College Success Factors Index (CSFI 2.0)



College Success Factors Index (CSFI 2.0). Getting Started. Did You Know… How you use your time may be MORE critical to your college success than your ACT or SAT scores. /. Did You Know… - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Engaged with you.

College Success Factors Index (CSFI 2.0)

Getting Started

Did You Know…

How you use your time may be MORE critical to your college success than your ACT or SAT scores.

Engaged with you.

The College Success Factors Index (CSFI) 2.0 is an online

resource to help you assess yourself at the start of this

course in ten key areas linked to college success,

allowing you to identify your areas for potential

improvement and to greatly increase your likelihood of

success in college.

It also enables you to view your progress at the end of

the course. Study recommendations will help you

strengthen the areas that the survey indicates you could

improve to achieve greater success in college.

Did You Know…75% of college students juggle families, jobs, AND school?*

CSFI 2.0 assesses and supports students in 10 areas linked to college success, including family involvement, wellness, time management, and task planning*Gates Foundation, 2012

Engaged with you.

Access CSFI

1. Go to the course registration website provided by your instructor.

Or if you were given only the course key you can still use this new registration process by adding the course key (with dashes) to the end of this URL:

2. Either register as a new user or sign in if you already have a Cengage account


1TIP: Only have the course key? Enter the following URL and replace the X’s with your course key (include the dashes).

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Purchase Options

3a. Already purchased an

access code? Enter code


3b. Or purchase online


3c. Or buy later and start

your trial access (available

for limited time after class

start date)



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Returning to Access Course

4. To easily access your

course each time you want

to login bookmark this

course website URL

5. Login as a Returning




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We’re Here

to Help!

Have questions about your CengageBrain account?

Online:Check the FAQs in the Support area of your CengageBrain

Phone Support:1.866.994.2427Monday through Friday8:00am to 6:00pm (EST)

Have questions about CSFI 2.0?

Online:24/7 live chat!

• Sign in using your CengageBrain credentials and create a case.

• Once your case is submitted, you’ll receive access to 24/7 live chat! Or you can speak with an agent by calling the phone number provided upon your case submission.

Phone Support:Monday through Thursday:8:30am to 9:00pm (EST)Friday: 8:30am to 6:00pm (EST)
