Cloud Computin g - Pulkit Sharma · THE TIMES OF INDIA, PUNE 4 TIMESCITY TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012...


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wife of Late Shri. Chetanram

Asnani left for heavenly

abode on 07.01.2012.Marka

Today (Tuesday) between 5-6pm atSports Cultural Inst, Sind SocietyPune-7.

Deeply mourned byAsnani, Butani,Bhagwanani &

Teckchandani Fly .



All of us crave and plan for certain changes within,

whether it is starting a new exercise regimen, giving up a self-defeatingbehaviour,

quitting an addiction or striking a work-relationship balance. We begin with great zeal, but after a few days, the motivation dries up. Soon, we are back to our old ways even though we despise them. If we keep the motivation alive, there will be a new beginning. It sounds simple, but being your own motivational guru is tricky and requires a deep psychological analysis. Here are some tips that could help.Understanding negatives:Every behavioural pattern has a psychological reason behind it. An attempt to uproot it from your psyche is the wrong approach. Your overeating could be a way to keep away distressing thoughts and this crutch cannot be simply thrown away. An alternative way is to understand the reason behind the behaviour. Discover your pace: What motivates one person can be disastrous for another. Get in

touch with your core and follow your rhythm. Even if your gym coach tells you that a person of your age should be doing 45 minutes on the treadmill but you can just manage 20, feel comfortable. If you disregard your instincts, you will feel burdened. Acknowledge progress: People become self-critical and hopeless when the goal seems unattainable. Even if you are managing to do a little, acknowledge the progress. You may be miles away from the desired goal, but as long as your steps are in the right direction, there is a reason to celebrate. Balancing acts: A lot of hard work goes in trying to inculcate a new habit, often resulting in burnout. So it is sometimes important to take a break from goals, targets and progress reports. It may even be a good idea to just allow yourself to enjoy what you are reading rather than calculating how many pages you have read. Smart preparation: Set realistic goals and targets. Review your progress and adjust the goals and targets in case these are required. Handling failure: Prepare yourself to handle failure and continue to work. Tell yourself that your attempt has failed, but you haven’t.

(Send feedback to

Be your own motivational guruWe often try to change ourselves but give up midway – andthen blame everyone around for our failures. Clinical psychologist Pulkit Sharma shows you how to keep yourself motivated

Pune: An industrialist fromMumbai died and three otherssustained severe injuries inan accident involving a stateroad transport bus, a truckand two cars on the Pune-Mumbai expressway near So-matane Phata at Gahunje vil-lage, around 35 km from Pune,on Monday afternoon.

The Talegaon Dabhade po-lice said the deceased, RajivVinod Shah (41), was a resi-dent of Goregaon, Mumbai.Shah’s driver, Rampal Shahu(32) of Vile Parle, Mumbai,sustained severe injuries inthe accident. The other in-jured persons have been iden-tified as Rakesh Pande (26) ofKandivli, Mumbai, and ShilpaBakshi (44) of Aundh, Pune.

Investigating officer VijaySalvi told TOI that the acci-dent took place around 1.30pm. “Bakshi and Pande weretravelling towards Mumbai ina car. When their car reachednear Gahunje, a speedingtruck rammed the rear of thecar. Due to the impact, the carcrossed the divider and skid-ded on the lane heading to-wards Pune,” he said.

Salvi said that the car hitShah’s car, which was comingtowards Pune. Shah’s carcrashed into a state transportbus that was travelling in the

last lane heading towardsPune. “Shah and his driverShahu sustained severe inju-ries. Bakshi and Pande, whowere in the first car, also sus-tained injuries,” Salvi said.

The police and the employ-

ees of Ideal Road Buildersrushed the injured people to aprivate hospital in Nigdi.“Bakshi sustained severe in-juries and is undergoing treat-ment in the intensive careunit,” Salvi said.

Three Seriously Injured In The Incident

Industrialist killed in e-way accident

Pics: Bapu Ovhal


The two cars involved in the accident

Pune: The golden jubliee cel-ebrations of Loyola HighSchool, Pashan Road, came toan end with a concert held re-cently at their primary schoolgrounds. The show beganwith a rendering of the newschool anthem and a welcomesong by the primary schoolstudents. This was followedby a play, ‘A School for Ani-mals’, an original productionthat commented on the cur-rent education system thatdoes not cater to individualtalents and abilities.

This was followed by an-otheroriginalplay, ‘TheThreeDream-ers’, putup by thestaff andstudents

of the high school and juniorcollege. The play introducedthe audience to St. Ignatius ofLoyola, the founder of the Je-suit order, and how he usededucation to fulfill hisdreams. It also introduced theaudience to Fr. Rudolf SchochSJ, who started Loyola HighSchool in 1961, initially as anextension of St. Vincent’s. He,too, used education to formstudents into all-round per-sons who would be “men forothers”. The last dreamer wasLoyola School, who narratedhow she has tried to foster the“outstanding educationdreams” in her students. Theaudience was also introduced

to ex-students who have ex-celled as mountaineers, cho-reographers, painters, swim-mers, cricketers andbadminton and tennis play-ers. The play ended by urgingthe audience to hold on totheir dreams.

Dances and harmonioussinging of the choir addedmagic to the performance.

2nd ‘Antarnaad’held at SNBP

Students of SNBP Schooland SNBP International

School, Rahatani, recently

presented the second annualshow, titled Antarnaad ’11.

The theme was ‘Power ofMan — Success Unlimited’, acontinuation of the themefrom last year’s programme.

The focus was on success-ful people from diverse fieldswhose contributions havemade a difference to India onthe global front.

Students from the pre-pri-mary section performed adance on the Panchamahabh-uta (the five elements).

Other performances in-cluded portrayal of acts ofbravery and feats of the Indi-an defence personnel andgreat leaders of the Indianfreedom struggle.

The main attraction of theprogramme was the ‘Jungleki Sair’, performed by the stu-dents of the playgroup sec-tion.

The primary and second-

ary section students also per-formed a dance and music me-dley depicting superheroesfrom the west and figuresfrom Indian mythology, in-cluding Superman, Batman,Spiderman, Hanuman,Krishna and Bal Ganesha.

The first edition of theschool magazine, ‘Udaan —the take-off...’ was released byPimpri Chinchwad mayor Yo-gesh Behl, the chief guest.

Principal Bindu Saini pre-sented the annual school re-port.

Khandusheth Kokane, thelocal corporator was the guestof honour.

The founder secretary andpresident of S E Society, D KBhosale and Vrishali Bhosalerespectively, along with theprincipals of SNBP Yerawadaand Pimpri branches were al-so present.

Angel High schoolwins competition

Angel High School won theunder-14 interschool

cricket competition orga-nised by the Pune School Ath-letic Association.

In the final match againstAnglo Urdu School at theirschool ground, Angel Highschool scored 60 runs for theloss of 7 wickets.

Opener Shubham Har-pale, who scored a brisk 20runs, also managed to taketook two wickets of the oppo-sition. He was adjudged manof the series.

Plays, performances mark Loyola’s celebrationsTIMES NEWS NETWORK

The annual event ‘Nutrafest’ was organised at Kalmadi Shamarao school, Aundh, recently. The event included a recipecompetition for mothers, entertainment programme ‘Nutrashow’, a Nutra quiz for fathers and Nutra fun, a track andfield event for both students and parents. Seen in the picture arethe judges at the ‘Nutrafest’ event along with the principal Pallavi Naik

A performance underway at ‘Antarnaad’

Pune: The entire city will face water cuts on Thursday due tomaintenance of civic water works and interrupted electricitysupply at pumping stations. Water supply will resume at lowpressure on Friday. The day-long water cuts are likely toinconvenience citizens in various parts of the city and thePune Municipal Corporation water supply department hasurged citizens to cooperate with the ward offices. TNN

Water cuts in city on Thursday

Pune: Interesting videos, livedemonstrations of differentkinds of surgeries and discus-sions on technical advance-ments in the field of laparosco-py, gastroenterology and obesitywere part of Metasurg 2012 – the5th International Congress in thefield of laparoscopic and baria-tric surgery – that concluded atPoona Hospital and ResearchCentre (PHRC) on Sunday. Over350 national and internationalclinicians, including surgeons,endocrinologists and anaesthe-siologists, attended the two-dayconference.

Addressing the participants,bariatric and laparoscopic sur-geon Jayasshree Todkar, confer-ence’s organising secretary,said, “The conference aimed atbringing together the bestnames from India and abroad tofacilitate knowledge and ideasexchange in the fields of laparo-scopic, obesity and metabolicsurgery.”

The highlight of the eventwas the live virtual and live sur-gical workshop on ‘Controver-sies in Laparoscopic and Baria-tric Surgery’. Besides, varioustechnical advancements in thefields were also discussed.

“The meet addressed manyissues in which clinicians do nothave a clear cut answer, till date.The open discussions and paperpresentations at Metasurg 2012have cleared up many doubts

and removed mind-blocksamong surgeons and cliniciansin treating their patients,” saidbariatric and laparoscopic sur-geon Shashank Shah, organis-ing chairman of Metasurg 2012.

The conference was conduct-ed under the aegis of organisa-tions like the Indian Associationof Gastrointestinal Endosurge-ons and The International Fed-eration for the Surgery of Obesi-ty and Metabolic Disorders.

Interesting videos and livedemonstrations of differentkinds of surgeries, such as sin-gle-incision surgery, trans-vagi-nal surgery, laparoscopic liverresection, SILS — gastric by-pass, laparoscopic duodenalswitch, Robotic surgery, andcase studies were presented onthe second day of the confer-ence.

Over 350 doctorsattend medical meet


The highlight of the eventwas the live virtual andlive surgical workshop on‘Controversies inLaparoscopic andBariatric Surgery’


Security at the district and sessions court was tightened on Monday after the Pune Bar Associationdecided that all lawyers would have to wear identity cards and furnish them when called upon todo so. The meeting also decided to restrict use of cellphones on the court’s premises

Pune: A magisterial court on Monday granted bail toAdwait Datar (31) and his wife Neelima (28) forallegedly duping several people on the pretext ofgiving them good returns on their investments. Thecouple was released on a personal bond of Rs 30,000each with one or two sureties of the like amount. TheDatars were warned not to tamper with the evidenceand co-operate with the police whenever they werecalled for questioning. They were directed to giveattendance at the Kothrud police station every

Monday and Thursday between 10 am and noon tillchargesheet was filed. The court directed them not toleave Pune without its permission. Adwait wasarrested later in a similar case registered with theCantonment police station. One December 17, estateagent Amresh Rao, had lodged a complaint againstthe Datars for allegedly duping him of Rs 5 lakh.Later, others also lodged complaints against thecouple and the amount of money involved in thefraud has gone up to Rs 50 lakh. TNN

Couple gets bail in cheating case, man arrested again

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14th DeathAnnivers ary

In Lo ng Memory ofOur Beloved

Jaison AnthonyMass at

St Thomas Catholic Church,Gurav Pimple , Pune 27

on Tuesday10th Jan uar 2012

at 7 p.m.Fondly Remembered byParents, Brothers, Relatives

and Fdends
