnt

ExhiBitions GardEns

upcoming Programs

to live forever


Wine experience


3COVER: "Ancestral Bust" of a Woman, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 to early Dynasty 19, ca. 1336-1279 B.C. Limestone, painted. Charles Edwin Wilbour Fund

This is a particularly exciting time at

Philbrook. With a great winter season

behind us, the Museum is poised to

spring forward with an outstanding

array of programs and events.

To begin, the 10th Wine Experience

takes place the first weekend of May

and it will be spectacular. This, of

course, is Philbrook’s most important

fundraising event. The event’s chairs

John and Julie Nickel, along with

a group of incredible volunteers

and museum staff, have gone to

extraordinary measures to ensure a wonderful evening. The proceeds

enable excellence in almost every facet of the organization – from

education to capital improvements. In light of the economy’s ongoing

instability this event is more important than ever. Please join us.

You will also want to mark your calendars for the annual Garden Brunch

on May 17. Inspired by the Museum’s success with last season’s Grow

to Give program that contributed nearly 2000 lbs. of fresh produce to

the regional food bank, this year’s program will focus on sustainability,

growing your own and buying locally. A further highlight will be a

presentation by award-winning author Deborah Madison.

And then, there’s To Live Forever. We are thrilled to present this

outstanding exhibition of Egyptian art from perhaps the finest

collection of such work in North America. The exhibition includes

120 works from the Brooklyn Museum’s renowned collection and

illustrates Egyptian strategies for defeating death and surviving

eternity. With an astonishing selection of jewelry, sarcophagi, and

statuary, the exhibition vividly describes the ancient Egyptian rites

of mummification, funeral procession and ritual, the contents of the

tomb, the final judgment, and the idealized afterlife. Bring your family,

your friends, and your colleagues because this is quite simply a show

not to be missed.

Finally, I encourage you to peruse the center section on education.

You will find programs for every age listed. From hands-on art-making

to great lectures, films, and camps, Philbrook is ready for Spring.

I look forward to seeing you at the Museum soon and often.

3April  through   June 3

Docent Recruitment Coffee Monday, June 28 10 am – Noon

Like the four docents above, do you love to learn and share what you have learned with others? If so, then you just might be the perfect future docent. Becoming a volunteer museum docent is a fun and rewarding way to get involved in the community. Don’t be intimidated – an art history or education background is not required. Attend the Docent Recruitment Coffee to find out more or contact Roselle Tyner at 918.748.5309.

Jaimie Guafavorite Work: George Morrison, Ex-Patriot, 1964

"I have always been fascinated by people who could weave together visual art and storytelling in a way that allows me to see something in a new or different light. That is at the heart of what I’m doing at Philbrook. Here, I can share my passion about art, and at the same time, allow someone else to think about a piece of art in a whole new way."

It has been said many times that youth is wasted on the young.

And while that may be the case in many circumstances, it

certainly does not describe the passionate young people in our

docent program. These four individuals have come together for

their love of art and a desire to share that love with others. Here

they are in their own words.

Generation next

amy sawyerfavorite Work: John Marin, The Sea, I, 1932

"Desire for the buzzword 'community' and pure volunteerism have gained a new appeal for my generation. This can be seen every day in the young volunteers currently enrolled in the docent program at Philbrook. I’ve met people who share similar interests, and subsequently have become part of my community. Aside from the joy and knowledge, I’ve also developed more self-confidence during my docent training. I am so glad I did it."

sarfraz shaikhfavorite Work: Benedetto Gennari II, Noli me Tangere, 1687

"The first date I had with my wife was at Philbrook. As we walked the hallways, I was awestruck not only by the art, but also by the stories behind the pieces and the villa, as recounted by the touring docent. Being born and raised in India, I wasn’t exposed much to Western and European art and art history. I saw this as my chance to learn, facilitate and share that rapt moment with others."

tiffany cummingsfavorite Work: Morris Louis, Silver Discs, 1953

"The experience I have received as a docent at Philbrook has been nothing short of life altering. Surrounded by senior docents and tenured educators, I have gained a wealth of knowledge that I will carry on in my further journeys within the art community."

Meet Our Young Docents

April  through   June

You are InvIted

April  through   June4

June 6 – September 12, 2010HELMERICH GALLERY

For ancient Egyptians, the end of life on earth was merely a

portal to a new beginning. Death was an enemy that could be

overcome through ingenuity and careful preparation.

To Live Forever: Egyptian Treasures from the Brooklyn Museum

explores the age-old questions of immortality and life after

death through the customs and funerary beliefs observed over

nearly four thousand years. The exhibition answers questions

about the afterlife, mummies, funerals, and tombs, as it

illustrates the variety of strategies used to evade death and,

ultimately, live forever.

All ancient Egyptians desired to live after death but not

everyone had access to the elaborate funeral equipment made

for a king. Middle-class artisans and some poorer people made

use of cheaper materials and secondhand items in providing for

their tombs. In place of vast wealth, they substituted their own

creativity to reach the afterlife. The Egyptians believed that the

body must be preserved in order to ensure eternal life. The Greek

historian Herodotus, who visited Egypt in the fifth century b.c.,

described three different mummification processes available

depending on the deceased’s budget.

The stories about the Egyptian gods Re and Osiris, plus a

series of magic spells that protected the deceased from danger,

provided the knowledge an ancient Egyptian would need to

enter, and thrive in, the afterlife.

from the

Egyptian trEasurEs Brooklyn MuseuM

Amulet Representing the Soul as a Human - Head Falcon. Late Period, 664–332 B.C., Gold. Charles Edwin Wilbour Fund

SAVE THE DATEMembers Preview Party

To Live Forever: Egyptian Treasures from the Brooklyn Museum Saturday, June 5, 20106 – 8 pm



April  through   June 5

Osiris and Rebirth

Ancient Egyptian understanding of the afterlife is reflected in the

story of the god Osiris. Osiris and his wife Isis were Egypt’s beloved

first rulers. Osiris’s jealous brother, Seth, invited the king to a party

only to trap him in a special human-form box—like a coffin—

exactly in Osiris’s dimensions. Seth and his co-conspirators threw

the box into the Nile, and Osiris drowned. Seth claimed the throne.

Isis retrieved Osiris’s body and magically revived him long enough

so that they could conceive a child. She also built temples for him

where he could receive food offerings after death, establishing the

precursor of the tomb.

Osiris became king of the afterlife while Isis raised their son Horus.

Horus later defeated his uncle Seth and became king of Egypt. But

all Egyptians wanted to imitate his father, Osiris, at their death by

being reborn into the afterlife. The objects in an Egyptian tomb

were intended to help the deceased achieve this goal.

The Voyage of the Sun God Re

Egyptians believed that the sun god Re traveled in a boat across

the sky from east to west in the world of the living. Reaching

the west, he entered the afterlife and then traveled across the

sky of the underworld going eastward. Each hour that the

god traveled in the underworld he was attacked by Apophis, a

dragon-like demon. Only during the fifth hour of his journey

was Re safe in the realm of Osiris. At the end of the twelfth

hour of his underworld journey, Re was reborn into the eastern

horizon of our world. Many of the decorations in royal tombs

and on papyrus reveal that Egyptians also desired to travel

with Re in his boat after death.

To Live Forever is drawn from the extensive holdings of the

Brooklyn Museum, one of the richest collections of Egyptian

art in the world. More than 120 rare objects—including

mummies, coffins, sarcophagi, statuary, jewelry, and funerary

shrouds—trace the Egyptians’ efforts to outfit their tombs to

please the gods, subdue death, and allow them to “live forever”.

Sunk Relief of Queen Neferu, Middle Kingdom, reign of Mentuhotep II, Dynasty 11, ca. 2008 B.C. - 1957 B.C. Limestone, painted. Charles Edwin Wilbour Fund

Anthropoid Coffin of the Servant of the Great Place, Teti. New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, ca. 1339 B.C. - 1307 B.C. Wood, painted. Charles Edwin Wilbour Fund

To Live Forever: Egyptian Treasures from the Brooklyn Museum has been organized by the Brooklyn Museum.

April  through   June6

main LeveL

heLmerich GaLLery

hans hofmann: circa 1950 through May 9, 2010, Helmerich Gallery

Hans Hofmann created an extraordinary body of work for architect Josep Sert’s 1950 Peruvian city plan called the Chimbote Project. The nine painting studies Hofmann produced for a series of murals form a concise and inspired example of the depth of Hofmann’s strengths as an abstract painter and modernist visionary and form the core of this exhibition, along with other major works from this important year in Hofmann’s career.HANS HOFMANN, Untitled (Chimbote Mural), 1950. Oil on paper on board. Courtesy of the Renate, Hans and Maria Hofmann Trust

to Live Forever: Egyptian treasures from the Brooklyn museumJune 6 – September 12, 2010, Helmerich Gallery

The belief in life after death was central to Egyptian civilization over thousands of years, with death seen as an enemy that could be defeated through ritual and proper preparation. Through jewelry, statuary, funerary vessels and other objects, this exhibition explores how the ancient Egyptians sought to conquer death and create a rich afterlife.Mummy Mask of a Man, Roman Period, early 1st century A.D. Stucco, gilded and painted. Charles Edwin Wilbour Fund.

In 2007, Dr. Lawrence Boxt, Professor of Clinical Radiology at the

Montefiore Medical Center in New York, conducted a CT scan on

the mummy of Demetrios featured in To Live Forever. In just two

minutes, the CT scan technology took approximately 2,845 images of

Demetrios. The scan revealed that he had no broken bones (except

for two ribs that were broken during the mummification process),

his skull was intact, and he had a full set of teeth. Other than a gall

stone found still preserved in the bladder, Demetrios appeared to be

a primarily healthy 59-year old man when he died. This led Dr. Boxt

to determine that “Either he had an easy life or was carried around

a lot. He certainly didn’t do much heavy lifting during his lifetime. He

may have died a quiet, natural death.”

The Mummy of Demetri[o]s. Roman Period, 50-100 C.E. Painted cloth, gold, human remains, wood, encaustic, gilding. Charles Edwin Wlbour Fund

A look inside A MuMMy

April  through   June

Face Lifts Richard Brompton’s c. 1775 portrait of John Smart and Sheldon Peck’s

1836 painting Woman with Bible recently made the long journey

to Chicago to undergo some conservation and cleaning. They will

return, refreshed, in a few months time. The treatment will be carried

out by conservator Barry Baumann. Mr. Baumann was formerly the

Associate Conservator of Paintings for the Art Institute of Chicago

and the founder and owner of the Chicago Conservation Center.

In 2003 he left the private sector and now offers complimentary

conservation services to museums and non-profit organizations.

Upper LeveL


singular impressions: prints from the herbert and roseline Gussman collectionthrough April 4, 2010, Works on Paper Gallery

This exhibition celebrates the legacy of Herbert and Roseline Gussman with a selection of prints by major European artists including Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Pablo Picasso, Georges Rouault and Joan Miró. Ranging in date from 1890 to 1960, these works illustrate the rapid and dramatic artistic developments that marked the rise of modern art.GEORGES ROuAuLT, Femme Fiere, Les Fleurs du Mal III, plate 5, 1938. Color Aquatint. Collection of Herbert and Roseline Gussman

Bookworks ii: Exploring the Book as artApril 11 – July 4, 2010, Works on Paper Gallery

This exhibition explores the broad spectrum of the book as art, beginning with the traditional book format as collaboration between the artist, craftsman and author. But it also presents examples in which the artist manipulates the book format without regard for text or content. The works are drawn primarily from the McFarlin Library Department of Special Collections at The university of Tulsa.EDWARD HILLEL AND JACquES FOuRNIER, Le 6 avril, 1944. Montreal: Editions Roselin, 1999. Courtesy Special Collections, McFarlin Library, university of Tulsa

Works on paper GaLLery

Philbrook book sAleBeginning Thursday, May 6 at

5 pm through Sunday, May, 8 the

Museum Shop will host a book

sale of new and used books,

exhibition catalogues, periodicals

and posters. All proceeds benefit

the Philbrook Library.


April  through   June





Circle Cinema @ PhilbrookSCREENiNg: the art of the StealThursday, April 8, 7 pm – 8:45 pm$5/Circle Cinema and Philbrook Members, $8.50/not yet membersWhat happens when political and financial bigwigs covet the celebrated art collection of the Barnes Foundation? In the early twentieth century, Dr. Albert C. Barnes amassed the greatest collection of Impressionist, Post-impressionist, and early Modern artwork in America. His will stipulated that the works could never be loaned or sold – but that didn’t stop powers that be from scheming to take over the cultural institution. Follow the intrigue and struggle for control of the Barnes Foundation in this engrossing documentary.

Tulsa Opera @ PhilbrookPERfORMANCE & gAllERy TAlk: Arias and Art Sunday, April 11, 12:30 – 1:30 pmgreat Hall, Villa PhilbrookImmerse yourself in the music, art and culture of the Belle Époque. At Philbrook, Tulsa opera studio artists will perform the soaring melodies of Jules Massenet's Don Quichotte, Tulsa opera’s spring production, as well as songs by Maurice Ravel and Jacque Ibert. Philbrook docent Charles Chapman will explore artistic connections of the same era in paintings by Renoir, van Gogh and others.

gAllERy TAlk: Hans Hofmann – looking at the Space BetweenWednesday, April 14, Noon – 1 pm Meet in RotundaHans Hofmann was an abstract painter and modernist visionary who influenced generations of artists through a new way of painting. Chris owens, abstract painter and mixed-media artist, will explore how Hofmann changed the art world by playing with the relationships of colors, shape, and space.

lECTuRE: Carolee Schneemann and the legacy of Hans HofmannSaturday, April 17, 2 – 3 pmPatti Johnson Wilson AuditoriumLegendary painter and teacher Hans Hofmann's impact stretched to such diverse artists as Ray Eames, Frank Stella and Carolee Schneemann, a provocative performance artist dealing with sexuality and gender issues. In conversation with exhibition curator Catherine Morris, Schneemann shares how Hofmann influenced her to become one of the most significant performance artists of our time.

gAllERy TAlk: Bookworks II: exploring the Book as artWednesday, May 12, Noon – 1 pmMeet in RotundaWhen does a book become a work of art? With Milissa Burkart, whi is a book artist, printmaker and Library Paraprofessional at the University of Tulsa McFarlin Library Special Collections, discover how artists manipulate the traditional book form to create stunning altered books, book objects and three-dimensional book art constructions.

Book Smart Tulsa @ Philbrook: laney SalisburyThursday, May 27, 6:30 – 8 pm Mabee lobbyIn Provenance: How a Con Man and a Forger Rewrote the History of Modern Art, the con man and villain John Drewe draws a struggling artist and single father into a web of forgery and fraud. This fast-paced and fascinating thriller about the darker side of the art world has a twist – the story is completely true! Investigative reporters Laney Salisbury and Aly Sujo uncovered the story of one the 20th century’s most audacious art frauds, which generated hundreds of forgeries – many of which still hang in museums today. Join author Laney Salisbury to talk about cons, forgery, and fraud. Stick around after the talk for our “Real or Fake” trivia contest.RSVP to

lECTuRE: living forever in Ancient EgyptSunday, June 6, 2 – 3 pmPatti Johnson Wilson AuditoriumAncient Egyptians prepared for their deaths by living a life of justice and assembling specific objects for their tombs. These spiritual and material requirements allowed them to “live forever” in the afterlife. Join Dr. Edward Bleiberg, Curator for Egyptian, Classical, and Ancient Middle Eastern Art at the Brooklyn Museum, for a look at the exhibition To Live Forever: Egyptian Treasures from the Brooklyn Museum and explore how Egyptians of all classes struggled to live forever.

gAllERy TAlk: growing Art Wednesday, June 9, Noon – 1 pmMeet in RotundaPhilbrook’s gardens are a living work of art. Explore the gardens with Melinda McMillan, Manager of the Gardens, and cultivate your own sense of designing with color and texture. Join us in this visual exploration of the beauty in Philbrook’s ever-growing and ever-changing landscape.

April  through   June 9


rsDaysGet an insider’s scoop into the creative process on the 3rd thursday of every month.

Stephanie Odegard: Sustainable Design and Social ResponsibilityThursday, April 15, 5:30 – 7:30 pmAn award-winning designer and sustainability activist, Stephanie odegard has committed herself to the marriage of fine design and social consciousness. Discover her journey from serving in the Peace Corps, to exploring modern design and the support of traditional artisanal craftspeople. In celebration of the fortieth anniversary of Earth Day, learn about the process of Nepal’s hand-knotted rug industry through demonstrations of hand carding and spinning wool. And use your plant knowledge to identify plant dyes and maybe win a prize!

Find out more about Stephanie odegard, her process, products and philosophy at

Co-presented by

Black + BlumThursday, May 20, 5:30 – 7:30 pmWhy should toilet paper holders, bookends and reading lights be boring? Thankfully, Dan Black and Martin Blum, co-founders of London-based design firm Black + Blum, believe that functional everyday objects can and should be innovative, while simultaneously charming and fun. Get an insider's look at the partnership and philosophy of these great designers, and learn how Dan and Martin play on their personalities to develop elegant and whimsical products like the Propello fan, currently on display as part of the George R. Kravis II design collection.

Objects and Memory Thursday, June 17, 5:30 – 7:30 pm What objects in our museums – and in our lives – do we most value? By examining the things we treasure, we illuminate the human urge to preserve the past and speak to the future. Using excerpts of his PBS documentary film Objects and Memory and interviews with individuals at the Vietnam Memorial, oklahoma City Bombing and 9/11 sites, filmmaker Jonathan Fein delves into the meaning of objects and explores how the human response to life and loss is often a material one.

Summer Films on the Lawn fridays in July $5/member, $7/not yet member

Egypt is the theme for this year’s Summer Film Series. Join us for an evening in the gardens and bring your picnic basket, blanket and chairs. The lower garden gate opens at 7:30 pm and the films begin at dusk. This is a great Tulsa tradition to share with your friends and loved ones.

July 2: The Mummy (1999)July 9: Cleopatra (1934)July 16: Stargate (1994)July 23: The Mummy (1932)July 30: The Prince of Egypt (1998) MeMberS OnLy

April  through   June


Free Second Saturday Family Days are made possible through the support of Bank of America, Barbara and Stephen Heyman, Hille Foundation, the oklahoma Arts Council, the National Endowment for the Arts,Raymond and Bessie Kravis Foundation and Target.

Philbrook is grateful to Barbara and Stephen Heyman for their support of the Heyman Family Adventures in Art which supports the Children’s Workshops and Activity Backpacks.

MyMuseum is made possible through the generous support of Barbara and Stephen Heyman, the David E. & Cassie L. Temple Foundation, oklahoma Arts Council, the National Endowment for the Arts, Public Service Company of oklahoma, Raymond and Bessie Kravis Foundation, Ruth Ann Fate and Martin E. Fate Jr. Foundation and SpiritAero Systems.

Philbrook thanks Z-104.5 The Edge, Urban Tulsa Weekly, Ervin Photography, the oklahoma Arts Council, the National Endowment for the Arts and the Raymond and Bessie Kravis Foundation for their support of the 3rd Thursday series.

We also wish to thank the following generous donors who provide operating support for Philbrook's educational programming: The Judith and Jean Pape Adams Charitable Foundation, The Sherman E. Smith Family Foundation, Williams and Anchor Gasoline.

Registration also available for download at

life Drawing – Open StudioThursdays, year-round 6:30 – 9 pm$10 per session or $55 for six sessionsFacilitator: Richard Rich

Practice drawing nude male and female models through gesture sketches in these open studio sessions. Intermediate to advanced skill levels.

Bookarts unboundSaturday, May 22, 1 – 4 pm$32/member, $40/not yet memberArtist: Milissa Burkart

Get inspired by Philbrook’s Bookworks II exhibition and gear up for To Live Forever: Egyptian Treasures from the Brooklyn Museum with this hands-on workshop. Join book artist Milissa Burkart to create a pyramidal “book object” that will incorporate found objects, fine papers, text and images. Tap into your inner bookworm and discover sculptural bookart constructions.

Exploring Encaustic PaintingSaturday, June 19, 1 – 4 pm$32/member, $40/not yet memberArtist: Cathy Deuschle

From Egyptian mummy portraits to collages by Jasper Johns, artists through the ages have created with this beautiful and adaptable art form. Encaustic paintings use the ancient technique of combining melted beeswax, resin and pigments to create an amazing surface that can be built up to create translucent yet textured layers. Check out the rare opportunity to see an encaustic mummy portrait in the exhibition To Live Forever: Egyptian Treasures from the Brooklyn Museum, and then explore the medium yourself! Students will learn the basic processes and create their own encaustic painting. All skill levels.

life Drawing – Open StudioThursdays, year-round 6:30 – 9 pm$10 per session or $55 for six sessions

Bookarts unboundSaturday, May 22, 1 – 4 pm$32/member, $40/not yet member

geocache garden HuntTake advantage of the weather and play an untraditional game of hide and seek on Philbrook grounds called geocaching. Using your GPS, investigate the sculptures in our gardens for clues that will lead you to a geocache where you will find travel bugs and various small treasures, as well as a logbook to record your discovery. Check out to get up to speed on this worldwide phenomenon and bring your GPS with you on your next visit!

5 - 6 yearso Morning - Explore the gardenso Afternoon - Explore Egypto lunch

7 - 8 yearso Morning - Paint the gardenso Afternoon - Egyptian Treasureso lunch

9 - 10 yearso Morning - Draw, Paint, Carveo Afternoon - Art Around the Worldo lunch

11 - 12 yearso Morning - Creative Clayo Afternoon - Mixed Mediao lunch

SESSION TWO (July 12 - 23)

5 - 6 yearso Morning - Off the Wallo Afternoon - Draw like an Egyptiano lunch

7 - 8 yearso Morning - Draw,Paint, Carveo Afternoon - Art Around the Worldo lunch

9 - 10 yearso Morning - Mixed Mediao Afternoon - Puppet Powero lunch

11 - 12 yearso Morning - Sculptureo Afternoon - Mixed Mediao lunch

SESSION ONE (June 21 - July 2)

5 - 6 yearso Morning - Elements of Arto Afternoon - Stories in Arto lunch

7 - 8 yearso Morning - Mixed Mediao Afternoon - Draw,Paint, Carveo lunch

9 - 10 yearso Morning - Mixed Mediao Afternoon - Sculptureo lunch

11 - 12 yearso Morning - Creative Clayo Afternoon - Puppet Power o lunch

SESSION THREE (August 2 - 13)

Summer Art Camp

Adult Classes

Exploring Encaustic PaintingSaturday, June 19, 1 – 4 pm$32/member, $40/not yet member

is this your first Philbrook Art Camp? qYes qNo

Child's Name



City State Zip

Daytime Phone

Evening Phone Cell Phone

E-mail Address

METHOD Of PAyMENT (must be included with reservation)

q Check Enclosed, Payable to PHILBRooK MUSEUM oF ART

q Visa q Master Card q American Express q Discover

Card # Exp. Date

Credit Card Billing Address

Signature Date


CancellationsStudents will be notified and a full refund will be given when a class is cancelled.

In order to make participation in our programs a positive experience for all students and staff, we reserve the right to remove students who do not adhere to our Class and Program Policy, available at or by contacting 918.748.5379.

refund PolicyFull refund, minus a $10 registration fee, is provided when a withdrawal is made within 10 business days prior to start of class. Tuition and fees are for the entire class regardless of attendance.

Scholarships Financial assistance is available. Submit requests for financial assistance at least two weeks prior to the start of classes. Visit, call 918.748.5379, or email for a scholarship application. Partial scholarships are available for educators.

PHILBRooK MUSEUM oF ARTEducation DepartmentP.o. Box 52510Tulsa, oK 74152-0510

Call: 918.748.5379 office Hours: Mon-Fri: 9 am – 5 pm

New in 2010! BackpacksAll day every day

Check out one of our new Backpacks from the admission desk so you can look, learn and talk about the art at Philbrook together as a family. Four separate Backpacks cover different areas in the museum so you can choose your own self-guided adventure.

SUMMer ArT CAMP 2010 Morning classes: 9 – 12 pm $225/member, $265/not yet memberAfternoon classes: 1 – 4 pm $225/member, $265/not yet memberAll day: Two classes plus lunch supervision 9am – 4pm$475/member, $560/not yet member

Foster your child’s love of the arts and give them an unforgettable experience this summer. Working with professional teaching artists, children will explore the galleries and gardens and experiment with art-making techniques to create original works of art. Visit for more information or call 918.748.5379.

Registration is currently open for members, not yet members on April 15.


June 21 - July 2 July 12 - 23 Aug 2 - 13


5 - 6 years 9 am – 12 pm off the Wall Explore the Gardens Elements of Art

5 - 6 years 1 – 4 pm Draw Like an Egyptian Explore Egypt Stories in Art

7 - 8 years 9 am – 12 pm Draw,Paint, Carve Paint the Gardens Mixed Media

7 - 8 years 1 – 4 pm Art Around the World Egyptian Treasures Draw,Paint, Carve

9 - 10 years 9 am – 12 pm Mixed Media Draw, Paint, Carve Mixed Media

9 - 10 years 1 – 4 pm Puppet Power Art Around the World Sculpture

11 - 12 years 9 am – 12 pm Sculpture Creative Clay Creative Clay

11 - 12 years 1 – 4 pm Mixed Media Mixed Media Puppet PowerCONTACT

MEMBERSHiP STATuS: q Member q Not Yet Member

JOiN TODAy AND SAVE! q Individual $50 q Family/ Dual $65Call for special membership rates for educators and working artists.

April  through   June






Birthday Party @ PhilbrookSaturdays, two hours any time between 10 am and 4 pm$300/members only (Extra fees may apply.)Ages 3–12 (Excluding Free 2nd Saturdays)20 children maximum, with two adult chaperonesRegister six weeks in advance by calling 918.748.5379

Have your child’s birthday party at the museum. You supply the children and the cake, and we’ll cover everything else including decorations, kid-friendly gallery activities and an art project led by one of our teaching artists.

Free FAMiLy DAyApril 10, May 8, June 12Drop in anytime from 10:30 am – 4 pm

Enjoy art and spend time together on these days designed especially for families. You’ll participate in hands-on art projects; explore artworks in the Museum collection and special exhibition through family friendly tours; go on adventurous scavenger hunts and much more.

MyMuseumAll day every dayFree with Admission

Over 5,000 children have already joined!

It is easy – just sign up and receive your art starter supply kit that contains art supplies and an art exploration card. Then each month come in and receive an additional art supply and art card about a new artwork. It’s fun, and it is free.





An Egyptian Shadow Puppet ShowJune 26 and 27, 2–4 pmPatti Johnson Wilson Auditorium

Gods, goddesses and a magical vision of Ancient Egypt are brought to life through this original, lighthearted shadow-play by Midwestern Theater Troupe and John Cruncleton. Discover the bargain-basement mummies of a stonecutter and his dog as they search the back-alleys of Egypt for precious herbs they need to get into the Afterlife. The streets are hard enough, but when they finally start their journey through the Land of the Dead, they find more troubles than they ever had in life.

Members Only: After the show, join us for an exclusive members only behind the scenes tour.

WORkSHOPS fOR CHilDREN1st & 3rd Saturdays, 1–3 pmAges 6 –12 (Children may attend without accompanying adults)

$5/member, $7/not yet member per student or

$10/member, $12/not yet member per student with an adult


Have your

April 3

April 17

May 15

June 5

June 19

Pushing and Pulling ColorGuest Artist – Rhonda Davis

Books that PopGuest Artist – Deborah Kingsbury

Visual Journals, it’s All About MeGuest Artist – Talitha Gregg

Soft Pastel landscapesGuest Artist – Andrea Wamble

“it’s Raining Cats & Dogs” finger Puppets

Guest Artist – Mary Jane Porter



April  through   June

Garden GuidesIn each of the three primary gardens; the East Formal, South Formal and Water Gardens, a new informational sign will be placed to help identify the plants that have been used in the seasonal display. It will become a useful tool for visitors to better understand and relate to Philbrook’s gardens and take away a lesson on what they can use at their homes as well.


Garden TalkSponsored by Friends of the Garden

We are excited to partner for the second year in a row with the Community Food Bank of Eastern oklahoma and grow more delicious, nutritious produce for the hungry. The South Formal Garden will once again be overflowing with eggplant, lettuce, melons and much more. Dedicated volunteers from the Food Bank will harvest the vegetables and fruit while the hard-working garden staff will oversee growing and production. With new varieties and an abundant amount of containers of herbs and other small edibles, you will be amazed at how beautiful a vegetable garden can be. Be sure to visit the gardens often as the plants change, flower and grow.

exciting Opportunity for Philbrook MembersYou may take the opportunity to help in this garden by assisting with planting seeds and transplants this spring. Interested members can email the Garden Manager at with your name and email address. When planting time comes, she will contact you and ask for help on specific days. There will be multiple planting times with much opportunity to pitch in.

May 22. 10:30 am –12:30 pmCharles P. Williams Conference RoomFree with membership or museum admission.

During this session, the garden staff will focus on what you should be doing in your gardens this season. Topics will range from turf care, irrigation pointers, water gardens, vegetable gardens, tropical plants, and much more. There will be time at the end for questions and answers from the Garden Talk participants. Bring your questions, bring your curiosity, and be ready to learn more about gardening in oklahoma from Philbrook’s knowledgeable Garden Staff.

Friends of the Garden The Friends of the Garden is a growing group of passionate individuals dedicated to preserving Philbrook’s glorious, one-of-a-kind gardens. Contributions from members support every aspect of our outdoor galleries. Any Philbrook member can become a Friend of the Garden. Join today for a contribution of $1000, and enjoy a number of new and exciting benefits, including:

• One hour consultation at Philbrook with the Garden Manager to discuss any garden related topic of your choosing

• Opportunity to host a private luncheon in the Summer House for up to six people

• Membership in the American Horticulture Society’s Reciprocal Admissions Program granting special admission privileges and access to over 240 participating gardens in the US, Canada and the US Virgin Islands

• Quarterly email updates on events and activities in the gardens from Philbrook’s Garden Manager

• Recognition of Friends of the Garden in Columns (annually) and at garden events

• Invitations to private seasonal tours of Philbrook’s gardens with the garden staff

• Two tickets to Philbrook’s Annual Garden Brunch, see page 13

A new bench with a View

The garden staff has redesigned a bed in the gardens, but can you find it? To give you some clues, this spot is located in a quiet but not private place, not far off the path, has incredible views of the gardens and is a new place to sit and admire the gardens from above. Do you know where this new garden is? Answer on Philbrook’s Blog in June.


gROW TO giVE 2.0

For more information or to join Friends of the Garden contact Frank Mulhern, Assistant Director of Development, at (918) 748-5332 or

new Benefits

Friday, April 30 & Saturday, May 1, 2010

April  through   June12



Who Wine Experience Helps

When the glasses are empty and the party is over the Philbrook Wine Experience lingers on, funding art education in our community.

For more than fifty years, Philbrook has been providing quality arts education for children and adults. Appealing to a wide range of interests, education programs at the museum are integrated with special exhibits and the permanent collection. Our quality programming offers a better understanding of the artistic process, along with hands-on creative learning opportunities.

Based on a recent survey, 97% of parents who have participated in Free Family Day agreed that it encourages their family to visit the museum 4-5 times a year. Nearly 1,500 children and adults are visiting the museum on Free Family Day each month.

The MyMuseum program is also having a positive impact on the local community and creating devoted repeat visitors to the museum. We are now serving an average of just over 600 children per month (new and returning), with an overall program membership of over 5,700.

Arts education offers individuals a heightened awareness and appreciation for the diversity of people, places, and other cultures. Quality visual arts education expands perspectives, sparks imagination and empowers people to view the world around them with a new sense of understanding. Just ask our participants. Once you’ve seen the museum through their eyes, it will never look the same.

Fabulous wines and delicious cuisine all in one terrific place. Philbrook will host one of Tulsa’s most impressive events Friday, April 30 and Saturday, May 1. The tenth biennial Philbrook Wine Experience offers wine and food enthusiasts an unforgettable two-day event with a rare opportunity to meet vintners and winemakers from across the globe along with celebrity chefs for an unparalleled educational and epicurean experience. Be sure to make your reservations early for an event like no other in support of one of America’s leading art museums.

April  through   June April  through   June 13

Mark Lackey, chair of the 2010 Garden Brunch, invites you

to Philbrook’s 4th annual Garden Brunch, “Community table.”

Celebrate spring with new ideas for incorporating vegetable and

fruit plantings into your flower garden. Deborah Madison, author

of "What We eat When We eat alone", will share her insights on

sustainability and using locally grown foods. Philbrook’s Garden

Manager Melinda McMillan is creating a vegetable garden

that rivals the floral gardens for its beauty while benefitting the

Community Food Bank of eastern oklahoma. For your dining

pleasure, the morning will culminate in a luncheon prepared with

the amazing foods and wines from local farms and vineyards.

Garden Brunch

MondayMay 17, 2010

9:45 am

"Community Table"

Vintner Dinner and Live Auction Friday, April 30, 5:30 pm Patron level tickets available

The trademark event of the Philbrook Wine Experience, the Vintner Dinner and Auction is an extraordinary evening of fine dining, spectacular wines, silent auction and a truly unique live auction. Wine Experience Chairs Julie and John Nickel will welcome guests for a sparkling wine reception and an impressive collection of silent auction items. A walk through the museum will lead guests to dine under a tent on the beautiful Philbrook lawn where most tables will be hosted by the owner or winemaker from a featured winery. Each vintner will pour personal selections from their vineyards and wineries, which have been paired with the menu. A specially designed multi-course dinner created by Chris Shepherd, Chef and Managing Partner of Catalan Food & Wine in Houston, Texas, will be served while celebrity auctioneers, Michael Davis and Karen Sorbo draw the audience into a bidding frenzy during a live auction featuring one-of-a-kind packages secured especially for this wonderful event.

Flemming’s Grand Wine Tasting Saturday, May 1, 6:30 -8:30 pm $125/member, $150/not yet member

The weekend culminates with its largest and most exciting event as nearly 1,000 guests gather for wine tasting and gourmet food. Forty national and international vintners will pour samples from their wineries and interact with guests as they discuss their latest offerings. Thirty restaurateurs from across the region will serve samples of their finest cuisine as each chef bids for the coveted “Best Chef” award. Every guest will leave with a commemorative Philbrook Wine Experience keepsake.

Wine Experience Events

For reservations, contact Jennifer McCall, Development Specialist at 918-748-5361 or

April  through   June

Philbrook’s Masters Society has been an important part of the museum’s life for many years. Membership gifts support the museum’s daily operations and provide valuable resources that keep Philbrook vibrant and inspiring. Masters Society membership is open to anyone who values Philbrook and its role in our community’s life. By joining, you will directly impact the museum and guarantee the continuation of successful programs like Free Second Saturday and MyMuseum.

If you’ve ever considered becoming a part of Masters Society, there’s no better time than now. Members just like you have made their commitments already. Please join them in ensuring that Philbrook Museum – your museum – maintains the level of excellence for which it is known.

Membership begins at $2,000 ($1,000 for members under 40) and can be paid in installments, if convenient. Masters Society members will enjoy new events and activities in the coming months. Contact Frank Mulhern, Assistant Director of Development, at (918) 748-5332 or with questions or to join.

Philbrook is a testament to the power of a legacy. From its inception, planned gifts have defined Philbrook’s ability to grow and thrive, beginning with Waite and Genevieve Phillips’ extraordinary founding gift of Villa Philbrook in 1939. Since that time, thousands of individuals have come to think of Philbrook as their museum, the place to experience an enriching variety of art and activities.

The Legacy Society is comprised of individuals who have made financial gifts through wills, trusts and other planned gifts. These Legacy Society members sustain and strengthen all that is unique about your museum’s art collection, gardens and grounds, historic home and educational programs. You too can become a part of Philbrook’s legacy with planned giving.

Waite and Genevieve Phillips began Philbrook with their legacy gift. You can make this act of generosity your own. If you would like additional information or have questions, please contact Philbrook at 918.748.5314.

Have you already made a provision for Philbrook Museum of Art in your will or estate planning? If so, we would appreciate knowing of your generosity and would be pleased to include you in the Legacy Society. Information will be kept in confidence.

Philbrook Membership The Perfect Gift for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day

Are you looking for something instead of flowers for Mom or a necktie for Dad? Consider the gift of art. A Philbrook membership lasts an entire year and the memories last a lifetime.

You may purchase a gift membership at Philbrook’s front desk or the Museum Shop. A gift-wrapped package containing a copy of Columns, a gift card for you to personalize, plus the historic Villa Philbrook book will be provided for the recipient. Memberships are also available by phone or online at Please allow two weeks for processing and mailing.

If Mom and Dad like to travel, remember that memberships at the Associate level and above include the benefit of Philbrook’s membership in the North American Reciprocal Museum Program, an association of over 350 museums in the united States, Canada, Bermuda and El Salvador.

For more information or to purchase a gift membership, call (918) 748-5320.

Rita Willis, thank you for loving Philbrook

Rita Willis was devoted to the museum she loved, Philbrook. Retired from the travel business, she journeyed the world for both work and pleasure, experiencing the art of many cultures. Her interest in Native American art led her to donate ethnographic materials and to volunteer with the Chapman Library. As a legacy donor, she ensured that her commitment to Philbrook lasted beyond her lifetime.

Planned Giving


April  through   June

Please contact the membership department at (918) 748-5320 to receive information about added benefits.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob GaddisDr. and Mrs. Steven E. GaedeDr. Paul Gehring and Dr. Gena GrayMr. and Mrs. Charles T. GilmoreDr. Andrew GottehrerDrs. Raj and Harleen GrewalMr. and Mrs. John HammerDr. Mark L. HarmanDavid L. Harper and Julia HarperMr. and Mrs. Kent J. HarrellMr. and Mrs. Richard P. HartMs. Mary HoldenMs. Candis HollowayMr. and Mrs. Joel D. JohnsonDr. and Mrs. Chad JohnsonMrs. Ana Maria Lloyd JonesMr. and Mrs. Tom KishnerMr. and Mrs. J. A. LaFortune Jr.Ms. Joy G. LaryDr. and Mrs. Frank S. LetcherMr. and Mrs. Daniel MarderMr. and Mrs. James MazzeiMr. and Mrs. Frank C. McDonaldMs. Margaret McKeeMr. and Mrs. Norman McNeilDr. Dwane B. MinorMr. and Mrs. Philip MoldenhauerMs. Lisa M. MooreMs. Kym MorellaDr. and Mrs. Don G. NelsonMr. and Mrs. Mike NormanMr. and Mrs. Don PhilipsMs. Loretta PoindexterMr. and Mrs. Al Raguse JrMr. and Mrs. David RalstonMr. and Mrs. Tom RapackiMr. Bill ReynoldsMr. and Mrs. Mel RippyMr. and Mrs. James B. RosenliebDr. and Mrs. David N. ScheckMs. Marty SheehanMr. and Mrs. Michael J. SherwinMr. Steven Simcoe and Miss Shannon GourdDr. and Mrs. Larry E. SimsMr. and Mrs. Scott A. SipesMs. Victoria SlabaughMr. and Mrs. David L. SobelMr. Eugene E. StarrDr. and Mrs. Thomas J. SteesDr. and Mrs. Donald R. StoutMrs. Peggy J. TaylorMr. and Mrs. Craig ThurmondMr. Ken ToomanDr. and Mrs. Carey WatersMs. Karen R. WeidnerMr. and Mrs. Robert A. WilliamsMr. and Mrs. James A. WillisMr. Paul J. WoodulMr. and Mrs. Steven A. Zenthoefer

Young masters societyMr. and Mrs. Andrew DonnellyMr. and Mrs. Blake HerndonMr. Blake LovelessMr. Rick Torix

contributorMr. and Mrs. W. S. AthertonMiss Etta May AveryMs. Phyllis C. CastMs. Janice IngleMary McMahon and Lon FosterMr. and Mrs. Frank C. RobsonMr. and Mrs. E. R. SidwellMs. Jacquelyn E. Vinson

sponsorMr. James A. ArnoldMr. and Mrs. A. D. BrodskyMr. and Mrs. Tommy CampbellMr. and Mrs. John CleggMr. and Mrs. James CrewsMr. and Mrs. Dick DickasonMr. and Mrs. Carter GrahamSusan and Bob MaseDr. and Mrs. John D. MowryMr. and Mrs. Barry L. RedlingerBob and Marion RichardsonMrs. Marilyn H. RobisonMr. and Mrs. Robert B. SartinMr. Stephen R. Ward

supporterMs. Mary Ann Allbritton and Mr. Thomas LeBlancMs. Linda AllenDr. and Mrs. Robert W. AllenDr. and Mrs. Robert W. Baker Jr.Dr. and Mrs. John A. CoatesMr. Kenneth H. CookMr. and Mrs. Barry M. DavisMr. and Mrs. Tom DiehlMr. and Mrs. Otto F. Duecker IIIMrs. Toby FellMr. and Mrs. Edward W. FlaxbartDr. and Mrs. Lynn E. FrameMs. Lynda FrederickMr. and Mrs. John A. Gaberino Jr.Dr. and Mrs. Walter H. GaryMr. Dale Gillman and Mrs. Francie FaudreeMr. and Mrs. Stuart GoodallMr. and Mrs. Scott L. GrahamMs. Judy HallMr. and Mrs. Donald A. Hamilton Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. HarlanJono and Jenny HelmerichMr. and Mrs. Eddie E. HensonMr. and Mrs. Rudy J. HerrmannMs. Kathleen K. HiltiMr. and Mrs. Curtis J. HoldridgeMr. and Mrs. Jeff HuberMarilyn Inhofe-Tucker and Ralph TuckerMr. and Mrs. William C. JacksonMr. and Mrs. Joseph S. JankowskyMr. and Mrs. Stan Johnson

masters society BenefactorsMr. and Mrs. George S. DotsonMr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Klein

masters society patronDr. and Mrs. S. J. AdelsonMr. and Mrs. Howard G. Barnett Jr.Mr. Bryan B. CloseMrs. Janet DeckMr. and Mrs. Rik HelmerichMrs. Rita E. NewmanMrs. Patricia Savage

masters societyTom and Julie AdelsonMr. and Mrs. Gene BaldwinMr. and Mrs. John W. Barnett Jr.Jim and Diana BenienMr. and Mrs. John BlochaMr. and Mrs. Albert E. BushMr. Doug CampbellPam and Terry CarterMr. and Mrs. Malcolm Deisenroth Jr.Mr. Robert S. DoengesMr. and Mrs. Lee EslickerMr. and Mrs. Raymond FeldmanMr. and Mrs. Lance FranczykMr. and Mrs. Phillip B. FranczykMr. and Mrs. Robert A. FrandenMr. and Mrs. Ron FullertonMr. and Mrs. Terry DoverspikeMr. John W. GriffinMr. and Mrs. E. Murray GullattMr. William V. HanksMrs. Jean HollimanJim and Barbara HoughtonMr. and Mrs. Oliver S. HowardMr. and Mrs. David F. JamesMr. and Mrs. Bruce JonesMr. and Mrs. King P. KirchnerMr. and Mrs. David KyleMr. and Mrs. Scott LambertDr. Holbrook Lawson and Mr. Rick HolderMr. and Mrs. G. Scott LewisMr. and Mrs. James C. McGillMrs. Doris R. McGrathMr. and Mrs. Joseph R. McGrawMr. and Mrs. Mike McGrawMr. and Mrs. Robert C. MillspaughMichael and Leslie MooreMr. and Mrs. Robert E. NormanMr. and Mrs. Sid W. PattersonMr. and Mrs. Thomas PottsMr. and Mrs. Royce ReedDr. and Mrs. John C. RobinsonDr. and Mrs. B. Frank ShawMr. and Mrs. Leslie SimmonsMrs. Judith SmithMr. and Mrs. Charles C. StephensonMr. and Mrs. G. Steven StidhamMr. and Mrs. Samuel C. StoneMr. and Mrs. James M. SturdivantRoss and Margaret SwimmerMrs. Francesca Treacy Tandy and Mr. Charles TandyMr. Morey J. VillarealMr. and Mrs. Calvin VogtMr. Peter M. WalterMr. and Mrs. William K. Warren Jr.Mrs. Catherine A. WilsonRobert and Debra Zinke

Mrs. C. H. JohnstoneMr. and Mrs. Joel KantorMr. William C. KelloughMr. and Mrs. Dobie LangenkampMr. and Mrs. Louis LarryMr. and Mrs. George LewisMr. and Mrs. Robert F. LucyMs. Stacy LytleMr. and Mrs. Cameron MacLeodMr. and Mrs. Jack L. MandevilleDr. and Mrs. Charles W. McEnteeMr. and Mrs. Brian C. McKinneyMr. and Mrs. Kelly McKoyDr. and Mrs. Robert E. PaulDr. Stephen M. PaulsenMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. PayneMrs. Julianne Flint PringleDr. and Mrs. Bernard RobinowitzMr. and Mrs. Mark E. SchellMr. Charles F. ScottDr. and Mrs. James S. SeebassMr. and Mrs. Randy ShorbMr. and Mrs. Robert SoberAl and Charlene StampsMr. and Mrs. Thomas E. StantonDr. William StringerDr. and Mrs. Don StuckyDr. and Mrs. Ross TaylorDr. and Mrs. Monty M. ThamesDr. and Mrs. Roger E. WehrsMs. Margaret A. WhiteMr. and Mrs. Richard E. Wright IIIMr. and Mrs. David W. Yaeger

associateMr. and Mrs. Billy W. BaldwinMs. Claudia BarnesMs. Rachel BlueMr. and Mrs. Carl C. BoyesJudge and Mrs. Thomas R. BrettMr. and Mrs. Rick BrodskyDr. and Mrs. William C. BurnettMr. and Mrs. Christopher CadieuxMr. John B. CamdenMr. and Mrs. David CarterDr. and Mrs. James D. CashChelsea Gallery/Gary quiggleMr. and Mrs. Alvin A. ChinnDr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. CiriacksMs. Margie S. ClarkMr. Joel N. Cousins and Mr. Frank MedearisMr. Scott CrowMr. and Mrs. Donald C. DavisMrs. L. Virginia DavisMs. Audrey DawsonMr. Oakley DeisenrothMr. and Mrs. Gary DenslowMr. and Mrs. James W. DuttonMr. Richard J. EricksonMr. and Mrs. Irving FensterMr. and Mrs. Charles R. FordMs. Julie FrankDr. and Mrs. Marc A. FrazierMrs. Jeanne Riney Froeb



bershipNew & Renewing Donor Members october 1, 2009-december 31, 2009

Philbrook MuseuM shoP Members receive a 10% discount in the Museum Shop.All profits support the daily operations for Philbrook.Hours: Tues., Wed., Fri., Sat. 10 am – 5 pm Thurs. 10 am – 8 pm Sun., 11 am – 5 pm

Call 918.748.5304 or e-mail

RESTAuRANTLunch, Tues – Sat, 11 am – 2 pm Sunday Brunch, 11am – 2 pmReservations 918.748.5367

Catering 918.748.5366 918.749.7941

Columns is published quarterly by PHILBROOK MuSEuM OF ART

2727 South Rockford Road, Tulsa, OK 74114-4104

2010: IsAnn #2

series sponsorThe Raymond and Bessie Kravis Foundation

underwriting sponsorsThe Mervin Bovaird FoundationH. A. & Mary K. Chapman Charitable TrustThe Helmerich FoundationLarry and Marilyn Lee, Ram Energy Resources Inc.Ralph & Frances McGill FoundationNancy and Peter MeinigThe Oxley FoundationPhilbrook Board of Trustees

contributing sponsorsBarnett Family FoundationIrene and Stan BurnsteinFrank and Gayle EbyBarbara G. and Stephen J. HeymanLobeck Taylor FoundationPhilbrook Contemporary ConsortiumThe Sherman E. Smith Family Charitable FoundationJon Stuart/Stuart Family Foundation

sponsorsKristin and James BenderMargery Feagin BirdCFRKathy S. and Joseph W. Craft IIIHerman Kaiser FoundationMargaret and Jack NeelyOklahoma Arts CouncilKathleen Patton Westby Foundation

2009 - 2011 exhibition series sPonsors

2727 South Rockford Road Tulsa, OK 74114-4104

in ancient egypt, amulets in the form of the scarab beetle were

placed over the hearts of the mummified dead. known as “heart

scarabs”, they were seen as a symbol of new life and resurrection.

Actual egyptian artifacts inspired these hand-formed dichroic glass

scarabs, designed by Cesar Palma. these beautiful pieces come in a wide

variety of colors and styles. Available exclusively at the Philbrook Museum shop.
