Chp 1 Interpersonal Communication




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Interpersonal Communication

Communication and Thinking Skills (EDB3124)

Bachelor of Education

By the end of this topic, learners should be able to:

Specify the process of communicationDefine the principles of interpersonal communicationRecognize the influence of culture on societyBe an effective communicator

Learning outcomes

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Intellectual Benefits Interpersonal communication is something you do every day:

- talking with coworkers - giving or responding to a compliment - making new friends - asking for a date - communication through instant messaging - applying for a job - giving directions

a) Why Study Interpersonal Communication?

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Practical Benefits Interpersonal communication is also an extremely practical art; effective in your personal, social, and professional life is largely dependent on your interpersonal communication knowledge and skills.

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Interpersonal communication = verbal and non-verbal interaction between two independent people (sometimes more).It is the communication that takes place between people who are in some way. ‟connected”.It involves interdependent individuals.It is inevitably and essentially relational in nature.It take place, affects and defines a relationship.

b) The Nature of Interpersonal Communication

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Interpersonal communication exists along a continuum ranging from relatively impersonal at one end to highly personal at the other (Miller, 1978, 1990).

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Interpersonal communication exists in varied forms - face to face - asynchronous (e.g. : email) - synchronous (e.g. : instant messaging) Interpersonal communication is transactional. -some early theories viewed the communication process as linear.

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c) The Elements of Interpersonal Communication

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Source-Receiver source- formulates and send messages receiver – receive and understand messages

Messages express thoughts and feelings

I. MetamessagesII. Feedback messagesIII. Feedforward messages

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Channel Medium which message signals pass.

Noise Anything that interfere the message receiving -Physical noise -Physiological noise -Psychological noise -Semantic noise

Context Environment that influences the form and the content of communication.

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Ability to communicate effectively. Consist largely of understanding the way interpersonal

communication works and mastering its skills(including power and the often neglected skills of listening and simple politeness).

These skills depend on critical thinking , are specific to a given culture, and rest on principles of ethics.

d) Interpersonal Competence

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e) Principle of Interpersonal Communication

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