Citizen Ritual




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Grand Turk: Brother/Sister, the portal of the Invisible Empire of the South is being opened for you. Your sincere motives have brought you into the favor of the Grand Cyclops and his ** **** assembled.

As the Grand Turk approaches through the door he is blocked by the sword of the Lictor.

Lictor: The Invisible Empire of the South needs a new kind of man and a new kind of woman. It demands intelligent, strong and beautiful men and women! It demands great minds, great hearts and ready hands! Grand Turk: Brother Lictor, just such a man/woman stands without the portal of the Invisible Empire, desiring the prestigious honor of citizenship therein, and ready and willing to courageously face every danger confronted.

Lictor: Brother Grand Turk, then let him/her enter the Den in pursuit of such a noble quest.


The Grand Cyclops addresses the Candidate as follows:

Grand Cyclops: Brother/Sister, you have tonight, of your own free will, sworn to be true to the great Confederate Southland, to the Invisible Empire of the South, and to your race; that oath must be kept in letter and in spirit. While you respect it, those around you will be your friends. Let your conduct then be such that we shall have no reason to regret admitting you this night to our Noble Brotherhood and thus these Brothers and Sisters surrounding you become your deadly enemies.

Mortal man cannot assume a more sacred and binding oath: character and courage alone will enable you to keep it. Always remember that to keep this oath means honor, loyalty and duty; but to violate it means disgrace, dishonor, and death.

Holding up the vessel containing the Dedication fluid, he addresses the Candidate as follows:

Grand Cyclops: With this sparkling, transparent, life-giving, powerful mysterious fluid, more precious and far more significant than all the sacred oils of the Ancients; I set you apart from the men and women of your daily associations to the great and honorable task you have voluntarily allotted yourself as a citizen of the Invisible Empire of the South- ** **** ****.

As a citizen and a Klansman/Klanswoman may your character be as transparent, your life purpose as powerful, your motive in all things as magnanimous and as pure, and your Klannishness as real and as faithful as the manifold drops herein; yourself as refreshing and vitalizing to thy Brethren as is pure water to mankind.

You will now kneel upon your right knee.

Grand Cyclops: Brother/Sister beneath the great fiery cross, which now casts its illuminating rays upon you, blessing you with its sacred traditions of the past, having dedicated your life to the holy cause of the Confederate southland, and to our Klan--

Grand Cyclops: I dedicate you in Body (pours several drops of the dedication fluid down the candidates back), in Mind (pours several drops of the dedication fluid upon the candidates head), in Spirit (he places several drops of the fluid in his own hand and tosses it upward in the air) and in Life within the ranks of the noble brotherhood of the Invisible Empire of the South- ** **** **** (he makes a circular motion with his hand around candidates head). Let it forever be so!