College of Charleston Strategic Technology Planning Phase 1 Fall 2003


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College of CharlestonStrategic Technology Planning

Phase 1

Fall 2003

Novell video

Strategic Technology Plan

An opportunity A multi-year plan A campus-wide initiative A guide for future decisions

STP Goals To create an understanding of higher

education and technology directions To gain an understanding of strategic

goals and initiatives of the College To create a mission, vision, and principles

for how technology will support strategic goals

To deliver a Strategic Technology Plan

The STP Process

Phase 1: Create Strategic Technology Plan

Phase 2: Create and Implement a Communication

Plan Phase 3:

Plan Implementation of Strategic Technology Plan

Phase 1: Create Strategic Technology Plan

Build Common Understanding Generate College Input Create Draft Strategic Technology Plan Verify Draft Strategic Technology Plan Finalize Strategic Technology Plan

Desired Outcomes

The STP Products A shared vision for the role of technology

within our institution A design document that articulates a vision,

mission and principles An ongoing process for guiding our tactical


Desired Outcomes

Focus Group Sessions To share with you trends in higher education To verify the institutional and department

planning efforts To capture the strategic direction of your unit

Higher Ed Trends

Planning with focus on mission Growth in demand at Master’s and CC

Levels Greater and different demand on facilities Accountability and Assessment Funding challenges

Higher Ed Trends

Greater technology expectations Increased service expectations More competition for the “best” students New and non-traditional teaching and

learning approaches Faculty and staff transitions

eBusiness …Using technology to change the way “business is done”

Central Data Systems

Functional Users

Auxiliary Systems

Causal Users End Users

Other Businesses

Government Entities

eLearning …Using technology to enhance teaching and learning

Enterprise CourseManagement Systems

LearningManagement Systems

Shared Learning Objects

LibraryManagement Systems


eResearch …Transforming grant acquisition and research execution through the use of technology

Opportunity Identification

Proposal Development &


Ethics Review

CV Database

Project Management &



eCommunities …Using technology to bring together people with common interests

Instant Messaging Chat Rooms Text Messaging Blogs

Infrastructure and Infraservices

Privacy and Security Identity Management Business Continuity Ubiquitous Networks

UBC Self Admissions

Old Admission Process

25,000 undergrad applications & staff evaluations 12,000 offers 6,000 registrations minimum of 4 to 8 weeks from application to early offer of admission

Even with web applications,

this is a lot of work and slow response!

Self-Admission statistics

Number Category Percent

10,204 Web applications from BC high school students


5,093 self reported & self evaluated 50%

2,159 self admitted 42%

1,565 wait for May or final grades 31%

1,369 not admissible 27%

This application is central to eStrategy. It’s about trusting people. It applies complex rules in real time. It replaces manual approvals with online rules. It makes real-time decision for both students and staff.

Richard SpencerExecutive Director, eBusiness


Self-Admission Impact

Instructional TechnologyShared Whiteboard

A commonly editable information space Synchronous Group collaboration Every student can participate Shared Whiteboard

Instructional TechnologySims

An active simulation Live Every student can control simulation Examples

HeatingControl Piston Queues

Instructional TechnologyWiki

A commonly editable information space Asynchronous Group collaboration Every student can participate Wiki Student Collaboration

Instructional TechnologyOnline concept testing

During lecture Synchronous Every student can participate Take a Quiz Results









A. Horn B. Bell C. Gong D. Drum E. None ofthe above


Instructor ViewWho invented the telephone?

Instructor ViewWho invented the telephone?

Geographic Distribution of AnswersHorn

Susan SmithBell

Joe MantanaBell

Pat AldersonGong

Fred BrooksHorn

Ashley Sneed

BellShantell Gant No student

BellJesse O'Shea

HornHarry Picot No student

BellMark Groen

BellGreg Pullen

BellJen Johnson

BellKelly Smith

BellDavid Wooton

BellBlake Ugron

BellMichelle Arriel

BellGeorge Gordon

BellMark Lyons

BellJames Wells

No student

BellAdam Drodhaus

BellCharles Sanley No student

BellStanley Glaze

BellCaroline Dey

NoneTony Say

BellAntony Lemond

BellMan Debrant

BellCourtney Sticks

BellSarah Rose

BellPeter Rains

BellRobert Bowman

BellTrakeyla Parks No student

Electronic Portfolios

interfolio, inc. Chronicle of Higher Education

WebCT Usage Stats

University of British Columbia

Digital Library

UVa Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities


UVa video

Accenture / UT Austin Video

Planning Documents

Fourth Century Initiative Strategic (Institutional) Plan Departmental Plans

Fourth Century Initiative

Decreased class size Improved student/faculty ratio Greater opportunities to work with faculty

on research projects and internships Financial aid opportunities will be


Fourth Century Initiative

Better student support services in advising, tutoring, career services, student affairs and wellness

Expanded on-campus student employment program

Increased course offerings

Strategic Plan Goals

Goal 1: Strengthen student learning Strategies

• Ensure the high quality of all undergraduate disciplinary programs. (41)

• Emphasis on advising/mentoring. (20)• Promote the value of a Liberal Arts & Sciences

education and its place at the College to ensure that all students understand the value of the liberal arts experience. (17)

Strategic Plan Goals Goal 2: Assure a high quality, diverse, and

engaged student body Strategies

• Improve services to students (careers, counseling, registration, financial, housing) (36)

• Promote the values of integrity, diversity, civility, and collegiality as integral to curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular programs. (Sense of Community) (22)

• Strengthen programs to recruit a high quality and diverse student body. (16)

Strategic Plan Goals

Goal 3: Assure high quality and diverse faculty and staff

Strategies • Improve faculty/staff services and information

resources for management (36)• Retain high quality and diverse faculty and staff.

(34)• Recruit high quality and diverse faculty and staff.


Strategic Plan Goals Goal 4: Enhance relationships with constituents Strategies

Strengthen appropriate collaborations and partnerships with other educational institutions (including K-12 and post-secondary schools), government, business and industry, community agencies, and friends of the College such as parents and neighborhood associations. (57)

Expand graduate and professional programs identified as needed in the region and of strategic importance to the College of Charleston. (11)

Promote College cultural and athletic programs that enrich the quality of life for external and internal constituents. (8)

Strategic Plan Goals Goal 6: Improve institutional effectiveness Strategies

Link the assessment, planning, and budgeting processes to ensure that results will be used for improvement of services or programs. (28)

Increase financial resources to support the institutional mission and goals. (23)

Address efficiency and effectiveness of program, process, or plan. (15)

Interactive Session
