Columbine Report Pgs 10701-10800


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stionsSERIES I

~ Is your first name Nathan? Yes

lA Were you born in San Diego? Yes

2 Are you going to be completely truthful on this test? Yes

3 Are you aware this test concerns what happened at the schoolyesterday? Yes

4 Prior to this week, have you ever lied to an authority figure? No

5 Did you help Dylan and Eric Yesterday? No

6 Before yesterday, did you ever lie to get out of trouble? No

7 Did you help plan what Eric and Dylan did yesterday? No

S Are you afraid people will blame you for what happened? No


SERIES IA. Did you help Dylan and Eric yesterday?

(Response, No).B. Did you help plan what Eric and Dylan did

Yesterday? (Response: No).

It is the opinion of the examiner that Dykeman wasdeceptive when responding to these relevant questions.

When confronted with his deceptive responsesDykeman admitted he was withholding information from theinvestigators. He said he had not been oompletely truthfulbecause he was afraid that he would be arrested for not reportingthis information earlier. Dykeman provided information relatingto explosives and firearms acquired by the gunman which iscontained in the enclosed FD-302.


, I -


Nathan Alden Dykeman, date of birth December 15, 19110,home address 7973 West Plymouth Place, Littleton, Colorado,telephone number (3031 933-17011, was interviewed at the Regencyaotel, 3900 Elaei, Denver, Colorado. Dykeman was advised of theidentities Of the interviewing Agents and waa asked about hisinvolvement with the April 20, 1999 shootings at Columbine HighSchool (CHSI and his knowledge of where Eric Harris and DlyanXlebold obtained the guns used in the shootings.

I'resent during the interview was Dykeman'a stepfather,Victor Goode ;md Dyketnlln'lI lIlOther Julie Goode. Dykeman providedthe following information:

llykeman stated he had no knowledge of, nor did heparticipate in, the planning or execution of the shootings at CHSon April 20, 1999. Dykeman stated he was at his residen~e at theabove address at the t1me of the shoot.ings and watohed the '""<lntsthat unfolded at CHS from his house.

Dykeman was friends with the two identified shooters,Hardlil and lClebold and considered Xlebold as one of his bestfriends. Dykeman stated that he did not have any idea that theeventlil of April 20, 1999, at CBS were going to happen, nor thatHarris and Xlebold would perpetrate such an event. Dykemanstated that he had not associated that much with Harris OrKlebold since early in 1999 when he began dating christianElizabeth Epling. When not at schocl, or at work, Dykeman spentall of his free time with Epling.

Dykeman stated he worked at tha Blackjack Pizza,located at Ottawa and Pierce, Littleton, Colorado until April 1,1999 along with Harris, Klebold, Christopher Morris, and PhilipDuran. Dykeman reoalled an inoident in late January or earlyFebruary 1999 when he observed Klenold hand Duran a large sum ofmoney behind the Blacltjacl<; l?i~~a snop. Dykeman stated that hethought Klebcld was buying drugl from Duran and began to harassKlebold about the exchange, as Dykeman is very tm.1ch againstdrugs. Dykeman stated that aftar constant harassment about themoney, Xlebold t.old Dykeman that the money was not for drugs butt.hat he, Klebold had purchased a gun or g\U'lB from Duran. Dykemanremembered the total amOllnt of money was S200 - $300 and believed

PUH 4-DN-SH05SA Michael J. Wyatt

by SA John M. McGrath:jmmJC- 001-010703

MAY-@4-1999 13:46



Nathan A.lden OykEllllan

that Duran sold Klel:lold a shotgun and pistol. Klebold never toldDykeman what he had plann~d on using th~ weapons at CBS on April20, U99.

Dykeman described Duran as .. white male, approximately£> feet tall, a slim to medit:llll build, dark nair and owner of ..bla<:ll: Ford 'I'aurwI SHO J aclcl:r:ess \Ulknow%I. Oykeman stated. anotherBlac:kj ack e1llPloye.e, Angel Last NalI\e UllknoWl:1 1IIay be livinS at theeame residence as Duran.

Dykeman stated he was willing eo cooperate in ehisinvestigation and would volunteer further details about hisknowledge of people that 1IIay or may not be involved, in theshootinge at CHS.

JC· 001·010704

FD·J02 (R>v, lC-<i-9l)

. l .




nm'l",": ..;4""1...2:.:7..l,/..i.9"'9'-- _

Nathan Oykeman, date of birth 12/15/80, returned a callto the inte~Tiewing agent and provided the following infOrmation;

Dykeman's attention was directed to the phrase 'Chris,pizza guy's house", Dykeman believed that this might be areference to their friend Chris Morris. He added that the newowner of Black Jack Pizza is Chris Last Name Unknown (LNUI.Dvkeman stated that Eric Harris had a lot of contact with ChrisLNu. At first Harris did not get along with Chris LNU. Harrisdid not like the way Chris LNU was ~r~ing the business while atthe same time he was just sitting around in the back. Thetelephone number for Black Jack Pizza is (3031 978-0600.

lie was also asked if he k.""e';/ of an indi...-id\,lal bv chsnarr~ of Yoshi. Dykeman explaL,ed that Yoshi had to be YoshiCar=ol. Yoshi is a friend of Dvkaman's who came to Littleton,Colorado from Romania at approximately the Same time chat Dykemancame t~ Colorado in ~he 8t~ grade. ~oshi is a rea~ly nics guywho is involved in movies ~~d the drama club. He is alse a realsmar~ math wiza~d. Dykeman did ~ot ~~QW of any associationbetNee~ Yoshi ~~d Oylan K:ebcld or Eric Harris. However, Klebcldor Harris would not say anything derogatO~f about Yoshi in froncof Dykeman because they both k.~ew that Dykeman and Yoshi werefriends. Andy Robinson is Yoshi's best friand.

Klebold never calked about napalm with Oykem~~,

Dykeman reoalled thae Harris would sometimes talk about hownapalm was used over in Vietnam.

JC· 001.010705

Pi!•• 4-DN-5740S

.,. SA Paulette N. Brunr!:!J'?

'Ibi& 4QQllllCUl contai.wl nciIhw ~Rl1;uiot16 not;orn;iuJlod$ ottbcFBL 11 it the property oCtbe: fit :md is loaned :.0 you:aaeucy;it &ad iff, coawu:s Itt l'IDt to bedirLrib~ ovuia yWf :&80'aC1.


WITNESS NATHANA. DYKEMAN, Columbine High Schoolstudent,DOB12115/80,6'-04", I651bs, brownhair, brown eyes, (Local) 7913 W.Plymouth PI , Littleton, Colorado, 80128, (Florida) 3460 PendeltonWay, Land0 Lakes, Florida, 50880 8S#090-68-0236 (LocalPhone)(303) 979-7337, (Florida Phone) (813) 996-5088.

INTERVIEWERS AgentJERRY W. MEANS, ColoradoBureauofInvestigation, 690Kipling Street, Denver, Colorado, 80215, (303)239-4211.

Special Investigator GARY CLYMAN, Officeof the ColoradoAttorney General/Columbine TaskForce, 1525 Sherman Street, 5th

Floor,Denver, Colorado, 80203,(303) 866-5773

Special AgentLARRY KRISt, Department of the TreasuryBureauofAlcohol Tobacco&.Firearms, Polygraph Branch, 1961Stout, Room 630, Denver, Colorado, 80202,(303) 844-3421 X-27




May21, 1999, at approximately 10.00am.

Jefferson CountyCourt House, 500Jefferson CountyParkway,Golden, Colorado

An interview with AlyssaSECHLER on May 19, 1999,revealedthat Nate DYKEMAN was in Denverfrom Floridato attendhisgirlfriend, Kristen EPLING'S High SchoolGraduation.DYKEMAN was contacted on May20, 1999 by SpecialInvestigatorGary CLYMAN and agreedto meetwith investigatorsOn May 21,1999

DYKEMAN waspickedup, by his request, at EPLINGS residenceby SpecialAgentMark HOLSTLAW, of the FBI at approximately08.00 a.m. and taken to the Jefferson County Court House.DYKEMAN was advised by CLYMA,\f that bewasnot underarrest, and could leavethe follow-up interview any time he wanted.DYKEMAN agreedto answer questions and stated he understoodhe could leave. Dykeman sat in a chair near an unlocked door tothe meetingroom.

JC- 001-010706

The following is a listof questions that were generated byreviewing all the investigative reports involving DYKEMA"! todate1. DYKEMAN stilled the first time hesaw KLEYBOLD or

HARRIS withanyweapons or explosives wasapproximately I yearago DYKEMAN statedhe hadseenKLEYBOLD make several small C02 bombs He statedHARRIS and KLEYBOLD were always interested inthings that exploded, andtheyjust keptcreating a largerbang. DYKEMAN statedhe never thought HARRIS orKLEYBOLD weredirecting the explosives at anyone, hestaledtheyjust liked to blowthingsup.

DYKEMAN stated several months ago he was atHARRIS'S horne andEric showed hima pipebomb hisparents had taken from him HARRIS toldDYKEMANthat his dad didnot know what to do with it so his fatherplaced it in hisparent'scloset. DYKEMAN staredHARRIS hadadditional pipebombs he had made since theone was taken, andhe keptthem in his room DYKEMANstatedHARRIS bed several C02 bombs he had madesitting out in the open in his bedroom. He statedHARRISshowed him a hidden area in the basement windowwell oftheHARRIS home DYKE1,1AN statedHARRIS justbanged on theareato show himit was hollow, and he didnot see inside HARRIS told DYKEMAN that he had tokeep them hidden because hehadjust got into the diversionprogram. DYKEMAN statedHARRIS hada largerollofcannon fusehanging on hisbedroom wall He statedhethought HARRIS got the Me from OLDGLORYFIREWORKS inDenver DYKEMAN statedHARRIShad an explosive cookbook, and HARRIS also learned a lotaboutbombs on the Internet. DYKEMAN stated he neverwent shooting with them, however, he did see HARRIS andKLEYBOLD blow up a pipebehind Blackjack Pizza, andhe saw themboth blow up a bombin a culvertnearWadsworth DYKEMAN statedhe helped HARRIS de­powdersome fountain type fireworks approximately 8months ago DYKEMAN statedHARRIS putthe powderin a coffee can thatwas located in HARRIS'S bedroomDYKEMA"! statedtheydid not build any weaponstogether DYKEMAN statedChrisMORRIS also knewaboutthe explosives andweapons and was present whenthey testedthemin the pipebehind the Blackjack Pizza.

JC- 001_010707

DYKEt.fAN statedhe a Chad Laughlin droveto Wyominglast yearto pick up some fireworks, He stated he boughthimselfsomeRoman Candles, and KLEYBOLD gavehim$8000 to pickup 9-gross of bonle rockers, and 6 mortars

2, Thefirst time DYKEMAN ever saw themwithany guns,besides a BB gunHARRIS hadwas when heconfrontedKLEYBOLD aboutseeing KLEYBOLD givePhil DURA:'lmoney behind theBlackjack Pizzastore, He statedhethought KLEYBOLD wasbuying drugsand DYKEt.fANstated he has no tolerance for drugs, Whenconfronted byDYKEMAN, KLEYBOLD told him he was buyingashotgun from PhilDURAN DYKEMAN believedDURAN was a tag-a-long and the main gun supplier wasMarkMANIS. DYKEMAN statedhe saw the sawed-offshotgun KLEYBOLD purchased at KLEYBOLDS house.DYKEMAN thought thegun was purchased with the barrelshortened, because he saw it shortly after KLEYBOLD gotit and he never saw KLRYBOLD cutting on it He statedhe did notremember exactly when KLEYBOLD got thegun. DYKEt.fAN also sawa videoofKLEYBOLDandHARRIS with 2 shotguns, a Tec-smm, a rifle, and possiblea pistol He stated he onlysaw the video,and was not therewhen it was made DYKEMAN statedHARRIS andKLEYBOLD werealways making weirdvideos, but hethoughtit wasjust forfun, DYKEMAN lookeddown at thefloor and statedhe never realized theywould hurt anyone,

3 DYKEMAN stated KLEYBOLD went to the promin aLimo withseveral othercouples. He staledKLEYBOLDwas asked to the prom byRobinANDERSON and hadaccepted M'DERSON liked KLEYBOLD a lot, however,KLEYBOLD just wanted to be her friend, DYKEMANstatedhewas in the limo withMORRlS, MARKHAM,KLEYBOLD, EPLING, SECHLER, ANDERSON, andSECHLER'S boyfriend (name unknown), DYKEt.fANstatedHARRIS showed up at the afterprom and was in anormal mood DYKEMAN stated KLEYBOLD andHARRIS leftthe afterpromat approximately 2 30 a.m Hestated he did not know wheretheywent DYKEt.fAN didnot remember seeing eitherof themagain, orKLEYBOLDS date, ANDERSON He statedMORRlS didnot leavethe afterprom withHARRIS and KLEYBOLDbecause he remembered seeing MORRIS after the othertwo had left. DYKEMAN staledhe and EPLINGremainedar the afterpromuntil approximately 04 00 a.m, went to

JC· 001-010708

the mountains to watch the sun rise, and thenreturned toEPLING'S house

4 DYKEMAN stated HARRIS and KLEYBOLD were not inanyof theirclasses on thedayofthe shooting He statedthe last time hesaweither of thembeforehe left the schoolwason May19,1999 DYKEMAN statedon the 19th hesawHARRIS andKLEYBOLD after4'"periodandtheyboth seemed normal DYKEMAN statedhe did not knowof any "gathering" at theOutback Restaurant so he couldnot help withthat He stated ifthey went to dinner they didnot invite him, DYKEMA,l\i stated if therewasa dinnerMORRIS, MARKHAM, DURAN, HARRIS,KLEYBOLD, and ANDERSON mighthavebeen thepeople at it

5 DYKEMAN stated hewasat school on the dayof theshooting, but leftjust before it actually started He statedhealways goes home for lunch and remembered leaving atapproximately II 20 am, He stated he does not eat luncheveryday with KLE'fBOLD and HARRIS He stated hegoesto his house and EPLING always goes to her houseHe stated he only hasa couple of minutes 10 eat and he hasto getbackto school DYKEMAN statedhe left throughthe westdoors of the school and walked downthe dirt pathnext to the school He stated he did not seeanyone wearinga trenchcoalthroughout the morning, nor did heseeanyone outside thewestdoors DYKEMAN stated his carwasparked near HARRIS and KLEYBOLDS vehicles,however, neither of theircars were there He stated as hewasdriving outof theparking lot he sawHARRIS walkingfrom the areaof thejunior parking lot, towards the southcafeteria doors He staled HARRIS waswearing a blacktrench coat and carrying a small blackbag in his hand, Hestated HARRIS hadthe small bag before in schooland ithad contained hisCDWalkman andother regularpossessions, He statedhe did not speakto HARRIS, andthat HARRIS was alone DYKEMAN statedhedid no seeKLEYBOLD

6 DYKEMAN stated when he was returning to schoolhecame across a roadblock at Columbine andPierceandagain at Pierce andWalker, He slatedthe police had bothintersections blocked and he couldn't figure out whatwasgoing on He stated it was approximately II 40 a.m andhe sawschool kids being routed outof the area,


DYKEMA"! stated he sawJen HARMON and he asked herwhatwas going on HARMON stated 2 kids in trenchcoatswere shooting up the school. DYKEMAN stated hedid not wantto believe it wasHARRIS and KLEYBOLDbut he thought it might be, He staledbothof themhadbeen acting strange for the last few months, butKLEYBOLD had beenmaking future plans to move toPhoenix and attend school notto shootup the schoolDYKEMAN staledhe returned homeand calledKLEYBOLDS father He staledKLEYBOLDS fatherhadno ideawhat as going on at the school KLEYBOLDSfather toldDYK.E.\1AN something like "Oh My God" andhe left the phone to see if Dylan's coat was in the house.DYKEMAN stated KLEBOLDS father returned to thephoneand statedthecoalwas not there. DYKEMANstaledKLEYBOLDS father became extremely upset andDYKEMAN began to crywhiletalking to the ReportingAgent. D"'iKE~1AN statedhe could still not believeKLEYBOLD hadsomething to do withthe shooting andHARRIS musthave"Had Something On Him" to causehim to participate He could not believe KLEYBOLD shothimself DYKEMAN statedhe couldnot believeKLEYBOLD couldhavekeptthis secretand DYKEMANfelt he should havedonesomething to helpKLEYBOLD

7 DYKEMAl"l was asked abOUI hisknowledge of BrooksBROWN, Chris MORRIS, and Robert PERRY He staledChrisMORRIS wasprobably HARRIS'S best friend, buthe did not know ifMORRIS knewaboutthe shooting. HestatedBrooksBROWN was never apart of the group and heis a compulsive liar DYKEMAN was asked ifhe had everdyed his hairblond or knew anyone in school as tall as himwithdyedblond, "PunkHair" He staledhe has neverdyedhis hair andtheonly kid that tall that has recently dyed hishairblond is Brooks BRO"''N He staledBROWN wouldchangehis hairoften DYKEMAN statedknow one heknows likesBROWN DYKEMAN statedRobert PERRYwas a weird guyin school that noneof the previouslymentioned people hung out with. He staledPERRY wasstrange.

8 DYKEMAN wasasked who"La VIDA X" wasand hestaledit wasa screen name that heor KLEYBOLD mayhaveused. He stated HARRIS hada nickname foreveryone and DYKEMANS was"Devil Man"DYKEMAN statedhethoughtit was stupidandHARRIS

JC· 001-010710

was the only one that used it DYKEMAN was asked jfhehad ever sent any threatening Emailand he stated he wasreally mad at Devon ADAMSand may have sent her somebed Email. DYKEMAN could not rememberwhat it said,but stated he was mad at her because she was sayingthingsto get KLEYBOLD in trouble. ADAMS is ZackHECKLERS girlfriend, DYKEMAN stated he has neverbeen on a "RebelMission", and stated he does not knowwhat it is, He stated he thinks"NBK" stands for NaturalBorn Killers, He stated Natural Born Killers is a movietitle ofa filmand it was one ofHARRIS'S favorites.

erry eans,Agent

Colorado Bureauof Investigation

JC- 001-010711


TYPE OF REPORT REPORT BY AREAProgress Inv. Gary Clyman Jefferson County



1. As a follow-up to Il!1 interview of Nate Dykeman conducted onMay21, 1999 (Lead 00, 3862)by CHIAgentJerryMeans, llIld thisinvestigator, I contacted Nateat hi' residence in Florida on June3, 1999. Heconfirmed that be hadin hispossessicu rwn videotapes madebyDylan KIebold and him Onewasmadefur the"Rebel News Network" announcements at CHS,llIld tileotherwasmade by themin 1998 for thepurpose of showing Nate', fatherwhere helives, gees to school, etc.

2. NateIlls" hadhis 1998 CHSYearbook, which contained thenoteswritten to him by bothDylan KlebcldandEricHarris. Nateagreed to provide the videos to me,as well ascopies of the yearbook nores.

3 On June9,1999 Jreceived the itemsfrom Dykemlill by U.s. Mad. Copies of theyearbooknotesareanacbed to lJ1is report. On. video is. VHS format, tidedon the spine "DylanKlebcld and NathanDykeman, Approx dele Nov. Dec98".Thesecond video is in an 8=format, tided"lnrroRNN I Dylan,Nate",

4. I inniaied each itemwiththedele, andprovided theoriginals to Inv 'l1!U1. Silecopiedthe videos, hookedthe originals mro evidence atJCSO,and willhave memall the vi 0 coljies toDykeman.


JC- 001-01 0712





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174A-DN- 5'7419MAH:mah


On the dates indicated, the following investigation wasconducted by Special Agent M..l\.RK A. HOLSTLAW, DenvQr FBI, JTTF-IYr:

On 02/23/2000, NATHAN A, DYKEMAN, DOS 12/15/1~80,

currenc residence at 3432 Pendleton Way, Land 0' Lakes, Florida34639, telephone a13-9~6·S0aa. Was telephonically contacted andadvised he was being requested to take a polygraph examconcerning his possible involvement in the COLUMBINE HIGH SCHOOL(CHS) shootings of April, 1~99.

DYKEMAN advised he would discuss the matter with hisfather, MATT DYKE~~, and get back to the FBI with an answer.

DYKEMAN also advised that On 01/20/2000, he had been inoontact over the Internet with an individual using an E-mailaddress ot: 'saral061<illyahoo, com.' I:>YKEMMl's Internet serviceprovider was JUNEAU. DYKEMMl later ascertained that this E-mailaddress belonged to a SARA HARRIS, HAR1U$ informed I:>YJ<El'.1J\N ehehad preViously talked with DYLAN KLESOLD over the Internet priorto the ens shootings. HARRIS informed OYKEMAN shs would contacthim later using a new E-mail address of'mycooJ<einurnQokel!llaol. ccm." DYKEMAN agreed to keep the FBIappraised of his conversations with ~~I$.

On 02/24/2000, MATT DYKSMAN telephonically contaotedthe FBI and expressed concerne about why his son was beingrequested to take another polygraph exam, After explaining toI:>YKEMAN why his son was being offered another polygraph, heagreed to talk the matter over with his son and get back with theFiI concerning his son's decision.

On 03/07/2000, NATHAN DYKEMAN was telephonieallyoontacted and advised SA HOLBTLAW that sinoe he already subjectedhimself to two polygraph examinations, he would not agree to athird one,

DYKEMAN aavised that the first on.. r which he believedwas fully-oompleted by the FBI; as well as a second one, whiohwas provided by ~n ATF agent, revealed that be was telling thetruth about his not being involved in the ens incident.Aocording to DYKEMAN, the ATF agent whO provided him with a"visual polygraph," indicatQd to him that in th.e agent's opinion,DYKEMAN had been truthful and therefore, would not need to takeanother polygraph examination.

ac- 001-010715


· I .



Christine Epling, 5754 West Leawood Drive, Littleton,Colorado telephone number (303) 795-8558, pager number (303)508-5683, date of birth 2(20(81, was advised of the identity ofthe interviewing agent and furnished the following information.Present during this interview was Epling's friend, AlyssaSechler, 7900 West Portland Avenue, Littleton, Colorado 80128telephone number (303) 972-3509, pager number (303) 760-4720,date of birth B/l1/81 and Epling's younger brother, NathanEpling.

Epling and Sechler are both seniors at Columbine HighSchool (CBS). Epling has known Dylan Klebold since kindergartenand Eric Harris since her freshman year. Klebold went to theprom with Christie Epling and her date, Nathan Dykeman, this pastSaturday evening, 4/17/99. Klebold went with Robin Anderson tothe prom and the after prom and seemed happy.

Epling had classes with Eric Harris and Dylan Kleboldand saw them everyday at school. On 4/20/99 Epling and Sechlerleft CBS at the same time during their lunch hour atapproximacely 11:15 am. Both Epling and Sechler got in theirseparate vehicles and drove OUt of the CHS parking lot. Whiledriving out of the parking lot they both saw Eric Harris drivinginto the school in his 2 dOOr gray Honda Accord. Sechler honkedher horn at Barris and waved and he waved back. Epling alsowaved at Harris. Epling proceeded to her home where she remaineduntil she headed back to school at the end of the lunch hour.When she tried to go back to school the street was blocked offand Epling thought that there may have been an accident. Apolice officer told her that there was not going to be any moreschool because there had been a school shooting.

Epling explained that what the media was referring toas the Trench Coat Mafia was just a bunch of ~~ys who hung outtogether. They were not a gang. She estimated that there wereprobably S - 10 kids who wore these trench coats. The kids whosenames she could remember were Eric Barris, Dylan Klebold, ChrisMorris, Tad Boles and Nathan Dykeman. Epling has hardly seenDykeman wearing a trench coat. Dykeman haS probably only worn atrench coat two or three times since JanUary of 1999.


Fll.1 4-DN-57405

by SA Paulette N. Brundage

0". di""te' ...:4!j/:,.,2"'2"'/"'9"'9<- _

JC- 001·010717

This: dQQJm~nt \:Qntaim: ril:ilhcr recornmendauons ncr conclusions of !.he fBI. IIiJ the I'fCptrt)' Q(th~ FBIand is loaned to youragency;


2, Faa' _..::.._Christine Epling

Nathan Dykeman and Dylan Klebold were best friends andlike brothers, Dykeman and Eric Harris had previously had afight over Epling as a result of Harris and Epling flirting witheach other. Dykeman and Harris had resolved their differencesand were friends again, although they were nat as close as theyused to be. Epling believed that Harris' closest friends wereDylan Klebold, Nate Dykeman and Chris Morris,

Epling expressed her disbelief that Harris and Kleboldcould have done what they did at eRS. She believed that Harrisand Klebold kept to themselves, Nathan Dykeman is in shock overwhat has occurred, She believed that Harris was closer withKlebold, since Dykeman and Harris had their falling out.

Harris, Klebold, Morris and Dykeman worked at BlackJack Pizza, although Dykeman found a better job and his last dayat Black Jack pizza occurred abOUt a week ago,

Harris did not get along with the "jocks" at school,The 'jocks" made fun of Harris because of the way he dz'essed . Hewore black pants, black boots, a trench coat and a shirt bearingthe name Rammstein. He also had a hat with the initials of sometechno group. Harris had gym class before German class lastyear, Harris would tell Epling during German class that the'jocks· pissed him off and they did not even know who he was,

Epling recalled that during their junior year Harrishad stolen some computer parts from school and. had been caughtalong with some other people.

Epling believed that Klebold. had to be drawn into thisby Harris on Sunday after the prom, Epling stated this becauseshe recalled that Klebold was having so much fun at the prom.

Epling did not recognize the name Phil Duran, She hadno id.ea where the weapons came from which were used by Harris andKlebold.

JC- 001·010718


TYPEOF REPORT REPORT BY AREAProgress Iav.GaryClyman Jefferson County



L 00 May 20. 1999 ArapaOOe S.O.Inv. Jackie GeeandI interViewed Ktis\l:m "Krisa" Epling(OOB: 02120181) atberresldeace, 5754W.Leawood Dr.. LiltIeroe, CO(303)795-8558. A1,o present were00 parents. Roben C Epling, Jr. (OOB: GliM/53), andRumE. Epling (OOB: 6107/53). Kristi has.younger brother. Natban Epling. who was present in CHS at the time of the,bootillg. andendedupbarricadedwithother 'lUdelllS and_00 Dave Saodets inmemath/science areaofmeschool. Thisfollow·up iaterview wasrequested based upon recenlly developed infotmalioo dlat on Aplil2J, 1999,Kri.sli bad sentnotesmadebetween00 andEric Hams toa friend in Sr. Louis, Lindsey Balsam, forsafel«.eping. The notesin question. wlrich wereuadated, madereference toa "hit list" of Eric's.Kristi isa1'0 the girlfriend of Nate Dykeman, who wasbelieved to beve recently returned to Colorado from Florida,but according to AlyssaSeckler. bedidnotwant thatinforman<>n known.

2. Kri.slisaid that she will be graduating from CBSthis coming Saturday. and willtheteafter bestudyingmarine biology at EckertCotlege in Sl.Petersburg, FL 00 anacademic scholarship. Shehasbeen a friendwithNareDykemansinceJanuary1999, and they have beendaring since lateFebruary 1999, The onlyclasstheybadtogether this seme'terwasa p,ychology class. a.lthcugb theysaweachotherdllily outside ofschool, Nate is livingwithhis father inLaodO'l..akes,FL, andsbe last talked tohimthis morning whenbe called her fromthere.

3. Kristi basknownEric Harrissince 9" grode. andcharacterized himas. good friend ShedidnotknowDylan Klebold well, and saiddlatit appeared that those closest to him were NateDykeman andEricHarris. Among the groupof CHSstudents whoassocared with Harris and Klebcld wereDykeman.ChrisMorris, Tim Castle, andChadLaugblin, All of them were together in the5" hourpsychology classofteacherTJ. Johnson(J 1:50 a.m.-12:<I() p.m) She atrended A·Junch begbming at 11:10am, She isoutofschool eacbdeybetween 12:40-1:35p.m.,depellliing on wbether sbe hasto work asa student assisllUllin abiology class,

4. Kri.sli .tteoded German classwithEric Harris lastsemester (4" hour), which they had eachtaken for fouryears. During class.the reacher (''fmu'') allowed them to pass notes if they were writren in German.Usually, theyused onepieceofJl'lPOI" fora class period, andthenotes were generally <brown out. as theydidnorcontain anything important Theytypically talkedaboutweekend plans, etc" andEricwould talkaboutgirls be was interested in, andasking Krim foradvice.

5. In January 1999, sbeand Eric went onan informal dare with several other friends. going midnight bowlingat Belleview Lanes, Because Nate DykellWl was intereSted in her,thisJed toa falling outbetween Nareand Ericwhereby the twO of themdidnotspeak fora wolle until she intervened and they madeup. Afterthat NateandEric were notas close as they bed previously been. Sometimes sheand Alyssa Secklerwould inviteEric to bangout with them, perhaps aslring himtogogetsomething 10 eat onceevery2-3months. Thisdid not include Dylan, since shehad only _ himthis semester.

6. Kri.sli saidthatEric would oftengetangry when othersmderas madefun ofhim, usually dueto his smallsize, or the waybe dressedin hi' 100g trencbcoat, black dolJ'",s, andT-,hiltswith German pnrases, Ericwould neverreact violently during theseincidents, butwould mention them later. Shegot tha impression

JC- 001-010719

that oncehetalkedabout it. these taunts would nolreally botherhimanymore.

7. Krist! knewthatEric hadbeenangry withtwo sophomores, DanLab,andhis friend Brandon Urson,whomshe referredto as "bandgeeks".Labhadapparently punched Ericin the face in 1998. Shedid notfindOil!aboutthisuntil November or December 1998, during which time she was dating DanLab. Intallcing withEricaroundthen,Ericmenliolled the fight andthaIhecouldnorunderstand whyshe wasdating Lab.Ericnevertalked to herabout revenge againstLab.

&. Kristi began writing notes 10 Eric in classduringfall 199& through approximately earlyDecember 1998.Theteacher thenbegan letting !hemta1k morem class, and!heaoree decreased. Others dose 10 Eric inGerman classwere Monica Seliuster, ChrisWalker, andnffanyTypher(!he!attllr mainly an in schoolmend only). Krist! said thaIin heropinion, Ericwould havebeen capable of following through witha!hreal of retaliation against another student Sbeinsisted thaIshesawno such threatsin !henoees he passedbet, or !herhe verbalized, andifsbe hadbecome aware of anything like!her, she wouldhavetolda teacher.Inretrospect, noneof thenotes she received fromEricbadanysigniJicanco regarding the events of April20' Krist! said thatas is usual, shecleans OUI allofher notebooks at !heendof the semester, andsbe threwawayanyofEric's notes. Shehas all ofher notebooks at home. anddidno, bavea1_at school thissemester,

9. Regarding berdayat school on Apn120·, Kristisaidshedrove bet VWbus to CHS withher brother,arriving at 7:30a.m.,parking in herspace# 65 in the seniorlot Sheanendedallofher classes, whichinorderfrom 1"4· hour. wereband.physics, APEnglish. (sawNate btlefly between classes), thenGerman,whicbendatiat 11:10 am, Sin", German was on the lower level of the school, she wenr tbrcugh tnecateteria, exitingtllrough oneof the five'ide doors.ShesawAlyssa Seckler outside thecafeteria, and theywaIlred together to their cars, sinceAlyssa parksnearher,and she was leaving to meet herboyfriend forlunch. Uponentertngtha lot.theygo, in,o theirrespective cars,andasshe wasdriving out,(approximatelyIUS am). she sawEricHarris driving intothelot in hisgrayHonda, andbe was alone. Shebooked andwaved to him.and he waved backat herand smiled.

10. Kristiarrived at home ator about 1]:20am. When shelefttoreturn to CHSt shefound that police atLeawood andPierceblocl<nd the street Sheassumed !here was a IIllffic accideat, tooka different route,fiading everything neartheschool blocked. This is where she was toldthaItherewasa shooting at CHS,andshedecidedtogo 10 Nate'sbouse. SbesawNateat a nearby intersection, driving hisoldwhitefordpickup. Shefollowed himto hi.s house. He toldher!henthatmere were apparendy two gunmen in theschool wearing blacktrencbcoats. Krisri saidthatwhenshe heardthis, sae thoughl that it couldhavepossibly beenEricand Dylan because they liked to wear theblacktrencbccats. ShehadseenNate wear hisblacktreechccar once.andalsosawCbrisoccasionally wear one, also. Evert so, she would havebeensurprised ifeitherof themwould shootanyone. Shestayed at Nate's theremainder of theday, andalsotherewere hismomandstepfather. Aschcolfrieed. JasonThompson, arrived at the house later, but leftbefore shedid.

II. Kristi said thaINateseemed "scare<!' of wllal was golng 00, saying '~I can't hemy friends" (doing theshooting). At or aboutnoon Nate caIlell Dylan'sbouseandspoke to hisrather, whoapparently did not yetknowof the sbootmg, Kristi callell homearound thesametimetocheckontne Statusofher brother. At therequest ofher parents, she left Note'sbousearound 2:15p.m. forColumbine Public Library, burdid nOIlocate her brotherthere. Shethenwentbome. and theyeventually locared him.

12. When asked ifshehad any ideawbc might helpEricandDylan withplanning or carrying am this attack at!be school, Krist! said"noneofmy friends". Shealso 'old thaIpdor to thisshe hadnever beeed anydiscussion or rumors regarding Aprll20·. She badbeenawarefrom. German classandGerman hislory thaIit wasHitler'sbirthday, butestacned no o!ber significance to thedate.

13. When asked wOO wouldno' be involved in thisattack, shesaid"CbrisMorris". She saidthatshe was verysurprised by whattheydid, becauseas recently as prom, Dylanbadtalked '0 Nateaboutfuture plansofanending a university.

JC· 001-010720

14. Wbenaskedaboutwhat should happen to someone who did helpwitll tID, attack. Krisdsaid"They shouldgo to jail forever. II was • horrible thing". Wbe. asked what should happen '0 anyone whomaybavesomeinforrnntioo aboUl tile event 01: Ibnse involyeti. buthave00' provided it to investigators. ,he replied "I don'tmow, it would depend on what it was". Shethought someone lUre that should probably getsome helporcounseling. but shouldgel in sometype of trouble depending upon theirlevelof involvemenr,

15. Weasked Kristi If therewasanything sse bad not toldusabout concerning tID. incident, Eric.Dylan oranything elserelevant, andshe saidthere was oothlng, Sheagain reiterated thatshebaddestroyed anynotes ofEric's after finding a fewof theminher room. When we gaveher. fewopportunities todiscloseanything else, andthar she would no' be in trouble fordcmgso,sheadmitted that she hadsentnote. shebadfound to a friend in St. Louis, identified asLindsay Balsam.

16. At thispomt,Inv. Geehodto leave for another appointment andwaswalked outside by Kristi WhenKristireturned a few minutes later, she toldmetbersbeis supposed to let meknowthat Nate (Dykeman) isin town, andstaying at the Epling house,

17. I tile. showed to Kristi a copyof tile noses recovered from Lindsay Balsam, which she reviewed. alongwith a preceding e-mail"""'sage to Lindsay. She idenliliedmemas thesebenas which she had mailed 00April 21 Shedid notpura ream address on tileenvelope because shedoesnotusually deso.ShemetLindsay last summer at Wasltlngton University inSt. Louis, andtheybecame good friends. Shehas sentLindsay two e-mails since the ,>\pril 20~ shooting,andhasreceived noresponse to either. She thinks thefir:sr wasregarding thenotesshewasgoing to mail,and the nextwas regarding ber going to Florida withNate. Kristi saidthat when shefoundthese noses from E.1c. irwas Yet)' painfulfor herto havethemherebecause ofher closerfriendship with him She didnot wantto destroy them. butthought mat if sbeaskedthemto bekepr for berfar from here, shecouldsomeday retrieve them when thememoty of wl1at hehaddone waa less clear. Oneof thebenas she l1ad sentLinds.ywas aetllaIly thepagefromheryearbook whereEnchadwritten her a lengthy message, including. drawing, anda noteto publish this,""""""'I ifanything should everhappen to him Krisa said thalshedidnotsendtilenotes to Lindsay inan effort toIlide themfrom investigatlllS,

18. Basedupon thecontests of the two pages of noes, Krist! believes that theywere wrinen between the twoof them in German classat tile endof N<lvemher 1998. because theyreferto hercecngDan (Lab), reterredto byEric alsoas"prettyboy". Kristi believes thatof thetwonotes, theshorresr wasthe first. because tbatis wben sbe!irstfoundout fromEricthatDanbodpouched him theprevious year.Regarding ner useofthe term "bit list" in thenote. Krist! saidthatis a term !hat shehadileardEric usejust velY recently beforetIDS notewaswritten. Eric usedit meaning tbar anyone on thollS! wassomeone hedid notlUre forsometeasOll.,She never actuaily saw a "bitliS!" OfEric's I•••III••iiI.,lThe llll.lDIl'.' referred toin tile IlOlO byEricis someone unknown to ber, Innotenumber 2 (tile lengthier note). berreference to" being afraid you(Eric)will"kill hira". are wordstll'! "cd usedin lJlikjng to berconcerninghisf""" aboutErt<:. ShesaidsheneverileardEricthreatentokill_or anyone else, Regarding Eric's written ccecern about anyone reporting thesethreats to thepolice. Kristi said mat Ert<:'s concern was thatat the time.hewasinthediversion program, andthat sucbthreals becoraing known couldnegatively impact tbat.Beyond that,Ericdidnorseemtowanttodiscusswith herthedi"""ioo program,

19. Regarding theProm on theweekend prier to theshooting, Kristi 'aId thatsheattended with NateDykeman. andtheyrented a limousine with several othercouples. Those were identified as DylanKleboldlRobyo AndetsOO (sae_ as in lovewith Dylan, hedisinterested. sheasked him to tileprom). Jessica HuglJeslPaullNU(DU,tuden,). JannaBucWlIltlld lNU (DUstudent), KellyBrownlBrandon LNU,MonicaSchuster/Steven Partridge (CHS Jr.).ErichadaskedSabrina Cooleyttlattend. butunknown to bim. shehad aooy:l'tiend. She thought hehadalsoaskedsomeone fromhisvideoclass(name unknown). but ultimately. Ericdidnotattendprom

20. Kristi said that aftetprom. she went homeand changed clothes. returning withNate to tileafter-prom atCHSat about I:15am Wbentheyarrived, shesawDylan andRobyn (whobad driven Dylan), Eric.and

JC-001·01 0721

CbIisMoms. Nate went to hangout with theguys wblle she taII<ed withRobyn. Aftera while, 'be andAlyssa Secklerwent backthrough themaze which had been setup,andtIley saw Nate,Eric, DylanandChris already in me hallway playing games wblch had been setupthere. Thiswas at about2 am, wbleil isthelast time she recalled seeing Ericand Dylan that morning. Thescaoolstopped lelling peopleinIl> after·prom lit 2 am, Eric was wearing hisblueflannel shinwith. black(?) T-shirt, andDylanwasprollalllywearing jeans and. dark shlrt, Knsnrecalled !!lilt there was only onedoor open leading intotheinterior oftheschool. waichwas in themainhallway. beingthedouble doors nearthegym ballway. Only oneof thefourdoorswas epee, and therewere • lotofodults inthe,;cinity. Sheand Nateleftafter-prom at about4:30am, walking out withAlyssa andher dale. Derek. Theyleftinseparate cars, and went to breakfast atDenny'slocared at Hampden & Wadsworth. Afrer breakfast, Natedroveher upDeerCreekCanyon, wheretheywatched the sunrise. Shewashomeby7 am, andtochurch by7:30am.

21. Kristi saidthar neitherEric norDylanseemed different than usual al after.prom. She didnot recall seeingeitherDylan's orEric', eats tbm evening. Sbehad00 illformatlon or theories regarding plaoement ofanyexplosive devices widlill theschool 00 promnight Shewas oalyschool friends withRobynAndersen, notsocializing withher.Theywere in the same Getman class together.

22. Kristi said that shebad been to Eric's bouse on t'WO occasions which shecanrecall. themost recent inJanuaryor February 1999. Thesewere when she andAlyssa had gone by toaskErie to go out withthem.andwerein his room forlessthana minute. Shecaanotrecall seeing llllything unusual,

n. KriSti stared mar Erie neverexpressed an interest to her regarding gunsorpipebomos. Natenever talkedtoheraboutanysuch interesrs either. WhIle at Nate', bome 011mo afternoon of April 20,he told bisparentsthat approximately one year ago,Eric badshown to IJim in Iris (Eric's) bouse, a pipebomb. About oneweek later, Nate also toldher that be Oed known about Robyn having purchased a shotgun for Eric. (Ibiswas afterthe information regarding Robyn Anderson Oed beenmade public), Kristisaid therewas noindication that Nate everhodanyideathat EricandDylan had anyinreotions withtheguns otherthanI1nndng. Silowas also toldby Naleabout2-3day, aftertheslloedog that hehadoncehelpedEricdepowderfireworks in Nate'sgarage. dumping thepowder intoa can.Saedoesnotknow whythiswasdoneor wharbappenedto thepowder.

24. Kri'ti sai<:l tbmafterApril 20· , N"", got intoafight withilismother and ste¢1llller. leading to IJim call10ghisfatherin Florida and moving OUt there. Nare'smother allegedly tonk allof bisCD's, trenchcoat,"White Zombie" flag, andotherpersonal items, andgave themto various neighbors toboldforher. WIJenNate's father. Matt, arrived here. theymoved intotheSuper 8 motel (Wadsworth and Hampden), fromTbursday, April 22 - Sunday, April25. WIJen theydeparted, Kristiwentwiththem to getaway fromall ofthemediaattention. She saidNatewas planlling on "",,;og to FlorIda anyway roa~lld school forMicrosoft lIllining.

25. Kristi eaidtbmonce she and Nalfl bogan dating, he spentvery littletime with DylanandEric,butmberspeatall of bis free rimewithher. Natewas workiog at a FU'OStone store from .000t I p.m- 6 p.m.,andthenhe wouldbe witll her. Shebas not beard of a birthday party ordinner atteeded by thefriends of EricandDylanin early April. There were twoeYellings in lare March whensbe wasnotwithNate, because shewas in a schoolplay Shedoesnot knowwbar Natedidon those nights.

26. Kdstiagreed to provide all of here-maileereea name" Sheandher family all usea singlePC at thehome.Herfather, RobertEpling, wasagreeable to andproviding an of Krisa'se-mail,but because ofsensitive material relatedto llis work. didnot want tosign a consent roseize andsearchthefamilycomputer, Kristiprovided the foUowing screen names wblch shebas used:

AQL Instant messenger;


JC· 001·010722

e.mai1/hot mail

Kristil999@botmaiLcomKrlsl!l220@botmaiLcoID1ceprincesss_18@yaboo,com(used very little)

7:J. Krlsti agreed to take• polygnlllb ...mjnation ifrequested. I badherspeakwithDel.VanderlJoe to maIrearrangements, l:eIJttlIjvely _ forFriday. May 28. 1999.

JC- 001-010723

Arvada Police/Court SystemArvada Police Department


page 106/22/1999

Ref # 99-12067Type MSTOA

Location 5201 S PIERCE ST

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32Status RTF

DET111 06/21/1999 062199/VQNDEROHE/MO

Jefferson county Sheriff's Department 99-7625

IO, Detective Jim Vonderohe. is a member of the Task Forcethat waa formed to investigate this tragedy at Columbine HighSchool ana am assigned leads to follow up on regarding thisinvestigation. The following supplement will be inreference to lead control #4621 which states that a Connie Cox.Tel. 303-79S-0464, lives across the street from the residence ofKristi Epling whose address is $754 W. LeawQod Orivel Littleton,CO, Tel. 303- 795-8558. The information in this lead was initiallyreceived on 04/22/99 which indicated that Co~~ie Cox reported thather neighbor's daughter's boyfriend i. a good friend of thesuspects involved in the columbine High School shootings/murders.Connie Cox stated that her daughter told her {connie Coxl ene otherday that two weeks ago Kristen Epling and her boyfriend knew ehatEric Harris was buying guns and that Eric Harris had his -hit listSon his computer.

IQ received this lead control sheet on 06/17/99 and was awareof the face that Kristen Epling was familiar with the twosuspects in this investigation, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold,based. lJ.pon her association with her boyfriend, Nathaniel !ONate!!Oykeman, who was also closely acquainted with the two suspects.

In researching this lead, 10 determined that a completefollow-up investigation on this lead had already been conducted byInvestigator Gary Clyman, a Columbine High School Task Forcemember; and an investigator with the State Attorney GeneralIsOffice. Investigator Clyman'S report, reference control #DN2075,and dated OS/24/99. indicates that he interviewed Kristen jtKristi'jEpling, dob' 02/20/81, on OS/20/99 at her residence. InvestigatorClyman'S report further indicates that in paragraph *18 of hisreport Kristi Epling is questioned regarding her knowledge of thellhit lit" that Eric Harris kept on certain individuals. Inreference to the issue of Nate Dykeman and her having knowledgethat Eric Harris was buying guns, sne was questioned about herknowledge of this by Investigator Clyman with the results reflectedin paragraph *23 of his report.

Due to the fact that this lead has already been developedpreviously through another lead control number, 10 concluded anyinvestigation into this matter at this poine.

JC- 001-010724


JC- 001-010725


CASETYPE: First DegreeMurderDATE: April 21, 1999REPORT BY: Investigator James Rasmussen

This investigator interviewed a subject at the Arapahoe CountySheriff's Office, 5686 S.Court Place, on April 20, 1999

The subjectwas identified as:

FRIESEN, CORYDOB I 04/03179 WM5702S. Estes Way 1 tel. #303-904-0818,

Cory Friesen is an associate of the two homicide suspects, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold,andwas a member of the so called "TrenchCoat Mafia" when he went to Columbine HighSchool where he graduated from in 1997

This investigator asked Coryto describe the "Trench Coat Mafia" and hisassociation withHarris and Klebold,

CoryFriesenstated the following;

That theywere a group of friends whojust did not fit in with the schoolcommunity of"jocks" and others within the school.

That somestudents did intimidate the kids he knew in theirgroup during the 1997-98school year,

That ill 1998 he beganto dis-associate with thegroup

That both suspects used street names as follows:

I} ERICHARRIS I "Reb" or "Rebel"2} DYLAN KLEBOLD I "Vodka",

That both Eric and Dylan were inter-net junkies who spenthours on the "net"

That he believed theygained explosive device knowledge through the inter-net

That he never thought"they" would go this far

That "Reb" had gotten intoa WW11 "Nazi" kicklately.

That he thought that Eric and Dylan werebeingpicked on constantly at school, possibly inexcess, and that they were neveraccepted by theirpeersat school.

JC· 001-010726


That both boyswere still in school as far as he knewandthat they had been involved insome theft and petty stuff. but neverany violence.

That both Ericand Dylan smoked rr trijuanaand drank.

That the last time he saw either wason April 09,1999 at Eric's birthday partyat the DraftBar & Grill at South West Plaza

That at this partyboth Eric and Dylan were talking about the "Jocks" and said they wishedthat they (Jocks)were alldead.

That he thought that Ericand Dylan werejokingand hejust blewit off and did not takethem seriously.

That when he heard about what was happening hetried to get to the school as his father isa teacherat Columbine. but went home when he could not get near the school

That a mend named Chris Morris was with him at the timeand called Into the JeffersonCo Sheriff'sOffice and told them that he knew whothe suspects were.

ThatMorris is part ofthe Mafia group and knows the suspects very well

That Manis was the manager at the BlackJack Pizza store where Eric and Dylan alsoworked.

That Manis had told him of Eric's fascination with the Nazi thing

That Manis knew that Eric and Dylan could manufacture pipebombs and hadstated thatEric had a AK-47 or a shot-gun.

That Morris did not know where theygot the guns, but he guessed illegally.

That Manis had possibly seen a recipe for explosives that Eric and Dylan had in theirpossession.

ThatEric was ini"tuated with a girl at the school and really wanted her U> likehim, but shewould not haveanything to do with him

That Dylan did not havea girl-friend but had recently gone out with a girl named Kristenand supposedly had a good time.

ThatEric andDylan listened to "Dark Music" and"New Industrial" rock.

That he stated again that both suspects were heavily into computers.

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That both Eric and Dylan had can, Eric's car un-known but that Dylan had a BMW

That he believed that there are ten or less students involved in the "Trench Coat Mafia"

JC- 001-010728




99 19:34:02 Message re~elved from NeIC




HIe174A·DN·57419InvThomas Wilson. DJTI'F

April 29, 1999

On 042999 LauraFriesen was contacted regarding the report taken by JeffersonCounty Sheriff's Department Deputy Luksch on 042799. (99·7920)

CoryFriesen was interviewed extensively on042499 by FBISA Price and CBISAWilson. Corywas at the officeof Chris Moms' attorney.

The bottle of Nitric Acid found between thehouses was placedthere by EricFriesen. whois the chemistryteacherat Columbine HighSchonl. Eric placedthe bottleof acidbetween the bouses in late 1998so the acidwould evaporate. Disposal of theacid is controlledandthis was a methodof disposal. SABill Petoskey, FBr. verified that this was an acceptedmethod of disposal for the acid. SAPetoskey is a chemise,

No further information wasrequired. Lead was covered.

Re: DN1931

JC. 001.010730

- 1 -



Cory Michael Friesen, date of birth April 3, 1979, homeaddress, 5702 South Estes Way, Littleton, Colorado, hometelephone number (303) 904-0818, was interviewed at the lawoffioes of Richalano and Ridley PC, 1800 15th Street, Denver,Colorado. Friesen, who is not a client of John Richalano, wasasked about his knowledge of the events that lead to the shootingat Columbine High School (CRS) , on April 20, 1999.

Friesen, who is a 1997 graduate of CHS and who'sfather, Kenneth Friesen is a teacher at CHS, provided thefollowing information;

Friesen stated that he had no knowledge of, nOr did heparticipate in the planning Or execution of the shootings andbomb placement at CHS on April 20, 1999.

Friesen ~s friends with Christopher Morris and throughMorris became friends of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. Friesenstated that he was at one time part of the Trench Coat Mafia(TCMl and was in the 1998 CHS yearbook photograph of TCM memberseven though he had graduated from CHS in 1997. Friesen statedthat neither Harris nor Klebold were part of TCM that he wasaware of.

Friesen stated he had no knowledge of bomb making byHarris, Klebold, Morris, or ar-yone else. Friesen was aware thatHarris and Klebold went shootir~ in the mountains, but was notaware of where the weapons came from.

The last time Friesen saw Harris or Klebold was atHarris' birthday party at the Draft Bar, located at the SouthwestPlaza Shopping Center.

Friesen stated on the day of the CHS shooting, Morriswas at his house playing computer games when Frieserrs mothercalled and told them about the shootings and was wondering if KenFriesen had come home or had called. Freisen additionallyvouched for Morris' whereabouts the night before when they hadgone to Video City, located a~ Jewell and Kipling, Lakewood,Colorado to see Friesen's friend Chuck Phillips, Freisen statedthat they left Video City at approximately 10;OOpm and returned

Pile, 174A-ON-57419

by SA John M. MCGrath:jmm

JC· 001-010731

0...d_ ..;;4"'1...3"'0"'1"'9"'9 _


to Friesen's house to play the video game they had rented atVideo City. Friesen recalled MOrris left his house atapproximately midnight to 12;3Qam.




Dustin Allen Gorton dn1031

("..,p"'''i•• .,(FI).30:1ot' on 4_,is s agents Mark Wilson (CaI) 4l'ld Rich Price ,m _intervied Dustin Allen Gorton Dob/l1-14-80 at his residencelocated at 5504 S. Eaton St. Littleton Colorado.The reason for the interview was based on Information Controlverification on DN1031. The information was that Dustin wasoriginally interviewed by WILSON on the afternoon of 4-20-99about the shooting incident. Dustin had given information thatbe knew the shooters in the incident at the high school and thathe had assisted in the escape of numerous fellow students fromthe area of the cafeteria.Furtheremore, Dustin bad been implicated in a video filmed byERIC JACKSON. Dustin and DYlan Kleybold (suspect)were in thevideo. During a lenghthy two hour interview Dustin stated thatthe video (taken monday am 4-19-99) was going to be used as setup video for the schools morning in-house television programs.The interview did not gleen any additional information as to anyprior knOWledge of the school incident or any information ofknowledge that the $uspects were g'oing' to attempt such anincident.Dustin did state that when the incident beg'an he was in thecafeteria near the center Of the room next to an area that formeas a line to the food servers. (My estimation from seeing thebombs at their point of origin would be within a few feet ofwhere Dustin and friends were having lunch.) Dustin stated thatat his taDle were Greg' Garcia I Richy Green / Shawn Roberts /Brett Kostalnick I Christian Garramone I Julie Anderson / Jason ?/Paul? / John Buttachi / and Dustin Gorton.Kalinde Bingham and Nichelle Dunn were also in the immediate areaaround his table.

Although Dustin is or was friends with Eric Harris and Dylan:Klebold he would not have allowed an incident of this type tooccurr if he would have had prior knowledge. Dustin will callthe interviewing Agents if any information is recieved ordeveloped on his part..Additional information regarding this interview will be suppliedby FBI Agent Price as he took the notes on this interview.MLW -CSI


dn-1031Mark Wilson CBIRich Price - FBI


JC- 001.010734

· I .



Dustin Allen Gorton, white male, date of birthNovember 14, 1950, place of birth Denver, Colorado, SocialSecurity Account Number 522-37-6892. residence 5504 South EatonStreet, Littleton, Colorado 80123, home telephone number (303)797-3613, pager (303) 879-0921, has resided at current residencesince October, 1998, former residence of 7819 West PortlandAvenue, Littleton, Colorado 80l23/ former residence telephonenumber (303) 973-5861, a Columbine High School student, senior,Littleton, Colorado. was advised of the identity of theinterviewing Agent and the nature· and purpose of the interview.Gorton was interviewed in the presenoe of his mother, Darlene,and his father, Don. at their residence. Gorton provided thefollOWing information:

Gorton was provided a d~agram of the Columbine HighSchool (CHS) cafeteria. A diagram was provided in order to showthe location of where he and others were looated in the CHScafeteria on Tuesday. April 20. 1999. Gorton identified thelocation of where he was sitting as table QQ, facing direotlywest toward the windows. Gorton identified approximately tenother individuals sitting at table QQ with him. The othersidentified are as follows:

Brett Kostalnick, described as his back facing towardthe west windows of the cafecaria; Richie Green, identified asfacing to the northeast direction of the cafeteria; Greg Garciafacing to the south; Kristin Garamone; Paul (Last Name unknown)(LNU) facing toward the southeast direction of the cafeteria,identified as being a lOth or 11th grader; Austin Mears,described as facing toward the north; John Bujaci (phonetic);Shawn Roberts; Julie Anderson, identified as sitting behindDustin at table QQ; Brett Glassett, identified as a tenth graderfacing in a north westerly direction. Gorton identified severalothers in olose proximity to him as a Kalinda B~ngham, NichelleDunn sitting with Kalinda, Chandra Marshal (identified as a bandkid), Heather (LNU} (described as a friend of Heather's). Gortonidentified Kalinda, Chandra and Niohelle sitting at either thetables identified as "R" or "W" GOrton marked thelocations of the individuals stated on the diagram. Gortonfurther provided his escape route once the shooting began andinitialed and dated the diagram provided.

05/06/99 JC· 001·010735

FUel p4-DN-S7419, Jeffco case 99-7625

by ~ SA Richard H. Price/dae

o."dictu,d OS/09/99

This-document ccnsainsMimCf te(;omml::rnJ.iHjarffi nor conclusions of me FBi the propetty' {lrme FBt100 is loaned to your .agt:ncy;I! "rt~ ;t~ ,~"'f\""'flt<- 't~ 1M '1"< he ,h'rtrihuJed cuuule 'lour lll:en;,:v

4-DN-57419, Jeffco case 99-7625

2.Pag< --'--Dustin Allen GortonCom1m.wion of FD-30lof

Question: Did you ever see the two large duffle bags in theCafeteria?

Response: No.

Question: Did you see anyone carrying or was anyone in possessionof large duffle bags previous to the shooting incident?

Response: No.

Question: Did you see Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold either onMonday or Tuesday, (April 19th or 20thl?

Response: Yes.

Gorton, Harris and Klebold made a video tape at EricJackson's residence, another CBS student. Gortonidentified the video session as being made on Mondaymorning (April 191 with Harris, Klebold, Jackson andhimself.

Question: Did you leave anything behind in the cafeteria or anywhere else in the school?

Response: Gorton left a leather bomber jacket, described as blackin color, left behind on the bathroom floor locatedadjacent to the kitchen.

Gorton described papers as being left inside t~e

pockets of the Wilson's X-large long, waist lengthjacket. Gorton described his left sleeve as having ablemish made from a fan belt of his vehicle. Gortonfurther described a video tape being left inside theleft breast pocket of the jacket.

Question: Who were you with in the cafeteria?

Response: (Individuals identified asl Erett Kostalnick, RichieGreen, Greg Garcia, Kristin Garamone, Paul !Lt<U) ,Austin Mears, John Eujaci, Shawn Roberts, JulieAnderson.

JC. 001-010736

4-DN-57419, Jeffeo case 99-7625

Dustin Allen Gorton

Question: Where were you sitting?

Response: Table QQ, facing directly west toward the windows.

Question: Did you see or talk to any of the Trench Coat Mafiamembers on Monday, Tuesday, or the prior week?

Response: He saw Harris, Klebold and Chris Morris in bowlingclass that meets from 6:15 am to 7:20 am on Monday,April 19, 1999.

Gorton further stated he saw Nate Dykeman on Monday andTuesday. Gerton further stated that he saw DylanKlebold and Nate Dykeman at the Prom on Saturday priorto the incident. Gorton further stated he saw KristieEpling during Prom and following the Prom.

Question: Have you heard anything from anybody else about othersuspects, bomb making, gun buying, etc.?

Response: He heard from Robin Anderson on Friday, April 24th,1999. He had heard from Kristie Epling that RobinAnderson had purchased a gun for Eric Harris on hisbirthday. He further heard that Kristie Epling wastalking about Eric Harris' ammo bunker, and that sheknows where Eric Harris maintained an ammo bunkerdescribed as being sort of in the basement, located ina crawl space. Gorton stated that Kristie Epling knowswhere that ammo bunker is located. Epling also toldGorton that Robin Anderson had turned herself in to lawenforcement.

Question: What were you wearing?

Response: Gorton was wearing snow camouflage utility pantsdescribed as white, green, black, and brown coloredcamouflage utilities. Gorton further stated he waswearing a white colored T-shirt with the Rebel marchingband insignia on the left breast of the T-shirt, a ballcap desoribed as dark blue in color, with a Clevelandrndiansmajor league baseball team insignia on thefront, and black Nrthwest Trritory hiking boots and aleather style bomber jacket.

JC- 001-010737

FO-:lllh (RtN. 1<><;'9S}

4-0N-S7419, Jeffco case 99-7625

4,F,g. _-.:.__Dustin Allen Gorton

Question: Do you have a back pack?

Response: He does not use a back pack and that he stores hisschool belongings in his personally owned vehicle.

Question: How did you leave the cafeteria Or the building?

Response: He left through the exit door adjacent to the facultylounge located on the north side of the cafeteria.

Question: What were the events that made you leave?

Response: Law Enforcement SWAT teams were moving people out ofthe building to a staging area.

Gorton stated that when the shooting began, he sawDylan Klebold on the stairs coming down from thelibrary. Gorton described that he had entered thecafeteria prior to 11:2D am as he had just left theWood's Room. Following leaving the Wood's Room class.he exited the west doors, carne down the stairs, locatedon the west Side of the cafeteria, walked down andentered the cafeteria through the north west dooradjacent to the faculty lounge. Gorton stated that hepurchased a Mountain Oew soda and sat down at table QQ.

Gorton descrlbed hearing 'Get Down' and hearingapproximately eight (S) ~~n shots, described as smallarms fire. Gorton further stated that he heard pipebombs. Gorton stated that students began running atthis time. Garton further stated that he heardshooting of small arms gun fire. shotgun fire, and pipebombs. Gorton stated he did identify Oylan Klebold.Gorton advised that he walked directly from the WoodShop Room direotly to the cafeteria. Gorton describedhis movement, once the shooting began. while he wassitting at table QQ, he and others got under the tableand proceeded to move toward the kitchen area forsafety. Gorton stated he ended up in the bathroomlocated adjacent to the kitchen area.

Question: Do you use the Internet?


FD<llJ2a (Rev IO..o.q,)

4-0N-57419, Jeffco case 99-7625

5. Pap _-=-_Oustin Allen Gorton

Response, Yes he does and his screen name is "World Power'.

Question, Do you have an lCQ?

Response' ae recently started using lCQ and also used the screenname of 'World Power" on this account ..

Gorton stated that he does not have an American on Line(AOL! account.

Question, Do you know anybody with a double pierced eyebrow?

Response, No.

Gorton did mention the name 'Brandon Reisbeck", a cassenior, an athlete and captain on the football team aspossibly having a double pierced eyebrow.

Question, Did you see or hear any unusual announcements prior tothe shootings?

Response, No.

Question: Do you know what the thought of the day was over theRebel News Network (RNNI?

Response: No.

Question: Can you provide any further information on the membersof the Trench Coat Mafia?

Response: I do~t know.

Gorton stated that he saw Klebold with a weapon fromthe stairs. Gorton described the weapon that Klebold wascarrying as a dark colored shotgun being carried in his righthand. Gorton further stated that once moved from table QQ, thathe positioned himself behind the second serving window duckingdown behind the serving line, that he saw Dylan Klebold comingdown the stairs. Gorton described seeing Klebold just prior tothe landing area of the stairway. Gorton stated he never did seeKlebold fire his weapon or throw any explosive devices. Gortonstated he saw Klebold for approximately thirty seconds. Gorton

JC- 001-010739

4-DN-57419, Jeffco case 99-7625

Dustin Allen Gorton

described his movements out of the cafeteria area as grabbingBrett Kostalnick and crawling to the bathroom area on the westside of the kitchen. Gorton described hearing two gunshot roundsand kids jumping as a result of the noise. Gorton further statedhe heard one pipe bomb in the area where he was located. Gortondescribed the area of where he heard the explosion as being inthe south west half of the cafeteria, lif he was guessing}.Gorton described the bomb bIases as being five times as loud asthe shotgun blasts. Gorton described other individuals beinglocated in the bathroom with him as Julie Anderson, BrettKostalnick, and several others that he was unable to identify atthe time.

Gorton was cooperative during the interview and advisedthat he would be willing to take a polygraph examination ifnecessary.

Attached to FD-302 is a copy of CHS cafeteria diagramwhich is marked with his location in the cafeteria.

JC· 001.010740

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; JC· 001-010741

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Forensic polygraph psycho-physiological diagnostic techniques wereusedto determine whetherthesubject was being truthful or deceptive. .


The subject was examined on May 13 , 1999 at approximately 0830 hours. Standardpolygraph techniques were utilizedfor this evaluation.

Prior to the administrationof the examination, the subject read and SIgned the ArvadaPoliceDepartment Standard Polygraph Release form. The SUbject was advised of his rights, perMiranda, at 0833 hours. Subsequent to the advisement, the subject waived his rights andagreed to speakwith this examiner. A pre-test interview was conducted duringwhich time thesubject statedhis purposefor takingthis polygraph examination was to "prove myself - that [had no prior knowledgeor association with whathappened three weeks ago," in reference tothe murders at Columbine HighSchool,

In discussing the issuesinvolvedregarding themurders at Columbine HighSchool, thesubjectstated thathe knew EricHarris and DylanKlebold and tha; hepersonally was upset thathe gotcaught in the middleof this. Thesubject statedthat on 04/20/99, he woke up thatmorning andrealized he was supposed to be in firsthourbowling class. He stated that he missed this class,whichbeganat 0630 hoursand, instead. wenttohis secondhourclass, The subject stated thatDylanKlebold was in his thirdhour class, which is a video class. The subject stated that theymadea video the day beforeandwere supposed to edit it on Tuesday, 04/20/99, but thatDylanKlebold wasnot in class thatday. The subject further stated thatNate Dykemen told him thatDylanKlebold hadn't been to an earlierclass that morning either,

The subject stated that he then went to his fourth hour class, which is a woods class thatconcluded at 1115 hours. The subject statedIhat he proceeded down the main hallway andoutside the building and then through the west doorof the commons. The SUbject stated thatwhenhe cameoutside,he sawNateDykernen leaving in his truckfor lunch, whichhe normallydoes. The subject stated that he then went back through the west door of the Commons andwent to his table in the cafeteria, where he methis friends who were eating lunch.

Thesubjectcontinuedby stating thatapproximately ten minutes into the lunch hour, theyheard"popping sounds," which was similar to balloons being popped in the comer, which he nowknows that these noises were madeby shotgunblasts. The subject stated that a teachercamerunning across the Commons, yelling"get down, get down." The subject stated that he thenheard two more shotgun blasts, so withoutthinking, he began throwing his friends under thetable. The subject stated that as he was gettingunderthe table, he heard six or seven roundsof small arms fire. The subject stated that he then heard anothershotgun blast or pipe bombexplode, The subject added that all of these shots and explosions were made outside theCommons or cafeteria area,


99·029June 30, 1999Page 2

The subject stated that his friends and he then crawled to the kitchen area, during which timetheyheard additional gunfire. The subjectstated that they broke up into small pods, with himendingup in thebathroom, which is located off the kitchen area, along with six other people.The subject stated that they sat in there with the lights out and the doors blocked. The subjectstated that they were in the bathroom for 75 minutes, during which time another student andhimself crawled through the kitchen area. The subject stated that at this time, he observed asuspect dressed in dark colored clothing approximately 20 yards from him, with this personcarryinga shotgun in his right band. The subjectstated that the other student and be went backto the bathroom and stayed there for awhile longer.

The subject stated that the group be was with then left the bathroom and went through thekitchento a door that was next to a window. The subjectstated that he looked out the windowand saw law enforcement personnel outside the school building. The subject stated that heopenedthe door with the group, includinghimself, streaming out the door to the police officerswaiting outside.

The subject stated that the last time he saw Eric Harris was on Monday morning, 04/19199, intheir bowling class. The subject further stated that he also saw him on that day when theypassed each other in the school hallway.

The subject stated that he has known Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold during the four years ofhis high school education and was perhaps a little bit closer to Eric Harris than to DylanKlebold, The subject stated that they were friends or school acquaintances, but that he neverhung out with them after school. The subject further stated that he had never heard of the"Trench Coat Mafia" before this incident, but did knowsome of the students who wore the longblack trench coats.

The subject stated that he had no idea this incident was going to occur. The subject furtherstaredthat he did not know that Eric Harris owned a shotgun and went target practicing withit on weekends. The subject stated that he saw the shotgun in a video that theyhad made, withhim describing it as a double barreled shotgun which really did not look real.

The subject further staled that he was neveraware of either Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold evermaking any threatening remarks or threats towards other students. The subject stated that hehad no prior knowledge thar this incident was going to take place on Apri120, 1999. Thesubject further stated that he was surprised that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold had semi­automatic weapons. There were no further statementsmade by this subject during the pre-testportion of t."le interview. The subject was then examined with an Axciton computerizedpolygraph system which is periodically calibrated to insure its accuracy and reliability. Theinstrumentwas correctlycalibratedand was in properworking conditionwhenthis examinationwas conducted. Five polygraph charts were administered on the subject.


99-029June 30, 1999Page 3


Polygrams two, three, four and five contained the.following relevant questions.,5. Regarding Columbine High School, did you personally participate in planning that armed

attack?Answer: HNo."

7. On April 20, 1999, did you know for sure that armed attack would occur at ColumbineHigh School?

Answer: "No."

10. Regarding Columbine High School, did you knowingly provide any of the weapons usedin that armed attack?

Answer: "No."

The SUbject's psycho-physiological responses to the foregoing relevant questions wereindicative of'himanswering the questions trutb.fully.


After careful analysis of this subject'S polygrams, it is the opinion of the examiner that thesubject has told substantially the truth


JC- 001-010744

, 1 '


Date of transcription OS/21/99

Dustin Allen Gorton, white male, date of birthNovember 14, 1980, place of birth Denver, Colorado, Socials~curity Account Number 522-37-5892, residence 5504 South EatonStreet, Littleton, Colorado 80123, home telephone number (303)797-3613, pager (303) 879-0921, has resided at current residencesince October, 1998, former residence of 7819 West PortlandAvenue, Littleton, Colorado 80123, former residence telephonenumber (303) 973-8861, a Columbine High School (CHS) student,senior, Littleton, Colorado, was advised of the identity of theinterviewing Agents and the nature and purpose of the interview.Gorton was interviewed at his residence starting at approximately12:20 PM and provided the following information:

Gorton waS being interviewed in regard to his knowledgeof the CBS shooting on April 20, 1999. Gorton had previouslybeen interviewed by Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CEI) AgentMark Wilson during the afternoon of April 20, 1999, in regard tothe shooting incident. Gorton preViously reported to Agent MarkWilson that he r~d previously provided information about theshooters in the CHS incident and that he assisted other CBSstudents from the main cafeteria to the kitchen area during theincident.

Gorton stated that he knows Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold,Nate Dykeman, Chris Morris, and Zachery Heckler and considers allof them friends. Gorton stated that he last saw Dylan Klebold onMonday, April 19, 1999. He stated he owns and drives a 1972Chevrolet Chevelle described as green with a white hood and awhite fender. He made a videotape of Harris and Klebold onMonday, April 19, 1999, described as a "looking video." Gortonstated that he and friend, Eric Jackson, filmed Harris andKlebold for the purpose of their "looking video assignment." Hestated he is friends with associates of the Trench Coat Mafia,He stated the videotape taken on Monday, April 19, 1999, wasgoing to be used as a set up video fer the schools morning in­house television program. Gorton did not prOVide any additionalinformation as to having any prior knowledge of the schoolincident or any information or prior knowledge pertaining to theinoident.


" Littleton, ColoradoIny""...a. an 04/24/99Jeffco 1199-7625

FlI~f\ 174A-ON-S7419 DN Control #1031~SA Richard H. Price, FBI /dae

by SA Mark Wilson, CSl


174A-DN-57419,DN #1031,Jeffco 99-7625

Dustin Allen Gorton ,l'1Ip_-=-_

Gorton stated that he was in the CHS cafeteriadescribed as being located near the center of the room next tothe serving lines, Gorton sated he sat at a lunch table withGreg Garcia, Richy Green, Shawn Roberts, Brett Kostalnick,Kristen Garramone, Julie Anderson, Jason (Last Name UnknownI(LNU), Paul (LNU), and John Buttachi, He stated Kalinda Binghamand Nichelle Dunn were also in close proximity to where he wassitting, Gorton described that he heard what he believed and pipe bombs while seated in the cafeteria, Hedescribed he heard thirty (30) rounds.

Gorton advised that he knew Eric Harris had guns andthat he has seen Harris with a shotgun in a videotape, He statedhe has set up targets in the forest for the purpose of Harrisshooting. He named two other individuals he believed, besLdesHarris and Klebold, to 'be involved as Nathan Dykeman and ChrisMorris,

He reiterated that he saw Dylan Klebold on April 19,1999, during 3rd hour which begins at 9,30 AM. Gorton statedKlebold "seemed normal' and wanted to smoke. He described thevideotape being made at Eric Jaokson's residence and depictsHarris and Klebold "being late." During the video, Gorton,Jackson, Harris and Klebold proceed to the Burger King drive-thrulocated on Ottawa and Pierce, Littleton, Colorado, atapproximately 9:50 AM. Gorton described that he is driving his1972 Chevelle. Dylan Klebold is the passenger in the front seatand Eric Harris is a passenger in the back seae. The videotapedepicts buying food and driVing to the CBS student parking lotand having their breakfast in the parking lot. He described thatfollowing the videotape being made, the group entered thebuilding at 10:05 AM proceeding to the Video Production Room,also known as (aka) the Tech Lab,

On April 20, 1999, he attended his band class for hisfirst and second hour. Gorton stated Klebold was "not" in his3rd hour Video Production Class from 9:25 AM to 10,10 AM on April20, 1999, Gorton stated Dylan Klebold, Eric Harris and ChrisMorris have a close relationship.

Gorton stated that he considered Eric Harris to be agood friend. He mentioned that he played "Doorn" on his computerwhile residing at his prior residence located at 1819 West

JC. 001·010746

FD·lCl2a (ll4v, 10-6-95)

174A-DN-57419,DN #1031,Jeffco 99-?625

Dustin Allen Gorton ,Page ~__

Portland Avenue, Littleton, Colorado. He stated he attends abowling class at the Fairview Lanes located on Federal Boulevardand Bellview which starts at 6:15 AM. Gorton stated 115 studentsattend the class, On Monday, April 19, 1999, Harris, whomattends stated bowling olass, was Seen shooting a C02 poweredpellet ~~n at the outside wall of the bowling alley.

Gorton provided names of individuals he considered tobe pare of the group known as the Trench Coat Mafia. The namesprovided are Nathan Dykeman, zachery Heckler, Dylan Klabold, EricHarris, Kristy Epling, Alisha (k~) (described as a fr~end ofKristy'sJ, and Chris Morris.

Gorton seated he did not notice anything out of theordinary on April 20, 1999, when arriVing or during school priorto the shooting. While seated in the cafeteria, he also noticedKylinda Bingham and Nichelle Dunn. He stated, "Everybody has aback-pack' and did not notice any of the packs to be abnormal.He was shown a picture of a large nylon bag described as royalblue in color which he stated he did not see. He said if anyonewould have known that the shooting incident was goin~it would have been _ , and_____He stated "theywou~

In response to the question if he would be willing totake a polygraph examination, he replied he "would do." Gortonwas cooperative during the interview.

JC- 001-010747

. I .



The following investigation was conducted in Denver,Colorado:

Dustin Allen Gorton, white male, date of birthNovember 14, 1980, place of birth Denver, Colorado, SocialSecurity Account Number 522-37-6892, residence 5504 South EatonStreet, Littleton, Colorado 80123, home telephone number (303)797-3613, pager number (303) 879-0921, has resided at currentresidence since October, 1998, former residence of 7819 WestPortland Avenue, Littleton, Colorado 80123, former residencetelephone number (303) 973-8861, a Columbine High School (CHS)student, senior, Littleton, Colorado, is an identified RegisteredSex Offender in Colorado.

Attached to FD-302 are the following:










JC- 001-010748·,,,stigation on 05i 20/9 9 ., ..;D:::e;:;n:;v.:::.::e::r.J.,....::C"'o"'l:.;o::!;r::.;a::d~o _

DN Control #3773Pl~'il174A-DN-57419, Jeffco 41 99-7625

CJoSA R1chard H. Price, FE! /dae~ Sergeant Calvin Hemphill, DPD

114A-DN-S1419, Jeffeo # 99-7625

Continuation of ro·;;oz of Dustin Allen Gorton



JC- 001-010749


JC- 001-010150

Comm! Number'DN'O

WITNESS KlUSTA NOaLl: HANLEY. DOB December 11, 1981. POll Englewoo<l. CO. Wbite fomalejuvenile, 10" in heig!lt. 160lb', brown 1Wr, !Laze! eyes. Home Address: 5603West Alder Avenue, Littleton,CO80123,Phone: 303·973·5964, Occupation: Studetn(JUIliot) at Columbine! Schcoi, "".girlfriend ofERICJACKSON.

fNTERVIEWER: Agent RICHARD 1<. GRIFFITH. Colorado Bumu ofInvestigation, 69<l KlpU1lg Street,Suite4000, Denver. CO 80215, Ph"",,: 303-239....211.

DAWTIME. May6. 1999, II OO ..m

PLACE Of fNTERVlEW Telephonic

On May6. 1999, FlAJ';'LEY was conta.eted at her resid..... inUnlelon. CO oed provided the followinginfllrnllllion in-'e'0 the allegedvideo!lt1'O ofKLEllOLD oed1AmON done on April20. 1999HANLEY advised sIlewas not aw.... ofany video!lt1'O done on April 20. 1999. involving JAmoN andKLEllOLD Shealso stated ,he has _er heenp_when any vidl:<> !lt1'O involving I AmON.KLEllOLD 0' HARRISwas do.... She <lid stated ,he hasheardoonvenalionssometime ago with1ACKSON ,aIlcing ahout producing video tapes. Shestated the oonversations were senora! in nature oeddid no' involve anymention violence. HANLEY also stated ,be wasinterviewed on May4. 1999bylnvesligator IACKIEGEE of the Ara\laho. County Sheri1f's Office Shecouldprovide no additionalinfonnation at this timerelevantto this investigation.

1!2d/~RICHARD K, 0lUfl'l11iAgentColoraclo Bur""" of Investigation

JC· 001·010751




DRIVER AND REGISTRATION FILES ***ADDRESS ZIP 008 PIN/Lie6760 s. DOWNING 80122 19791022 9729508401122 fULLP PL 809071122 TULIP PL 80907 19790606 943043199

Message sent 4/22/99 8:58



KRISTA N * 5603 WALDER AV 80128 19811211 920937315KRISTA N 5603 WALDER AV 80128 19811211 920937315

M~ ~~e sent 4/22/99 8:58



JC· 001-010753

CONTINUATION n I ~7;~~Aim"R~Olftctr .!ISe N:pert. 0

SUl'PLEMENT C' M. Russell 99-7625~

CQIlll«Ul1i CMliiRii;pon ~o Vl<;:tun, mlC • U!l£¢"!l.I$I\~

04-27-99Clas.sif".cati(,ln C O-'S_Opm 0 ExcepUl'lnaily Cleared 0 Rectltnmtmd Case: Review C~ fi..ation r- C!eartd by A=t r-t Ulliotmdtd n Closure :-

bel'. I !D¢SCriptton ISeri3..\ No

Value IVa1ut j Value"lo BrandName Slolrn Recovered Damaged

Narrative :Re. Control number <6 "!' I (;10 I

Zachary Heckler5880 W. Quarles Dr.303-978-0098

On 04-21-99, at 1300, contact was made with Zachary Heckler, 05-01-81, a senior at Columbine HighSchool. He noted being contacted at approximately 1145 by a school mate, Robyn Anderson, andadvised that she had been asked to accompany Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold to a gun show in December,1998, at which time she had assisted them in purchasing 2 shotguns and a semi-automatic handgun.Anderson had advised him Klebold had purchased 1 shotgun and the other :2 weapons had been purchasedby Harris. She was unable to provide him any other particulars about the weapons. She had told Hecklerthat she nad confided in no one else regarding this information.

Calling his attention to his activities on 04-20-99, he noted arriving at school at 0730, parking his vehicle init's assigned spot, just west of the cafeteria, and meeting Robyn Anderson In the parking lot. Hecommented that Klebold has the assigned spot next to him, however his car was not parked there as usual.HE d Robyn walked into the School, first meeting Nate Dykeman who was silting in his vehicle, a whitefull Sized pickup, listening to 9 Inch Nails on his car stereo.

He describes the day as being normal until approximately 1120 at which time, while in the choir room, aschool mate, Brandon Riesbach ran into the room and yelled, "sornsone's downstairs with a gun" Theteacher, Mr Andres, had made the students exit the room, and he accompanied others out the north door ofthe school. eventually arriving in Clements Park, where they stayed until contacted by police officers,

Heckler stated he generally talked to Klebold on the phone every night, and had called him the night of 4­19-99. He noted the first time he had called, Klebold had been talking to someone else on the other line,and had asked Heckler to call back later. He had made a call back at approximately 2230, at which timeKlebold had said he was tired end was going to sleep He thought this odd, He described their phoneconversations as normal, usually about happenings at school. and often times about the computer game"Quake".

He went on the explain that his relationship with Harris had slacked off apprOXimately 1 Y, years ago, whenhe (Heckler) had got into troubte at school for hacking into the school computer and obtaining lockercombinations of other students. Harris had been involved in this incident, and as a result, his father hadrestricted them from being together.

Heckler noted being good friends with both Harris and Klebold since at least the 8th grade. He said theyoft' - did things together, and admitted that approximately 2 years ago, he had accompanied Harris andKI, old as they drove around Harris's neighborhood and threw firecrackers in front of the houses of peopleHarris did not like. Heckler could not provided the identity of any of these neighbors, however

OfficerSignature Unit


I;~S~~- R~Olfi,n ~oiHK~ "'gSUPPLE.'vfENT ::: M. Russell 99-7625-LillIrleCllng CoMej(~ Ni.t ,~t#tl •

_ '1" , ,64-27-99

Cl&.S&iflcation 0 Off~ Stat\a: Opm 0 Exceptionally Cmred 0 Recommrmd Can; Revi,w n~

R" 'icuicn: r Clea:edby A:tn::s'; r Unfuumied n C!OilUn: :'""'

~'I IDescnpncn IStttal No

V~ue 1 Value 1 'VaJueNo Brand Name Stclen "-""" DamaS«!

Heckler acknowledged being loosely associated with the Trench Coat Mafia, but explained that the monikerreally meant nothing. He described the members as generally computer-type kids who spent time together,and often wore long black trench coats. He noted never wearing such an item of clothing himself Heexplained that the "joocs" had thought up the name his sophomore year, and it had hung on since Henoted neither Harris or Klebold ever expressing any anger towards the "jocks' as a result of this. He did,however, say that both suspects were very racist.

Active member of the TCM were identified by Heckler as: 1. Tadd Bowles; 2. Nate Dykeman; 3 ChrisMorris: 4. Joe Stair; 5. Robert Perry; 6. Brian Sargent; 7. Harris and 8. Klebold.

When asked to describe the suspects, he described Klebold as quiet, a Chemical Brothers fan, and amember of the sound crew for various SChool plays and other functions. Whereas Klebold had wanted togo to college and study computer science, Heckler did not think he was smart enough He identified hisgirlfriend as Robyn Anderson, but descnbed the relationship as more of a friendship. He stated Klebolchad a problem with alconcl, and as a result had been given the nickname, "Vodka".

He described Harris as, in addition to begin a racist, feeling superior to other people, and being frustratedwitt oblems he was having at home. He said he had been told that Harris's parents were very strict anddid I ,vI approve of many things he was doing. Heckler explained that during the past summer, Harris hadchanged his manner of dress and the type of music he listened to. Heckler identified the German groupRhomstein as being Harris's favorite. He also identified a video game, "Postal", as being a game Harrisoften played, and noted it involved nothing but killing. He said Harris did not have s steady girlfriend, andhad asked Sabtins Cooley to attend the senior prom with him, but she had refused.

Heckler stated he regularly bowled with Harris and Klebold on Friday nights from 2330-0215 at Bellev:ewLanes, on South Federal. Monica Shuster and Robyn Anderson also bowled with them.

On 04-26-99, Rli was again contacted by Heckler and advised of additional information. He noted that hehad heard "jocks" had been targeted, but he doubted this was true. He explained that the athletes generallysit at the same tables in the commons area of the cafeteria, and this is a well known fact. He explained that4 security cameras are present in the cafeteria, and 1 is trained at thiS particular area. He surmised that ifthe athletes had been targeted, this particular area would have been singied out

He also ncted in his freshman year, he had been given the nickname "Kibble". because of his bringingsnacks to school He eventually modified this to "KIBBZ", which became his email password. He notedduring this freshman year, that password had been used by other friends of his. He identified Harris asusing the password "REB DOOMER" He noted on one occasion, Harris had asked him Withassistance insetting up a web page from which various sound effects could be obtained. He noted that both Harris andKlet-"id made a number of videos. He also noted that an intra for RNN (Rebel News Network), showing adar Jure in a trench coat igniting the letters "RNN", was made by Harris behind a Blackjack's Pizza atwhich they had all worked for a time

OffiCer Signature JC- 001-010755

CONTINUATION 0 r-- _00WiiCOIHK:por.. .~

SUPPLEMENT 0 JCSD M. RusseD 99·7625I~qC.K~N¢ ,-, u..

04-27·99t Ciwif1Caflon

~Offense SWWI: Open

~Exuptiona.lly Cleared 0 R.ecommend Cue: Review r-i ~wI

~ ,,,,"on ct.....by_ Uni'........ ~ clOOUf: ;-;I.... I!>=<rip"" Is.mJNo.

V_IValue t Value

So f BrandName Slo>I", Remven:d D~d

Heckler also alluded to one occasion where he had been told by Harris that his father had found a pipebomb he had made, and he (Harris) and his father had gone out and ignited the device. Harris hadexplained his father had decided to ignite it follOWing his determining he could not disarm it or bUry itHeckler estimated this as happening approximately 1 % years ago.

Heckler denies haVing any before hand knowledge of the incident.

Heckler consented to a search of his roam, and recovered from his roam were 2 CPU's, plus a number ofCD-ROMS, re-writeable CD's and 31/2 " disks. 2 zip drives were also recovered from the residence.Heckler explained one of the drives contained items he had removed from his hard drive, The materialremoved included the anarchist cookbook He explained he had removed this from his drive fallowing theincident at CHS These items were provided to CBL

JC- 001·010756

FD~J\)2 {Rev W-6·95}

- 1 -



Zachery Adam Heckler, white male, date of birthMay 1, 1981, place of birth Albany, New York, residence 5880 WestQuarles Drive, Littleton, Colorado 80128, residence telephonenumber (303) 978-0098, Zachery's personal telephone number (303)978-1322, Columbine High School (CRS) student number 609951, 12thgrader, employed part-time by the Great American Cookie Company,Southwest Plaza Mall, 8501 West Bowles Avenue, Littleton,Colorado 80123, work telephone number (303) 979-0400, employedapproximately one and one-half months, was advised of theidentity of the interviewing Agents and the nature and purpose ofthe interview. Heckler was interviewed in the presence of hisfather, Mark Heckler, and his mother, Veronica Heckler, atZachery Heckler's residence. Heckler provided the followinginformation:

Heckler was being interviewed based upon his allegedfriendship with Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, both identified asmembers of the Trenchcoat Mafia ITCM) , and to his knowledge ofthe Columbine High School incident that occurred on April 20,1999. Heckler had previously been interviewed by Special Agent(SA) Price, Investigator Mike Russell, and Sergeant John Hicks,on April 23, 1999. Heckler preViously provided consent to seizetwO computer systems and a laptop computer from his residence.

Question: Did you ever see the large duffle bags in thecafeteria or anywhere on the grounds of the ColumbineHigh School?

Response: No.

Heckler further advised that he was in the Choir Roomlocated on the upper level adjacent to the auditoriumduring the time the incident at Columbine High Schoolstarted.



Did you see anyone carrying or in the possession oftwo large duffle bags, at a previous time?


JC- 001-010757

at Littleton, Coloradolnvestlgatinn cn os I 0 3/99DN Control #1174

FJ'il1174A-DN-57419 Jefferson County #99-7625~SA Richard H. Price, FBI and

by INV Mike Russell, Jeffeo DA/WMTF /dae


Thisdocument comains nekhtf n:commettdattCHlS nor (,:ondusmns MJhc FBI It is thepropertY of lh~ Frit And is loaned10 your agency;

174A-DN-57419 Jefferson COunty#99-7625

2.P"!l' _-=-~_(Antinuat'ion of Ff.}..3Q2 of



Did you see Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold either onMonday or Tuesday? What were they doing? What didthey say? Were they with anyone else?

Heckler stated that on Monday, April 19, 1999, he sawDylan Klebold in the hallway sometime after secondperiod hour between 9:20 a.m. and 9:25 a.m. on hisway to Math class. Heckler stated that Dylan Kleboldwas with Robyn Anderson on Monday when he saw him.

Question: Did you leave anything behind in the cafeteria oranywhere else in the school?

Response: Heckler stated that he never went into the cafeteriaduring or following the incident. Heckler furtheradvised that he did not leave anything behind in theschool.

Heckler advised that he was not in the cafeteriaprior or during the shooting incident at Columbine High School onApril 20, 1999.

Question: Have you heard anything from anybody else about othersuspeccs, bomb making, gun buying, etc.?

Response: He advised that Robyn Anderson told him severalthings about having knowledge in regard to the gunsused in the CHS incident.



How did you leave the cafeteria or the building?What were the events that made you leave?

Heckler was shown a diagram of the school andprovided identification of where he was, identifiedas the Choir Room, adjacent to the auditorium, exitedfrom the Choir Room through the auditorium, throughthe north doors located on the east side of thegymnasium and headed toward the park located north ofthe school. Heckler stated that Mr. Leland Andresadvised his class to stay calm due to an incidenthappening at the school. He further described hisexit through the building and provided an initialeddooument dated May 3, 1999, with his initials "ZH".


174A-DN-57419 Jefferson County#99-7625

Continuation of FD*,;02 of Zachery Adam Heckler

Heckler stated that he did not seefollowing his exit from the school.

. P"I" _-=-_









Do you use the Internet? If so, what is your Screenname? Do you have an rCQ {aka: rCQ/similar to a chatline) account?


Heckler advised that he previously had an IeQ accountthrough the winter of 1997. Heckler provided a"Consent to Search" on two accounts: Devon Adamsaccount, screen name boiregurl, password yebluar3,and also utilized an account of Chris Morris, screenname Lord Kibbz. password unknown.

Do you know anybody with a double pierced eyebrow?


Did you see or hear any unusual announcements priorto the shootings? Do you know what the "Thought ofthe Day" was over the Rebel News Network {RNN)?

No.Heckler stated that his teacher. during the time theRebel News Network airs, normally turns it off.

Can you provide any further information of themembers of the Trenchcoat Mafia?

Heckler advised that he previously provided theinformation regarding the Trenchcoat Mafia toInvestigator Mike Russell, Jefferson County DistrictAttorney's Office, West Metro Task Force, at aprevious time.

Heckler was cooperative during the interview andadv~sed that he would be willing to take a polygraph examination,if necessary.

Attached to the FD-002 is a copy of CBS' diagram whichis marked with his location in the Choir Room, and his exit


174A-DN-57419 Jefferson County#99-7625

Continuation of FD~j{)2 of , !'a&. ~==-_

through the building marked "ZH, dated 05/03/99." Also attachedis a copy of a Department of Justice, Federal 8ureau ofInvestigation, Consent to Searoh, dated 05/03/99, signed byZachery Heckler, and witnessed by his father, Mark Heokler, andwitnessed by SA Richard H. Price, FBI-Denver.

JC. 001-010760

-- .- -

=...~ LU Je.001.010761





1. I have been asked by Special Agents of the Federal Bureau ofInvest1gation to permit a complete search of:

All business records kept in any form 1n the possessionof America On11ne, Inc. (AOL) , 42000 AOL way, Dulles, Virginia,in the Eastern District of Virginia, which pertain to the belowlisted account(s] or screen names(s) to include but not limitedto: account information (including subscriber's full name,addresses, telephone numbers, screen names, account numbers,status of account, duration of account, method of payment);account history (including customer Terms of Service staffcomplaints); detailed billing information; and the existence ar.dcontent of all e-mail sent from, sent to or received by thebelow-identified account(s):

This consent to search is also given to America Online,Inc. (AOL) and all subsidiaries of AOL including but not limitedto G~<f. The results of which are to be turned over to the FBI.

Accoun5 NameD.2,,1~';"l4 4 ",(ft'> PtrUt'lr--C ~"" 1i11"N"~

Screen Name

8, "'3"/L..,~d '1..,88;

Passwgrd'tot ~I <1M:;tin k... ".......

2 • ! have been advis"ld of my right to refuse consent:.

3 • ~ give t;his permission voluntarily.~

4. I aut;hori-ze these agents to take any items which theydetermine may be related to their investigation.


JC- 001-010162



Cm';FJDF>lTf ;1



Forensic polygraph psycho-physiological diagnostic techniques wereusedto determine whetherthe subject was being truthful or deceptive.


The subjectwas examined onJune 16, 1999 at approximately 1456 hours. Standard polygraphtechniques were utilized forthis evaluation. Prior to the administration of the examination, thesubject readand signedthe Arvada Police Department Standard Polygraph Release form. Thesubjectwas advised of his rights perMiranda at 1457 hours. Subsequent to theadvisement, thesubjectwaived his rightsand agreedto speakwith this examiner.

A pre-test interview wasconducted, during whichtime the subjectstatedhis purpose for takingthis polygraph examination wasbecause he was requested to do this and that he hoped to clearhis nameof having anypriorknowledge or assisting in that thing at Columbine High School.

In discussing with thesubjectregarding theissuessurrounding the murders at Columbine HighSchool, the subject statedthathe recalled seeing DylanKleboldthe first day of their freshmanyear, but it was not until the second semester of lhat year that he had a class with DylanKlebold. The SUbject stated that Eric Harris would come into the class from an adjoiningclassroom and talk to DylanKlebold, during whichtimehe was ableto get toknow EricHarrisalso. The subject stated that between his sophomore and junior year, he worked during thesummer at BlackjackPizza. The subjectstatedthatEric Harris and Dylan Klebold also beganworking there during that summer. The subjectSlated that duringthat summer, he had met agirl identified as Devonandthat the twoof themspenta 101 of timetogether. The subject Slatedthathe went to Pennsylvania fortwoweeks during this summerand that during that time, EricHarris and Dylan Klebold had built their firstpipe bomb.

The subject Slated that this past summer, 1998, Eric Harris really didn't like him for someunknown reason,but thesubjectstatedthathe was still goodfriends withDylan Klebold. Thesubjectstated that in February1999,he attended a party at Robyn Anderson's home and thatEricHarris was also at thisparty. ThesubjectSlated that the twoof themhad both beenat eachother's throats forquite some time, but thatat this party,Eric Harris approached him and askedhimhow he was doing. The subjectSlated that they thenbegantalking about things and abouttheirfuture plans. The subject Slated that wasthe last time he talked to Eric Harris, except forpassing eachother in thehallways at school. The subject further staledthat the last time he sawEric Harris was at the "after prom," but that he did nor talk 10 him at that time.

The subjectstated that he saw Dylan Klebold at Ihe prom, but did not talk to him very muchduring this activity, The subjectstated that he then saw Dylan Klebold and Robyn Andersonat the after prom, but again, did not spendmuch time with him.

The subjectstated that he did the "phone thing" with Dylan Klebold Sundaynight, April 18,1999 The subject stated that he would telephone him later at night and play "Quake" or justbe on the speakerphones withhim,during whichtime theyreally did not talk with each other

ac- 001-010763

9!J-036July 1, 1999Page 2

The SUbject stated that he recalls passingDylan Klebold in the hallway on Monday, April 19,1999, and then Monday night, he telephonedhim at approximately 2230 hours. The subjectstated that Dylan Klebold told him when he telephoned him that he really wasn't in the moodtv talk and just wanted to go to bed. The subjecttold Dylan Klebold that he would see him thenext day. The subject furtherstated that he thought that this was kind ofodd because DylanKleboldnormally doesn't get off the phoneuntil0030 bours to 0100 hours onmost nights. Thesubject stated that this was the last time that he personally talked with. Dylan Klebold.

The subject stated that on April 20, 1999, he went to school and was in the choir room whenthe shootingbegan. The subjectstatedthathis sister, Joselyn, was in her mathclassduringthissame time period at 1115 hours. The subjectstatedthat when the shooting began, he was ableto escape from the building and did not see any of the suspects during his departure.

The subject stated that after leaving the school and during the afternoon of April 20", he wasat Clement Library, at which time it was mentionedthat the shooters involved in this incidentwere members of the "Trench Coat Mafia," The subject stated thathe immediately thought ofEric Harris as being one of the suspects and then thought of Dylan Klebold as being mothersuspect. The subject stated that if there was a third suspect, his thoughtwas that of this personbeing......

The subject advised this examinerthat DylanKleboldnever mentioned anything to him aboutbeing involved in making bombsor any other explosive devices. The subjectstatedthatDylanKlebolddid "slip" once, during whichtimehe toldthe subject thathe had gottensomething thatwas "really cool." The subject statedthatDylanKlebold toldhim that this itemwas somethingthat was in "Desperado," a QuintonTarratino movie. The subjectstated that in the back ofhismind, the thing that he thought that Dylan Klebold was referring to was a gun. The subjectstated that Dylan Klebold made this commentto him in February of 1999.

The subject further claimedthathe playedno pan inplanning or participating in anyway in thisattack on Columbine High School. The subject further stated that he did not have anyknowledge that Dylan Klebold was making bombs or was target practicing with guns in themountains.

During the latter portion of the pre-test interview, the subject admitted that there were twothings that he had not mentioned in previous interviews with the police regarding thisinvestigation. The subject stated that the first thing was that Eric Harris had come to him andexpressed an interest in making napalm. The subject stated that Eric Harris wanted to knowif the subject knew how to do it, with the subject responding that he did not know how napalmwas made.

The subject further stated that the second thing that he had not previously mentioned was thathe confronted Dylan Klebold about his suspicionregarding Dylan Klebold having some typeof firearm. The subject stated that Dylan Kleboldhad told him that he had obtained a doublebarreled shotgun and that Eric Harris alsohad a shotgun. The subjectstated thatDylanKleboldfurther advised him that the double barreled shotgun was like the one in the previouslymentioned rnov ie, "Desperado." The subject also added that Dylan Klebold told him that hehad fired this weapon. The subject stated that thisconversationwith DylanKleboldtook place

JC· 001-010764

9<1·036July 1,1999Page 3

RFsrrr IS

in February of 1999. The subject stated that after being told this by Dylan Klebold, he neverbrought this issue up again with him. The subject stated that it just scares him that DylanK1ebold had all of this self control and yet he did not.

The subject elaborated on the above statements by stating that Eric Harris and he had leftRobyn Anderson's party in March, at which time they drove in their own vehicles to KingSoopers. The subject statedthat afterbe had gone into King Soopers to buy a popand a candybar, and Eric Harrishad gone into the storeto buy a pop, the twoofthem met back at theircars,during which time they had a short conversation. The subject stated that besides buying a canof pop, Eric Harris also bought a box ofbleach. The subject stated that he askedEric Harriswhy he bought the bleach, with Eric Harris responding,"he was going to try it." The subjectstated that was all Eric Harris said, so he (the subject) did not ask him anymore about it. Thesubject stated that he did askEric Harriswhathe was going to do with the box of bleach, withEric Harris responding thathe was goingto try to make napalm with it. The subjectstatedthathe did not say anything furtherabout the purchase of the box of bleach.

The subject further stated that he has never menrioned having these conversationswith EricHarris and Dylan K1ebold to anyone. The subject stated that is why, when it was announcedthatthe "Trench CoatMafia"members weretheattackers in theschool,he immediately thoughtof Dylan Klebold with a shotgun and Eric Harris trying to make napalm. The subject furtherstared that he had no prior knowledge about any of this catastrophe occurring at ColumbineHigh School, The subject further stated that he also did not have any prior knowledge thateither Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold had any explosives or other weapons, or that they wereplanning to commit this armed attack on the school. The subject further stated that he neverasked Dylan Klebold if he sawed off the double barreled shotgun in order to make it verysimilar to the one that was used in tae "Desperado"movie. The subject further slated that hedoes not think anyone else knew that EricHarris and Dylan Klebold were planning to committhis armed attack on Columbine Highs School,

There were no further statements made by this subject during the pre-test portion of theinterview. The subject was then examined with an Axciton computerized polygraphsystem,which is periodically calibrated to insure its accuracy and reliability. The instrument wascorrectlycalibratedandwas in properworkingconditionwhenthis examination wasconducted.Four polygraph charts were administeredon the subject.

Polygram. two, three and four containedthe following relevant questions:

4. Regarding Columbine High School,did youpersonallyparticipate in planningthat armed~~ .

Answer. "No."

7 On April 20, 1999,did you know forsure that an armed attackwouldoccurat ColumbineHigh School?

AnS\\ er' "No ..JC· 001·010765


July 1, 1999Page 4

8. Regarding Columbine High School, did you knowingly provide any of the weapons usedin that armed attack?

The subject's psycho-physiological responses to the, foregoing relevant questions wereindicative ofhis answering the questions in an inconclusive manner.


After careful analysis of this subject's polygrams, it is the opinion of the examiner that thesubject has answered the questions in an inconclusive manner and, therefore, no diagnosticopinion can be rendered.



JC- 001-010766


I~I,-,""",n of """""..." <·:Z"O I ~ ,'y l<S-, "" t'V\J 'Tro.. 1(i em Monm ~ Day ~r"'i~ ~ Time Oa.te/Tlme'I OCCUfred ,..,.., /"\ , Fllli~

~n -_ ......- -....."..---- -r-----

Iaare I'nne


I ~ \I"l..~j.c.L.:; \~ ~l"'l ~\.I. lJJi.$l. \lAtJ'.\o.:lb lo1 CJ"F- "\H"L CoLP~ll-\i!:>l.l "",~io ~<; l4X.D t "''''' \~(Z. "';:,.1Cl24t:.'t,. ,!J:X;A'''1'l.[) A"T~ \..Vt:>1 'i~l't. ,I ;;J:. "f.oi,JPv.e1) ""'tW·":> \Jij.l.~~ WUl(,~ UJAS 0<,..;> lA, "'fi..b.r~"l.b. 'lo~ \R.1.;(,i:- (DI--rm. 'S,~ UiT ~ wry~'t~~'iD ,., li:.'t100 'Ql..;f<C-"'It:. 1'-'1o"~ l~ "::,~.



JC· 001-010767

!'age -L--'of _1_

NCE/_~3:Y/I::!P ~:::C;;GEV5:'57_~ :.!S/CO ~L!Y/99 .. :'IT/PC .."lYE,,'S7 .. W..A/N"l:SS .. "~a/__.VS:/2D .. VCO/BLU /Br.U. ~J::;:N'/IN::?:2:2S:=rJO:'2:6~~OC'r/042:'99 _!OT/;l.9:::0.GEC/ .OCA/99-'T625_.

0&'1/=====--_"=,"=" -VOD/_. EXP/ _OWN/lJECKTSR, MA.!lK:-c=-----------ADR/seso W QlJA."U.ES D1<'- _CIS/ =::-:- "z:P/ _l?!lD/ .PRN/ ,ORI/C00300001.~

EV crC/002362030S L!C/~J515'T

JC· 001·010768


JC· 001·010769

Control NumbertC\WITNESS: ERIC JACKSON, Columbine High Schoolstudent, DOB 9/26/80,

7259 W. Laurel PI., Littleton, Colorado, 80123, (303) 979·1435,

INTERVIEWERS: Agent Jerry W. MEANS and Agent Ricky S. MUNDlNE,Colorado Bureau of Investigation, 690 Kipling Street, Denver,Colorado, 80215, (303) 239421 I.

DATEJTIMEOFINTERVIEW: April 22. 1999,at approximately 03:00p.m.

PLACE OFINTERVIEW: 7259 W.Laurel PI., Littleton, Colorado.

ASSIGNMENTSYNOPSIS: EricJACKSON was interviewed at his home withbothof his

parents present. JACKSON stated his girlfriend: Krista HANLEYis a member of theTRENCH COAT MAFIA. He statedthe TCMis a group of kids nOI a gang. Hestated the mediais making themsoundlike a badgangof kids, Hestated the schools jocks namedthe grouptheTRENCH COAT MAFIA and the groupjustaccepted it. JACKSON stated he bangs OUI with theTCMbut doesnot considerhimself a member. He stated themembers he knowsare Eric HARRIS, Dylan KLEYBOLD, Chris MORRIS, CoryFREEZEN, and lack HECKLER. JACKSON stated there is noleaderof the TCM, however. KLEYBOLD was moredominantthan HARRIS was, JACKSON statedHECKLER was goodfriends withboth HARRIS and KLEYBOLD and he would know alot aboutthem.

JACKSON statedhe and Dylan KLEYBOLD were good friends,He statedhe sawKLEYBOLD on Monday at JACKSONS HOME.He statedthey filmed a "BREAKFAST' video forDylan's schoolproject. The tape was called"American Dream». Hestated Dylanwas concerned about his grades. JACKSON stated the tape theymade is located in hisbackpack in the choir roomwhere he waswhen the shooting slatted. Hegave the Reporting Agent adescription of the backpack and gave permission to take the tapeasevidence, The Reporting Agent located the backpack, labpersonnel were notified of its evidence value, and they marked itforcollection.

JACKSON statedhe knew nothing about the shooting incidentbefore it happened. He statedKLEYBOLD madea lot of racialremarks, He sialedEric HARRIS spoke fluentGerman,

JC· 001.010770

JACKSON statedHARRJS and KLEYBOLD both startedwearingblack in the lt lll grade. Hestatedhe never saw any of the TCMmembers with anyweapons. Hestatedhe does not own anyweapons or haveany knowledge of bomb making. Hestatedhehas neverseen any bombmaking books.

JACKSON stated AlexMARSH. a female student told him "DoYou Know Whor Say With A Gun.Dylan", JACKSON stated heandseveral other students ran through the auditorium and he couldheara lot of shooting.

~Colorado Bureau of lnvesngation

JC. 001·010771

MA.R1<::llAM• N

Je· 001.010772

3a3 628 3085 P.1Sr •

• J •



Nieola Renee Markham, dace of .birth Fe.bruary 23, 1962.home addre~~, 7156 Source Pierce Ccurt, Littleton, Colorado.telephone number (303) 904~3538. was interviewed at the lawoffices of Riohalano and Ridley pc, 1800 15th St.reet, Oenver,ColOrado. Markham was advised of the ident.ity of t.heinterviewing- Agent and ~s a~ked about her knowledg'e of shooting'sat Columbine High School (CHS) on April 20, 1999 and thewhereabouts of Christopher R. Morr:!.1 during t.his time frame.Markham wrA was not represented by Morris' attorney. Jor.nRichalano volunteered to be interviewed.

Markham, who had heen preViously interviewed by anAgent from the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, provided thefollowing information:

Markham is a junior at CBS and was in the schoolcafeteria at the time of the shootings on April 20, 1999.Markhalt\ stated she had. no knowledge of the events leading up tcthe shooting at CHS nor did she participate in the planning orexecution of the shootinga at CKS on April 20. J.999. Markha.m didstate that she is the girlfriend of Morris and was friends withthe alleged shooters. Eric Harris and Dylan Kle.bold.

Markham has had a relationship wit.h Morris sinceOctober 19". Markham described Morrie as haVing a bad temper atone time but no longer exhibits any hostile behavior. Markhambelieves that Morris had no knowledge of the shootings at CHS orhe would have told her and her ninth grade brot.her, ChrisMarkham. not to be in the school at the time of the shooting.Markham stated that "'hl!!1'l the ehooting be9'an she was in th.cafeteria and heard her brother yelling for everyone to get down.Markham heard the shooting but she did not observe who was doingthe shooting.

Markham stated she never eaw Or heard about any pipebOmDS nor did she ever hear of any discussion about 9'Uns when shewas around Harris and Klebold. Markham did recall ooming intothe Cll:S cafeteria in January or li'ebr..lary 1.999 and seeing Harrisand Kle:bold holding a piece of paper which !:urned. out to be adiagram of the cafeteria and the cameras in the cafeteria.

JC. 001·0107734/23/99

P~I 174A-DN-S74l9

~y SA John M. McGrath'imm

3e3 628 3885 P.1S


Nicole Renee Markham

Markham s~ated she was friends with Harris and Kleheldand even went ~o the Drafe aar, located at ~he Southwest PlazaShopping Center, Littleton, Colorado for Harris' birthday_Markham wall also aware that Harris and Klehold were at one timeon diversion for stealing equipment out of a truck. Markhamstill finds it hard to believe that Harris and llebold couldallegedly perpetrate such a crime.

Markham recalled that the only thing suspicious aboutHarrill and llebold was on the Monday before t:.ns shooting I bothHarris and llebold were in the CHS student parking lot afterschool about 2,30pm - 2,40pm. Markham thought ehia was strangE!as neither Harris nor Klebold ever stayed after school foranything.

Markham stated that Saturday, April 17, 1999 sheattended the CHS prom with Morris_ They 'Were a<:companied by Meg!ianes and Geo::,ge Schwinner. Markham recalled seeing !:loth Harrisand Klel:lold at the After Prom at CES. The last time she recalledseeing either Barris or Klebold was approximately 3:00 - 3:30am"'hen Harris and Klebold said they were leaVing. Markham re<:alledshe and Morris left After Prom at apprOXimately 5:00am, went toKing Soopers for donuts and then returned to her pare.'lts housewhere they went to bed.

Markham stated that she would provide L'lY info~ation

she CQuld in furtherance of this investigation.

JC- 001-010774


JC· 001·010775


Linda R. HOLLOWAYCBI690 KiplingDenver,Colorado 80215(303) 239·4218


ALEXANDREA MARSHStudentat Columbine HighSchoolAddress: 9015 WestCross DriveBuilding 16 Apr#1(J2(303) 948-1923Mother- Carmen MARSHWorknumbermom(303) 719-8823

On April21. 1999at 1405 hours AgentHOLLOWAY and AgentJerry MEA.\TS of the CBI interviewedAlexandria MARSH. Sgt Christen TOMFORD had assigned us ttl interview this wirness prior to RapidStart being set up to assist in tracking leads and interviews.

Alexandria wasat herresidence withher mother, Carmen YlARSH, and other siblings, Shestared tha' shewas in the Commons Area (cafeteria) at the time sherealized what washappening" Her first alert waswhen shesaw Dylan KLEBOLD with a shotgun walking outside the cafeteria windows. Alexandria wasassigned the first lunch period which beganat 11:i5 a.rn. She hadjust arrivedand wassittingat a tablewith NicoleMARKAM and Krista HANLEY, MARKA.'vI and HANLEY hadjust left the table to get inthe luncbline when shesawDylan KLEBOW walkpas' thewindow whereshe wasseared, She wascertainthat the time wouldhavebeenbetween 11:15 and II:20a.m, It waslater learned that she and theother two girls were attable DD. which wasvery close to mbles PPand QQ where the bombs were laterlocated. Personal property from all three girl was recovered from table DD after the inci<:Iei:it'·

Shewas asked to describe what DylanKLEBOLD was wearing anddoing whenshe firstnoticeshim. Shestatedthat be wasdressedin his "duster"andjeans, She is tallerthatEric HARRJS (a.k.a REB). She firstsay KLEBOLD walk up the hilloutsidethe window and then bock down the hillcarrying a canisterin hishand, She then saw KLEBOLD tbough the canisterinto the senior's pntldng10L She was fll1l'ly certainthat the time was 11.20 a.m. when that occurred.. Shenever mentioned seeing Eric HARRIS that morning.

Alexandria MARSH then go< upfrom herseat and wentacrossthe cafeteriato thebathroomarea. Aperson she referredto as the youngMr, Lee ANDRES openedthe doer to the auditorium and 'oldAlexandria (Alex)andapproximately 20 otherchildrento get intothe auditorium,

She then wenrthrougll the hallway and outside,

Alexandria MARSH Stated that she was a past member of theTrench Coat Mafia. Last year sbe wasInvolved with the "gang" and she still socializes withseveralof the kids involved with the "gang", Shecnaractenzed tbe gangas wearing trenchcoats, usingdrugs and having sbcrt tempersthat lendthem intogetting into fights, They wereallen brought in andquestioned whenever something happened, They badbeen brought in for questioning and accused of drinking inthe parking lot last year.

Alex MARSH related that members of the "gang" bad talkedabout"blowingup the school"in the past.however, she wasunder the impression that noneof them were serious about the threat. When asked whatwas saidabout blowing us theschool, sherelated that it was mentioned that some"would get guns andmeetand blowup theschool."Whenaskedwhoelse was involved in the gang besideEric HARRIS nodDylanKLEBOLD, 'be gave the namesof:

JC- 001-010776

Chris MORRIS - liefrequently "hung out" with KLEBOLD andHARRIS. Describedasbeingvery involved with the gang.

NicoleMARKAM -l1ome number(303)904-3538. - Describedas beingvery involvedwith!begang

Christine THEIBALT - she tbcughrsbe may havebeen datingDylanKLEBOLD.Joe STAIR - graduilled last year from Columbia High School. Be would wear a duster. She did

notsee him at the schoolon the dayof the incident The last time shesaw him wasin September1998.

KristaHANLEYEric Jackson- dating Krista HAl"l.EY

Alex MARSH furtherreiaredthat Dylanand"REB" (Eric HARRIS) had access to guns. She knew thatthe two had mode bombsand bed blown dting. up in a field.

She ful"ther related tbar"'wasvery proticiet'lt in computers. He is asenior and may haveknown about theplanbefore. Shedid no, knowif~r the two suspects used the Internet orhad their ownwebpage. Shehasnot accessto the Internet

Ale, MARSH staled that botnKLEBOLD and HARRIS werecapableof doing what theydid. They werevery smartand felt veryalienated. They wouldlisten to hard rockand acid rock, She felt that the gangwasforced "into a littlebox"by therest of the school and labeled. "They"wanted this to be the bloodiestandgorious that it could possibly be. They wantedto IcilIas llUllly as theycould. They IlUgbt sparesomeonethat liked orrecognized. "They" were aware th~ the"cops" used profiling and they would usedmotionsensitive devices'0 blowup the "cops". She denied that the gangbelievedin the white supremacymovement or were nee-nazi.

The interview ended at 1700hoers (5:00p.ra)








1. MARSH, ALEJANDRA. ("ALEX"). W/F. OOB: 07.08-82

9015 West Cross Drive.#16·102, Littleton, CO 80123, 303·948·1923

Mother: CarmanMarsh, 9015 West Cross Drive, #16-102, Littleton, CO 80123,303-948.1923

Work: 303.718-8823

Father: David Marsh, 9015 west Cross Drive, #16-102, Littleton. CO 80123, 303-948-1923


On 05-05-99 at 1030 hoursI interviewed Alex Marsh wilh her fatherpresentat her home. Alex stated she

got a ride to Jason Dull's home from her momthe morning of 04-20-99, Jason lives near the school and they

walked from Jason's home to the school arriving at approximately 0725 hours. They entered through the main

entranceandAlex went directly to her lockeron the upper level. She then went by the library and downstairs.

straight to her Spanish class. She stated she did not see anything unusual outside the building or inside m

between classes.

Alexstated she knew who KLEBOLD and HARRIS were. She statedshe hadworkedwith KLEBOLD on

the fall play of Frankenstein that the school pul on. She slaled sheknew him by his first name but he probably

didn't knowher byher first name. Shestaledsheknewthemmostly because herfriendshungoutwith KLEBOLO

and HARRIS. I asked her who those friends were and she told me Nicole Markham, Chris Morris, and Krista

Hanley. Shestated she knewwho HARRIS was but recognized himmore byhis nicknameof 'Reb'. Shestaled

shedidn'thang outwith them. Sheslatedsheusuallysawthe both of them between hersecondand third period

class. She stated they would be together and enter the buildlng near the libraryentranceand walkeddown the

hall. She statedshewasnot sure if shesaw themonthe day of the shooting. I askednerabout the 'trench coat

mafia' group. Shestated she was a part of the group, howeverthe groupwas now dead. She stated the group

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diedwhenpeople stopped wearingthe long, blacktrenchcoats. Shestated that the groupwas moreactivelast

year. Many of the group'smembers wereseniors and hadgraduated and left lastyear. Alexsaid thatshedid not

havea long, blacktrench coal

I asked Alex fer othermembers of the group. Shestated JoeStairwasa member, aswas BrianSergeant.

Shestated that the group started to not like Brian Sergeant because he was beginning to be an "all around jack

ass". ShestatedEricJacksonwas a member andprovided mostof the transportation for the group. She stated

Kristen Theilbault, TadBoles, andCharles Philips (graduated IWO yeareago) weremembers. Shestated shewas

closest to Nicole and Kristen and they ate lunchtogether everyday. She stated she had advanced acting and

theaterproduction in the auditorium during fourth hour. Alexstated shewentstraightto the cafeteria through the

1W0 doers fromthe aUditorium during that time.

Alexstatedshe enteredthe cafeteria at 1115or 1116 hours. Shestated the lunch linewas shortandshe

"''''n! straightto a serving lineto buyfood. Sheindicated her paththrough the cafeteria on the attached dtagram

,,,Idindicated whichtableshesat at. The tableisnumber"ZOo Alex stated shedidnotnoticeany largedufflebags

in the cafeteria. She stated three to five minutes after she sat down the commotion began. She stated what

caught her attention was the noise level in the cafeteria rose. Shestated peoplebegan to moveslowlyat first,

to get a beller look at what was going on outside. Shestaled Itlat ell<lryone was looking out the west window.

Alexstated she lookedout and sawan unknown boy run and shenoticed he had bloodon hisjeans. She then

heard popping sounds and knew that it was gunfire. At first she thought the bioodmightbe faked because she

hadworked with stage blood before,

Alexstatedshe saw DYLAN KLEBOlD's backashe walked northbound up the smali hill on the grass.

Shestatedshe recognized him because of hisdarkcolored duster, his darkhat. andhishair. She stated he was

outof Sight for just a few seconds andthen he walked backdown !tie hill. Shestated shehesitated and watched

because she wanted to make sure that it was him. She stated she did this partlyout of disbelief and then she

wanted to identifyhim.

Alexstatedwhen he came back into her line of sight he no longerhad a shotgun that she could see him

carrying when hewaswalkingawayfromher. Shestatedwhen hewaswalking backdownthe htll, he nowcarried

a graymetallic canisterthat she thoughtto be the sizeof a tear gascanister. Shestated shewatched him throw

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it into the senior parking lot where it exploded.

Alex slated she ran to the north east comer of the cafeteria to get out of the line of sighl from DYLAN

KLEBOLD. Alex stated that she quickly looked into the cafeteria, looking 10 see if KLEBOLD was there or if

perhaps ERICHARRIS was in the kitchen. Shestatedshedidthis because KLEBOLD andHARRIS were aiways

together. She did not see anyone in the kitchen. She then heard Mr. Andres, Jr. say'Alex, get in here'. Mr.

Andreswasholdingthe auditorium dooropen. Shestated people werescreaming andwere panicking atthisnrne.

Shestated that shedidn't fsel as panickyas the others, shefeltmere in control and that she was notgoingto let

herself panic.

At this time the fire alalTl'l wentoff. Shewenlthrougn the auditorium up to the upper northentrance. She

looked out to the left and sawthai therewesanopen path. I asked if the security gatewas closed at this timeand

She said Ihat it was not She lurned to the right or east and continued in the hallway. She stated she left out 01

" building near the counselor's offll:eandthe gym, Shestated that shewas running wilh about fifteenor twenty

otner people and they went to the smoker's pit She staled she did not yell at anyone and does not remember

anyoneyellingat her. (SeeControl #151;;1, interview with sarah Brown. Brown states Alex said something like,

'Shut up, man, if I could I'd kill that girl' when Brown yelled at Alex to run.) She stated she was at the smoker's

pit brieflyand then went over the fence with the lielp of zak Heckler.

AlexstatedShe had adark greenbackpack witha straponthetop attached on oneside for a handle. She

had a blackbinder, an actingand theater production file folder, a burgundy leather covered book, a Celticmagic

book, anotherbookwith a partialtitle of "WindS of 7 7·, shecould notremember, andaT·63 calculator. Shestated

she might have left a dark green bindersltling on top of the lable. Alex was wearing black jeans and dark olive

shirt with a Dolphins baseball cap and black boots.

Alex stated that shehad seen KLEBOLD at theprom andshesat at the sametable as he did. Shestated

that after the prom, DYLAN and HARRIS were amillng and haVing fun and gave no indication of their plans or

problemstheywere having, Alex statedthrough the grapevine sheheardthat KLEBOLD and HARRIS hadgone

'paint balling' and that they hadexplodeda bombsomewhere at sometime.

Alex staled that sometimes they wouldget together with the group and talk about tactically how to blow

up a room. She stated they did II more In a jokinglymanner They eventalked about how you would go aboul

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JC· 001·010780


killing someone if you wanted. Again, shestaledthat~ wasall in a jokingly manner. Shestated thatnoneof the

groupliked'jocks' because theyhada superior air aboulthem. ShefurthereXplained thattheyall thought itwas

funnyhowjocksplaya child'sgame, Shestated sheneverheard anyoflhe groupsayanyracistslurs. Then she

added. 'And if I everdid•.. ' and hereyeswidened andsheraised hereyebrows (Sheis Hispanic). Shestated she

wasnevershid of anyone in the group. Aiexstated sheneverheard anything aboutthe Internetuseor a web

site. Shedid knowthaI ERICHARRIS' nickname was 'Reb",

Alexcould not remember exactly whatthethought forthedaywasbutshedid rememberthat it wasavery

longthought. She didn't think that it was anything bad. Shestated EricVeikdoes the lhought for the day

Alexstaledthat the reM group wasdeadthisyear, shedescribed the groupas being tamelastyear. and

lhe yearbefore thattheyweremorealive, which shefurther described asbad. Shestatedthatshewascompletaly

clueless and baffled about the shooting lhat KLESOLD and HARRIS did. She suggested thst I talk with Zak

~. !<ler if I wanted to get an ideaabouthow completely surprised people were at this. ShestaledZlIk worked

wltnKI.EaOLD inthe sound room during a play, 'Smokein theRoom', SheSlated that evenas close as ZlIkwas

to working with KLEBOLD, Zakwas reallysurprised at this also.

~ 5~'/]1Y

Detective's signalure/number/date--w :);Y91Sergeanfllsignature/numberldate

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I ,


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JC- 001-010183




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Unit AAigned To






Control Number /1!J 'JPATRICKS. MCDUFFY, Ex-Columbine High School student,DaB 5/3/81,6250 S. Kendall St.. Littleton,Colorado, 80123,(303) 798-5837.

Agent Jerry W. Means and Agent Linda Holloway, ColoradoBureau of Investigation, 690 KiplingStreet,Denver, Colorado,80215, (303) 239-4211.

April 21, 1999, at approximately 05;00 p.m.

6250 S. Kendall SI.,Littleton,Colorado, 80123.

While inrerviewinz Jessica Ann RUSCH at her home, Jessicastated her boyfriend, PatrickMCDUFFEE, was a member of theTRENCH COAT MAFIA. PatrickMCDUFFEE was presentduring RUSCH'S interview. MCDUFFEE sat back and offered noinformation until investigators promptedhim.

Patrick MCDUFFY stated he was in the original TRENCH COATMAFIA with Robert PERRY,Joe STAIR,and Chris MORRIS.MCDUFFY stated he recognized one of the shootersas_

R y the description given by RUSCH. He srated"he"l':li'ere 4 or 5 people involvedin the shooting. He stated the

TCM often "Joked" about bombingand shootingup the school, butnothing serious.

MCDUFFEE stated KLEYBOLD and HARRIS were both verysmart and capable of this destruction. He stated he did not knowthey were going to bomb the school. MCDUFFEE statedKLEYBOLD and HARRIS did some "Playful" videotaping usingmanikins. He stated the moviewas like "Rambo"and it wasfilmed at their homes and edited at school. MCDUFFEE asked theReporting Agent if we had seen the hand written note fromHARRIS describing their journey. He stared KLEYBOLD andHARRIS had a computer site listing the 10 things they did not like.MCDUFFEEalso providedthe following nicknames; ChrisMORRIS was GRUNT, Dylan KLEYBOLD was VODKA, andEric HARRIS was REB. He stated KristenTHEOBOLD andRebecca NELSON were also associates of the TeM. MCDUFFEEstated_and-"'were the only twocapab~mbs,~_was most likely

JC- 001-010189

thebomb maker. MCDUFFEE stated Dylan KLEYBOLD boughta shotgun on hiseighteenth birthday. MCDUFFEE statedthatwasall he knew aboutthe TCM.

A follow- up interview with Patrick MCDUFFEE is recommendedto clarify his knowledge of the TeM, its members, andhis locationwhen the shooting occurred.

JC· 001·010790


Patrick McDuffee, Dob: 05/03/81, was interviewed at hishome, 6250 South Kendall Street, Littleton, Colorado byInvestigator Thomas wilson and Agent Frank Vanecek, ColoradoBureau of Investigation. After being adivised of theinterviewing agents identity, McDuffee provided the followinginformation:

McDuffee c~~pleted his graduation requirements inDecember 1998 and graduated from Columbine High School. McDuffeelisted his associates as Chris Morris, Eric Harris, DylanKlebold, Charles Phillips, Joe Stair, and Eric Dutro. His oldestassociation was with Charles Phillips. This association began in1995 when McDuffee was a freshman. McDuffee had German classwith Harris the last semester of 1998 and Composition withKlebold. McDuffee stated he started associating with Harris andKlebold in the Spring of 1997.

McDuffee stated that Joe Stair was the first person towear a duster to school. Stair wore the duster because it waswarm and dry while smoking outside the school. Other members ofthe group began wearing the oiled leather dusters and soonobtained the label "Trench Coat Mafia".

McOuffee stated that the groups common interests wereas follows:

Music- Raw.stein. KMFTMComputers- Strategic Games, Command and Conq~er, Dune,

WarcraftMovieS-Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, ReplacementKillersMcDuffee communicated with the group through America

On-Line (AOLI using the name ROMEO. He stated Eric Harris wasREB and Chris Morris was GRUNT. Dylan Klebold did not have AOL,but used the computer name VODKA.

McDuffee took German as an elective class his lastsemester and the year before. He was active in schoolactivities. He stated Eric and Dylan were active in the stageoperations for school plays. Eric and Dylon allegedly controlledthe stage lights.

McDuffee became part of the Trench Coat Mafia (TCM) inMay 1997. At that time Dylon was wearing EUlMSTEIN and KMFTM t­shirts. McDuffee wore a duster which he got from Chris Morris.Other students continued to call them TCM and they adopted thetitle.

Two members of the TCM, Chris Morris and Robert Perry,would fight a lot among themselves, but not with other students.

n4t!1~l8n, Colorado

Inv Thomas WilsonJC. 001·010791

"Chuck" was identified as Charles Phillips.

McDuffee was in the Chess Club with Dylon Klebold.

Chris Morris did not like "Jocks". Most problems werewith the football players from the previous year.

Eric Harris did not like black people.

McDuffee thought _ and..would be the ones tocommit such a violent act. He suspected them until suspectidentification was made."

Dylon attended the prom with Robyn Anderson.

McDuffee did not think Harris or Klebold possessedweapons. but stated Charles Phillips and John Beachum may havehad weapons. In 1996 or 1997 McDuffee was in a car with kidsfram Chatfield High School when they went to a field anddetonated three pipe bombs under tree stumps. There was a totalof fifteen kids in three cars. Chris Morris and Charles Phillipswere the only two he knew by name. The Chatfield High Schoolguys had six inch pipe bombs. made of PVC pipe. which they placedin holes under the stumps.

Everyone has a copy af the Anarchist Cookbook. which isdownloaded from the Internet.

~zlan has an ASP (baton} which he carried in his car.The ASP was purchased at a security store in Southwest Plazamall.

Dylan purchased a shotgun on his eighteenth birthday,either from a K-Mart or Walmart. There had been loose talk inthe group about someone owning an U~i. This talk was cirCUlatingin late 1997. The group used to discuss guns such as the AK-47and MP-5.

When asked about who in the group could pl~~ theattack, McDuffee provided the following names:

When asked about videos made by the group,stated a Video was made as a joke against the jocks.dummy made out of pillows, dressed in football gear,then assaulted by the group.

McDuffeeThere was a

which was

JC· 001·010792

When asked about drug use, McDuffee stated Harris andKlebold smoked marijuana, but used no other substances.

McDuffee felt Klebold and Harris could havemanufaotured the bombs in three days.

Sometimes Klebold and Harris wore Soviet lapel pins.

McOuffee stated he stopped wearing the dusters lastsemester, 1998.

McDuffee was home the day of the shootings and was notable to provide a.'1y information concerning the scene.

JC- 001-010193

FileNo. 174A·DN·57419Iav, Thomas WilsOll

April28. 1999

00042899 PatrickMcDuffee wasre-contactedby Iav Thomas Wilson and Inv 000 E,tep at6;l50SouthKendall Street,Linlerou, Colorado. McDuffee wasre-mterviewed concerning srarements made toJeffe:rson County Deputy Warren 00 042099 at 2130bcurs, McDuffee was asked to explain 'tateIIlOOtSreferenced in Deputy Warrens reportandprovidedthe following responses: .

00042099 McDuffee wasworkingin Elizabeth, Colorado. He Was ill.stalling windows for hisemployer, onlyknownas Curt. He finished workat about 1830 bours and respondedto tilearea ofLeawood Elemeotary School to ,OCwhatwas happening withthe 'booting iccident,

Report indicated b helped with the plannillg of the3ItaCk. tllis wasspe<:Uledno nn bis pan andbe onlymeant~ssible had helped.

ReportiIulicated Dylon Klebold was at the school,hllda !land gun.baton.knife,and builtbombslike pipebombs WId bombs. McDuffeedid not see Klebold at theschool.bur knew be hllda bandgun an(! .. blllon. He badonlyheardtllatlClebold built bombs,

Reportindicated_was at tbe school, by tile libraty. witha gun,and he bas manytypes ofguns. McDuffee 'wed he badseen_dormg the evening....... a whilefoo'balijersey witllthe word Columbine across lbechest. This was unusual as_ever playedfootball andbadnotbeenattile school for two years. _b:ld talkedabout having a streetsweeper sIlotguo in 1997·98. Moduffeeindicated it wasa shotgunwitll tile hertel sawed off andfhm.ned.

ReporTindi~catad elpedbuild bombsond!."sted tIlem at his bouse. McDuffeestatedbe Ilarl seen s C pipe bombs that 'ooated in his hackyard,desll'oyingll'asb """" The s ment .bout"'elping build bombs for tile llllllCk was speculation.

Report iIulicmed - helped build bomb. and tesred themwithPhillips. McDuffeeclaimedbe didnot teU the~d bas GO knowledge of....,activides.

Report iIulicatad 'at. (LNU) was part of I storedtile weapons, andtransported theweapons to the scacol, MClSill'tee stated_drives oundand pn$Sibly stored weapoee inhis wlri'" bronco because 01 thespacein the back. noknowledge that tbis actually occurred.

Report indicated EricHarris bed lllallY differenr types of gIIn.s :md made the 'llltemeat"I will killjocks oed blowupaschoot". McDuffee stated beonly knewaboutHatris owniag a handgun. but Harrisliked to ownguns because it wasbisrigilt. Harris did state be wanted III kill jocks andblowup theschool,bm these StatemenCl weremade dllring bowling throughout the yellt'. wll<:n everyonejokedaboutdoing tileS8lll/l thing.

Report indiCOled was inside the scbool duringtile attll<k. wrote letters. amimadeviolent videos, McDuffee stated as norobserved. The girls in socceruniformstoldMcDuffee that

2 "as at the schoolwith agun. .d not write letters,but wrote some poetry,~ OD avideo tellll1 calledRubber Chicken, wbicbmade funny video' aeoutvarious subjects.

Report indlCaled"was part of the planning, McDuffee stated tbis was speculation.

Report indicated as at the school wirbonautomed~n,downstairs by til<: door,,bootingcur'ide. McDuffee Stoted that he was told by Brenton Hecker tile as in thedoubledoorsto tilecafeteria. -..,as identified onlyby subject waswearing a ....1<. The ,ubject," was on lbe East side of tilecnfeterla and fired at Honer as Hooker!ried to entertile school from tileWesr to rescue his girlfriend. Sarah(L'IU). McDuffee was told by his

JC- 001-010794

lJirlfriend. IessieRusclt. that the suspect whoatlllmpted to enterthescience 100m looked like"butwas also weariIlg a IIlllSk.

McDuffee was asbd, in the preseace of his pareDl>, to providehiscolllpUlllr forelWllinalion. Ilewas alsoasked for COllUltlt to llCqnil:e AOL records. McDuffee. Ilfierobtalning COllUltlt fromhis parenl$.provided lnV$igalOrEsIEp witb. hisCREATIVE 486 CPU,serialnumber CU94050166. The cottlpoter,...placed inevidence at JCSO. TheAOLCtlllSCtlt formWUcOlll\lleted and indic:aled McDuffee used hisfathen llCCOWlt, Eric: PetllI(Rl'ETIl)......... naDll!S ROME023118 andEXTREMEZiIll. JllISIlwordsPIMP4Uand 1QAZ.


JC- 001-010795


JC- 001-010196

qq_ 7&.2.5" ~niE

D.,;:zt:" .>OS-J

ChrisMorris time linefor April20, J999.

Between6:00 a.m.and 7:20a.m,Chris has a first period bowling classat Belleview Laneslocated at South Federal Blvd., and WestBelleview Ave.

AfterBowlingclassChrisgoes to McDonalds for breakfast thandrivesto Clementpark.At 8:10 a.m. Chris is at Columbine HighSchool for his second hour class, Between8:20a.m, and 9:20 a.m. Chrisattends Ius Science class taughtby Mr.Friesen,

Between 9:25 a.m, and 10: 15a.m, Chris attendshis thirdperiod Government/Economicsclass taughtby Mr. Tonelli,

Chris did not attendIus fourth period Acting classand leftColumbine High Schoolat10:20a.m. This information was verified by several witness whoreported seeing Chrisdrive from the school in a redcompactcar, Chris wasdescribed as wearing a darkcolored beret and sun glasses. Between 10:30a.m,and 10:45 a.m. Chrisarrives at CoreyFriesen's home whichis located just westof SouthWestPlaza, Between IUO a.m. and11 :35a.m. Ms. Friesencontacts Coreyat their residence by telephone and adviseshim ofthe shootingat Columbine High SchooL Coreytells his motherthat he is withChrisMorris and he has notheardfrom his falberKenneth Friesen,

At t t :45a.m. Chris calls theJeffersonCountySheriff's Officeand speaks withlnvestigator Tom Acierno, Chris is calling fromthe Friesen's home.

Al 12:30p.m. ChrisandCoreydrove 10 Chris's girlfriends to checkon her welfare theythan drive back to the Friesen's home. Oncethey returned to the Friesen's a concernedneighborcontactsCorey and Chris. Chris eventually callshis mother whoworksfor theCherryHills PoliceDepartment and subsequently talks to a detective,

At 2:08 p.m, Chris callsthe Jefferson CountySheriff's Officeand is subsequently pickedup at the Friesen's homeby Deputies from the Sheriff's Officeand is interviewed.

Information obtainedfor lbis time tine has beenconfirmed through witness statements.

JC- 001·010797




DATE: 04/20/1999TIME: 14,25 ;44






DATE OF BIRTH: 00/00/00



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MORRIS, C1ll<.!S'!'OPHER ANDREW02/22/94.\141365




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DATE OF BIRTH. 00/00/00MORRIS, CHRISTOPHER ANDREW03/31/89.89708910 .





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