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Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

February 16th, 2020

Go first and be reconciled;

then come and offer your gift.

Ve primero a reconciliarte;

luego ven y haz tu ofrenda.

(Continúa en la página 4)

From the Desk of the Pastor

2/Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Continued on page 4)

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time w February 16th, 2020Sir 15:15-20 w 1 Cor 2:6-10 w Matthew 5:17-37

Dear Parishioners,Pope Francis time and again has pointed out the dangers of

clericalism. Simply defined, clericalism is any policy or way of proceeding that maintains or increases the prestige, privilege and power of religious hierarchs. One antidote, for Francis, is synodality. Literally, “synod” means “journeying together”. Synodality reminds us that we are a Pilgrim People called to share our gifts and play a role in the life and mission of the Church. To do so, of course, requires the people of God to be present, listening to one another through local participation.

In his 2019 book, Wounded Shepherd: Pope Francis and His Struggle to Convert the Catholic Church, Austen Ivereigh discusses the challenges Francis faces in moving towards synodality, a movement from mere representation to participation.

Here at St. Ignatius we face a similar challenge. People live busy lives. Most pa-rishioners have only enough time to drop in for an hour or so of Church each week. The rest of the week is pretty much tak-en up with the very noble duties of family, work, exercise and socializing. Plus, we all need time to relax and sleep.

Given that these legitimate demands are not going to go away, how do we form a closer-knit parish community? How do we strengthen lay voices? How do we move from clerical-ism to synodality, from representation to participation?

I have no ready answer, except to keep inviting you to partic-ipate, when you can, in our many various parish commissions, programs, and events.

This coming Saturday is another opportunity for you to participate. If you are sincerely interested in how to address, improve and change the poor treatment often inflicted upon LGBTQ Catholics and how we might, in Pope Francis’s words, “create conditions in which every person can feel loved,” then please plan to attend the New Ways Ministry workshop this coming Saturday, February 22nd. Your participation will help us better address the homophobia and transphobia that sadly too often runs rampant in our world and Church.

I am mindful, as I make this invitation, that you will hear in the long form of this weekend’s Gospel from Matthew 5 some pretty harsh words on Jesus’s lips, including the hyperbolic say-ing: “if your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away…and if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away.” Such harsh sayings might make us wonder how they square with the inclusive love our parish tries to espouse. Recently, I learned that the prominent Jesuit scripture scholar, the late Joseph Fitzmyer, taught that even if, for example, the

Estimados Feligreses:El Papa Francisco ha señalado una y otra vez los peligros

del clericalismo. Simplemente definido, el clericalismo es cual-quier política o forma de proceder que mantenga o aumente el prestigio, el privilegio y el poder de los jerarcas religiosos. Un antídoto, para Francisco, es la sinodalidad. Literalmente, "sínodo" significa "viajar juntos". La sinodalidad nos recuerda que somos un pueblo peregrino, llamado a compartir nuestros dones y a desempeñar un papel en la vida y en la misión de la Iglesia. Para ello, por supuesto, se requiere que el pueblo de Dios esté presente, se escuchen los unos a los otros a través de la participación local.

En su libro de 2019, El Pastor Herido: el Papa Francisco y Su Lucha por Convertir a la Iglesia Católica, Austen Ivereigh analiza

el desafío al que se enfrenta Francisco por avanzar hacia la sinodalidad, un movimien-to desde la mera representación hacia la participación.

Aquí en San Ignacio nos enfrentamos a un desafío similar. La gente tiene vidas ocupadas. La mayoría de los feligreses sólo tienen tiempo suficiente para venir durante

una hora, más o menos, a la Iglesia cada semana. El resto de la semana está prácticamente ocupado con los deberes muy nobles de la familia, el trabajo, el ejercicio y la socialización. Además, todos necesitamos tiempo para relajarnos y dormir.

Teniendo en cuenta de que estas demandas legítimas no van a desaparecer, ¿cómo formamos una comunidad parroquial más cercana y entretejida? ¿Cómo fortalecemos las voces la-icas? ¿Cómo pasamos del clericalismo a la sinodalidad, de la representación a la participación?

No tengo una respuesta apropiada, excepto seguir invitán-dolos a participar, cuando puedan, en nuestras diversas comis-iones parroquiales, programas y eventos.

Este próximo sábado hay otra oportunidad para que partic-ipen. Si están sinceramente interesados en cómo abordar, me-jorar y cambiar el maltrato a menudo infligido a los católicos LGBTQ y de cómo podríamos, en palabras del Papa Francis-co, "crear condiciones en las que cada persona pueda sentirse amada", entonces, por favor, asistan al taller del Ministerio de Nuevos Caminos este próximo sábado 22 de febrero. Su participación nos ayudará a abordar mejor la homofobia y la transfobia que, tristemente, con demasiada frecuencia, se des-encadena en nuestro mundo y en nuestra Iglesia.

Soy consciente, al hacer esta invitación, que escucharán en la forma larga del Evangelio de este fin de semana de Mateo 5 algunas palabras bastante duras en los labios de Jesús, incluy

LGBTQ Panel Particpants (1/26)

3/Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Outreach MinistriesProject Bread Walk for Hunger Just 11 weeks away- Sunday, May 3rd. Registration has begun! Let’s make it a banner year for Project Bread and TEAM IGNATIUS!

March 1st - 29thOur Socks and Shower Sandals

(not thong flip-flops) Drive to assist the patients of Boston Health Care for the

Homeless Program. More details to come!

February 26th:Ash Wednesday and CRS Rice Bowl begins! Rice Bowls will be ready to go on Sunday, February 23rd.

Seniors' February GatheringTuesday, February 25thOur Senior Parishioners will cele-

brate Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday with a pancakes and sau-sage lunch. If you’re a Senior and would like to join in, please RSVP Sr. Diane no later than Friday, February 21st: 617-552-6107.

Shattuck Fourth TuesdayThe 25th of this month. Desserts will be needed!

Next StepS WorkShop Saturday, February 22Nd | 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

pariSh oFFice GardeN LeveLNew Ways Ministry will offer prayer and

discussion for those who are interested in improving the experience of LGBTQ Catholics and for anyone interested in getting an LGBTQ parish ministry off the ground. Lunch will be provided. RSVP:

Tuesday, February 25th 6 - 9 pm In the Friary Room

All Bread Bakers • Choir Members • Eucharistic Ministers • Lectors • Musicians • Finance Council • Parish Pastoral Council

• Staff are invited! New Orleans Fare • Beer/Wine • Music

RSVP by Monday, February 17th


Come in your purple, green, or gold for an evening to socialize with other ministers and to

say thanks for all you do at our parish!

Liturgy Commission

Thank You! The ARRUPE group is most grateful to all who gener-ously donated to its collection last weekend. Through your largesse we now have an additional $6,000 to help defray the expenses of this family of ten as they work toward self sufficiency. As you can imagine, expenses for a family of ten are many; if you did not have a chance to donate last weekend, donations can still be made by check or online through the parish web page at Select ARRUPE in the pull down menu.

Presidents' DayMonday, February 17th

Mass: 9 a.m. | Lannon ChapelParish Office Closed


Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers are needed for the 12:15, 5:30, & 7:30 p.m. MassesSign Up:

or contact

4/Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Spiritual Life

Winter Film & Reflection: Revolution Of The HeartThe Dorothy Day Story

Sunday, March 1st | 4:15 p.m.6:45 p.m. Panel Discussion

Choir/Media Room & Lannon Chapel

This showing profiles a radical witness to the Gospel. Following the 5:30 p.m. Mass, a panel discus-sion will feature Martha Hennessy, granddaughter of Dorothy Day, and Mark Colville, founder of the New Haven Catholic Worker. All are welcome!

Lenten Wellness ProgramSaturday, February 29th | 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

BC - O'Connell House (185 Hammond Street) & Parish Office Garden Level

All classes for this retreat run from 45-60 minutes. Space is limited, please RSVP by February 14th to indicate in which workshops you are interested:

9 a.m. - Yoga with Dawn Davis, O'Connell HousePerfect for beginners as well as seasoned practitioners, stretch, strengthen and reclaim your balance. Anyone who attends this

class will receive a free class to one of Dawn's regular classes. www.dawndavis.com10:30 a.m. - Labyrinth Walk with Kathy Maher, Parish Office/BC Labyrinth

Experience the practice of labyrinth walking. We will meet at the Parish Office for a guided mindfulness meditation and continue together to the labyrinth located near the main entrance to the Boston College campus.

11:30 a.m. - Positive Body Image & Eating Disorder Awareness with Maria Sullivan, Parish Office Garden LevelMaria is a volunteer advocate for eating disorder education and awareness on this mental health issue, which has the highest

mortality rate of all mental illnesses.2 p.m. - Restorative Yoga & Reiki with Liz Padula, Rita Beckman ,and Maria Sullivan, O'Connell HouseThis class will introduce you to both restorative yoga and Reiki for a uniquely balanced experience of body stretching and

energy healing. The combined experience will calm your mind, stretch your body and open your spirit.

troubling words about “no divorce” go back to the actual words of Jesus himself, we must understand, interpret and act upon them under the guidance of the Holy Spirit in order to save the heart of the Gospel message itself, namely, love.

Help our parish community grow as a discerning people of love. Please come to our workshop this Saturday.

In the love of Christ,Fr. Joe

endo el dicho hiperbólico: "Si tu ojo derecho te hace pecar, arráncatelo y tíralo... y si tu mano derecha te hace pecar, cór-tala y tírala. "Tales dichos duros podrían hacernos preguntar cómo encontrar ese amor inclusivo que nuestra parroquia trata de defender. Recientemente, supe que el prominente erudito jesuita de las Escrituras, el difunto Joseph Fitzmyer, enseñó que incluso si, por ejemplo, las palabras preocupantes sobre "no divorciarse" se remontan a las palabras reales del mismo Jesús, debemos entender, interpretar y actuar sobre ellas bajo la guía del Espíritu Santo para salvar la esencia del propio mensaje del evangelio, es decir, el amor.

Hay que ayudar a nuestra comunidad parroquial a crecer como un pueblo que discierne en el amor. Por favor, venga a nuestro taller este sábado.

En el amor de Cristo,P. Joe

(Continued from page 2) (Continúa de la página 2)


To decrease the spread of germs during this cold and flu season, we encourage you to refrain from receiving on the tongue or receiving from the chalice. You are encouraged to pause to reverence the Most Precious Blood before returning to your pew. See the beginning of our Music Supplement for details on our practices for receiving communion.

5/Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Book DiscussionSunday, March 22nd | 11:15 a.m. Parish Office ParlorWhite Fragility by Robin DiAngelo not only describes how reactions of anger, fear and guilt serve to reinstate white racial equilibri-um, but the author also suggests ways to en-gage more constructively. This is a groundbreaking and timely book for all people invested in societal change.

Men’s Spiritual GrowthThe next meeting will be on February 19th at 7 p.m.

in the Parish Office Parlor. All are welcome!

Please pray for: Saturday, February 15th4 p.m. - Clare Shea

Sunday, February 16th8 a.m. - Tom & Mary Shields10 a.m. - Mary E. Kennedy12 p.m. - Franca Franzaroli5:30 p.m. - Joseph Casaletto

Monday, February 17th9 a.m. - Gregory Moore

Tuesday, February 18th12:15 p.m. - Francis Sutherby

Wednesday, February 19th12:15 p.m. - Maria-Clotilde Antonelli

Thursday, February 20th12:15 p.m. - Margaret Mary Lee

Friday, February 21st12:15 p.m. - Frank Labey5:30 p.m. - Mary Sullivan

Saturday, February 22nd4 p.m. - Christine McDonald

Sunday, February 23rd8 a.m. - Helena Lee10 a.m. - Carmella Tobin, James & Catherine Solano, and Joseph Solano10 a.m. (Family) - John Bohling12 p.m. - Leo Power5:30 p.m. - Josephine Capobianco

Racial Justice Subcommittee:"We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tor-mented. Sometimes we must interfere. When human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national bor-ders and sensitivities become irrelevant. Wherever men and women are persecuted because of their race, religion or politi-cal views, that place must- at that moment- become the center of the universe."

- Elie Wiesel

Peace, Justice & Reconciliation

Laudato Sí CircleTuesday, February 18th | 7 - 8:30 p.m. Parish Office Garden Level ChapelChapters 9 and 10 of Radical Amazement by Judy Cannato will be discussed.

Parish Prayer Group | Tuesdays 7 - 8 a.m. | BiweeklyNext Meeting: February 18th, Parish Office Garden LevelParishioners gather to share insights and enrich our faith ex-perience.All are welcome. Contact James Cochran for more information:

Faith FormationSafe Environment for Children - "Teaching Safety"

Protegiendo los niños - "Enseñanza de la seguridad"Sunday, February 23rd

Faith Formation classes will include an abuse prevention course for your child. If you would like further information regarding this important curriculum, please contact Annarose ( Ignacio ofrecerá un curso de prevención de abuso a sus jóvenes durante su tiempo de clase regular de Formación en la Fe. Si desea obtener más información sobre este importante plan de estudios, comuníquese con Annarose (

Next weekend's Second Collection will help to support the Church around the world.

Young Adult MinistryHabitat for Humanity BuildSaturday, February 22ndHelp build a home for a family in need! Leave St. Ignatius at 8:30 a.m. & return by 3:30 p.m. (transportation is not provided).

Sr. Diane will pack a lunch for the group. Sign up:

6/Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saint Ignatius of Loyola Church28 Commonwealth AvenueChestnut Hill, MA 02467

Phone: 617-552-6100 v Fax: 617-552-6101 v Email: v Web: stignatiuschestnuthill.orgPARISH OFFICE HOURS

Monday - Thursday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m (Closed 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.)

The Parish StaffRev. Joseph Costantino, S.J., Pastor 617-552-6100Rev. Donald MacMillan, S.J., Associate Pastor 617-552-6100Rev. Gerald Finnegan, S.J., Senior Priest 617-552-6100 Karen O’Reilly, Accounts/HR Manager 617-552-6117Michael Sennett, Administrative Assistant/Media Specialist 617-552-6102Sr. Diane Vallerio, MFIC, Director of Outreach Ministries 617-552-6107Matt Anderson, Organist, Director of Music Ministries 617-552-6114Justin Hoch, Confirmation Coordinator 617-552-6105Annarose Jowenson, Pre-K - 8 Coordinator 617-552-6103 Kathy Maher, Spiritual Life & Ignatian Community Development Coordinator 617-552-6112 Rev. Mr. Jason Downer, S.J., Transitional Deacon jason.downer@bc.eduRev. Mr. Doug Ray, S.J., Transitional Deacon douglas.ray@bc.eduJamie Huggins, Facilities Manager 617-552-6100Maureen Saldarini, Funeral Coordinator 617-552-6100Parish Pastoral Council

The Celebration of the Eucharist

Newcomers to St. Ignatius are invited and encouraged to formally register as members of the parish so that we can stay in touch with you via email with Faith Formation news, notice of special events, volunteer opportunities and more.

Registration forms are available at the back of the church in the gathering space or on the website.Please note that you must be registered for at least six months before we can issue any verification

of your status as a parishioner for godparent or sponsor letters.

CAP Team (Child Abuse Protection) Ensures the protection of all, providing training, consultation, and support. Kathy Maher, Chair katherine.maher@bc.eduMarc Gervais, Team Member

Other SacramentsReconciliation—Saturdays, 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. in the Upper Church or by appointment.Baptism—Adults are baptized at the Easter Vigil as part of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Infant and child Baptisms are by arrangement. First Eucharist—Preparation begins in grade one and incudes classes, retreats, and home instruction. Children receive First Eucharist in grade two.Confirmation—Our Confirmation program begins in 9th grade; students are confirmed in the spring of 10th grade. For young adults who have been baptized but are not yet confirmed, contact the Parish Office.Matrimony—Parishioners, BC Grads and non-parishioners are welcome to be married at St. Ignatius. Contact the parish office for available dates and details. Anointing of the Sick—By arrangement. Contact the parish office.

Upper ChurchLower Church

Lower ChurchLower ChurchUpper Church

8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 Noon, 5:30 p.m.10:00 a.m., Family Liturgy12:00 p.m., Misa En Español En La Capilla Lannon12:15 p.m. & 5:30 p.m [Friday Adoration -- 12:45 p.m.]9:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. (Vigil)



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