Cho Yiu Catholic Primary School Interrogatives P.4 English


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Cho Yiu Catholic Primary School


P.4 English

When?Ask about time

~ a time

~ a date

When?e.g. When do you go to school?

I go to school at seven o’clock.

When?e.g. When will John leave Hong Kong?

He will leave on next Saturday.

Where?Ask about places

~a country

~a district

~a road

~a shop

~a room

Where?e.g. Where is Tom?

He is in the playground.

Where?e.g. Where will your sister go tomorrow?

She will go to London tomorrow.

Who?Ask about people

~a name

~a person

Who?e.g. Who is the fat boy?

He is my brother.

Who?e.g. Who is your teacher?

Miss Wong is my teacher.

Which?Ask someone to choose

Which?e.g. Which bag do you like more?

I like the red one.

Which?e.g. Which room is bigger, the music

room or the computer room?

The music room is bigger.

What?Ask about a thing or an occupation

What?e.g. What does Ann like to eat?

She likes to eat apples.

What?e.g. What is your mother?

She is a nurse.

_________ is Sue?

She is in the art room.


________ dress is more beautiful, the white one or the blue one?

The blue one.


_________ would you like to have for your lunch?

I’d like some sandwiches.


_________ will the party start?

It will start at two o’clock.


________ is your best friend?

May is my best friend.
