Chronology of the Marshall Plan June 5 1947 to November 5 1947-1



Chronology of the Marshall Plan

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    . '''':".


    GEORGE..C. :M.4RsHAlt.\t..S,. RE~EA,RCH CENTER'.,. .., 'LIBR1iR:CQF c'ONGRESS

    . Legisiative":Rofe,t>enc8 Scr-rlce.

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    ~~~pe .~;; .~? conti.:. :. . -.," : .--- "

    _.. ,~, ,! .. " ,

    rients1.1pp()~ted 'bY~:~ 'Vle~J- deYel~p~d:"and' ihEegra.teQ: :'~conom;i' donsisting of.. . . . . ~ . ' ~"'" ".' .' _., .

    agricC;iit.U'.8; irldustr.w"and t:--ad~;. :Tile '.;v.~;~ sha'ttered 'this economy and.,~ , . .' '. ,-,; -' ': :'. . - . ~.:. " . .

    ~rOl.lght .such unprecedented destruction tThRt tvli"o.Years -after the defeat'6 - '. _ '.. .!~. ,

    of Ger~~~y';' the. whole contfu~~t, st~J,.l. flounder~d in :an economic' morass, . ..,. . - '. ". .

    and it 1':as'doUb~ul. that Eur0I:.e cO,uld ever recover C0).ll.pletelyw~tr:loutthe. '.

    assis'tauge of' the Un:Lted State$'~ Early ef.forts at ~eh~bilitation~ such asUNRRA h~ii. rtotb'een;;.i;a:f+jf:.ji~q(:;~~:$.trU~~~.: P'J;{'il;:~ politica,l~rid S96ial..,:. .'...... . . .. .:.: -' '~':~~' :: >" .-~' ;~~;.-" ..::r';". ':' '~";' ... _":'.' .' '.'front the:tapitalistworld was '9ha11enged by ~ trong tiend to the left~

    ....... ~. ~ 1-: : .' .. I i" .' .-:, . .: ':';'" .'. " .

  • , _. '.:':} ._. ' '. ':, '-:~ ,i.':.: :. ,:';": .::. ~:. :.';. 7~ . -!-'.. conditions .:ill. 'which free institutions can 8XlS-c,. . Such .as.slB vance..lI

    I am cOlw;i.nceci .. must not he on' a pi!Jcoinoal basis, as. var.ious. 'crises,devoiop-. .Ani :'a~isistimce thar;':,this Goyerpnien'tmay r,ondgr 4-n .thea?1ore.,'p'1?-l~t~,~iv.e:~...... "_. ,.' . '_~ny,;,goYer:imi?iJ"t' that: is Tl1, "''thO ::task. '.,;,of recoverY: will find fullcoop~ra:t~,onii:Irali1:8'1'1'6, or.~ ~be ;)?r~ ofthe unitad. 'S;t:,;:t'tes".Govornmo.nt ;,' '.{'-Any '-g()v,crriffiGnt whiCh.,mcwe,u.:v:er s to ".biQCk the'Fe'c~'veiy (of 0th~ :r.:c O1,lb.'t:r.;icc~' ..e~~ o.~:t .. he~p' .1;r'om:A1S'Q, "Furthermorc, ':goYernm.ents, poltt'ical'.p.arties or .groups.which' seek'to 'perpetu.atehulil~hmi.sepy: ill:prd\:3y::to.p'r~:qit,t1:to;c~:fro~. pol~ticaJ,ly:or othervrise will encount!3r the" oppo'sition of the Unitod' States\> ..

    "'" "

  • ' .....

    ':.: - " ~

    ..' \.'


    ." ~ '.

    3.' A 19.;..memger~dvisory l?0[,lll1ittco ... als'o !:mown as theHo;rrimariCmm:i:tt0'0; : Gorisis tipg' .~p!~~i'ipsJicira::ki;,~~,t~sB,,,;:;a~d:;f?1Tnl. loaders j .to. s~udy th~"b~oad':~)jdtoadvise thoPresid:ent Hoh, the 1:tniits1dth:icn:,:Frh~chtho.. Unitod stf);tos:maysC\fely' and wise.iy .pThn,to'extphd s}.lch p.~sistance.l~ he~9,e~))y;, ..

    , --:'. ;, ,Seor,E3 tar-,f of .Comm.GrCQ.'W.~A;Y6reil'Har~jimai11:,anc( fprisi~ting',:o(,>"various subcommittees.:. . ' , .. :

    , w , ". :,'; '., :' .:. ',:. L '".:,'.;'._", .~'i ':'.; .. .' ':.: ' .~ ." .. .' ~ ,;', - -

    SubQomrnihoe "on. J~api:tai 'a+1.ddUrEJ,ble....g~ods :.' Hiland ......'. Batchc.ller .:(Pro's ';"1' Alleghony..,.LuQ.lttrll 'SteelC'orp~ .... Pittsburgh" Pa-e), chairman; J~os Be> :,Carey (S.e.6 I Y_oTreas~of GIO);Paul ;Go. 'Hoffman (PrDs u S'tuaebakeJ:: r...

    . Gorp." SOtlth Bend" Ind Q ); HarolcJ.'G.. Moul:to:q' (Pr.Gs ~'". The Br.?okings lristitutioD,,' Washington,? D.. G~) 'II' .:-r '.,

    .treanvvhilB'~ ;,the' unit;ea:5ta:t.e~>pi:6p~r.ed.,,to.~;C~1~~h;~e;,::r:opo;rt of' the'::' ":- . .:. __ -;'~' .' ~ ,"~:'. 'i::~~:;;< .~f:~~~ , ~{'.:.'.~ >~~';~";"'~'." :.~ ~':'::~ -:. --t;y.,~~? ~ \: ':'.~ .~:.~:;

  • ., .. . ~ '.~ ...


    .,~: '.'.

    ') -" ... ":

    SUb~ornmi:ttee ... bntriinsp6:t~~ti:bn::G:ranvilie ,'Gon:vtay;;' ":L:,rhf;j:.~~OSinciPO;t::Lt~h: Ship.pi.pgi.:o.';;(N8~V' :(9r~~'" N~,:'y~); ' .., 'chairman ;:j ... '>:. ''', . '::,,::,.;~~'~,~:~>h::'(/. . '., '.' :.1:.,. ...~':. . .... :' -.-', -. ;.. . c, .JameS' Pi. JUcha:rds. (3" .. c'..1":'):

  • ',;,

    '. '.'

    ',' On sePte:b(2~;,~'tj~?,i~t;~'~7ttry'~~~~~!!f~i,~iicCo~opera-"'.' ti6n~.h.4.ving;.. ?~~p ~et~d:::i: tScl;~.1i~~era ~i.SnE;;.,:.~~:ep?:r:,t'?,dt'~ ,~?e~}'dGnt Trum9-rl al?-d,

    . - .. ....

    the.' D~p~r.tJJ;lGnf::;f.,state ~Vol,!:

  • "I'~.l

    Plan; .th~ other w~s' th~: :Ln';erj.~ '~id> pro~~qiil Italy,,' Os tens i-" ::.'l._' , ... ',\: .

    .: : :'. " Co '.1' .!; .~ . ',.',; :~. .:. ." '.' ~. . .' ....bly Congress was calledto den). rlith the 'J;a.tter.:;.'in spo'cial' sDssion .and'cop].d';/

    . ' . ..' ", '. ' ';'.' ,...",.. . .. , " :';" , " . .. '" jpostpone the program 1],ntj,l :the-b~g~nrri:'rig .of thc)" reguJai',,}lCS sionL. '

    actu.611~ the tx{~~~s"ubje~ts"~e~B~d :to:c< clo~e.iY'';i~td~r~lat~dt'O' make.a ,~lea'r-, '., ..


    cut distinction possible o", ; r" .. \:~ "

    " ",=

    , state. Se~retary ~org$"G~~l~rsha~~~l Harvard,Uniyersity COITmencG-'. . .' -'~. . , .' , '. - .. ' . -'~ .J' .. , .. ... ' .'."

    mont spoochoutliheS .basip,for :the.' ,~90n'7mic r.oc~~erJT- of E'lFOpoJ sinco ..' ... .' .... t. ,'- .'., I .' ~ :. .... '. : .. " ,. _ "

    called the IIMarshall Plano ll"; "

    f" ." .. ,'."

    . ',' ,.HBefcire the' UnitGd:.S'tatesGoyerrnnent: Gan proceed muchfurther in' its efforts' to' :~.~ ~, st,artthe,~EUi~6'Pennv{orld':olJ.>. itsway. to recovery. there must bo ~qme,: p,grcorient; aniong ,the " ".couni;;ries. d' Eur?pe 'as to the r.oqu:Lrol;18iits, of th'o', situation ....

    ", , and :tho':ppr.-t ,.thosecountries .thomp.elves will take in order togivG'. proper offoct to vihatevr aetionr;:d.ght bO' un~Grtakonby'

    '.. this .GoverD-rnent., 1I .' , ,.. ",

    'June .n" 1947 ,. ,:;1:.: -,,' ~:. .:" . ,.r ...4" .;. ' ,"

    PresidontTruman ,iri"-ott~vi'a ad~ress".restatBs~Mafsha,l=l.',Do~trinQ,~n.~;" '

    , ..... ' .'

    June,12 1 ],.947"'-:- .


    . '.:

    sec.~.,qt~ry;:)iarshall, .aqno.u.ncGs.. i~1 p;res.s, comerehCo thn t ]5arshall Plan, .' '. .' ':'" . ' ,- ; "1 '.1. '. 1'.3~ ,1947 " ::",Foroign Minister E~nest:~ovin,ot,Britain.hails Marshall Plan as

    1I000i:i:'eal attempt ~.~. to, (create) .. a',l~.e!3-1thy w~rl~ t.~ (and pr?duce),.0. 'It

  • " ..

    . :}.'" .. I


    June 14,;, 1947,

    ,'~ '\-, -. ~ . - .;. -~, ...--"....~, - .,....... ,,;. ...=.; ...... ~ '.;.-,

    discuss' proposalQ (French govcrmiGht -reportGd' to havo. soundlBdout :So"v:i~t.::.

    Union about participation in discu8sion~)'

    June ,1.'5), 1947,.~ '

    \':~ '.., J : . "'~J '!,}._-. "--, _~.


    " "

    Pravda, official Soviet Communist mouthviece~ in editorial assails

    ~I'" h 11 Plan as I\Pres.idont Trl.llnari' s plan for political pressure"'17'i in;.':....:.......lVlars_ a. e-,.' ~ ~.,' , . .

    doJ.larsl~ and as a program .of interference in the interne""l affairs 0' other

    states ..11

    Juno IS" 1947

    Ex-President Herbert Hoover~ in latter to Senator Styles Bri~g~si........ .,.'..

    OhaLrrl~2.n of Senat~ Appropriationsebrnmittee} without IDentibning Mars.hallPlan, rais'es questions abOlit a' need for 'liraHati'dh"of a'id to. foreign:

    count-riGs,; :',.\.., '.:

    ., ~" - .. -.. ,. '. ~,

    Poiiits out: (i) United Statos 'c;'annotro'construet 'w0rld alono,;. .', .. (2) in two years we have .oxpandod 29 billion dollars; ,provided

    13 billions in ro1ief., 'and D:recoTImiittod t6- 6 ..billionc;xpondi-turo in cODing year. Russian obstruction has cost tho Unitedstates billions; noed to coC'rdino.te all rolief, credit" &l.nd. ., .'.oXport activities, prevent excessive prices and oxport~ modifyconsumption at homG, and in rGturn for our sacrifioos reqll:Lre..: ':as'sistancG to tho UnitQd states with s.tcckpilinE stratog:Lci:i.YBa..:- .. -.'tcrials obtainable abroad for 'national'QafonsE}1l .... ;':/..

    : .. ~,

    Juno 16, 1947I, .:L. ".

    Tho British'Ampas~~d? Mo~:m, is instructed to seo Forolgn'Minis~er::.:r

    .. ','.' .


    Harbert Hoover;; Allon Yf ... Dullos, James V. Forrostal, HaroldE.

    Stassen, at commence~ents ~rge support of Marshall ~lano

  • JUXle 16 $ 1947

    . Undorse.crotary of" -State.-Db~n Acheson- announces at Wesleyan'. the need

    for:: ti3.Jd;rig' an inventory, of oD.r. rOS'QuTci3s,.~

    JUl:lO 17, 1947 '" :.; .

    British ADbassador to lioscavr discusses IJarsha1:l-. Plan with Foroign

    lUnister Ho1otov 1'lho askflfor further information.

    JUl:lO 17" 1947 ',- ~.'. ; : f -" : ."; !.: " .:'. .- . .

    Talks open in Paris be.ureen Foreign Ministors Bovin and Bidault,.:

    . ~'."

    accompanied by expertsg SDbject; (1) making raw materials accessible on.. I.

    equitabie basis; (2) el~~nation'of tariff and trade barriers; (3) fiscaland currenc;yr reforms; (4) priority of aid for bilsic aroasoJuno 19, 1947- '.' ..

    Tass .attacks the Bevin....Bidaulttalks cas ilan attempt to make:; a deal

    behind :the 'back 6f the .;3oviet Union and 'o;the;r European countrlqs.U .

    June 19, 1947

    III speech in n:oul;le of COrnr;lons, Foreign: ]nnister:.Bevinwarns that. ~: '. ~

    Britain is' prepared to' go ahead with Uarshal1" f-la);).$ with or v-rithout theSoviet Union'. .:' .

    .,- ,

    1'. i;. " ....

    JUl:lC 19" 1947- ... ", ' .. '. ..~ -: .~: ~ .~i -. '. ! . '~.

    '!'. -; . ~ .'

    ..... 'i, .....

    Paris talks broken ~ff and invitation .sent to' Foreign. Secretary

    Hol,otov to join -Bevin and Biclaultit

    . :.

    Tlw Soviet pross reports that the USSR ylishos further information on:'"

    " ; ,'. ,.< " ..

    the conditions of the credits to be granted by the Unitod states and the

    relation of ,the plan to the United Nations Organization.

    " .: " rt... '/

    "..': :

  • -9,~''I l~ -"

    04- .J,:. .

    : presido;'t. TrUlnan~appoints:' 19":D.8l1lbe~:.e.d;visQ.ry. '.com..rnittoe (FIq.ft'1'.;man .Oommitt'ce ),~, ,~onsi~ting.iof .f:L~~~~~~l-$:~:s~~e~~;:::'and:'f9.r,m 'l~ade,r.s" tD~ I~t:udy"'" '

    '. ~ :. r' ~ :~ ,". .:. ....: .L\, '~.' i:.:; ~; ~" . :. . '. . "the broad a:apGcts of the aid program and to'-. advise the I'r~sid0nt Cllonl\t~o" ,'",.

    limits within which the 'trnited states may.' s?-fely and wisely plair t~ ax"';. '::ol',.. .~ .... :.W.lI~P ~,I: I' Jll-

    tend -such assistance .,.It', ,',,.

    JfulG, 22,,1947. ...,.'


    1 ~io ) ro


    ,Prqsident Trumai:l~appoints, a'cormnitteeofsP!3cialists ,within tMA. : ,>L;, ':c;'. -.j:.. .

    ,govermnE;ll!-tJ (Krug' CQmmitt\ie);.to 'siudythe state of the ::tl?-tiQrils, ro~cmrce~,vrith a viow to the abili~y of the Unitod states to .f~p;ah~.~>~i..e :,> :"Marshall Pla11~,

    June 22, 1947 '

    President Tru..rn.a!l appoints ,.Council of: ,Economic Advisers (Nours,f!.' .Com-.

    raittoe) to. ~tudy .n~heimpact on our economy of aid tQ ,o~her- couritrias. ll

    June 23,." 1947.Foreign. Uinister Ho16tov. a~Gepts invitation to B.ig Thrpe conferonce


    scheduled for Par~s ~unc 27. [Britain1 Franc~~ Ru~siaJ

    Junc' 24" 1947, i,r..,.

    . '. '.

    Attlee, and Foreign Hinister Bovill"

    Undersecretary of state Clayton discusses plan with. P:rimo lIiniste,:C.";'t.. ~ " .,'. ':: ": :; :~.," r:' .. '. -, ~ .... p ..... ,

    June 25, 1947.,. .'; ,.'. . .;. \: i',',: .. ~ 5',". \','

    A Pravda od:itorial exprcss.os concern o:"or. possibJp cc\nditions to~" .1.. ~:. 1;:~. .' ..

    bo imposed by the Unitod 'states -in rendering c;conC'lni~ assis~f:nce undor the ," .,~tMarshall P:].an o '. ,

    . } ..

    ' II..t r....

    \....... ).'


  • ', .. ' .... : - .

    -.20.,-....;;.." i ~. .


    '-'-. _-t ~-."""" . _ ,.- ., . " - ~

    " 'J.,.;

    .. postvra:bllboot1.;i:n, thQ;,Unj,.ted st~t~SI.1 ;'tiYiq:,tb,:; filcsg.oi1:the: :t:ij;xGning'eco+'a(,mic'S .. knovr. hOW.ltJUGh

    is wanted.J,"t., ~ . .;

    RussiC'''',." 'French, ap.d Italiancommunis-~s assai1~.1arshall. Pl~n. ds'llIV-ostern snare Q II

    June, 26$ 1941. ' ',.'-'t' . ,~".

    .. " ~............... ':" .~ :,'

    P:t~sident' Truman' gives. i:Iarshall ,Plan unqualified endorsement and'

    through his National Advisory Council on Foreign Financing sends:~~eJ2P~-t'to,that effect to Cc,hgresso ..

    June 27, 1947

    -, :- -

    Paris conference opens with Foreign Ministers Bevin and BidauYGopr.?S~~g

    Foreign Ji.linister Holotov in. several'ina'j or i'ssues~ ,June 273 1947


    ............ ,......

    Anglo-French plan calls foriIDTI~diat8 creation of a steering com~mittee c0nsisting of Big Three and other states. Function: tO,coordinate

    subcommittees charged with surveying resources and prograilning tq: me.l?t '

    the :Marsha'll Plan. Russ'ia proposes that'the United 'Stat:e$ be 'nsked .tho

    exact nmoUrlt -Of help-'shewouldbe wsilling to 'grant,' and thert each nation

    should make ::\-ts own survoy and estimntes. Regards steering cC:r;u;).ittoe as':

    meddler in domestic affairs of nations.

  • " June 28, 1947

    ,.Junei8;. 19:47'" J


    . --: .......

    ' .

    . '.~

    :,~ ,

    : ; ..,

    . ,"~ ~


    :':" ..

    At Par~.s hc~ting of Foreign ;Ministers ofFrance~ Great Brit'ain, and"'the' USSR~ FQreign I,Iihist'or Udatov demands that WashingtonspGc~fY,(3xt~r1t',and, torss 'of aid to be granted under'1\:rc'irshall:Plai'l,.:

    .' .

    June 29~ '1947 .

    .'TnEfs, c('rmnenting on tho Marshall piar;conf8r8nf,.0~ yjaTl1sthat: theconference should limit itsqlf t() c:1.c:0:,;\n1Uning.nai;.ionalnoods t'o BcrveM

    .,' i'.; , , .: ~; ~ '.

    't' t.L.. il..n;y-.. a .lJo:mp1{s .:110, .:'

    co:apel the';' 'ccnforonco to clr awup. an a;tI'7"ombrapihg"';

    thC'Eurppoancountrics .. .:"cal1noi;; boo apccpted CJ.i3:a basis for croparation

    among the ~urop8E;m countries ~ It It $tatos that vf[),r~d;"maged natioi}s .shouldreceiYo: priority in obta"lning' aid and that all ailied 'counti'ies s~louJdparticipate iri .formulating the' program.

    June 29:, 1947

    Tass attacks Europe aid. progr2lll as ;,JIloric2,n interforonce in, EUTQP0'; ..:,

    then calls for bro~dor aid pTogram~Juno 30,' 1947-'-_.----.-

    Pope Piu.s endorses l",rC!.rshall Plan for European rocovory.\

    Juno 30, 1947

    Po:risc0nforc'nca deadlocks' ovor Foroign Minister Holo-tc'V'r s rofusal. . . .

    to accopt bisto' principle .of l1arshdl Pl2.n - that Eurc,poan natio'ns: Sh:2Uld

    first D. cor,1J;lcn offort to aid thonsolves.,, ..

    '\'I "

  • tt "confidenc~'anlong the peopl~ concqrned~,~hat tho' world ~ill know penco 2.nd'"' ;11... :.' 'I. : ,- .. - " : ':.' l:r,: : ~ .


    uld help to ,r9storo 'hope o.nd. '.... " ".' .,' ,'. .'

    s ccurity in' the future .. 1t

    .: .... :. .... .#.-'

    :foreign Minister' Bidault ;uggc~sts';~cmpromiso wheroby ,steering cc.'nlJ'littoo.' , \": ~ . :'; : ~', " ~ . ,;:. '. ~ . ~ . : - ...

    w'ould bcic~')'p.e' cOX!L1I1it~.Ge of c09pe:r ..... 'I; " .\.:' -',1."

    The" Th;:"oe Pd~-;8r conference breakEl. dovm in, s~rious disagreemon~ ovor, . . . .' - ' .. '.' . -

    ", ; '. ~ , . ~ ~ '. \'.;.' _ .' ."7. '

    the fo,rm of cooperation that might be dovolopod~ For-eign lIinistor Uolot0v'. . .':: :: . . : - " -. -. ~'. : :' - ~ :.:.' ~ ' - ". .. . '. '. j : . "

    July 2, 19,47'

    The conference of Foroign Ministers of Franoo. Gront'Britain, and'USSR.

    ,ends., Fr2nCG and Groat Britain revoal intentiqn to push Marshall Plan... - '.

    without Russia.

    i~tor fi~q,sBs.sio1W of ' conferencd Foreign Ministor Molotov';oj~cts. ,

    pla~ 'V!hich:\lo says IIwouid load to intorferonco in tho internal affajJ:'s of. ~ .'

    European countri~s.!I

    July ,2, '1947

    JamGS P. ,'V{arburg says M2.rshall program marks the death of' Tru."11andoctiine~,



  • 13 ... "

    July 3,,: 1947.. ' .

    Foreign Ministers Bevin and Bidault issue j0int cOIi1TIuniqu6 in-

    .\ . :' ~



    Europe for the next fow :rears Q'

    July 4,' 1947:

    viting 22 additional'European nationst(': poet"in Paris for ft~ther dis- .':.: .:::':.~:.~..'... :_::~.....

    cUSSiClrl of Harshall Plan. Prograo. calls fer cODn~tt8G of. co~per,~t~oJ}.

    topropa~o'repo~t by S~ptenb,?:r'1947. 0n available raoans nnd noods of

    President Trllijan at Monticello calls rejection of Marshall Plan', ,

    for Europeal"i, reconstruction lIfallacious ~ q:. " .~ .

    ".., -v "

    - j""

    July 4~1947 i ,.'".:. ',;', .-.....-.-:.. ~:. ..:~'. ,.

    , Foreign Socretary Bevin warns Russia~.Hthere comes a moment whon

    . ,. ',. ~ .._-~

    PrGsidoutTrDLlan states. :Vnited stat,~s.shippod record total ofl8~433,OOO tons of food to noody, ~ations during~12,months onded'Juno'jo,,"~

    July S~1947-,), .. .' .~. '..: !'. :... ,

    Invitation of Foreign Ministers Bo~n~aD.d.BidaultaCGopt~d'by ten

    nations forconference to moot July 12~

    Den,ma:rk, IrelandJ(Ital;rJ.; PQr~ugal,;' t08 !~ei~erla.ndEb 'Svw,den,Greoce,"Poland, Austria,. Czechoslovakia~)

    Deadline ,for acceptance of invitatio.l1' .. s,e,t. ;as "of: .; . t. .

    July 10 I.:'

    July 6,.1947"CZGchoslovakia b"rinouncos :t ~she will scmd an observer to Pnris.,

    July 7" 1947."

    Tass,... offi6iai Russian news agency".. reports F0land, Yugoslavia,.'.'.-0'

    and Rumania cannot attond.,.... :.

    ,.... . '. .... ~ .. ; ~

  • ,. .:,.-

    July 8, 1947

    ~ '.' ., I,. ,:,

    by RouseoL Cnnmr'ns "

    'July 8,:J 1947- ~ .

    Foroign Minister lmsaryk of Czechoslovnki2 states his country'is to be

    represontcdat c0nforence by hor,ambassador ..

    Poland,Yugoslavia,t. Rurnania repudiate Tass statement.of July 7.J

    July 9" 1947

    ['Tass statement~. f~ :..,

    U.. S.. State 'Department; urgos Russians .to reccnsic1er their attitudei ~,'

    toward Paris CO~Jerence on 'European rehabilitation.

    July, 9" 1947{: ,',

    Rumania, BUJ-garia" Poland, Yugoslavia refuse invitation..

    -,. '-. ' .. "... " . '.-. ~ ; "

    , ,,'~.'i.' ( .< "

    Premier 'Clement Gottwald of CZGchoslovakia, flies to UOSCOYl f,;,r ;i.n-,strnctions.. ,"

    July 10, 1947, .

    Czech government' withdraw,E:!, 'i3.cceptance ,vv:hen Kremlin. instructions are.' , ..

    telophc'.,nod by Prt;;mier: Gottwald :to Cz(;),ehoslovakia.

    Reason given: ,uAcceptance of the inv~tationmight be .construed asan action 2.gainst tho Soviet Union. ll

  • ,.,.' .,' ,,_.-.-, .. ~' ., ,,-". - . ,.' -

    ,. .. ~.. ::',r.'


    , PremiGrci8~ent G6ttVialdarid' J?oreigr:{lii~ist8r11:asaryk b:l:'ing~' b'ack". . . . '. ". . . _.' .' ,-' , .

    f'iv8-;y-6n~ "trag.e pact' with Russia~



    .;', ~..', \.: ..



    " .

    Pravda: assails Paris, conference but', declares ED.stern Europ6a:n :countries , '

    would 'take 'credits f'rom United states'on an individual country ,"9asi.'3'o

    July 12; 1947....., ..

    'B~lgari~n cabinet' cbmpl~tes B7:~ill~on dollar 'trade agreement for1947/48, with Soviet ,Russia~ :.'.

    . . ~~, .

    July 12, 1947 :

    " '

    Russia spurs trade agreomGnts' 3...1'i1ong );ior satelliteB o'f w):li:ch ,the ;"'r.,

    Russial1o-:Cz8qh trade treaty c'onclur; at lIoscow was tl~e' first..- ' ": ' .

    .'J~;i: 14~ 1947"S?drotary Marshall addresses' Governors l crhf'or~ncci '~t BaIt Lak~'city~

    Utah, on thepreservution of out natio~al intorests and of Eurc~ean

    civilization., .,

    July 14, 1947

    Secr~tary Harshall -vvarns' tJ::lat United Stntes 'L.lust help" ,nntio'ns' ofw?storn }i;uroPe 'J;'ehabilitate themsolves or s~o' thein"drift into :Russian O1~bit...July 14, ,1947 '

    SecretarY of' Agriculture Anderson indicates that United sts~9~~fo~d~.' .

    relief' shipments.'ne:;d y~ar will not g0 to couritries ih':Russian orbit ..

    July 14; 1947

    Harold E. stassen says: IlRussia Ii1ust be c0nvinced that 1\.1i1~r.icanwill

    not have, a' depression. t~

  • -:, :

    July 1431947.. -

    Secrotary of COIDDerce Hart:i..11lari ixi Lond0n in an interview states; (1)'- unito~S-tat8s ,~6t'.Gl~s:l:'ng."cl.bc:r: to:f~t~re ~ar:t~G:i_pati(\n' in HaTsh~l{~i~-n-:-~i-.,

    .' .... :..' .. ', '.:. . .,' " . .,

    EurC',J?oan states 'not'p:articipating in paris::cQp.;ter~nco;_(2) ,United stD.tos._ :~ . .:,': ~ . . .' . . : I....: ',' '.~

    not 0tt~chihg political conditio~s: to ~c0nornc aid 'to YlOrlq.; (3)luno.r~can-,

    . ..

    :' ':.

    pplicy looks t6yrar

  • July 18",1947.... '1".-

    ,l ~ ." '- ."

    , '

    'Supp1cme"n,tary- appropriation bill carrying',ar:-1ditic1nc.l: ~~1~353)021.~;;900

    18 millicins because they yielded to Russia .favorably repor:ted biT "vo~c~:voto:,.frr:'m"HoU:so to,' 90nate.' HOUSG rofUi:ies ''toadbpt Di;ckscn, notiQl'l." to- ,C'


    dony aid to ill1 nations that .fail to cooperate with 1:Iarsha11\>,\",>July 19,,'"1947


    .~..'", .


    'Pr/;mior PauJ_Rc'1nadleror' ,Fj~anc8"suggosts that Ha:rshall,Pl[).n TJill rail(

    unless Soviet Union e.nd its satellites' aro persuaded t(/t8;ko,part,~

    ,Frnnc'e, is' apprehenmive o.f t.-GrgeiScqle .tTlCrOMlb in :GGtmar 'proc~ll,c;t:ipn and,~ .Amixis sa~io,i.:-Henri' B0lIDot, in Washing:ton states; ',IlI::t' France j,'s ,ton.fronted .. ','

    ," ..' ~" ': :. " ',' " , ,"~''>''

    with docisions she cannot ,appr,jve; the negotj"ations in Paris coulcl b6 groP.-tlycndnn;'cred. ti'

    u ".

    iFr211C13 favors increased coal production but not Ger.:ll2.n ~tGCl; ,pr9~- .: .

  • iJiJiv 23, 1947( .,., \

    . ';"~~;"'~(' ..~: " ..

    , ' S8.croi.!arY'~,Harshall :assures 'Forei'gn :ltLnistor Bidaul,t no:'dis,cussions

    Anrlcunconetlt that the United states .'wil1, nC't ,undertake rolief, prcgrarr" '..

    0' for POlclhQjo" . . "

    .,'.-~ .-

    ': . '-Loridt'n Boa'rd 'of" 'lrado mmc\'unces ,l~nglo-Soviet Trade talks -in l'Iascow

    have r8Qched deadlock e;July 2h~ 1947

    . Roports fr,om 1~ndJ0n .and' Paris stat-e'; ,F0rdign :Mini-stcrs Bevin and' Bidault,J

    to c('me. to: Washington' ar-ound :ll,ugust 15 for dis cus sio:p SeC', Harshall~Ruhr' question to be' dis ClisB cid in Washington 'in tho ,:iJi1II1edia~Go future VIitho\it

    Fronch representationo

    July 25$' 1947 .----,.

    France indicates Willingness to participate in ThrGe POYiOr co~eroncq

    on Gon~anprob1oms~

    July 26 3 1947;..

    L'Osse:rvatoro' Ronano s Fopal nevlspapcr,' urges '1JestornEu':!;'opon,ll states-

    1J.:n ,to pay' ,attention ;'to' Russian foo.rsthat Marshall ;plan might represent:-

    danger for 'sovercigi'lty Df EUropoannations.. .' ' ..

    iIoscowgrants Albania a HSBa11 credittr for machineryo

    July 28,1947" ' ;,

    At a meetinG of the UN Economc and Social ,Council the Soviet repr'e-. ,

    sentatives. again reject a French plea to participate in the lIarshal~.Plan.-:.... - - ~ ~ . ' "J

    ThGy-st~te that ~he UNhas not officially been informed of the Plan and. I,' "J.~.

    f1li'ther. that: the 'Plan calls:'fGr'rthe':reCOf1,struction ,oiEurope linlmd closelyto Gorr:l2.n econoqy... . . .. '

  • ~ , .-



    ) .. ' .:.".

    \ ,

    -:...,... '. :,~ .. ::.:-~. r ......:'.. , .. l....-..I! ... .t~.:'; .' .. ' .~_ ....A ~:

    . Secrotary 1iarshall assures FrC"...ncethat hO!r' .views will be invij:,ed. 0)]. ... '. .' ....;.' .' . . -:. ':. -"; ~. ';':> ...., ;::; -' . . .I - :7""" -,. :':';:_ ..:." ~'.' .. \ :' coal ano. 'German production 'questions" .r, '. ' ,',. ' ~ .:. . .

    _ .J ' . :' ' : . ,'. " .: '., _. ~.

    " .)~:;'~;. ,': ;,', ;':\Y' ,;",~.j;~f~;~.'X",\:,;"":,, ,:.":\. - . f. ~ . , . ;.~, .

    Aug\1st '!6~ 'i947~ " " ..'.:.'. ,'.', .' "':..,::~!/~~;:i~.:::.; ,~.. :__ /:;:.:' ':." .'. :' '=.:'~~';~,HD?t{~

  • ;, , .,....... ........ .', .. : !. :: -: :. '.::'1' . . .r::;' ,; ..SY~eaker Martin appoints/Rep .. Eat.."n to hoad 19...,nbmbcn; grouP.1 but Rep!',~ ,( ~ ;".....>.' I .'.. . ........: : .: . ' " ." ". ,:". '..::' . ".

    '. Herter, to heCt(j, the group when GOG~ ovorsoas .{\.ugust.. 2T~,. Als'o;;;;~25,.OOO.:... ;,-t':":." . ,. . ......: .... . . -' ..' .

    vO~Gcl, fOl: Rep, Ea:ton I s Forei~~\:\.f.fairS CC'm~1it tec ....... . .' . .~ . Soviet'~Yugoslav barter' anC:l '9rQd,i'J:; agrqo1Jl, .. is announced 'in'Uoscm\r~' ".S~crGtarY of 'V{ar. Ct' Royiiil,d,e'rd!3s Ftqnqh' r0P~~ts ,:-t,h,it' S:tate

    . ""~.' ~ ::., .' ::. ~ . ..... . .:.', .. ~"" .. ~~. ;'." ':::'.,. ~ ~; : ...." .. ' ," ..,- ..... >' ~.or Wa;' Departmen:t have. agreed to Qonsult:j!ro4P!1 bofol~eraisiDi levE& or

    ; . . . . " . , ~. . :.,

    . . ' ;. ~ .

    ,'in.dusf,ry .. , # '~. " '.:" ~.

    .~.. .. .

    ,~ August;": 3'~ ':1947,'. '-!"i-di~~~ii~ Premier. Dimit;ov' .returns to So..f;ia after. ~o~6i;;ding 'agr~e-

    ,'. :~ .....~:_/.j:,': ...: ...:....,,~,. ',' . r .mentswithMarshall.Tito fpr customs union9 aboliti6n of visas and co-

    , . '.-', '... : .'

    -', '. '.!. ..-': or,clination.- of, forei,gn policy*

    ...... '. ,.,'. '. '

    ~ .: t1rr~ .ChUrchill in spe8Qh at Blenheim Pa~ace':~ges ~r~t~~h'sGlf~reliance.' ." '. ..... dainagcd food. pJ..~C?duction.

    t ". :" . '._.

    worso .f3:.1?.'~qri than .Qxp,e~.ted; ~lq~ ~.o_~ta9:t~... o.:r; .l}od;.\1j.Dc;lu.ding dJ?0ught, and. ;: .. ' ':, "-, .....:. .; -;' _';>-, _ .of :..... :~. ,..', ,',' ':";." ~ ' - "'''';;.'' :s' ....._:... ,::

    . ',!',

    . .

    September 5, 19h7 J. .:~. _


    ,. '- .'.

    ''':,' '.wash~h~~~n.,Angig-Amer{,ca~:, :~'f)C~~S~~l~S :;f~~Ch. ~gre~me~t: ~ P~.~~\,~~~ .;:joint.. Rperatio;o, .. of Ruhr. niines "flOW 'operat.ed.. 'by. Br;i.ta:lit" .' ': '''.J. :"

    . - \ "r.. ,:_ -:. ,': .....:_~ .'"0: - .:., .l.~ '. -, I;' ;' . l, 5. :'''' :,.~'~': ,.:' .... ,.. .' ....

    B.rita.-il::t .r~j~.c:ts Russian pr.otests .~~' 'J'1~'~ PQV~:e~ .pact';'. ~~i,~;Lc~,3i..114>.. f

    RUiBsia:: .:Cpr..:r:8:i~~.J:;l~ ':~~". tte:at,..;;QE?:sm~J:,.'Jl~,: 0.l} .;Gl?-Orlcil11;~,~ unit t ,:wh~pi} '1Y~~,~ro.yi_ci~~. ~ .. ',.~:~,.: ". "", ~; ..._.. - "::., .1 1 -.;. j'-' .;.,', ",~ '. ,.L '. " .' .' - ,.'-

    for in the l?_ot~dam. ~gr:~em~nt,~; .: J ,". ::~~. '.::. .,'. '.' " ",' " , '. ':~ :' : l l ., -.: .' : :', '-' ~: "

    ". ".


    SePtembor 10.... 1947. ~ ,:,:.--.'.,~. : ",' .~. " .'~';" .., ::::,'.'.;,;..:..';' :.' . ~~ " -. '. ~

    .S.ccrotarY :Marshall' tel],s .news 'conJ;e:I;"~~ce Bvr6pe' '.ftce,s-: }rinto~o.rab1.9: .... .,., , _'.' . , ':"; .. l.1 .'.

    , ' .. { '.' :hunger and co1d't next 'winter unless emergenc;;y food and fue:}:_ a,re ~p~o'ride.d....: . '"

    ,... ,:' .' ~ .~~~

  • . ~',''2;L':'" .." I

    August 2i~',:J-947,state.Ue~artment:disc16s~~ that'a prote~t has ,been reqeiv~~ from~

    , So~et '~nio~ 'aga:i41~t ~~hding ,~~hf\:;'~~'ri6~ o,f:"tfii:Lted' St~ubjcot to'

    o '. .)

    change 'by Big Four foreign.minister~ in November London meeting.

  • \.~.' :

    ~ - z.

    ~ h.... 0

    ,;,. 24 .~ :.,'. :,';~.,::/

    \, I


    .' " \.....' .... 0.::.:'

    IIshov.rdown with 'Russian i q ' ;inevitable~' . .: ~ \ : J

    ~ ~~- . t .'.Sep~ember..1Bl1947. ,,'" ....,.;;:~> ,,,,.

    - Hou~e'.' Speaker ~~:~ti; aPriounc8~,'P~e~iete.n:t':'Tr)1ffiftnhas failed' t~'. ;: ,~ : '.' '. _ .;::: ':'" ." ...',.. .' '. '.' \ ':. . ',' '":.- :" ". .': I :' .' I '- .

    ,keep Republican leaders inf.orffit3.d .on:Euro'pean, .qnd:j..t;ions; ,S80S,no noed for ". . ,,' - . ......; i . 1 ..; \ ".''. " .,: :"!' ; ..


    .', .

    ~) ','

    , .",

    September 18~ 1947, .' .:'! '.."':: .

    : '

    J'. " :. '.,Sopator'Taft'~ndorsGs ~arshali,Plan in Los A~ielesG. . .'. .'

    ': .:: "... ,. ,-. "1.~ ;. '. \

    'Sen..' Geovge' n.. Aiken'rec6m..rnends ExPrur4":':)inport Bank' aid to ltalYa " _,," ~ '. " . , ," " "., I "

    Soptembor' i~~. 1947. ' ' '..~

    .. .. (', "

    S~Vi~t Deputy For?ig~ Min~~t~r y~shi~Sk$charg~s united'S~at~~" ,

    . ,I ,with war~ongGring.~.

    . .' . .,'" ,-.:}

    September 20, ,1947' .. ' \:f.': .'-:. ,

    .. Senate Ap~ropriationB Committee meets 'to ?iSGUSS !~8~ican

    "Soptombor 201' 1947 ' ,

    Arthur, H. Vandenberg" Chapman bf",the Senate ForeilSD: Relationi3. ".. ' ..

    Committeo:l SGet? .ai4' to riurop8 ~s:vi taJ:'.,.

    b:. \

    .... .

    I 'r-

  • ......./ .. . I



    ,. SepembQr li/1947'

    : . "I .

    t "s~c~et~ry' r:a:r~man' stat:es' Mar~h.a:l;i .Plan :wii~ inV:?lY~: ~~i.~~~.~a:l.:!-;' ;.~, .;;.;.:- .. >:.: .',...../ .. ~:.:.. :~:;,'. '.' " .;7 ..

    , -,..." :i ... :;I;~ /" - .. 1 : " :'.,. ~. _ ..-:,." -:

    September"12 -1947,: ': .'. .' " -. \ : .....:' ~

  • ~~'fYC'.';

    - 25 -

    ':"-. ,'.. ~. ';, ,..;i . ~



    Asso'ciation at Atlantic City" ~dvoGates f'orm,ation ,by the .UlJ.i.t\';ld St,a:t~s pf', " ,. . -' .-' '. ,'.'1 .~.."'~. _ ..'~.'.'.

    'a U,,'.s~ Corporation .fo"!!:rEUroP\3a:ti.l}ec~l1Structiontq handle , Plan; . ' ' ',' .' :.. 0', " '. '. o' . .00 ..,

    (~) '~~:i ~a:kG' cer,t'ainth~t .. as:~,it?t?nG.e by, Unite.d s.tat~s. was pro.du~t;i.v.ol;v.,.' - : ...... , __ ,.' "r

    used and usqd to promote the key inq.ustriGs~ (2) to exert influenco.,: . '. """ , ....

    io per;uadG wostern'Europcan nations to check inflation~ry~easur~s~. .~" ~ ~: ~t ... -',' .,,:: - .' .' .

    (3) to e,ncour:age rE

  • _.',.'

    Septembor 2-2, 1947

    26-..... " :'-. "~-

    Volume. I'~ General Report. of Committee of European. E.qQl-1om.i~...Co";":: : '. .-

    operation signe'd by the 16 nations:\nference .. " ". ~ ',' .

    . .... 'R6co:Very pla'~ 'cove~s 'a11:'16 signatoriGs' and\et~ ~p. pr~d;icti'on"bases 'ih'co~l~ eicctric power~ crudo steel, inland 'transport facilitios ..and crude o;L:J,';

    September'22,' 1947~ ',Estiincited"n~8ds ~rG':$22,44o,iJOO)OOO-.f~r tho n~xt"4 yeai's$$3~110.. OPO,,000 to be financed by World Bank; $?-5~810,000jOOO:~.from.;... .'.United statqs~' $5,919;000..000' ~~~ the rest ~f ih6'imeri~a~'continents~The report itemizes tho year-by-year deficit as folJ-ows:

    .... ~ . \:'. f;" . ,.(~n bllJ-lons OI dollars) '., .,;.i:,.:..: ..:' _ .... . ;IT. I ' I' I1948 1949: t.' 195a,.-., .:195i ::, '. 'Total'" :.,

    . 1 . it .,~~--,,---"-....:.....o-'--"-;---~--~t:--:-'---:7""---:-7";:"--:.--'-I.~-:-" 1':'-:-:-'.-.:-.:-.---c.,~,-,----;---;:'-':-.~

    Deficit with the' U4 S,,' t 5-064 .4..271' 3.. 21Jr 2Q162"1 15,,81Rest of lUlleric~n Continoht: I 1 ..94 .li:l82, . l,dOI 0.,.92::' t' . 5~W'

    1 t 1 , " 1

    Deficit of TIepend. Terri~torie~ '. "

    ~.c.. , ,

    1:7~58 ,6...09r' ll

  • ..,; :

    ;-' I


    "~ .'

    .,. ,


    :", '.

    t .

    -The part' ~i;~~'6rt dG~ig~~te'd"a's-" V~lTh'1l.e: I COilGo';n~d with '~-onoral .. . ':"-':': '-:,

  • September 2)3 1947,

    , ".

    .. . .

    ,- "'" :)?:r;-es if.:!.el,1t Trum~n pro~l~im~ /na~iona1. -v1aS te-less campaign to:.':;..;-1 '.~'" ~':-:..' _"'~:'" .~. , .::.; "':. ,:w ..:, ~ - ,,'.~. _ .'; .

    ',,': ': o' ;'

    consorVG:fQod produpts affecting grain suppiy~ . ' ' .. ,.--;;~.:.~.. : ....:.i.I""\'~' -.'; .. - ..

    Appo:Lnt$ 'Citi!ZJens Food" Cornmittoe. u~dG; chairmanship.o.f 'Chcirios" ", .. ,,. .' " ':. ~' ' ': ~ ... 4 .':. ~ .' I _. .::'

    Luckmal,1 t~.dirGQt campaig~~_I' .

    ; I":, ,

    :- ;..: -:'

    . ,. '.

    stutes Europe1s eponomic 8l:1ergency J1cannot,vmit qC1,1~.ef1,11, '".' -.. '" ":. :" : .: ;~: '.;, .' " .:. ~ : - , I '. ~

    s,tudy roqui:rod for the. Q~ora~\:~ec~~~~~..:~n.;~he ~.~ar~hal;L .')~eptGmber ' 2~~. ~~h~ ." ,..' ' pro~~~~Gnt .TrUman acknow;Lodgcis ;~'~~:iPt: .~;. [6 'EUr6p~~n ~~;~ons:

    . . . . ....' :: ~-",' :.~: .. . \ . '.' " . . .report and states that ff,it r'le.cts 'an;unp~ec~dentGd~eff~rt at oconomic'

    ,.:.~ '".: ..... ~. , .','.~~j.. ',; :...; "::t:"~{ :1~'.!: .. '~' .. :.-'... .',.

    c~o~era~:ion by the 16,co~tr~e~ participating' =:. 'it'is a~ important.---..,..:- ~:"" ., -. ~ ...... ,.. : ;. '. p -. ~ -

    . and encouraging first step that '~hesG nations h'av~ had the initiaHve "'and, detGrmina-tion to meet, together and p:roduce -this repo;rt;u sta,tes .

    ha:has;aske~_:ongres~~Ohal leaders to 'meet~~~h Aim on MondaY~:~Se~t~mb8r,,"'. . .

    291 to discuss:o ~'. a~ci?i-on to be 'taken by. t:p..e JJriito,d states ,. 00. 11. ', ... ::. .-

    .. :....: .. .L

    wlnver.,., ,.... :.' " '.:.' .- ~ '. -,'


    Sept,ember .26., .1947'. '

    Senate II,r,tled Services and Appropriatj,.ol'?-I? ,CoIIl!llittee's ~eprt?senta~~. . .. . .''" ..." .. , .'.. / : '. . .,:

    \. . ~

    tiV8S leav~ or.~urope.: . ~'. .' .., . I 'r t ... ":...,,. t' ~

    September 27~ 1947

    ': .. ,..... ','

    Poland 1S Dr.. Oscar L,ange calls upon U"N.. members t~

  • .,"....

    },,'.;. ':,"::, ". ',':-' ,. , ..'


    ..... ' .,..' < ~

    " .... ::;. ',,;,, ,29 ~, "

    E. '.:

    '. .. ", '. - I " . . ... :.'

    Presid~nt.Tn;man Tloets,}'{itlr Gi?D-grcssi9iTal :1.9aders, ,r'~q1io~sting. . , , . '.' '.. .' '.' . / ", ....., ..., .

    , .' .

    , A,ppropria't~c-'ns. anCl:'F~~Gign RB,b.ti9n::s, cm:rrllitteos, of both "iiou~~'s"'6f. ,,".' ~"; . .. " ~ . " ~ : .

    ",: c'on~r~s~ to lim6ot, at' .tlO ,e;;l;liCcstpossible da:G~" ll" 'I~~'~d::,.s.'86. ~iiiion ". .... . ';. .

    ,dolla~~ win;ter stopgap aid program :for ,Frffil-ce",andItaiy ~ " ~\drrliriistre:'-' -,.' ,.-. . . ...,' ,

    :,' --,~. :"

    tion can salvage only 332 milliQl1s from prosent appr6pri~-tiop's0" ... : .'

    President ,Tru..111-:m at White lIouse' conference, st:at~s (1) iong-ra;,go," ..,Ma;shall 'Pl~ impossiblo unless :United rsta; provides' fc:io

  • 06tob81.'; .i~ 1947.:-.



    ", ,:'Prcsident Trunian r.CCi"U8StS .;APpropria-ti,ops\ ;an!i;"Foroign Relatie5ns',.. .. .' .~. . .. . . '

    "COJ;r1lTI.ittoos. ofboth Houses. of :Co;~1~ess;., earliest possib).e, tL'i.1e:... .','. .' . .., ". .

    . on "stopgap .plans'.;'. ". -... . '.' . . .... ~ . . :: \ ., .~ ~..y.

    S?nat8.::,ai::J.d,Hou~eForeign Af:fai~~.CoIi1IJ-ittees 'to':he called"in

    joint qq~ting ,~oyembe~.l.0~Oct,obor 2,. ';i947'" '. ", .' ,:

    ,':: .

    .... :-: ...... ", "

    , .

    , .

    ~ .....',' ...; .

    . ,... )i'r04cP. .:for:eign, Mipistor Bi~ault encouraged by, WEistern HemispheriJ .cpnf~ro.nGEi.. ,.', ':,'

    Octo'bo.r 3" 191;-7'

    . \ ~ '.,. ' ....... ,'


    :. - "

    "/' .

    Charlos' 'Lucknanof' Cit;Lz~ns'l~bd C01Tlln{ttee propised AoOp'c:l?att0T:\' .' ':in savtng .,g:r,ain by. distilled .spirits in@titilte~ --', :

    Octobor 3, ,~947 .Reprosentative' John Tttber in Berlin 'says he liJaw no und~rfGd,

    pcqple on t:l;.~P.i contrp.di,cted by' Ropl'GsQntativc: Di:::,k?en :Viho calls :,for

    X'econstl"U9tioni and says: tlJ.; havG boen in G6:rme.ny four nooks ". anG! I

    'think thore ,is definite undernourishment allover tho cOU;l?-t,J;,;y~I,I. '.:' '.';:" ,'.:, .: ",:'October :4, ..1947 :~ ." .. p.'.

    mternatic:nal News. Seryice' al:1..Tlounces, Congr~essmcn 'lIccnfuscd t r. by

    sick Europe and are voicing conflicting views.

    LuckElan .. s1mX' food drive over radio.

    ,,....." ..... '.

    ,.," ..

    " ~'.' "

    'octdJo.r 5.... i94"r .. ' '.j,. p .. '.:, .': . ':..... -. /

    Returning mo.'1bers of Congress ,criticize forE?ign a,id\.


  • . ",'

    : ...r, ~ \.:-'::"')1-''-;..,;:: ....:.. ,\.

    : ( .'

    J"::':';' ':(~::":" :. :, .. ,.',', \ ..:::.- .:., .... "'~>

  • . ~--

    ,'-..,~. i .

    :: ;- ........

    ", .=-..',. . I J (' . . .. ,--. .,..::,- -, -

    :;;..>-~.:: ',:(,>.('f~~iLo:"'~\meri:daD.! -c1iS'cusslon' in:London ,;ela:ti~e: 'tb '.~e9-~cing 'Brltain IS \, '.,. . , .;...... . :.


    t :

    " ,. I..' ._,~,:......... ,.;:.. ;':.~~.;:~,


    \ .: :


    /\9.t~.ngS:ocrota::r;y of .qtato' Robe:rt: i.\~.. Lovet.t' states;' C0).11inform:. .-1 ' ,.

    . po}'1cy, (1,''-" ',tho: ,Parties and gQ.v'prnmopots6'f' .Uni~ed' sta.:ces C',

    . - \

    e.s~ociatcd. :;,ithth:is 'pr.ogr8.l;l' hiwo ' ,madp clear thdir ;intont5,on -to .prevent", 'if they "the' dcononuc rc'covcry.of .Europe,,"

    . '; \.


    .... .

    ",inctli:str-y 'and' TradolIirii~st:8rHi;llary' Hirie of p~l? exposition' .at SZCZ8Cin: ~ys th~t Poland is increasing its T[~st8r~tr.adewitllout

    ,. ,f.' !'

    . - ,

    Octo'ber 9; ,'l947 :''.

    J' ...

    Roprosentative Dirksen'urges, aid to Europo as, &means of .

    . ~ ..,

    .October 9~ 1947 '} " ;";"

    , .'

    Foroign Hi-ni'stoF Biddult 'calJ~s P,o;Lish ci(~mfor

  • .. 'l...,. ~ . ~. ,......... '---,: _ ..... "":.."1'-~.~-- ....~: :~..:~... ,


    . .: .......,.:,

    .. ;. ~-

    . ,.'\ . ~.~

    ~ _~::" ~_ .~.,f .. ...,\. :.:.~.:.~t ...:.:~Undersecreta.ry, o.i:. stat!;} .Ql~:)Tton qeclaros... ;rioi:hing' can' preye.n:t 'Ea~t~ ,

    " _ ..'. f " -. '. .; :', I. .~...'


    :V{Eist: trade onc~. pro.d~ction~ts. ~Ul1. stride~ '. .. ':::', ....J.. ':.-' .' ;;..~.)::~,::> ... :::,:Oc.:rc;be~-lO;1947 .. '" .;":. ,'.

    Governpr Thomas E... Dewey of NeY;:York states,wmust. lItto aU-.r ... : ........ _ : '~'.' . ," - ,.t.:

    ..... -

    hop8s:j>sh{ to .feed hungry people ovor:~oasTt but that ltWe hE+ve, ;; ,;a>.. a '. ;. :: _ -"~J~ ~.

    prior .'and. binding' obligation to ,.,-?G9 ~pai:. h? .A~O):ican..i~..'ppor~~~ focl~.a ..OctoberIO, J:947

    . .

    bartar one. and' a half. millio~i .toJ:lS .of. qroad ce.+'eals Trith' France ~ '"

    .Qctobor. io~. 1947,....... -y .:"


    . liGrt~r Corrrrnitte!3 r.eturrilliylith 17. ,-x,:ruh,ks ~q?-ed with .~at~,.':and \" , 'j ~ ' ;. " \. '..: \,

    chaiman s~D.,-t;.es: trvle are-co!?--;;.r:i.nqed that no program. ;0:(. Amer,ican ai'd, can .~: . :, .....f . ~ .. .


    achieve the obJectivG,: desired unless E;lD,ch. country .sEltsits' ownhous.e .in :.. . ,'.. '.. { .' .'" . ,: " .. ' .: :':.: :'.:, .

    ordcr .....and cooperates with its neighbors~H for the, ~ . . ....., ' .

    .l.'~ ,eX:LSl.Jlng or potential. r:esources .. tl : .

    .. . . \'

    .. .

    fullest',11se of. .

    ; ..

    Herter CC'IflLiittee rEiported 'cool to special sessiqn' of ..Cr-n:;:;ros$.. .~:. '. . . . . " .. ' .'

    October n, 19L~7',~t- .~ ." .'. - '.


    . -

    . '-United Stat!3~ .repr9septativo . OJ!, -Aus~?=,iC).n i:;:r~.?-tY'. ,.?f'r:::o~SSio'~1 cinnounces'treaty disclJ:ssions. cJ,.osQ .wit1).outresultsi>.. .'

    October 12, 1947 .: . :.' r

    "Nayl York Tines reports Conintern ~o wreck Marshi?-ll Pla!-1:1 a;r:-~ '. .''._:'.", ... :,

    Congress ~s expected to approve large-$ci? reply tc R~ssia. \ . ' "... .... '" '-' ~'. L.


    october 17 ~ i947. '.'1 .',

    . .

    9bmi:n,f,0.~m .:wil;L 'l?-0t alt;or policy. or R~ssi~,. 1(o1111i Zil;lakis '-:OfBritain announces St~.lin. told him.....


  • ! .-

    . October 21~ '1947

    . , ..

    '.' October 21, '1947 .

    P~rogrmn..1ea:vesforEuropei1< . ,

    ..... .': . ~ .:: ~


    . "

    , ~lnl~rican ai?-. inission .in' G::reece 'unc'ov~n~s 7;5, 'IililiioJi dollars hoard "of goods;~

    Octobo-r, 22" 1947


    :MarE!hall Plclll,'lnow only in draft~ng sta-ge~,when it is completed it:will. ";' . . .." .-.' '::'~'

    onc"dp6artIDeiit, or. agency"tt:. '.' " .." ,..

    Octqber 22, 1947

    Speaking for Cominforlil'~ Zdhartov.ca11s up0J:1 comI~m1i~ts. /~v~_l'YIYJ::l:yte .-. .

    to wreck lJ:8,rshall F:lanas an:i,nstrument designee(. by-the United statost.o. ,


  • 2> ':: ',.,October 23; 1947

    ... - ,..... . -~ ..;"~_.~.--""".~"'r--:"':'--r ..--_-~-,.~ -'~"-~""T::-""""""''--'-''-;O:;-:--=''''~''''''''''''''''''~'~'''',,="~~~_"71_-~.~t7';''-.-.::.;;.:,

    Kurt Schu..111acher 1 head' of German Social DGmocratic..p.~;ty}_,: dOc.}a:r:e:s.. .-.- : .;' ~. - . , '

    October 23$ 1947( \

  • October26, 1947". ;-_t

    Ri,~id f8d~~~a~ contrGl~",ovor grain boi~i? rr,ot, it ,is announced,;: /. ,.' .~. .

    October 26~ i947"

    , Father .Bela Varga, former presiqent of thG.Hungarial~:N~tib~al. ..... '. . .~ :'- :: ..' ~ . '., . -' . . . . " . . ; ". . . ..... ~ " .'. : ..

    Asscnb'J-Y, statcs CorJintern never coasoct 'to' axis,t o'," .. ; . ....


    October 26, 1947"

    Har~iman Conmittoo'said to bo in accord on aid p,roposal, ,qa-.' :. ;,~':' :- .'

    lievos some European requests should go up o.nd others down.:L ..

    October. 26:l" 1947. ~.-.:.~.

    Republicans see 'llpolitics lf in ,Congross, call.,'." .

    October 27, 1947

    President's Congress call spur~ works on aid plan;'~.rcpo~n"goverUJil8nts annciunced as 'greatly rea$sured o

    ..~ t'

    October 26, 1947

    Rep. Andresen says on return of his comraittee: (l1To am1 no-: .

    .:'" .

    starvation, It but Haroid :McKinley of lowa, on SEUIl8 progiC\T1, chailonges: ,', ,- ~.... "" . .... ". . .. " . .. ~.. .

    ; ... '... '. ' ..

    this ViCYI, whereupon Rep. AJ;ldresen saysz HI forgot to'meJ:).tion Gormapy..1. . _. . ',... :.; ..:~. '.. ~ ! .

    Things' ar8 pretty tough '.t1?-er8,.t~'

    October 27~ 1947, ~ .. ~ :. "

    ~ssi8tance needod by South l\morican repu~li~s bocause of food

    d-eficit under study.-,

    October 27~ 1947 ."",t ~. ".

    100 represontatives of industry~ labor.~ agriculture, and gonoral ..~. . .:'.; :'~:.'IJublic confer with Governnont officials at ,Yillite House on Uo,rshall Plan

    .. ".r .' :- ".' "

    October 27, 1947~.

    ,EnlGrgenc!.food Co~cil tpld wqrlqfs fqod outpu~,tQ fall o~ this

    year.., . i.

  • '.. '.

    ~. ...

    October 28, -1947,

    '. , ~,"i'

    I.;. 37 - ,




    iUlocation of. grC3.~p~ 9tqDl~ and ,othor' i toms vihich. arc ".

    Pro~iderit'. Truman I ~:Cou.ncil ~f :Ecopomic Advisors' (Nourse:, Ci;)m"':- Bitt-ee) report's Unitod,st~tes able to handle Uarshtill PlaJ:'i;"'"

    '1& 'Urnted siat~s .~.- fip';nciaily ,a~l~' to car;; orit:' tI~~' .' '.Harshall Plan and cut the :Nati-6haI Debt 1,'fibhout increasi_ng ".. ': '. :taxe-s:> .Ho1c18ve'r taxe'Sc...Cannot. be' '.r~du.g8'd; ~ . "., 2. Failure to help means industrial paq.lysis dUo":!{o

    trade ,barriors and poli'j{ic1J:I changoS a1?ro'D.-eJ.&. ", ' :',J.. The I,IarshD.ll Plan Hill .not cause inflatio~1. becCl;use . ,..,'

    pres.ont'inflation is due to-demands at hono . ' '; .,

    ~ho'Council ~8COffi[;lends' cu+b? s~ilarto these ~uposod Q~rihg.


    2 Q Controis on' sn6cula-tion and ~Qaf4ing~ . '- ..:3.. 'Ronewal of cr~clit: c'\~nt~'ols ... i " .'\.4. 'Price '~ontrols Qvoi:- ptl:oducors "bqt -not over rctail~r~.,5.. ". continuf3c1, high ta:p;:Js and; foderai ecohony., ' .

    , I,Ootober 28, 1947

    Food Council hears 1'!arnipgs. of I'dnter famine in ~o)?e.

  • - 36

    October 30t 1947

    ....' I .~.


    Octobor 31" 1947 ' .f "

    parshe.ll plalli'lor.s sti:lto.d;,,to i',?

  • 3.9 ..:'

    COTIlJ;nmist party o the United st'ates amlC?:mces it -,rill stay putof ;1J:ComiD..form.... ll

    Pravda c:l"iticizes J\,morican policy with respect to Greeh: and

    Turkish ,elid and the Marshall Plan as ;Mlerican i";porialisrJ. and .H:i.tlotism

    comparable to the German priJwar Dral1g linch Osten.a-~--.-

    CitizGns Food. Committee "s eoks wider saving in grain..

    Independent aiel agency plans being shapo?- Py RGpllblicans~:,.

    november -5~ 1947'8hina 'tqrocetve 27 million dollars worth rGlie~~

    Tiorld lack of grain for all of 1949 forecast b;y- Director

    Gonora+ of F~O~ Sirvohn Boyd Orr~

    N~votlbor '5~' 1947GriSflD+d. seoks 15 million dollars more f01' aid in G1'eece~

    November 5~ 1947Lack of rain sl~'[s planting c'.f vital United 8tatos -~lheat ..

    Novomber 5~ 1947.- ,

    Plans for a 7-man European rooonstruction corporation to

    handle foreign relief meet opposition in Congr8ss~
