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Cogni�ve NLP research at the Centre for Indian Language Technology (CFILT), a�empts to gain insights into the cogni�ve underpinnings of human language processing and understanding. The insights are then translated to methods and models that contribute to the field of NLP by achieving the following objec�ves: (i) Op�mising Human Annota�on Effort for be�er annota�on management, and (2) Improving exis�ng NLP systems by introducing cogni�ve features.

Today's NLP is highly sta�s�cal in nature and needs massive amount of human annotated data. In a typical cogni�ve NLP se�ng, apart from collec�ng the annota�ons, we aim to record annotators' ac�vi�es in the form of their eye movement pa�erns, key-strokes and neuro-electric signals obtained using EEG. Through a series of studies using eye-tracking alone, we show that data of such kind, can be used to model complexi�es of tasks like transla�on and sen�ment annota�on, where eye-movement data is used to train classifiers that model annota�on effort for the specified tasks. This can be useful for be�er annota�on management (for example, proposing be�er annota�on cost models in a crowd-sourcing scenario).

This research also showed that eye movement data can be used to extract cogni�on-driven Features, to be used for difficult NLP tasks like Sen�ment Analysis and Sarcasm Detec�on. The proposed approaches consistently perform be�er than state-of-the-art sen�ment and sarcasm classifiers, showing that cogni�ve features can be useful for tasks that are nuanced by linguis�c subtle�es.

The Cogni�ve NLP group at CFILT has collaborated with Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, and IBM Research Lab, Delhi, on several projects. The Cogni�ve Lab at CFILT is equipped with a high-end SR Research Eye-link 1000 Plus Eye-tracker for experimenta�on.


Prof. Pushpak Bha�acharyya, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
