COLLABORATIVE PARISHES SACRED HEART & SAINT THOMAS … · 2019-05-03 · courage and unwavering...


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April 21st, 2019 ~ Easter Sunday Of The Resurrection Of The Lord


SACRED HEART & SAINT THOMAS MORE Collaborative Office: 55 Commercial St, Weymouth, MA 02188 (781) 337-6333 Sacred Heart Elementary School: 75 Commercial St, Weymouth, MA 02188

(781) 335-6010

Third Sunday Of Easter May 5th, 2019


Collaborative Parishes of Sacred Heart and Saint Thomas More


William Morales Chris McCarthy Richard Goggin Carole Ross

Ginny Norton Martin Beatty

Bill Earle Esther Keeley

Francis Murphy Elizabeth Mastropole

Kenneth Rice Jr. Claire Rice

Mary Fleming Carolyn Ryan Peter Aitken

Margaret Micele Ginny Salvaggio Elizabeth Meola Amber Johnson Linda Antoniou

Dan O’Brien Colman Feeney Denise Cremins

Janet Shiels

Herbert McMeekin Maura Marino

Meaghan Morneau Laura O’Neill

Roseanne Hood Bill Romanoff

John Hastie Bill McCaffrey

Theresa MacMillian John Keeley

Paul McGovern Joseph O’Reilly Rosemary Haley Donna O’Reilly

Mary Eileen Cipullo Pat Coleman Marie Santo John Dingee

Jean & Tony Athas Antoinetta Sheehan

Gina Pappas Jackie Fuller

Robert McDermott Paul Donohoe

Paul Hughes Paul Boback

Julie Williams Joseph Gavin

William Walsh James Perkins Tracey Cronin

Joseph & Lee Doyle Irene Griffin

Theresa McIsaac Teresa Connolly

Pat Smith Doreen Lehane Dorothy Rocks James Larson

Ruth Campbell Francis Finnegan Marjorie Murphy

Patricia Lee John Coyle

Irene B. Panaro John Gifford

Robert Harrington Joseph Yuska

William Twohig Paul McNamara

Leone Walls Mary Gallegos Bob Clifford

Barbara Pugliese Marie O’Neil

Joyce Brancaccio Tom Itri

John Mastrangelo Anita King

…our young ones:

Carly Silva, Amelia Driscoll, Maeve Wilson,

Isabella & Arianna

... and our little ones: Monroe, Quinn Walters

Mark & Ethan Mondello, Wil Rooney, Caleb, baby Owen,

Baby Lucas, Baby Roland, Baby William, Baby Lincoln & Baby Jacob.

Welcome Bishop Dooher This weekend, we are pleased to welcome Bishop John Dooher to our collaborative parishes. Bishop Dooher will confer the Sacrament of Confirmation upon our candidates at a 5:30pm liturgy in Saint Thomas More Church on Saturday, May 4th and on Sunday, May 5th in Sacred Heart Church at a 5:30pm liturgy. All are welcome to join us as we pray that our Confirmand will receive the power of the Holy Spirit to strengthen them in their call to be witnesses to their faith, hope and love of the Lord Jesus for His People, His Church.

News & Notes

Thank you for Divine Mercy Sunday!

The Weymouth-Braintree Divine Mercy Committee and Fr. Sean extends its appreciation to everyone who assisted and attended our regional feast celebration at Sacred Heart Church last Sunday.

The day truly reflected “unity” within our Church community. The Liturgy, Music and reverence expressed appreciation for the true gift of Mercy which comes to us in the Sacraments of Healing: Eucharist and Sacramental Reconciliation. Next year’s hosting parish will be

St. Albert the Great. Please join us Sunday, April 19, 2020!

The Next Meeting for Family Faith parents and children—Grades 1-6 will be held on Sunday, June 2th at 4pm at Sacred Heart Church hall and on Monday, June 3th at 6 pm at Saint Thomas More Church at 6 pm.

Prayer Shawl Ministry will take place this Tuesday, May 7th at 1pm at Saint Thomas More Church Hall. All are welcome!!

First Eucharist Celebrations begin next weekend:

For those who will be receiving Holy Communion for the first time next Saturday at 4pm during the Vigil Mass at Saint Thomas More Church, practice will be held on Wednesday, May 9th in the lower Church hall.

For those receiving the Sacrament on Sunday, May 12th at the 9:30 am liturgy at Sacred Heart Church, practice will be held on Thursday, May 9th in the lower Church hall and for those who will receive at the Sunday, May 12th at the 11:30am Mass, practice will be held on Friday, May 10th in the lower Church hall. All practices begin at 3:45 pm.


Collaborative Parishes of Sacred Heart and Saint Thomas More

Today’s First Reading proclaims events that happened after the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles at Pentecost. At the time they were standing before the Sanhedrin, the Apostles were on fire with the power of the Holy Spirit. So Peter, despite the express order of the political and spiritual leaders of his time to cease proclaiming the Good News, had the courage and unwavering faith in Jesus to firmly declare that they could not, would

not, cease witnessing to the Way, Truth and Life of Jesus, because they “must obey God rather than men.” Moreover, the Apostles rejoiced “that they had been found worthy to suffer dishonor for the sake of the name” of Jesus. Of course, before this episode, the Apostles had, as today’s Gospel relates, spent much time with Jesus before His Ascension into heaven. Because He continued to teach them as He had always done, had eaten with them, and had still performed miracles like providing 153 fish, where there had been none, the Apostles were convinced that Jesus had really risen from the dead. He was no ghost. Although they knew, they had seen with their own eyes that Jesus “had been killed by hanging on a tree,” they now knew that He was risen. He is God! This weekend, eighty (80) of our parish youth will complete their initiation into our Church by receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. Throughout their preparation, they have been reminded that once they have been “sealed with the Holy Spirit,” they will be the Lord’s witnesses in our world today. They are now called and chosen to share and defend their faith in a world much like the world of the first Apostles, a world where so many do not know or live in Christ. Through the Sacrament of Confirmation, they will receive the power of the Holy Spirit, who will strengthen His gifts within them so that they can witness to the love, life, and power of Jesus in our world today and thereby bring others into His kingdom. They will, like the first Apostles, be called to make disciples. In the thirteenth century, the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit were defined by Saint Thomas Aquinas as: Wisdom, the judgment about “divine things” and the ability to judge and direct human affairs according to God’s truth; Understanding, the ability to “see” God in order to understand His plan of salvation for us; Counsel, the ability to allow God to direct our lives in matters that lead to our salvation; Fortitude, the courage and the confidence to do good and avoid evil; Knowledge, the ability to judge matters of faith and then take right action; piety (reverence), r ight worship, honor ing God above all things; Fear of God (Awe & Wonder), the gift to know our God so well that we are filled with awe and wonder when we witness His greatness and goodness, and so do not wish to offend Him by our sins. We need these gifts of God’s Spirit within us to live the spiritual life in ways that will bring us to heaven one day. These supernatural gifts are necessary for our salvation, primarily because we cannot achieve salvation on our own, which is the reason that Jesus became the Lamb of God for us. On the Cross, He made the one perfect sacrifice for all sins, for all people, for all time. Before Jesus’ sacrifice, there had been no sin offering worthy of our perfect God. But, God “made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Cor 5:21). The price of our sin has been paid. Today, then, “the work of God is

this: to believe in the one He has sent” (John 6:29). If we believe in Jesus, then He tells us: “I want you to show love, not offer sacrifices. I want you to know me more than I want burnt offerings” (Hosea 6:6). When Peter stood up boldly to proclaim the Lord Jesus to the Sanhedrin, he had the added confidence of knowing that he had been forgiven for denying Jesus three times. He knew, without a doubt, that Jesus loved and forgave Him. In His mercy and love, Jesus had allowed Peter to negate his three previous denials by asking him three times: “Peter, do you love Me?” When Peter answered each query affirmatively, Jesus told him to feed, tend, and keep feeding His lambs, His People. Even knowing that: “when you grow old, you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go," i.e., when they were martyred for their faith in Him, when Jesus said, “Follow Me,” the Apostles did not hesitate to continue His work, building up the kingdom of God on earth. Because of the power of the Spirit within them, they could now put all their complete trust, their very lives, in Jesus and His promises. This is why Jesus came: to make disciples who would follow Him no matter how difficult life’s journey might be, disciples who would offer the sacrifice of their lives to show their love for Him. If we wish to be the Lord’s disciples, then we too must feed, tend, and keep on feeding His lambs, His people, today, no matter how difficult this might be. We do this just as the first Apostles did: we become His witnesses. We build up His kingdom with love and mercy, fueled by the Spirit’s gifts within us. As Jesus told His first Apostles, He speaks to us today, commanding us to “feed, tend and keep on feeding His sheep, to keep on-through our words, deeds, and life’s choices-building up the kingdom of God on earth. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are resources we must use to transform the world for Christ. Jesus wants us ‘to know, love and serve Him in this life so as to be happy with Him in heaven one day.’ But, the kingdom is NOW! The Gifts of the Spirit were given to us so that, no matter what path we take in this life, we will each have all that we need to make life-giving choices, to choose the Way, the Truth and the Life of Jesus NOW. These gifts help us to do what Jesus would do if faced with the daily choices we must make NOW. As Isaiah once prophesied: There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots. And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. And his delight shall be in the fear of the Lord. The same gifts that our Lord Jesus possessed on earth are the same gifts strengthened within us in the Sacrament of Confirmation. We have the power-the gifts-of the same Holy Spirit that rested upon Jesus, gifts given to us to be His witnesses so as to build up His kingdom on earth. When we pray the prayer that Jesus taught us: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, are we fully aware that it is through our words and deeds-our witness-that WE are the ones called to build the kingdom of God on earth today? Let us pray that this weekend the gifts of the Holy Spirit will be powerfully strengthened- in our parish Confirmandi and in ourselves-so that we will have all that we need to give witness to the power of God’s love and mercy in our world. Let us also pray that all that we do, think, and say will bring glory to God and peace to His people. Amen !


Collaborative Parishes of Sacred Heart and Saint Thomas More

Save The Date!! What: Senior Dinner &

Movie Night When: Saturday, May 25th Following the 4pm Mass at

Sacred Heart Church Menu: Garden Salad, Rolls Bolognese with Penne Pasta

Dessert: Brought by our seniors

Movie: I Can Only Imagine Please RSVP to the parish office so that we may prepare enough food

for you and your guest. If you would like to volunteer, please call Mary at the office.

Fr. Sean M. Connor, Pastor: Ext 118 Mary Gallegos, Secretary: Ext 110 Janice Blodgett, Business Mgr.: Ext. 112 Vicki Dromey, FACTS/Tuition: Ext. 120 Mary Beth Brady, Pastoral Associate: Music & Liturgy: Ext 116

Maureen Simmons, Coordinator Lifelong Faith Formation: Ext. 114 Carolyn DeLuca, Confirmation Coordinator-Youth Minister: Virginia Aitken, Admin. Asst.: Ext 124 Joanne Bibeau, Executive Asst. to Pastor and Business Mgr: Ext 115 Daniel McCarthy, Facilities Mgr. Patrick McCarthy, Asst. Mgr. and Joseph Donohoe, Facilities


Collaborative Parishes of Sacred Heart and Saint Thomas More


Reconciliation: Saturday Afternoon, 3:00pm- 3:45pm

Baptism: Baptisms are held 3rd Sunday of the month at the 8:00am Mass. Please call the office to schedule. Catechesis class for the family is required and is held on the 4th Sunday of each month at 1pm in the lower church hall at Sacred Heart.

Marriage: Congratulations! Contact the par ish office at least six months in advance and prior to scheduling your reception.

Sacrament of the Sick: Please see a priest at Mass or contact the office to make arrangements for the Sacrament prior to surgery.

Devotions - Adoration & Rosary: The Rosary is prayed every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 9am in the Chapel.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Thursdays, 2:30pm

Bible Study: Wednesdays, 10:00 –11:30am in the lower church hall.

Collaborative Prayer Group: Grow in Prayer and Praise, Tuesday eve-nings 6;30-8:00pm in the Chapel.

Sacred Heart Saturday, May 4th—Fr. Joy 4:00pm (SH) - John Connolly (Month’s Mind) Robert & Michelina Salvaggio Robert & Margaret O’Neill & John O’Neill Sunday, May 5th—Fr. Sean 9:30am (SH) - Pro Populo 11:30am (SH) - Fr. Sean David Kuja (5th) Myles Joseph Connor, Sr. (Birthday Remembrance) 5:30pm (SH) - Confirmation Bishop Dooher & Fr. Sean Pro Populo

St. Thomas More Saturday, May 4th—Fr. Sean 4:00pm - Thomas McLaughlin (3rd) 5:30pm (STM) - Confirmation Bishop Dooher & Fr. Sean Pro Populo Sunday, May 5th—Fr. Sean 8:00am- Francis Quirk ( MC) Kenneth Hulke , Sr. (MC)

(SH) 9:00am Monday, May 6th Fr. Peter Souls in Purgatory

(SH) 9:00am Tuesday, May 7th Fr. Peter Edward Seferian (MC) Howard Silvia (MC) (STM) 9:00am Wednesday, May 8th Fr. Sean Brendan McGuire (SH) 9:00am Thursday, May 9th Fr. Sean Christian Harris (MC) John Lovett, Jr. (MC) (STM) 9:00am Friday, May 10th Fr. Sean James Hart


Reconciliation: Saturday Afternoon, 3:00pm-3:45pm

Baptism: Baptisms are held 1st Sunday of the month at the 9:30am Mass. Please call the office to schedule. Catechesis class for the family is required and is held on the 4th Sunday of each month at 1pm in the lower church hall at Sacred Heart.

Marriage: Congratulations! Contact the par ish office at least six months in advance and prior to scheduling your reception.

Sacrament of the Sick: Please see a priest at Mass or contact the office to make arrangements for the Sacrament prior to surgery.

Devotions - Adoration & Rosary: The Rosary is prayed every Sunday following the 9:30 mass and Monday at 6:30pm in the Adoration Chapel. The Rosary for Life takes place on Wednesday at 1:00pm & Friday at 5:30pm in the Chapel. The Novena to our Mother of Perpetual Help is prayed Tuesdays in the Chapel at 6:30pm .

Weekday Mass Schedule

Sacraments Mass Schedule

The gifts of bread and wine, candles and sanctuary lamp are offered

At Sacred Heart For John & Nora Walsh


At Saint Thomas More in Honor of those served

through Pine Street Ministry

SH 4:00pm, 9:30am & 11:30am Readings: 1069 E: Alleluia! The Stifle is O’er G3 542 P: The Summons G3 790 C: Lord, When You Came G3 781 R: Immaculate Mary G3 886

STM 4:00pm & 8:00am Readings: 906 E: Three Days, J3 406 P: Christ Be Beside Me , J3 650 C: Lord,You Have Come , J3 729 R: Immaculate Mary, J3 512


Collaborative Parishes of Sacred Heart and Saint Thomas More STEWARDSHIP: TIME, TALENT & TREASURE

Sacred Heart Parish Last weekend’s Offertory totals and breakdown 4/27 & 4/28 St. Thomas More Parish

Mass Mass Count

Percent Capacity

Total Offertory

% Envelope Mass

Mass Count

Percent Capacity

Total Offertory

% Envelope

4:00am 227 41% $2,880.00 65% 4:00pm 178 55% $1,972.00 79%

9:30am 218 40% $1,397.00 56% 8:00am 148 46% $1,243.00 71%

11:30am 183 33% $1,257.00 61%

Coin $7.37 Coin 0

Mass count 628 Online giving $3,075.53 29% Mass Count 326 Online $447.50 8%

Offertory Mailed to Parish $740 Offertory Collected at Other Parishes $1,234

Total Offertory For SH: $10,590.90

Offertory Mailed to Parish $65 Offertory Collected at Other Parishes $1,870

Total Offertory For STM: $5,597.50

Collaborative Food Pantry: Our Food Pantry is located in the hall at St. Thomas More.

We are so grateful for the donations we receive each week. We depend on your generosity to provide

necessary food items for those who come to our food pantry each week. Because we fill so many bags, we now

have an Urgent Needs for: Canned Fruits, Sauces, Gravies, Mayonnaise, Mac n’ Cheese, Rice, Packaged

Meals, Jello, Cake and Brownie Mixes.

Any assistance you can provide will help our parishes fulfill the Lord’s Com-mand: “Whatever you do for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine,

you do for ME.” (Mt 25:40).

To volunteer, please call Maureen at the office. For assistance, call SV

P at St. Thomas More (339) 987-9624 and SVDP AT Sacred Heart (339)205-8029.

“The most powerful weapon to conquer the devil is

humility. For, as he does not know at all how to employ it, neither does he know how to

defend himself from it.”

Behind on your electrical bills? Until June 30th, St. Vincent dePaul Society, with help from the LaPorte Utility Program, can assist with your outstanding balance on electrical bills. Please contact either the Sacred Heart SVDP (339-205-8029) or St. Thomas More SVDP (339-987-9624) for more details before the June 30th deadline.

Additional Clergy Trust Fund Collected at Sacred Heart $825 & St. Thomas More $870 Divine Mercy Sunday April 28th at Sacred Heart $1,162

Next Weekend May 11th & 12th, there will be a Second Collection for St. Vincent dePaul.

We thank you in advance for your generous support.

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