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August 3, 2004Workforce Development

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~~~.tOWAGENDA ITEM August 3, 2004

Report:Local Workforce Investment Area Strategic Plan Five Year Modification(l) Motion to Adopt the Fifth Year Modification


Public Hearing [ ] .t~fdinance [ ]

Approved for August ~ 2004 calendar


Consent Calendar r ] Action Item [X] Report Only [ ]

Submitted .--'" ." ,Madalyn Blake, Director, Community Development & Housing '_.-'-._-""·~=--'V"""'_.~,,-=~C"t'-'.,.,.-,~

PreparedStewart Knox, Workforce Development Administrator, CommunityDevelopment & Housing .

ApprovedJames E. Starbird, Executive Director. .

Robert J. Franz, Director of Finance & Administrative Services --.:"L.<I:lc ~I<:l.=;"'O:'==--

ReviewedRobert J. Franz, Director of Finance & Administrative Services ......

Scott Howard, City Attorney ...


....... .•.••..• .••••••.•. •.•••. ~",.."'C.. ~-"~~. ~.~_______________--

It is recommended that the Cjty Council approve the Motion and adopt the Local WorkforceInvestment Area Strategic Plan Fifth Year Modification. .

8 B


This report is designed to provide information regarding the Workforce Investment Act (WIA)Fifth Year Modification to the Five Year Local Strategic Plan (Modification 5), shown in Exhibit3. This Plan applies to all WIA funds received for the Verdugo Consortium (Cities of Burbank,Glendale and La Canada Flintridge) by the City of Glendale, the designated local grant recipientand administrator. Re,ponding to State requirements, WIA Year 5 fonnula allocations are thefocus of this report. These formula allocations form the foundation for all workforcedevelopment resources in the Verdugo Consortium.

Last year the Council approved Plan Modification 4. At that time Council members received anextensive overview of workforce development legislation, organizational structure and localservice delivery; details were also provided on outcomes and program funding.

Adopting Modification 5 will allow the Department of Community Deve1Clpment and Housing,under direction from the City Manager,to:

• Develop and submit proposals for funding to any public or private entity for workforceinvestment-related activities, and accept any funds awarded;

• Issue Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for any workforce investment-related activities;• Negotiate and execute agreements and amendments to agreements with public, private

nonprofit and/or private for-profit entities which successfully respond to any RFP issued;• Negotiate and execute agreements and amendments to agreements with current and future

Workforce Investment partners;• Accept funds and execute agreements between the State of California and the City and/or the

U.S. Department of Labor and the City;• Fund and recruit necessary staff; and• Approve and implement policies and programs neces,ary to achieve Workforce Investment

goals and objectives.

Staff is therefore requesting that the Council review and adopt Modification 5. If approved,Modification 5 will supercede Modification 4. No changes in Modification 4 are proposed,unless they are addressed in Modification 5 documents.


The total amount of new Workforce Investment Act (WIA) funds allocated by the State in the 5th

year is $1,824,308, with $620,006 for Adults, $670,570 for Dislocated Workers, and $533,732for Youth. New funding last year totaled $1,847,872. This represents a reduction of $23,564(.01 %). Below is a summary of last year's allocations and current, fifth year, funding:

WIA Activity PY2003-04 PY2004-05 DifferenceLAST YEAR CURRENT

WIA Adult $626,960 $620,006 ($ 6,954)WIA Dislocated Worker $657,902 $670,570 $ 12,668WIA Youth $563,010 $533,732 ($ 29,278)TOTAL $1,847,872 $1,824,308 ($23,564)


As a condition of receiving WIA funds, the grant recipient/local administrator must prepare andsubmit a Five Year Local Strategic Plan (Plan) in cooperation with the local WorkforceInvestment Board (WlB) and the Chief Local Elected Officer (CLEO). The Plan is submitted tothe State of California. The designated Verdugo Consortium grant recipientJIocal administrator isthe City of Glendale. In 2000, after approval by Glendale City Council, the State accepted theWIA Plan for Program Years 2000-2005. Subsequently, the Plan was updated each year asrequired.

Modification 5 is due to the State by September 30, 2004. Modification 5 primarily concernsresource allocation plans for WIA activities during the fifth program year only (2004-2005).

VWIB actions to prepare for consideration of Modification 5 included:

• VWlB approved the plan proposed for 2004-2005 adult and dislocated worker services.• The plan proposed for 2004-2005 youth services was recommended to VWIB by the

Verdugo Youth Workforce Council, and subsequently approved by VWIB.

To achieve a balance of services tailored to meet specific local needs, WIA provides local policyboards the discretion to allocate formula funds to services as deemed appropriate. The VWIB'sactions in preparation for Modification 5 were based upon preliminary information from theState, projections of current year expenditures and other budget assumptions. VWIB wasparticularly concerned to provide services to the maximum number of participants with limitedresources. Significant factors in VWIB deliberations included (a) a small reduction in WIAformula funds, (b) termination of several discretionary grants, (c) fixed costs associated with theoperations of the Verdugo Jobs Center, (d) a commitment to continue to provide services throughthe Burbank Workforce Connection and (e) a commitment to provide training/supportiveservices to those most in need.

The proposed Modification 5 is conservative, yet it provides for service requirements essential tooperating a fully WlA compliant One-Stop career center, while making available some trainingopportunities for those most in need.

Public Involvement in Plan Development and Modification 5

Brown Act requirements have been met at each stage in development of Verdugo Consortium'sWIA Five Year Local Strategic Plan, including Modification 5. In 2000 when the bulk of thePlan was created, research, analysis and draft portions of the Plan were presented over manymonths to a broad range of potentially interested private and public sector representatives.Included were members of the transitional Verdugo Workforce Investment Board (VWIB) andYouth Council, service delivery partners of Verdugo Jobs Center, the three Verdugo area unifiedschool districts, and local groups such as the Glendale Homeless Coalition, the Glendale YouthCoalition, and local participants in the Community Development Block Grant planning process.

For modifications, which have been minimal and largely technical in nature, funding hasremained static this last year and participant levels have remained the largely the same,newspaper legal notices were posted in the mainstream press in the three Verdugo cities. Mailedannouncements and or copies were sent last updated annually since 2000.

The first Public Hearing associated with this plan was conducted in spring 2000. For eachModification, a similar process was implemented. The Public Hearing for Modification 5 was

conducted on April 15, 2004. The public was invited to provide comments orally at this PublicHearing or in writing (including by email) through May 17, 2004, which concludes the PublicHearing period. Following the Public Hearing period, any recommendations that emerge will beconsidered by the VWIB Executive Committee, and if appropriate, incorporated into theDRAFT.

Explanation of Modification 5 Changes Proposed

No changes in Modification 4 are proposed unless they are addressed in the Modification 5documents provided in Exhibit 2. Modification 4 is included within Exhibit 2 for reference andalso because the bulk of Modification 5 consists of the continuation of Modification 4.

1. Executive Summary (Page 2 of 11, Modification 5 in Exhibit 2): The Executive Summary wasupdated in 2003-2004. There have been several changes outlined below, eligibility definition forW1A Dislocated Worker Programs, Selective Service Registration Policy, Definition of LowIncome & Economic Self Sufficiency, Reorganization of the W1A-Mandated Youth Council andYouth Eligibility Policies.

2. Plan Development Process (Page 4 of 20, Modification 5 in Exhibit 2): This statement hasbeen updated annually to incorporate dates for the most recent Public Hearing et cetera.

3. § V:E. Local One-Stop Seryice Delivery System-Related to Dislocated Workers. standardcriteria for enrollment into WIA are clarified by the Verdugo Workforce Investment Board(Narrative) (Page 5 of Modification 5 in Exhibit 2): The VWlB clarified and adopted a standardcriterion for enrollment of dislocated workers into WIA services. In particular, these addresseddefinitions of 1) sufficient attachment to the workforce, (2) unlikely to return to the previousoccupation or industry, (3) substantial lay-off, and (4) difficulty in obtaining or upgradingemployment.

4. § V.E. Local One-SlOp Service Delivery System-... Satisfv the Verdugo Workforce InvestmentBoard Selective Service Registration Policy... (Narrative) (Page 6 of 20, Modification 5 inExhibit 2): Male applicants to any Verdugo WIA program who are over age 26 and whoknowingly or willfully failed to register for Selective Service System will be denied enrollmentinto WIA.

5. § V:!. When allocated adult funds are limited, what criteria will you use in detennininf!priority of service...- ...with limited funding intensive services and training service are to bedelivered in prioritv .. , (Narrative) (Page 8 of 20, Modification 5 in Exhibit 2): Within theVerdugo Workforce Investment Area low-income shall be defined as meeting either 70% of theLower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL) or having an income that falls below the mostrecent California Self-Sufficiency Standard (developed by Wider Opportunities for Women withthe University of Washington).

6. § VI.A. Youth Activities-...Describe your local areas effol1s to construct a youth council.and what rolds! or the Youth Council will be. (Narrative) (Page 8 of 20, Modification 5 inExhibit 2): On March 31, 2004 at a joint meeting of the Verdugo Youth Workforce Council (theVWIB appointed Youth Council in compliance with WIA) and the Verdugo School-to-CareerCoalition reorganization through a merger was approved by a unanimous vote. The VerdugoSchool-to-Career Coalition was retained because it was a well known name within the businesscommunity.

7. § VI.E. and V.II.E. - ... What is your area's strategy for providing comprehensive services toeligible vouth... local requirements and activities to assist youth who have special needs orbarriers to employment... (Narrative) (Page 11-12 of 20 in Exhibit 2): Definition ofunderemployment for out-of·school youth (OSY). Definition of no work history or minimalwork history as a barrier to employment for OSY within WIA. Articulation of indicators of needfor additional assistance that further justifies enrollment of eligible OSY ages 19·21 into WIAservices. Articulation of indicators of youth who requires additional assistance to complete aneducation program for In-School Youth (ISY). Addition of a barrier to existing guidelinesallowing enrolment of both OSY and ISY into services through the "5% window" (enrollmentwithout meeting income eligibility criteria). The new barrier is requires additional assistance tocomplete an education program, or to secure and keep a job.

8. Attachment A-WIA Public Comments on the Draft Plan Modification #5 (Narrative andpublic comment inserts) (Beginning on page 17 of 20 in exhibit 2): Public comments providedto staff during the open process of modification 5.

9. Attachment B-Verdugo Consortium Labor Market Information Update to Modification #5(Narrative) (Page 18 of 20 in exhibit 2): The latest information available has been added. Themission and goals of the VWIB are, in part, shaped by changes in demographics and the localeconomy. The labor market information in Modification 5 updates a much longer report inModification 3&4.

10. Attachment E-WIA Final Peifonnance Levels (Chart) (Page 19 of 20 in Exhibit 2): Tounderstand this chart, it is important to note that the State of California negotiates PerformanceLevels with the U.S. Department of Labor. Also, each Workforce Investment Board has theopportunity to negotiate Performance Levels with the State, and these may be higher or lowerthan California's Performance Levels. The Verdugo Workforce Investment Board staff iscurrently in negotiations but for now the table reflects state staff's recommendations. There are10 changes that are proposed for Modification 5. These are as follows:

o Adult Entered Employment Rateo Adult Employment Retention Rateo Adult Earning Gaino Dislocated Worker Entered Employment Rateo Older Youth Entered Employment Rateo Older Youth Employment Retention Rateo Older Youth Earnings Gaino Younger Youth Skill Attainment Rateo Younger Youth Diploma or Equivalent Rateo Younger Youth Retention Rate

Currently the State of California is in negotiations with the Department of Labor for newstandards for the 2004·05 fiscal years, however with the plan being due to the state bySeptember 30, 2004, the state has passed on the performance levels that were previouslyapproved by DOL in last years performance negotiations.

The Verdugo area's performance levels have risen in the last year based on a better economythan in the last year's plan, with overall unemployment lower than many parts of the state and anoverall performance scorecard that has a proven track record of higher than previous yearsnegotiated levels.

Budget & Participant Service Plan Summaries (Charts attached to Page 20 of 20 in Exhibit 2):Technical charts in this section outline actual allocations for 2004-2005 as compared with 2003­2004. The following narrative and charts explain and simplify information in technical chartsrequired by the State.


The chart below summarizes information that appears on MOD #5 Budget Plan Summary PageFWIADD03-l4D~ADULTS

Greater efforts are planned to leverage training activities and tuitions for the coming year;therefore. although planned funds for training have been reduced, the number planned fortraining has remained the same.

To assist readers and decision-makers in review of MOD #5, comparison figures for 2003 areprovided. To date we have received preliminary allocations with a slight reduction in fundswhich is reflected in the chart below. Should the funding level change when actual allocationsare confirmed. this plan will be adjusted accordingly based on the formula presented below.

Funds allocated to core and intensive categories in large part reflect fixed operational costs atVIC. Participant numbers reflect anticipated service levels. Greater efforts are planned toleverage training activities and tuitions for the coming year with hopes of exceeding the 2004PlanFund CateQorv Adults 2003 Adults 2004

% $ Customers % $ Customersof $s Planned of $6 Planned

TOTALWIA 100% 626,960 11,338 100% 620,006 11,338Administration 10% 62,696 0 10% 62,000 0Proqram Services 90% 564,264 11,338 90% 558,006 11,338

SUBTOTALProqram Services 100% 564,264 11,338 100% 558,006 11,338Training 10% 56,426 25 10% 55,800 25Core + Intensive 90% 507,838 11,313 90% 502,204 11,338

Total Proaram 100% 564,264 t 1,338 100% 558,006 11,338Core Self Services 20% 112,854 11,338 20% 111,602 11,338Core Regislerec 30% 169,279 58 30% 167,402 58ServicesIntensive Services 40% 225,705 55 40% 223,202 55Training 10% 56,426 25 10% 55,800 25


The chart below summarizes information that appears on MOD #5 Budget Plan Summary PageFWIADD03-14D---DISLOCATED WORKERS.

To assist readers and decision-makers in review of MOD #5, comparison figures for 2003 areprovided. A 2% increase occurred when the Department of Labor applied the 2000 Census tractinformation against the 1990 Census. This increase does little to affect the overall customersplanned for service outcomes.

Funds allocated to core and intensive categories in large part reflect fixed operational costs atVJC. Participant numbers reflect anticipated service levels. Greater efforts are planned toleverage training activities and tuitions for the coming year with hopes of exceeding the 2004Plan.

Fund Catel!orv Dislocated Workers 2003 Dislocated Workers 2004% $ Customers % $ Customers

of$s Planned of$s PlannedTOTALWIA 100% 657,902 14,069 100% 670,570 14,069Administration 10% 65,790 0 10% 67,057 0Pro2ram Services 90% 592,112 14,069 90% 603,513 14,069

SUBTOTAL 592,112Pro2ram Services 100% 14,069 100% 603,513 14,069Training 10% 59,211 34 10% 60,351 34Core + Intensive 90% 532,901 14,031 90% 543,162 14.069

Total Pro2fam 100% 592,112 14,069 100% 603,513 14,069Core Self Services 20% 118,422 14,069 20% 120,703 14,069Core Registered 30% 177,634 71 30% 181,054 73ServicesIntensive Services 40% 236,845 68 40% 241,405 69Training 10% 59,211 34 10% 60,351 35


The chart below summarizes information that appears on MOD #5 Budget Plan Summary PageFWIADD03-14E.

To assist readers and decision-makers in review of MOD #5, comparison figures for 2003 areprovided. Again based on the calculations from Department of Labor working from the 2000Census information the allocations for youth dropped by approximately 5%, in addition tn thecensus information the state of California lost youth funding overall from DOL at approximately3%.

The Verdugo Jobs Center (VJC) provides intake, enrollment and program tracking services forWIA youth programs. Because the State does not require goal-setting for youth to use Coreservices, no systematic count of youth using VJC services has been taken in the past for planningpurposes. However, the Verdugo Youth Workforce Council began to look at this issue in January2004 and plans to establish goals for the future, although their work on this matter is not readyfor MOD #5.

Fund Category Youth 2003 Youth 2004% $ Customers % $ Customers

of$s Planned of$s PlannedTOTAL WIA 100% 563,010 118 100% 533,732 112Administration 10% 56,301 0 10% 53,373 0Program Services 90% 506,709 118 90% 480,359 112

SUBTOTALProgram Services 100% 506,709 118 100% 480,359 112VJC 30% 152,013 30% 144,108Contractors 70% 354,696 118 70% 336,251 112

SUBTOTALISY:OSY Ratio 100% 354,696 118 100% 336,251 112In-School Youth 60% 212,818 70 60% 201,751 67Out-of-School 40% 141,878 48 40% 134,500 46Youth

Residency distribution goals for both In-School and Out-or-School Youth

Citv of Burbank 25%Citv of Glendale 73%City of La Canada Flintridge and/or disabled youth 2%

WIA requires that at minimum 30% of the youth grant be expended in delivery of services toOut-of-School Youth. This allocation plan ensures that the 30% requirement will be met.


The Verdugo Workforce Investment Board has made every effort to preserve the maximumamount of services possible for clients/customers who are most in need while providing businessservices to an array of companies and small owner operator employers. The WorkforceInvestment Act funds have dropped significantly in the last three years yet the One-Stopmaintains a strong presence serving more clients through core (up-front) services than everbefore while maintaining a high performance rating and high marks for customer satisfaction.

The Board welcomes ideas and leads for leveraging additional funds from non-WIA sources sothat additional workforce development opportunities might be offered to job-seekers andbusinesses within the Verdugo Workforce Investment Area.

In light of prudent planning by the Verdugo Workforce Investment Board and the opportunitiesthe public have had to participate in the planning process, it is recommended that the CityCouncil approve the Motion and adopt the Local Workforce Investment Area Strategic Plan FifthYear Modification.


Exhibit 1 Workforce Investment Overview and Board FunctionEx.hibit 2 Fifth Year Plan Modification

Moved by Council Member

seconded by Council Member

that the fifth year modification to the Local Workforce

Investment Area Strategic Plan as more particularly outlined in

the staff report dated August 3, 2004 is hereby approved.

Vote as follows:





G,xpxp J,\FILES\DOC~ILES\FACTFIND\~ocalWorkforc~ Investment Plan Mod mtn.'~d

8 B 1


Exhibit I-Page I of 4



The Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA), replaced the Job Training Partnership Act(ITPA) of 1982, WIA is the latest in a series of laws that have provided federal support forworkforce preparation and employment since the presidency of Franklin D, Roosevelt WIArecognizes the need for a workforce investment system that meets needs of business and allworkers-not just economically disadvantaged job seekers.

The goals of WIA are to:• Increase employment, retention and earnings;• Increase occupational skills attainment;• Improve workforce quality;• Enhance U.S. productivity and competitiveness;• Reduce welfare dependency.

WIA objectives require:• Creation of a State Workforce Investment Board and local boards;-. Focus on a One-Stop delivery system;• Availability, with no eligibility requirements, of "core" services (self-help) to all adults;

"intensive" services (assessment, counseling and case management) for unemployedindividuals who are not able to find jobs through core services alone; Individual TrainingAccounts by which adults and dislocated workers can choose the training that best meetstheir employment training needs;

• Accountability proVisions to measure customer satisfaction (job seekers and employers).

Additional WIA monies become available caIled Governors Workforce Investment ActDiscretionary funds that are compiled into two funding sources one being the Governors 25%funds (up to 25% of the dislocated workers funds reserved at state level) for special projectsthroughout the year and 15% discretionary funds (up to 15% of the Adult funds that are reservedat the Governors office) are also for special projects throughout the year. The consortium hasapplied for both of these special project funds for this fiscal year, but have not been notified totheir standing as of the date of this report

• ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURELocal Governance. Workforce Investment Boards

In the workforce investment system, local leaders are policy and administrative decision-makerswithin WIA's parameters, By law each local area must be governed by a Workforce InvestmentBoard (Will) in conjunction with the Chief Local Elected Official (CLEO), who appoints theWill members. WIBs are councils of business and community leaders charged with governanceand oversight of employment-oriented education and training programs in their areas, Themajority of WIB members must be from the private sector, including the Chair. Businessmembers must be at a policy-making level, and each must be nominated by a business, industryor trade association. There are 50 WIBs in California.

In partnership with the CLEO, each local WIB oversees the workforce development system for adesignated geographic area. Wills are expected to exercise broad purview over many workforce


Exhibit I-Page 2 of 4

related programs and agencies funded from a variety of sources. WIBs work to identifycommunity needs and resources and develop a strategic consensus among local leaders andservice agencies to ensure that education and training programs will meet needs of localemployers and job seekers.

Specifically, the WIB:• Develops and submits a local plan to the Governor;• Selects an operator for the local One-Stop system;• Selects and oversees providers of youth activities, training services and intensive services;• Oversees the budget and administration of WlA programs.

Additionally, each WIB is required by law to establish a Youth Council to advise the WIB onmatters pertaining to youth workforce development.

• ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTUREWorkforce Development at the Local Level-the Verdugo Area

The Verdugo ConsortiumIn 1983 the Cities of Burbank, Glendale and La Canada Flintridge entered into a Joint PowersAgreement (JPA) to create a service delivery area pursuant to the federal Job TrainingPartnership Act (JTPA) for employment and training programs and local economic development.In August 1998, the Workforce Investment Act was signed into law to supersede JTPAbeginning in July 2000. In May 2000 a new JPA was executed to reconfinn the "VerdugoConsortium". The purpose of the Consortium is to consolidate economic, labor market, andbusiness community resources in the Verdugo Workforce Investment Area, and to develop thelocal workforce and economy through providing employment and training programs. Throughthe JPA, the City of Glendale is given responsibility for the administration of all Consortiumactivities, including acting as the grant recipient.

The Verdugo Workforce Investment Board (VWIB)The VWIB is the planning and policy body for the Consortium. After approval by the ArroyoVerdugo Cities Steering Committee, which is comprised of one elected official from each of thethree Verdugo Consortium cities, the CLEO appoints VWIB members and members of theVerdugo Youth Workforce Council.

VWIB's mission is "to provide leadership in ensuring that local resources are leveraged toenhance workforce quality, job opportunities and economic vitality in the Verdugo region."

VWIB goals are to:• Anticipate future labor market needs and project economic development impacts;• Cultivate business partners;• Develop visibility for workforce investment programs;• Leverage all workforce investment assets for system efficiency;• Determine policies for public workforce investment programs in the Verdugo area;• Measure results and be accountable.

VIWB evaluates:

• How services are streamlined and coordinated across employment and training programs;


Exhibit I-Page 3 of 4

• How individuals are empowered through programs such as Individual Training Accounts,contractor performance and labor market analysis;

• Universal access to core services;• System and contractor achievements in job placement, earnings, retention, skill gains and

educational gains;• Progress toward meeting the achievements outlined in the Plan;• How the system adapts to changes in the needs of employers and job seekers;• Services to youth.

Attached are rosters of current members of VWIB and of the Verdugo Youth WorkforceCouncil.

• LOCAL SERVICE DELIVERYProgram Design - One Stop Delivery

The cornerstone of the workforce investment system is One-Stop service delivery. WIA requiresthe establishment of a One-Stop system in each local area. While WIA establishes certainminimum requirements for local systems, it allows significant flexibility in design andimplementation.

Some commonfimctions in all One-Stops include:• Unification of numerous training, education and employment programs into a single

customer-friendly system.• Integration of programs, services and governance structures.• Common intake and case management systems to maximize efficiency and effectiveness.• A wide range of services from multiple training and employment programs available to meet

needs of a variety of customers, including both employers and job seekers.• Universal access to high quality, local information on available jobs, skill requirements and

training providers.

WIA requires that the following service components be provided in each One-Stop system:

• Core services provide universal access to assessment, job search and placement assistance,labor market information, referrals to social services and assistance with unemploymentclaims. (Locally at Verdugo Jobs Center core resources for public use include fax and copymachines for resume preparation and transmittal, job postings, resource materials and videos,and computers with internet access to Cal JOBS and other web-based employment links.Other core services include workshops, financial aid information, vocational rehabilitationservices, and homeless services in conjunction with Project ACHIEVE.)

• lntensil'e services for unemployed workers who cannot find employment through coreservices alone include skills assessment, case management, the development of anindividualized plan, and group and individual counseling, job club, literacy and/or ESL.

• Training services are the activity of last resort, because WIA does not require earmarkingfunds for training. WIA allows for training to be made available through referrals toclassrooms in existing institutions. Should a WIB choose to earmark funds for training,options include customized training negotiated with an institution or employer to meetspecific business needs for groups of trainees, On-the-Job Training (OJT) and/or classroomtraining provided through an Individual Training Account (ITA) to be made available to job


Exhibit I-Page 4 of 4

seekers after participation in core and intensive services. WIA also allows training forincumbent workers.

• Employer services include information on how to access business assistance and incentives,a job applicant data base, labor market information, customized training, rapid response andplant closure assistance, and economic development.

By law, each local area must have at least one physical "full service" center where customers canaccess services. This comprehensive center can be augmented by additional service centers andthrough a network of partners that can consist of physical sites or electronic access points. In theVerdugo Workforce Investment Area the Verdugo Jobs Center (VJC) in Glendale isheadquarters for One-Stop service delivery. Our primary ancillary site is the annex in the City ofBurbank known as the WorkForce Connection.

Each local One-Stop system involves numerous partners to provide core services. WIA envisionstrue collaboration among all One-Stop partners, each providing services consistent with theirauthorizing legislation adapted to the One-Stop environment. Whatever designs a local areachooses, a "no wrong door" approach should be implemented to assure that information on allcore services is available to customers regardless of where each individual enters the system.

VJC opened in 1998 consistent with the One-Stop service delivery model mandated by WIA.VJC represents a partnership of workforce preparation agencies and programs under one roof.VJC partners include: City of Glendale (One-Stop operator), Verdugo Consortium, EmploymentDevelopment Department (EDD)-Glendale Office, State Department of Rehabilitation, GlendaleCommunity College, Los Angeles County Department of Community & Senior Services, LosAngeles County Department of Public Social Services, City of Glendale Housing Authority, Cityof Glendale Community Development Block Grant. Memoranda of Understanding between theVWIB and One-Stop Partners defining roles and areas of responsibility within the VJC attachedto the Plan are in the process of being updated.

Attached are:• VWIB Membership Roster

Verdugo Workforce Investment Board <Y'VJB} RosterLegal requirements for alfWorkforce Investment BOaTds:

a. Business Executives; majority; chair elected from this group.b. Educatiouc. Labord. Community Based Organizationse. Economic Development Agenciesr. One.Stop Partners--each partner must be representedg. Others determined to be appropriate


City Category Couot VWIBMEMBER Reappointment Date

la James J. Darcey, General Partner/OMler 5/15105G&B Copy CentralALL 2a Tami Garcia, Director, Human Resources 5/16105

Walt Disnev ImaltineeringB&G 3a William 1. Jacot, Vice President, Print Division 5/15/05

Lagraphico.comALL 4a Gavin Koon, Consultant 9/17105

Contract Services Administration(Entertainment Industrv Trade Orl!:allization)

G&B 5a Debbie Kukta, President 5/15/05Trojan Rivet CorporationCHAIR

G&B 6a John Machin, V.P. Human Resources 5/15105PRC-DeSoto International

ALL 7a Wayne Cassard, Service Area Director HR, 6/4/05Providence Health SyStem .

ALL Business 8a PaulO'Reilly, OMler 9117105Executives O'Reilly & Associates

(Economic Development Consultant Finn)ALL 9a Richard Roche, Director ofExternal Affairs 5/15105

Pacific Bell (SF & SG Vallev Regions)G lOa Maria Mehranian, Executive VP & COO 4/1/06

Cordoba CorporationB Ua Richard Raad, President 5115105

BeautvKissG 12a Nick Hacopian, President 4/1/06

&e Glen West Management CompanyAnnenian Chamber ofCommerce

ALL 13a Jeff Eller, Vice President 4/1106Glendale Adventist Medical Center

G Ib Lina M. Harper, Board of Education 5/15105Education Glendale Unified School District

G Pe.rJrins Post-Sec 2b Steve White, Vice President for Instructional Svc, 4/1106AduUlVocEd

Glendale Community CollegeB 3b Ted Bunch, Board ofEducation 10129105

Burbank Unified School DistrictWlA Title I 4f Madalyn Blake, Director, CD & H 411/06

G PrograDlS Citv of Glendale


Housing andAuthority ElCecutive Assistant Director Glendale Housing

AuthorityALL Job Service Ellen Greer, Regional Manger 4/4/05

WagMr-Peyser . Sf Employment Development DepartmentVetert7n Programs

VICE CHAIRIrtule AdiustmenrUnemvlovment Ins

Robin Hell, Director 5/16/05ALL Welfare 6f LA County DPSS, Glendale Office

Cynthia Banks, ChiefDeputy 4/1/06ALL Other Public 7f Los Angeles County Area Agency on Aging

Agencies Represents both:Senior Community Service EmploymentCommunity Services Block GrantKathryn Matsumoto, Supervisor 5/15105

ALL Depar1ment of 8f Glendale BranchRehabilitation State Department of Rehabilitation

Van Nuys/FoothilJ DistrictALL Steve Hulett, Business Representative 5/15/05

9c IntI. Allillnce ofTheatrical Stage Employees (IATSE)

Labor Local 839 (Animation Guild)

ALL JOe George Palazzo, Business Representative 9/17/05IATSE, Local 729

G lid Bob Driffill, Executive Director 9/17/05Community- Glendale YMCA

G Based 12d Mary Miller, President 5/15/05Organizations Glendale Literaev Coalition


141 N. Glendale Avenu., Room 202, Glendal., (A 91206Voice (8IB) 548-2053 fax (BIB) 548-3714

DATE: July 12, 2004

FROM: Stewart Knox, AdministratorVerdugo Workforce Investment AreaDepartment of Community Development & HousingCity of Glendale

SUBJECT: Request for Awroval

Modification #5of the2000·2005Workforce Investment Act Plan


(1) Executive Summary

(2) Modification #52000-2005 Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Planof theVerdugo Workforce Investment Board (VWIB),Including only proposed changes to Modification #4,which have already undergone Public Hearingand VWIB approval

(3) Copy of WIA Plan Modification #4 previously approved by the Statefor reference

WIA Plan Mod #5---Executive SummaI}' for Glendale City Council Page 1 of 11


The Verdugo Workforce Investment Board (VWIB), serving the cities of Glendale,Burbank, and La Canada Flintridge, is administered by the City of Glendale througha joint powers agreement. The three cities comprise the Verdugo Consortium.

Modification #5 of the VWIB's 2000-2005 Workforce Investment Act Plan is due tothe State by September 30, 2004, and has been the subject of a thorough PublicHearing process and VWIB review. The general Plan was originally approved by theState in 2000, followed by approvals of annual modifications, each of which wasreviewed and approved by Glendale City Council after Public Hearings and VWIBreview.

The Plan establishes the types of workforce investment activities that will be offeredin the Verdugo Workforce Investment Area, including workforce programs for youth,dislocated workers and other adults. Modification #5 includes:

o The following substantive content adjustments:

• Eligibility Definition for WIA Dislocated Worker Programs• Selective Service Registration Policy• Defining Low Income & Economic Self-Sufficiency• Reorganization of the WIA-Mandated Youth Council• Youth Eligibility Policies

o Resource allocation plans for Verdugo workforce programs youth, dislocatedworkers and other adults during the fifth program year only (2004-2005).

o Updated labor market information.

o Updated performance goals

o Updated agreements with various partners.

Several other minor revisions appear in Modification #5 to update past content.

Below please find additional detail relative to the significant changes itemized above:

• Content Adjustments in the WIA Plan

o Eligibility Definition for WIA Dislocated Worker Programs

In October 2003 the VWIB Executive Committee examined deficiencies in thedefinition of what constitutes a dislocated worker. This was necessary in partbecause the Verdugo labor force includes many workers from entertainment andsimilar industries whose standard employment patterns differ from those oftraditional manufacturing and business enterprises. A deficient definition meant thatindividuals in serious need of dislocated worker services were denied help, thoughtheir circumstances fell into the spirit but not the letter of the definition.

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Therefore, at the January 2004 VWIB meeting, clarifications of the standard criteriafor enrollment of dislocated workers into WIA services were adopted. In particular,these addressed definitions of (1) sufficient attachment to the workforce, (2) unlikelyto return to the previous occupation or industry, (3) substantial layoff, and (4)difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment. The new Selective ServiceRegistration policy and definition of economic self-sufficiency discussed below willalso apply to dislocated workers. These changes revise Section V.E. of the Plan inModification #5.

o Selective Service Registration Policy

In October 2003 the VWIB Executive Committee considered risks associated withlack of a standardized practice for determining whether an applicant for WIAprogram services knowingly and willingly failed to registsr for the Selective ServiceSystem (SSS). This issue is difficult, because persons who knowingly and willinglyfail to register must be denied WIA eligibility certification, but under federal law aperson may not be denied a right, privilege, or benefit by reason of failure to presenthimself for and submit to registration ...a non-registrant may not be denied anybenefit if he can "show by a preponderance of evidence" that his failure to registerwas not knowing or willful.

Risks to the Verdugo service system include:

- inappropriately enrolling into WIA services an individual who knowingly andwillfully failed to register for SSS, which could result in disallowed costs uponaudit; and/or

- denying WIA enrollment to an individual whose failure to register for SSS was notknowing or willful, which could result in a grievance at best or a lawsuit at worst.

To address these risks, at the January 2004 VWIB meeting a Selective ServiceRegistration policy was adopted for addition to Section V.E. of the Plan inModification #5. The change defines for the Verdugo region knowing and wifffulfailure to register for SSS, articulates how Verdugo Jobs Center staff can apply a"reasonable person standard", and identifies documentation alternatives for eligibilitycertification.

o Defining Low Income & Economic Self-Sufficiency

In October 2003 the VWIB Executive Committee studied extensive information tojustify revision of previous definitions. The full VWIB adopted these changes at theJanuary 2004 meeting. The purpose of these definitions is to guide program intakestaff in determining who is eligible for WIA program services, and who should beprioritized for those services when the quantity of services available prohibitsenrollment of all eligible appl icants. Programs for adults and youth rely upondefinitions of low income status. Programs for dislocated workers and the workingpoor (incumbent workers) rely upon definitions of economic self-sufficiency.

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In the past, based upon VWIB policy, only federal poverty guidelines were used byVerdugo Jobs Center staff. More accurate calculations focused particularly on theLos Angeles-Long Beach region have been calculated by the California FamilyEconomic Self-Sufficiency Project, most recently released in December 2003. (MDredetail is available in the January 2004 VWIB meeting packet and The California Family Economic Self-Sufficiency Standardfor Los Angeles County is based upon conservative and realistic research on actuallocal living CDstS. Other WorkfDrce Investment Areas set a precedent for use of theStandard and their policies have proven acceptable to public agencies that monitortheir programs.

VWIB therefore determined that it would be prudent to adopt the Standard, resultingin an adjustment in Section V.E. of the 2000-2005 WIA Plan for MDdification #5. Themodification provides the option to use the California Family Economic Self­Sufficiency Standard and/or the federal Lower Income Level (LLSIL). Thesedefinitions apply to the existing VWIB policy that 60% of those enrolled in WIA adultprograms should be low-income persons. Also, the Standard shall be used as afactor for determining which adult and dislocated worker applicants tD WIA programsshall be certified eligible and receive priority for services that are not universallyavailable.

o Reorganization of the WIA-Mandated Youth Council

A number of individuals who have been members of the Verdugo Youth WorkforceCouncil (VYWC) also have been members of the Verdugo School-to-CareerCoalition (VSTCC). Such individuals included both VWIB members andrepresentatives of local school districts who are not VWIB members. After fouryears of operating both bodies, given many reasons for pursuing more efficientstrategies, discussions were initiated to merge these two bodies. On March 31,2004 a joint meeting of VYWC and VSTCC was conducted after posting to meetBrown Act requirements. At this meeting the plan to merge was unanimouslyapproved by vote. This action revises Section VI.A. of the Plan.

o Youth Eligibility Policies

In December 2003 the Verdugo Youth Workforce Council recommended, and inJanuary 2004 the Verdugo Workforce Investment Board adopted, changes related tDeligibility of youth for enrollment into WIA programs. These actions revise SectionsVIE and VilE of the Plan. Policies adopted by VWIB in January 2004:

- Definition of underemplaymentfor Out-af-School Youth (OSYs).

- Definition of no work history or minimal work history as a barrier to employmentfor OSYs.

WIA Plan Mod #5---Executive Summary for Glendale City Council Page 4 of 11

- Articulation of indicators of need for additional assistance that further justifyenrollment of eligible OSYs ages 19 to 21 into WIA services.

- Articulation of indicators of youth who requires additional assistance to completean education program for In-School Youth (ISYs).

- Addition of a barrier to existing guidelines allowing enrollment of both OSYs andISYs into services through the "5% window" (enrollment without meeting incomeeligibility criteria). The new barrier is requires additional assistance to completean education program, or to secure and keep a job.

Early adoption of these policies was required because the State revised theEligibility Technical Assistance Guide outside of the Plan Modification #4development cycles. The Guide is used by Verdugo Jobs Center (VJC) intakeworkers to make certain that individuals enrolled in WIA programs will satisfyeligibility requirements so that costs for serving them will not be disallowed uponState audit. The Verdugo Youth Workforce Council and VWIB have flexibility todevelop local requirements as long as our definitions are consistent with State andfederal policy.

Apart from the formal Public Hearing process, steps taken to prepare the new youtheligibility policies included (1) convening local youth service providers and otherstakeholders to obtain recommendations, and engaging them in examination ofdrafts of the policies prior to VWIB action; and (2) consideration and action by theVerdugo Youth Workforce Council on 10/30/03, which included review of commentsthat are entered into Public Hearing records for Modification #5.

Priorities considered included developing eligibility criteria that would assureservices to youth most in need, respecting the policies of local schools. andproviding opportunities to the broadest number of youth in the community withinWIA's parameters.

For additional detail on these policies and the rationale justifying them, please seepage 43 of the January 2004 VWIB information package.

• Resource Allocation Plans for 2004-2005 Only

To achieve a balance of services tailored to meet specific local needs, WIA provideslocal policy boards the discretion to allocate formula funds to services as deemedappropriate. Modification #5 presents allocation plans based upon information fromthe State, projections of current year expenditures and other budget assumptions.

In keeping with VWIB priorities, the allocation of resources exhibits particularconcern for providing services to the maximum number of participants with limitedresources. Significant factors for consideration include fixed costs associated with

WIA Plan Mod #5---Executive Summary for Glendale City Council Page 5 of 11

the operations of the Verdugo Jobs Center and a commitment to continue to provideservices through the Burbank Workforce Connection.

The allocation plan proposed for 2004-2005 incorporates strategic cost controls inthe City of Glendale Workforce Development Administration and at the VerdugoJobs Center (VJC). The participant service plan provides for maintenance of effort atVJC, with the intention to exceed the planned level of services throughimprovements in service delivery resulting from application of a Continuous QualityImprovement (CQI) model to client services management. The VJC managementcollaborative continues to explore ways to leverage funding of various partners tomaximize coordination of services and reduce duplications of effort. The challengingfunding picture notwithstanding, to the extent possible VWIB's longstandingcommitment to Training is demonstrated, even though WIA emphasizes Core andIntensive services (descriptions in MOD #4 attached, pages 19-21).

The proposed plan is conservative, yet it provides for service requirements essentialto operating a fully WIA compliant one-stop career center, while making availablesome training opportunities for those most in need. Narrative related to Trainingand Individual Training Accounts (ITA's) has been slightly revised in Modification #5to emphasize prioritizing training options at public education agencies versus privatevendors, since public education agencies usually cost less.

WIA Plan Mod #5·~-Executive Summary for Glendale City Council Page 6 of 11


The chart below summarizes information that appears on MOD #5 Budget PlanSummary Page FWIADD03-14D-ADULTS.

To assist readers and decision-makers in review of MOD #5, comparison figures for2003 are provided. To date we have received preliminary allocations with a slightreduction in funds which is reflected In the chart below. Should the funding levelchange when actual allocations are confirmed, this plan will be adjusted accordinglybased on the formula presented below.

Funds allocated to core and intensive categories in large part reflect fixedoperational costs at VJC. Participant numbers reflect anticipated service levels.Greater efforts are planned to leverage training activities and tuitions for the comingyear with hopes of exceeding the 2004 Plan.

Fund CaleQorv Adults 2003 Adults 20042";" .' ,it··· ....... % $ Customers % $ Customersii." .. >",·,., .•.,.•.. of $s Planned of $s PlannedTOTALWIA 100% 626,960 11,338 100% 620,006 11,338Administration 10% 62,696 ° 10% 62,000 0Proqram Services 90% 564,264 11,338 90% 558,006 11,338

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WIA Plan Mod #5---Execulive Summary for Glendale City Council Page 70t11


The chart below summarizes information that appears on MOD #5 Budget PlanSummary Page FWIADD03-14D-DfSLOCATED WORKERS.

To assist readers and decision-makers in review of MOD #5, comparison figures for2003 are provided. A 2% increase occurred when the Department of Labor appliedthe 2000 Census tract information against the 1990 Census. This increase doeslittle to affect the overall customers planned for service outcomes.

Funds allocated to core and intensive categories in large part reflect fixedoperational costs at VJC. Participant numbers reflect anticipated service levels.Greater efforts are planned to leverage training activities and tuitions for the comingyear with hopes of exceeding the 2004 Plan.

Fund c~aorv Dislocated Workers 2003 Dislocated Workers 2004}'::fi;t~i; 'iP/Y iti' % $ Customers % $ Customers'?':'·>':"i}';:f:~f;:';J';'S of $s Planned of $s PlannedTOTALWIA 100% 657,902 14,069 100% 670,570 14,069Administration 10% 65,790 0 10% 67,057 0Proqram Services 90% 592,112 14,069 90% 603,513 14,069

1··..,i:,·;;;':[,O, ,."iq' :: 1,,/2 "·'''P'f:.'..[;,.; .•• ;g'?)...••",...•)'. ·'Xl'. .P·'''',''' ..,",,?:: ,"'i'o:' "·",,t;·;··SUBTOTALProaram Services 100% 592,112 14,069 100% 603,513 14,069Trainina 10% 59,211 34 10% 60,351 34Core + Intensive 90% 532,901 14,031 90% 543,161 14,069

.•....,'. lli::'@-"",..."..' ./X',·;1:'·:·.:;:fft:.W· .·..~;!·!··' .",y, i'Y);,' "A""~" .', ;i"';'"Total Proaram 100% 592,112 14,069 100% 603,513 14,069Core Self Services 20% 118,422 14,069 20% 120,703 14,069Core Registered 30% 177,634 71 30% 181,054 73ServicesIntensive Services 40% 236,845 68 40% 241,405 69Trainina 10% 59,211 34 10% 60,351 35

WIA Plan Mod #5---Executive Summary for Glendale City Council Page 8 of 11


The chart below summarizes information that appears on MOD #5 Budget PlanSummary Page FWIADD-56E and on Page FWIADD-56F.

To assist readers and decision-makers in review of MOD #5, comparison figures for2003 are provided. Again based on the calculations from Department of Laborworking from the 2000 Census information the allocations for youth dropped byapproximately 5%, in addition to the census information the state of California lostyouth funding overall from DOL at approximately 3%.

The Verdugo Jobs Center (VJC) provides intake, enrollment and program trackingservices for WIA youth programs. Because the State does not require goal-settingfor youth to use Core services, no systematic count of youth using VJC services hasbeen taken in the past for planning purposes. However, the Verdugo YouthWorkforce Council began to look at this issue in January 2004 and plans to establishgoals for the future, although their work on this matter is not ready for MOD #5.

~[.;g ..•Youth 2003 Youth 2004

% $ Customers % $ Customers~j"< of $s Planned of $s Planned

TOTALWIA 100% 563,010 118 100% 533,732 112Administration 10% 56,301 0 10% 53,373 0ProQram Services 90% 506,709 118 90% ~Rr ",o;Q 112

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SUBTOTALProgram Services 100% 506,709 118 100% 480,359 112VJC 30% 152,013 s'",',,', O:.'i 30% 144,108 PContractors 70% 354.696 118 70% ~ 112

SUBT8¥AL'.' .......},::.•"i' .. ·','fJii,,¥;.!;",:') '. .•.•..":' ",i! .'.;';c' .:·"t":J);!· ;';'j,;

ISY:OSY Ratio 100% 354,696 118 100% 336,251 112In-School Youth 60% 212,818 70 60% 201,751 67Out-ai-School 40% 141,878 48 40% 134,500 46Youth.... .) .. ;................. .,", .. ;, F·':...·.··) ··C:· ... ···.• S·c·· ..•.. ,'1'.• '; ..•.",,,. ·."i ·.··/X.. · ...:

Residency distribution goals tor both In-School and Out-at-School Youth

City of Burbank 25%City of Glendale 73%City of La Canada Flintridqe and/or disabled Youth 2%

WIA Plan Mod #5---Executive Summary for Glendale City Council Page 9 of 11

WIA requires that at minimum 30% of the youth grant be expended in delivery ofservices to Out-of-School Youth. This allocation plan ensures that the 30%requirement will be met.

The Verdugo Workforce Investment Board welcomes ideas and leads for leveragingadditional funds from non-WIA sources so that additional workforce developmentopportunities might be offered to job-seekers and businesses within the VerdugoWorkforce Investment Area.

• Other Changes

o Updated labor market information.

Extensive labor market information appears in Attachment B of Modification #4, thereference document provided with this report. A brief update is provided forModification #5.

o Updated performance goals.

Each year the State issues adjustments in performance goals after negotiation withrepresentatives of each Workforce Investment Area. The result of this process forthe Verdugo region follows:

Neaotiated AareementPERFORMANCE MEASURE PY 2003-04 PY 2004-05


Entered Employment 72% 75.2%Retention 81% 82%WaQe Gain $3,400 $3,450Employment and Credential Achievement 50% 50%

DISLOCATED WORKER PROGRAMEntered Emplovment 79% 79.5%Retention 88% 88%Walle Replacement 96% 96%Emplovment and Credential Achievement 58% 58%

OLDER YOUTHEntered Employment 66% 68.9%Retention 76.5% 78.6%Waae Gain $3,000 $3,560Employment and Credential Achievement 30% 30%

YOUNGER YOUTHSkill Attainment 76% 78.9%Diploma or Equivalent Achievement 55% 56.4%Retention' 53% 55%• Retention for Younqer Youth is not limited to employment, but mav also be attained in

WIA Plan Mod #5---Executive Summary for Glendale City Council Page 100'11

postsecondary education, advanced training, military service or qualified apprenticeships.

o Updated agreements with various partners.

Each year Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) and other agreements areexamined for delivery of services within the Verdugo Workforce investment Area andfor cost-sharing at the Verdugo Jobs Center. As needed, these agreements arediscontinued or revised. Also, new agreements may be entered into.

For Plan Modification #5, changes consist of (1) minor adjustments in the MOUbetween the Verdugo Workforce Investment Board and the One-Stop Partners, (2) anew MOU between the VWIB and the Verdugo Jobs Center, (3) a new ProfessionalServices Agreement with the Economic & Employment Development Center (forservices to GAIN/GROW participants), (4) a new MOU with Oxman College forrental of instructional space, (5) a new MOU with the City CDSG program for rent ofone workstation, and (6) a new MOU with the City CDSG program for homelessservices. Other than date changes, all other MOUs and agreements in place atModification #4 remain in place for Modification #5. Reference Modification #4,Attachment D.


The VWIB conducted two Public Hearings to solicit public comment andrecommendations on Plan Modification #5.

The first Public Hearing took place at the regular VWIB meeting on October 16, 2003and written comments were accepted through November 17, 2003. The focus wasupon eligibility for WiA Dislocated Worker Programs, Selective Service RegistrationPolicy, defining low income and economic self-sufficiency, and youth eligibilitypolicies. This early Public Hearing process was necessary because these fourcontent adjustments required immediate implementation during autumn of 2003.

The second Public Hearing took place at the VWIB's regUlar meeting on April 15,2004 and welcomed comment on any aspect of Plan Modification #5, including thoseitems addressed at the October 2003 Hearing. Written comments were acceptedthrough May 17, 2004.

Each Public Hearing took place at 8:00 a.m. at the Glendale Central Library,Auditorium, 222 East Harvard Street, Glendale, CA. Advance public notice of eachHearing was posted in compliance with the Brown Act. In addition to the Hearing,citizens were provided with the opportunity to examine the proposed Modification #5on and after April 15, 2004 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday atRoom 202, 141 North Glendale Avenue, Glendale. They could also request a copyby email to Email requests required thename, organization, address, city and zip code of the requesting citizen.

WIA Plan Mod #5---Executive Summary for Glendale City Council Page 11 of 11




On the following pages please find theexisting Five-Year Plan, Modification #4.


Unless otherwise indicated inpreceding pages, no changesproposed to the following document. ~



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---Uij) Employment.... I I Dnelopment... Department

State of California

Local Workforce Investment AreaStrategic Five-Year Local PlanModification 5, Program Year 2004-05

Local Workforce Investment Area: VERDUGO CONSORTIUM

Submitted on: September 30, 2004

Contact Person: ~ST..!....!E=..!W~A~RT_!......!..lK~N~O~X'____ _

Contact Person's Phone Number: (818) 548-2053

Page 1 of 20 VERDUGO CONSORTIUM--WIA PLAN MOD #5 Rev. 7/1/04

B Fifth-Year Local Plan Modification PY 2004-05~ Modification # 5 LWIA;


Verdugo Consortium



Local Plan Table of Contents

The following supplemental information to augment or update ouroriginal Strategic Five-Year Local Plan does not replace the original REVISION PAGEPlan, or any previous modification thereto, unless stipulated here byshowing specific changes in a Plan section.

Yes No NUMBERExecutive Summary 0 [21

L Plan Development Process [21 0 1

II. Local Vision and Goals D [21

III. Labor Market Analysis [21 0 15

IV. Leadership [See §VI for changes in Youth Council] D [21

V. One-Stop Service Delivery System [21 D ~

VI. Youth Activities [21 0 §.

VII. Administrative Requirements [21 0 14

VIII. Assurances 0 [21

IX. Signature Page Required ~


1. Budget Plan Summaries Required Attached

2. Participant Plan Summary Required Attached

3. Performance Indicator Chart [21 0 19

4. Memorandums of Understanding [21 0 Attached

S. Public Comments of Disagreement [21 0 17

6. Grant Recipient Listing 0 [21

7. Other SUbmittal(s) 0 0,

Page 2 of20 VERDUGO CONSORTI UM--WIA PLAN MOD #5 Rev. 7/1/04

o Fifth-Year Local Plan Modification PY 2004-05

~ Modification # 5



This plan modification represents the Verdugo Workforce Investment Board's efforts to

maximize and coordinate resources available under Title' of the Workforce Investment

Act (WIA) of 1998.

This plan modification is submitted for the period of April 1, 2004 through June 30,

2005, in accordance with the provisions of the Workforce Investment Act.

Workforce Investment Board Chair


Debbie KuktaName

Chair, Verdugo WorkforceInvestment Board



Chief Elected Official(s)


Bob YousefianName

Mayor, City of Glendale



Page 30f20 VERDUGO CONSORTIUM-·WIA PLAN MOD #5 Rev. 7/1/04

Following are only those sections where changes in the existing Plan (Modification #4)are proposed.

•• tx'1"iOii$&il:!elfl'le;ffieiOQltuSilQ.~.mali:lf'···I~~OJ&N~roca1 •• ··I·ffavailil:ir •• ·····.···;:;.'0~firl~i·~(i~jlm~Qli!;ft\~'1q~,~~[~If[~~;U1~jnr~i.!"~"l:Announcements during the review process for the original Plan were released to legal noticepages of newspapers (Asbarez, Burbank Leader, Glendale Gazette, Glendale News Press, LaCanada Valley Sun, La Opinion, Los Angeles Business Joumal, New Armenia) and to<> (a local website for this area). During the period from January 10th toFebruary 10, 2000, the full plan was available for public review at the Verdugo WorkforceDevelopment Administration 0JWDA) Office in Glendale, at local public libraries in Glendale,Burbank and La Canada Flintridge, and at <>.

Announcements during the review process for Modification #1 were released to legal noticepages of the Burbank Leader, Glendale News Press and La Canada Valley Sun only, due to thegenerally technical nature of this Modification and because all comments received during theinitial reView phase were received only from parties who have access to these three outlets.Additionally, during the period from September 6 to September 28, 2000 Modification #1 wasavailable at the VWDA Office in Glendale. For Modification #2 the Public Hearing wasconducted on April 19, 2001 and the plan was available for public review at the VWDA Office inGlendale through May 18, 2001. For Modification #3 notice was posted in the Burbank Leader,Glendale News Press and La Canada Valley Sun for the Public Hearing, which was conductedon August 8, 2002. Plan Modification #3 was available for public review at the VWDA Office inGlendale through September 9, 2002.

For Modification #4 notice was posted in the Burbank Leader, Glendale News Press and LaCanada Valley Sun for the PUblic Hearing, which was conducted on July 17, 2003. PlanModification #4 was available for public review at the VWDA Office in Glendale through August18,2003.

For Modification #5 two Public Hearings were conducted: (1) October 16, 2003, withcomments accepted through November 17, 2003; the focus was upon eligibility for WIADislocated Worker Programs, Selective Service Registration Policy, defining low incomeand economic self-sufficiency, and youth eligibility policies; this early Hearing processwas necessary because these four content adjustments required immediateimplementation during autumn of 2003. (2) April 15, 2004, with written comments onany section of the Plan accepted through May 17, 2004. Each Public Hearing wasposted in advance in the Burbank Leader, Glendale News Press and La Canada ValleySun. Copies of the Plan Modification #5 were available upon request via email, andhard copies were available at the VWDA Office during each Hearing period.

In addition, for Modification #5, discussions and actions at three meetings of the YouthCouncil influenced a change in the Plan. As required, these meetings were posted inaccordance with the Brown Act. These meetings were on March 31 st and on May 5th of2004, the latter date within the Public Hearing period.

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The least intensive fonn of intervention needed for a job seeker to obtain employment will bedelivered.

All core services:• Must be available.• Must be provided through the one-stop delivery system.• May be provided by the one-stop center operator or through service contracts.• May be provided to customers in a group setting and/or one-an-one.

An individual must receive at least one core service before receiving any intensive services(determined on a case by case basis).

The proportion of core services requiring staff assistance for customens can be adjusted as thecapacity of automated systems for delivery of core services is increased.

All intensive services:• Must be available.• Must be provided through the one-stop delivery system.• May be provided by the one-stop center operator or through service contracts.• May be provided in a group setting or one-an-one.

Adults and dislocated workers who are otherwse eligible for WIA services may receiveintensive services if they:• Are unemployed and

- have received at least one core service, but are still unable to find a job- are detennined to be in need of more intensive service.

• Are employed and- have received at least one core service- are detennined to be in need of more intensive service to obtain or retain employment

that leads to self-sufficiency.

Related to dislocated workens, standard criteria for enrollment into WIA services are clarified bythe Verdugo Workforce Investment Board as follows:• Demonstrate a sufficient attachment to the worfiforce, defined as having worked at least

forty-five days within the past twelve months.• Be unlike/y to return to the previous occupation or industry, defined as:

(1) worked in a declining industry/occupation, as documented on State or locally­developed lists of such industries/occupations; or

(2) has had a lack of job offens as documented by the local Job Service/UnemploymentInsurance (Ul) office, or other documentation of unsuccessful efforts to obtainemployment in the prior industry/occupation; or

(3) worked in an industry/occupation job for which there are limited job orders in the EDDCalJOBS system at the time of eligibility detennination; or

(4) is insufficiently educated and/or does not have the necessary skills for reentry into thefanner industry/occupation; or

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(5) has physical or other problems, which would preclude reentry into the formerindustry/occupation; or

(6) worked in precarious contract or intermittent employment that is sporadic,unpredictable and does not result in a self-sufficient wage, and to become anemployee in the field (fUll-time or contract) able to earn a self-sufficient wage, a skillsupgrade or certification is required. Examples include but are not limited to jobs inentertainment, substitute teaching without a credential, and real estate.

• Dislocation occurred as a result of a substantial layoff, defined as one which affects at leastfifty employees who worked twenty or more hours per week, or (for smaller businesses)comprise at least one third of the lay-off employer's local workforce.

• Demonstrate difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment, defined as(1) can validate active involvement in job search within the last sixty days without any job

offers, or(2) can confirm that they are underemployed: they are not earning a self-sufficient wage,

or they have been unable to advance in employment, or are working part time butdesire full time employment, or are working in employment not commensurate with theirdemonstrated level of educational attainment.

• Document that they are not self-sufficient (Section V.I. of this Plan for definition),• Satisfy the Verdugo Workforce Investment Board Selective Service Registration Policy,

which is: "Male applicants to any Verdugo WIA program who are over age 26 and whoknowingly or willfully failed to register for the Selective Service System (SSS) will be deniedenrollment. Male applicants over age 26 will be questioned as to whether they knew aboutthe SSS requirement. Those who did not register must verify their reasons, whether (a)they knew and claim a good reason for not registering, or (b) did not know and can providegood reasons why they did not know. Verifications from third parties are preferred; a writtenself-certification statement will be the minimum evidence acceptable. Verdugo intake staffwill apply a "reasonable person standard" for enrollment approval. Each case must bereviewed by the eligibility supervisor before enrollment in adult or dislocated workerservices is approved. If denied enrollment because his failure to register for the SSS wasdetermined to be knOWing and willful, the applicant may pursue the standard grievanceprocedure."

Youth who meet established youth criteria and priorities may receive intensive services.

An individual must receive at least one intensive service before receiving any job training(determined on a case by case basis).

All training services:• Are optional, provided that some training service is made available.• May be provided through the one-stop service delivery system.• Must be selected from a VWIB-approved list of training proViders (vendors),

unless on-the-job or customized training.• May be provided through vouchers, or in special cases through service contracts.• May be provided in a group setting or one-on-one.

Training will be the service of last resort, Training services may be available when the work­first strategy is ineffective or an incumbent worker needs upgrade. The VWIB will targetavailable fund proportions annually for off-the-shelf vendor training and for on-the-job trainingand/or customized training. Due to limited training funds, emphasis will be placed uponcertificate and other proQrams offered in public educational agencies versus private vendors.

Page 6 of 20 VERDUGO CONSORTIUM--WIA PLAN MOD #5 Rev, 7/1/04

Adutts and dislocated may receive training if they:• Have the skills and qualifications to successfully participate in the selected training program• Select a training program directly linked to local employment opportunities• Are unable to obtain grant assistance (such as a Pell Grant) or they need more assistance

than is covered by the grant• Are unemployed and

- have received at least one core and one intensive service and are unable to find a job- a case can be made that without training they will not achieve economic self-

sufficiency.• Are employed and

- have received at least one core and one intensive service- are determined to be in need of training to obtain or retain employment that leads to

self-sufficiency, or who need training to meet specific local employer demand whereskilled workers are now unavailable

- the VWIB approves incumbent worker training to meet special needs of localemployers.

Youth may receive training if they meet established youth criteria and priorities. Youth 18-21who need classroom occupational skills training will be enrolled in the adult program, aspermitted under WIA.

An individual must receive at least one intensive service before receiving any job training(determined on a case by case basis)

When considering training, it is important to identify the priority customer:• An individual seeking a job who cannot find work without training, or• An individual who is deemed unable or unlikely to achieve self-sufficiency (see Section V.1.

of this Plan for definition) without training, or• An incumbent (employed) worker who needs training to obtain or retain employment that

leads to self-sufficiency, or who needs training to meet specific local employer demandwhere skilled workers are now unavailable, or

• One or more local employers, whose ability to hire and retain qualified workers affects localeconomic development or economic vitality for the region; when this is the prioritycustomer, individuals to receive training mayor may not have low incomes.

V.F'. Wharis yOur plan .for administering IhdividualTraining Accounts (IfAs} as defined irl WIA,SectfQ"n 134(d}(4)(G}, ihcluQing any Iimitati6r1s yO!J plan to ih1pos~ or! JTAsestclbliShed 1nydUrlQcal area.

The planned per capita average training costs for adults, dislocated workers and olderyouth (who are co-enrolled in the WIA youth program) will be $5,500. Any trainingprogram which exceeds $9,999 must be approved on an individual case basis by theVWIB or a designated WVIB Committee. Where a cost differential exists between twoor more programs that are ostensibly the same, the scholarship award will be for thelesser training price. Due to limited training funds, emphasis will be placed uponcertificate and other programs offered in public educational agencies versus privatevendors. . •..

Page 70f20 VERDUGO CONSORTIUM--WIA PLAN MOD #5 Rev. 7/1/04

V.I. yYh~naIlQC<!teda~Ult fynd§.are •limited,·whatcriteriawiHY9~ Us~jl'1d~tel1'liinif1QPri9rlty of.§~rvice ..toensur~recipieI1tSof· ~blicassi~anceand().thElrlow~incqmeir:)c\ivi®arSfQr "intem.ivean(j tniiningservices? [V\I1Asectiol)~t34(d)(4j(I:i,);1113(l;l)(4)1 " ".

With limited funding, intensive services and corresponding training services are to bedelivered in priority order to (1) recipients of public assistance and (2) other low-incomeindividuals.

When special Welfare-to-Work program funding is available as a separate financialresource, service from this source will be the first priority for recipients of publicassistance releasing altemate resources such as WIA funding for direction to othercustomers prioritized for service.

Within the Verdugo Workforce Investment Area low-income shall be defined asmeeting either 70% of the Lower Uving Standard Income Level (LLSIL) or having anincome that falls below the most recent California Self-Sufficiency Sfandarc:l (developedby Wider Opportunities for Women with the University of Washington). This definitionshall be applied to the existing VWIS policy that 60% of those enrolled in WIA adultprograms should be low-income persons. Also, the Standard shall be used as a factorfor determining which adult and dislocated worker applicants to WIA programs shall becertified eligible and shall receive priority for services that are not universally available.

VIA D.escribe your lOcal area's efforts to consinJct}i1)'()uth counCil,ai:Jd what l;he ~role(sy.of ttle YoOthCouncil will be: ~A, S~Oli 111(h)(1)(2)(3),(4)1 ".' '," .."... ". ..... "

On March 31, 2004, at a joint meeting of the Verdugo Youth Workforce Council (the VWIB­appointed Youth Council in compliance with WIA) and the Verdugo School-to-Career Coalitionreorganization through merger was approved by unanimous vote.

The name Verdugo School-la-Career Coalition (VSTCC) was retained, because it is betterknown in the Verdugo region, particularly among the business community. On May 5, 2004,the meeting agenda of the joined VYlNC and VSTCC worked on aligning the vision andmission statements. On June 9, 2004, the new vision, mission and goal statements wereapproved by unanimous vote. (For more information, see minutes of these meetings.)

The reorganized VSTCC includes all VWIB-appointed Verdugo Youth Workforce Council(VYWC) members, along with VSTCC members. A number of these persons are the sameindividuals, which was a significant motivation for the reorganization. The reorganized VSTCCwill meet all WIA technical requirements for a WIB-appointed Youth Council.

Until April 1, 20OS, meetings will be co-chaired by the VYWC Chair and the VSTCC Chair, bothof whom are official VWIB members. In March or April 2005, a single Chair will be elected.

The following statement was approved on June 9, 2004 to describe the role of the VSTCC:


VERDUGO SCHOOL-TO-CAREER COALITIONIncluding Verdugo Youth Workforce Council


Part of a network of youth councils in California participating in the followingstatewide vision:

All Youth - One System

MISSIONThe mission of the Verdugo School-to-Career Coalition is to foster communitycollaborations among Verdugo area schools, youth service organizations andbusiness as partners for planning policy, programs and support services thatrespond to changing workforce needs.

GOALS• Graduates will be engaged in additional education or meaningful employment of

their choice within six months of graduation, prepared for the changing nature ofwork. By enabling all students to achieve at their highest academic potential anddemonstrate workplace competencies, all students will be able to compete for high­wage, high-skilled jobs in the global marketplace.

• Our collaborative educational network of students, teachers, parents, businessmentors, community, and supportive partnerships will ensure that students utilizecutting-edge technology, made available by school and community resources,throughout all strands of the curriculum.

• The experiences we provide students will enable them to see the relationshipbetween satisfying employment and lifelong learning.

• As needed, the Verdugo School-te-Career Coalition will serve as a committee ofthe Verdugo Workforce Investment Board (WIBj to meet the Workforce InvestmentAct mandate that the WIB appoint a youth council.


Initiatives retained from plans of the former VYWC since its inception in 2000include:

For both Out-of-School and In-School Youth:

Ongoing gap analysis:Do schools and other partners perform some WIA-required youth services, and are thesecoordinated effectively with WIA-funded services so that WIA legal requirements are met?

City officials awareness:Presentations to Verdugo Consortium City Councils may be necessary to alert elected officialsto youth employment issues, particularly limited funding for summer youth programs.

Performance requirements:Additional local standards above WIA requirements may be established as needed.

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Program activity priorities:Proposals for any allowable youth activity will be solicited. Priorities will not be described, buteach bidder will be required to identify how each required youth program element will be madeavailable, even if their agency will not provide it. Collaboration will be a priority for VSTCCfunding recommendations. Program options supported by programs in schools or othersources and other leveraged services to augment any WIA Title I funds will be a priority forVSTCC funding recommendations.

For Out-of-School Youth (OSY):

Outcomes:Job placement with plan for career development OR completion of secondary educationthrough school or GED OR enrollment in postsecondary education OR enlistment inmilitary OR [other to be determined by VSTCCj.

Youth to target.Youth 18+ are allowed in adult programs. Eligible high school graduates may be served. At­risk youth and youth with barriers to employment will be targeted.

Cost per client served:No price limit will be set before we solicit proposals.

Support services:Level of support must be driven by target population needs and by cost ceilings. To the extentfeasible, support will be leveraged from other agencies first before using WIA Titie I funds.

Program activity for OSYs:Work experience will be offered. Unpaid will be the priority, but paid will be available to theextent WIA or other funds are available. OSYs 18 to 21 who need classroom training will beenrolled in a WIA Title I adult program.

For In-School Youth (ISYJ:

Outcomes:Job placement with plan for career development OR completion of secondary educationthrough school or GED OR enrollment in postsecondary education OR eniistment in militaryOR [other to be determined by VSTCC].

Youth to target:Youth 16 to 18 will be targeted. Service to youth 14 and 15 will be allowed.

Cost per client served:No price limit will be set before we solicit proposals.

Support services:Level of support must be driven by needs of target population and by cost ceilings.

Program activity priorities~

"Group I" ISYS__ .start in summer and focus on follow-up during school year."Group II" ISYs __ .begin prep during school year and corlclude with summer job.

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WIA formula program funding received by Verdugo Workforce Investment Area administeredby City of Glendale impacts the local strategy for comprehensive services to eligible youth.

As allowed, 10% of total formula funds available will be reserved for administrative costs,leaving 90% for program expenses.

Sixty-two percent (62%) of program funding will be reserved for competitively procuredcontractors to provide planned youth services, while twenty-eight (28%) will be reserved forcombined core and intensive services in the one-stop services delivery system. Theseproportions can change if discretionary funds are received, and many efforts will beundertaken to enrich the resources available. At minimum thirty percent (30%) of total fundswill be spent for out-of-school youth as required. Based upon actual population requirementsin the Verdugo area, should WIA later allow less than a thirty percent (30%) minimumexpenditure for out-of-school youth, the Verdugo Youth Workforce Council recommendsreducing this proportion.

Required core and intensive youth services in the one-stop service delivery system must beprovided for an unspecified I unlimited number of youth. To the extent that resources can beleveraged for youth in the one-stop service delivery system, more funds will be reserved forcompetitively procured contractors to provide planned youth services.


> Eligible youth are defined as being low income 14-21 years of age and meeting one ormore of the following eligibility requirements:

• Basic literacy skills deficient• High school drop out• Homeless, runaway or foster child• Pregnant or a parent meeting age requirements• An offender• Disabled

(special education students whose families mayor may not meet low income standards)• Require additional assistance to complete an education program,

or to secure and keep a job

Youth who are ages 18-21 can participate in either a youth or an adult program, or in bothconcurrently.

Among low income youth, lInose who are members of families receiving welfare shall receivepriority IF there is no altemative resource through Welfare-to-Work or ollner local programs.

> Out-of-school youth IOSY):

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An eligible youth 14-21 years of age who presents one or more of the followingcharacteristics in addition to meeting any of the eligibility requirements for all youth:

• A high school drop out

• Has received a high school credential but- Is basic skills deficient- Unemployed- Underemployed, which is defined as:

Any out-of-school youth who is currently employed, but earning not more than$8.00 per hour,

orAn individual who is working part time but desires full time employment, or whois working in employment not commensurate with the individual's demonstratedlevel of educational attainment, without regard to current wage.

• Has no work history or minimal work history (excluding subsidized programs).

• When an OSY meets basic eligibility requirements, indicators of need for additionalassistance that further justify enrollment of individual OSYs who are ages 19 to 21into WIA services include:- Have never held a job; or- Have been fired from a job within the 12 months prior to application; or- Have never held a full-time job for more than 13 consecutive weeks.

~ In-school youth (ISY):

An eligible youth 14-21 years of age who is enrolled in the WIA program based upon thejustification that he or she requires additional assistance to complete an educationprogram, must present one or more of the following barriers:

(1) One year over age for grade level; or(2) Have fallen behind on required credits completed and/or for each year of secondary

education have failed to complete credits required to graduate from high school asverified by the school transcript; or

(3) Are emancipated youth; or(4) Have aged out of foster care; or(5) Are court/agency referrals mandating school attendance; or(6) Are deemed at risk of dropping out of schOOl by a school official; or(7) Have been referred to or are being treated by an agency for a substance abuse

related problem; or(8) Have experienced recent traumatic events, are victims of abuse, or reside In an

abusive environment as documented by a school official or other qualifiedprofessional; or

(9) Have serious emotional, medical or psychological problems as documented by aqualified professional; or

(10) Are disabled and/or enroiled in a special education program, including programsin schools as follows:

Burbank Unified School District:FACTS Program (ages 18 to 22)Burbank High School

Page 12 of 20 VERDUGO CONSORTIUM--WIA PLAN MOD #5 Rev. 7/1/04

John Burroughs High SchoolMagnolia Park SchoolMonterey High SchoolOff-Campus Learning Center (OCLC)New Vista Community Day School

Glendale Unified School District:FACTS Program (ages 18 to 22)Crescenta Valley High SchoolGlendale High SchoolHoover High SchoolAllen Daily Continuation High SchoolClark Magnet High SchoolJewel City Community Day SchoolGUSD School Based Program

La Canada Unified School DistrictLa Canada High SchoolFoothills School

Non Public Schools (NPS)Hillside SchoolOptions for YouthLeeway NPSHoskins School; OR

(11) Are referred by Burbank, Glendale or La Canada Flintridge police or fire officers,school officials, medical professionals, church/synagoguefmosque officials, theYMCA, the YWCA, New Horizons, Verdugo Mental Health Cenler, We Care 4Youth, Burbank OutReach Center, Boys and Girls Clubs, Los Angeles CountyProbation Department, Family Services Agencies, the Glen Roberts Child StudyCenter and similar community organizations. Any such referral must state inwriting why the referring adult believes participation of the youth in the WlAprogram will assist the youth to complete his or her education program, and thespecific education program must be identified. With the exception of referralsfrom City of Glendale police or fire officers, employees of the City of Glendale areprohibited from making referrals under this option to avoid any conflict of interest,since the City of Glendale administers WIA funding on behalf of the VerdugoConsortium As necessary, the Glendale City Attorney shall render the finalopinion on conflicts of interest.

(12) Has a total Grade Point Average (GPA) at or above 2.0, but disinterest in schoolandfor other at-risk characteristics are becoming evident based upon a dedine ingrades: or

(13) Has demonstrated academic improvement over time as documented on the lasttwo to four report cards, including either an increase in the total GPA, and/or anyimprovement in Language Arts andfor any improvement in Mathematics: or

(14) Has a GPA below 2.0 and school officials determine that a Work Permit should beapproved because the opportunity to work appears to motivate the student.

• * •

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While the 30% expenditure requirement can be reduced if the number of youth in the area islow and a request is sent to U. S. Department of Labor for approval, this situation does notapply to the Verdugo Consortium.

• ••Youth programs will include: (1) objective assessment of each youth, including a review ofacademic and occupational skiil levels as well as service needs, (2) an individual servicestrategy for each youth participant, including identifying a career goal, and (3) preparation forpostsecondary educational opportunities.

While meeting W1A-required program elements, youth program designs in the VerdugoWorkforce Investment System will not interfere with regular school, and can include objectiveassessment, service strategies, postsecondary prep, linked academic and occupationallearning, prep for work, intermediaries to the job market, and involvement of parents andparticipants.

Unpaid work experience will be widely available. To the extent feasible, paid work experiencewill be provided at the expense of the employer, As feasible, incentives for employers to payyouth wages wili be provided; for example, given an employer contribution to wages, a Citycan serve as employer of record so employers can avoid costs such as workers compensation.In limited cases WIA Title I funds may be used for youth work experience wages. Paid andunpaid work experience will be coordinated with academic and occupational learning, and mayinclude internships and job shadowing.


The VWIB will utilize the WIA-allowed 5% window to serve youth over the income guidelineswho are:

• Drop outs• Basic skiils deficient, including need for ESL• One year over age for grade• Pregnant or parenting• Disabled• Homeless or runaway• Require additional assistance to complete an education program, or to secure

and keep a job.

When youth are enrolled in the WIA program through the 5% window based upon thejustification that they require additional assistance to complete an education program or tosecure and keep a job, they must present one or more of the following barriers:

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(1) One year over age for grade level; or(2) Have fallen behind on required credits completed and/or for each year of secondary

education have failed to complete credits required to graduate from high school asverified by the school transcript; or

(3) Are emancipated youth; or(4) Have aged out of foster care; or(5) Are court/agency referrals mandating school attendance; or(6) Are deemed at risk of dropping out of school by a school official; or(7) Have been referred to or are being treated by an agency for a substance abuse

related problem: or(8) Have experienced recent traumatic events, are victims of abuse, or reside in an

abusive environment as documented by a school official or other qualifiedprofessional; or

(9) Have serious emotional, medical or psychological problems as documented by aqualified professional; or

(10) Are disabled and/or enrolled in a special education program in schools, includingprograms in schools as follows:

BUrbank Unified School District:FACTS Program (ages 18 to 22)Burbank High SchoolJohn Burroughs High SchoolMagnolia Park SchoolMonterey High SchoolOff-Campus Learning Center (OCLC)New Vista Community Day School

Glendale Unified School District:FACTS Program (ages 18 to 22)Crescenta Valley High SchoolGlendale High SchoolHoover High SchoolAllen Daily Continuation High SchoolClark Magnet High SchoolJewel City Community Day SchoolGUSD School Based Program

La Canada Unified School DistrictLa Canada High SchoolFoothills School

Non Public Schools (NPS)Hillside SchoolOptions for YouthLeeway NPSHoskins School; OR

(11) Are referred by Burbank, Glendale or La Canada Flintridge police or fire officers,school officials, medical professionals, church/synagogue/mosque officials, theYMCA, the YWCA, New Horizons, Verdugo Mental Health Center, We Care 4Youth, Burbank OutReach Center, Boys and Girls Clubs, Los Angeles CountyProbation Department, Family Services Agencies, the Glen Roberts Child StUdyCenter and similar community organizations. Any such referral must state inwriting why the referring adult believes participation of the youth in the WIAprogram will assist the youth to complete his or her education ro ram, and the

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specific education program must be identified. With the exception of referralsfrom City of Glendale police or fire officers, employees of the City of Glendale areprohibited from making referrals under this option to avoid any conflict of interest,since the City of Glendale administers WIA funding on behalf of the VerdugoConsortium. As necessary, the Glendale City Attorney shall render the finalopinion on conflicts of interest; or

(12) Has a total Grade Point Average (GPA) at or above 2.0, but disinterest in schoolandlor other at-risk characteristics are becoming evident based upon a decline ingrades; or

(13) Has demonstrated academic improvement over time as documented on the lasttwo to four report cards, including either an increase in the total GPA, andlor anyimprovement in Language Arts andlor any improvement in Mathematics; or

(14) Has a GPA below 2.0 and school officials determine that a Work Permit should beapproved because the opportunity to work appears to motivate the student.

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Plan Modification #5PY 2004-2005



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May 4, 2004

Stewart Knox, AdministratorVerdugo Workforce Development Administration

Sandra Burton GreensteinVerdugo Workforce Development Administration

Modification #52004-2005 Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Planof theVerdugo Workforce Investment Board (VWIB)

I. In my role as staffperson performing a great deal of the technical work necessaryto prepare Modification #5, regarding the State template title for the section-­"Public Comments of Disagreement" with Modification #5--1 believe it is fair tosay that comments were not really in "disagreement", but rather commentsprovided input and guidance that were later reflected in Modification #5. Suchcomments and notations are included in Attachment A to indicate publicparticipation in development ofModividation #5.

2. In my role as staffjJerson to the VWIB's WIA-mandated youth counci~ pleasenote the following additional information about community participation inreorganization of the Verdugo Youth Workforce Council (plan Mod #5 §VI.):

For details on discussions, including very specific input noting who was speaking,please see meetings of the Verdugo Youth Workforce Council & VerdugoSchool-to-Career Coalition for ofMarch 31", May 5th and June 9th of2004.

Records of the VWIB Executive Committee and of full VWIB meetings duringthis period will document that VWlB was aware of actions to merge VerdugoYouth Workforce Council with Verdugo School-to-Career Coalition.





l.VLE1V.IOMay 4, 2004

Stewart Knox, AdministratorVerdugo Workforce Development Administration

Armineh Hoonanian-Dilanian, Administrative AnalystVerdugo Workforce Development Administration

Modification #52004-2005 Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Planof theVerdugo Workforce Investment Board (VWIB)

Please note that due to the lower funding allocation ($30,000 less) for PY 2004-2005 thetotal of number of Out-of-School Youth served will be thirty-three (33) instead of forty­eight (48).

Thank you.


On the following pages please find comments received onYouth Eligibility Policies Drafts 3 and 4. When completedthis document will become part of our Local Area WIAPlan, Modification #5.

In addition to the comments on following pages, input wasreceived as follows:

1) Telephone call from Mike Seaton of GUSD correctingan error in Draft 3 relative to 2.0 GPA cut-off originallyindicated for eligibility. The State Education Codedoes not require a 2.0 GPA in order for school districtsto issue Work Permits. Corrections were madeaccordingly in Draft 4.

2) At the October meeting of the full VWIB, member LinaHarper clarified several issues during the PublicHearing. Record of her comments appear in theminutes of that meeting. This input was incorporatedinto Draft 5 subject to Mrs. Harper's verification ofaccuracy at the Verdugo Youth Workforce Councilmeeting of October 30, 2003.

- Original Message -

From: WeCare4Uth@aol.comSent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 11 :34 AMSubject: Re: 10130 Meeting Prep

Hi Sandral Thanks for the email. No one from WCFY is able to attend as we arehosting the last day of project in Burbank. However, I would like my commentsincluded in the discussion if possible. I have not received the hard copy socannot address most of what is listed here.

You should have received a hard-copy mailing containing the Youth Eligibility Policyitem the Council must address on October 30th. GUSD follow-ed up with somesuggestions for revision, particularly noting that there is no 2.0 GPA cut-off in the StateEducation Code for approval of a youth Work Permit, as the Draft 3 report stated.

WCFY believes it would be harmful to cut off approval for work pennits tothose with under a 2.0 GPA. While it may appear on some level to be anincentive for youths to improve their grades, there are students that don't'get education' until they begin working. We are happy the district does nothave that exclusion.

In attached Draft 4 old language to be deleted is shown by strike-outs and newlanguage is underlined. Revisions appear on page 2 (items 13 & 15), pages 3 &4 (step 1), pages 5 & 6 (item 2 "dots" 1 & 2), page 11 and page 12 (item 15).

J am also eager to receive additional input for page 12 item 11 (names of schoolswith special education programs) and item 12 (additional referral organizations).

Please bring any suggestions or input you have to Thursday's meeting. We mustfinalize the Council's recommendations this Thursday to meet the VWIBschedule. Thanks!

Sandra Greenstein


Other contacts in Verdugo Workforce Development Unit:

818-548-3719 Armineh Hoonanian-Dilanian, Admin. Analyst

818-548-2053 Elly Wilson, Unit Assistant

Sandra Burton Greenstein


Sandra Burton Greenstein <>Friends and Colleagues <>Thursday, October 30,20038:54 AMVEP list

-----Original Message---From: [mailto;VeplOO@aol.comjsent: Thursday, Octooer 23, 2003 2:13 PM

1. Magnolia Park School - Burbank - is a therapeutic and educational prog",m for adolescents who requiremental health setviCes in order to fulfill their academic potential. The program is administered and staffed jointlyby VMH and BUSD. k serves students from Glendale, BUrbank. and La Canada Special Ed Consortium. Allstudents have IEP's, and VMH provides licensed therapists and a psychiatrist.

2. Monterey High School - Burbank - is the continuation high school serving students with special needs,bahavior problems, etc. These mayor may not have IEP's,. Most of these students would benefn fromparticipation in the WJA program.

3. Allen Daly High School - Glendale - same as Monterey High.

4. Communky Day School - Glendale (known as Jewel City) - special eel.. students, probation students, andgeneral behavior problems. VMH therapists, many students have IEP's, but not all. students here have, for themost part, sellere behavioral problems, but not psychotic or as severe as Magnolia Park students.

5. SchOol Based Program - GUSD - VMH therapists are based in particular schools and see stUdents who arehaving emotional or behavioral problems.

6. Glen Roberts Child stUdy Center· VMH therapists may refer patients. Family problems, abUse, drug use,etc.

Let me know if you need addnklnal information.


Sandra Burton Greenstein


Embree, Sommer <>'Sandra Burton Greenstein' <>Wednesday, October 29, 2003 4:14 PMMOD 5 Youth-REV .docMOD 5 Youth-REV

Sandra,The revised version looks really strong.

Attached are my suggestions for items 11 and 12 as you requested.

I agree w~h the new wording on the Work Permit requirements. Our District has been strongly implementingtheir requirement of GPA of 2.0 or above which at first was very detrimental to our programs- where our desire isto provide students with a job because they are failing in school as a method of trying to motivate them to stay inschool! 50,1 am completely on board with the Council's revisions in this area. I appreciate leaving the discretionup to the schoool district Itself. We currently have the Burbank OutReach Cenler waive the GPA requirement forspecific youth in ourdislricl and this has worked very well. Kensures that they have support and are not droppingout of school to work.

The Verdugo Youth Workforce Council should be very proud of the work that you have done! This looks great!

Just a reminder that I cannot attend the meeUng tomorrow. I look forward to receiving a report from LindaLindley regarding the revisions and the success of tomorrow's meeting!

Sommer EmbreeCity of Burbank(818) 238-5324

(10) Have serious emotional, medical or psychological problems as documentedby a qualified professional; OR

(11) Are disabled and/or enrolled in a special education program in schools,including programs in schools such as [ NEED NAMES I spoke with

?Workability and they are providing you with the information on namesof programs on their own already. I wanted to be sure that CommunityDay School- New Vista was also included.]; OR

(12) Are referred by the Burbank, Glendale or La Canada Flintridge police or fireofficers, school officials, medical professionals, church/synagogue/mosqueofficials, the YMCA, the YWCA, New Horizons, Verdugo Mental Health

~Center, or [ ANY OTHERS WE WANT TO LIST? The Burbank OutReachCenter, the Boys and Girls Club, County Probation Department, (Whatabout Family Services Agency? They provide counseling services)]Any such referral must state in writing lNhy the referring adult believesparticipation of the youth in the WIA program will assist the youth tocomplete his or her education program, and the specific education programmust be identified. Employees of the City of Glendale are prohibited frommaking referrals under this option.

FOOTHILL SELPAWORKABILITY I PROGRAMPhone (818) 246-1219Fax (818)246-3537

MemoTo: Sandra Burton Greenstein

From: Ken Chambers, WorkAbility I Coordinator

cc: Sherri Mudd, Linda Lindley

Date: 10/23/03

Re: Youth Eligiblity Policies (Draft)

Concerning the new youth elgibility policies, I have noted page2, items 11 and 12, as areas that we can contribute informationto.

I have attached a list of schools that can be listed under Item11.

For item 12, the Foothill SELPA WorkAbility I Program shouldbe listed.

• Page 1

Schools that should be listed on page 2, under item 11:

Burbank Unified School DistrictBurbank High SchoolJohn Burroughs High SchoolMagnolia Park SchoolMontereyOff-Campus Learning Center (OCLC)

Glendale Unified School DistrictCrescenta Valley High SchoolGlendale High SchoolHoover High SchoolAllen Daily Continuation High SchoolClark Magnate High SchoolJewel City

La Canada Unified School DistrictLa Canada High SchoolFoothills School

Non Public Schools (NPS)Hillside SchoolOptions for YouthLeewayNPSHoskins School

Plan Modification #5PY 2004-2005



For February 2004, the unemployment rate for the Verdugo region stood at 5.0%, with Burbankat 4.2%; Glendale at 5.8%; and La Canada Flintridge at 2.3%. Due mostly to seasonal factors,the Verdugo unemployment rate hit a high of 6.2% in July 2003, its highest rate in many years.Since then, the rate has dropped steadily as the economy has improved during the second halfof 2003 and early 2004. A shrinking workforce nationally, as frustrated workers leave theworkforce, has been another factor in stabilizing or reducing the unemployment rate.

Many of the national economic and workforce trends affecting the nation are having a similareffect on the Verdugo economy. Historically low interest rates have helped boost consumerspending and benefitted industries such as retail, which has a very large presence in theVerdugo region. The low interest rates have also had a positive effect on industry such asconstruction and finance as homebuilding and mortgage financing have surged in the past year.Verdugo has a very large mortgage, banking and finance sector.

Most of the region's large entertainment industry has been under pressure as the industry copeswith major consolidations and takeovers. The local music industry has been hit particularlyhard by recent buyouts and technology advancements, which has impacted the size of the localworkforce. The animation indUStry, one of the largest in the world, continues to cope withforeign contracting and major technology changes. The feature films area, an importantsegment to Verdugo with companies such as Disney Studios and Warner Brothers, continues itsfall as runaway production and cable industry consolidations weigh on the availability of localproduction work.

Local manufacturing, which has shrunk dramatically for many years, continues to fall. The latestdrag on many local manufacturers is competition from low-cost China. In recent years, Chinahas improved the quality of their materials and products, making them more competitive withU.S. manufacturers.

Health care, a major industry in Verdugo with four major medical centers, is expected to growfar into the future as Verudgo's large baby boomer population ages.

Future areas of concern include state and local government downsizing as the state attempts todigest its massive budget deficit.

Historically, the Verdugo region has followed the trend of the national economy. That trend isexpected to continue in 2004. Most economists project continuing growth in 2004 for the US.economy as it continues to benefit from the effects of tax cuts and low interest rates.

Page 18 of 20 VERDUGO CONSORTIUM--WIA PLAN MOD #5 Rev. 7/1/04

Plan Modification #5PY 2004-2005

Workforce Investment ActFinal Performance Levels (1)




py py py py py2000101 2001/02 2002/03 2003104 2004105

Adult 66% 68% 66.34% 72% 75.2%Entered Employment RateAdult 74% 76% 76.62% 81% 82%Emolovment Retention RateAdult Earning Gain $3,500 $3,600 $3,618 $3,400 $3,450

Adult 40% 50% 60% 50% 50%Emplovment and Credential RateDislocated Worker 6B% 69% 66.07% 79% 79.5%Entered Employment RateDislocated Worker 81% 83% 78.7% 88% BB%Employment Retention RateDislocated Worker 85% 86% 85% 96% 96%WaCle Replacement RateDislocated Worker 40% 42% 45% 58% 5B%Emplovment and Credential RateOlder Youth 55% 56% 56.79% 66% 68.9%Entered Employment RateOlder Youth 70% 72% 72.28% 76.5% 78.6%Employment Retention RateOlder Youth Earning Gain $2.500 $2,600 $2,677 $3,000 $3,560

Older Youth 36% 42% 45% 30% 30%Employment and Credential RateYounger Youth 65% 70% 75% 76% 78.9%Skill Attainment RateYounger Youth 40% 42% 45% 55% 56.4%Dioloma or Eauivalent RateYounger Youth 40% 42% 45% 53% 55%Retention RateParticipant 66% 67% 68% 75% 75%Customer Satisfaction IndexEmployer 64% 65% 66% 75% 75%Customer Satisfaction Index

111 Goals for Program Years 2001/02 and 2002/03may have been renegotiated with the Department of Labor.

Page 19 of 20 VERDUGO CONSORTIUM--WIA PLAN MOD #5 ReY.7/1/04

Verdugo Workforce Investment Area




Participant Service Plan


Page 20 of 20 VERDUGO CONSORTIUM--WIA PLAN MOO #5 Rev. 7/1/04

[J Fifth·Year Local Plan Modificalion PY 2004.lJSo Modification # LWIA: Verdu~o Consortium, City of Glendale

Dale: 711/2004

TITLE 18 BUDGET PLAN SUMMARY (Adult or Dislocated Worker)WIA 118; 20 CFR 661.350(a)(13)

PROGRAM TYPE for PY 2004, beginning 07/01/04 through 06130105[J Grant Code 201/202/2031204 WIA IB·Adult

o Grant Code 501/5021503/504 WIA IB·Dislocated Worker


eli. J OS:i!i ilEQORPro ram Services (sum of Lines 6A through 6E)A. Core Self ServicesB. Core Re istration ServicesC. Intensive ServicesD. Trainin ServicesE. OtherAdministration (Line 5 minus 6TOTAL (Lines 6 plus 7

,K "Se tember 2003December 2003

11. March 200412. June 200413. Se tember 200414. December 200415. March 200516. June 200517. Se tember 200518. December 200519. March 200620. June 2006

~'ps:t ~ Pc \ Neei' 'ID,21. % for Administration Expenditures (Line 7/Line 8)

R485318 Sub rant2003




R588764 Su rant2004




Hoa Nelson, Com. Dev. SupervisorContact Person, Title


(818) 548-2053Telephone Number

7/112004Date Prepared

NOTE: Final Rule 667.160, What Reallocation Procedures Must the Governors Use, discusses local areaobligation rates, recaoture, and reallocation. Also see Directive WIAD01-10.

Title IS Budget Plan Summary (AdUlt or Dislocated Wor1<er)Forms Supplement

FWIAD03-14D ADULT 6104

[2] Fifth-Year Local Plan Modification PY 2004·05o Modification # LWIA: Verdugo Consortium, City of Glendale

Date: 7/1/2004

TITLE 18 BUDGET PLAN SUMMARY (Adult or Dislocated Worker)WIA 118; 20 CFR 661.350(a)(13)

PROGRAM TYPE for PY 2004, beginning 07101/04 through 06/30/05o Granl Code 201/202/203/204 WIA IS-Adult

[2] Grant Code 501/50215031504 WIA IB-Dislocated Worker

20. June 2006


R588764 Subgrant

657,902 670,570

592,112 603,513127,896 120,703191,845 181,054213,160 241,405

59,211 60,351

65,790 67,057657,902 670,570




R485318 SUb rant

A. Core Self Services

December 2003

8, TOTAL (Lines 6 plus 7)

E. Other

Iff ,E,Se tember 2003


D. Trainin Services

7.. Administration (Line 5 minus 6)


'U;'"E)~CA:rEGO f'Pro ram Services (sum of Lines 6A through BE)


C. Intensive ServicesB. Core Re islration Services


12, June 200411. March 2004

13. Se lember 2004

15. March 200514. December 2004

16. June 2005

18. December 200517. Se tember 2005

19. March 2006

Hoa Nelson, Com. Dev. SupervisorContact Person, Title

(818) 548-2053Telephone Number

7/1/2004Date Prepared

Comments'NOTE: Final Rule 667.160, What Reallocation Procedures Must the Governors Use, discusses local areaobliqation rates, recapture, and reallocation. Also see Directive WIAD01-10.

Title jB Budget Plan Summary (Adult or Dislocated Worker)Fonns Supplement


[7] Fifth-Year Local Plan Modification PY 2004-05o Modification # LWIA: VerduQo Consortium, Citv of Glendale

Date: 4/1/2004

TITLE IB BUDGET PLAN SUMMARY (Youth)WIA 118; 20 CFR 661.350(a)(13)

PROGRAM TYPE for PY 2004, beginning 04/01/04 through 06/30/05[7] Grant Code 301/303/304 WIA IB-Youth


UAR.'8. June 20039. Se tember 200310. December 200311. March 200412, June 200413. Se tember 200414. December 200415. March 200516. June 200517. Se tember 200518. December 200519. March 200620. June 2006

Q :021, % for Administration Expenditures (Line 6/Line 7)

R485318 Sub rant2003




R568764 Subgrant2004





Hoa Nelson, Com, Dev. SupervisorConfact Person, Title


(818) 548·2053Telephone Number

4/1/2004Date Prepared

NOTE: Final Rule 667.160, What Reallocation Procedures Mustlhe Governors Use, discusses iDeal areaobligation rales, recapture, and reallocation. Also see Directive WIAD01-10.

Title 18 Budget Plan Summary (Youth)Forms SupplementFWIAD03-14E YOUTH 6/04

D Fifth-Year Local Plan Modification PY 2004-05D Modification #


Plan the number of individuals that are in each category.

EXITS 'US·11 . Entered Employment

11 A. Training-related11 B. Entered Postsecondary/Advanced/Credential Program12. Remained with Layoff Employer13. Entered Military Service14. Entered Advanced Training15. Entered Postseconda Education16. Entered Apprenticeshi Program17. Attained High School Diploma/GED18. Returned to Seconda School19. Exited for Other Reasons

LWIA: Verdugo ConsortiumDate: 7/1/2004


7/1/04Hoa Nelson, Com. Dev.SupervisorContact Person, Title


Title IB Participant Plan SummaryForms Supplement


Tel: (818) 548-2053

Page 1 of 1

Telephone Date Prepared


Partner MODs and Cost Sharing Documents

D.l MOD Verdugo Workforce Investment Board and One-Stop Partners

D.2 MOD Verdugo Workforce Investment Board and Verdugo JobsCenter

D.3 State Department ofRehabilitation

D.4 Sublease with Employment Development Department

D.5 Professional Services Agreement with Armenian Relief Society

D.6 Professional Services Agreement with Armenian Relief Society­Evangelical Social Services

D.7 Professional Services Agreement with Economic & EmploymentDevelopment Center

D.8 Sublease with Glendale Community College

D.9 Data Collection MOD with Glendale Community College

D.IO Sublease with Housing Section 8

D.ll Housing Development Preservation Space Agreement

D.12 Los Angeles County ofEducation GAIN/GROW Contract

D.13 Oxman College MOD

D.14 Sublease with Community Development Block Grant

D.IS MOD with Community Development Block Grant

----'I)ij) Employment'"-i I I Development... Department

State of California

Workforce Investment ActStrategic Five-Year Local PlanModification 4, Program Year 2003-04

For the Local Workforce Investment Area:

Verdugo Consortium(Cities of Burbank. Glendale and LaCaiiada Flintridge)



Workforce Investment ActStrategic Five-Year Local Plan

Modification #4


Background for Local Verdugo Consortium Readers of the Draft Plan 3

Executive Summary .4

I. Plan Development Process 6

II. Local Vision and Goals 8

III. Labor Market Analysis 12

IV. Leadership 15

V. Local One-Stop Service Delivery System.......... .. 18

VI. Youth Activities 39

VII. Administrative Requirements .48

VIII. Assurances 53

Program Administration Designees and Plan Signatures 55

Index of Attachments 56


FWIAB99·2 (REV) 8/29/2003 Page 2 of 56 MOD #4 WIA Plan for Verdugo Area


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As of March 2000 the Verdugo Workforce Investment System (VWIS) offered a partlyWIA-compliant one-stop service delivery system strongly positioned to comply with WIAeffective July 2000. This included a well-equipped comprehensive one-stop center---theVerdugo Jobs Center (VJC).

Mandatory partners for VWIS were in place, and seamless operation was a priorityalready underway at VJC, with an action plan to progressively achieve integratedservice delivery. Already, VJC offered a special area for delivery of core services, aswell as resources to provide intensive and training activities.

Economic and workforce investment goals of the Verdugo Workforce Investment Board(VWIB) were developed when the Plan was first submitted in 2000, and these havebeen enriched and refined in the subsequent years. The VWIB's strategic initiativesreflect an established history of local labor market analysis and applied programdesign. We are proud that recently a U.S. Department of Labor representative saidthat the VWIB is the only WIB in the nation that conducts true industry sectordevelopment work.

Additionally, achievement of VWIB's goals will continue to be based upon nearly twentyyears of effective collaboration with key partners, and regular VWIB review andevaluation. Since 2000 VWIB members have identified three specific Board targetactivities and a great deal has been accomplished in each area: (1) oversight-tocreate a quality product at VJC; (2) systems building-to engage in resource mappingfor development of labor market information, to identify community resources and todetermine needs within the community; and (3) community leadership-to brokeroutreach and involve business leaders in illuminating local workforce developmentissues. This focus continues to undegird VWIB priorities and decision-making.

As a result of VWIB direction, in addition to standard WIA activities VJC has conductedsuccessful special programs, including an H1-B Technical Skills Grant forentertainment workers and Project Phoenix for workers affected by 9f11. Presently,VJC is preparing to initiate a Governor's "Tech to Teacher" grant project. Because agreat deal of successful "sectoral" effort has been conducted in the entertainmentindustry, VWIS is now committed to expand its sectoral expertise into other localindustry sectors, such as manufacturing and health care services.

The Verdugo Workforce Investment Area (VWIA) continues to be characterized by asignificant mismatch between many persons seeking workforce devefopmenl servicesend em%vers who need workers with hiqh-lech skifls. A hiqh priority for the VWIB

FWIAB99-2 (REV! 8/29/2003 Page 4 of 56 MOD #4 WIA Plan for Verdugo Area

continues to be exploring new options for addressing this local workforce/employerneed mismatch, so sectoral initiatives will grow in importance in the coming years. Atthe same time commitment to those most in need has been strengthened and will besustained, This commitment is exemplified by the VWIB's study of community needsfor literacy, Adult Basic Education and English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) training;we learned that the are over 14,000 local residents on waiting lists for classes and arecurrently working toward increasing availability of options, since local employers haveexpressed the need for candidates with proficiencies in these fundamental skills,

Workforce investment programs in VWIA will ensure progressive skill building forworkers at every level, Dislocated workers will be guided to advance beyond skill levelsrequired in their former jobs, both to meet new employer needs and to avoidcompetition with entry level workers newly joining the labor market.

Despite the soft economy in recent years" entertainment remains the region's majorindustry cluster, followed by employment services, health care, retail, and metalsmanufacturing. Many motion picture and television workers live and work here, so whenjob growth or losses occur in entertainment, exaggerated economic impact is felt.Although there are continuous lay-offs in this cyclical industry, new technologies aresetting the stage for future long-term growth in entertainment, with local companiesexpected to be prime beneficiaries. The entertainment industry exhibits a great deal ofvolatility: many of the same companies dislocate workers with outdated skills that hirenew workers, but the companies seldom offer job upgrade training for incumbentworkers, and this affects their job security. This rapidly changing economic scenepresents significant analytical and program development challenges for VWIB.Assisting customers---both employers and job seekers---to build incumbent workertraining into long-term personal development or workforce development planningcontinues to be one of VWIB's brokering challenges.

While individualized case management and training were emphasized in the past, WIAemphasizes "work first" and self-help. WIA has placed training as the last resort for VJCcustomers. However, since WIA began in July 2000, VWIB has observed theimportance of find ing methods and resources for assisting customers to accesstraining. Extensive community resource mapping has taken place, and VWIB plans toapply the results of this process to future decisions,

The impact of VWIA programs must continue to extend beyond area boundaries.Residents require preparation for work outside Verdugo Consortium boundaries, andConsortium employers need to hire skilled employees who are not residents.

.The challenge from 2000 to 2005 has been and will continue to be the strategicbalancing of limited resources to impact each level from labor market entry to highskilled fields in technical and other industry sectors. Success will benefit not only directcustomers---employers and job seekers---but also the economic vitality of VerdugoConsortium cities and nei hborin re ions.

FWIAB99-2 (REV) 8/2912003 Page 5 of 56 MOO #4 WIA Plan for Verdugo Area


A. Wttllt wlls the role .ofthe Chief Elec:teo:l Qfficial in developing thepliin? [WIA, Sltction118illSj'

By formal actions of local elected officials in April and in August of 1999, the VerdugoPrivate Industry Council (VPIC) was authorized by the Chief Elected Official to serve asthe Transitional Verdugo Workforce Investment Board (VWIB) until the formal VWIB isappointed. The transitional period will extend no longer than June 30, 2000.

A joint powers agreement has been developed among the cities of Glendale, Burbankand LaCafiada Flintridge establishing the Verdugo Consortium. This agreementdesignates the Arroyo Verdugo Cities Steering Committee, which consists of oneelected official from each of the three cities, to appoint Verdugo Workforce InvestmentBoard members. Input was sought from this group on the development of this plan.

The Verdugo PIC, serving as the Transitional Verdugo Workforce Investment Board,had oversight for development of this plan. To develop the foundation for a draft plan,from April 1999 through early January 2000, a number of informational briefings and agreat deal of preliminary discussion was conducted with local elected officials, withVPIC members, and also with other local leaders perceived as potential VWIBcandidates.

An ongoing planning process included:

• Presentation of labor market and demographic analysis in October 1999 toTransitional VWIB members, followed by a similar presentation to the ArroyoVerdugo Cities Steering Committee.

• Portions of information proposed for inclusion into the WIA five-year plan andestimates for the 2000-2001 WIA program mix were introduced on December 4,1999 to the VPIC Planning Committee. More detail and a first draft were presentedon January 4,2000 to the VPIC Planning Committee.

• input was sought from local groups, such as the Homeless Coalition, YouthCoalition, and participants in local Community Development Block Grant planning.

FWIAB99-2 (REV) 8/29/2003 Page 6 of 56 MOD #4 WIA Plan for Verdugo Area

To prompt further comment, announcements of the availability and/or photocopies ofthe draft plan were sent to local elected officials, the local workforce board and youthcouncil, educators, vocational rehabilitation agencies, service providers, welfareagencies, transportation providers, advocates, representatives of businesses, labor,and community-based organizations. Since the local labor market includes noagriculture, advice was sought from the State about contact with migrant seasonal andfarmworker representatives, .Since no contacts could be identified, the Staterepresentative stated that this would not be necessary. A list of those who were sentspecial invitations to comment is available upon request.

At the Transitional VWIB meeting of February 10, 2000, all comments---positive andcritical---were presented, Where possible, changes in the plan were incorporated.Where not, an explanation as to the reason was prepared. All who commented on thedraft plan in writing were sent a letter explaining the outcome associated with theircomments. See Attachment A, which presents a summary of all comments received,

s~!I,'lo make~opies,sf the.1ocal.j:>lan aV~i'.able throews mlildia an\f"Lhe ll\l:lilrnet. lWlA,Secllon 118(oll

ublic he,..irigs,,0::, , , '.::;' ,<1.(., '

Announcements during the review process for the original Pian were released to legalnotice pages of newspapers (Asbarez, Burbank Leader, Glendale Gazette, GlerldaleNews Press, La Canada Valley Sun, La Opinion, Los Angeles Business Journal, NewArmenia) and to <> (a local website for this area), During the periodfrom January 10th to February 10, 2000, the full plan was available for public review atthe Verdugo Workforce Development Admirlistration (VWDA) Office in Glendale, atlocal public libraries in Glerldale, Burbank and LaCanada Flintridge, and at<>.

Announcements during the review process for Modification #1 were released to legalnotice pages of the Burbarlk Leader, Glendale News Press and La Canada Valley Sunonly, due to the generally technical nature of this Modification and because allcomments received during the initial review phase were received only from parties whohave access to these three outlets. Additionally, during the period from September 6 toSeptember 28, 2000 Modification #1 was available at the VWDA Office in Glendale, ForModification #2 the Public Hearing was conducted on April 19, 2001 and the plan wasavailable for public review at the VWDA Office in Glendale through May 18, 2001. ForModification #3 notice was posted in the Burbank Leader, Glerldale News Press and LaCanada Valley SUrI for the Public Hearing, which was conducted on August 8, 2002.Plan Modificatiorl #3 was available for public review at the VWDA Office in Glendale

I through September 9, 2002, . . . ~

FWIAB99-2 (REV) 8/29/2003 Page 7 of 56 MOD #4 WIA Plan for Verdugo Area

iFor Modification #4 notice was posted in Burbank Leader, Glendale News Press and La '

I Canada Valley Sun for the Public Hearing, which was conducted on July 17, 2003.Plan Modification #4 was available for public review at the VWDA Office in Glendalethrough August 18, 2003.

E" Whato~h~r orga~i1;alions were inVq)v&dir1 the developme~t of \l'e:IOe'llI, ~lar1~ Ho~:\"ere th~Y

Inll>Rlved? " ,.~",::;':r:0~:'L",.;t~$ ,f'et

Verdugo Partners (one-stop system collaborators) participated in discussions prior todevelopment of this plan, with primary focus upon coordination for service delivery.Systematic discussions among Verdu~o Partners took place at meetings in 1999 onJune 29th

, August 26th, September 30 . and November 4th

. These pre-WIA planningmeetings were preceded by preliminary one-stop planning meetings from February1995 through May 1999. While additional agencies have participated intermittently, thekey partners have been EDD, Glendale Community College, State Department ofRehabilitation, Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services (DPSS),Verdugo School-to-Career Coalition and Verdugo Mental Health Center.

~,af i~,.,~qp,~",V,,'.iS.•',iO,,',n, ,f,or Y,,,0,~r,IOCll, ',:r'f!'"O~kfO, r,ee in,vestm,",en,.~, s"ystem",,',',a,'n"dJ

peat !l.t 'Ille en~,(lf the,f~~rpl;nodeoveredl",~ thiS plan?lStat&[VVlf.'hecJilh:117(d)( f)]irJ$QHU;.sRecifi!'qpestiO)J,§,.!tIBt may bE!'lcirl I

The VISion statement adopted for the Verdugo Workforce Investment System byVerdugo Partners on September 30, 1999 is:


To this end our system will:» Focus upon local needs for development of human resources in a way that

contributes to the economic self-sufficiency of individuals as well as toeconomic development in the Verdugo Consortium.

» Assure availability of programs and support services responsive to changingdemographics and economic needs of the community, advances in technologyand working conditions, and skill requirements of employment.

» Establish and strengthen partnerships with local business, labor, governmentand other appropriate public and private agencies to ensure that local jobseekers are prepared to obtain work successfully, to hold employment and toadvance in their chosen careers.

L _ ..--- --------------

FWIAB99..2 (REV) 8129/2003 Page 8 of 56 MOD #4 WIA Plan for Verdugo Area

1. In 'fjve, yeili$Ftll!~~ri~e4l&w your locai').ystem will integrilte:~erVices. [WIA', Section111(d)(1) ~nd Sectlol1118(a11 :ft'" ,;":' '>"'f,;.':;;.

To prepare for consideration of this and other WIA transition questions, in 1998 Verdugo areabusiness, labor and public agency leaders initiated discussions and debate, including VerdugoPartners, Strategic initiatives emerged as a catalyst for taking incremental steps towardintegration of services that will create value to employers and job seekers in the Verdugoeconomy, Each strategy was associated with a 5-year vision,

Visualizing Year 5 in the Verdugo Workforce Investment System (VWIS):

• The ViNIS is fully compliant with WIA's key principles, has attracted adequateresources to the area, and its programs have demonstrated effectiveness atmeeting WIA performance requirements,

• The Verdugo Partners have provided all information and cooperated fully at thelevel necessary to effectively evaluate all WIA-related performance,

• The Verdugo Partners, through leadership of the one-stop operator, haveimplemented (1) an effective system of measuring and responding to customerneeds, and (2) a quality program of continuous improvement.

• Many influential employers and community organizations have joined localworkforce investment partnerships,

• Financial support is established from local business and other organizations forlocal youth services. Youth programs operate effectively and have adequate,sustainable funding and strong community and employer support.

• An integrated system is institutionalized for identifying local labor market demand ina timely manner and mobilizing resources to meet the demand by means ofseamless provision of services by Verdugo Partners across funding streams,

• Needs of local companies for high-skill workers are continuously examined and metthrough strategies to serve the skill development needs of all clients, whether forskill upgrade or to train lower-skill workers to meet employer needs for higher­skilled employees,

• The Verdugo Jobs Center (comprehensive one-stop center) is highly visible andwell-regarded among employers and the community,

• The Verdugo Jobs Center is proficient in providing universal service to diverse localpopulations, including welfare recipients, dislocated workers, low income adultsand youth. and the general job-seeking population, All residents of ViNIA whowant to work can find a job. Resources are leveraged so that ViNIA residents who Icannot find work without training can access training,

FWIAB99-2 (REV) 8/29/2003 Page 9 of 56 MOD #4 WIA Plan for Verdugo Area

• Seamless service delivery for diverse clients is available at all levels, and universalaccess can be achieved both through electronic means and in-person visits toVerdugo Jobs Center or to another one-stop system site.

• Local programs continuously adapt to meet specialized needs of aerospace, high­tech, entertainment and other local industries with high demands for a skilledworkforce.

• The Verdugo Workforce Investment Board is a prominent partner with the localentertainment industry on all key workforce development issues.

• Local programs continuously adapt to overcome new and significant barriers toemployment encountered by lower skilled job seekers, including lack of Englishlanguage skills, unfamiliarity with American work culture, and lack of other basicskills. Increased capacity is achieved through multiagency coordination andresource development for delivery of basic skills, English as a second language,and soft skill instruction to meet customer needs.

• The list of approved occupational skills training vendors is adequately diverse tomeet all local occupational skills training needs.

• On-the-job training continues as a viable option for occupational skills training.

• Training customized to meet needs in one or more growing industry clusters hasbeen implemented at least once,

"~lj~~ahpro ran;.'s and. fundmgl'fri;>',R!'ystil!l"J? IAl'Septlo" 121(b)11)(

Funding streams will include not only WIA Title I, but also Wagner-Peyser; WIA Title IIadult education and literacy; Title I' of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Social SecurityAct section 403(a)(5) as added by section 5001 of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997;Title V of the Older Americans Act; Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied TechnologyEducation Act; Chapter 2 of Title II of the Trade Act of 1974; Community ServicesBlock Grant; Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); other programsencouraged under W1A, Section 12(b)(2) where feasible, and private financial and/orinkind resources to the extent possible.

FWIAB99-2 (REV) 8/29/2003 Page lOaf 56 MOD #4 WIA Plan for Verdugo Area

3. Ty,pi~ally, what infprmation ,and s~rvice!l will be provided and hoW will,cu~tomers ,accessthert1? HQw will till! goal of universal act~ss¥be,.achieved? [20 CF,R Pi'rf:I&!lS2~ al.i:i!nterimFin,ciI1 Rule (Q(A), State Plann/l\g GUidancell.B,Jfull~] ,", Jii~ . o·

f,'}Z{;,.;~\~';i'" , , '" ,

Information will be provided about all services, including any requirements, restrictionsor limitations associated with application or receipt of a service. "Work first"philosophy will be emphasized in all information and services provided. Core,intensive and training services, as defined by WIA, will be provided. Universal accessto information and to most core services can be a'chieved through electronic means.All core services can be accessed through in-person visits to Verdugo Jobs Center orto another Verdugo Partner.

Wagner-Peyser Act programs will support many core services. Althoughunemployment insurance claims can be filed by telephone, any unemployed personwho requests in-person assistance to access unemployment insurance, or to solve aproblem associated with unemployment insurance, will be given in-person assistance.


Youth access to resources will be expanded through development of closer linkagesbetween school-to-career centers and the Verdugo one-stop service delivery system.Improvements will include technology links to schools. Youth orientations to the one­stop system may be conducted at schools or transmitted via video where feasible.

Another important linkage improvement will be with the family counseling programs oflocal police departments. Parents, guardians, and juveniles sent for counseling will beinformed about one-stop services, and referred for specific services as appropriate.In Glendale, each month about 100 youth referred by police participate in a "Youth inLaw" program. Information about the Verdugo one-stop service delivery system will bedisseminated in this forum.

Opportunities for youth to improve skills will be enhanced as local schoolsinstitutionalize high accountability in their programs. This process is already wellunderway in Verdugo Consortium's three unified school districts.

Out-of-school youth will have increasing opportunities to develop technical skillsthrough the local Regional Occupational Program, which is currently developing newinitiatives.'-- ~.

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Active job shadowing and career exploration programs that already exist in localschools will continue to grow. Service learning is another developing resource. Localschools anticipate special grants to promote service learning, which can give youthwork experience in the community to prepare them for the competitive labor market.

Counseling for youth will be leveraged through the schools, the justice system andother community resources.

The Verdugo Private Industry Council initiated development of the local vision and goalstatements, inclUding local business representatives and Verdugo Partners (EDD,Glendale Community College, County Department of Public Social Services, StateDepartment of Rehabilitation, Verdugo Mental Health Center). Representatives oflocal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HUD programs alsoparticipated. Plan development in conjunction with the City of Glendale CDBGprocess was integrated through City of Glendale administration.

Members of the newly formed Verdugo Workforce Investment Board examined andprovided input toward development of the local vision and goals. Additionally, input forlocal vision and goal statements was solicited from the Arroyo Verdugo Cities SteeringCommittee, which consists of one elected official from each of the three cities in theVerdu\10 Consortium, and each Citv Manaqer.

The needs of businesses, job seekers, economic development professionals, andtraining providers in the Verdugo Workforce Investment Area parallel those of theprevious service delivery area under the expiring Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA).WIA enables local analysts to examine some issues not prioritized under JTPA andenables the VWIB to recommend policies to a broader institutional audience ofdecision-makers. To prepare for new responsibilities of VWiB, a needs assessmentwas completed in October 1999 based upon the most recent data available then. Thestudy highlights both the local and regional impact beyond Verdugo Consortiumboundaries of local workforce development and the labor market on both employersand job seekers.


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B. How \lfiU thl' p.eeds O.f~mPIQyers b., determined in YRw~.r.,a?IState'l»lanhib9. Guidan~e IV.B.6.]" c'

Using EDD LMI data, analyses of unemployment and employment by industry will beevaluated to identify patterns of decline and growth. In addition, interviews with localemployers will be conducted to gain the most recent information. Because localworkers travel beyond Verdugo Consortium boundaries to work, needs of selectedemployers outside our boundaries also will be studied.

Standard EDD LMI projections are always inadequate as the sole tool to track localemployer needs, but provide a significant launching point for continual front-line labormarket analysis. A great deal of volatility in the local labor market has beendocumented. Many of the same industries are dislocating workers with outdated skillsthat are hiring new workers. Business demands are such in these industries thatincumbent workers often are not offered training and job security. This rapidlychanging economic scene requires continual labor market analysis.


Local employment opportunities are defined by industry ciusters---groups ofcompanies in the same industry which produce similar products or services andoperate in the same general geographic area. Nine key industry clusters identified inthe Verdugo Consortium include 223 total occupations: (1) medical--49 occupations;(2) administrative and support, including entertainment--46; (3) retail sales, includingautomotive--30; (4) metal-related manufacturing--24; (5) information technology--23occupations; (6) education--18; (7) transportation--15; (8) eating/drinking places--11;and (9) insurance--7 occupations.


Advanced technology skills are greatly needed, yet there is a significant functionalskills level mismatch between many of the persons seeking local workforcedevelopment services and high-tech employers Some technical skills in demand forinformation technology positions include:

Intranet professionals: (internal corporate information dissemination andcommunications): Visual C++, Visual Basics, Visual JAVA, Firewalls, HTML, DelphiClient/Server Suite or Enterra Tools, and OLE custom controls.

Computer software engineers: database design and development withadministration and user-interface development experience: C++, C, JAVA and HTML.

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Internet professionals: design, develop, administer and maintain web sites.Skills in demand: HTML, JAVA, Firewalls, PERL, Visual Basic, Visual C++, and HTTPservers and search engine operations.

All job seekers require soft skills, defined by the U,S. Department of Labor Secretary'sCommission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS), which include threefundamental skill sets and five basic competencies.

SCANS skill sets are'1. BASIC SKILLS: Reads, writes, performs arithmetic and mathematical

operations, listens, and speaks.2, THINKING SKILLS: Thinks creatively, makes decisions, solves problems,

visualizes, knows how to learn, and reasons.3. PERSONAL QUALITIES: Displays responsibility, self-esteem, sociability, self­

management, and integrity and honesty.

SCANS competencies are:1. RESOURCES: Identifies, organizes, plans and allocates resources.2. INTERPERSONAL: Works with others.3. INFORMATION: Acquires and uses information.4. SYSTEMS: Understands complex interrelationships.5, TECHNOLOGY: works with a variety of technologies.

The SCANS system defines five proficiency levels: preparatory, work-ready,intermediate, advanced and specialist. These proficiency levels cross-tabulate withSCANS fundamental skill sets and competencies. At minimum job seeking customersof the Verdugo Workforce Investment System should achieve proficiency at the work­ready level, with the possible exception of selected in-school youth who mayparticipate in preparatory activities.

Future policy development for the Verdugo one-stop services delivery system

While computer-related jobs and skills are an important part of the Verdugo economy,cutting across a wide range of industries, they represent a narrow sector of the overalllabor market and employer base, From a regional economic perspective, economistscite potential labor shortages in industries such as construction and manufacturing.Many workers permanently fled these industries when past jobs evaporated. Localemployers and economies could suffer from labor bottlenecks as these sectorsimprove. If the local one-stop system relies too narrowly on computer training, thesechallenges may not be met quickly enough through current vendor systems

Sustaining training courses in the entertainment industry, so important in the Verdugoeconomy, will be critical. A body of valid courses may not lend themselves to approvalin the State certification system, so the VWIB must identify allowable means to insurethis needed training will be available to customers of the one-stop syste:. ~

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A~ ,'Jf an interim board was responsibleifor developmen._e,;"" '.to/ey.- 0: _ ';;:'-",' _ , _ __--,-,-<-~>:-,,_ -- ,-,'

" authority ,tl? oversee its, im le\llen~ation under I'ne~ ,local wjrkforce inv ' rd?;':,S:;:-~-~i!(: -1 J,e"".. •• _OJ,)

Members of Verdugo Workforce Investment Board (VWIB) were appointed in advanceof submission of this plan, and had an opportunity to influence it Many parts of thisplan were developed over several years in preparation for WIA and the one-stopservice delivery system when new VWIB members were not yet participants in theprocess, After submission of this plan, VWIB members will determine whetherrecommendations for modification are necessary. This process will take place duringthe period from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001.

Members of the Verdugo Workforce Investment Board (VWIB) and the Verdugo YouthWorkforce Council (VYWC) shall abstain from voting on any matter regardingprovision of a service by that member or the entity that he or she represents, and onany matter that would provide financial benefit to that member or a member of his orher family,

The code of conduct for procurement shall comply with ethical standards and practicesprescribed by the California Political Reform Act of 1974 and any other applicablefederal and state provisions. All members of VWIB, members of VYWC, staffemployed at Verdugo Jobs Center or otherwise within the Verdugo WorkforceInvestment System, and employees or agents of the City of Glendale or anyindividuals in a decision-making capacity who are engaged in the award andadministration of WIA funds shall be subject to and bound by certain standards ofconduct which shall govern their performance, None of these persons shall:

• Engage in any activity, including participation in the selection, award oradministration of a subgrant, contract or vendor agreement supported by WIAfunds if a conflict of interest, real or apparent, would be involved, Such a conflictwould arise when: (a) the individual, (b) any member of the individual's immediatefamily, (c) the individual's partner, or (d) an organization which employs or is aboutto employ any of the above, has a financial or other interest in the firm ororganization selected for award,

• Authorize the use of or use for the benefit or advantage of any person, the name,endorsement, services or property of VWIB, a Verdugo Consortium city, or theVerdugo Workforce Investment System, except in conformance with WIA poli~m

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• Accept or seek on behalf of himself or any other person any fi nancial advantage orgain of other than nDminal value Dffered as a result of the volunteer member'sVWIB affiliatiDn;

• Publicly utilize any VWIB affiliation in cDnnectiDn with partisan pDlitics, religiDusmatters or tD take pDsitiDn on any issue which is nDt in cDnformity with the positionof the VWIB;

• Take any action which results in a direct or indirect conflict of interest.

The VWIB anticipates cDmmunicating recommended pDlicies and results of oversightthrough formal presentatiDns to such bDdies as the City CDuncils Df Burbank, Glendaleand LaCanada Flintridge, bDards Df the three unified SChODI districts, and trustees DfGlendale CDmmunity CDllege. The VWIB will prDvide guidance tD Verdugo Partnersrelated to policies and Dversight results.

The VWIB will encDurage Internet and technical skills develDpment throughDut thecommunity so organizatiDns and individuals can connect with the IDcal workfDrceinvestment system

The VWIB views this Plan as a Jiving document. The California Workforce InvestmentBoard was formed concurrently with develDpment of this Plan. Since they may makedecisiDns that will affect IDcal areas, the VWIB will provide opportunities fDr fine-tuningof this Plan for the IDcal wDrkfDrce system in CDncert with decisions Df the Ca lifDrniaWorkforce Investment Board.

The VerdugD WDrkforce Investment Board (VWIB) shares this State visiDn:

• CalifDrnia's workforce investment system will advance the State's role in the globaleconomy, Dffer all Californians opportunities to maximize their employmentpDtential, provide emplDyers with a highly skilled, dynamic wDrkfDrce, and SUPPDrtCalifornia's econDmic grDwth.

The VWIB is committed to the State's strategic gDals stated belDw. VWIB gDals andplans are cDngruent with the State's strategic goals. To assure the local systemcDntributes to achievement of the State's goals, VWIB oversight will include:

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Streamlining Services• Evaluation of service integration among multiple employment and training

programs, including WIA and the Wagner-Peyser Act and the local one-stopservice delivery system.

• Examination of any duplications of effort, providing recommendations forelimination of these to improve services to two customers---the current and futureworkforce and employers who depend on the availability of a competitive, skilledworkforce.

Empowering Individuals• Evaluation of effectiveness in award of Individual Training Accounts, providing

policy guidance to maximize and target this benefit.• Evaluation of service provider performance presented in a form available to

customers, so they can use this information to make choices.• Research that will continuously provide current labor market information and

descriptions of skills demanded by employers.

Universal Access• Review of core decision making and job search tools In the one-stop service

delivery system.• Review of non-discrimination practices.• Review of reasonable accommodations for individuals with special needs.

Increased Accountability• Evaluation of system achievements in job placement, earnings, retention in

unsubsidized employment, skill gains, and occupational/academic credentialsearned. With the expectation that improvements will occur over time, annualimprovement goals will. be established.

• Evaluation of individual service providers and program operators on accountabilitycriteria, with the expectation that performance outcomes will meet requirements.Corrective actions or elimination from the system will result when low performanceor failures occur.

Strong Role for Local Boards and the Private Sector• Evaluate at least annually status of achievements related to the local strategic plan

by each goal and identified steps, remaining removed from front-line operations ofthe local one-stop service delivery system.

• Evaluate overall success of the local workforce investment system, enlisting chieflocal elected officials in partnership with VWIB members and the State, and takingresponsibility through policy guidance.

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i State and Local Flexibility• Evaluate responsiveness of local service delivery systems to the needs of local

employers and individual communities.• Evaluate success at system building and program design so that services meet

local needs, yet take advantage of greater systems developed by the State and/orneighboring Workforce Investment Areas.

Improved Youth Programs• Evaluate linkages among local youth programs of all kinds and academic and

occupational learning opportunities for youth.• Evaluate the system for identifying youth career goal achievement and their

success in the labor market, recommending improvements (1) for gatheringinformation on this topic and (2) for improving performance.

The Verdugo Workforce Investment Board will function to set policy for the VerdugoWorkforce Investment Area. In this role, the VWIB will limit its activities to thosedescribed in the enabling sections of WIA and the implementing federal regulations.Neither the VWIB nor its staff will provide any training services.

Opportunities to participate will be announced through regular posting of notices.Notice of all VWIB meetings will be posted as required by the Brown Act. The postingidentifies a TOO number that persons with disabilities may call should this type ofassistance be needed. Meetings will be conducted in buildings that are accessible inaccordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. VWIB meeting minutes may beposted on Internet, but at minimum will always be available upon request.

A. Descrwelhe:~ne;SloP deliverysY~t~mi!1YOLJr local area. [WIA, S9clbnf18(b)(2)];lnclu~~/~list ofet!le compnihensive One-Stopcenlers li'...d the other service points in YQufarea.:::if'

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1. General

The one-stop delivery system in the Verdugo Workforce Investment Area involvespartners who have collaborated to create a seamless system of service delivery thatwill enhance access to their respective programs and improve long-term employmentoutcomes for their customers.

The Verdugo one-stop service delivery system will ensure the on-going design andmaintenance of a system that enhances the range and quality of workforcedevelopment services that are accessible to individuals seeking assistance.

2. Comprehensive One-Stop Center and other Service Points

The Verdugo Jobs Center (VJC) located on Central Avenue in Glendale is thecomprehensive service location providing all required core services under WIA.

The system may include the following one-stop sites which wili be linkedtechnologicaliy to VJC: Burbank City Annex; Eagle Rock Annex in Los Angeles;Sunland-Tujunga Annex in Los Angeles; and Department of Public Social ServicesAnnex in Glendale and/or Burbank.

3. Youth Services

Youth may receive core, intensive and training services as allowed by WIA. Youthservices wili be competitively procured. One or more youth service providers will beselected as contractor(s). Youth contractors must coordinate with the Verdugo one­stop service delivery system. See §VI.F. regarding youth program elements.

4, Services to be Provided

The partners wili share in provision of the foilowing services:

a. Core Services

(1) Determination of whether individuals are eligible to receive financialassistance under Title I of WIA;

(2) Outreach, intake, and orientation to the information and otherservices available through the one-stop delivery system; includingworker profiling, a process by which EDD identifies unemploymentinsurance recipients in need of special outreach for one-stopservices.

(3) Initial assessment of skilis levels, aptitudes, abilities, and supportiveservice needs;

(4) Job search and placement assistance, and where appropriate career________-=c-=o-=u'-'nco.sel."-in'-"g'-'-; ~

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(5) Provision of employment statistics information, including accurateinformation relating to local, regional, and national labor marketareas;

(6) Provision of program performance information and program costinformation;

(7) Provision of information on how the local area is performing onlocal performance measures and any additional performanceinformation with respect to the local one-stop service deliverysystem;

(8) Provision of accurate information relating to the availability ofsupportive services, including at a minimum child care andtransportation available in the local area, and referral to suchservices as appropriate;

(9) Provision of information regard ing filing claims for unemploymentcompensation;

(10) Assistance in establishing eligibility for-(a) Welfare-to-work activities available in the local area; and(b) Programs of financial aid assistance for training and education

programs that are not funded under WIA and are available inthe local area; and

(11) Follow-up services, including counseling regarding the workplace,for participants in workforce investment activities authorized underTitle I of WIA who are placed in unsubsidized employment, for notless than 12 months after the first day of the employment, asappropriate.

• Core services applicable to the program of each mandatory partner (that are inaddition to the basic labor exchange services provided under Wagner-Peyser) shallbe made available at the Verdugo Jobs Center through (1) co-location of partnerstaff and services, (2) cross-training of VJC staff, (3) specialized Americans withDisabilities Act accommodations or services for populations with disabilities, and(4) appropriate technology.

• Provision of core services to individ uals attributable to a particular partner'sprogram shall be the responsibility of the respective partner. Such responsibilityshall be in proportion to the use of said services by those individuals.

• In addition to core services, access to the other activities and programs providedby one-stop partners shall be provided.

b. Intensive Services(1) Short-term prevocationai services, including development of leaming

skills, communication skills, interviewing skills, punctuality, personalmaintenance skills and professional conduct to prepare individuals forunsubsidized employment or training.

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(2) In-depth interviewing and evaluation to identify employment barriers.(3) Development of individual services strategy.(4) Job club.(5) Literacy and/or English as a second language activities related to

basic workforce readiness.(6) Comprehensive and special assessment (including some diagnostic

testing).(7) Case management in preparation for training.

• Intensive services shall be provided throug h the one-stop service delivery systemby the one-stop operator.

• Eligibility for intensive services shall be based on the following two categories ofadults and dislocated workers:

... Unemployed persons who have received ·at least one core serviceand are unable to obtain employment through core services, and aredetermined to be in need of more intensive services to obtainemployment, and

... Employed persons who have received at least one core service andare determined to be in need of intensive services to obtain or retainemployment that leads to self-sufficiency.

c. Training

(1) ActivitiesAdults and dislocated workers shall receive the following services:(a) On-the-job training(b) Off-the-shelf classroom occupational skills training(c) Incumbent worker training

(2) EligibilityAdults and dislocated workers shall receive training where they:(a) Receive one intensive service(b) Are unable to obtain or retain employment(c) Are in need of training(d) Have skills and qualifications to successfully complete training(e) Select training in high job demand occupations in local area(f) Are unable to otherwise pay for training costs

(exhausted all other financial sources such as Pell grants)

(3) Local priority system for adult servicesPriority for intensive and training services funded with Title I adult

L funds will be given to recipients of public assistance and other low

__ . in_c_o_m_e_in_d_iv_id_ua_l_s_i_n_th_e_lo_c_a_l_a_re_a_. _

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d. Employer services(1) Directory of services.(2) Resource referral services.

(Information on how to access business assistance and incentives)(3) Job applicant data base.

(Facilitates employers to fill openings with job seekers served by Verdugo Partners.)(4) Labor market information.(5) Customized training as needed, with particular support for the

entertainment/multimedia industry cluster,(6) Rapid response and plant closure assistance,

(Prompt service provision for management and workers to be affected by a lay-off,)(7) Economic development. (Information on basic incentives.)

5. Allocations for WIA formula program funding received by Verdugo WorkforceInvestment Area administered by City of Glendale for adults and dislocatedworkers.

As allowed, 10% of total formula funds available will be reserved for administrativecosts, leaving 90% for program expenses,

Ten percent (10%) of program funding will be reserved for training. Of the remainingtraining dollars, 60% will be reserved for core and 40% for intensive services in theone-stop services delivery system, These proportions can change if discretionaryfunds are received.

Due to the rescission at the federal level for program year 2003-2004, funding isextremely limited. In order to assure that WIA requirements to provide core andintensive services are met, training funds are quite limited. Therefore, VWIBmembers may elect not to identify proportions of training funds to be earmarked forvendor classroom training, on-the-job training, and/or incumbent worker training. Themost appropriate training for individual customers will be provided to those fewcustomers who will have the benefit of a WIA training subsidy.

il!wfor s~l~(:~i· the!'·pr<ii::~ss availab

JnalltuJ!'J'i&6t,,6UP (


The Verdugo Consortium is a relatively small region as measured by geography andpopulation and compared with other Workforce Investment Areas in Los AngelesCounty. Only one fully operational one-stop center is feasible. To develop a facility forone-stop headquarters in the region, significant investments have been made,including $1.5 million in Community Development Block Grant funds from the City ofGlendale,

The City of Glendale is the administrative entity for the Verdugo Consortium through ajoint powers agreement among the three cities. As allowed by WIA, four key localpartners convened and recommended to the Transitional Verdugo Workforce

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Investment Board that the City of Glendale serve as the local one-stop operator. TheTransitional VWIB approved this recommendation in November 1999.

Appeals are permitted as described in the Interim Final Rule §667.600(b)(1).

Written appeals must be submitted to: Verdugo Workforce Investment Boardc/o Madalyn Blake141 North Glendale AvenueGlendale, CA 91206

£.; ~~clj\6'"'t~i!eqiJiredW,~p~rtl!ii'slQ?llJ~"d in )'ou~{).1!they Fi:mttib.\ltedi~t:) your plllnn;!!,'~ .... implementation}1iovo.lved, ix Jain the reasqn ! S.ection 117 a e .

syst' !'l0"'!lh~):". ulre~paJ1f1er I: not

Yes, each required partner is included in the Verdugo One Stop Service DeliverySystem. Most have participated actively through Verdugo Partners for at least oneyear prior to WIA implementation. The results of this planning appear in statements ofthe vision, mission, goals and objectives of Verdugo Partners for the System. OnlyCommunity Services Block Grant programs have just recently joined the planningprocess, because this partner had not previous;ly been known within the VerdugoConsortium.

At the Verdugo Jobs Center (VJC), on-site Partners participate in a ManagementCollaborative to coordinate center wide operational issues. All-staff meetings havebeen established to bring together allan-site partner staff to share information andfoster integration. A Continuous Quality Improvement (COl) Team has beenestablished, with both front line and supervisory staff represented from the majority ofpartners. To further integrate and streamline staff, all on-site partner staff participatejointly in staff training; also, the cal plan includes a structured method for developingcross-training for all partner staff at the VJC.

/t'M~ie1~~~I1~~i:~6;?J~~~sy§te fj~:~~g~rfr~~t)ert!L~e co.prdin/t d,[ldimaall;SEE ALSO ATTACHMENT D.

All required partners will make available to participants through the Verdugo one-stopservice delivery system the core services that are applicable to the partner's program.Each partner will assume responsibility for provision of core services in proportion tothe use of such services by the individuals attributable to the partner's program. Allpartners agree to ihe overall sharing of services within the Verd ugo one-stop servicedelivery system.

Locally, one-stop partners are known as Verdugo Partners. The partners have beenmeeting in various capacities since 1995 to work toward an integrated one-stop

lsystem. The statement below was drafted in September 1999 for the period from JulyJ......1999 through June 30,2000. to be reconfirmed and modified when needed: ..__

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The Verdugo Partners is a coordination and advisory committee that will takeappropriate action related to service delivery in the Verdugo Workforce InvestmentSystem, within parameters of laws and regulations that govern mandatory servicesunder the federal Workforce Investment Act.

The Partners:• make policy recommendations to the Verdugo Workforce Investment Board on all

service delivery matters which require VWIB approval• plan and develop revenue generation for the Verdugo Jobs Center• enter into Memoranda of Understanding with the Verdugo Workforce Investment

Board• define policy parameters for Verdugo Partners versus operational parameters for

Verdugo Jobs Center management and/or management of any annex or affiliate ofthe Verdugo Jobs Center

• plan all new and continu ing one-stop career center services• develop promotional and public relations strategies for the Verdugo Jobs Center• in conjunction with the Verdugo Workforce Development Administration,

create and oversee implementation of all Center services policiesrecommend local service systems that will be compatible with State andfederal systemsconvene (in full or in sub-groups) stakeholders in the Verdugo WorkforceInvestment System and the Verdugo Jobs Center, including those for annexsites, as necessary


In November 1999 the following statement was drafted:


The mission of Verdugo Partners is:

To design and maintain a service delivery system that will help create and employhighly-skilled and well-educated workers who can enhance California's competitiveedge in the global economy.

Our local system will provide high quality, comprehensive, useful and accessibleservices to employers and to people seeking jobs, education and/or training.

Delivery of our local services will be:• A collaborative effort among local workforce investment system partners;• Integrated and seamless;• Customer focused to enable informed choice(s);• Based u on current, valid, useful a!1d reliable information; and

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• Accountable to establish, achieve, evaluate and improve:• Employment and learning outcomes• Customer satisfaction• Cost and service effectiveness• Universal access

To accomplish this mission the following statement of goals and objectives, originallydrafted in November 1999, was updated for Modification #4 as follows:


(NOTE In practice the term "Verdugo Partners" has been replaced at the VerdugoJobs Center by "Management Collaborative".)

» Develop and sustain a workforce investment service delivery system based uponpartnerships characterized by trust, cooperation, and collaboration. To that end,on-site management at the Verdugo Job Center shall work to ensure that allPartner staff are aware of and share the Mission and Vision statements.

» Coordinate and leverage resources to operate the local one-stop service deliverysystem so that resources are maximized for all customers.

» Market Verdugo Partners' services jointly in a manner most comprehensivle tocustomers (Individual partners may also market services separately.)

» Adopt an evaluation method to measure progress in meeting local objectives thatwill complement, not duplicate, California's state evaluation system.

» Continue to develop benchmarks and timelines for continuous improvement ofprocedures and performance based upon evaluation. Methods shall includeimplementation of a Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) plan, establishment ofa CQI Team, training of all staff at the VJC on CQI Principles and Techniques, andinviting all staff to participate in CQI.



Provide basic (core) services for jobleducationltraining seekers which include:

1.1 Directory of Services(A descriplive "menu" of services avaifable at multiple locations within the Verdugo Consortiumthrough the local one-stop system)

Partners will review all pertinent directories to identify, compile andpublish the full array of one-stop services. This comprehensive directof}' ofservices will be available to clients electronically, and will be updated regularly. I

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1.2 Self-Screening for Program Eligibility(Applicants can determine whether they meel initial eligibility criteria for enrollment)

Partners will avoid duplicate procedures for customer eligibilitydetermination and certification, and will create streamlined processes forcustomers.

Customers will receive eligibility information for all services andprograms. Self-screening systems will be designed to facilitate customerparticipation in tracking and feedback on customer usage of the one-stopsystem, success of referrals and customer satisfaction.

1.3 Job Services and Employment Information(Assistance in locating, applying for and obtaining a job.)

Complimentary non-duplicative information and service will be provided in aseamless program. Information and service will be available to customers bothelectronically and through staff contact via an inverted pyramid model:

Self-Service ActivitiesGroup ServicesOne-on-One Service

1.4 Resource Referral Services(Information on how to access a full array of support service agencies.)

A timely and efficient referral process will be implemented that proVidesdirect access to as many employment related services as possible.

Ongoing system enhancement will provide immediate user-friendlyaccess to the fu Ilest scope of information about other resources availablethrough community agencies. Development of a cListomer-guided system willenable self-directed inquiries into the vast array of available supportive services,and provide information about eligibility and current avaiiability for all services.

Variations in available referral information may be based on customerparticipation level in the inverted pyramid model

Direct customer access to the information will be encouraged throughinformation boards, staff assistance, automation and by telephone.

1.5 Labor Market Information (LMI)(Occupation wage and supply/demand information; identification of geographic and occupationalareas of potential growth or decline; assessment of the effects of such growth or decline onindividuals, industries and communities; Individual training course information.)

LMI will be offered using the inverted pyramid model Varieties of LMIwill be available electronically, on video, by hard copy, and through oraipresentations to groups and individuals.

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1.6 Intake/Assessment(Procedure for determining applicant eligibility; providing program and services information)

A common universal application form, file sharing strategies andstandardized procedures will be developed to complete the intake and eligibilityprocess. Standardized tools and guidelines for preliminary assessment, as wellas self-directed eligibility determination, will be developed and modified asneeded, for a sustained and adaptable assessment program. System-wide andcross-functional inservice staff training will be ongoing to ensure effectiveapplication of intake/assessment procedures.

1.7 Integrated Services Orientation(Provision of information to all potential customers concerning available resources)

Information and services will be offered using the inverted pyramid modeland will be available electronically, on video, by hard copy, and through oralpresentations to groups and individuals.

1.8 Initial Screening and Coordination for Customer Referral to the Next ServiceLevel or Resource(Method by which applicant is made aware of other programs and services, and receivesappropriate referral assistance to access them.)

Infrastructure enhancements will provide the opportunity to offer to allcustomers, at any point in their one-stop process, a full scope of information oneducation, employment and training and other programs and services.

Particularly where navigation in the electronic system is resisted ordeclined, customers will receive technical assistance within available resources.

1.9 Unemployment Insurance (UI)(Service to allow applicants to fife their initial claim)

EDD has implemented a system of UI claim-filing by telephone.Claimants who need or who request additional help will be provided with user­friendly service by EDD staff on-site at the primary Verdugo Jobs Center (VJC)location at 1255 South Central Avenue in Glendale, or claimants may beassisted by telephone by EDD staff in the primary center, whichever theclaimant desires. At VJC annex sites where EDD does not have staff present toassist customers in filing their unemployment claims, staff will assist theclaimant to reach EDD staff by telephone at the primary site.

No person having a difficulty filing or obtaining information about their UIclaim will be referred to service solely by telephone until the difficulty has beenaddressed in person.


Provide basic (core) services for employers which include:

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2.1 Directory of services

2.2 Resource referral services.(Information on how to access business assistance and incentives.)

23 Job applicant data Base.(Facilitates employers to fill openings with Job seekers served by Verdugo Patiners.)

2.4 Labor market information.

2.5 Customized training as needed, with particular support for theentertainment I multimedia industry cluster.

2.6 Rapid response and plant closure assistance.(Prompt provision of service for management and workers to be affected by a lay-off)

2.7 Economic development.(Information on basic incentives.)


Provide value-added services above and beyond required core and intensiveservices, as local needs dictate and as local resources and partnerships allow.These services may include categorical programs for special populations or servicestailored to meet community needs not necessarily available everywhere or to everycustomer.


Provide an electronic infrastructure that (a) promotes integration of service delivery;(b) makes services easily accessible for every existing and potential customer; and (c)includes an online customer satisfaction survey that saves responses electronically,ensures confidentiality, and is formatted automatically for database and reportingfunctions.


Provide alternative choices for accessing basic information and services,including self-directed services. All access to information will be user-friendly andavailable from multiple locations.


Integrate and facilitate access to services at minimum from:

• WIA Title I Programs• State iob service

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• Veterans employment service• NAFTAfTAA• Unemployment Insurance• State Department of Rehabilitation• Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services• Adult education, Perkins Act programs• K-12 programs in our three unified school districts• Senior community service employment• Community Service Block Grant programs• HUD employment, training and homeless programs• Local economic development programs• Mental health services• Community based organizations• Labor unions


Design and implement a Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) plan, andestablish a CQI Team to lead an on-going process to refine and improve servicesin response to (a) customer feedback, (b) changing local labor market anddemographic conditions and (c) quality performance standards for the local systemestablished by the VWIB in compliance with state and federal requirements. Takeaction on evaluation results at minimum annually, or more frequently when necessary.Use a "Balanced Scorecard" not only to promote results, but also to indicate changesuggestions. Use "Malcolm Baldridge Criteria" to form guidelines for continuous qualityimprovement methodology.

~.JNJlafj$'Ypur:pl~fl (or del ~(cor'e!u!d In:m.llsi~~"'? [II'l1&\! "on 1~ild.':;:~ .~ ."'!l

The least intensive form of intervention needed for a job seeker to obtain employmentwill be delivered.

All core services:• Must be available.• Must be provided through the one-stop delivery system.• May be provided by the one-stop center operator or through service contracts.• May be provided to customers in a group setting and/or one-on-one.

An individual must receive at least one core service before receiving any intensiveservices (determined on a case by case basis).

The proportion of core services requIring staff assistance for customers can beadjusted as the capacity of automated systems for delivery of core services isincreased.

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All intensive services:• Must be available.• Must be provided through the one-stop delivery system.• May be provided by the one-stop center operator or through service contracts.• May be provided in a group setting or one-an-one.

Adults and dislocated workers may receive intensive services if they:• Are unemployed and

have received at least one core service, but are still unable to find a jobare determined to be in need of more intensive service.

• Are employed andhave received at least one core serviceare determ ined to be in need of more intensive service to obtain or retainemployment that leads to self-sufficiency.

Youth who meet established youth criteria and priorities may receive intensive services.

An individual must receive at least one intensive service before receiving any jobtraining (determined on a case by case basis).

All training services:• Are optional, provided that some training service is made available.• May be provided through the one-stop service delivery system.• Must be selected from a VWIB-approved list of training providers (vendors),

unless on-the-job or customized training.• May be provided through vouchers, or in special cases through service contracts.• May be provided in a group setting or one-an-one.

Training will be the service of last resort. Training services may be available when thework-first strategy is ineffective or an incumbent worker needs upgrade. The VWIB willtarget available fund proportions annually for off-the-shelf vendor training and for on­the-job training and/or customized training.

Adults and dislocated may receive training if they:• Have the skills and qualifications to successfully participate in the selected training

program• Select a training program directly linked to local employment opportunities• Are unable to obtain grant assistance (such as a Pell Grant) or they need more

assistance than is covered by the grant• Are unemployed and

have received at least one core and one intensive service and are unable to findajoba case can be made that without training they will not achieve economic self­sufficiency.

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• Are employed andhave received at least one core and one intensive serviceare determined to be in need of training to obtain or retain employment thatleads to self-sufficiency, or who need training to meet specific local employerdemand where skilled workers are now unavailablethe VWIB approves incumbent worker training to meet special needs of localemployers.

Youth may receive training if they meet established youth criteria and priorities. Youth18-21 who need classroom occupational skills training will be enrolled in the adultprogram, as permitted under WIA.

An individual must receive at least one intensive service before receiving any jobtraining (determined on a case by case basis)

When considering training, it is important to identify the priority customer:• An individual seeking a job who cannot find work without training, or• An incumbent (employed) worker who needs training to obtain or retain

employment that leads to self-sufficiency, or who needs training to meet specificlocal employer demand where skilled workers are now unavailable, or

• One or more local employers, whose ability to hire and retain qualified workersaffects local economic development or economic vitality for the region; when this isthe priority customer, individuals to receive training mayor may not have lowincomes.

With the exception of customized training or on-the-job training provided by anemployer, training services under WIA will be provided through the use of IndividualTraining Accounts (ITAs) for eligible customers through the Verdugo one-stop deliverysystem. ITAs shall be administered on behalf of customers who are unable to obtainemployment after participating in one-stop "work first" activities (i.e. core and intensiveservices), and who meet the prerequisite criteria for training.

ITAs will be awarded to eligible customers in the form of scholarships to be used forthe acquisition of occupational skills proficiency in demand occupations. Identificationof demand and targeted occupations will be accomplished through VWIB planning.Except for customized and on-the-job training, no training program will be sponsoredby the Verdugo Workforce Development Administration unless it appears on theCalifornia Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) as authorized to receive WIA funds.

Prior to awarding a scholarship, the Verdugo Jobs Center will conduct a review ofpersons eligible for and requesting training services. Eiigibility will be limited to adults,dislocated workers and youth between the ages of 18 and 21. Youth must be co- ,enrolled in WIA outh and adult ro rams.

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To ensure equity of access as well as ability to benefit, a scholarship application mustbe completed by the customer, assisted by his or her case manager as necessary.The scholarship application will be reviewed by Verdugo one-stop servicemanagement staff. The customer will be informed about whether he or she will beawarded an ITA scholarship based upon the following factors:

v' Objective assessment results to determine both long and short term careerdevelopment needs

,/ Job search activities already completed by the customer-/ Financial aid research and application to assure that use of WIA funds is the

last resort to pay for training tuition-/ Identification of options for training costs to be leveraged from public education

agencies and/or other sources-/ Individual services strategies and planning,/ An evaluation of suitability for program success conducted during intensive

servicesv' Other factors which evidence a high motivation on the part of the customer to

achieve the training objectives and performance goals.

The ITA scholarship award will include a cost disclosure and agreement between theVerdugo Workforce Development Administration and the customer that indicates theamount budgeted for allowable training costs. Such costs will include books, fees andtuition, tools, supplies, uniforms, specialized clothing and other educational materialsrequired to complete training as determined by course requirements. Support services(child care, transportation, emergency medical and/or dental care) are not included inthe ITA, but may be granted and paid separately when a customer is eligible for them.

The budgeted amount of the ITA will be the estimated cost of training less anyfinancial aid or other assistance applied to the cost. It will be valid for the duration ofthe training program, unless an amendment is approved based on revised costprojections.

The planned per capita average training costs for adu Its, dislocated workers and olderyouth (who are co-enrolled in the WIA youth program) will be $5,500. Any trainingprogram which exceeds $9,999 must be approved on an individual case basis by theVWIB or a designated WVIB Committee. Where a cost differential exists between twoor more programs that are ostensibly the same, the scholarship award will be for thelesser training price.

ITA payment procedures will require approval of the scholarship award by the VerdugoJobs Center Manager, and an "authorization for scholarsh ip payment" in the form of aTraining Agreement between the one-stop and the ETPL program. This TrainingAgreement will specify the training and payment obligations of both parties as well asthe benchmarks to justify payment disbursement. The customer will sign the TrainingAgreement and receive a copy as documentation of the scholarship award.Additionally, the customer file will contain a Scholarship Account Record which detailsline items budqeted toward completion of the proqram.

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The Verdugo Workforce Development Administration finance unit will process anddisburse ITA funds to appropriate vendors. As payment invoices are received andapproved, entries will be made into the Accounts Payable System. Checks will beissued weekly. Payment will be sent directly to the payee unless a special request ismade and approved. Each week the Data Entry Operator will produce a report ofupdated ITA balances and will forward this report to the Workforce DevelopmentAdministration Senior Accountant in the finance division. The Senior Accountant willuse the ITA report to monitor the ITA budget.

WIA funds will be used to leverage other federal, State, local and private resources ina variety of ways. Methods inclUde, but are not limited to:

.,/ Leveraging scholarship ITAs, creating "scholarship packages" where anyexpenditure of WIA funds is the last resort .

.,/ Leveraging WIA funds with core, intensive and train ing funds, activities andresources provided normally or especially arranged with one or more VerdugoPartners .

.,/ Whenever new program development takes place for Governor's discretionaryWIA grant applications and for special projects solicited by other public orprivate funding sources, Verdugo Partners' activities will be explored through agaps analysis process, so that WIA funds are always considered as the lastresort to finance needed activities.

.,/ Where possible, applying for grants jointly with partners, to enhance and/orsupplement One Stop services.

.,/ Applying findings of VWIB community resource mapping to stimulate localcommunity representatives to develop programs that meet identified needs.(Example: The VWIB Community Resource Mapping Committee conducted asurvey documenting that more than 14,000 individuals were on waiting lists atlocal public and private education agencies, libraries and organizations forinstruction in literacy, Adult Basic Education and English-as-a-SecondLanguage. Survey information was promoted in the community and media andhas stimulated a variety of organizations to look for means to address thissituation.)

Business and employer involvement will expand in several ways, including:

• VWIB examination of multiagency resources, and where leveraging does not existor is inadequate, improved leveraging will be prompted.

• More services for employers will be offered, and increased direct access toservices will be available throu h Internet.

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• Active participation in various initiatives, such as the Department of Labor'sNational Business Partnership program.

Individuals will benefit from coordinated and leveraged resources, because:

VWIB's philosophy will focus upon career development and advancement, both forwell-being of the workforce and for economic viability of local employers. Programdesigns will be supported that avoid backsliding when a worker at any skill level is laidoff. Instead, all workers will be encouraged toward options that will render their nextcareer step an advancement over their previous work experience. This premise holdstrue for each customer group identified above. Universal service will be available,supported by various staff and systems with special sensitivity to unique needs of eachcustomer group identified above.

A few examples:• Skilled workers dislocated from entertainment or other high-tech industries can

access current local information about technology changes and training needed tomeet new employer needs.

• Displaced homemakers can benefit from assessment to identify transferable skillsthey possess, but may not be aware of, since they have been working in the home.Self-esteem exercises available in core and intensive workshops can also help.

• Low-income individuals can learn to access information that will assist them to takeadvantage of activities that will increase their skills for competitiveness in higherpaying jobs. Any migrant and seasonal farmworkers who visit Verdugo JobsCenter may receive guidance to consider whether they wish to continue in this lineor work or pursue another direction.

• Public assistance recipients can benefit from a full array of services availablethrough the local Welfare-to-Work program.

• Women and minorities will learn how stereotypical options can limit their economicself-sufficiency and advancement. They can expand their horizons throughinformation about a wide range of labor market options, and can learn about manysu ortive services available to deal with s ecial issues such as child care.

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• Individuals training for non-traditional employment can receive peer support andcan access other supportive services, as needed.

• Veterans will receive preference through the EDD veterans program.• Individuals with multiple barriers to employment can benefit from intensive services

focused upon overcoming barriers. As needed, supportive services can beleveraged or provided to assist in overcoming barriers to employment.

• Older individuals can benefit from partnerships associated with Title V of the OlderAmericans Act.

• People with limited English speaking ability can attend English as a second­language classes offered by Glendale Community College on-site at Verdugo JobsCenter, or by referral to several other local providers. Many languages are spokenby Verdugo Jobs Center staff, who can assist such individuals in employmentdecision-making. Special initiatives in labor market information gathering haveidentified some employers who can employ workers with limited English.

• People with disabilities can utilize two special workstations in the Verdugo JobsCenter resource room, and can benefit from the presence of a State Department ofRehabilitation worker on-site.

With limited funding, intensive services and corresponding training services are to bedelivered in priority order to (1) recipients of public assistance and (2) other low­income individuals. During the first two years of WIA. Welfare-to-Work programfunding will continue as a separate financial resource so that more resources can bedirected to other customers. When establishing most-in-need for WIA-fundedservices, Community Development Block Grant low income criteria will be used ratherthan JTPA economic disadvantaged criteria until such time as the State may defineWIA criteria.

VWIB will provide oversight to ensure that non-discrimination and equal opportunityobjectives and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act are met.

Grievance procedures will provide recourse to individuals who believe they may havebeen denied equal opportunity for any reason.

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HOvi'.l.vill YP,P!lt~¥i~e "X~JI~~r~~eYS'llr.flc,t-funded ser)ijc~s. to the agricull'IJ~1 ~fl'T)mun!~

sp.eF,ilc!'IlYl.. f'utre. aCh,'~Jl1e.nt andPt.'~e.. rservices. ..m.. ,grant.a.n.d. se...•.a..'~.."l..a1t.!'rmw.o.·r!l~rs,¥nd:'sln( empIO~l!rs~"HOW ~ilI yP~. provide aPl1ropriate services~1.thJl; ~oPula:tl~nlnthe OM-~toP:systllm?JState Planmng Gu,dance IV B.11.] '. .... : '/..

Agriculture does not exist as an industry cluster in the Verdugo Consortium.Therefore, no services to agricultural employers are planned. Any migrant andseasonal farmworkers who seek services at the Verdugo Jobs Center will receive coreservices at minimum.

"~Lr~a .~i~?~~;~r\'/f(ji~~j;i~Y~~W:At't~i~~iJ1nl~:At;~Ii~;i$rljlir~~li'l..>t~l:I~1Dovetailing with State objectives, VWIB will place equal priority upon (1) layoffaversion activities, and (2) providing rapid intervention for workers in companiesplanning lay-offs. When a WARN Notice is issued by the State, prompt contact withthe affected company will be made, including EDD, management and employeerepresentatives in identifying what, how and when services will be provided.

Because of our volatile labor market, the Verdugo region faces an economic periodwhere the quantity of worker dislocations will be comparable to recent periods, butmay not be as visible. Many past worker dislocations were concentrated in large localcorporations in a limited number of industries, but future layoffs will be much harder toidentify because they will most likely be spread over many industries and smallercompanies. Particularly in the entertainment sector, layoffs often are not subject toWARN. As a result, ongoing local labor market research is necessary to respond tonew developments in this highly volatile major local industry.

The existence of a large contingent workforce both in entertainment and in otherindustries creates additional problems in identifying and averting local layoffs. Manymembers of the large freelance entertainment workforce could suffer a reduced levelof employment similar to a permanent dislocation as the downturn cuts the total poolof work hours available.

Our challenge is to go beyond standard means of gathering data on dislocations, Le.WARN notices, newspaper stories, EDD information, etc. We must further developrelationships with local employers. By expanding our employer customer base, weexpect to gain greater insight into impending economic dislocations and businesstrends that may lead to dislocations. New strategies will be developed fordissemination of information to employers on available lay-off aversion and dislocatedworker services.

Data on occupations of displaced workers who apply for Verdugo Jobs Centerservices will be analyzed, and employers will be more systematically questionedabout the skill-sets of personnel most subject to layoff. A system to categorize thisdata will be developed to determine current downsizing trends, as an early indicator ofpossible future economic dislocations, and as a tool to identify what future retrainingskills to offer.

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Active local labor market research will continue as an important rapid response lay-offaversion and dislocated worker service tool. Resources will include Verdugo JobsCenter, ERISS, EDD CaIJOBS, our targeted employer outreach program, classifiedads and company job hotlines.

Preliminary work with local economic development agencies has been initiated, butWIA offers the opportunity to deepen these ties. A mllitiagency layoff aversion teamfor companies considering relocation/closure will be developed, along with referralservices for business assistance, such as entrepreneurial training, low-interest loans,business consultants, etc.

Rapid response activities will include:

1. On-site contact with the employer, representatives of the affected workers, and thelocal community, which may include an assessment of the:

• layoff plans and schedule of the employer,• potential for averting the layoff(s) in consultation with State of local economic

development agencies (includ ing private sector econom ic development entities;• background and probable assistance needs of the affected workers,• reemployment prospects for workers in the local community, and• available resources to meet the short and long-term assistance needs of the

affected workers.

2. The provision of information and access to unemployment compensation benefits,comprehensive one-stop system services, and employment and training activities,including information on the Trade Adjustment Assistance program and theNAFTA-TAA program.

3. The provision of guidance and/or financial assistance in establishing a labor­management committee voluntarily agreed to by labor and management, or aworkforce transition committee comprised of representatives of the employer, theaffected workers and the local community.

Staff of the Verdugo Jobs Center (VJC) will provide rapid response assistance.Related to labor-management and/or workforce transition committees, VJC staff may:

• Provide training and technical assistance to committee members,• Provide a list of potential candidates to serve as a neutral committee chair,• Provide emergency assistance adapted to a particular closing, layoff or disaster,• Provide assistance to the VWiB and chief elected official(s) to develop a

coordinated response to the dislocation event, and as needed obtain access toState economic development assistance, including development of ana Iication for a National Emer enc Grant.

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VWIB may approve funding for the operating costs of a labor-management and/or I

workforce transition committee, typically for no longer than six months, '

R.'\lDe.!lCribe andass~ls.!l.'theadult anl1.~.islocated. ,r'0rker emPlpj'.in..·n~~fand t~a.·.·.i.fljng!le-rvi~es,tbatwill be available in S'Qur local area. [WIA, 5ection118 (b)(4)l!HB,"'t '\ ',.'

Core and intensive will be the most readily available services. Training will beleveraged through partnerships with education agencies. Excellent information aboutand assistance with application for a variety of non-WIA financial aid will be availablethrough Verdugo Jobs Center on-line and in-person.

When no other option is possible, training may be offered through full or partially WIA­funded Individual Training Accounts (ITAs). ITAs will not be entitlements.

ITAs will be available by July 2000, will be piloted with selected clients in Years 1 and2, and will be fully functional by Year 3.



L · _

A. ~scribe your :wea~l), efforts t6~slruct a yotitfu£qun,fil, and ~hal'lthe role's) ofJe'Youth COUl),cil~I!~be: [Wld,'5ect[Qn 1~7 (h)(1)(2)(:).)(4jr'~' l.~ ~ p- .~

A slate of VWIB Youth Council candidates has been nominated, reviewed andapproved by the Arroyo Verdugo Cities Steering Committee. A majority met threetimes to begin review and development of recommendations for this Plan prior torelease of the draft for public comment. Because in the Verdugo Consortium therealready exists a group of young people who use the term "Youth Council" to describetheir organization, the VWIB candidates considered several alternatives anddetermined that the name of the WIB Youth Council in our region shall be:


With the objective of drawing conclusions prior to March 31,2000, VYWC candidates Ihave begun examination of a variety of issues and questions to prepare for WIA youth Iprograms as follows: .


FWIAB99-2 (REV) 812912003 Page 39 01 56 MOD #4 WIA Plan for Verdugo Area

For both Out-of-School and In-School Youth:

Gap analysis still needed: Can the schools or other partners perform some of therequired youth services, and coordinate these with WIA-funded services so that WIAlegal requirements are met? Examples---schools may be able to provide:

~ eligibility determination for low income youth~ assessment of reading & math, interest inventories~ development of a work-based learning plan

City officials awareness:Presentations to Verdugo Consortium City Councils may be necessary to alertelected officials to the major changes expected, particularly related to reducedfunding for summer youth programs.

Performance requirements:Additional local standards above WIA requirements may be established.

Program activity priorities:Proposals for any allowable youth activity will be solicited. Priorities will not bedescribed, but each bidder will be required to identify how each required youthprogram element will be made available, even if their agency will not provide it.Collaboration will be a priority for VYWC funding recommendations. Program optionssupported by prog rams in schools or other sources and other leveraged services toaugment any WfA Title I funds will be a priority for VYWC funding recommendations.

For Out-of-School Youth (OSY):

Outcomes:Job placement with plan for career development OR completion of secondaryeducation through school or GED OR enrollment in postsecondary education ORenlistment in military OR [other to be determined by VYWC].

Youth to target.Youth 18+ are allowed in adult programs. Eligible high school graduates may beserved. At-risk youth and youth wfth barriers to employment will be targeted.

Cost per client served:No price limit will be set before we solicit proposals.

Support services:Level of support must be driven by needs of target population and by cost ceilings. Tothe extent feasible, support will be leveraged from other agencies first before WIA TitleI funds are used.

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Program activity for OSYs:Work experience will be offered. Unpaid will be the priority, but paid will be available tothe extent WIA or other funds are available. OSYs 18 to 21 who need classroomtraining will be enrolled in a WIA Title I adult program.

For In-School Youth (ISY):

Outcomes:Job placement with plan for career development OR completion of secondaryeducation through school or GED OR enrollment in postsecondary education ORenlistment in military OR [other to be determined by VYWC].

Youth to target:Youth 16 to 18 will be targeted. Service to youth 14 and 15 will be allowed.

Cost per client served:No price limit will be set before we solicit proposals.

Support services:level of support must be driven by needs of target population and by cost ceilings.

Program activity priorities~

"Group I" ISYs start in summer and focus on follow-up during school year."Group II" ISYs begin prep during school year and conclude with summer job.

ISY program questions still to be answered:What should be the cycle of enrollment?How will required objective assessments and service strategies be provided?To what extent should we prescribe expectations of case management?What should be the scope of the required twelve-month follow-up?

For participants actively engaged for a few months only (Group I above)?For intensive longer term participants (Group II above)?

Youth services will coordinate fully with the Verdugo one-stop service delivery system.Youth service providers will be procured competitively, and will be required tocollaborate with the Verdugo Jobs Center and one-stop service delivery system.including linkages to the job market and employers. Youth service linkages with theone-stop service delivery system will also be fostered through partipation with school­to-career centers in local schools. See §/1.A.5.

c:~es,~be~pw co,o~dinatio~,wJth Job C,prps, You,th:l\fJppArtu.'Hrogli!m'!c~~ y .ala.~e.iCwlJJ,gc~, el,g~SChOol-to~are!lr.

1'17(Jm2)(vO,Sta .latlillrilrGu!fJ!l!!ce,IV4l;j;:fl.) .

I}~!. and ~ otti.~r t'P~t\'!ction 112(b)(111)(G) and'

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No Job Corps program is located within the Verdugo area. At mimimum customerinformation and referrals to the nearest Job Corps program will be available throughthe one-stop system. The Verdugo Youth Workforce Council will examine thefeasibility of more significant coordination with Job Corps and with Youth OpportunityGrant programs. There has been limited presence in the past of these two programswithin Verdugo Consortium. A feasibility study report will be presented in the firstquarter of 2001, with any recommendations for more coordination with Job Corps andwith Youth Opportunity Grant programs in future years.

Currently, efforts to train and place youth involve many organizations, agencies, andfunding sources. Recently at the State levei, EDD has been involved with the federalYouth Opportunity Grant program, Youth Build, and local Community ConservationCorps sponsors. State EDD staff are presently examining various strategies that arereported Iy effective for helping at-risk youth gain needed skills and obtain empioyment.The Verdugo Consortium will welcome planned State EDD proposals that will identifyways programs administered by EDD could be more proactive in shaping youth jobtraining policies and programs in the future.

Coordination with the active Glendale EDD Youth Employment Opportunity Program(YEOP) will continue and improve. Additionally, coordination is planned with the newLos Angeles County CalWORKS Youth Jobs program during summer 2000.

, . T~;~~hO, <,,'''' .. ,IJ~:~o/f,.R!i1m)Yld,~!I!,O(i~(:h aCJl'

As suggested by the U.S. Department of Labor, one of the early tasks of the newVerdugo Youth Workforce Council is to conduct a needs assessment of iocal youth.For example, at the September 14, 2000 meeting of the Council, youth lawenforcement officials from Glendale and Burbank will deliver presentations on youthcrime statistics and needs, including focus on youth diversion from the criminal justicesystem. The process of youth needs assessment will continue, with particular intensityduring WIA's first year.

While some youth other than those receiving welfare will be eligible for WIA services,weifare youth will comprise one of the major eligible populations. Below are statisticsfrom the Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) on welfareyouth in the Verdugo Consortium. DPSS statistics are collected differently from theWIA youth classifications. Therefore, the information below covers youth from ages 13through 20. The data is the most recent available from DPSS, dated January 2000.

Youth in CalWORKs 1-parent homes:Youth in CalWORKs 2-parent homes:Youth receiving General Relief classified as employable:Youth receiving General Relief classified as unnemployabie:Youth receiving Food Stamps only:Youth receiving MediCal only:Youth receiving In-Home Support Services:





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I DPSS data does not distinguish youth by language and ethnicity. The data belowassumes that the proportions of youth mirror those for the entire welfare population.

Primary Language in the HomeArmenianCambodianChineseEnglishFarsiKoreanRussianSpanishVietnameseOtherTOTAL

EthnicityAsian (includes Flipino and Pacific Islanders)African AmericanHispanicWhiteOtherTOTAL

Percentage of Population (%)49.992





Percentage ofPopulation (%)4.7491.824



During the period of needs assessment to be conducted by the Verdugo YouthWorkforce Council, representatives of local schools will be requested to providesystematic information on basic skill levels of WIA-eligible populations. Based onpreliminary discussions, the following have been identified as prevalent issues orbarriers for local youth likely to be eligible for WIA services:

.,/ Lack of basic skills to obtain employment

.,/ Life skills and workplace-related soft skills

.,/ Limited English language skills

.,/ Transportation

Targeted opportunities coordinated with classroom education programs for youth totransition to the workforce has been identified as important to meeting the needs oflocal youth.

Sample descriptive directories of local services available for youth appear inAttachment C. There is a great breadth of services for youth in each of the threeVerdugo Consortium cities. The assessment of the Verdugo Youth Workforce Council(VYWC) is that improvements are needed to develop linkages and collaborationsamong youth social service providers themselves, then between youth social serviceproviders and the workforce investment system. One of the eariy tasks of VYWC willbe to foster this improvement, while avoiding duplications of effort with various localcoalitions and other youth groups.

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WIA formula program funding received by Verdugo Workforce Investment Areaadministered by City of Glendale impacts the local strategy for comprehensiveservices to eligible in-school and out-of-school youth.

As allowed, 10% of total formula funds available will be reserved for administrativecosts, leaving 90% for program expenses.

Sixty-two percent (62%) of program funding will be reserved for competitively procuredcontractors to provide planned youth services. while twenty-eight (28%) will bereserved for combined core and intensive services in the one-stop services deliverysystem. These proportions can change if discretionary funds are received, and manyefforts will be undertaken to enrich the resources available. At minimum thirty percent(30%) of total funds will be spent for out-of-school youth as required. Based uponactual population requirements in the Verdugo area, should WIA later allow less thana thirty percent (30%) minimum expenditure for out-of-school youth, the VerdugoYouth Workforce Council recommends reducing this proportion.

Required core and intensive youth services in the one-stop services delivery systemmust be provided for an unspecified I unlimited number of youth. To the extent thatresources can be leveraged for youth in the one-stop services delivery system, morefunds will be reserved for competitively procured contractors to provide planned youthservices.


}- Eligible youth are defined as being low income 14-21 years of age and meetingone or more of the following eligibility requirements:

• basic literacy skills deficient• high schooi drop out• homeless, runaway or foster child• pregnant or a parent meeting age requirements• an offender• disabled

(special education students whose families mayor may not meet low income standards)• require additional assistance to complete an education program,

or to secure and keep a job

IYouth who are ages 18-21 can participate in either a youth or an adult program, or inI both concurrently.

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Among low income youth, those who are members of families receiving welfare shallreceive priority IF there is no alternative resource through Welfare-to-Work or otherlocal programs.

> Out-of-school youth (OSY):

... An eligible youth 14-21 years of age

• Who is a drop out• Has received a high school credential but

• Is basic skills deficient• Unemployed• Under employed

While the 30% expenditure requirement can be reduced if the number of youth in the area is low and arequest is sent to U. S. Department of Labor for approval, this situation does not apply to the VerdugoConsortium.

Youth programs will include: (1) objective assessment of each youth, including areview of academic and occupational skill levels as well as service needs, (2) anindividual service strategy for each youth participant, including identifying a careergoal, and (3) preparation for postsecondary educational opportunities.

While meeting WIA-required program elements, in-school and out-of-school youthprogram designs in the Verdugo Workforce Investment System will not interfere withregular school, and can include objective assessment, service strategies, postsecondary prep, linked academic and occupational learning, prep for work,intermediaries to the job market, and involvement of parents and participants

Please see also Section VI.A. above for more detail on distinctions in plans forin-schoof and out-of-school youth.

• Verdugo Workforce Investment System websites will provide excellent informationabout (1) post-secondary educational opportunities locally, nationally andworldwide, (2) a vast array of financial aid opportunities for post-secondaryeducation, and (3) labor market information to assist youth in considering coursesof study for long term career planning.

• Special orientations for youth on using research tools for long term career planningwill be available throu h education a enc links to Verdu 0 Jobs Center.

8/2912003 Page 45 of 56 MOD #4 WIA Plan for Verdugo Area

• Adult mentoring, tutoring, study skills training and instruction leading to completionof secondary school, including drop out prevention, will be available to prepare andto encourage youth to enroll in post-secondary education.

• Active "2+2+2" "Tech-Prep" program linkages exist in the Verdugo Consortiumamong the unified school districts and Glendale Community College to assist inpreparing youth for post-secondary educational opportunities.

• Collaboration with Verdugo School-to"Career Coalition (VSTCC) will lead towardinstitutionalization of strong linkages between academic and occupational learning.In fact, the VSTCC is not only one of the Verdugo Panners, but also is recognizedas a school-to-career leader in California. Many steps have been taken alreadytoward this objective. Advancement from secondary to post-secondary education isencouraged through programs now institutionalized by VSTCC.

• All summer employment opportunities in Verdugo Consortium will be directly linkedto academic and occupational learning.

• Special programs to introduce youth to nontraditional occupations are coordinatedamong the unified school districts and Glendale Community College.

• Opportunities offered by Explorer Posts, Career Academies, and similar programsalso enhance linkages between academic and occupational learning.

• Paid and unpaid work experiences including internships and job shadowing asappropriate will prepare youth for unsubsidized employment.

• Classroom occupational skills training will be provided as appropriate.• Services of Verdugo Jobs Center will assist youth in finding employment

opportunities and with direct job placement.

Two such key linkages already exist and will be expanded: (1) collaboration with EDDyouth initiatives, and (2) collaboration with Verdugo School-to-Career Coalition.VSTCC partners actively with local Chambers of Commerce and also has developed acomprehensive database and interactive system of and for local employers.

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Excellent alternative secondary schools are available in the Verdugo Consortium.Coordination with these alternative schools and all services they offer will be thehighest priority for provision of education to youth who can not or choose not to enrollin regular school programs.

Coordination with year-round, school-linked instruction and activities will be the focusof any WIA Title I-funded summer employment. Efforts will be made to identify fundsalternative to WIA Title I to provide summer employment opportunities for as manyyouth as possible.

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• Unpaid work experience will be widely available.To the extent feasible, paidwork experience will be provided at the expense of the employer. The VerdugoYouth Workforce Council is considering development of incentives foremployers to pay youth wages. One vehicle is a system already in place inBurbank where an employer can contribute funds to the City and avoid costssuch as workers compensation, because the City employs and places the youthwith the employer. In limited cases WIA Title I' funds may be used for youthwork experience wages Paid and unpaid work experience will be coordinatedwith academic and occupational learning, and may include including internshipsand job shadowing.

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• Classroom occupational skills training will be provided to some youth 18-21through enrollment in WIA Title I adult programs. Otherwise classroomoccupational skills training for youth will be leveraged through public ed ucationagencies.

• Coordination with Regional Occupational Programs (RaP) will be the highestpriority for classroom occupational skills training for youth. An excellent Rap isavailable within the Verdugo Consortium.

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To develop leadership skills, selected youth will participate in service learning in thecommunity. Service assignments and peer-centered activities encourage responsibilityand other positive social behaviors. '

1O. Comph~.h~i1'Sive9l1idance "nd cpunseli\l9

FWIAB99-2 (REV) 8/29/2003 Page 47 of 56 MOD #4 WIA Plan for Verdugo Area

• Comprehensive guidance and counseling will be universally available for youth,including drug and alcohol abuse counseling and referral.

• Comprehensive guidance and counseling will be leveraged through a variety oflocal resources Services of the schools and local police departments will bethe first resource considered for youth.

• Verdugo Mental Health Center (VMHC) is a Verdugo Partner co-located atVerdugo Jobs Center. Referral to VMHC will be available for youth who can notor choose not to benefit from guidance or counseling offered by schools or suchorganizations as the Community Family Counseling Program in Burbank.

• To the greatest extent possible, supportive services for youth will be leveragedfrom partnering or other community agencies.

• Very limited WIA Title I funding can be made available for emergencysupportive service needs of youth.

• Follow-up services will be provided for not less than 12 months after completion ofyouth participation in a WIA Title I funded activity.


Pursuant to all federal and state provisions related to procurement of goods andservices, all procurement transactions shall be conducted in a manner that provides tothe maximum extent possible for free and open competition. Procedures governingprocurement shall ensure that all services and property are acquired in a fair, effectiveand efficient manner. City of Glendale Procurement Procedures, which reflectapplicable state and local laws and regulations, shall be used provided that theseprocedures also comply with WIA requirements and any standards that may beestablished by the Governor.


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To facilitate efficiency and regional coordination, local approval to purchasematerial, products or services may be based upon the procurement standardsand procedures of other Workforce Investment Areas, provided such standardscomply with WIA requirements and are acceptable to the City of Glendale. Unlessotherwise instructed by the Governor, administrative standards for competitiveprocurement shall be as follows:

• Procurements shall be conducted at intervals of not less than once every threeyears.

• Procurement activities shall be conducted in a confidential man ner. Staff involvedin procurement shall not divulge advance purchasing information, specificproposal/offer evaluation criteria, negotiations with bidders or in-house discussionsregarding a procurement until such time as this information is released to allinterested parties.

• Procurements shall be consistent with allowable WIA cost principles.

• The purchase of all equipment and real property shall be necessary, reasonable,appropriate and allocable to WIA.

One of the following methods of procurement shall be used as appropriate foreach procurement action:

1) Small purchase procedures shall be used for securing services, supplies or otherproperty that does not cost more than $15,000 in the aggregate. Theseprocedures can be used where the "per transaction" value of the procurement is$15,000 or less. Bidding requirements for small purchases are:

DOLLAR RANGE$ a to 499$ 500 to 999$1,000 to 15,000$1,000 to 15,000



2) Competitive proposal procedures shall be used when there is a desire formaximum flexibility in selecting vendors or other providers whose proposals bestserve the interest and needs in the Verdugo Workforce Investment System.

• Justification for use of a competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) as the mostappropriate method exists where (a) needs cannot be so clearly defined that eachprospective vendor/provider can make the same interpretation of what is needed;(b) evaluation of various factors is needed to decide what will be the bestservicefproduct at the best price; andfor (c) competition is desirable and anadequate number of potential bidders are available to compete.


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• All RFPs shall incorporate a clear and accurate description of technicalrequirements for the material, product, or service to be procured, identify allrequirements the offer must fulfill, and identify all other factors to be used inevaluating bids or proposals.

Recommendation of awards after competitive proposals are received:The Chair of VWIB will appoint an ad hoc Proposal Review Committee (PRC) for eachprocurement action. Each PRC must include at least one VWIB member and mayinclude other community representatives without conflicts of interest associated withthe procurement under consideration.

In advance of PRC consideration, proposals received by the published deadline will bereviewed by VWIB staff for responsiveness to RFP technical requirements and forcompleteness. The staff report to the PRC will include a comparative cost analysis interms of reasonableness and fairness.

The PRC will review and score each proposal based upon the evaluation criteriapublished in the RFP. Funding recommendations may differ from amounts requestedby bidders. The VWIB will act upon PRC funding recommendations, but approval isnot final until the Glendale City Manager acts on behalf of the three-city VerdugoConsortium. All funding recommendations of the PRC and of the VWIB are madepending negotiation of an agreement approved by the Glendale City Manager.

Please see §VIIA These guidelines apply not only to youth services, but to allcompetitive procurement processes within the Verdugo Workforce Investment Area.

Every good faith effort will be made to obtain and maintain a broad database ofpotential bidders. To notify potential bidders of RFP release and date/time for bidders' .workshops, at minimum 20 days prior to the response deadline the bidders' listdatabase shall be sent notice via the postal system or electronic transmittal, and legalnotice shall appear in the Los Angeles Business Journal.

It is the responsibility of potential bidders to notify the City of Glendale WorkforceDevelopment Administration of any changes for the database in contact person(s) ornotice receipt location(s).

A non-competitive procurement process is justified by:

1) Failed competition: If only one responsive proposal is received during acompetitive procurement, options are to reopen the competition or to enter into asole source procurement.

2) Sale source: Use of this method shall be minimized to the extend practicable, butin eve case, shall be 'ustified by means of one of the following: (a) the item or

FWIAB99-2 (REV) 8/2912003 Page 50 of 56 MOD #4 WIA Plan for Verdugo Area

.service is available only from a single source, (bl public exigency or emergencyneed. (c) authorization by the awarding agency, (d) failed competition, (e) contractswith employers for on-the-job training, (f) enrollment of individual participants intooff-the-shelf classroom training.

All non-competitive proposals shall be part of a file that describes specificcircumstances supporting the use of the sale source method, results of anynegotiations with the vendor or other provider, and a determination of demonstratedperformance.

Appeal or protest of VWIB award recommendations:The appeal must be presented in writing to the address in the original RFP whereproposals were received, and must be received at that address within ten (10) workingdays from receipt of the rejection of offer notification by the offeror. Within ten (10)working days of receipt of this appeal letter by the Verdugo Workforce DevelopmentAdministration, the offeror will be contacted to establish the next action step.

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The Cities of Glendale, Burbank, and La Canada Flintridge have agreed to form theVerdugo Consortium to implement WIA in the region. The City of Glendale isdesignated as the administrative entity and grant recipient for the Verdugo WorkforceInvestment Area per this agreement. No award recommended by VWIB will be finaluntil approved by the City Manager of the City of Glendale, or a signatory on his behalfthat has been approved by Glendale City Council. The City Manager of the City ofGlendale or his Council-approved signatory are responsible for disbursing grant fundson behalf of the Chief Elected Official of the Verdugo Workforce Investment Area.

Competitive proposals to provide youth activities in the Verdugo Workforce InvestmentArea must document how each WIA-required program element will be provided, evenwhen the agency submitting any proposal will not provide one or more particularelements themselves. The purpose of this requirement will be to give priority tobidders that have formed necessary collaborations at the time of application for funds.

Proposal evaluation criteria will apply to all proposed services, with this exception:self-service and information services, which will be provided through Verdugo JobsCenter, will not be evaluated during competitive procurement, but will receive VWIBoversight for quality control and continuous improvement. Bidders must justify how theyouth program they propose will assist the state in attaining a high level of customersatisfaction. Competitive proposals will indicate how proposed services will result inachievement of the following indicators of success for youth (18-21):

FWIAB99-2 (REV) 8129/2003 Page 51 of 56 MOD #4 WIA Plan for Verdugo Area

o Entered employmento 6-month retentiono 6-month earnings changeo Credential attainment rate

Competitive proposals will indicate how proposed services will result in achievement ofthe following indicators of success for younger youth (14-17):

o Skill attainmento Diploma or equivalent attainmento Placement and retention

(e.g. in advanced training, apprenticeships, etc.)

While only one RFP will be issued, separate responses will be required for services toyouth 18-21 and younger youth 14-17. Any bidder planning to serve both groups mustsubmit two proposals.

Fine tuning of definitions of the above indicators of success will be based on theexperience of the six early WIA implementing states and final approval of the VerdugoYouth Workforce Council.

10 l~'"uirea

The VWIB will utilize the WIA-allowed 5% window to serve youth over the incomeguidelines who are:

• Drop outs• 6asic skills deficient, including need for ESL• One year over age for grade• Pregnant or parenting• Disabled• Homeless or runaway

The VWIB will utilize the WIA-allowed 5% window to serve youth over the incomeguidelines who are:

• Drop outs• Basic skills deficient, includ ing need for ESL• One year over age for grade• Pregnant or parenting• Disabled• Homeless or runaway

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Notices have been posted in the major newspapers for Glendale, Burbank and La CanadaFlintridge, and majijngs have been sent to the same individuals and agency representativeswho were invited to comment on the original plan. The Public Hearing has been scheduled forSeptember 21, 2000 at 9:00 a.m. in Glendale and written comments will be accepted through4:30 p. m. on September 28, 2000. SUbsequent to that, comments will be summarized andsubmitted to the State as required for Attachment A of this Plan,


A. The Local Workforce Investment Board and its staff assure that it willestablish, in accordance with section 184 of the Workforce InvestmentAct, fiscal control and fund accounting procedures necessary to ensurethe proper disbursement of, and accounting for, funds provided to theLocal Workforce Investment Board through the allotments made undersections 127 and 132. [WIA, Section112(b)(11)]

B. The Local Workforce Investment Board assures that it will comply withWIA, Section 184(a)(6), which requires the Govemor to, every two years,certify to the Secretary that it has:

1. Implemented the uniform administrative requirements referred to in WIA,Section 184(a)(3); ,

2. Annually monitored local areas to ensure compliance with the uniformadministrative requirements as required under WIA, Section 184(a)(4); and

3. Taken appropriate action to secure compliance pursuant to WIA, Section184(a)(5).

C. The Local Workforce Investment Board assures that compliance with theconfidentiality requirements of WIA, Section 136(f)(3).

D. The Local Workforce Investment Board assures that no funds receivedunder the Workforce Investment Act will be used to assist, promote, ordeter union organizing. [WIA, Section181 (b)(7)]

E. The Local Workforce Investment Board assures that the board will complywith the nondiscrimination provisions of W1A, Section 188, inclUding anassurance that Methods of Administration have been developed andimplemented.

F. The Local Workforce Investment Board assures that the board will colleeland maintain data necessary to show compliance with thenondiscrimination provisions of WIA, Section 188,

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G. The Local Workforce Investment Board assures that there will becompliance with grant procedures of WIA, Section 189(c).

H. The Local Workforce Investment Board certifies that veterans' servicesprovided with Wagner-Peyser Act funds will be in compliance with 38U.S.C. Chapter 41 and 20 CFR part 1001.

I. The Local Workforce Investment Board certifies that Wagner-Peyser Act­funded labor exchange activities will be' provided by merit-based publicemployees. [State Planning Guidance VI. 13.]

J. The Local Workforce Investment Board assures that it will comply with thecurrent regulations, 20 CFR part 651.111, to develop and submitaffirmative action plans for migrant and seasonal farmworker SignificantOffices in the loca! workforce area which are determined by theDepartment of Labor, to be in the highest 20% of MSFW activitynationally.

K, The Local Workforce Investment Board has developed this Plan inconsultation with local elected officials, local workforce boards, thebusiness community, labor organizations and other partners. [WIASection 118(a)]

L. The Local Workforce Investment Board assures that it will comply withsection 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 USC 794) and theAmerican's with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 USC 12101 et seq).

M. The Local Workforce Investment Board assures that funds will be spent inaccordance with the Workforce Investment Act, written Department ofLabor guidance, and other applicable Federal and State laws andregulations.

N. The Local Workforce Investment Board Assures that veterans workforceinvestment programs funded under WIA, Section 168 will be carried out inaccordance with that Section.

O. The Loca! Workforce Investment Board assures it wil! comply with futurestate Workforce investment Board policies and guidelines, legislativemandates, or other special provisions as may be required under Federallaw or policy, inclUding the Workforce Investment Act or State legislation.

FWIAB99-2 (REV) 8/29/2003 Pege 54 of 56 MOD #4 WIA Plen for Verdugo Area


This plan modification represents the Verdugo Workforce Investment Board's efforts to

maximize and coordinate resources available under Title I of the Workforce Investment

Act (WIA) of 1998.

This plan modification is submitted for the' period of April 1, 2003 through June 30,

2005, in accordance with the provisions of the Workforce Investment Act.

Workforce Investment Board Chair

Debbie Kukla David WeaverName ) Name

Chair, Verdugo WorkforceInvestment Board


August 29, 2003Date

Mayor-Pro Tem, City of Glendale


August 29, 2003Date

FWIAS99-2 (REV) 8/29/2003 Page 55 of 56 MOD #4 W/A Plan for Verdugo Area


A: Public comments on the draft plan

B: Verdugo area map and labor market information

c: Directories describing local youth seNice

0: Memoranda of Understanding

0.1. Between VWIB and Seven One-Stop Partners

0.2. Between VWIB and Department of Rehabilitation

E: WIA Final Performance Levels

F: Modification #1 Assurances

G: Grant Recipient Listing

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Comments on the Plan were received as follows:


ATTACHMENT APlan Modification #4PY 2003-2004

1. At the time it was first drafted during first quarter of the year2000.


2. Mod #1, which became the foundation for subsequentmodifications, consisted of small State-initiated technicalchanges and section deletions in third quarter of the year 2000.Few changes were required in our Plan and no commentswere received.



3. Although the public had ample opportunity to comment on PlanModifications #2, #3 and #4, and although each document wasdiscussed by the VWIB and during Public Hearings, there wereno public comments. This is probably because changes madewere minor and technical in nature and/or consisted up simpleinformation updates.

Comments received appear on the (oJ/owing two (2) pages.



Two written comments were received:

1/14/00 email from Tom Neuberger of EDD: I have only had a chance to take aquick look at the draft WIA plan and it looks pretty good. I have a couplequestions and/or suggestions. The MOU section V. restates ...the "PlanningGuidance" but doesn't seem to answer the questions asked like the entitiesinvolved or what is the process the Board will use to document the process andwhat they would do if negotiations stalled... On youth activities VI.C. it would begood if we could mention EOD's YEOP program by name and possibly summeryouth efforts ...

[NOTE: MOU information was presented to the Transitional VVV/B on 2110100.]

2/1/00 email from Tom Neuberger of EDD: ...Just to let you know that overallEDD and AI Dave, Los Angeles Job Service Division Chief, are very impressedwith the draft WIA Plan. My only additional comment...section V.1. "How willsystems to determine general job requirements and job lists, including WagnerPeyser Act provisions be delivered to employers through the local one-stopsystem?" In this section I would recommend some additional language beyondthe current "EDD's CaIJOBS system will be the primary vehicle for this purpose."Some of the additionai Job Service activities and services in this area include:marketing, targeted recruitment, employer seminars, coordination with theemployer community through EOO's involvement with the San Fernando ValleyEmployer Advisory Council and the coordination of employer outreach throughthe Employer Contact Management System (ECMS) which is a SUb-system ofCaIJOBS. .

On January 13, 2000, after an introduction to Plan content and an opportunity for thoseassembled to ask and receive responses to questions, the Public Hearing wasconvened at 9:45 and adjourned at 9:50 a.m. after all who wanted to comment haddone so. Comments at that time are paraphrased:

~ Internet and technical skills development should be encouraged throughout thecommunity so organizations and individuals can connect. People should beencouraged to seek out free services available. CWIRE is such a service.Operating like a ·co-op·, it provides free web pages to nonprofits.. New programbudgets should provide funding to pay highschool youth to practicelntemet skillson free services such as this.(Robert Marston, CWIRE)

More clarification in the Plan is requested on opportunities for funding toproviders of customized training. (Richard Katz, HRMS, Inc.)

WlA Plan for Verdugo Area Page t 0/2 Attaoliment A

Since the State Workforce Investment Board has not yet met, and they maymake decisions that affect local areas, the Plan. should provide for fine-tuninglater. (Pamela Collins, DPSSIGAIN)

After the draft was made available for pUblic comment, staff of the Verdugo WorldorceDevelopment Administration also· reexamined the draft to find any mistakes oromissions, and to identity needed improvements. They identified some typographicalerrors, matters of referral consistency, cumbersome syntax, and other needs fortechnical adjustment.

Changes requested that were NOT recommended: .

(1) CWIAE cannot specifically be mentioned in the Plan, and because of the methodby which youth services will be procured, the plan cannot specifically prescribebUdgeting funding to pay high school youth to practice Intemet skills on freeservices such as CWIRE (bidders in the competition to deliver youth seN/cesmay partner with CWIRE if desired); and

(2) No funding information can be given in the Plan to clarify funding opportunitiesfor proViders of customized training (this information will appear later in aRequest for Proposals, and the amount of funds awarded for customized trainingwill be known through the competition to deliver adult and dislocated workerservices).

Summary of changes that were Incorporated:

(1) All of EDD's suggestions were accepted and added to the Plan,

(2) Efforts were made to enhance statements to more clearly encourage Internet andtechnical skills development throughout the community so organizations andindividuals can connect,

(3) Efforts were made to clarify when customized training may be prOVided,

(4) Efforts were made to enhance statements that make clear that since the StateWorkforce Investment Board had just begun to meet when the Plan wasSUbmitted, and since they may make decisions that affect local areas, the Planprovides for fine-tuning later, and

(5) All the Verdugo Workforce Development Administration staff refinements wereincorporated into the final Plan document.

WlA Plan lor Verdugo Area Page2of2 AttJchment A

LMI updates were developed for Mod #1, Mod #3 and Mod #4. Noupdate was done at the time of Mod #2. LMI updates appear on thefollowing pages in 1-3-4 order.


ATTACHMENT BPlan Modification #4PY 2003-2004



A color map of Burbank, Glendale and La Canada Flintridge originallysubmitted to the State does not reproduce well so is excluded fromthis packet. It is available upon request.

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Plan Modification #4PY 2003-2004




The Verdugo unemployment rate has fallen slightly from 5.3% in May 2002 to 5.2% inMay 2003. Approximately 8,500 loCal residents searching for work are consideredunemployed. Two years ago the unemployment rate was 4.5%.

Industry Breakdown

The Service Sector continues to be the dominant industry sector in the region. Fourindustry areas comprise the majority of employment in the Service Sector: MotionPictures, Health Services, Business Services and Education Services. The RetailSector represents the second largest sector in the region.

Demographic Issues

About 50% of the total regionaf population is considered to be part of the official laborforce. A high percentage of the local residents occupy higher level professionaloccupations, such as management positions and sales and office jobs. Approximately19% of residents are in the education, health and social services field; about 12% are inprofessional, scientific, management, administrative and waste management services; .and 11 % are in retail trade.

Local housing costs have skyrocketed since the late 1990's as housing costs consume35% or more of disposal income for 27% of residents, according to the 2000 Censusdata. This trend is resulting in more higher income individuals moving into the regionwho can afford the high housing costs.

Despite the housing situation, immigrants continued to migrate to the region as 54,000new immigrants moved into the region during the 1990's. About 45% of resident areforeign born, and 26% "speak English less than very well."

About 28% of the population is school age, and rates of school attendance continue toclimb with the immigration increase. About 33% of the region's population has abachelor's degree or higher, and 62% have had at least some college.

About 11 % of families are at or below the poverty level, and 13% of individuals are at orbelow this level. Median regional family income is $54,330.

Mod #1 LMI



A local study completed by staff of the Verdugo Workforce Investment Area (VWIA) inOctober 1999 highlights both the local and regional impact beyond VerdugoConsortium boundaries of local workforce development and the labor market on bothemployers and job seekers.

The following questions, aligned with federal and state workforce development andeconomic development goals, shaped the focus of the study:

• What industries and jobs offer our clients the best employment opportunities?• What jobs and training should the vwrs target based on employer need?• What training can help key industries and our general economy prosper?

For this needs assessment, raw data were obtained from the EDD Labor MarketInformation (LMI) Division; the Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation; theCities and the Unified School Districts of Glendare, Burbank and LaCafiada Flintridge;the 1990 U.S. Census; and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Area demographics

Base~ on 1990 census data, 46% of Verdugo Consort.ium residents were bom in aforeign country. The average age was 36.4 years. Compared to 49% in Los AngelesCounty, In the Verdugo Consortium 57% over age 25 had gone to college.· Medianhousehold income was $32,968 and 11.3% of residents were below the poverty line.

As of January 1999, 19,873 were CalWORKS clients and 8,696 of those were adults.Sixty percent (60%) were female. Sixty-four percent (64%) were from two-parentfamilies. Forty-eight percent (48%) were legal immigrants, and the remainder wereU.S. citizens. Sixty-six percent (66%) of the legal immigrants had Armenian, Russianor Fansi as their primary language. "

As of JanuarY 1999 within the Verdugo Consortium there were 2,912 recipients of theLos Angeles County General Relief subsidy program for those who do nof qualify forState or federal welfare benefits.

Unemployment as of August 1999 was 4.8% for the region. Glendale had a 5.9%unemployment rate, while the rest of the region combined had 3.9%.

In response to this area profile. 3.070 clients enrolled dUring the 1998·99 fiscal year inlocal programs under the federal "Job Training Partnership Act {JTPAl. and 831 ofthose clients entered retraining programs, with characteristics as follows:

WIA Plan for Verdugo Are. Pege t 0(22 Attachment B

Verdugo Consortium school enrollments in 1990 (EDD data from 1990 census)

Preprimary grades:Elementary through high school:Colleges:

Public school / 2,20640,03922,644

Private / 2,5666,7526,357

Education leyel of area residents 25 years and older in 1990

Glendale and Burbank (LaCanada Flintridge not available) residents generally havehigher education credentials than the baseline Los Angeles County population,particularly in bachelor's degree and graduate degree categories. Fifty-seven percent(57%) of over-25 Verdugo residents have gone to college.

Level Burbank % Glendale % LA County%

Elementary only 5,505 8.4 14,230 11.5 15.6Hiah school, no diploma 7,833 11.9 13,910 11.3 14.4HS diploma or GED 15,354 23.4 25,015 20.3 20.7Some college, no 16,544 25.2 25,468 20.7 19.7deareeAssociate deoree 5,369 8.2 9,450. 7.7 7.3Bachelors dearee 10,968 16.7 23,491 19.0 14.5Grad/professional 4,082 6.2 11,708 9.5 7.8deareeTOTAL 65,655 123,270

Forelgn-born Verdugo residents in 1990 (EDD data from 1990 census)

As of 1990 37% of Verdugo Consortium residents were born in a foreign country.From 1987 to 1990 there was an unusually high influx of immigrants.

Verdugo Consortium residents language spoken at home

English 166,162 66.0%Spanish 47,682 18,9%Russian .554 .2%Other Indo-European 37,492 14.9%(Includes Annenlan & FarslJ


TOTAL 251,890 100%

WL4 PI8Jl (O( Verrfl1{J<J Area Psgo30f22 AI/aellmant 8

Where Verdugo Consortium residents work113,356 Private for-profit companies

10,203 Private, non-profit organizations11,620 Local govemment2,603 State govemment2,552 Federal govemment

15,921 Self-employed742 Unpaid family

Fiscal year 1998-99 Verdugo Jobs Center customers

Where do customers live?

Among seven JTPA grants received locally in 199B-99, two grants which emphasizedemployer workforce needs reflected client residency over a wide geographic area.Service to adjacent City of Los Angeles residents was also funded and providedlocally, since seeking service in Consortium cities was most convenient for many ofthem. Clients resided in 99 cities in Southem California, with 51 % of clientsserved living in Verdugo Consortium. Below are the top 15 cities where our customersresided;

~GlendaleLos Angeles CityBurbankLa CrescentaTujungaSunlandNorth HollywoodPasadenaHollywood.LaCafiada FlintridgeMontroseVan NuysSanta MonicaNorthridgePanorama City

Number of Enrollees573371268666647353426242217171313 Numbers Include clients from


Where did customers fonmerly work?

Clients from flscal year 1996-1999 previously wor1<ed for employers in 186 differentcities in the state and country. Approximately 26% were dislocated from VerdugoConsortium companies. Following are the top 15 cities where our customers lost theirjobs:

WJA Pian (or Verdugo Ama Page 4 of22 Attachment S

City of Lay-OHLos AngelesGlendaleBurbankPasadenaHollywoodNorth HollywoodWoodland HillsSanta MonicaSun ValleyEncinolNineChatsworthVan NuysCulver CityShennan Oaks

# Enroilees26818110546

.26221916141313121111 .10

Where did our customers land jobs? .

A total of 1,014 clients took retraining and found jobs with employers in 117 differentcities. A total of 266, or 26%, found jobs with Verdugo Consortium employers. Belowis a list of the top' 15 cities where our customers found jobs:

~los AngelesGlendaleBulbankPasadenaVanNuysWoodland HillsNorth HollywoodHollywoodShennan OaksChatsworthEncinoBeverly HillsSun ValleyArcadiaTorranceSanta Monioa



WIA PI8lI for Verdugo Area Page 5 0(22 Attachment B

Labor market study methods.

Using EDD LMI data, analyses of unemployment and employment by industry wasevaluated to identify' pattems of decline and growth. Because local workers travelbeyond Verdugo Consortium boundaries to work, needs of selected employers outsideour boundaries also were studied.

Standard EDD LMI projections are always inadequate as the sale tool to track localemployer needs, but provide a significant launching point for continual fronteJine labormarket analysis. A great deal of volatility in the Jocal labor market has beendocumented. Many of the same industries are dislocating workers with outdated skillsthat are hiring new workers. Business demands are such in these industries thatincumbent workers oHen are not offered training and job security. This rapidlychanging economic scene requires continual labor market analysis. .

Top 10 industry areas by number of workers filing for unemployment aUhe GlendaleEDD office 7/1198 to 6/30/99:

SIC code78738980235882791560

Industry AreaMotion picturesBusiness seNicesServices, not elsewhere classifiedHeahh selVicesApparel manufacturingEating and drinking placesEducational servicesAmusement and recreationBuilding construction, General contractorsDepository institutions I

# EDD clients4,7832,9692,114


Current and proJected employment opportunities in VWIA.

Local employment opportunities are defined by industry clusters--groups ofcompanies in the same !ndustry which produce similar products or sel'Vices andoperate in the same general geographic area. Some examples are the computerindustry in the Silicon Valley, the biomedical industry In San Diego, and theentertainment industry in the Verdugo region.

The State of California embraces'the concept of industry clusters, primarily through theState Trade and Commerce Agency, which recommended that training activities betargeted to major industry clusters statewide to maximize economic and job growth.Other local entities such as Los Angeles County and Los Angeles City also follow thisstrategy.

WIA Plan for VsrrJugo Arsa Psge 60122 Attachment B

Kev industry clusters in the Verdugo Consortium(223 total occupations identified)

Medical (49 occupations)BiotechnologistsBiotechnology laboratory assistantsBiotechnology research assistantsCardiology technicianscertified licensed midwivesChiropractorsDental assistantsDental hygienists .Dental laboratory techniciansDentistsDialysis techniciansDietetic techniciansDietitians and nutritionistsDispatchers- police. fire and ambulanceEJectromedical and biomedical equipment repairersEmergency medicallechnicians IEmergency medicallechnicians- paramedicHealth physicistsHome health workersHospllal admitting managers and clerksLicensed vocational nurseMealC8l and clinical laboratory assistantsMedical and laboratory technOlogistsMealC8l assistantsMedical recoids techniciansMedical transcriberMealCine and health services manager"Nurse aidesNurse practitioner·OCCUpatlonai therapistsOccupational therapy assistants and aidesPatienllnsurance clerksPhannaclstsPhannacy techniciansP.hyslcal therapistsPhysical therapy aidesPhysical therapy assistantsPhyslclan assistantsPsychiatric techniciansRadiation therapistsRadiologic techniciansRegistered nursesRespiratory care practitionersRespiratory therapistsSecretaries- medicalSocial workers, medical and psychiatricSubstance abuse counselorsSurgical techniciansWard clerks

WIA Plan (or VerdlJgo Area Pege 70(22 Attachment B

Administrative and support, Including entertainment(46 occupations)

Amusement and recreation attendantsArtists and related workersBroadcast techniciansCamera operators-- television and motion picturesComputer animatorsComputer animators-- 3-dimensionalComputer graphics specialistsFilm editorsGraphic artistsGraphic arts designersGraphic arts techniciansGripsLighting techniciansMultimedia specialistsVideo editors

Accountants/auditorsAdministrative assistantsAdministrative service managersAttorneysBill and account collectorsBilling, cost and rate clerksBookkeeping, accounting, auditing clerksCredit analystsData entry keyersEmployment interviewers

.File clerksFinancial analysts, statisticalfinancial managers

.First-line supervisorsfmanagers- clerical and administrativeGeneral manager and top executivesGeneral offlOe clerksHuman resource techniciansManagement analysisManager- personnelMarketingfadvertisfnglpublic relations managersOffice equipment Installers, repairersOffICe managerOperations and systems researchers and analysts- except computersPayro!land timekeeplng clerk .Personnel clerkPersonnel, training, labor relations managersPublic relations managerReceptionistslinfonnation deskcferkSecretariesSales representativesTypist

WL4 Plan for Verdugo Aroa Page8of22 AltScIlment B

Retail sales (including automotive) (30 occupationsjAdjustment clerksAuto parts counter workerAutomotive mechanicsAutomotive painterAutomotive service advisorAutomotive technicians, exhaust emissionsAutomotive body arld related repairersBus and truck mechanicsCashiersCounter and rental clerksCredit checkersCustomer servicerepreserltativesCustomer service represerltatives, non-utilityDetectiveslinvestigatorsDriver-salespersonFirst-lirle supervisor!manager- salesGuardslwatch guardsManager- retan storeMerchandise displayerslwindow trimmersOrder clerkslOrder fillersPurchasing managersSales supervisor!marl8.gerSalesperson-partsSalesperson-retailStock clerk-sales floorStock clerk-stock roomTruck driver, lighHncluding delivery route workersVehicle salesperson, retallWholesale and retail buyers

""etal-related manufacturing (24 occupations)Aircraft mechanicsAssemblenslfBbricatorsAutomated assembly Iioo techniciansCost estimatorsElectrIcal and electronic assemblersEleclricaland electronic engineersFirst-line supervisors/managers-production and operations workersArsl./ine supervisors/managers-mechanical, installation, repairIndustrial engineersIndustrial prodUcliorl managersMachlnetY mairltenance mechanicsMachinistsMechanical engineering techrliciansMechanical engineersMetal material handlersNumerical control machine tool operatorsPrecision instrument repairersProduction InspectorsProduction planning, expediting clerksQuality assurance managersTool and die makersTool designersSheet metal workers Welders and cutters

WL4 Plan for VerdVgo Aloe Page 9 of22 Art.clrmen! B

Information technology (23 occupations)Computer support specialistsComputer engineersComputer network administratorsComputer network control operatorsComputer network techniciansComputer programmersComputer support and repair specialistsComputer-aided 8udio/visual engineersComputer-aided design techniciansData processing equipment repairersFiber optics techniciansLANlWAN network managersLANlWAN techniciansMultimedia software developersMultimedia specialistsNetwork control techniciansNetwork professionalsSoftware engineelSSystems analysIS-Electronic data processingTelecommunications engineersTelecommunications technicianWebmasters (Intemet server designers and administrators)Webske designers

Fducation (18 occupations)Bus drivers-schoolCounselors, rehabilkation and school.DirectOlS-adulllchlld care centersEducation administratorsJnstructional aidesInstructional coordinatorsInstructors~mmunlty conageInstructors and coaches- sponsInstructors-non-vocational educationKindergarten teachersPreschool teachersTeachers-ESOLTeachers~lementary

Teachers-secondaryTeachers-special educationTeachers-trade and technicalTeachers and instructors-vocational educationVocational end education counselors

--WIA Plan for Verdugo Area Page 100'22 Altschmanl B

Maior Economic Trends in Verdugo Workforce Investment Area

1. The entertainment industry is undergoing a technology revolution

Training to cope with new technologies will be a key issue for the entertainmentindustry, and the need for employees skilled in content development at all levels cannot be underestimated. Internet. multimedia and Infonnation Technology (IT) offersome of the brightest future job creation and occupational skills training possibilities inentertainment. With the growth of Internet as an entertainment medium, opportunitiesfor new training programs are boundless.

Digital technology is having tremendous impact on the entertainment industry. Mostexperts feel the key to future advancement of Intemet is the success of entertainmentcompanies in providing quality content. Entertainment companies hope to use the newmedium to transmit products like movies, music and television shows. The televisionindustry must cope with advancements in high-definitlon TV and the Intemel. Bothareas will expand content capacity, meaning substantial employment growth.Entertainment companies will play important roles in supplying content for television.This is one reason major entertainment studios have attempted to buy networks, suchas ABC by Disney, and CBS by Viacom.

3-D animation, motion pictures and the sale of music over Intemet are not far away.To address these new business opportunities, many new multimedia and'lntemet­related companies were recently created in Los' Angeles County. A VerdugoConsortium study found 234 Intemet or multimedia compani,es in Los Angeles County.As the animation capital of the world, local workforce investment programs must stay"in touch will newdevelopments in digital and information technologies.

2. Major expansion for local entertainment companies is expected.

Although there are continuous lay-offs in this industry sector, new technologies portendfuture long-term growth in entertainment, with local companies expected to be primebeneficiaries. Some proposed entertainment projects could have a sizable impact onlocal job creation in future years, with the Verdugo region,becomlng.theundisputedentertainment capital of the world. Burbank and Glendale stand' to be primebeneficiaries. Disney's expansion In Glendale offers outstanding growth prospects forthe entire region. Disney will build forty five-story bUildings to be occupied by 2004,housing Disney Imagineering. its Interactive and new media division, and softwaredevelopment. This expansion is expected to attract many new entertainment,multimedia and Intemet companies in tutu"re years. An influx of younger, high-incometechnical workers could alter future regional demographics.

With the demise of the Playa del Rey project, DreamWorks is also exploring expansionin the Verdugo Consortium or nearby Universal City. Further DreamWorks expansionhere will also enhance the local economy.

WIA Plan for Vara<Jgo Area Page 130'22 Attachment B

3. Retail is in a strong, long·term job expansion.

Strong consumer spending driven by a strong economy is helping retail lead the regionin job creation. Retail led in job creation from 1996 to 1998. Verdugo Consortiumcities continue to build capacity to generate local sales tax, increasing the possibility oflong-term retail job growth. Glendale Fashion Center is a major retail project, whichincludes almost a dozen major chains. Burbank is developing its AMC EntertainmentVillage, and Marriott Hotel is a key partner in its Regent Project. Both projects havestrong retail components. La Canada Flintridge's Sports Chalet project will be one ofthat city's largest retail endeavors. This combined increase should continue to boostretail job creation, whether or not consumer spending continues at its frenzied level.

Taxable retail sales~GlendaleBurbankLa Canada-Flintridge

1992$1.253 billion$ 787 million$ 104 million

1997 % increase$1.447bilJion 13%$ 937 million 16%$ 119miJlion 13%

"Data from Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation

4. The local immigrant economy has a strong economic base.Data based on an exclusive 1999 Verdugo Consortium economic study.

There are 1,207 companies in Glendale owned or managed by Armenian immigrants;315 in the rest of theVerdugo region. If Wmom and pop· companies with five or feweremployees are eliminated, there are 279 companies with more than five in the Verdugoregion-a very respectable employer base.

Glendale Is the hub of professional services for much of the Southem CaliforniaArmenian immigrant community. The following professional seNices were identified inGlendale: 68 doctor's offices or medical centers/clinics; 47 dentists; 28 real estatesales firms; 26 insurancefinms; 17 tax / accounting firms; 16 chiropractors; 14 lawyersor law finns (this number is grossly undercounted because lawyers are hot clearlydistingu.ished froin other business owners in the data); and 10 engineering finms.

this ihimlgrant economy in Verdugo Consortium supplies an excellent counterbalanc~to cyclical industry clusters such as entertainment and retail. In -faq, 72% of theseGlendale businesses supply goods and services, many to immigrants living outside ofGlendale:

5. Biotechnology may be the Verdugo region's future.

Los Angeles County, led by a Pasadena project; hopes to build a biotech corridor fromUSC through Glendale to Pasadena. Baxter Intemational's recent announcement thatit will establish in Glendale the corporate headquarters for biotech division HylandImmuno Is a-clue to local potential. Baxter hopes to build Hyland Immuno into one ofthe leading biotech companies In the world, eventually competing with leaders such asAmgen and Genentech. They could add thousands of worKers in Los Angeles in the

- WIA Plan for Verdugo Area Page 140f22 Attacllment B

next five to ten years as they recruit talent from Califom'ia Institute of Techechnology,University of Southern California and UCLA.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory in La Canada is developing new technologies in roboticsand imaging technology which have biotech applications. Nearby Pasadena isattempting to launch a biotechnology center on the strength of California Institute ofTechnology's resources there, Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation andother partners want to establish a San Gabriel Valley biotech corridor, similar tocenters around UC Irvine, UC San Diego, and San Francisco. Baxter International willbe a key link in that corridor, along with USC and Cal Tech.

Los Angeles County is particularly concemed about keeping biotech companies,workers, and their knowledge. Southern California Biomedical Council reports thatCalifornians secured 20.2% of all medical patents in the nation between 1991 to 1995.During that same period, Southern California residents obtained 54.5% of California'smedical patents. However, many local entrepreneurs chose to start their biomedicalcompanies in San Francisco or in northeastem states.

6. Aerospace could make a comeback in Los Angeles.

In coming years the federal government will award major multi-billion defense, spaceand satellite contracts. Many Southern California suppliers could compete forsubcontracts. Los Angeles County is attempting. to increase the amount of workdirected to the region. -With many aerospace and manufacturing supplJers still nearby,Verdugo Consortium companies could be beneficiaries as contracts are awarded. Thisarea was once an aerospace stronghold. Though it no longer employs tens of·thousands of aerospace workers, the region still has numerous suppliers in the metalfabrication and electronics fields.

.Three projects in particUlar are creating renewed interest in the Southern California·aerospace industry. The Joint Strike Fighter project will be the last new l"{1ilitary aircraftto enter production during the first half of the 21st century. Cost for 3,000 aircraft isestimated at $153 billion to $223 billion. Experts project tens of thousands of high­paying jobs will be created. Los Angeles County Is a portion ofdevelopment and manufacturing of the aircraft to Santa Clarita Valley. With Its vastexperience in aerospace, Verdugo Consortium companies could play some role in thisproject. The contract winner will be annol!nced in 2001.

Southern Califomia is also competing for .a project called VentureStar, a reusablespace vehicle produced by Lockheed Martin. Creation of about 2,500 direct jobs areprojected at the company and many more at subcontractors. The company must stilldetermine the location of the development and manufacturing.

To meet growing telecommunications needs, satellite production and launches shouldgrow rapidly. The launches alone could grow from $1 billion in 1998 to $20 billion ayearby 2010. Many Southern California firms playa role in satellite manufacturing.

WIA Plan for Verdugo Area Page 150'22 Attachment B

Job skills necessary to obtain VWIA job opportunities.

Advanced technology skills are greatly needed, yet there is a significant functionalskills level mismatch between many of the persons seeking local workforcedevelopment services and high-tech employers. Under JTPA, opportunities werelimited to explore how incumbent worker and other innovative training schemes mightaddress this mismatch. This will be a high priority of the new VWIB.


At minimum job seeking customers of the Verdugo Workforce Investment Systemshould achieve proficiency at the work-ready level, with the possible exception ofselected in-school youth who may participate in preparatory activities. Because ofVerdugo Consortium's high technology labor market, VWJB must also consider whatoptions can be advanced to cultivate more local intermediate, advanced and specialistemployees. .

Training vendor base versus labor market and customer needs.

Fiscal year 1998-1999 summary characteristics for off-the-shelf vendors used bycustomers supported under JTPA in theVerdugo one-stop services dellvery system:

Descriation Raw # Cateao/y%Total traininavendors 29 naTotal tvoes of courses taken bv JTPA oarticipants 66 naTypeS of courses offered

COmputer-related 40 61%Non-eomouter-related 26 39%

Client-attendance by type of course.- . COmputer-related 208 83%~ Non-eomputer·related 44 17%.

Breakdown of general computer courses offered by off-the·shelf vendors(Some schools offer similar courses in each category)

Computer bookkeeping/accounting, computer technician, computer repair, Microsoftoffice specialist/analyst, computer graphic design, Internet/web design, administrativeassistant, computer networking, software applications, Microsoft Certified SystemsEngineer (MCSE), computer aided design (CAD), 3D graphics, computer patterndesign (garment), AS400 programming, video editor, Information Technology (IT)


WL4 Plan for Vsrrlr;go Arsa Psgs 160'22 Attachment B

Breakdown of general non-eomputer course areas(Some schools offer similar courses in each category)

Medical assisting, medical billing, health claims examiner, medicaVdental terminology,smog technician, retail manager, office equipment repair, auto loan underwriting,medical clerk, legal secretary, truck driver, paralegal, licensed vocational nurse (LVN),surgical technician, patient care assistant, optical dispenser, prepress operator, salesmanager, heating/ventilation and air conditioning mechanic, manufacturing technician,private investigator, undercover investigator

Characteristics of 1998-99 customers and training referrals·

The following job classifications were in demand and continue to be of interest to manyVerdugo Jobs Center customers: Computer bookkeeping/accounting, computertechnician, computer repair, Microsoft office specialisVanalyst, computer graphicdesign, IntemeVweb design, administrative assistant, computer networking, softwareapplications, MCSE, CAD, 3D graphics, computer pattern design (garment), AS400,video editor. Information Technology (IT), medical assisting, medical billing, healthclaims examiner, medicaVdental terminology, smog technician, retail manager, officeequipment repair, auto loan underwriting, medical clerK, legal secretary, truck driver,paralegal, LVN, surgical tech, patient care assistant. pticaldispenser, prepressoperator, sales manager, HVAC, manufacturing technician, private Investigator, andundercover investigator.

While a few clients were approved to retrain for dramatically different careers, most-upgraded existing skills to improve their employability in the same or similar-occupations and industries. Clients were often deterred· from training for new careersbecause of the low starting wages in a new career field. The short-term nature ofJTPA .training also limited the potential to make major career changes.

Clients had the greatest possibility for having their training requests approved iUheywere ·unli!<ely to be able to retum to their previous occupation or industry". Training forunemployed workers from high growth occupations and industries was less likelybecause it was assumed that generally these workers had the opportunity to return towork Without retraining.

To better serve the employer customer in the Verdugo one-stop services delivery·system and to meet unique labor marKet demands, various exceptions to the ·unlikelyto retum~ policy were developed. For example. training could be approved when theclient had a legitimate job offer from an employer following the training completion, or ifthe client demonstrated the training occupation was in demand. by local employers,even If the industry In general was In decline. Also, clients could qualify for training ifthey could document that their occupation had been affected by technology changesthat Impacted their ability to compete for worK with their current skill s~ts.

WIA Plan (or Verdugo Area Page 170(22 Attachment B

With necessary emphasis on self-help to one-stop services and/or quick job seekerworkforce entry without training, customer opportunities to receive WIA-subsidizedoccupational classroom training may be reduced unless they are unable to obtain workafter extended job search. Such clients are likely to present numerous barriers toemployment. These harder-to-place clients will present different characteristics andtraining needs from past iocal clients, many of whom were dislocated workers. Thecurrent vendor base is probably adequate for dislocated workers, but significant newneeds may appear wIth variations in the cfient population.

Evaluating vendor training by key industries.

Service sectorlentertainment subcategory

Local workforce count: Dominant. cluster---about 60,000 workers (overstatedbecause EDD counts eveJY freelance job held).

Recent growth trend: A cyclical industry in a significant decline for the past fewyears, but currently stabilized.

Vendor training available 1997-99: Digital compositor/painter•. computergraphics, on-line media specialist, 3-0 animation, digital film editor, web pagedesigner. Many courses are not approved in the Regional Training Vendor Directory(RTVD). .

local customer" demand: Motion pictures had the highest number ofunemployed of any industry at the Glendale EDD office--4,783 last year. A range ofoccupations is represented, but job losses were particulany prevalent in the productionand post-production areas of TV features, motion picture" production, and digital·effects.

Conclusions: Local entertainment vendor training covers a very narrow area,mostly concentrated in new digital technologies. Because of rapid advancement ofdigital technologies in the entertainment industry, this training has generally helpedemployers find skilled employees. Intemet-related entertainment jobs are expected togrew raeidJy in the next five years. so the need for this training should grow locally..

"s.ome palit local labor market demand in entertainment was met through awardof serviqe provider contracts. For example. Filmanthroplc addressed.entry-Ievel needsin motion picture production and Hollywood Digital Careers trained digital effectsartists. How such training can be offered under WIA requires study. Without it,entertainment training will be limited to mostly digitaVcomputer areas. Further, veryfew existing courses are approved in the RTVD.

Because entertainment is a cyclical industry, in a strong growth period manydemand occupations could appear seemingly ovemight. Meeting shorter-termemployer needs. Will be a challenge, because of limitations and long training. periodstypical in the vendor system. .

Because entertainment is such a large local industry, training In officeautomation and information technology assists localsludjos and entertainmentcompanies with these labor needs.


WIA Plan lor Verdugo NO. Poge rB of22 AlIsch/llBnt B

Service sector /emplovment services subcateqorv

Local workforce count: Very large---cver 18,000 workers.Recent growth trend: One of the fastest growing areas of the economy.

Demand continues to be strong as qualified workers become more difficult to find.Vendor training available 1997·99: Computerized accounting, Microsoft office

specialist, computerized bookkeeping, word processing/office automation, receptionist,administrative assistant.

Local customer demand: Many with basic typing and minimal computerknowledge can be trained for entry-level occupations.

Conclusion: Vendors have capitalized on demand in this area. Due to aninsatiable corporate appetite to improve productivity by keeping up With the mostrecent computer technology, there has been great demand for workers with theseskills. Areas such as office automation have been prime beneficiaries of this trend. Asecond positive trend has been the utilization of temporary and contract workers to filljob openings previously herd by permanent workers. In this environment, employmentand temporary agencies have prospered,

Servloe sector!health care subcategory

Local workforce count; Very large--over 16,000 workers. ,Recent growth trend: Declining due to industry consolidations and reduced

services and profits resulting from managed care.Vendor training available 1997-99: MedicaVdental tenninology, health claims

examiner, medical biller/examiner, medical assistant, certified nursing assistant,medicaVdental front office, licensed vocational nurse, surgical technologist, patientcare assistant. .

, ,Local·customer demand: Health care had the fourth largest number of workersregistered with EDD in Verdugo Jobs Center; 918 in 1999. Very few requestedtraining.

Conclusion: Some local training was offered, and a small number of. clientschose to train for health care occupations. . The industry'slong-tenn decline andgeneral instability have probably discouraged -more interest in this field. Because ofthe-large size of this IndUstry locally,--many new jobs are-created by attrition asopposed to industry growth. Contract and temporary agencies prcminent In this fieldgenerate job opportunities. Some areas, such as specialty nursing and certifiednursing assistants, continue to suffer regional labor shortages.

Service sector /educatlon subcategory

Local workforce count: large-over 9,000 workers.Recent growth trend: Has been In strong growth trend in recent years due to

student population Increases and class size reduction legislation.Vendor training'available 1997-99: None specific to education.

WIA Plan for Verdugo Aree Page 190f22 Attachment 8

Local customer demand: Education had 598 workers registered with EDD inVerdugo Jobs Center in 1999, the seventh highest industry total in the region. Veryfew requested training.

Conclusion: Some general training, such as office automation and infolTllationtechnology, result in education agency hirings. Teaching and administrative positionsthat require long-term preparation were not compatible with JTPA.

Retail and wholesale sales

Local workforce count: Very large---over 25,000 workers.Recent growth trend: In a long-term growth trend.Vendor training available 1997·99: Sales manager, retail manager.

..Local customer demand: The majority of jobs in this field are safes related,which are lower skilled with high turnover rates. Retail workers rarely seek servicesfrom ~~rdugo Jobs center. "

...conclusion: Because many high-volume, entry-level occupations in this fieldrequire little training, few formal training programs exist in this field, With highturnover, malketing of Verdugo Jobs Center services may be appropriate. Many ofthese workers have developed soft skills in demand by employers outside this sector,and with occupational skills training may be good candidates to meet more technicallabor mar1<et demands.


Local wori<force count: Large-almcst2Q,OOO walkers.Recent growth trend: In a long-tenn decline.Vendor training available 1997-99: Manufacturing technician. .local customer demand: There were substantial-local job losses in apparel

manufacturing, with 751 wor1<ers registered with EOD in Verdugo Jobs Genter in 1999.In recent months layoffs have increased in other manufacturing areas. Still, few clients

. seek training from this field.~:£onclusion: The number of manufacturing-related training programs has

declined as the industry has undergone massive job losses. mostly from,~.6till strong demand for Computer Numerical Control Machinists, which hasexperienced labor shortages for many years.

Finance. Insurance. Real E!state

Local workforce count: Large---over 12,000 wor1<ers.Recent growth trend: In a long-term decline.Vendor training available 1997·99: Computerized accounting, computerized

~(lC>I<~eerlrll;jLoCi,: customer demand: Job services to 458 clients from depository institutions

was provided in 1999 through EDD at Verdugo Jobs Center, the 10th highest localindustry total. This trend of layoffs in the industry continues at a strong pace. Manyclients from banking and insurance industries seek Verdugo Jobs Cen'ter seNices.

WIA Plan lor Verdugo Are. PSge20 0(22 Attachment B

Conclusion: These areas have suffered major job losses. At one time therewere numerous prominent local banking and savings and loan institutions , but manyof those companies are now gone.

Some general training in infonnation technology and office automation haveresulted in employment as the banking and insurance industries have automated manyof their systems.


Local workforce count: Mid-sized---over 7,000 workers.Recent growth trend: Has experienced recent growth tied to general regional

economic growth.Vendor training available 1997-99: Travel agent; tractor trailer driver, truck

drivingLocal customer demand: Few layoffs have occurred. Verdugo Jobs Center

rarely receives clients from this industry. Training in warehousing and truck drivingalso could be appropriate for laid off manufacturing workers.

Conclusion: There is local need for warehouse workers due to generaleconomic growth of the region.. A warehouse worker training program was developedfor dislocated workers, but there was little interest among clients due to low entry-levelwages. In the future, a new design targeted to a different population might be explored.


. Local workforce count: Small--about 5,000 workers.Recent growth trend: In long·tenn decline. Failed to improve with general

.improvement in the economy. and the regional housing industry. A cyclical indUstry.Vendor training available 1997-99: Heating/air conditioning mechanic.Local customer demand: With sUbstanliallayoffs in this field, 490 unemployed

construction workers· registered with EDD in Verdugo Jobs Center in 1999. Very fewrequested training.

Conclusion: 'Many construction jobs are freelance or contraet-basedcand werenot compatible with JTPA. .

The UCLA Business Schoolrecently-citeda major shortage OfsldUed residentialconstruction workers because of attrition resulting from the housing depression of theear1y 19905. Lack of skilled labor may eventually lead to a major housing shortage inLos Angeles County, according to UCLA.

WIA Plan lor Verdugo Area Page 21 0122 Attachment B

Off-the-shelf vendor base characteristics to consider as IndividualTraining Account I1IAl program is launched:

Current dependence on computer-related training:61 % of courses offered in 1998-99 were computer-related, and 83% of aI/local trainingclients entered computer-related courses. Many off-the-shelf vendors chose to offercomputer training, where there was strong demand among businesses for workers withthe latest skills. These vendors caught a strong 1990's corporate trend tei improveproductivity by investing in the latest computer technology, requiring companies to hireworkers with skills necessa/}' to operate their equipment. Vendors offering computertraining also responded to JTPA agency outcome requirements,. for if job placementswere inadequate after training, local one-stop centers would no longer refer studentswith JTPA tuition subsidies and this could be a significant business loss for the vendors.This is not surprising since office automation and information technology jobs are someof the fastest growing occupations locally and national/y. While the corporate trend toupgrade computer technology and the demand for computer literate workers isexpected to continue, this may be too heavy a concentration in one facet of theeconomy.

Vendors with strong track records and ITA customer choice:JTPA referrals were made primarily to vendors who performed· well in job placement.The Verdugo area had one of the most successful performance records. in the state, butonly four preferred vendors trained 67% of Verdugo Jobs Center clients and six vendorstrained 80% of clients in the past year. How will customer choice balance With jobplacement and retention rates under the new IndMdual Training Account program?New policies to protect the integrity of customer choice as well as strong outcomes willbe considered. . .

Limited training {n non-computer occupations and services for' only a fewIndustry sectors: While computer-related training grew, the volume and variety ofother vendor options diminished. Few workers loosing jobs from manufacturing,construction, retail, and several other sectors sought JTPAservices, perhaps' refleCtinga lack 01 marketing to and choices for underrepresented industries and occupations.These dislocated workers may not have found attractive training lri the local one-stopsystem, may not have felt qualified to pursue the training offered, or may not have fit theprofile of trainees sought by local training vendors. In the future, there may beincreasing needs ·for more occupational training and indust/}' variety. With harder-to·employ clients and. customer choice, the Verdugo one-stop system may need to serveclients who have no interest in or affinity toward computer-related training.

Mismatch ofgovernment program standards and marketplace realities:Past training performance standards did not always synchronize with current employerpractices (e.g. entertainment indust/}' short-term projects and growing employer use inmany sectors ofcontingent or contract workers). Other than job development activities,targeted marketing to employers was limited, as were employer services. This issue wiflcontinue as a concem under WIA, and must be watched with care.

WIA Plan for Verrir;go Area Page 22 0'22 At/aehmenr B

Plan Modification for PY 2002-2003

Attachment B -- UPDATE

Mod #3 LM


Impact of continuing immigrationImmigrants continued to stream into the Verdugo area in large numbers, according to

the 2000 Census. Recently released figures indicate that 54,312 new immigrants establishedresidence in the region since 1990. That figure represents 17.2% of Verdugo's overallpopUlation. About 45% of Verdugo's residents are now foreign-bom, with the rate at 54% forthe City of Giendale.

There are many workforce development implications from this demographic trend.According to the Census, 82,592 of Verdugo residents say they speak English "less than verywell". This represents approximately 26% of the region's population. The rate in Glendale is34%. Numerous employers report basic workforce problems, such as communications problemsand lack of understanding about the U.S. workplace culture. Meanwhile, industries that havetraditionally absorbed immigrants, such as manufacturing, have declined substantially in theVerdugo region as the rate of immigrant has increased in the past 10 years. The region'sstrongest industries-enterlainmenl, retail, business services, health care, and education­primarily possess jobs that rely on good employee communication skllls. The Verdugo WIB haslaunched an aggressive research campaign to analyze the availability of ESL, literacy and basicskills resources in the community.

The strong immigrant trend in the region has been a factor affecting overalJ povertylevels. Traditionally, most Immigrants to the region have a low-income backgroimd. Theregion's poverty rate for famffies has increased from 9.2% to 11.2% from 1989 to 1999, despitea strong national economy and relatively low unemployment rates in 1999. The rate forindividuals rose from 11.2% to 13.2% during the same period. Median family income of allVerdugo famUies Is $54,330, but-32% of families-25.821~ake$35,000 per year or leS$.

Impact of an aging popUlationThe region's younger population, ages 20-34, has dropped dramatically, Which partly'

reflects housing affordablfity Issues for younger people in a housing market wlth esCalatingprices. Meanwhile, the. region's baby boomer population (25 to 54) is huge. But the fact thatthis population Is nearing retirement age creates concern for employers and workforcedevelopment professionals. According to a Business Week report, the growth of prim!! wolklngage adults will increase 3% between 2002 and 2020, compared to a 35% Increase In workingage adults between 1980 and 2000 as baby boomers aged. These demographics suggestMure labor shortages for the region in future years.

A key local industry suffers an employment meltdownEntertainment is one of the region's largest employers, with at least 35,000 to 40,000

full-time workers. But since mld-2001, entertainment has been In an aY(fu1 Jobs reCession. Inthe past year, entertainment has lost 22,400 jobs In LA. County, but the LA. County EconomIcDevelopment earp. estimates that the true losses are actually 42,000 because the statisticsfrom EDD do not include the Impact on freelance workers, which account lor 58% 01 the totalentertainment workforce. Many of these County-wide Job losses occurred in the VerdugoregIon. The number of production shooting days in L.A. County was off by approximately 30%at the beginning of 2002.

• Comprehensive guidance and counseling will be universally available for youth,including drug and alcohol abuse counseling and referral.

• Comprehensive guidance and counseling will be leveraged through a variety oflocal resources. Services of the schools and local police departments will bethe first resource cOrlsidered for youth.

• Verdugo Mental Health Cerlter (VMHC) is a Verdugo Parlner co-located atVerdugo Jobs Cerlter. Referral to VMHC will be available for youth who can rlotor choose not to berlefit from guidance or counselirlg offered by schools or suchorganizations as the Community Family Counseling Program in Burbank.

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• To the greatest extent possible, supportive services for youth will be leveragedfrom partnering or other community agencies.

• Very iimited WIA Title I funding can be made available for emergencysupportive service needs of youth.

• Follow-up services will be provided for not less than 12 months after completion ofyouth participation in a WIA Title I funded activity.


Pursuant to all federal and state prOVISionS related to procurement of goods andservices, all procurement transactions shall be conducted in a manner that provides tothe maximum extent possible for free and open competition. Procedures governingprocurement shall ensure that all services and property are acquired in a fair, effectiveand efficient manner. City of Glendale Procurement Procedures, which reflectapplicable state and local laws and regulations, shall be used proVided that theseprocedures also comply with WIA requirements and any standards that may beestablished by the Governor.

FWIAS99-2 (REV) 8/29/2003 Page 48 of 56 MOD #4 WIA Plan for Verdugo Area

To facilitate efficiency and regional coordination, local approval to purchasematerial, products or services may be based upon the procurement standardsand procedures of other Workforce Investment Areas, provided such standardscomply with WIA requirements and are acceptable to the City of Glendale. Unlessotherwise instructed by the Governor, administrative standards for competitiveprocurement shall be as follows:

• Procurements shall be conducted at intervals of not less than once every threeyears.

• Procurement activities shall be conducted in a confidential manner. Staff involvedin procurement shall not divulge advance purchasing information, specificproposal/offer eyaluation criteria, negotiations with bidders or in-house discussionsregarding a procurement until such time as this information is released to allinterested parties. .

• Procurements shall be consistent with allowable WIA cost principles.

• The purchase of all equipment and real property shall be necessary, reasonable,appropriate and allocable to WIA.

One of the following methods of procurement shall be used as appropriate foreach procurement action:

1) Small purchase procedures shall be used for securing services, supplies or otherproperty that does not cost more than $15,000 in the aggregate. Theseprocedures can be used where the "per transaction" value of the procurement is$15,000 or less. Bidding requirements for small purchases are:

DOLLAR RANGE$ 0 to 499$ 500 to 999$1,000 to 15,000$1,000 to 15,000



2) Competitive proposal procedures shall be used when there is a desire formaximum flexibility in selecting vendors or other providers whose proposals bestserve the interest and needs in the Verdugo Workforce Investment System.

• Justification for use of a competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) as the mostappropriate method exists where (a) needs cannot be so clearly defined that eachprospective vendor/provider can make the same interpretation of what is needed;(b) evaluation of various factors is needed to decide what will be the bestservice/product at the best price; and/or (c) competition Is desirable and anadequate number of potential bidders are available to compete.

FWIAB99-2 (REV) 8/29/2003 Page 49 of 56 MOO #4 WIA Plan for Verdugo Area

• All RFPs shall incorporate a clear and accurate description of technicalrequirements for the material, product, or service to be procured, identify allrequirements the offer must fulfill, and identify all other factors to be used inevaluating bids or proposals.

Recommendation of awards after competitive proposals are received:The Chair of VWIB will appoint an ad hoc Proposal Review Committee (PRC) for eachprocurement action. Each PRC must include at least one VWIB member and mayinclude other community representatives without conflicts of interest associated withthe procurement under consideration.

In advance of PRC consideration, proposals received by the published deadline will bereviewed by VWIB staff for responsiveness to RFP technical requirements and forcompleteness. The staff report to the PRC will include a comparative cost analysis interms of reasorlableness and fairness.

The PRC will review and score each proposal based upon the evaluation criteriapublished in the RFP. Funding recommendations may differ from amounts requestedby bidders. The VWIB will act upon PRC funding recommendations, but approval isnot final until the Glendale City Manager acts on behalf of the three-city VerdugoConsortium. All funding recommendations of the PRC and of the VWIB are madepending negotiation of an agreement approved by the Glendale City Manager.

Please see §VII.A. These guidelines apply not only to youth services, but to allcompetitive procurement processes within the Verdugo Workforce Investment Area.

Every good faith effort will be made to obtain and mairltain a broad database ofpotential bidders. To notify potential bidders of RFP release and dateltime for bidders'workshops, at minimum 20 days prior to the response deadline the bidders' listdatabase shall be sent notice via the postal system or electronic transmittal, and legalnotice shall appear in the Los Angeles Business Journal.

It is the responsibility of potential bidders to notify the City of Glendale WorkforceDevelopment Administration of any changes for the database in contact person(s) ornotice receipt location(s).

A non-competitive procurement process is justified by:

1) Failed competition: If only one responsive proposal is received during acompetitive procurement, options are to reopen the competition or to enter into asale source procurement.

2) Sale source: Use of this method shall be minimized to the extend practicable, butin eve case, shall be 'ustified b means of one of the followin: a the item or

FWIAB99-2 (REV) 8/29/2003 Page 50 of 56 MOD #4 WIA Plan for Verdugo Area

·service is available only from a single source, (b) public exigency or emergencyneed, (c) authorization by the awarding agency, (d) failed competition, (e) contractswith employers for on-the-job training, (f) enrollment of individual participants intooff-the-shelf classroom training.

All non-competitive proposals shall be part of a file that describes specificCircumstances supporting the use of the sole source method, results of anynegotiations with the vendor or other provider, and a determination of demonstratedperformance.

Appeal or protest of VWIB award recommendations:The appeal must be presented in writing to the address in the original RFP whereproposals were received, and must be received at that address within ten (10) workingdays from receipt of the rejection of offer notification by the offeror. Within ten (10)working days of receipt of this appeal letter by the Verdugo Workforce DevelopmentAdministration, the offeror will be contacted to establish the next action step.

The Cities of Glendale, Burbank, and La Canada Flintridge have agreed to form theVerdugo Consortium to implement WIA in the region. The City of Glendale isdesignated as the administrative entity and grant reCipient for the Verdugo WorkforceInvestment Area per this agreement. No award recommended by VWIB will be finaluntil approved by the City Manager of the City of Glendale, or a sig!1atory on his behalfthat has been approved by Glendale City Council. The City Manager of the City ofGlendale or his Council-approved signatory are responsible for disbursing grant fundson behalf of the Chief Elected Official of the Verdugo Workforce Investment Area.

Competitive proposals to provide youth activities in the Verdugo Workforce InvestmentArea must document how each WIA-required program element will be provided, evenwhen the agency submitting any proposal will not provide one or more particularelements themselves. The purpose of this requirement will be to give priority tobidders that have formed necessary collaborations at the time of application for funds.

Proposal evaluation criteria will apply to all proposed services, with this exception:self-service and information services, which will be provided through Verdugo JobsCenter, will not be evaluated during competitive procurement, but will receive VWIBoversight for quality control and continuous Improvement. Bidders must justify how theyouth program they propose will assist the state in attaining a high level of customersatisfaction. Competitive proposals will indicate how proposed services will result inachievement of the following indicators of success for youth (18-21):

FWIAB99-2 (REV) 812912003 Page 51 of 56 MOD #4 WIA Plan for Verdugo Area

o Entered employmento 6-month retentiono 6-month earnings changeo Credential attainment rate

Competitive proposals will indicate how proposed services will result in achievement ofthe following indicators of success for younger youth (14-17):

o Skill attainmento Diploma or equivalent attainmento Placement and retention

(e.g. in advanced training, apprenticeships, etc.)

While only one RFP will be issued, separate responses will be required for services toyouth 18-21 and younger youth 14-17. Any bidder planning to serve both groups mustsubmit two proposals.

Fine tuning of definitions of the above indicators of success will be based on theexperience of the six early WIA implementing states and final approval of the VerdugoYouth Workforce Council.

The WlJB will utilize the WIA-allowed 5% window to serve youth over the incomeguidelines who are:

• Drop outs• Sasic skills deficient, including need for ESL• One year over age for grade• Pregnant or parenting• Disabled• Homeless or runaway

The WlIB will utilize the WIA-allowed 5% window to serve youth over the incomeguidelines who are:

• Drop outs• Basic skills deficient, including need for ESL• One year over age for grade• Pregnant or parenting• Disabled• Homeless or runaway

FWIAB99-2 (REV) 812912003 Page 52 of 56 MOD #4 WIA Plan for Verdugo Area

Plan Modification #4PY 2003-2004




The Verdugo unemployment rate has fallen slightly from 5.3% in May 2002 to 5.2% inMay 2003. Approximately 8,500 local residents searching for work are consideredunemployed. Two years ago the unemployment rate was 4.5%.

Industry Breakdown

The Service Sector continues to be the dominant industry sector in the region. Fourindustry areas comprise the majority of employment in the Service Sector: MotionPictures, Health Services, Business Services and Education Services. The RetailSector represents the second largest sector in the region.

Demographic Issues

About 50% of the total regional population is considered to be part of the official laborforce. A high percentage of the local residents occupy higher level professionaloccupations, such as management positions and sales and office jobs. ApprOXimately19% of residents are in the education, health and social services field; about 12% are inprofessional, scientific,management, administrative and waste management services;and 11 % are in retail trade.

Local housing costs have skyrocketed since the late 1990's as housing costs consume35% or more of disposal income for 27% of residents, according to the 2000 Censusdata. This trend is resulting in more higher income individuals moving into the regionwho can afford the high housing costs.

Despite the housing situation, immigrants continued to migrate to the region as 54,000new immigrants moved into the region during the 1990's. About 45% of resident areforeign born, and 26% "speak English less than very well."

About 28% of the population is school age, and rates of school attendance continue toclimb with the immigration increase. About 33% of the region's population has abachelor's degree or higher,and 62% have had at least some college.

About 11 % of families are at or below the poverty level, and 13% of individuals are at orbelow this level. Median regional family income is $54,330.


Excellent published local directories for Burbank and Glendale areavailable for review upon request, but are too bUlky for inclusion inthis document. No directory for La Canada Flintridge is available.








# pages







MOU between VWIB and One-Stop Partners

MOU VWIB and State Dept. of Rehabilitation

Employment Development Dept. Sublease

Professional Services Agreement with

Armenian Relief Society (ARS) .

Professional Services Agreement with

ARS Evangelical Social Services

Glendale Community College (GCC) Sublease

MOU for data collection with GeC








0.8. City of Glendale

Section 8 Housing Authority Sublease

0.9. City of Glendale

Housing Development Preservation Space Agrmt.

0.10. Los Angeles County Office of Education

GAIN/GROW Contract

These documents are available for review upon request,but are excluded from this presentation due to volume.

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I !j Plan Modification #4 ATTACHMENT D

py 2003-2004•










Plan Modification #4PY 2003-2004


The performance levels on the following page relate to those theState of California submits to the U.S. Department of Labor asadjusted specifically for the Verdugo Workforce Investment Area.

Plan Modification #4PY 2003-2004

Workforce Investment ActFinal Performance Levels


Required Measure California's Performance Levels VERDUGOpy py py py ACTUAL PLAN

2000/01 2001/02 2002103 2003/04 02/03 03/04••

1. Adult Entered Employment Rate 66% 68% 66.34% 72% 70% 70%

2. Adult Employment Retention Rate 74% 76% 76.62% 81% 81% 76%

3. Adult Earning Gain $3500 $3600 $3618 $3400 $3600 $3400

4. Dislocated Worker Entered 68%. 69% 66.07% 79% 68% 68%Emclovment Rate

5. Dislocated Worker Employment 81% 83% 78.70% 88% 83% 83%Retention Rate

6. Dislocated Worker Wage 85% 86% 85.00% 96% 88% 88%Reclaeement Rate

7. Older Youth Entered Employment 55% 56% 56.79% 66% 60% 60%Rate

8. Older Youth Employment 70% 72% 72.28% 76.5% 76% 72%Retention Rate

9. Older Youth Earning Gain $2500 $2600 $2677 $3000 $2700 $2700

10. Younger Youth 65% 70% 75% 76% 74% 74%Skill Attainment Rate

11, Younger Youth Diploma 40% 42% 45% 55% 45% 45%or Equivalent Rate

12. Younger Youth Retention Rate 40% 42% 45% 53% 44% 44%

13. Adult Employment 40% 50% 60% 50% 50% 50%and Credential Rate

14. Dislocated Worker Employment 40% 42% 45% 58% 45% 45%and Credential Rate

15. Older Youth Employment 36% 42% 45% 30% 30% 30%and Credential Rate

16. Participant Customer Satisfaction 66 67 68 75 75 75Index

17. Employer Customer Satisfaction 64 65 66 75 75 75Index

•• This coiumn contains the most recent performance standards approved by the Statespecifically for the Verdugo Workforce Investment Area.




Plan Modification #4PY 2003-2004



These remained current at Mod #4.

,r.. ~. ~. ~.',_e--" 0lIl.-- c..' ~. c..


1. The Verdugo Workforce Investment Board assures that when allocated adult funds foremployment and training activities are limited, priority shall be given to recipients of publicassistance and other low-income individuals for intensive and training services [WIA,Sections 134 (d)(4){E), 118(b)(4)].

2. The Verdugo Workforce Investment Board certifies that its One-Stop Centers will recognizeand comply with applicable labor agreements affecting represented employees located inthe Centers. This shall include the right of access by State labor organizationrepresentatives pursuant to the Ralph C. Dills Act (Chapter 10.3 [commencing with Section3512] of Division 4, of Title 1 of the Govemment Code).

3. The Verdugo Workforce Investment Board assures that State employees who arelocated at One-Stop Centers shall remain under the supervision of their employingdepartment for the purposes of perfonmance evaluation, and other matters concerningcivil service rights and responsibilities. State employees perfonming services at One­Stop Centers shall retain existing civil service and collective bargaining protections onmatters relating to employment, including but not limited to, hiring, promotion, discipline,and grievance procedures. .

4. The Verdugo'Workforce Investment Board assures that when work-related issues ariseat One-$top Centers between State employees and operators or supervisors of otherpartners, the operator or other supervisor shall 'refer such issues to the' Stateemployees' civil service supervisor. The One-Stop Career Center operators andpartners shall cooperate in the investigation of the following matters: discriminationunder the Califomia Fair Employment and Housing Act (Part 2.8 [commencing withSection 12900] ofDivision 3 oflitle 2 of the Government Code), threats andlorviolenceconcerning State employees, and State employee misconduct.

5. One-Stop Operator is responsible for administering One-Stop Center services in accordwith roles to be detenmined by the Verdugo Workforce Investment Board. The VerdugoWorkforce Investment Board assures that it will select the One-Stop Operator with theagreement of the Chief Elected Official, through one of three means:

(a) Through a consortium of at least three or more, required One-Stop partners; or

(b) Through competitive process such as a Request for Proposal; or

(c) It may serve as the One-Stop Operator directly but only with the consent of theChief Elected Official and the Governor.

Glendaie-._ ..•Dave Weaver, May . 'Jam

The only time these selection procedures are nol required is in the following circumstances inclusive: theOne-Stop delivery system, of which the operator is a part. ",<isled before August 7,1998: the existing One­Stop system Includes all of the required One-Stop, partners: and an MOU has been executed which isconsistent with the requirements of the Act. [WIA: Sections 121 ( )(Al and gulations, Section662.410.] ,




I The Mod #1 listing remained current at Mod #4.



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Attachment GCalifornia

Local Workforce Investment AreaGrant Recipient Listing

Verdugo Consortium (Cities of Burbank, Glendale and La Caf\ada Flintridge)


Grant Recipient City of Glendale, Madalyn Blake, 141 North Glendale Avenue PH: 818-548-2053(or Subreclpient Department of CommunIty Director Glendale, Ca 91206 FX: 818-548-3724if applicable) Development and Housing

Fiscal Agent [same as above]

Local Area [same as above]Administrator .

.. ..,

Signature: P/¢...M [pr:.4~Dave Weaver)QTayor, City of Glendare (Chief Elected Official)

if a Local Grant SUbrecipient has been designated, please submit a copy of the agreement between the Chief Elected Officialand the Subrecipient. The agreement should delineate roles and responsibilities of each, including signature authority.

[NOT APPLICABLE: City ofGlendale ;$ a Grant Recipient, not a Subrec;pient.]

Verdugo Workforce Investment Area


i ~

I I,






ParticipantService Plan

[] Fourth Year Local Plan Modification PY 2003-04o Modification # LWIA: Verduoo Consortium, City of Glendale

Date: 7/112003

TITLE IB BUDGET PLAN SUMMARY (Adult or Dislocated Worker)WIA 118; 20 CFR 661.350(a)(13)

PROGRAM TYPE for PY2003, beginning 07101103 through 06/30104[] Grant Code 201/202 WIA IS-Adult

o Grant Code 5011502 WIA IS-Dislocated Worker

Bl.!!~l'!1r:1~!!QJil:Wl!liill1. Year of A ro riation2. Formula Allocation3. Allocation Ad'ustment- Plus or Minus4. Transfers - Plus or Minus5. TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE (line 2 plus 4)

'",r' ""D"'~'~'"" ~w_· ~r ~,)""J. ..""~

Pro ram Services (sum of Lines 6A throu h 6E)A. Core Self ServicesB. Core Re istration ServicesC. Intensive ServicesD. Trainin ServicesE. OtherAdministration (Line 5 minus 6)

TOTAL (Lines 6 Ius 7)

Se lember 2002December 2002

11. March 200312. June 200313. Se tember 200314. December 200315. March 200416. June 200417. Se tember 200418. December 200419. March 200520.' June 2005

R380xxx Sub rant2002







R485xxx Sub rant2003






Hoa Nelson, Com. Dev. SupervisorContact Person, Ti~e


(818) 548-2053Telephone Number

June 25, 2003Date Prepared

NOTE: Final Rule 667.160, What Reallocation Procedures Must the Governors Use, discusses local areaobligation rates, recapture, and reallocation. See also Directive WIAD01-10.

Title IS Budget Plan Summary (Adult or Dislocated' Worker)

Forms Supplement


o Fourth Year Local Plan Modification PY 2003-04o Modification # LWIA: Verduao Consortium, City of Glendale

Date: 4/112003

TITLE IB BUDGET PLAN SUMMARY (Youth)WIA 118; 20 CFR 661.350(a)(13)

PROGRAM TYPE for PY 2003, beginning 04/01/03 through 06/30/04[] Grant Code 301 WIA IS-Youth


Pr ram Services (sum of Lines 5A ilirough 5C)A. In SchoolB. OUI-of-School 30%)C. Other

6. Administration (Line 4 minus 5)7. TOTAL (Line 5 plus 6)

June 2002Se tember 2002December 2002March 2003

, 12. June 200313. Se tember 200314. December200315. March 200416. June 200417. Se tember 20041a. December 200419. March 200520. June 2005

21. % for Administration Ex enditures (Line 6/Line 7)

R380xxx Sub rant2002






R485xxx Sub rant2003







Hoa Nelson, Com. Dev. SupervisorContae! Person, Title


(818) 548-2053Telephone Number

June 25, 2003Dale Prepared

NOTE: Final Rule 667.160, What Reallocation Procedures Must lhe Governors Use, discusses local areaobliaation rates, recaDture, and reailocation. See aiso Directive WIAD01-10.

nUe IB Budget Plan Summary (Youtll)Forms SupplementFWIADD-56E DRAFT YOUTH 6/03

[] Fourth-Year Local Plan Modification PY 2003-04o Modification #


Plan the number of individuals that are in each category.

LWIA: Verduao ConsortiumDate: 7/1/2003

o.t~1 0 JRegistered Participants Carried in from PY 2002New Registered Participants for PY 2003Total Re istered Participants for PY 2003 (Line 1 plus 2)

Exiters for PY 2003Re istered Partie; ants Carried Out to PY 2004 (Line 3 minus 4)

11. Entered Employmentl1A Training-related,

'11 B. Entered Postsecondary/Advanced/Credential Program12. Remained with Layoff Emplo er13. Entered Military Service14. Entered Advanced Training15. Entered Postseconda Education16. Enlered A prenticeshi Program17. Attained High School DiplomaiGED18. Returned to Seconda School'19. Exited for Other Reasons



Hoa Nelson, Com. Dev. SupervisorConlact Person. Title


Trtle 18 Participant Plan SummsIYForms SupplementFWIADD-56F DRAFT

(818) 548-2053

Page 1 of 1

July 7,2003Telephone Date Prepared
