Cllmt. ----D'---- - Lincoln County...


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• • Offacial Paper-l;eaal J!rin~na

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VOLUME XVIII-[Ca.rrizozo Newa, Vol. 32• CARRIZOZO, NEW ME:XlCQ, F~IDAY, APRIL 7.1~«. NUMBER 87

•• .. •

Mrs. Celia Torres I A Nutty War By W. J. Hooten in· El Paso

. Funeral services for Mrs. Celia Tim'es-Torres were held at 8 a.m. ih1n• From what I can gather In day frcm Santa Rita Q\Jurcb, with r .. ad "" tl].e "ewfl dispatches tell· th~ Re\r. Fr. Glo• ing ,f • ti~h·ing <~n th• vnriouto I vanni dfficio.ting Interment waa f,..n "• this ltl rt-blly a nutty war j at Evergreen Cemetery. Mrs. Ftie~od ~tul foe seem 'to he Torres died Saturday after several bav·og troubie In id .. otitylnR or.t-; months illneiS. annther, .. ~ • I

. Parutrodpil are dropp,ed behind Steve Pearce, of U. S. Navy, thu~s to, ecver communications

whO, hns been stationed in the find supply 1inea. Sometlml's Aleutian l!,hmds for thirteen utrpl11nefl are ao t.hick In the sir months is bomP on leave. He is that antiuircraft gunners have viaiting bis mother and slater in much trouble in deciding which Car.itan. He will go back to San planes to shoot at Diego with hie aiater, Mra. Rceae Then on top of that, Ameri­Foster ond visit her family berort ean plun~>s dropoed bombs on a rcportivs back to duty. Swiss communitv, causing the

Sung Mass At Capitan

EASTER SERVICES There will be a Sung Mne3 in

tho Capltnn Catholic Cbureh on Eootl'r Su. ,day, at 12 o'c!o(:k P. M. All ore invited.

Rev. Fr. Salvatore Di Giovanlli.

Any e:ct15c you ,can c:lve for noi uppm~:: your payroll aav• lniS wW pleaae WUer, lllr.,.. hlto an4 puppet l'llrtJJollilL




Cihsla Land sr:d Li'watotk:}""~ ~="' Company, o No\7 Mmdl'o )'

Corporation, Plolntill ) V!J. )

Milo;; llot7ltinn, Impleaded } with tho folhmlnu named l dr!!cndnnto, oso.iztlt 'rlbom } cubJtitutcd !:t'rlllro ill hero- ) by cou(!ht to oo obto!nrd, ) No. llOD:i to·\7it: Miley Ho'rlltino, ) Urumo\7n boiro of Arthur ) Nield, Decc~cd, All Un· ) 1mo\7n clnimnntll of lnt('f- ) oro in the premi=, odvcrco ) to tho caUlto of Plolntifl, I

Defcndnnto )

uaually friendly Swiss to turn o•· us with a fury·seldom displayed by them.

Evon before the war started, the world seemed to be traveling at a dizzy paco. Now It's worse than ever o

Oh, for a return of those goud •tid days when a follow could elt dnwn, relax, &nd talk about noth­ing more important than a local eloctton, the late11t book, or a dug obowl

Red Cross Service for Mustering Out' Pay

Tho Llncoltl County Chapter. of the Amrrican R .. d Crose Is ready to assiet all applicants for MuotcrlnJOJ Out Pay in prepara­tion of tb•ir applications &nd Ia ready to .give all the needed in­(otm•tlQP pertainlni to. thU.P.J:fA

Tho following members of the American Red Cros!f Home Ser­vice 81'() to bt addrcs&cd for S!· slatanco ~

Mra. Edith Crawford, Cnri­zozo: Mra Klvaa Tully, Picacho: Mrs Sara Fieber. Capitan: Mrs VI R Beldon, Corona: Mrs t•JiJ. liom Hart, Ruldo11o; Mn Oney ttamond, Tinnie; Mn L110 Jofn· or, Hoodo; Mrs W E Knott. Tbreo Rivera: M.r. R. S. Fagan. Fort Staoton.



THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: 1'h" Nottona.l Heodquartero of To carb or the nbovo nnmro dclond· •he 1\m,.rfMn Red Cross o'

anto ocralr.!lt 'rlbom oubJtitutE"d ~rvia! b Waahtngtnu, 0. 0 are 11Plth•U• horoby CiiU!Iht to be obtnincd, to l )\!llte M.i'. Mariu Johanaen GR!'lli'l'ING: at I inrliiP USA (State oot

You nnd r,neb of you llTQ hereby not\· giVPr•) for wbom there is a m{l~<• fbd that the above nome>d plaintiff bll:l ' fficd itn complnlnt oaoill!lt you in tL<o sago from Pnem1J occupied Dot'• ab:wo num~rcd ond entitled c:a~ ood mark. U S. Fagan. Homo 8e• • Cllm"t. viee Cb.lrman, Am •rh~11n fled

The aetcrol oblect of l::lld oult !D to Cro'Bs, Furt Staoton,N M quiet plnintifi'o tiUe to tile rol otaro " ----D'---- ' • dCJeri~d in the complnlnt, nRunte In Lintolo County, Nev Monico, nnd lxling in

Sl:etiOll!l 28, 03, 34, and 05, ToV>nnhlp 2 ~uth, Rtmgo 11 Ell:lt, and Sectiotl D, Township .n South, Rtmgo 11 Fnst,

Cottage Cafe Special Eaater Dinner, Baked

Ham and Chicken with Dretaing, witb all tbo trimminga.

For Appointment. Phone 18


On Easter Sttcday will be

Agumot the ndvett:l! clain1!1 of you and l!uh of you, lllld anyone claiming by, under or throuib you, and ta ,..,.,,mr., .. I bat ond estop ymJ from btl. 'ling or claim· ing ony lien uptm, or right or titlo to .aid real e~tate, Sang Mass In Capitftn Catholic

Unlcz:J ynutntef yom appc::unnoo in Church at 12 P. M. oaid came on or bel oro Mny 12, t!>.U, Rev. Salvatore. judgment will bo rendernd In old caUE:e agaln!'Jt you and coch of you by default.

P1alntlff'o e~ttomey Is: John n. HaU. Carrizozo, :t~ew Mateo.

diven under nt:; band . alld t\:.e Ec:ll of tlle 'm.ird J:ttdicial Dlstri~ Court o! tho Stitc bl New Mexico, tbll! 28th ·da)l' of Marcl:!, 1944. (l>.- 0.) li'El.JX RAMEY, (Bcal)

M31·A21 ,Diottlc~ Court Clerk.

1COT1' ACS CAFE · Smne-CQok~d .. Moll

ROOMS Nict Btdi.

'Pltl~ pbon•112·B. . . '

. MRS'. McKIBBEN·· ....

'J ,,

• ' ' E Pledge ru!e&iaweo W

. . " I to the Flag of the

tTnlted Statt! of Amerlea, a!:il ta the Republic·

iiwl!lfcb it •tand!: one Nation, lndivwbl•, •lth Uberty ud .JU*t'ice

for .u:•


' .




'Serioo~oly wounded by an ~zplodlng lttnllde, ?>larlno GUIUltf APIUI n. Goe3 or Tamp:.t. Florld11, ·braved polnt·blank enemy Oro to dJ:~rso lll cncil;l7 machino gun e.mplacemcnl In a CGv~. Slogla b!!llded, bo trlpcd out 1aplllt$a gwul('rll Bnd wlpcro with Q oub-macblno cun. bvinll tho livc.ll or We untt. An[IUD Goco In a Navy Croes ror "indomllablo flgbtlns epirit and u\r'Cmo collfll~" U ouch hcroiun douo't dc~crvo an exUG War Docd. what daell?

.... -· -·


Wb.n uor broke out, Marine S~,tt. Maier J. Roth~bild of Neu York CiiJ ttt~a ctudyina joumollcm ol nlttlt1, Gl'llillG Gtodu In Wall Stre~t daytlmEA. On December 31, 1941, 24 d:Jyo after Pl'.:~rl Harbor, he enlictl'd. llc'o been awarded the l'orvle U~cr1 (or wounda .... ~ .. 1.-ed In hand to llllnd bayonet rornbol, ond the Navy Crot~~ (or flt;l.tion oa and ldlllna 95 oul or ISO of tho ent'Illy Alormics a rnodlin ... unn empl~ernenL He'• col aivinn up until "" Q>jn. And you? Aro yc':J •till boyinll that e%lro War Bo::1d? v. s. T·~=•ll v~~•I<:Ul>t

P otl


• t Says The Soldier:

' •

• -

"Alter the war, J don't want to Ctlfili':i home to n country gone mad with inflation. You clin pr~tt£>nt thit it you'll eut spending to tbe bone ahd put 111 you can into BONDS and four bank nectiUtit You'll bo helping tne and JOUraelf at the eamo tiwe!' · ·


Cititena State ~ank of Vaua&n, Catrk~; N. M. .


M~ l'ediral O.po~it lnJuruee Cet&~ora~


Woman'• Clu~ Juan Lujan Crushed Under Freight Train

La!lt Saturday ubout the noon h ur, Juan Lujun. 66, retired, m •d" an attemJJt to c.ra wl under

The membertiJ and famiUea of Carrizoz.o Woman's Club spent' very enjoyable evenmg at Com· munlty Center BuUding Satur­day, April let. But It was no April Fool it was a covered dish 0 'rt>lght tr»ln but In so doing luneb the CQmmlttee Mesdames ·h~ train started up, He got bls Finle;, Nicholas, Radcl1ff, Tur· b dy aoo right leg I hrough but oer, Duliemlnier and M i a a . hr wbeela cnu~:ht left leg com. Thelma White. Mra. Dukemlnier P etoly crushing It to tile hlp. Wll8 unable to be present on· ae- He was tak,en to the Turner count of Illness. m .. Dokemln- Hoephal, where he dted Sunday le1 brought bls machine and morrlng. ·Funeral setvices were loud apeak or &nd whoeve~ cared h·ld Tuesday, Father Salvatore to, danced square dances. Others c .nducting th,. same rmd the re­wcre spectators IUld vioited. As mutna tntcrred in the locnl com­

---guests were leaving everyone wan tery. of and same opinion "A grand

Geo. Wond,.lf o' Nol.\'11! return• crt A 11rl• 1 from "'n n A n t••nln to which cit) the Wandt>ll• juurnn· ed hr"e mnn1bo "ll" to "P .. fld the wl• ter Mrs. Wund••ll will rc­m11•n al 81111 A ntod, unt 11 Juno.

lime WR!\ hnd b~ all preaent." Each one gave a donutlon to the Red Cross.

Mra. B. B. Burna, Reporter.

I. 0. 0. F. Purcha1e1 a •

. Home on Virainia Avenue ···,---aaPr-•a-••WJru•---· The I. 0. 0. F. Lodgo hno

IJUrcbaeed tho building formerly owned by the Cbriotlan Church on Virginia nvonue and Is rP• modelloQ It for lodtto reoma nnd kitchen adjoining. It will servo both the 1. 0. 0. F. and Ro· bokahs.

The building W89 orl5rlnany erected by tho Presbyterian Con· gregat!on In 1900 and used by thom for twelve or fifteen yoara &nd wu then traded to the Christian Congregation for tho church bulldins the Prcebytcrlano now occupy.-Alamogordo News.

" " ~,Notice · 1'ho Sttteh and Cbattor Ch.b






-ALSO-..mmmmmn~l~~mmmmz._ •• ~ .......

meet aa abe homo of Mra. J. P. Friday & Saturday Turner Tuesday evening, April Rober& Pol~rc Noah Meory, AnD 11 al8 p.m.... ·· Gywnno, l.on C h a n o y, Leo

Burton Fuel Yard Will unload anotbar car of

Dawson NUr Coal MondaJ. You save money llnd get cleaner coat by bavlnK It dollvor{'d direct from car,

Santa Rita Cbureh On the 18tb of April Hon.

Excellency The Moat Rev. Edwin V. Byrne. Archblnboo of Santo Fo will ~onflrm tho .children In Carrizozo at 9 a m. At 2 p. m. bo will confirm In Ceoltsn, A oril 19th Confirmation In Arobeln at 9 a. m. ln Picacho et 2 p. m. April 20th. Confirmation In San Patricio at 9 a. m. ln Lincoln at 2 p. m. Rov. Salvatore.

il'our money cociJ into bottlo ovcey timo you Jnveot In War Bondo-aocn up to tho GE!rtnon linea in the form ot tanks, ploneo1 oonnult llooto oo plc· tured lloro m tllo Mcdltcrranoan u~~ -

Suceoc! of our troopo dependo upi)D the hol$) they get ftom the homo front.· Bullct!J ffi'cll ycatcrdoy Woil't win tomortow'o bntuo. Wt:xr :mmas bought 'lost_ tnonth wan•t l)fiY. f.ot ()U1' n~ oirofull~to. Givo yaut' dol• 1ltl aetlon: Bur. 1\forc lVat Bott~ •

"' S. T,r,:mey Dlt#lll!i_.

Carrlllo In

'Frontier Badmen' A rootln'. tontln', ohontln'

wcntPrn wltll n ll' cd cnPt, out of thP ordinary erw o n a wider acalo. Pluu ' !Pt 'em Go lillvo" and "Hopp"r Hollywood."

Sonda)', Monday Tu"sday C Colbort, P Gnddord. V.

Lall e, Geora~ R{I{>Vt>ll ln

"So Proudly We Hail"

-Tho &torl of •to nuroea on Bataan. ae told h· tho11e w b o returned PluR Pnromnunt News and 'Jssper and the Cboo-Cboo.'

Wednesday Tbnr11d&y BARGAIN NITES

Mary LPe, GladyP GPotge, Lnul1 Caihern lo

''Nqbody's Darling"

A junior muqfcal. dono expert· ly and In go~od teRtP \".Ill please tho <Oidatera or~ w " I I as the young!Uel'l!. Plus Odd Oceupa. tinhs and ''A Jolly Good Fur• Iough."

-Thfl Red Croas colloctfoos at tbe Lyric amountPd to $10lUiO and we appreciate tht1 cooper•· tion of all who be)ppd.

-Night ebowe start at 8

The New Federal Tax on all Tbflatre tickets will Btttrt Apri 1st and will be- •

Wednesdays and Thursday• 12C" and 2uc

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SPARKY WATTS ,.--:::1-:CAN::-:--:~~P~~-­


A 1-!0t;E ·'-· u:: OSPA~KY ~ HERE


LALA PALOOZA -Lala'a Niece •

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......,... t•ve GROWt-l. UP _.;.<6:::=1


POP-No Uso Talking


CHANGE -··· ?


RAISING KAN&-Yaboodiol

~MILO 0000 AND t'Ul'lnVI

AQ(l OeCtOING \".~THI!:nl 00 NOT TO 00 0."1 Tl46"t'l 50 CALLffD T IN 912 AQCH RlQ ~1-t>QS('ilJ


Pf!et< AT SHAGGy A."'D Tl-10 PONY, AND SGG


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t'VO SGCN A LOt' OP 6~-a ANtMA'L.9, OtJl" THAl" Pc:-;y 19 ~0 GoCJPI C!9T THING- 1'\/e EVeQ OfffiN/ I CAM f-ISAQ 141M SOtK'AI<IN~ Gur 1 CArfT"

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TH' CATS··· THeV'r..r.. ee wo~e THAN








By FRANK WEBB -::---=-:-:

vi!C'ZJ£!a~ l";;zQOONm .. . .

01 ZZ'I DEV!C£S ov


• IP.S I

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• •

-Bu1 War Savfnra Bendt •



lerlouaaou of tllo lnKk tire Jkortogo will Ito •PJIA~•••• when It II kaowa tiled :M ef tllo country'• lllflolt dtlot ,.. coin all •Uk .., • ...,. tnKkJ. Under!.~flct!oo II a YOredcx.'J wastw of tlre rubber. A chedr on M!dllgae wcr wotkera' cc:n-.retM~Ify lhcwe4 tbct men lhao 15 per caot ,_ L'l:dulr.flctecl.

lullller au ,...oc. ..... re;n. nnt about 40 ,., (Oat af.)ho cost of 111anufadurlnt • feP­...,. alu aut-ollilo tiro.

Tho r.ntrt:bber•!lred l!lC!orbvJWOI cperof9d ldrocl!yn,tL Y,.tn 1900. It was r.udb al;h!lfllng pwpo~..,



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" .

Harvest ~~~I!~-~ , I

U. Sr, ~lanJ Ann)r.'of200,000 Mer. Who Can • Shifted

....... -+· . . Quiddy .Whc:ro..Needetk _ ....... lklt!~td.b>'.li~iun,Ne,wiPili~er.llnto~ . 1 -·· - .

~~.1:;~;:4~t!~:f. ctqCAGo7" .... The natlpn'• aerlcul-wll~c:h turnl llfmY will have lt!i own ••task money force'.' in thl'. lQ«. production ~a\tie,

ha,~e b • WFA expert declared he~:t. . . . . gtfts .. . . . il ~ dmColln.i ~t!Jp ·~~-Bruton, war food

P.m.. a . s .. a on ..... ector qf labol', salcl .,...,g up war • • • th 1 •~ t b''~"' . lfnlted States is Canad!l's best e P an "' o eatil ....,., and mt1in· ~~mer: jlhd Canad!l ill at the to,p tain a moblle fqrce of about 200,000 ir Ul" Ua.t of otu' best customers • • • able-bodied interstate and foretan CIUJad-. U the world's largest pro- workers whp can be shifted on short 11\lceJ:,,of aluminum. Last year she notice to save threatened cropa in trodi.teed moJ;e than the whole world critical labor shortage areas. . ifd ln 1939 • • • Canada is the The "t(lllk force" would constitute Worlcl'.ll largest pro~uccr of Jllcl,tel only a small(c!mcrgency unit of the .n~. Js practlcall,y ~· onlv .BQ\ll'CO labor force of'12;000,000 persons who •f s PP'- "-bl • • .., -~ d wUl be required at the peak of the

u v ava.... e f . tht!l" unite notion's harvest if production of on-. W .• tlolm • • • Canada Is the world's th d · 'ft(~sl praJI,Uce~: of a13bestos, terrifl· 0 er recor crop to meet war de­vlly ltriporttint on aircraft carrier• mnnda is accompUshed, he said. and bntuesh.lps • • • She Is a heav, 12 Slates Represented. producer ot lead, zinc and mercury, WFA ~fficlols wit!\ exten-pd the most !mporgmt discovery of sJon directors and farm labor super­tungsten ore yet found on th1s contl· visors from 12 Midwest states In the •!!ll~ is no..y being developed by the of four regional conferences ~adlan government direct • • • s.old 4,QOO,OOO of the total would be a•s the backbone of battle armor. ~~:~~~~~01g or seasonal worker11 In·

I • c;vv_,uoo women and 1,200,000 chlldren, recruited trom clUes, townn and vjl)agC8 ln tlw U. S. crop corps cotnmunlty mobllizotlon pro­cram. Tho mcctltJ~ Is being held ot tho Stevens hotel

Colonel Bruton,. in h1s prepared tnlk, emphasized that the extra worker goal of 4,000,000 represented 500,000 more than were recruited la5t year. The regular farm labor force numbero 11,000,000 farm opera­torn, their, famlllcD and year-ro\Uld hired honda. ·

If tho 1044 food output goal of 4 to 0 per cent higher than ln5t yc!ll' Is to bo realized, ho sold, It will re­quire 72,000,000 more man-days of farm lobor tbnn were required tn 1043 or tho equivalent of 2!.l7,000 buolty honda t";orltlng 2ll0 l~hour do yo.

0,000 RecruJUnr Cenu.n.

WITH the lndUCUon ot Catcher William Malcolin Dickey into

the navy, the ·New York Yimkecs los~ ~c lnst man o.f an era that made tho c:h!lmplons tllfl .most fa-mous club 1n baseball. .

Bill Dickey viqyed with Babe Ruth. Lou GehrJs was his room­mate, and in more recimt years there were Tommy Henrich, Joe .DIMaggio, George Selkir~, Johnny Sturm, Buddy Hassett, Red Ruffing, Ken Sears, Phil Rizzuto, Bill John­son, Charlie Keller and otlters who made the Yanltees the champions of the world. ·

' ' When Monoaer Joe McCarthy re-

ceived word of Dickey's ntatus he said:

"I pess It's only tbe bertnnlnr. Uncle Sam WllJlts him and tbat.'s aU Is to lt. I wish B.ill tbe best of luck. We'D aU miss him. Be was a p-eat catcher, rreat blUer, and a creat man to have on a baD elob. The records prove Dickey was tbo .-reatest catcher of aU Ume."

Exactly how much the loso of Plckcy wlll odect the Yankees re-


Without Cuadlan radium tho fteld liervlces and hoop1tals of the United Hatlons' armies would be almos1 •elplesa • • . Canada ls producing lvo times aa much annor plate, cuns and tools afl oho dld in 1939 • • • She Is producing 10 typeo oJ IUD CQ!Tfages and mountlngo, al· ibougb before she entered tho wor llhe had never monllfactured a bliJ CUD • • • She boo delivered lOO,OOt 1U11b to doto • . . Conodll'• hoa the largeot emaU ariJUJ factory In the Britloh Empire. She hao produced 111ore th1q1 a million rlflca and e2lOU£!h ammunition to fire 300 shot!! at eveq &oldicr In tho Gormar arm7 • • • Conndo lo occond only tc as In building flhlpo, although ohe laod not bulU n scocolng cargo ohlr;: lo 2ll yeara when Hitler marched on Poland • • • Canodo ouppllca oU oJ the Blgnnl corp!! of the Unltod No· tlons with a largo omo\Ult of thcil equipment,- nearly lOt types of fllgnollng oetn . • • Conade baa developed a new oecrct cxplo­aive lor the lnvaolon-the mO!lt pow· edu1 m the world.

Canada has moblllul! the mlghU. eat of aD her rcnource!l, her flghting people . . . Forty thouaand t'lomcn are In tho Cnnodioo armed forcco. Over S,OIJO art! In the Cancdlon Navy ScrvJcco, and 10,000 ort')n tho RCAJ! ••• On Conodo'o mJahty munJtlon3 as::cmbly Uno, ono out of every tour percnno In a Cnnadlan woman. They llMdlo thet tcclm!cal ~gr.:liCnf do­Yicca rmd cccrot novol code!)-Qnd, bellove it or not, they plot tho con· yay routeo • • . Tho Conodlon Gov'l llno found them co proflclent at Ra· •ar and Acdic thot \';omen oro wed Ill lnotructoro. Nor In their work eonflncd to Jntrl011te mcchonlcnl do­YlccD. They overhaul aircraft cn­clnen, operate power mochlneo ond actuolly o~roto the new in!ltrumcnl wh!cll dctermineo crroro in cannon tlre.

More thon 0,000 recruitment and placement ccntero ocrvlng 8,00!1 ac· riculturol counties will recruit tho cro10 corp:J end Its Wllto, the worn· cn'o lond army and the vl.ctory form volWJtccro, tho lottor tor yo\Ulgotera 1<1 to 10.

Lont year tho supplementary. motno to be oeen, but mo:Jt ob:Jcrv· forcco Ul)ed Included Oll,G!W t'Jorttero oro believe thot It will ronlt with brouaht In trom Mexico, Jomalco tho blaae..'lt, comp::~roblo to the toco and the Bohamao; 45,!JO!l prloonortJ of DIMoaaio, Koller or ony o1 tho of wor, 12,COO Jop:mcoc lntomcco, othero who oro In ccrvlco. 4,4011 lnmotco of penni ond corrce> D · 1. ~-' R Uvc lnoUtuUoruJ, 2,C0!) coJC:CiontJoUB lC CuJ. 8 aling objcctoro, M,I!IJ!.l membero of tho UnquesUcnably Dlcke7 duerves military .serviceD ond 7,425 coldlorn ranking wllb the best catchen of all dcmllcd ao a lrult rcnort to oovo Ume. Be sbarea ln nine Worta cooentlol c:ropD. cerlCJJ cub and appearea beblncl the

Stotco ropreDcnt.od ot the conlcr- bat In every cont~st or the Yankees• cnco included lllinolo, Indlnno, Iowa, bat elaht serlen. Only nutb ap­Kruwoo, MiehJgon, Minnccoto, MID- pearcd I.e more W.orld oerles and court, Nebroolm, Norlb and Soulb Dickey's feat of playlnr on ~even Dohotn, OhJo ond Wir:con:lln. wlnnwr clobs Ued a mark held by

Ruth and Gehris. HQusing Pinch in U. S. Tho only uniform that Dickey ever

Declared to Be Ea•ed \Wre in the bla ohow woo o Yonltee .. uniform-and ho woro that for 10

WASHINGT"OR - Net'/ conctruc· ocncoJUJ. Tho veteran, who will be Uon, cnnvorolun ct cxlotincr build· S7 yearn old In JWJe, received tho lncro, ond lntenniflcd uco of the pre· plaque ao player of tho year ot tho Will' hounlna OUIJP)y boo provided recent Bm:ebnll Writero' dinner In

FlockB®att ·-··· Production of Egg•

Hens That, Don't Lay Merely Wa~t~ Feed

Because ot Ul~ rise in feed prices an& the decline· In ega prices, poul· try growers shoulcl . thoro1,1ghly cull their laying flocks and maintain aa high egg. production as possible, says <::. E. Parrish, ln charge of Poultry Extension ot North Carolina State eollegt;. ··

He susgests that flocks be culled at night, when the blrclfl will be dis­turbed as little 1)1 possible. Uslni a . flashlight, the ifOwer con •take lotlfers frqm ~ flock and save QA feed costs. T.lle non·laylni b~ · show 11 pole, dry comb, whlcb .. shrinking up and scaly. The folci hu a yellow Unt. In the beak and eye-ring, the yellow color reappea111 when loylng. stops. ·

"Most heavy breeds t1nd aU yel- • low-skinned varieties ot poultry show thcoo changes In pigmentation, or bleaching out, except auch white-skinned varieties at Orpini· tons," Porrloh soya.

He polntn out that the comb of the laying hen ls soft, warm, waxy and full of blood. The face Ia bright red, and the beak and eye-rina Is bleached out and white.

"In culling ben..-, late molters should be rctolned ofl breeder• If the grower pions to reproduce hb flock from tho preocnt group of heM," ad· vi!lcs Porrloh. "Cull out but do not

~ut." "Thlf non-loylng bena or pullo~

which arc culled from the flock cob ~ treed ot homo or conned for fu. ture uco, or they can be plocod on Ule morltct."

Porri.!Jh woms ·that poultry not ftt for food ehould bo killed and blltled deeply, ao a cllocOile control mcaourc.

f?.ecotd.' J3n. 1935·39

O"t'Ogt ~ Moq Cll:> ttt

Jon 1942. 1Tl6,0.000 Itt

}' t~

of, PORK

Cl'roll!l Ac•rteu lleaa l<:aUIIIte.J • •

8580 10-20

Pinafore Girl. EVERY yo una man likco to oee

bl!l beat airl ln a be-ruffled plnaforcl Look your Jovcllcnt In UU. buttoned-up-Ulo-bock bit or house drcos churrn I

0 0 •

Pattern t1o. a::sn r. In el~ 10, 1ll, 14. 16, 11 IUld ~. OL:te lll, with lllcovca, rcqulns lli rarda :=5-l::cb mafortlll.

Wben a ladder to U!lod to trim trees or pick fruit, a omnll, otrons chain llhould bo oubotltutcd for the top rung ao it grlpo treeo or palco more occurely. •

• • • An oU·sDk rdrl1erator bowl cov·

er 1!1 perfect to ollp ovnr tho bot­tom of o honglna pot to cntch tho drip after it hoo been watered.

• • • 'lo avoid nhlnc on much-worn

tro~ro and o!dtt cooto bruoh the eartnenl!l after each wearing.

• • • Dllllr a fnJJ.Jeogth mirror In fhc ·

kitchen and omnll chlldren con oee for thcmcelveo whether they hove cloan foceo ond combed hair. It alw oervco os o dolly reminder c! cmc'o o.-m oppeoronco.

Tbe cewapnper you ore reodina ll,41J1.J,!l!lll hou.olna unil!l for war worh· Net"J Yorlt. Ho holdn We major Jrobobly l.!1 printed an Conodion oro' fomiUco and hoo Uclted the league record of cotchlna IIlli gameD newnprint. Conado I.!J by for the! haunlna problem In mo:Jt lnduotrlol or more for 13 com:eeutlvo ceor..ono brr;ent prorlucer of newoprint 1n tho centcro, John D. Dlondlord Jr., od- end batted over tho .SOO mark In 11 world • . • In apite of her teniflc minlnlrotor of the noUonnl holll)ina coocono. Hio lifeUme overoae ID wor eflorrt, Conodo lo ccndina more or:cncy, reported. .313. Packers' Cattle Buyer 11ewoprint to tho U. S. than oho did Acute needo will continuo thlo year AppnrenUy tbe i'anltee front of· N d R J d at the ot.ort of the war. A Ioree In ore an of lncteooing production. flee bad cecm the hnnrhnltlna on tho CC S are U gment port of it croeD In direct r;upport ol he cold, b!lt he added o word of wall. Joo Glenn, 0 veteran, tva!l Tho chief cottlo buyer of one of

• ,..}

' .

. I

Due to an unusuall,y laqo demaacl _. Clln'Qt war condiUolll. ellgbtlJ ~aoce U.. • reqiJ!rcd Ill nUJns order~ ter a r.. t1 the. moat popular pattern numllen,

Send ;vour otdu to: •

SEWING CIRCLB P42"l'SIIN D&P7 • &30 lloullt WoU. lit. . Clllez\ce

Enclos<t w c:enta Ill c:olrul fer ca.a Pitlern desired. • Pattern No ••••••••••• ,. ••• SI.ze, •••••••

• Name , •••• , , ••••••• , , •••• , •• , ••• ••••

Addrcu •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Lifesaving Maps

Maps thot chart the seas are port of the eq~ipmqn~ on lite J;ll(ts. They arc printed on watcrproel fabric which Withstanda salt wa­ter. Not only do tbey ear17 Aa­formotion vital for survival !till they can be uocd ~s head cev~ ings, and for catching rain water. Supported by oars, the7 serve ..

.oaUo. ·


Our IRIICI give )'011 biJICI JltldJ ac low cosL Well cleaned. Crate• Wbeac Grau, Oro me, Gnmma aoll Duffalo Gnu. TaU Slender Wbeac and Wcatem Whc:acGna1. Clonn. Abikt. Tlmoth,..fRilllCATALOG..

WliSTiiAH lililiO CO.,DiiHVIiA


Earth ShrlnklllJ Tho earth Is ohrlnltlna at the

rotc of D lneheo every 1,00!1 ft!&l'L


e!lf own war effort, becow:e Ameri· hopo for cJvillon how:ina cunntrue· p~reha11ed rrom Kan11a11 City Jo<~t a · the tvOrld'o larccnt pocldna·houceo cnn production han declined 24 ~~ Uon ond uraed llie preparation of few dnyo belore Dletley tv:lo Induct· , In Chlcaco ooyo thot ote~ro arc of cent o.nd our other mar!Ietn have oJ. · ftn:Jtwor plano for a bia bulldind ~ ed. TDe elob olllo hao the oervleell • uncertain character. A pure-bred ~o:rt dinapp2nrcd . . . In Gill' ern- proarom. ·of Dab Collins oncl 1\IU:~e Garbarlt, nteer may or may not bo oo chotec e_?nl year of 1041 Cnnodian produc· • • , I roolde11 a-ltb lilCe or co bla leaaoe meat oo come unrealotercd critter. tion of ne.-mprint woo mora tho11 Wilham 1 Love Strong I eX}lerionce. llDd maybe nome flem!l· And there lo olt>;oyo o dJl1erer:ce in

• &l!ozg's Rite ~ the whote ripo . srcln in ccarly on the tm~tcctivo food elcmc:~u dcclarcl =nUol to lmmon outtitlro.

&bree Umcn that of the U. S.-om:! Enounb t St T • ! ley, a gcca cntcber bot 11 man wbo ' cnrc= yicld even trcm two cowll everybcdy tm=n hm7 much paper a ~ 0 op flllD te would cconer !Je fnrmint: of the oomc wclcht. lmroouerat can ~- PHILADELPHIA.-The girl frien:l ' ttun playing b:lllebaD ,1 Thb buyer boo no ayotam tut

ccld: "I dare you tn ctor.d un the • oayo he examineD "o oteer'o ccn· In Cllll3c1a price ceillnas meon

aDmcthlng . • . The coot ol livina crane up cmly 2 per cent In twe rears, wh!Je fn the United States and AWJ1rnlia it went up olmo!lt 14 tter cent en tho oome ccale of meal> arement • • • The Canadian poopla are sheUIDg (ll!t truren ot a rote which wcul:i equal more than &O biJ. Htlll dollt1rs In this cntmtry . . . Lunl rear tbe Go'.'cmment of MocKenzia Kint threw 4 billlon dollnra into the kitty to bt!at HiUt!l' • • • Protiuctlon and naO~Ml income In Cnnoao hove 4mlb1cd since the start of Uto war • • • After the Villt Conodo will e:z. pantl like wo did in 1000 • • • The 5hipshaw . puwer development in aorthern Canw!Jt bas an ln!ltnlled eapaclty equal to the tt.tnl capacity If Uiagara Fall!l plMto en both oldes ef the river. lt has a contlnuOUIJ autput of el~ical energy greater Ulan that of CiUt- own great Boulder Dam plnnt • • • Ctmadn, with le-ss lluili a Jlfth ot Its water powet tc­.aurces developl'!d, has the &econd latl!cst an'l'outtt of hydro-electric gen. erati.n« ·capacity of sny cottntty in the world.

trocltD ond otop tho train." A.ll-lmportantl formation, fat and quolity. A chalco ~ William Kono Jr., 10, ctruch a \"Jiten llie news woo lven to Me· . ateer 1.9 brood over the bock Cwhoro

pn::2, ormo folded. on Um Pe11Myl· i Cnrthy he wonted to ~oy he w the top quality moot cameo from), vnnlo tracl-..s ot 23rd. otreet. A train , cnrry to cce Dickey co. But ~= , 'blodcy' m o~i)earonco, . with no approached at iiO mileo on hnur. It checked hm wordo for feor the · hlp tmnen shown..g n:-.J! 11.lh a full gram:d to a atop a few feet from mlcht be mf!JU1lderstcml · "i develapme!ot in t.':e 1-jrlnltet and Ute KLme, who mointoined hill Nopole- All lli f • !uwer port of the btndquorterll." on!c ctanro.

1 e maoager 0 a b3se!Jan elob Each buyer bao h1o ot"Jt. IU!ttannl

l?oUce orremed Kane ror treapoC!lo 1 Is IDccncelvafli>J that !llcC:ntby . rule of judamcmt, ho cayo but he i?g. 7he girl dicoppearcd. At o Pl>- :;~:~rb~ ~~~ s::a, ~ckAy J 0•1 A I thlnlw "the hlp tellil tho 11tozy." Once ~f_e stntfo:t Kll1le refuced to noma ball dob must be ~tro 11 tb b J: ' he boo found a steer whoce meat ...,. companion. lildl f n;r roog e he roten os choice, there 1o the ques·

:·I:rn a genUctnnn," he ooid. ~ao:b e:~:r ~fd catcher's box tion of Juct how much cow ta mtlat 'Why dld ~ou dn it?" • and wbot to pay for name. When

"l'm In love." The trend of the Urnes woo evi- about fi2 to C5 per cent oi the ani· denced by the fact that, wiien news mol can be turned Into beef be flg• of Dickey'!l induction come; the only ures he boo a hananta; liS ~er cent catcher in tbe Ynnltee opring camp fs average. Witness Chargea He Was

Clubbed in Vichy P,rilon ALGIERS, ALGERIA. - Limping

to the witnes!l otnnd with o wolkinB stick witb which he sold he hod b~n clubbed several tirnes, Nicoloo Tcou­rc~, a Greek, a torrner pricnner In a Vichy ptlsnn camp at Colomb De­char fu slltltMQI Algeria, told a special Fr~ncb tniUtory court thot guat-ds often cruelty beot tlle prfo. ODOrs al'ld In ono cace strangled a Spanish do~or named Moreno.~

woo Claude LC!rned, a councilman Buying Ia. closely related to de­from Pleosontvtlle, N. Y., whero he mond, whfcb b related to the na· has: o aan ota.tlon. Larned Is not tionol market and daily changes he elton trying out for tho team. He explains. "How to buy a atee;' ts t'J<W around only becOUl)O ho . likes not learned In 10 cooy ler:ctms, but haceboU nnd hoppeM to bo ~ friend must be learned again each day of Paul KricheU, the Ynnltce o No. 1 by conllulting maw office facts on ccout. " different market demand8 and . Tho mJghty hove not fallen, but pticcs. "If we need tho meat,•• ho

their ~ubl~o oro oo numerous os cayo, "we meet the competition," those b1Lettma tho oeven other cluba and he must bid ogal.nst, allier com. of the league. And thnt alone 1J panics.

most tmuounl. ----======:: ........... ~ ',l'lte~oyal Canadiaa .MJo Foree baa Atmy 'trained-165,000 SPORTS SHORTS - . ~

~~:0 ::~!f~n:g~~~~a~!';' ~v~r: 1

. :Air P()tce Men in 1943 f1: Etme,- !!-lddlo ig the 15th pitcher rn Fat·m Notes ~as • • • The Rovat Air Force it· WAE!UNGTON-Att an exomple ~mc~a~ s modern baseball history A new combine that .... ns, de· t!U dopentb for. one-fourth ot it!! of how the army afr forte ~ meet. . w.. • or more games in one. • ~ drJ and bln!lo flber n!':Utn one itrengtb on RrtU' crews • , • Tile ingU!l atsipmont to "flcep 'om ay. ccncon. . ·. t e • -fttiti!h Commt.nweallb Air Training ~·" a home subcommlttae dfs. Cl Mojol" len~ clubs will ploy ICS opcrotfon promiccs tp reduce tha fa· Plan fS ba~ed .in Canad!l • • • Pt~e· c!c!:ed tbat 10$,000 mm v;ere gtadu. oprl11g ~lililbltlo_n gomM before llor required in barvcoting and proo-bllJ! e'l~l'J matl in 1Jle serVIce cf a ted .last ye~r from the trllining lounchlnS the cllompfon!lflip set:u:un ecsing. • • • lli5 MaJ~. •ho hatt anything. to corn_mand. Smel!f J03!J; the commit- .. of 1044. _ . . .. . to 'Nilh a piAn~. learned Jiaw t,HJan. ft'!e !!aid, the afH<>tccsbave trained 41 Defore the petrolt ~fct)!J ao.~e blrn A new methed of sptayin.r It ....... , Jle bi! Joti lrt Cwda • .. • .Nineteeft 100/199' PUG."~ 20,0M MmiJ~ttdletJ a «~ntroct. 1J fO~I Sinl:vJI<:Il attmect inJ devcl(lped tQ remove esC!essiV'e )at -ot 20 ot_ibe botll 'Nfto are dro~ .l&.iOG navigatnrs, 107,218 aetJal ftc!X~ • telcnp:

1 1obcoJvJ:la: the ,club tranl blos!o.m on apple trees and la\'e

jllq the b•ct Jitir& «J..llwrliit "" .. t th ible ~era arut ~.6!11 &t'OUncl ana rezponm I ty in tim event .0: pet• ·handtlniJl.allor Of thfrinln.r the applu b7 ...,..._ .. ~ .... ,. ..... .JI.. · • 0 • .uo eonibat Ucbnkfan1· · Mfil1ent injury du:J tG hl!l: hctH'' t!or<• _ ... ..,., ....... - '" • diti~>fi• . " •• •



r.M. ~·<2 1 t:::1 Lglf~: r::..'":ll wte 1 t::•ke rolil ~ the ~'a tl.r.ef

MOM • 011. ~'I 1111 eo nske tteee ~.AI Whea' nciiii Bo l'd have men tb:le.wttb ~ 1 trl..."'ll • new, c;afcl udpe wllh f Fl~i•-tltm•nu'l Yeu~ ••• Whftbi'UI;I 1n t..~IJ ~tam!!lj.

.; . •

' ..

.. •


' c..,.

. , .

• ' . . ,. ·--

- -~--- --Lirwwoh a ',MJ~Fij~~ ~J~w~

Publi~hed bt'!r t t ndq.y . = :: ::;;-:;- . -~ -:.::-;;.::.: __ ..,. ___ .:,. ..

1\t- 1.-ro,t ,_. "'"'"1\ ·<~> 11 ' '

lilt n• ,. .... • . . ' ••

tab..- rtpt• .,. ,,, ~~nUGfl &:t.OO P"" ~ou.• ~-·-·---

FRIDAY, APRIL 7, Ul44 -- ·---------

ARftOU ft ( tMfftT S

.. . i 1/o ..

------- -----Crlpplod Childr<an

E ator Saloa App~al -

Warning ....... Poatetl -·

• •

,. . "

,J '(}

• • •


' ~ ..

fl., a. Davkl and J, M. fllcb, > Plalntlfl'll )

. vs •. <i )

Ma~o G. Tate vern., if living, ) It deceased,the unk11own heirs ) .of M11.tco · 'I'alc.vera, d.eceA~d, )

' • \~' • i~


· I!J!Pieaded the followipg ) ·

Money spent for Wnr Bcmda goes ro tho front, · Sometimes it provtdctJ opcctaculor cquf»ment lUte planes, oft timco it buY• a nmty dopkcy like thlo Amcrlcan soldier is taldng ODhoro in Ital1. 'l'ho quicker Y0\11' dollora go into action, tho sooner it ..,Ill bo over. Jt;iy Mo:re War JSI)D4a.

IJ,I, Trt:UU'7 Dft'arlllllftl


tnon The Titaworth Co., Inc.

named against ) l w~~omeubatitllt<ldl ~rv.lce ia ) llul1reh11 sou~bt to be obtained, )

Tho following named) N o.50DB d4l!eJJdaJJtt by name i! livlog, ) if deceased, their .unknown • ) hell,'&: Milteo G. Talevem )

1 ..... Maria Highlfa Talevcra, ) unknown hf!ira of Jack H. Fer·) :ueon, Deceased, and all un· )

lWIIwn claimants of Interests ) the prcmlaes advcreo to · )

Hhe .plalntlffa, ) Defendants. ) ,


To eru:.h of tfue above named lhl­fcndnnts whom mtb:Jtituted aorvicc !a Jwrcby oougM ttO be J)b· t.Qincd. GREETING: .

You and each or you arc herqby notl· ficd thc.t the above named plalntifie have fllod their eomplnlnt a~tal.ost you in the above numbered und entitled Cll!:O nnd court.

Tho general object of eald ault Ia to quiet plafntiiJp' title to tho real estate 4t~erlbed In tho complaint, oltuatc 1n Lincoln County, New Mexico, and bolng In:

&ctlone 20, 21, 28 and 83, Town. ship 8 SGutb, Range 16 EtlSt, N. M. P.M.,

O(,"'I~t IJio advCl'OO cln.lm:J of you ond cnc.h of you, nnd anyoho clalm-10(: by, l.!l!®r, or t!l>rouor.h you, or anv of you. and to torovcr lr.\r and estop you o.nd cneb of you from bavlni or claiming any lien upon, or rlebt or tltlo to eatd real estate.

Uoleu you enter your opJX!arancc In wid c.amo on or before May 5, Ul·14, Albuquerque judgment wlll be rendered In eald cnuce

J 1 nil'aln.ot rou and each of you by dofoult.


OUfDa l'lalntUI'n. att.<l,mey to John E. &,\1,

. . ,,

Holguin • AGENT-20c a Week


, C1U'llulzo, Now l.ilcs!Cl), Given under my band and the eoal of

tho Third Judicial District Conn of thO Stilte ol Now Mexico.~ ill! duy of Much, tO''-(D. C. Doni) r

l>'ELlX RAMElY, Dl.atrlct Court Clerk.

M.24-A14 ------

.,1 LOS'!' 52 lbs.l WUIISIZ&l4AQAJH" ........




Hunting & Trc,paglng ra pro• hibitul on thr• {~ E l'mhb pmtn• ilft, .

1J;$l0:::". :;t, h:::t;~~,. 40. .



. . ' '~- ' ,~ ' • ,, .· ..

)" -I I . , , ,I ; , ; , i ;: I; I 01 :


• •

Dear Customer: • • •

lot of tbingl'hecauso o£ tho war. · Youl\I.'QQi'ftl\up& ·

. . - <& 'Yl -can't buy tir.cS like you You eau't do Sl!.w::h c,Uiving.~ ~~W&t and butt0¥1lnd .ca.xe _..

used to. And b .. ID8 i<*l • .,.. -·· and electnc lcebo:ue- . ~

'l'hat'• tough on ,.ou. Y~t• •aanRcing" -~ is do'Rn to a tndklo. My tir~

~~;~1,. fota.d up. .. of heJ · Tlult'a why lt IOlllO~

And on toP of that.l'$11 thoxt ..,.., ~ it use4 to. timet tak• melcmgC tQ HtVe ,-- anci

~than ever to ilup&ct yom tirc5 • But I am more . lube jobs are more conscion

yotU battesy. ~ &1:\~i· my ... YI' ln hclpi!lg you Caro lor tious than before. 'l'hat'• mY r-• your car lor your coanby. . d

~ than any rgJ1 should. an I am wotldn!l ~ 1 cUd. So that'• my "aa.crlfico".

maJdn; lui ~ "'"""' But. btother, you and tare not making

any sacnfice that even deserveD to ~e ti d : ... the aamo mouthful wlth mon one ..... . ldi

tho sacrifices of out fightmq so oro, eaiJ,.o:sJ and m.aJine&..


., _ __,. --- ---- ... ----

* * 'klltd 'lftt$f- Bul} 'lt/dlt.

• t

--- -=~...-


WAH BONDS * * 'dtrmliu. ·cttt~H1obisf Oiqurcq

~olu l!lccll .§"rbiceo ,.ftl~~~.:.::..

Apri17 .. GOOD Fit IDA Y

• ..

'!he Womcn'u Amtlllo.ey Volunteer Emcracocy Service, more fomillor­ly 1mown on the WAVES, boo been cPtobllCJhHl on o port or our Navy. They ore doina o gre>nl WOT'lt and rcliovi.rlr. many men (rom office to neUva ccrvlco. Communion Sorvice and Perconol Couoael from 2 to 5

Evening Sermon, "The Fox." Voeal Solo, Ruth Loudin

Cost of m WAVE tmifcrm, c"'elu­nivo of occc!lQ!ricn, b os;prrorlmatc­ly $137.35. Thi!J !ndudcn mrlt. olrlrt, hot, overcoat, raincoat oru1 ccrvico bag. Your pn'Chnr:l\) of War Dont15 hclpJ pay for tho tmif'ol'm!l for thc::;e patriotic t';omen. Doy Wnz Dcn13 ovoey J>oydoy t'.lith ot lc!l!{t ten per· cmt c! :vco:r lncGZlC.

(J, $. 'i"=~ Dcpcrt'I!IU1<J

....,. . ._Ffr!"O!


~w-~...: Parachutet

At O.C."

lOR ~ ·you MDD




10 Church School, "Ho Arose," by The Girlo' Choir 11 Baptiam and REception of Memboro

Vocal Solo, Veda Lm1 Bronum PianiJtcs .. Mrs. Ben S. Burna and Mro. L. Z. Manfre (EYcning SsrviceJ at 7:80

JOHN J. LOUDIN, Minister.

=======· ~-'""':."';:'_ .. c::-_c·c.-·~-----==~--==~===

• •

. . .

B•t dua to the 11far w~ haven~t been able to b•y .~ny ~rment hangers for the past few months, our supply ia now txhattatcd • H it bttomes ne~essar:r to ask ·you t4J britt or ae•d hangers with each cleaning frder. All e-xtrlsJ.ou can spare will be t)ptldltcd. Thanks.





~ . ,,.

- -

" '

li If ·' I' ~ II

~ ' II II ' !I


. "' .

• ..


~· ....


• .. ' \; - '; ' ·- ' ,'. -;'\-: - '., -.' _,,.,.._ - •' ·' ' -<- • •• - "- .l . '" '" ' ......... ;'" _, -1·--:1~:.: ··-·.·· ~. ,;~-:--~ ,.,~ .. ·--p··-,;,-,_--.- ''· . . . .. ..,,. . ,, .. ' .. . ~ . )

"!' ' ' •

fJ' .•• • " I . '

• • • . . ..

. . '., >

. . ... -·· ;_('~'

···.:., .. ~. ,...M\

'to : ' . •• • •

t ,. ~- ..

!!!!:!.,~ ... =.'~~; =·~~~ ;~· :!!!!~!!:~:!!!!!!!!!!! ~.~. ~, 1!,!,!! !L!!.!, ~ .n ,; , , ,\ )! , !!!:•d~~. '! ! , "! 1,1i!oi. ·~;:::: ..... ·.·:' ::~!1'1.1...,1...-!-'~""!!'...-!~----~111!111!!1'11 -~~~~~~!!= ' .~~tif)n ' ..•.. ·.... No~ 4 . . . . . . . .· & Cold .. : r· ""' LO DOES .;.h; ;.~ aocll.fuli ota~po, which Stopjt~ ~~~ PJ,...,. ·. .

COMET CIUPTER are for meat, dllil'y· produ~~. · Our munieipal ,power plant iJ I · ·No. 29 · processed foods !JI at prtaent; . now completing nrraneementt 'for·

· ORDER EASTERN be used m eonjuncti~n with red the Udditlon of a food prdeeBSi~?B .. · STAR . ~nd blue tokens, ~be latw~ to .be and rold storage. •rckt>r plant I

Met>ts on the first ThUJ'Ilday mtrQdueed early an 1944, ~nd g•v· i which will ba ttfStf.lUed in connt>c 1 In each month. . en by mer?banta in change. G~~.en I ~lon with existing power plant

''Vtsiting Stars cordiall, invited sta.mps ~d!, b~ used on: an an~ t>quipruent T b e ~ >l~cifi.:-at;olls " 1ter1m basss, Wltb blue- processed' wall alaP include about ti 2 tun

Mre. LoreQe Smoot, W. M. food, in mueb the same ice mnker . •

Jeannette Le:mon, See. manner as the brown ~tamps in 'l'be plant will consist of 250 ~ook 3 are being used this month lockers, 60 percent of which will tn the meat-fate program. be reserved(l)r families who are

Carrizozo Assembly No. 7

Order of Rainbow for Girls. M~etings 2nd and 4th Fridays.

. . ... Worthy Advisor-

Dorothy Hoffman. Secretary,

Mnrgarette Myers. Gmce Jones, Mother Advi1or

l. 0. 0. F.

~A H r: I Z07.0 1.0 Jl(a;:.

II.,J( l

Spol'•al \1 ·• tJng, 2 ench mo•rth.

u TUt'l.'ltl'•Y in

L. H Dnw ... John E Wright

Nuble Grand .~ec -Treen


DAOGHTERS OF REBEKAH C· alma l.(t• u~. No 15

l\1 H>tinu dnte'J 2nd and 4th W t'Clnrodnyo of ench month

at 7 p.m. Mayme Grcicen, Noble Grand

Birdie Walkrr, Secret.wy.


Twelve of tbe 96 unit e.tamvs, ranchers or rarmera or, are other· printed in black, are designated wise producers of food!Jtuffa. lt for sugrn. An equal number are is nN't>ssiuy b•lore priorititos can. marked for coffee, which is no bl' o~lt.!lme from the W PB tn longer rationed. These and 72 purchase t quipment, that. 1 50 others, marked "apares," will lockers be rented in advance. The serve for any additional fooda ra requirement is merely proof that tioned, the OPA declared, its pur· the pla11t will l'e used. S u c b pose being to provide for any con· plante are being encourage i by tingency, since tbe new books are our g•,ver• ment in commq.nities PXpccted to serve for two years, that ran qullli(J, fnr they ntP s as compa. cd to 4 or 5 montha for neeus ty in our drive for food pr••vious bnoka. The cost of print r r•F"r n 1 hn "'II •a abnut the sam'e, nrour• " H B \I. u1e, t ht' t'Oltr•

$1,500,000, it wna etated pr '"nil 1 u 1 rrtll_' ng· r • '"' ""Y tiH "'" y u •I not u d~.>rst-1nd.

HP •' · 11: • "''' ''"d at ·· ,_, ~., Mr

,, I b • " . I 0 I" I t'HUR• H OF <"HRIST Capitan, NPW Mt-X.

Preaching · Worahip Bt>ginning at 8:00 p. m.

.:;, p I i

t •, ' t• ,. ' ' ,,,6

Night Servlce3 Beginnll)g at 7:30 Everyone Welcome

C. R. 1'urnbuw, Minu.itt!r


Save Tin Cana -A piea to housewivea to coo­tinuP prt poration ond oalvoge o.f ti•• " 'II .,,.,11 1llht>rP ti., l'llD

,. 1u~• b u' · r tzyc! t.y tilt' \'to or P• • U· l' 11 H ,,,, w ll mndf' t flay h. the rtgumul Wt·H con. lill!rvation manager

Special Ration Coupon• Evl•n tho tiu can cullc<'tlon•lu - • 1 t •omf.' arPnl isn't f'xactly what it

Indivtd~lll who requsw epee a abou d .be, the urg£>nt war need ration point allotments, eucb as for tbe "UPH'•cntical tin coptr.un· pcrso~e in liolatid atCUJ wbo mggt cd in un. hu not dimfnl.thcd In buy largo quanUtiet of rationed tho allah test. tcodi at one timo. are to be \)ro- The need for tin it greater than vide• with a maw type of red and ever. Our job now Ia to perle•· blue food ration coupon~, accord· collection methods ar1d to emlvago

1 -; k lng to OPA.. They will bo uacd evPr; an pneible. w:~nn~~~\~;:· O!~r %~::a~ .::U n:! tho eame way u 8tampa, ~ut will HOIJJI.'Wivta al"(l urged t.o aon· eu~crlptlono for the Jtopulsr, fa:Jt-clllli.llg bO good at any time. Ratton cou· tlnue to ••bsPrvo thcso aimpll' mogazlno, Tho AMEl!UCAN HOM.El, JlODI:l may be ~ued by Lnen.J rules: Open both e>nds of the can U b <l(l!ly, p!e(l!lo.nt wotk, and It pa:ya Borudo and OPA office&. Wanb tboroly. Remove paper big commir.:Jiow. Spore tlma cnty ro- Ia bPIJ Fla t.Pn the can merely qulr~d. Writo todny to DlrorJor, S:I!C1 NOTICE! b i · 0 · · Divlaion Tho AMERICAr-1 HOME . Y otf'pp r g on lt. PpnOit tn a MAGAziNE CORPORATION, 2 o 1 Tbe Stnto of New Mexico ia aopnrnt" box or cont~tinev for col· Fourth Avenue, N11w ilorlt. Now Yortt. now under tho 8th Sarviee Com* lcction

mand, Dallas, Texaa, and tbe foJ .. lowmg Air Raid wornini eignalo Sav Deer Skina For War

Ration Rcmindert nnw h; fore• and will bo uccd The Statt> Gome Depnrtmf nt. oxcl!llively beri!J: todnf Bllllin (!!)IJCd attention o( all

Shoe Stamp N';. 18 wiU bogovrl Blao Signal:. City Siren. Ooo big'gamo hunters to tho fact that for an inoefinite period or time. long fo~ two minuta. Warning deFr and Plk hidFa arc urfl~ntly

lt hao b"en announced over t'be for pubhc ~be on alttt. . oe~dr-d f .. r military me General Radio thnt. 16 puintn will be ro- R 1 d S•.snal: Sho~warbbng Cor servation Ordu M-810 of tbo quired fot a pound of butter. bla~~ on lllfiD for ~wo fulr•utm. War Produ"tlon Board frc.zo all Olc-nmnrgarinlil will atill rcquiro 4 Tbts u 0 ~laekout Ssgnal. d~r skin !Patbtlr for military pur point.o Wbtte S1gnal: All !'lear. Street po:t':S

t •

Here is a Telephone Office Gone to War

An army in the field fighta on -.ommunications as well as on irs stomach. Communications are the backbone of co9rdlnation. . ~

Telephone service at home taket many kinds of facilities and as the neede of our fighting men con• tinue to mount., these facllitte. are impqssible to get.

Serious ehorrages arc dcvelopoo ing in many locaUties which pre­vent us from making instnllntio111 promptly. We ore doing our beat to serve ns many people u poa­sible and regt"et any lnc.onven­icncc that IWly ariao if 10mo in· etallations are delayed. Our lint obUgntion is to meet the needs of war, public brolth and sufety.

• I' our continued undcr.tandin6 and cooperation IU'O opprcctatcd.

eomt ~0 ~eO. ero~b '5oT ~\\\


Mr. Norman H. Dnvin, Chairman of the A"tPrlt'nn RPti C"rrnm baa rPqtu:sU>d that tho local chapter urg;>, through our loenl newapapera that wives, children and p;~Nnto nf tho men kiiiPd, woundod, or miaJiog como to our local chapter nf the Red Croro for airl in maeting tltcd• wbi"b arlco beeuuae of Lhe war.

' ' .


Local Cnt~rcnta -·-

Santa Ritu Chur"h SUN l>A Y MASSES At 8:00 and 10:00

K•·v Salvatore. -

Church of Chriat Bible Study 10:00 A. M, \V, rohip 11 AM a11d 7:30 P. M, Mld·Wl-'l'kSturl~, \Vf'd 7:1.l0 P M. Pre .• cl,lnj. ut ! up1tnn 2 P M.

Daylight auvn•s time Avis C WiggiLa, Mtoiatcr.

Trinity Methodiat ChuNh Cburtb School. . .. .. .. .. 10:00 Prea•blDi Service........ 11:® Youtb ftllowohlp... . .. . 7:00

We aro bero to aerve. Will you do your part.? You are wtll• como, como and worabip.

·Jobm J. Loudin, Miniowr.

Chanae• in time of Service for Firat Boptiat Church

; Wor 1'1mol Sunday Schnol 9:46A.M. M ormnp W ur .. 11 :00 A.M. B. T. U 7 -oo P M. Evomrg w.,rn11ip . . . 8:00 P M. • W M U \\'p,fn•cdoy 2:00PM • Prayer McPtll'li! w,,d, 7:00P.M.

RPV BPnGon. Pa!Jtor.

ft'OR SALE liiO ~not! nantt!t gants, in the hair on.t lttddiDI now.

$5.00 P~>r He11d. E T Bond. Corona,.N. M. ' light! will be turned 00• Bunters arP urged to channel

Carrizozo Civilian their dF€1 skins into tbe trade w Otber Homo Servica functions rendorod nro CommuniC'ntion, 1 ---=======---­Defenu Council. tbat ~bFy may be pr~d ond Information, Rf'~rting, Claims, and Family ServieP. ~~ ... ··.-..r .. ~~

~~ ...... - __.,--.;,::;~

luy More War Bonds TodaJ

It's tough to lose a pet; a wallet or any kind of Yalaable. Sut don't giYe Up kope until you have trie4 an ad ill the LIN­COLN COUNTY NEWS to help you, re­conr your loss. • .. • .. •

. •

OEfiee Phone 14 . . . Residence Phone .35



tllfd fur tt.e ormPd I •ff'Pa Stat.e Gamt:~ Wordl'n Elliott Barke: oid, "ln New Mexico, dry 1kina of det>r Pnd elk may he ao!d Proctir-allv all hirl" hU)'Orn will U('N'pl ~lrltlf t f'i'f Skt• , II nrt It Will twn b , mnrte ovoilahle fnr Will'

m f• • • rur it in to }t>UY

lnral •I r1l· ·· "

I"" • ··---~:-* *. 'klkd'Jjtu~ /JUif 'Jt)~

.WAR BONDS ....... = •

latfle Wagon• When 3!1F!W attllckcd at Peorliiat·

btlr we hM. 1'1 ba\tlcahll;)5 in acwi::::e tU1ll 115 l>tillditlg. We wo~ maldn1 ,pl"eparati!mS but th8 war did tt!lt wait. These 32 battle wagons ens& Anle&Bli lup!lfets tbtee billinta d!lllus lot a f.Wl1 oeean navr. ?:be wu ~ttemed tu ·· then. . .

' . ! I

Tbe following repra2ntntiwa of the Red Crn:::l in tho &l'Vt>rs! oommuniti£3 stand read)' to B$ YOJ-1 at any time:

\~eadlmf3: Edith Crawford, Carti:ZflZn; W E iCnott, Thro:> Rivera; W. H. BPiden, Corona; Wm Hnrt, Ruido:1o; l{ivtlll

Tully. Picacho; S&rab Fisher, Capitan; Mr R. S. Fagno, Fort '"tanton

• Why Try it - Yourself?

Wbon You Can Get

Better Service and Quicker Cleaning

-AT THE•---Nu- Way Clcaner1

Delivery and Pidmp ~11VI~

Pbono • "' • • • • 81

·PERMANENT WAVE59d [)o vcar owo Po:mancmt ~ilb Cbll'C• ttwl IUt. Ca:r~~rlot.o ~~ipcc:~t, in· clu.:llfli 40 rurlcm1 m:d o!Jarnfnt). I::uy to do. o!PJI:Jtdy bnrm!~. Pra!ttd by tboucundt~ lr.d~.tdin Fay 1'.1dtmn• clo. glnmoraug mo;;f::~ oW. rJo::oy ,.. ftmdPd If not oatt::fl::d.

Rolland's Drug Stor•

~~c::::::.,~! .,~·=---.

In the Prob.-te Court LINCOLN COIDft'V

GTATD OV NDW MIJXlCO tn Tllo t~att<?r of tbl'! Lt!i• WUlaod

Tcatamont of Colton L. &late, Detfastcl• No. li9t


To Wbom It May Conrom: Nfl\ eo in horP•·:v givPn that an lnatnl•

ment purporting •o llJ> th~> La;;t Wlllallcl Tcstnmfnt of Colton L. 9Paro, Oc>a:oed, ban bn~n ntod for tn the Probata Court of l.lneoln County, Now MuiCl>; ~and b$1 order, tb.- llt.b dliy of Mty,191C, · at the bour or 11, at tno court rt>om .... ....., __ ........ .., .......... ____ ...., ___________ =....,.-1 of eald court In tto Villlito ol Ctirr'.wto, N. M • ls tbt de.y, tlmo and place fat

. hoarlllJ.p:oat ot aald Lalt WUI and 'l'es• t::::::::;===================·==::l timllllt. ~~~ n-.. , .. • .. , •. . ... _ -:-· ---·-'~~·~--=.. ·-.. ··-··=·~·-~ j Tfllltdoro ansr {llil'll:ln or (JQrtlltl wbh• · · I tnr to en~tob$lldlone to tbe" ptobattar •

.tHE PRESENT th.t LISts A Yc•


ot nfd Ltst Wt1l and Tetttelen~ ut llercby tt~iltitd to Gle tllclr,obje(;tfont lli tba olflco <)t tho Count$'- Cl!lrk <Jf tlntoli ~!l!lty, on ot befoto tl:ll'! time~~et tot heirllilf• . . .

l t>ated tt C_,tl~ntg, H .. M., thi!. 20Ut day ()I J.rarcb, 10-U. (B!l'Ati)

- fttl')'~. 1 .dwJU Of_ W•r PIU"'r

. f)qfi;IQI

'J'tt,JX liAllm' • · l> Cltrlc.


::: . : . !: :: ---, I~ 1 ·:.·r_J?!S--··v·, ·'1-_ . ., ........ ·sater' ·v-'ia!:r -,·· --" ··aoa··-· -t-n· -r·- ~,-s·---, HT·-..--- tit'' hriit· '• 1 • ~~ .. -. .....,.~ .. ..---%7--5!"'5"-.-?C""f'h'~· ·/;::---y~ "-~ ,;: I •"·~:-~~------·,·-·-;=•;t~o;'~ ,'~~.~::·~··~··--~

1l9' Uu~;.:ttf..f> M,;c:s, Dei)utr.

..... _

. .. ' • ' ·, '

'· , .... I

,\ ' :,·

'. ' . . ..

. ., ...

~- . . -~ }

• __.___.~ -- ---~· ··-- --~,.--~·_...,.... _____ ;.._~·:.......· -~--_..;....--...._:_· -~....,;_ . .....:·:.......;....., ........__.?:-::......._-----~--·-· --------~-'------.-_..., ....... ---.,.......,-~·. -41 LINCOLN COUNTY NEWS .. '

_ Running Ho~· Sittmg~·co.Ia;~ ·at'~\~y Qimatic Tests - .

0 Hunting Subs By Lt. 'ffforah' Fowler

WashlnJt«m, D. c. At.COBO~' AND WPB

A mysterious hand has reached · inside the War Produ<:Uon board to holt\ \lP a new method of alcohol

. production. The process, developed In Germany, is the distillation of alcohol from sawdust and wood waste. · I All over the U. S. A. there Is a great surplus of sawdust and wood

1 scrap:;~ from saw mills. In some . area.s, its cUsposal ls a problem. But l in Germany, · some 30 plants are In , operntion turning sawdust not only 1 into alcohol, but yeast and cattle teed. •·


CLASSIFIED·~ .. - .· ' . " D.BPARTMBN. .

__ ,_.....__..,__ ~-- '-·-----· ·-- '




one of beat commerctnl bqttlLI ln !Hidh 1 r Colorado, 50 r!loms, 20 batha; ICIDll lea-.. tow rent. DQina •Piendld bUJitneas. O"a~ •• Q, IJO~ '"· I"OBT OOLLIJf., 001&


----------~--------------· 'NJAYTAG PARTS


Bond :rour Wlllhor to \IS for expert ntH !fi lnll at renaonnblll price.. We cnr..,._ .,. anii a !UU line 01 pa rt1. Or<Sera IUiea ,

D£NVEB AI'I'LIANCZ COIII'ANY • tau. IL • Deanr, c-.

FQR SALE This snme proccsl;l has been tested Mt A., !Jir•• ho,.•• ant bara~ •••"'~

nt a U. S. forest service pilot plant o! wnter, trees, whMI,nalll'1DWII!o ot Marquette, Wia., and recently 12:1 per acre.o. u • .lua.ko, litru•u.-, c.. plans were all set tG open a com· .

From the dny we got our orders arui were annlgned to an aircraft earrlf'r to clean the oubn out of the AUontic, we were never allowed to forget the grnvity of tho buolneob In hand. The clitlenl menace of the 0-bcotn cmd the Importance of cur ml.ll!lton 'Vere deeply lmprenncd

mel.'clal plant at WUlnmette, Ore. GUNS WANTED The lnlanfry tak~• It atandlDr up.-and altUnr dOWD-In test. at the Corps VUmaUc bboratory st& Lawrence, The Vulcan Copper and Supply-eom-

~lau, It Is JJere that the quartermaster corps cbar.ts reaction or men antl cheeklj eftcctlveness of equlpm&llt an· pnny was scheduled to do the job,, SEND YOUR GUN TO WA& der slm~atq;t tropical anll arctic temperatures, Left: Three Infantrymen with fuU pack• underro dl/Jeomforu and J. Alfred Hall, borrowed from " ,. 130 cAsu tor 70!"i a ,. w c.a. of an endless treadmill hike under broiUI!I sun In the JJulrle chamber of tbt~ laboratory. Rl1hh Observer the forest aervice by WPB'n office Orti!ca

11 Mn~~DCr •. Luger, .A~tornijo .,...

cheeks elothtur and condition ot soldier who sits It out In searlnr 40 below zero frJgidlty of the cold test room. of production research and devel· i ~U::kc~cv:~~~~a:f: :- su~-n."l.: ..:1

upon UD. At a nol'tht>rn port we .got ordero

to proct>ed to n latitude and lonal· tude where 11 podt of aubo hod been ecen. We were to go out to hunt and kJll.

---------------------------~-.-----~.----.------ '0opment, actually had gone out to "'D'1~:· ~: 's~~u~;r.a~ c..

H . D w· h E I regon to inspect the propooed Wll· 1601 Larimer Dennr Ctt~ untmg ragons It an ag e lomette olte. Now lllexloe rllll•~"' .~,loa ••. Oe* I wun flylna thCJ outbound loa of my putrol uo we opprooched tbe , But now oomethlng has happened. lp.,ttnr Ooob c.., Albaqan•••· K ...

aullpc:>C'ted nrl'o We were 300 feet ...- .--~-- -·P"·-...,----~c------------··-·-----· .. --.----;-----------, obovl' the wovc:>n 1 c:>l'tln{l onxioullly about, whc:>n Wojetlt, my rudtomnn, collc:>d etu·ttl'dly "Mt Fowlc:>r-you flow over nonwthwg " I wc:>nt bock • but whut Wo)< 111 hud Cll't•n WOO Oil• r other wht>lt> Grt•ot guy Cor oeelog whu leo, Wo)c·tk

Wtwn I lurnt'd on lhe crMCI ten of my mtnnlon, I heard! Fry ott, on· '• oUwr of our ptlnl!l, phol'.£> lhe chip: uConturt oi!DC'kc:>d oub" ~lhl'n be broi.te ofJ

I prenned PI)' earphones tighter to bear bin nl.'td report, naured 'ltbere I would be In nbout 20 min· aten, nod wrote down tho ponltlon. Blrnlnlng to honr F'ryntt'a voice on tbe lntcrahlp phone, I olmo:Jl ja.mped tvhcn Wojcik called: "Mr. Fowlcr-wl1al Is tbnl do\VP there?" I looked, and oo\7 n wbJtc atreah. II might bnvo been a deatroycr, or &!!.other wbnll'. But It wonn't.

"We're In the money," I ~:oiled bot:h "Arm cvcryUuna-let'o (tO." Woj<·lh cotd "Hn{lN-r-r," nnd I chcckcd my [JUna Buchoh, my cun­ner, aovo hlo .a burnt, and I thrl'w my hl't'ID down \o \o~e ope<>d. W c come In low -off UtQ oub'o port quor· ler. She woo movlno clt'ad\ly for·

• • •

• •

4• word. I don't think thPy oow U!l ' · • until we wt>ro on top of them. I

Wreck Steerlnc Gear. ' Meet a pair of principal! ln. the cut of a new motion picture. Filmea tn :alwco, mo~le stan •"requt. We dived, nnd I prccol'd \tlo but- ta," a golden ttf-116 obt!lllit4 as a Oedrllnr by Dan and Jule 1\lannlx, ,.-elJ.Im01fD mturalfst5 and exploren. (I)

ton reh.•ontna rny load. 1 could ceo "Te(lullB" ratlrllt! rraetfptly on wrl!Jt of Jufe !lfannlx. <*> "Tequlla'o" enemy-the l,aana U%ara. Tht1 npWe the (orc:>o of the mc-n tn the l'onmnn b five feet Jonr. wUb • wcl14rmored back, wbJp.Jike tnll and b a dllngetoll5 foe. (3) Foflowlnr: a furlo!lS en­tower WoJC'IU rolled .. They're hit counter 11'l'eq!llla" has pinned bJs leathery atlversary to'the p-ound wtth • powerfaJ elaw to ahow h1m who'• off lht' otorhoard bow'' boos. (t) Closeup of the «:onqueTor "Teqtilll\."

I vullr~ up and ""llt'd tho cor- -- · --~- ~ ~---'~-------'-----------------...:...--

rler. "Shtp frum Monlt-ottocl!rd Chaplat"n and Boys· Used Captured Rations wb- ··" Wht>n I lcmltl'd boc-!1, U1c . cub woo < trdlnll to au o!Drhoord. · Bhc odt>d h"l' a wa(!un w tlh ono .--...-.,­of ttn hnnt w·lwc:>lo IIl'd. We hod blon\t'd hN nle<>rma S<"nr "Ship from Mt~nlt." I <·olle>d; "we've dc­llvnl'd our o\tol"h---nub In nolnn In ctrt'IPn -- flrtna f'hc cannot cub­mt'rll<> " Tiw nluppor cnm~> bocl; to mo with hlo t'alm "Roaor."

I t'I'CDl In aaoln, cna Ducboh strafed the aedto of tho cripple. Tben lhono Jerrll'D let ua bavo tt. Their llro cut ocroga oor toll: I alvei! and IIOt't tbclr trtlcera tro over me. Wojcik abouted: "Doy, tbot won ol011o !" I dUl come toDl'1 manoa· verloa to IINJIJ out of roncre.

Ouchola woo'lnn o II over till' bock end of tho plant>, but h:e It"~' flrint~. Tho oub t:tno llhnuuna wild n6"'~ am! ll cprny of bulloto won hl\nl~ll lho water. \Vhl'n I pulled up eno\n omi lnntf'd bad1, the cub won SQltllnn at lh!:! atl?m. My DQrtol hod boen n}1o\ o~:;o y ond I hod ln!!l com· munh'ollon w;tb the eorr1or, hut J eaul:i hoar nm•\he>r plio\ tt!pnrUng "Mip from Bill--do ymt rct'c lvc> mel" an1 tho Dfl!lwt>r. an 1 tmou they tv"ro ~nrlrna help.

When Dill arrived, l t?cnt In oaott~ tn Jrull flro owoy from blm co li.t' a::'.J!d un!uod tt!o ~mho. Tho sub wc.o ~;UII Ort.'l[l, and I heard Wojcll: &::~l7: "It' a flt'tllna p:rotty hot." Dueholll aproycd the cmmlng tm-:;or


with hullcta. DUI drCt:ped tl!s too1l ' W& B r1Jlt1, f!tr&t. 1::4ftat4 1. I:Ye ot Ne-tt Mbuy, 1:\t.t Capt, 'hm IW!l •ullod !nit. Uo l611ttcd ae WI r. Smff, ~t. SltrU.r, ¥7..; JDtl Chaplaln L. A. Dlclctan or Waeo, Tens, anrl grtnnt'd on ho wont by, 'repar& JUde tr tatttu .. ~ap rlee to dpplement Ulth' on ratloes. 'l'heJ

Sub Wenl Down. ~ ue • aJefllletm~et Ia Uttl ot a ~Ctoilnr·paa. 'l'l:o wb moved fon:;ard Its own .,..._.....,""'"'.,..._,..-_.. ____________________ _

twg\h and went down Mtoro t:lnt I w· . n- n· efug· e·e Bo~·rd ~""eets eaOcd mo-"Rcturn to ehlp." I M& " UJ. drcp~d D umotto \romb to mllrk fto •-----• ~PO\ boloro I went bock, but wo didn't flnll an oU nlltk and thet~ was no cvldcmeo wo had made a kill.

l'lulc n elll bue ahlJi I rout\ tlllt Fryatt•a nb ba4n1l· ktl e11 llblt llerou eubmer~~ttr. so I feU I llall Ole c:dre eft htm, Uodraott, aatther pltot, bd aUac:kea a ault a rew minutes before tal&btti11!lbtt. 11- ••d Ired en u at'id atrarea tile ~... erew1, but t!le aub c:Bvea ,,. tu• lle couta lnlm U!e job,

Op to thiS Umc we bod hall r.n txei\omon'-1 ln fact. thtngtt had bt!Cfi eo tnor.lllonoU!I e.bc(l"' ship that J bd al!'l!c.d for a trnns~or. The Ulp. . per saM: ~·~.!9nk; you trtm want $-hat .• b'lilllafCitl" t ntm~:l\ sold: uuen. fi • ftlll ,. 'l'hen I tbounht: "Ju!St a fta:;:l). 10 the J:t.\n, may ut~vcr h!'li]J:lt!n •Jtttn • ., I enid: ••voa'h• !e& It Jtt through.'' . . . . . ·. So1hlnJ rutthet Hatptr.t<i f,~ a llt.\ttt tl Uat wblte. Saroot!mcs f<W a UtU& ·t~m ._\ •••••1\t• . ....,.. -.. wout\1 $11team dO\\t\ o~ llie abiOO II .. ._ • ., tllaill tt in ()IJ.l' dc&ttcs~r t~~ftt Wo ah~tga t)al .-.._,. •• ....._. lrt~ •t.wcral tot& ct tdtct Pl!.~l' C1~fJ' tt * 1'1••••~'t • Jsandy l<1t Ut~" ·~token lxlmbl.ll~$.•' • ·. L '~.~~!~*.! ' . - ~

\ . . " . •

Easy Does It!

'WeD trabled fa the teelmlqne of lwitDin~ stl!Jllelons enemy objeets. Pvt. Gus Capelli of Den~er. Colo,. lm't taldnr an1 ebat:ces 1ft rt!mol'· hll this Germaft helmet. Aware of the IIGObJ trap the Nul souveni~ ma7 'ttmteal Gns ctnierlJ Wb U.. plJT from rrotllld.

• A King Weds

.. ~

The alcohol dlvio.lon of WPB is re­ported to be quietly throwing mon·

1 key wrenches into the worlro. AUTO ACCESSORIES For two Ion" yenro WPB's oleo- I Tri)-Fit Fiber. Auto s .. a Onont pro~

'-' • bcouUfy cnr, Cond dc~~eriptloa w Relllr hoi dlvloion hod blocked the sow- r.u1• co., Dept. L, JUnuo•J•U.. II'•· duat olcohol method for the obvious reooon that the blg alcohol com· panles orQ entrenched with the HELP WAW!ED Cuban molnooes method. Their- rw4 Ml':CDMncs. Cllov. or ~. ~

I plants oro near the Atlantic nco.· wnaefiJ:,nn=•nJ cmplo)'Ulcot, aatljtnf board, where molosoco i8 readily ac- ~~.,. ~:~~~& ~'; .. w.rne .. ~;~ .::1: I ccoolblQ. They don't want compcti-.\---------...... ---tlon from the lumber realono of the South and Northweot But finally EXl'EIUENCED •r•r•6t.8t·~~..Jr8·~r,.-.! • ' atnlo and cooa pey. ' .,.. u _,. becauae ot tho deopernto alcohol ITOn£, 1'. o. B.a •· sa........_ E•aan fihortngc,-thoy wcro overruled and the WUlomette plnnt won authorized. POULTRY However, queer thlnao l)oppened. When tho Wlllnmettc appllcatlon BAD~ OIJICJtS Al'fD TUnl!tmr rorJLB wao oent by realntercd mQll to WPB, I Embr7o-f•fu, Pu~,;mo c~ b'lf?a.~-,. It woo "lo:~t." WPB retuocd to oct r:!~&.'i!:.,: o.,~ fG. ouc• ~&r,-.. without tbo "orlglnnl" oppllcntlon, eo v~;~luoblo wecltn wcro wonted or· iulng.

Then, an enalnccr named Levy, Watched for Napoleon who hod hod experience with tho Beco!Wo ot "·o dca\h ot CbiiDI-oowduat method In Germany. woo .,., brought hero from Enalond. Thlo my Borton, th~ 3ob ol watchlnl Umo tho Wltlnmctto appUcatlon PO· for Nopt~lcon to cro:::J the DoYM' pcro'wero ready. But another hitch Strolt from Franco to lnvadt! Ent-:lcvelopcd. WPB auddcnly round land brul lopced. .. some of Lcvy'a crcdontlal!l llll!lati!J. I Borton won pa!d $2ll a :veor b7 factory~ demanded nn FB1 lnvcoU· • the to~m of Ryo to otond on tba E,totlon. The FBI cleated hlm, but cllflo and ocan the con., tho Jolt otUI tho WPB'o alcohol divlnlon 1o · hovlng been bonded down for Ul holding thinan up yearn. When Chummy dted.

• ~ • outhorlUco decided tho poot wu AIR \VAn OVEn GEH!'tfANY

Str(lJl(iC oo it may cecm, tho prco-cnt problem of tho U.S. and Brillah air forcco over Europe lb not co much to locot.o tho tnract!l but to 10. cote Gormon fl{lhter ploneo. Nazi flnbtcro hovo been w reduced in nwnbcra that they are being held bnclt. apparently for tho cccomi front. Allied bambcro cccoolonolly molw o complete rnlc!llon to the Con­tinent \"Jlthout m"et!na any opprol­tlon in tho air.

nnw dl!lpon!!oblo.

TaD Onel!l Thl!:J lo goad ncwn, but it prcvenl!J bcovy attrition of tho Lufl\"Jilffo un- g There nrc betwce~ 0,1!~ a1Wi lcM tho German ploncn arc cnunbt l .. ,ono men in Amcracn oix feet, out on tho around. ' nva luchro or tnUer, ccnmm foBt

Ao American Giero put 1\: "We've eotimote. dcruo a blrtb-conlrol job on the Luft- ------------­woffo." In other wordn, they have otrucit monufocturina plontn oo ouc­ce~fully thol flchter production lo t::ay dm-m. Thlo opplleo ooth to t\'/in-enainc and o!n(lle-<!naine fight­ern. Plontn msltincr both typen hnve h:?en otruck oy£;1emotic and devooo­tntina btm-ro.

Air forCQ!I offictoln hnve !lauren on tho axnct omaunt of that "blrtb eon· trol," but tho fluurcn ore highly con­E!Uential. Elrttirl1l oo ..-;oJJ ao Amer­Ican offieloto are dellchtc.J \'/ith tho ro~tn. o.nd the British tl.0\7 ad­mitting tho o.upertority of American precbion · bnmhln[l 1n tmnclting oil :crtnin tnrget!l.

Gennam Avolawr a Fir:bL In the text hmllt of nir pO'W'er, oftal'

~ou hovo attnc:ked tho onemy'o alr­c:ruft lnliuotry, you oim ot the en­emy'e plnnes In the air. Anti thot a what the RAF nnd AAF are try. 1og to do now. But tho Gt:!rmonn avoiding a fight. Thoy are tey· mg to check lil::ltes by keeping their plane:~ en tht~ gt<~und.

Occanionally, rotumibg pilot!! con­tftldic\ thio. '"l'he mnn who snya tho Luftwafft'l 15 licked 1!1 Just ploin erozyt" And thej1 hove bottle wounrls for evidence. E!1!plonotion- in thot,, tho Nozln contentrnte flgbtor strength over ono lmp:>rtont tnrgot.

Air upe~ say Germany is now ln tho deoperate plight England wM in at tha climax ot tho blitz of lG1n.. u. Tho Britbb now ndtnit thot1 if thtt Gormqn!l bad como over a tow f110te times, they would hfiv(t ·bro- . ken the back ot Engt~d. !M th~ tuftwQff~ simply coUldn't sh'm1i the t!!rtitle to::mt;!!.

. .

Shoulder a Gnu- .Jl,. Or the Cost of One 1~ tr 'k BUY WAR BONDS

- :- ._ g 1 :




' I ' l



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' ' I ' I.

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.. I . I

• •

. • ., •

• •


,•,::p " ! .•

LOVELY hand-inade Unterle t. alwaya a most welcome altt.

You can make 1hJs pretty and very pructlcal sUp and matching pantJcs of whJte or tcarone rayon oatJn or crepe. Do the fiowcr ap­pllquea of pale blue tor contrast. • • •

To cbtaln complete cutthll pattcm far .Up. c;wUea llll<l •wttm.l\!. Clntslllni t.n. strcctlop tar tho Apl!llnt~• tlni!crto Bel CPottcm t1o. tl6J11 il!ci traall, mc1!lum nod brco. !lend lC c:cnlll In eotn, ,llour on mo. caddroat cd' U:11 plltlchl numba'.

8EWJNG CJRCt.f.l NEEDLEWORK OU 81lllth Well• 8L Cbi~&JO.

l';nc!oco lD c:cnla Cplllll or.o cent t() eo\"C7 ten cS moWna> lor Pa\tcm

flo~···••••••••••••• t1om.e ••••••• ,._ •••• , •••• ., •••••••••••• Ac!d.«::tt •••• I ••••••••• ·• •••••••••••••

Naval Salvage

Since 1041, tho U. S. navy ho.o Bnlvoccd, excl!Cllvo of tho Nor­mondio, naval ond mcrcho.nt ahlpa and coraoco bavlncr o total oolvnco volua of ~500,UCO,Il!lll, cr 12.5 Umcn oo much lW tho co!lt of eov1ng them.

' J. (lulelctt SMeUIM am '- ...

IJ~P~csloctd (/rttiiiJI.Io& t. Cbtell mrutultit utttliPio~ 1. Hel!lretlutdtiUlrit~U ... 4. Dilate lrn/~Qcllplliitry&IOOtl.


for fatted attJoD; l.d tlrr, tN Ia lfltlln. Tbete't-onl, oue Soretolie... :lblilt Oil fr lot Sotetone unlta.. ~.A hl1 botli~, onl; tt. , ,,

. ~ . •w ~~~·"- ., ... ., ·~~'

' I


' . • ~ ' .-. .

~; ,' i ' ........ . '~ f' ·->·"·-' - ....,.... . ..

• I

: . r

'I! ' ' ~ . ' . ;

·~Simple Fresh Fruit Drink · Mftkeff Purgatlves Unnec- · • essaey 10l" Moa* PeoplE)

' Here'i a ~ .t. o'n!rCQIDe .._ 1\ atl~ation without bal-4h lauti'Vlll.

•; Drmk juice of 1 Sunkla~ ~ iD a glass of wate;r firat thina oll

I &l'iiJIIl&', ·!, J[~t people find thi!l aD Uit!J' ~;need-stimulates MIWil bowel ... • t1on day after dayl

Lemon and water Is go•tl for :?01.1. Lemons are &UlOU&' the rich­at ~urceo of vitamin 0 wlafda com~ats fa~eJ..hclpa rtJ7st well and fnfectlona. '.L'he:Y aupply 'fill• able .amounta ot vlbu.tlia '& uti P. Thor pep up_ apptltite. 'l'hq ••, ••a dJgeRion. Lemou and wa~ hu .a fiwlh taq toe tlean the mouth. waku J01l ~ '!tam ~u eo~.

• '1'17 thl~ £"rand wak•ap drblt 10 mominp. See 1f it cloesn~ JW. ~·• Oallforula s~nakial .of Camel Thirsty camell have been known

to go dlr(:lctly to water a diatance of 100 mUcs on the desert.

Ants a DeUcae,. AntB, notJve dellcocy ln parta of

Africa, nre nold 1n puckagca •

PLASTICS ~~ d!Jtrlbutarahlp open In JOur d!!l!tiot tor the f4mO'JI lJiE'l'IME PLASTICS. We pre!u tlw.5s: w!ws1t espcrlence hu beon with the elcs c.f brt!Jhn, =uarlce.t, ho:Joty, ftltac:ta, OO!U':lot!C11, elo. Send =pl.!tl lnl=Uon nbout 7011DiU In flrut letter. Wrlto to:

UFEIIME PlAS11CS CO. 1744 CU.n 5t. DWJw z. CtiiL

HOUSEWIVES: *** Your Waate Kitchen Fat• Are Needed lor Explo•iou

'fURN 'EM INI * * *




soothes last with

COLD HEAT* ACTIO ' . • Itt aat1t el

MUSCULAR LUMIAGO OR8ACKACHI hft,r.u, ..... _...,,....


501~ MUSC:f.ES ........... SPRAIN$

• 1J:4tiMt4.~.·= 1:.~~,.., .. .... -......... ....................






r I


i( I


1 j

' ' {

' 'u

,( •1 I l I ~ i \




.;_ ' ' '' ·, > ' ' :' <; r

Have a

... from family fireside to far-jlttng fronts Wbco Dhoc&•oooc&oco (tcnoe•OCcllo fiycce) meoc aod c:ompacCI

their nuwgraphcd dollllr billa, tho lov'itatloo Hnt.-e tZ "Coke" it fairly cure 10 follow. A1 homo nod ubrolld Cocll-Cola hu b«ollll'l

o aymbol o( thooo who oca &hlogs In 11 fdcndly llght

' '

' "' •

•• il

DOTlltD UH911 AU1110BilY Of 1,!1~ COCA·COU. COMPA!t'l' IY -~he • Magnolia Coca-Cola Bottling Company _0 ,9, 3 Tl>o c.c ""eo-. __ •

8_1g_n __ _

GocA-Cola Bulldlni YIUidell Blvd. at lJirc:b E1 Paao, TeliU

' ' . ' , I : ij' ·_, '


The red and blue l'Jtamps, are for meat, dajry products and

•· · procenaed foods Bf at present, will be used in conjunction with red . • and blue tokens,_tbe latter tQ be introduced early in 1944, arid giv· en by merchants in ehange •. Green stamps will hi! used on an '1in· terim basis," with blue processed food atampa, in much the same manner as the brown stamps in Book 3 are being usad this niontb in the meat. fats program.

Twelve of the 96 . upit atamvs, printed in bla<'k, l\re designated for auaar. An equal number are marlted for c••tfee, which is no longer rationed. Tbeoe and 72 otbero, marked ·''opares," will oerve for any additional foods ra t10ned, the OPA declared, ita pur· pose being to provide for any con· tingency, oincc tbe new boolro are expected to oerve for two yearn, as compn•ed to 4 or 6 months for previous bootie. The coot of print­ing ia !lbout the oame, around $1,600,000, it wao ototed.

---- -- ---~----- ____ _:..' ---------------- NOTICEl


A'n•· '• ~· r:.urt· l·lun o m)'ts--•,,._, :tfffl ·I t•.tf)fl0f tljhyO

q,, tl.f I Ill I-'' dtf)llf l Of

If t 1 't' ~~ I Q 1 f,ffl 'ul ~ tb 0• IJ• •• 1l • l.tJI tuffl('QJ1)

" < • I· :; 1 ' " • c1 1 • ol1mlt "'nd· " ~ "' •, • ' , • ' \\. I I u I'JI:td •· 1 ••· M•:t'. )nu di!Jn't ~ '"'""' 1 ho• mnr ~ rollt•(lO prof· .,,,..,... hnn It J•rr.tldl'f•to, woot Qel•nll lo, t'liJ•Ic.lna of Industry,

•von tbo Pmldoct of tho•Unl. tcod itstrn all llho their mye­terlra. Jn 'net, mllllon. of Am. "rlt:ans arc roadllli mllro rnye­torlra tcday tban over lulforo. Why? l!alnly bocauso tbc~ laot.-~ aood, ouv-readlni otorle11 aro both rolulns ud rofruh· loi. It 1.9 for them-and for

yau ··~hat '"'' Ufl publ!JhlDe

Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine Edll~d hy r:llcry Quc:cn, lam·

ouo dotcetlvo of tho rodlo, tho movlo-o, and balt-c"llor boolw. It Ia davotod ouiUJIIvoly to tf;o h"ot In dot"clivo crlmll abort· otory lltnc.turo. And wo moan llt<'rntur~>. Tho faet that a a tory own~ ltD plot \o ('rime and dot•l't lon nrcd not rtro.-ont ltD hf>inu """" 't'lrit\t-n. Short diP ll.'etlvo flctlon tbc.t fa W€'11 writ· tcm Ia not too roadlly avc.dall!o. IJut w11 ar(l findlnu tbom--tn bool111, In mncronln~. In tbo fllca of fomouo out boN •nod by or· ronaPmi'Tlt ~1tb other publlnh· 0r11 ~ t'l'ol• Cll 'l'i1tb nuthom, !;'tO

fOJ•rlnt in tllo appro~·cd Rood· or' a Dlacot t~o b::ot do­ltlcllvo fll'tioo to bo proru~d

l'ul'h mc.719rv on Donblt>ll, lJ nmm• 11. A r otha ChrloUC>, ~ t uc.n I'Cllm~>r 11 o d Ellory Quuc a o to bo fuund In It

Dut stm'le11 aro ao!tc~:l en the!r morlta, cot co autbon' names. Touab and suave, and I!Wlft, cmnla and trqle, they aro mlcrlcl! wltb · rdruhlca variety an«latlmutotlna ~hanro of paro. RAN Cfnt3, lit for tl:o mrot ctiUul, d&liJb\fulto tha mrot calve. You will Ocd tho now m&irutloo woU p7lo«1d ••

• oblll'p and clau, kind to the oyct. You wlll tiltltl tba a!ze. onmo u lbo llaaacr'o DIIOCS1• • convcnloct to hold, to bamllo, to olip Into lfOUr pocltot. You will flod tbo cover Ill plus1na to lao\! at l3 a 'lmnk }ackcl. And you wUI find eho contallll U:o m(IS\ tatWyuua quartcr'a worlb of aoo:l ontertall'ltnont

ycru bavo found !c many 1 d&Sf.

Oo salo at aJI iood t::OWI>3taode -n!lc a copy.


lweau~ wo ..,act ycu to !mow Eller) Quc()n'o M~"Dto:y Mt(lll·

!!lOP Vlt> trill CI'Tld YOU 0. ~Jlj' 01 tbb aotbo!Oil'J1 e:l tho !::::at dc!cc·

live 1tor!n cow &od old..CO,G!ll> war~ cf tbtillloi oyBtfli'lta­

for c:lly l!k. tbl c::st cf ~ ters and t:andUog.

I•••• ••••• •• ··-- .,.,._- ••••- •••••• ------·-----

ELLERY QUEEN'9 MYSTERY MAGAZINE B'lO Laaington Avoouo, Now Yo:k, N.Y.

Urrv'o my lOll tor whlcb plflast sad c:t> 1 wPJ cl EUrv Q=o'o M~-utory ~co.

t~amo---------------·--·-.._ .... _______ ..,......, Addroe:a •• ------~- • .._ .. _.,... _____ ,..._ ... .._ .. .._.,.

City D. 9tato • ..., ......... __ ........ ...o. ...... --... ...._. .... .....

' ·- -·~" " ~· ··'·'~!''!!; I 1

... .

Wanted- A amnii mountain place, irrigated, dry farm, or roogc. Prefer combination.

Box 115, Ruidoso, N. M.

=· -= '

L. S. Oan.Conley World War No. 1 Veteran and long time resident of Lincoln County announces hia rondidocy for the


office of Sheriff, rmbjeet 'tu the Democratic Primary, June 6th. Mr. Conley'o decision iP.1 the result of

much urging by his many friends.

' • I


lt'• tougll to lost a pet, a wallet or any • kind of Talubte. B•t don't give up hope until you have tried an ad in tbe UN­COLNCOUNTY NEWS to Jaelp JOU re~ COYII J'OU JOI!. • ..


. Office P]Jone 14 Reaidence1Pbone 35



' •


• . . . '· -...,n';\ .... •; "'"'#•··~- ~--' .. . ' ~-,

-' ,.. ~·:~ - ~-.-·

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' ... ~~!P~~t'f~·'" ·- ··-!<· .•• ..... .,.,., \> ~ ... .., .•.


' •

;;:;; ' ,, ' ' '


·We Have In Stock li'EEDS Dog Foods Greases Sash & Doors Cowboy Boots Lime Cemeat Plaster Shovels Hoe a Axes

Baby Foods Patent Medicines Drugs Vaccines Roll Roofing Barb Wire Poult.ry Netting Pai~ & Varnishes 'roilet Articlea Blacksmith Coal Pipe Fitting!!

Our Prices Are Reasonable

The Titsworth Company, Inc. Capitan, N. M.

....... - ···"-" ... --··- -=-

WE ·DOW. have for SALE








• -- OPnClALilJ.tl9 IN --


Oor List Includeo: Rilling, Jamnl, Zntoa, Dunrt

wrra PnrCn9 nArwmo vnou

e$5.00 TO 812,50

Wo Appreciate Your Potronogc

. The (irrizozo Beauty Sboppe Dolorow Hofeldt


Rolland'• Tho Oldest atid Bilt Known Drug Finn Jn The Sontbwe!t. '


' i •