Club Management President-Elect Training Seminar Janice A. Wilkins 2012 District 7570 PETS



Whoever we are and wherever we live, each of us yearns for the same peace and contentment and for the same fulfillment in our daily lives…. Kalyan Banerjee President, RI, District 7570 PETS

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Club ManagementPresident-Elect Training Seminar

Janice A. Wilkins

2012 District 7570 PETS

Club Management from the President’s perspective boils

down to this:Motivation

2012 District 7570 PETS

Whoever we are and wherever we live, each of us yearns for the same peace and contentment and for the same fulfillment in our daily lives….

Kalyan BanerjeePresident, RI, 2011-12

2012 District 7570 PETS

In Rotary, our business is not profit. Our business is peace. Our reward is not financial, but the happiness and satisfaction of seeing a better, more peaceful world, one that we have achieved through our own efforts.

Sakuji TanakaPresident, RI, 2012-13

2012 District 7570 PETS

Peace, in all of the ways that we can understand it, is a real goal and a realistic goal for Rotary. Peace is not something that can only be achieved through agreements, by governments, or through heroic struggles.

Sakuji TanakaPresident, RI, 2012-13

2012 District 7570 PETS

Peace is something that we can find and that we can achieve, every day and in many simple ways.

Sakuji TanakaPresident, RI, 2012-13

2012 District 7570 PETS

Definition of an Effective Rotary Club

• Sustains or increases it membership base• Implements successful service projects in the the

community AND in communities in other countries Supports The Rotary Foundation, both financially and

through program participation Develops leaders capable of serving Rotary beyond

the club level

2012 District 7570 PETS

Qualifications of an Effective President

• Must be a member in good standing• Must attend PETS while serving as President-Elect• Additionally, the President should have:

– Ability to assume the leadership of the club and possess the esteem and the confidence of the members

– Sufficient time and effort to lead the club– Experience in the club– Have attended one or more district conferences– A working knowledge of the club’s constitution and


2012 District 7570 PETS

Duties of the President

Ensure each meeting is well planned, is opened and adjourned on time

Preside at regular meetings of the board of directors

Appoint Club committee chairs Ensure that each committee has defined

objectives and guidance

2012 District 7570 PETS

Duties of the President (cont.)

Attend the district conference Cooperate with the DG in all club and district

matters Supervise the preparation and accounting of a

club budget Ensure that the club maintains a

comprehensive training program

2012 District 7570 PETS

Duties of the President (cont.)

Ensure DG monthly newsletter is disseminated to club members

Submit a comprehensive financial closeout report to the club in June, defining the extend to which the club achieved its objectives and goals for the year

Work cooperatively with the President-Elect• Arrange a joint meeting of the incoming and

outgoing club boards to ensure a seamless transition and continuity.

2012 District 7570 PETS

Organization of the Rotary Club

Club Leadership Team President Past President President-Elect President Nominee (Vice President) Directors (number to be determined in Club Bylaws) Secretary Treasurer Sergeant-at-Arms

2012 District 7570 PETS

Organization of the Rotary Club (cont.)

Standing Club committees Club Administration Chair Club Public Image Chair Club Membership Chair Club Foundation Chair Club Service Projects Chair

• Ad Hoc Club committees as needed

2012 District 7570 PETS

Clubs Must…

Pay per capita dues to RI Pay RI and District dues without outside

financial assistance Meet regularly Implement service projects Plan for Governor’s visit & club assembly Maintain liability insurance Promote district conference

2012 District 7570 PETS

Meetings Should…

Be well organized, motivating and educational Be punctual Be free of distraction Offer planned programs announced in advance Provide Rotary Education Provide opportunity for awards and recognition Offer fellowship

2012 District 7570 PETS

Club Incorporation

Dependent on local circumstances – seek expert help

Advisable to protect unusual, repetitive activity

Consider incorporation of activity, not club Protects club members Protects specific activity

2012 District 7570 PETS

Club Liability Insurance

Liability insurance mandatory in USA clubs. Provided through RI

Provides coverage for claims: Arising out of bodily injury / property injury to a 3rd party Made against club officers resulting from their activities and

management Does not provide coverage for bodily injury/property

injury to 1st party insured (Rotarians or volunteers) Additional insurance requirements dependent on

local circumstances – seek expert help

2012 District 7570 PETS

To be a Good President

Motivate Delegate Set achievable yet challenging goals Maintain working knowledge of all policies and

procedures Lead by example Include everyone Know all club members Have FUN

2012 District 7570 PETS


Club Officer’s Kit 2010 Manual of Procedure Rotary Foundation Code of Policies January 2011 US Rotary Club and District Liability Insurance

Program o

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2012 District 7570 PETS