Cold War Era - · • On November 23, 1963, JFK and his the First Lady traveled...


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Cold War Era

1. What is a “Cold” War? •

• 2. Beginnings

• 3. Distrust Between U.S. and USSR

United States Soviet Union

4. Germany Divided


5. “Iron Curtain” Speech, 1946 •

• 6. Communist Takeover in Czechoslovakia

• ________________________ • Key members of ______________________ die __________________. • Pro-Western President forced to ____________. New constitution ____________. • Complete takeover by ___________________________.

7. Containment Policy

• 8. Deterrence

• 9. Marshall Plan

• Nearly

o 10. Comecon

Cold War Events during 1940s and 1950s


11. Truman Doctrine •

• 12. Berlin Airlift

o •

• 13. Alliances

• North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO):

• Warsaw Pact:


14. Fall of China, 1949 •



• 15. Korean War

• 16. Arms Race

• 4

• 17. Suez Crisis

• ______ and ___________ initially offered to fund the project, but when Nasser recognized the People’s Republic of China and opened talks with the USSR, ______________________________________.

• 18. Domino Theory

• 19. Eisenhower Doctrine

• Eisenhower’s belief inspired him to introduce the Eisenhower Doctrine. o

(Arms Race continued)


20. Cold War at Home •

• In 1938, the House of Representatives created the House Un-American Activities

Committee (HUAC): 21. Hollywood Ten

• 22. Joseph McCarthy

• 23. Taft-Hartley Act of 1947

• 24. Truman’s Fair Deal

Cold War at Home


25. Brinksmanship (goes along with Arms Race) •

• Approach became known as __________________. 26. U-2 Incident

• ________________ became the Soviet leader after Stalin died in 1953. •

27. Eisenhower’s Farewell Address

• 28. Military-Industrial Complex 29. President John F. Kennedy

Cold War Events during the 1960s and 1970s

30. Space Race •

• Launches ___________________ who believed that their superior technology would keep U.S. _________.

• Congress quickly approved the National Defense Education Act, a $1 billion program intended to produce more ______________ and teachers of _______________.

• In addition, Congress created __________ to coordinate the space-related efforts of American scientists and the military.

• 31. Fidel Castro overthrows Cuba Government

• Young revolutionary ____________________ overthrows Cuban government and assumes power in _______.

• Ike discovered Castro had ties to _____________ and seized U.S. property in Cuba. • In response, Ike broke off relations with _____ and Castro allied himself with _____.

32. Bay of Pigs Invasion, 1961

• 33. Berlin Wall

34. Cuban Missile Crisis •

35. Results of the Cuban Missile Crisis •

• 36. Kennedy Assassinated

• On November 23, 1963, JFK and his the First Lady traveled to _________________ to prepare for his 1964 reelection bid.

• While his motorcade moved through the city, assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, perched by a window on the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depositary, fired 3 shots at the President.

• The ______ shot __________ Kennedy. 37. President Lyndon B. Johnson

• Kennedy was rushed to nearest hospital, but was __________________. • ____________________________ (LBJ), Kennedy’s _____________________,

was sworn in as the new President on a _______ headed back to Washington, with Jackie Kennedy at his side.

1. Vietnam Conflict • France established a colony called Vietnam in 1800s. • After WWII, fighting erupted as Vietnamese nationalists wanted independence from

France. • This concerned Eisenhower because of the nationalists’ ties to ________________. • At a conference in in Geneva, Switzerland, concerned countries drafted the

Geneva Accords (1954), splitting Vietnam into two (North and South). • In North Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh established his Communist-backed government. • In the South, the U.S. supported the government of Ngo Dinh Diem. • Diem faced opposition in his own country. He imprisoned people who criticized his

government and allowed ________________ sent for aid to be used improperly. 2. Eisenhower and Kennedy’s Approach to Vietnam Conflict

• 3. President Johnson Leads Nation Into War

• In 1964, LBJ faced his first crisis in Vietnam. • On Aug. 2, North Vietnamese torpedo boats fired on the USS Maddox as it patrolled

the Gulf of Tonkin off the coast of Vietnam. The ship wasn’t hit and it returned fire on the North Vietnamese boat.

• Johnson said, “aggression by terror against peaceful villages of South Vietnam has now been joined by open aggression on the high seas against the United States of America.”

• Johnson orders _______________. 4. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution


5. Vietnam War (Johnson) • By 1965, _____________ were continuing to expand as more and more of the poor

in South Vietnam were drawn to their cause. • During _____________ campaigns, U.S. dropped more explosions than in WWII,

destroying bridges, supply lines and villages as well as civilians. • Still, LBJ and Secretary of Defense McNamara refused to bomb certain targets for

fear of __________________________ with China and the USSR. • U.S. military presence _______________ dramatically from 1965-1968.

6. Tet Offensive



o 7. My Lai Massacre

• 8. Johnson Steps Down

• Many Americans began to turn dramatically ____________ the war through marches, protests, and the polls.

• On March 31, 1968, _____ months after the Tet Offensive, LBJ addresses the nation and announced U.S. would _________ its bombing and seek a negotiated settlement to the war.

• LBJ also announced ____________________________ (1968 election).

9. President Nixon • In 1968, Richard Nixon (R) is elected President. • In June 1969, Nixon announced his "Vietnamization" plan:

o Vietnamization:

• In 1970, Nixon attempted to break stalemate of peace negotiations and ordered American troops to invade _________________.

• April 30 – Nixon announces plan to American people • May 1 – U.S. forces cross border into Cambodia, capturing weapons and supplies but

didn’t break stalemate. • North wanted _________________.

10. Kent State • Nixon’s move stirred anti-war activists and protests erupted at many college

campuses around the country. •

• 11. Jackson State 12. Vietnam War (Nixon)

• Silent Majority:

• Détente:

• 21 years after signing of the Geneva Accords, Vietnam rested firmly in the hands of the communists.

13. Dominos Fall in Southeast Asia

• 14. Post-Vietnam (Nixon)

• War Powers Act (1973):

Post-Vietnam, End of the Cold War 1. Nixon Travels to China

• After Mao Zedong won control of China, the U.S. refused to ___________________________________________________.

• Nixon makes a bold move and ___________________ the communist regime. • In July 1971, Nixon announces he will visit __________ and does so in February 1972. • Nixon negotiates signing of the SALT I Treaty with the USSR in 1972,

________________________________________. 2. Gerald Ford

• When Nixon resigned from the presidency during the Watergate Scandal, Gerald Ford became president.

• Ford continued ________________ with new Soviet leader, _____________. 3. Jimmy Carter

• _________________ initially continues under Carter’s administration with the signing SALT II.

• However, USSR invades _____________________ in 1979 and U.S. condemns invasion. Relations turned ____________ again.

• Carter implemented a grain ______________ and imposed an Olympic _________ refusing to send a US team to _____________.

4. Ronald Reagan

• Reagan becomes president in 1981 and quickly sets the U.S. on a different track regarding the ___________.

• He was convinced the Soviet Union couldn’t be trusted and famously referred to them as an “____________________.”

• He believed that a U.S. military buildup would increase the nation’s defenses and finally bring a collapse to ____________________ in the USSR.

• As a result, Reagan pours $1.5 trillion dollars into the nation’s military. 5. Strategic Defense Initiative

• Reagan also initiated the SDI, commonly known as __________________. • With the SDI, Reagan envisioned the development of a ______________________

that could prevent Soviet missiles from ever reaching their target.

6. Mikhail Gorbachev • In 1985, progressive leader Mikhail ______________ became leader of the USSR. • Reagan and Gorbachev struck up ____________ friendship leading to the signing of

the INF treaty in 1987. o Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty:

7. Iron Curtain Comes Down

• Realizing that the Soviet Union’s economy could not keep up with the arms race, Gorbachev started

o Glasnost: o Perestroika:

• Paved the way for the _______________________in USSR and satellite countries.

8. German Reunification

• In 1990, leaders announced German reunification, uniting the nation as one—a free democratic society.

• After a few years after the fall of the ___________________, the Soviet Union dissolved.

• “__________” again. 9. Poland’s Solidarity Movement

• Poland laborers form trade union in Poland 1980. • ___________________ became first independent union in communist country. • Helped contribute to the fall of communism in Poland and throughout continent. • First ________________ elected president in ___________.

10. Tiananmen Square

• In Spring of __________, Chinese students staged protests in Beijing, hoping that the protests might result in the _____________________________ in China.

• Instead, Chinese ______ rolled in killing and imprisoning hundreds of protestors. • President _________, Reagan’s VP and successor, condemned the action and

suspended ________________ to China.