Colleague System Maintenance File System Administration & Maintenance – Part Two Cinda Goff...


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Colleague System Maintenance

File System Administration & Maintenance – Part Two

Cinda GoffChuck Hauser2005-10-30

Presentation Conventions Names (files, users, daemons) are usually in bold:

/etc/syslog.conf System dependent or variable items are usually in italics:

/var/sadm/patch/patchnumber/log File entries and output are in mono-spaced type:> root 8036 c Tue Apr 26 23:59:00 2005 < root 8036 c Tue Apr 26 23:59:59 2005

marks a line wrapped to fit on the slide: mv Solaris_8_Recommended_log

Solaris_8_Recommended_log.yyyymmdd marks a horizontal tab (09 hex) Reference OE is Solaris 8 Reference UniData is 6.0

Unix File System Maintenance

Log File Maintenance Cleaning the File System (files that do not

need to be retained) File System Maintenance (fsck & UFS


Solaris 8 (and Earlier) Automatically Maintained Logs

Log Maintained by

/var/adm/messages /usr/lib/newsyslog

/var/cron/log /etc/cron.d/logchecker

/var/log/syslog /usr/lib/newsyslog

/var/lp/logs/lpsched lp crontab entry

/var/lp/lpgs/requests lp crontab entry

/var/spool/lps/adm EasySpooler lpsd daemon

Solaris 9 System Log Rotation

Starting with Solaris 9, logadm is used to handle log rotation for:

/var/adm/messages /var/cron/log /var/log/syslog /var/lp/logs/lpsched /var/lp/logs/requests

Some Logs That Need Manual Maintenance

These files will grow forever: /var/adm/authlog /var/adm/loginlog /var/adm/sulog /var/adm/wtmpx /var/sadm/install_data/Solaris_8_Recommended_log var/sadm/patch/patchnumber/log /var/spool/lps/adm/activity_log (EasySpooler)

Trimming Logs Most logs can be cleared by copying /dev/null or

standard out to the log:cp /dev/null >logfil (or simply: >logfile)

Or save the file, then clear:mv logfile && >logfile

Or save the latest entries in the log with the tail command:tail -50 logfile >logfile.tmp && mv logfile.tmp logfile

To stop EasySpooler logging, remove the log file: rm /var/spool/lps/adm/activity_log

Patch Cluster Logs Recommendation

If a Solaris_8_Recommended_log file already exists, the next cluster installation will append new entries at the end of the existing log. May want to save each log individually:mv Solaris_8_Recommended_log


Maintaining wtmpx

Can be maintained by hand or script:cp /var/adm/wtmpx /var/adm/cis.wtmpx.2004cp /dev/null >/var/adm/wtmpx

(Or simply >/var/adm/wtmpx)

Note: /var/adm/utmpx is information about who is currently logged into the system. Used by who, whodo, w, users, and finger commands. Don’t mess with this file.

Files That May Need Manual Removal

core files preserve files backing-store snapshot files

Core Files Core files are images dumped to a disk of

a user process terminated by certain signals

coreadm command will configure or show settings (but won’t prevent core dumps)

To prevent core dumps, use Bourne Shell ulimit command with –c set to zero:ulimit –c 0

Removing Core Files

As root, find and remove all core files:

find / -name core –type f –exec rm –f {} \;

(Note: Be sure to use the ‘–type f’ option; patches for third-party apps such as Apache sometimes have a directory named core.)

Crash Dump Files

A crash dump file is a disk copy of physical memory of the computer at the time of a fatal system error.

Usually not a problem – unless the machine has crashed.

The dump is usually saved in a swap file partition, then on reboot the savecore command copies the dump to the savecore directory.

Removing Crash Dump Files

dumpadm will show crash dump settings, including the savecore directory:# dumpadm

Dump content: kernel pages Dump device: /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s3 (swap) Savecore directory: /var/crash/cis Savecore enabled: yes Check the savecore directory for a crash dump file

(vmcore.n), or use a find command with: –name “vmcore.*”.

Preserve Files

Should the vi editor (or the system) crash, a copy of the user’s file is stored in /var/preserve/username.

vi –r filename allows recovery of workfile. Unlikely there are any files there, but may

want to check and remove:find /var/preserve –exec rm –f {} \;

Snapshot File Cleanup

If the fssnap command is used without the unlink option, the backing-store file will still exist on the system and need to be manually removed after issuing the fssnap –d filesystem command.

If there are no active snapshots (check with fssnap –i), either:rm /backup-store-path/snapshot#Or

find /backing-store-path –name “snapshot*” –exec rm {} \;

Unix Disk-Based File Systems

Disk drives consists of slices (partitioned using the format command).

Each slice is either raw or contains a file system (constructed by newfs, front-end to mkfs).

Disk file systems consists of so many blocks The default Solaris disk file system is UFS (Unix

File System)

VTOC (Volume Table of Contents)

The first cylinder of the disk contains a VTOC describing the disk’s slices – slice number, tag, starting sector, size, & last sector.

Use the prtvtoc command to save the VTOC of a disk in case the entire disk fails:prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c#t#d0s2

>c#t#d0s2.vtoc Use this file with the fmthard command to recreate the

VTOC on a replacement disk: fmthard -s c#t#d0s2.vtoc


UFS File System Structure

Formatting a UFS file system divides the disk slice into cylinder groups.

Cylinder groups have four basic types blocks: bootblock, superblock, inode, and storage (or data block).

For further info, see man page fs_ufs (4) Structure is documented in


Cylinder Group Layout

Graphic from Sun Microsystems, Inc.

UFS Areas and Block Types

Type Stores

Boot Block Used to boot system

Superblock Information about the file system

Inode 128 bytes with all information about a file –except the name(s), which directories store

Storage (Data block) File or directory data

Cylinder Group Map A bitmap in a UFS file system that stores information about block use and availability within each cylinder.

Indirect Block Data block that instead of data stores either direct or other indirect block addresses

Free blocks Blocks not in use

Boot Block

Used for booting system, holds bootstrap programs

Only appears in first cylinder group (blocks 0 -15)

Left blank if file system isn’t used for booting Firmware boot program loads and executes

bootblk, which then loads and executes /ufsboot.

Installed by installboot command.

Superblock Critical data about the file system – a copy

is replicated before each cylinder group Sync command forces all file systems’

superblocks to be written to disk; The shutdown command calls sync. Structure is documented in

/usr/include/sys/fs/ufs_fs.h Superblock contains flags about file

system state, including fs_clean.

Superblock fs_clean Flags

Name Value MeaningFSACTIVE 0 File system (FS) mounted and modified.

FSCLEAN 1 FS was unmounted properly; no need to check file system when system booted

FSSTABLE 2 File system not changed since last sync or fsflush; fsck can be skipped before mounting

FSBAD 0xff (-1) Root file system mounted as read-only because state was not FSCLEAN or FSTABLE

FSSUSPEND 0xfe (-2) Operations on system temporarily suspended

FSLOG 0xfd (-3) FS mounted with UFS logging; not checked when system is booted.

FSFIX 0xfc (-4) FS being repaired while mounted

Some Inode (or I-node) Fields

File type (regular, directory, link, etc.) File mode (read/write/execute permissions) Hard link count UID of owner, GID of group Size (number of bytes) Dates & times: created, last accessed, last

modified Array of 15 disk-block addresses

File Addressing

Graphic from Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Boot Block Problems

If ‘The file just loaded does not appear to be executable’ message appears when booting, then the hard disk boot block is corrupted.

Boot Solaris Software 1 of 2 CD and install a new boot block on the boot disk:ok> boot cdrom –s//#installboot /usr/platform/`uname

- i`/lib/fs/ufs/bootblk /dev/rdsk/c#t#d0s0

Causes of File System Inconsistencies

Unclean shutdowns Stop+A executed System turned off without proper shutdown System unplugged or power failure Disk with mounted file systems removed Software error in kernel

Hardware Failing disk or controller Other major component fails

Check & Repair File Systems: fsck

fsck is only a file-system checker; does not handle data-integrity by checking contents of regular file data blocks.

Runs automatically at boot, can be run manually

Never use fsck on a mounted file system! (Unless you want to cause a panic and test your crash dump settings …)

fsck Superblock Checks

File system size versus number of inodes and number of blocks used by superblock

Checks free blocks; blocks marked as free should not be claimed by any files

Count of summary block free inodes is compared to actually count of free inodes

fsck Inode Checks

Inodes are checked sequentially starting at first true inode (2).

Inodes are checked for: Format and type Link count (directories compared to inode) Duplicate block Bad block numbers (blocknumber >= first block & <=

last block number) Inode size (actual number of blocks compared to

inode size field)

fsck Directory Block Checks

Inode number in directory points to unallocated inode

Inode number in directory entry points beyond inode list

First entry in directory list must be ‘.’ entry referencing itself

Second entry must be ‘..’ and equal to inode of parent directory

Directory must be linked to somewhere in the file system.

fsck and fs_clean

The fsck command uses the fs_clean flag to determine whether a file system needs checking.

To view a file system’s fs_clean flag:#fstyp –v /dev/rdsk/c#t#d#s# | grep fscleanfilesystem state is valid, fsclean is 2

(be patient: fstyp –v returns a lot of information)

fsck at Boot Time

At boot time the /sbin/rcS script checks /, /usr and /var file systems (if /usr & /var are separate systems).

When the system boots, fsck runs in ‘preen’ mode: inconsistences consist with an unorderly shutdown are repaired, file systems are checked sequentially using the fsck pass field in /etc/vfstab.

If the system cannot be repaired interactively, /sbin/rcS will print a either a warning or fatal message that states ‘Run fsck manually’.

After non-fatal errors are repaired, the system will continue booting. After fatal errors, the system will reboot.

/ (Root) and fsck

If the root file system isn’t mounted FSCLEAN or FSTABLE, then at boot time / is mount read-only and flagged FSBAD.

To fix, need to boot from alternate device such as CD, then use fsck on CD to repair.

If /usr is hosed, will usually also need to boot from CD.

UFS Logging UFS logging first appeared in Solaris 7 Previously (2.6 and earlier) file system logging

required Solaris DiskSuite and a separate logging partition.

UFS logging writes all metadata changes first to the logging space, then actual data blocks are written. Metadata is the directory and Inode information

In other words, details of all changes to the file system are recorded in a log before the changes are actually written to the disk.

How to Log File Systems

To log a file system, either mount the system with the logging option:mount –o logging myfilesystem or change the option field in /etc/vfstab to logging:

#device device mount FS fsck mount mount#to mount to fsck point type pass at boot options.../dev/md/dsk/d4 /dev/md/rdsk/d4 /vol1 ufs 1 yes logging Using mount without arguments will include logging

status:/vol1 on /dev/md/dsk/d4 read/write/setuid/intr/largefiles/logging/onerror =panic/dev=1540004 on Sat Oct 29 14:14:21 2005

UFS Logging Space

The logging information is stored in the file system’s free blocks.

Log size is 1MB per 1GB of file system space, up to 64MB.

UFS Logging Advantages

Reduces risk of file system inconsistencies – if data blocks aren’t written, metadata changes are rolled back.

Increases boot speed – fsck doesn’t waste time on system where the fs_clean flag is FSLOG.

Most file system operations are significantly faster

Solaris Disk Suite (up to OE 8) andSolaris Volume Manager (OE 9 and later)

If using Solaris Disk Suite (SDS) or Solaris Volume Manager (SVM), periodically use the metastat command to check status of metadevices and hot spare pool.

Automate checking by using shell and awk scripts run by cron:# Check status of disk metadevices 0 4,16 * * * /opt/local/sbin/ Shell Script#!/bin/sh# @(#) 1.1 @(#)# Uses an awk script (dsmon.awk) to parse output of DiskSuite# metastat command in order to report errors.


# RECEPIENTS – sendmail alias of who to notifyRECEPIENTS=sysadmin.list

trap "rm -f $DSMON_OUT; exit 1" 1 2 3 15

if metastat | awk -f $DSMON_SCRIPT >$DSMON_OUTthen :else DSMON_STATUS=$? mailx -s "Metastat Disk Error Report" sysadmin.list <$DSMON_OUTfi rm -f $DSMON_OUTexit $DSMON_STATUS

dsmon.awk Awk Script# DiskSuite Status Monitor# @(#)dsmon.awk 1.1 @(#)BEGIN {


/State: / { if ($2 != "Okay" ) {

if (prev ~ /^d/) print prev, $0


} { prev = $0}

