Children's Gospel Lessons




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… by Kathy A. Smith






This book is dedicated first to Jesus Christ our wonderful

Lord and Savior and to the memory of Mark Hoffer, Kathy

Smith’s beloved Dad who is now at home with the Lord.

A special thanks to Evangelist Lowell K Smith

for helping to write “Lesson 3—Repentance.




Title Page

Learning the Bible 7

Who is Jesus? 9

Repentance 11

Relationship 13

What Does it Mean to Believe? 15

What is Sin? 17

Jesus is God 19

The Life of Jesus – Part one 21

The Life of Jesus – Part two 23

How to Grow Closer to God 25

Bible reading schedule 27



Want Answers? Read the Instructions! Do you want to live a good

life? Do you want answers for your life? Do you want to know what the

meaning and purpose of your life is? The Bible is the gift of God’s

Word to us. It has every answer that you will need to live a good and

fulfilling life full of meaning and purpose. It is a living book that shows

how you can have a personal relationship with the one and true God, and

how you can prepare for eternity. We can trust every word of the Bi-

ble to be God’s word to us, because His Word is truth. The Bible has

changed more lives and has brought hope to more people

all over the world then any other book in history.

The Bible: The Bible as a whole is made up of 66 books. The

main theme of these books is on God’s redemption plan for the

human race he created.

Here are a few things we should learn about the Bible:

The Old Testament: has 39 books in it starting with the book of Genesis through

the book of Malachi.

The New Testament: has 27 books in it starting with the Gospel of Matthew

through the book of Revelation. Unlike other books, you do not have to start at the

first book of the Bible and read from the beginning to the end. We highly suggest

that you start with the New Testament and first read the whole New Testament.

1). Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John - are called the Gospels and they are on the life of Jesus Christ. It is important to start reading one of these books first.

2). Acts - is about how the early church got started and how the good news of Jesus Christ was shared with others.

3). Romans through Jude - are called the Epistles and teach us how to obey Jesus Christ and how we can live a fulfilling and pleasing life unto God.

4). Revelation - the last book of the Bible is about events that will happen in the future.

Who Who Who Who Am I?Am I?Am I?Am I?

Why am I Why am I Why am I Why am I here?here?here?here? Where Where Where Where

am I going am I going am I going am I going when I when I when I when I die?die?die?die?

How To Use Your Bible: If you are asked to turn to John 14:6 for example: First: Find the book of John (The fourth book in the New Testament).

Second: Look for Chapter 14 in the book of John (large numbers).

Third: After you find John 14 look for verse 6 (small numbers).

When you have found it, it should read: 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no

man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

You will be greatly blessed as you read and study God's Word. Ask God to help you un-

derstand His Word and give you knowledge, wisdom, and revelation of Him. He will be

faithful to help you understand His Word when you seek Him with all your heart.



Want guidance

in life? Study God’s Word!

LESSON 1 —LEARNING The Bible But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word

which by the gospel is preached unto you. 1 Peter 1:25



Look up all the names of each book of the New Testament Bible.

Write the names of each book according to the directions given:

1). Write the names of the four Gospel books in the

correct order inside the blue books below:

2). What is the name of the 5th book in the New Testament that records how the early church got

started and how the good news of Jesus Christ was shared with others?

3). Write inside the yellow books starting from left to right the correct order of the 21 books of the New

Testament that are called the Epistles.

4). What is the last name of the New Testament book that records what will happen in the future?




The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is the Son

of God. Jesus is the One who created all life. He

is the Master, King, and Lord of the whole uni-

verse. Jesus created the sun, the moon, and the

stars. He created all the beautiful animals,

birds, fish, plants and trees. He created every-

thing that has the breathe of life. He created you also, and He has a very special

plan for your life. Why, because He is God and He loves you! “For by him (Jesus) were all

things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth” (Colossians 1:16a).

On earth there was a need that could only be accomplished by God’s

Himself. Man was separated from God, because of sin. (Sin is when peo-

ple do bad or evil things; (kill, steal, cheat, lie, hate, worship other gods; etc). Jesus Christ

willingly left the beauty and joy of heaven to be born and die on the cross so mankind

(every man, woman, boy and girl) could be forgiven from sin. He died one of the most cruel

and horrible deaths ever imagined. Jesus shed His own blood on the cross so people could

be forgiven and no longer have to be separated from God. Through Jesus death was the ab-

solute only way a man or woman, boy or girl could be forgiven and brought back into a rela-

tionship with the true God.

Jesus Christ died for our sins, He was buried, and He rose again the third day

(read 1 Corinthians 15:3-4). After Jesus was buried in the tomb for three days, His

body rose from the dead and was alive again. The grave was empty! This is good

news, because Jesus has the power and will also raise us from the dead one day.

It is our choice... We must tell God we are sorry for our sins and turn away

from them. Jesus is ready to forgive you of your sins so you do not have to

be separated any longer from God. Did you know that unless a person asks for

forgiveness and is saved by accepting Jesus Christ, they are spiritually lost? This is

a very scary place to be, both in this life and the life to come. Because if we are separated

from God when we die, hell will be our destiny forever and ever. Hell is a place of everlasting

fire and torment where there is no hope of ever getting out. But the good news of the Gospel

is that Jesus died so we would not have to remain separated from God. "For the Son of man

(Jesus) is come to save that which was lost" (Matthew 18:11). Would you like to be in heaven

with Jesus one day? You can be, if you ask Jesus Christ for his forgiveness. You must believe

in Him and accept Him into your heart as your Lord and Savior.

Lesson 2 —Who is Jesus? But G od c ommende th h i s l o v e t ow ard u s , i n t h a t , w h i l e w e

w er e y e t s i n n er s , Ch r i s t d i ed f o r u s . R oman s 5 : 8

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is Good News!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only

begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should

not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Jesus died for our sins!



1). Who is the creator of all life?

2). What is sin?

3). What was the only way that mankind could be forgiven and brought back to God?

4). After Jesus died on the cross what miracle happened three days later?

5). How can you go to heaven?

Color t he pic tur e

Fill in the blanks:Fill in the blanks:Fill in the blanks:Fill in the blanks:

For ______ so

________ the

________, that he

gave his only

begotten ______,

that whosoever

_________ in him

should not

_________, but have

_____________ life.

John 3:16

Questions – Who is Jesus?


The only way to get to heaven is by Jesus Christ, the

Son of God. Find your way through the maze to

Jesus and eternal life in heaven!

Start here




The first words that Jesus spoke in the Gospel of Mark was to repent and believe

the Gospel. (Mark 1:15) He told the people that God wanted them to repent. To re-pent just means to change. It means to change the way you act. More than that, it

means to change the way you think in your heart. God wants us to obey His com-

mands. Repentance leads to obedience, but it is much more.

Repentance is when someone realizes that they have sinned against God and that sin is a crime that

will keep them separated from Him. It will cause the heart to cry out in desperation before God for

forgiveness. A desperation to please a holy God because the person is tired of living in sin. We stay

separated from God unless we repent.

LESSON 3—Repentance And s a y i n g , The t ime i s f u l f i l l e d , a n d th e k i n g dom of G od i s a t h and :

r e p en t y e , a n d b e l i e v e th e g o s p e l . Mark 1 : 15

What three things happen when someone comes to repentance?

1). A man, woman, boy or girl is very sorry for their sinful life.

2). They are determined with God’s help to stop sinning and doing bad


3). The person allows the Lord to take complete control of their life.

There once was a stubborn boy named Kumar who did not like to obey his

teacher. One day, the teacher told all the children to sit. When he

looked up, only Kumar was still standing. He said sternly, “Kumar, sit

down”. But Kumar stayed standing. Again he instructed Kumar to sit, but

Kumar said, “I won’t”. Exasperated, the teacher walked over to Kumar

with his rod in his hand. “Kumar”, he said,

“If you do not sit, you will be punished.”

Kumar sat down reluctantly. As the

teacher walked away, Kumar murmured, “I may be sitting on the out-

side, but inside, I’m still standing up!”

Kumar obeyed so that he wouldn’t be beaten. But he did not repent.

Repentance is when we “sit down on the inside”. It means that in our

hearts we know we are disobeying God, and we really want to obey

Him instead, and we decide to change. When we repent, it shows Je-

sus that we love Him, we believe Him, and we desire to honor Him.

The Bible teaches us that God will faithfully forgive our sins when

we truly repent to Him.



1). What were the first words of Jesus? (Mark 1:15)

2). What does repent mean?

3). Was the boy Kumar sitting down in the inside?

Circle Yes or No

4). Are we separated from God until we repent of our sins?

Circle Yes or No

5). What three things happen when someone comes to repentance?




Questions – Repentance

ROW 1ROW 1ROW 1ROW 1 Draw faces of those who will not re-pent and

decide to stay separated from God.

Color the


ROW 2 Draw faces of those who

have repented and now have peace with God.



What is a Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ? If you

want to have a relationship with someone, you will spend lots

of time with that person. You will walk, talk, play, and share

everything together. Husband and wives, and parents and

children often share relationships of love and friendship with

one another. Do you have a special friend in your life that you

look forward to playing with? A friend that you trust and can

share everything with them? Jesus is the same way. He

wants us to have a personal relationship with Him. All people are separated from

God because of sin, but Jesus Christ in His awesome and great love is reaching down to His creation (you and

me) with His nail pierced hands. This is true love. This makes Jesus unique above any other so-called gods. The greatest love that God showed to us His very only creation, was to give the life of his only begotten Son

Jesus. In this world we all have had people that fail and disappoint us. Hopes and dreams that never have

come to pass. But God is a God of unfailing love and His love is real. No matter wherever you are, He will

never leave you or forsake you when you put your trust in Him.

God wants everyone to know Him but he allows us all to make our own choice. Think about

it: if God made us love Him in return, He would be controlling us like we were robots or

puppets on a string. God is not like that. Just think about a video game, it is pro-

grammed by another human being to do what it is meant to do. God does not program us

to love him or accept him. If he did this it would not be true love and would not allow us

the freedom to choose.

When Jesus called his disciples Simon and Andrew, James and John to follow him, he did

not force them to follow him. (read Mark 1:16-20) They left their boats and their old life-

style to follow Jesus because they truly believed in him and they wanted to serve him. From

now on they would become fishers or catchers of men. This meant that Jesus was going to

use them to lead other people who were lost in sin to him, so they to

could be saved and receive eternal life.

True love is when one chooses to love and be with another without

being forced. God does not desire to be separated from the creation

He loved so much, but He still gives us a choice. Knowing God must

be your own decision, no one else can decide for you. It’s your


You also have a choice. You can either accept Jesus or reject Him.

When a man, woman, boy or girl hears the Gospel (as you have been reading

and learning about), they have to make a choice. The Bible tells us not to

wait. Are you ready and willing to have a relationship with Jesus? There is no other decision in

life more urgent or important.

LESSON 4 -Relationship And J e s u s s a i d u n t o t h em , C ome y e a f t e r me , a n d I w i l l m a k e y o u t o b e c ome f i s h e r s o f me n . A n d s t r a i g h t w ay t h e y f o r s o o k t h e i r n e t s ,

a n d f o l l o w ed h i m . Ma r k 1 : 1 7 -18







God created

us because He

loves us and

wants us by

our own free-

dom of choice

to love Him in




1). What does Jesus want from each one of us?

2). What was the greatest love God showed to each one of us?

3). Does God allow each individual person to make their own choice to receive him as their Sav-


Circle Yes or No

4). What is true love?

5). Why did God create us?

Questions – Relationship




Do you have room for Jesus in

your heart?



Jesus Christ died as a substitution for mankind who deserved death for their sins (2 Corin-

thians 5:21). Substitution means He died in our place! Even though every person is guilty of

sin, God Himself provided the payment; He has paid the debt of sin in full (1 Peter 2:24).

Jesus Christ died for you and me. There is no greater love than this! Just think, Jesus loves

you so much, that He left heaven to die for you, so you could be forgiven.

In the spiritual sense it is like we have dirty filthy spots all over our bodies. We

cannot see these spots with our physical eyes but God can see them. We may

try to do good things for other people, or do religious things, such as rituals or

ceremonies unto God. None of these things are pleasing to him, unless we come

to Him on His terms. He is God and he know what is best for our lives.

The Bible is very clear that those who are filled with unbelief and do not really

believe in God will remain separated from him. If a person dies without ever

truly repenting of their sins and truly believing and receiving Jesus into their

heart and life, that person will be awfully separated from God in a horrible

place called hell.

To truly know Jesus, you must have a personal relationship with Him. When you make Jesus

your Lord it means He becomes first place in your life. You decide to love, worship, and serve

Him above all other things. When you make Jesus your Savior, it means that you believe that

He died on the cross and shed His blood for the forgiveness of your sins. When you repent

(ask forgiveness) of your sins and you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and ask Him into your

life, you are adopted into the family of God. You become a "son or daughter of God!" (John

1:12). You become a “Child of the King!” A child of God must avoid being involved in bad (sinful) things that

are not pleasing to God, but instead learn how to serve Him. The Holy Spirit will

come to live in you and bring you guidance when you allow Him.


Now I want to ask you the most important question anyone has ever asked you? Do

you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Would you like to know where you will

spend eternity? Would you like to be a child of King Jesus? You can know Jesus

Christ personally just by asking Him. Ask Jesus to save you

from sin and from hell. Below is a prayer that you may pray and

ask Jesus to come into your heart.

Lord God. I come to You a sinner and I humbly repent of

my sins. I believe that Jesus is Lord and I believe You

raised Him from the dead. I ask that Jesus will come into

my life and be my Lord and Savior. I receive Jesus to

change and take control of my life that I may live for Him

from this day forth and from now on. Thank You Lord Jesus

for saving me and cleansing me with Your precious blood. In Jesus name, Amen.

Lesson 5 — What Does it Mean to Believe? But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become

the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: John 1:12


Jesus saith unto him, I

am the way, the truth,

and the life: no man

cometh unto the Father,

but by me. John 14:6





1). Why did Jesus die for us?

2). Why did Jesus leave heaven?

3). If someone dies without repenting, believing, and receiving Jesus

into their hearts, where will they go?

4). What does it mean to make Jesus the Lord of your life?

5). What does it mean to make Jesus the Savior of your life?

6). How can you know Jesus?

7). Did you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Circle Yes or No

Questions – What Does it Mean to believe?

Do you want joy in your heart? Put Jesus in it! Color the picture!

Be a child

of the




Where did mankind first commit a sin? Let’s take a trip back around 6000

years ago and meet the first two people God had created. The Garden of

Eden was a perfect and beautiful place where Adam and Eve the first two

people that God had created were placed. God had blessed them abundantly

with everything they could possibly have wanted in the Garden. God had only

one restriction and that was Adam and Eve were not to eat from the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil". This one commandment was not to be cruel towards Adam and Eve, but it was meant to protect them. God also wanted

Adam and Eve to show their love and obedience in return towards Him. The

Bible records that The Garden of Eden is the place where Satan entered into

the serpent and subtly tricked Eve. Satan misinformed Eve and turned her against God by enticing her into

believing certain lies that he wanted to plant into the human race.

Satan's sly plans worked as he deceived her into taking of the fruit of the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" that God had clearly forbidden. This event caused the whole human race to fall and become separate from God their creator (read Ro-

mans 5:12). The sin nature spread like a disease onto every person that was born on

the face of this earth after Adam and Eve. Disobedient sin is what separates all

people from God. This, of course, was Satan's plan from the beginning, to lead the

whole human race away from God.

Jesus is like a bridge to eternal life. If we cross the

bridge according to the way God’s wants us to by believing

in Jesus, reading his word and obeying what it says, we

will no longer be lost in our sins and separated from God.

But if we remain on the other side of the bridge and lis-

ten to the voice of our own thoughts or others who are

also lost in sin (like Eve listened to the lies of the devil in

the Garden of Eden) we remain separated from God and

horribly lost in our sins. We cannot get to God with sin in

the way. Jesus calls all sinners to repent of their sins.

Lesson 6 —What is Sin? “I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance”. Mark 2:17b

Sin is Like A disease—There is not one person living that likes to be sick or have a

disease. I'm sure most of us have heard our parents tell us not to drink out of the

same cup as our sick brother or sister had just been drinking. Your parents tell you

this because they do not want you to get infected with the germs

that are on your little brother or sisters cup. Sin is the same way. If

you hang out with other kids that swear or are disobedient to their

parents, or do not believe in Jesus, many times you will begin to act

the same way. Sin is like a disease that gets on a person when they do

the wrong things. As we learned before in another lesson, in the spiritual sense sin is like a

disease in which we have filthy dirty spots all over our bodies in whom God can only see.





Jesus is the bridge

to eternal life!



1). Where did Adam and Eve live?

2). What had God given to Adam and Eve?

3). What did God tell Adam and Eve not to do?

4). How did Satan cause Eve to sin against God?

5). To whom did the sin nature spread like a disease?

Circle the ways we can serve God and cross out the things that are sinful.

Questions – What is Sin?

I worship Jesus as the one and only

true God.

Come on let’s sneak out to-

night when our parents are

sleeping and rob someone.

Let’s go worship at the Hindu


Jesus, Guide my life today...


No Thanks!No Thanks!No Thanks!No Thanks!





Color the picture



This scripture is saying that God placed his creative seed in

Mary by the Holy Ghost and God used Mary to give birth to

his son, Jesus. Mary was just a woman and should never be

looked upon to worship in any way. Jesus is only to be wor-

shipped. Sadly, many people worship Mary unknowingly, but

this is very displeasing to God and a terrible sin. The truth

is that even Mary needed a Savior. Read what Mary said in Luke 1:47; “And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour”. Mary realized this herself and never intended for anyone to worship her.

The exciting fact is that Jesus loved us so much that he was willing to leave heaven

(a glorious place beyond out wildest dreams) to die for his creation! Christianity is

the only religion in which the Creator dies for his creation! This is true love beyond

any other!

Jesus is called God and Lord, and the “Son of God”. Jesus was also worshipped and

He accepted it (John 20:28). God had forbidden man to worship anything that isn’t

God. God is the only one to be worshipped and Jesus allowed people to worship Him,

because He is God. Jesus is the creator of everything that was made (John 1:3), and by His power all things

hold together (Hebrew 1:3). Since Jesus is God He has the right and power to do the following:

Lesson 7 — JESUS IS GOD

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. Matthew 1:23

Reading Reading Reading Reading Assignment: Assignment: Assignment: Assignment:

Read the story Read the story Read the story Read the story about the birth of about the birth of about the birth of about the birth of Christ in the follow-Christ in the follow-Christ in the follow-Christ in the follow-ing books of the ing books of the ing books of the ing books of the New Testament:New Testament:New Testament:New Testament:

Matthew 1:18Matthew 1:18Matthew 1:18Matthew 1:18----25 25 25 25 Luke 1Luke 1Luke 1Luke 1----2:402:402:402:40

This same Jesus

who was born a

baby over 2000

years ago is the

same Jesus who

created all things!

3). Jesus will be the judge of all man

(John 5:22). Everyone will have to stand

before Jesus Christ one day after He

has raised the dead.

1). Jesus can forgive sins (Mark

2:10) He will forgive you from all your

sins when you ask Him for forgiveness.

4). Jesus will re-

turn in the clouds of heaven with

power and great glory (Matthew

24:30). Jesus will return for all those

who have a personal relationship with

Him and take them to heaven with

2). Jesus will raise the dead (John

5:25). Everyone that has died will be

raised up again. Some will go to

heaven and others will go to hell.

Where will you spend eternity?

Over 2000 years ago Jesus Christ walked the earth

as a man. He was born into this world as a baby in a city named Bethlehem. Jesus was born for one rea-

son. The reason God sent his only begotten Son into

this world was that he would one day die on the cross

for us as a sacrifice for our sins. God gave Jesus

earthly parents and their names were Joseph and

Mary. Mary was only an ordinary woman who was

highly favored of God. The Bible says; “Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost”.



1). What reason was Jesus born into this world?

2). Why should we not worship Mary?

3). Did Mary need a Savior?

4). Who created everything and died for His creation?

5). What has God forbidden man to do?

6). Since Jesus is God He has the right and the power to do what four things?




4). ________________________________________________________________________________

Questions – Jesus is God

- beginning

1 In the __________ was the ______ (Jesus), and the

_____ was with God, and the _____ was God.

2 The same was in the _____________ with God.

3 All ________ were ________ by him (Jesus); and

without him was not any _______ ______ that was


John 1:1-3

Find out more about Jesus as Creator and God by filling in the blanks using the picture codes.

- made - Things - Word

Wise men seek Jesus.



Lesson 8 — The Life Of Jesus - Part 1

What does the Bible says about the life of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke.

Jesus speaking: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the

captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord" (Luke 4:18-19).

Let’s study the above verses and find out the

wonderful things that Jesus came to do as a man.

1). To preach the gospel to the poor - Every person on earth needs to hear the gospel

so they can be saved and go to heaven. God does not want one person to go to hell. But

God in his love has created us with our own freedom of choice and we alone make our own

decision where we spend eternity. Many people in this world have still not heard that

Jesus is the only way to eternal life in heaven. Jesus last commandment that he gave to

us is in Mark 16:15; “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature”. When we ac-

cept Jesus Christ as our Savior we need to go and tell others about his wonderful salvation plan. We need to

become a missionary for Jesus. A Missionary is someone who is sent by God to preach His gospel.

2). To heal the broken hearted - Jesus loves you and wants you to be happy. He is the only one

who can heal your hurts. He brings true joy and peace.

Jesus heals a Broken heart! - A woman with leprosy named Chinnathai was lying helplessly in her small hut very sick. Chinnathai had no medicine and no one to take care of her. Her

whole family had abandoned her and told her that she was a cursed person. Chinnathai was not only sick,

but she was desperately brokenhearted to think that her own husband and children had left her. Chinna-

thai desperately needed someone to love and care for her. One day, a missionary came to Chinnathai’s

home. The missionary shared the Gospel to Chinnathai and prayed for her. Chinnathai accepted Jesus as

her Savior. The missionary wrapped her wounds and gave her food and medicine. Chinnathai’s health be-

gan to get better and her heart was now filled with joy because Jesus had healed her broken heart. Now

Chinnathai could feel Jesus love for her. Never again would Chinnathai be alone in this world because the

true God loved her and would take care of her.

3). To preach deliverance to the captives. -To deliver those that are lost out of Sa-

tan's kingdom. Jesus can set any kind of person who is captive free when they allow him.

Delivered From Satan’s Bondage—Vijay’s family had many problems. They were always getting sick, and his parents were always fighting. Vijay and his family worshipped many Hindu gods diligently but still

they had no peace in their hearts. Many times Vijay’s mother would have terrible fits that made her seem

like a mad women and many times she had tried to commit suicide while this happened. Vijay’s parents would

often spend all their money at a witch doctor. Sometimes they would have a few days of relief but then one

of Vijay’s relatives would put witchcraft back on the family again making matters

even worse then before. One day a missionary came and shared about Jesus and Vijay and his family all ac-

cepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Vijay and his family began to worship Jesus and no

longer worshipped the Hindu gods. The missionary prayed that Vijay’s mother and the whole family would be

set free in the name of Jesus. Since then Vijay’s family has been totally set free from all their bondages

and they are joyfully worshipping Jesus as a family. Vijay is overjoyed to know that Jesus has broken Sa-

tan’s power over his family.



1). What is the first wonderful thing Jesus did when he walked the


2). What is a missionary?

3). What is the second wonderful thing Jesus did when he walked the earth?

4). Who loved Chinnathai even when her family left her?

5). What is the third wonderful thing Jesus did when he walked the earth?

6). Can Jesus set anyone free when they allow him to work in their lives?

Questions – The Life of Jesus – Part 1

The Gospel of

Christ is received

by some and

rejected and

mocked by others.

Color the picture

and then circle the

category of where

you think you fit in.

Do you receive

the Gospel or are

you rejecting it?

If you received the

Gospel will you be

bold enough to

preach it to others

even if you are




Review: In lesson 8 we learned about 3 things that Jesus came to do while he lived on the earth. These three things were:

1). To preach the gospel to the poor 2). To heal the broken hearted 3). To preach deliverance to the captives.

Lesson 9 — The Life Of Jesus—Part 2

4). To give recovering of sight to the blind. Over 2000 years ago Jesus healed those who

were blind and He also healed many other diseases. He has not changed, He still heals today! The

Bible also teaches that people are spiritually blind. This means those who do not know Jesus

Christ as their personal Lord and Savior (they have a covering over their mind). 2 Corinthians 4:4

Have you ever been blindfolded? When a person cannot see, they are helpless and unable to find their

way. In the same way, Satan blinds the minds of people who do not know God and tries to keep them from ever truly know-

ing Him. Satan does not want anyone to be saved and to receive eternal life. There is an on-going battle between the king-

dom of light (God’s kingdom) and the kingdom of darkness (Satan’s kingdom). The battle is for the souls of every person.

5). To set at liberty them that are bruised.- To give freedom and forgive-

ness to those who are sad or hurt.

From Bondage to Freedom—Rajkumar’s was 10 years old and most of his life he could remember how his dad would spend all the money and drink alcohol. Because of

this Rajkumar lived in poverty and many times he went to bed with an empty stomach.

Also Rajkumar would often be very frightened because when his dad drank the alcohol he would both

beat him and his mother and say many harsh and hurting words to them. One day Rajkumar’s and his mom and dad were

watching TV and a Christian program came on. At the end of the program Rajkumar and both his mom and dad asked for

forgiveness and accepted Christ. Since then Rajkumar’s dad has stopped drinking alcohol and now there is much peace in

his family. Rajkumar also can eat better now because his dad is buying food instead of alcohol.

6). To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. When Jesus walked the earth as a man over

2000 years ago, He preached that He was the only way to heaven. People either accepted Him or

rejected Him. You also have a choice. You can either accept Jesus or reject Him. When a man,

woman, boy or girl hears the Gospel, they have to make a choice. The Bible tells us not to wait.

How long is eternity? It is beyond our imagination. Let's just try to take a glimpse at how long eternity really is by using this illustration. Every thousand years a bird took a drop of water from the Indian Ocean,

and flew across the country, and put that drop in the Pacific Ocean, then flew back to the Indian Ocean,

and repeated the same thing. After countless thousands of years when that bird had emptied the whole Indian Ocean into

the Pacific Ocean, eternity would have only just begun. And how terribly tragic to spend that eternity in a terrible place

called hell, separated from a loving God and all that is good. Eternity never ends, it goes on and on forever and ever.

What does the Bible says about the life of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke.

Jesus speaking: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the

captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord" (Luke 4:18-19).

Let’s continue to study the above verses and find out the Rest

of the wonderful things that Jesus came to do as a man.



1). What is the fourth wonderful thing Jesus did when he walked the earth?

2). Why is there a battle between the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness?

3). What is the fifth wonderful thing Jesus did when he walked the earth?

4). Did Jesus deliver Rajkumar’s father from alcohol?

Circle yes or no?

5). What is the sixth wonderful thing Jesus did when he walked the earth?

Write in each scroll one of the six wonderful things Jesus did when he walked the earth and then

match each scroll to a picture by drawing a line to it. (To find all the answers you must study lesson

8 also.

Questions – The Life of Jesus – Part 2

To set at liberty

them that are




Lesson 10 — How To Grow Closer to God

“ And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach” Mark 3:14.

1). READING THE BIBLE: Learning God's word will teach you how you can live a life of

service to Him and also a happy life full of God's blessings. God wants you to learn about

Him. To learn more about God is done by reading, studying, and memorizing the book that

God gave you. The Bible has every answer to life in it. God gave us the precious gift of life

and He also gave us His word as a guide. Just like everyone needs to eat food to stay alive.

A Christian must read the Bible to stay strong spiritually. You will be greatly blessed as

you read and study God's Word.

2). OBEDIENCE— We must read God’s word and then we must apply what we have

learned to our own lives. We must obey what God’s word says so we can have the blessings

that God’s word promises for us. Most of all we should desire to be obedient because of

our love for Jesus and that our heart’s main desire is to worship and serve him alone. We

must be obedient to God by being water baptized. (read Matthew 28:18-20)

3). PRAYER—It is always nice to have someone to talk to and someone to listen to. God wants everyone

to talk to Him. This is called prayer. You can pray out loud or silently. God wants you to talk to Him

about everything, because you are His child and He is your Father.

4). GO TO CHURCH—Go to a Bible-believing church each week. Pray that God will lead you to the right Church. The reasons you should go to church are: A). So you can learn more about Jesus Christ. B). So you can be around other Christians. C). So God can use you to help others.

5). EVANGELISM— This means to go and tell others the good news of the Gospel to your

family, friends, and strangers. Share with others how Jesus died for them and wants to save

them from hell. Share the Gospel and lead others to Jesus so they can also have a chance to

receive eternal life. Just like Jesus sent his disciples to preach the Gospel He sends you also.

If you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for the forgiveness of your

sins, and you have asked Him to be the Lord and Savior of your life, you have be-

come a child of God. Becoming a Christian or child of God is so exciting and is the

very best decision that you could ever make in life. You have been born again by

the Spirit of God and have become a new creation in Christ Jesus. Knowing Jesus

Christ will give you a peace and hope that nothing else can give in this life. Even

though God promises peace and joy, it does not mean that we will escape problems

or trials. We will still experience challenges and trials in our life, but through

them all, the main key is to always put God first in your life. He promises to never leave or forsake His chil-

dren and He will always be with us through the hard times.

If you truly believe in Jesus Christ, you must allow Him to change you so you can be more like Him. Here are

some very important steps that a child of God must take to grow in the Christian walk. Let's take a look at

five steps:





1). Why should a Christian read the Bible?

2). Why should a Christian live a life of obedience?

3). Why should a Christian pray?

4). What three reasons should a Christian go to church?




5). Why should a Christian tell others about Jesus?

According to the picture write in each box one of the five different steps that helps you grow in

your Christian walk.

Questions – How To Grow Closer to God

Know God’s Will

for your life..

Color the picture!






Day 1 John 1:1-18

Day 2 John 1:19-51

Day 3 John 2:1-22

Day 4 John 2:23-3:21

Day 5 John 3:22-36

Day 6 John 4:1-30

Day 7 John 4:31-54

Day 8 John 5:1-23

Day 9 John 5:24-47

Day 10 John 6:1-21

Day 11 John 6:22-40

Day 12 John 6:41-71

Day 13 John 7:1-30

Day 14 John 7:31-8:11

Day 15 John 8:12-30

Day 16 John 8:31-59

Day 17 John 9:1-17

Day 18 John 9:18-38

Day 19 John 9:39-10:18

Day 20 John 10:19-42

Day 21 John 11:1-27

Day 22 John 11:28-54

Day 23 John 11:55-12:19

Day 24 John 12:20-50

Day 25 John 13:1-30

Day 26 John 13:31-14:14

Day 27 John 14:15-31

Day 28 John 15:1-16

Day 29 John 15:17-16:15

Day 30 John 16:16-33

Day 31 John 17

Day 32 John 18:1-27

Day 33 John 18:28-19:16

Day 34 John 19:17-42

Day 35 John 20

Day 36 John 21

Day 37 Mark 1:1-20

Day 38 Mark 1:21-45

Day 39 Mark 2:1-22

Day 40 Mark 2:23-3:12

Day 41 Mark 3:13-35

Day 42 Mark 4:1-20

Day 43 Mark 4:21-41

Day 44 Mark 5:1-20

Day 45 Mark 5:21-43

Day 46 Mark 6:1-29

Day 47 Mark 6:30-56

Day 48 Mark 7:1-23

Day 49 Mark 7:24-8:10

Day 50 Mark 8:11-26

Day 51 Mark 8:27-9:13

Day 52 Mark 9:14-32

Day 53 Mark 9:33-50

Day 54 Mark 10:1-31

Day 55 Mark 10:32-52

Day 56 Mark 11:1-26

Day 57 Mark 11:27-12:17

Day 58 Mark 12:18-44

Day 59 Mark 13

Day 60 Mark 14:1-26

Day 61 Mark 14:27-52

Day 62 Mark 14:53-72

Day 63 Mark 15:1-23

Day 64 Mark 15:24-47

Day 65 Mark 16

Day 66 1 John 1

Day 67 1 John 2:1-17

Day 68 1 John 2:18-29

Day 69 1 John 3

Day 70 1 John 4

Day 71 1 John 5

Day 72 2 John

Day 73 3 John

Day 74 Jude 1

Day 75 1 Peter 1:1-12

Day 76 1 Peter 1:13-2:10

Day 77 1 Peter 2:11-3:7

Day 78 1 Peter 3:8-22

Day 79 1 Peter 4

Day 80 1 Peter 5

Day 81 2 Peter 1

Day 82 2 Peter 2

Day 83 2 Peter 3

Day 84 James 1

Day 85 James 2

Day 86 James 3

Day 87 James 4

Day 88 James 5

Day 89 Acts 1

Day 90 Acts 2:1-21

Day 91 Acts 2:22-47

Day 92 Acts 3

Day 93 Acts 4:1-31

Day 94 Acts 4:32-5:11

Day 95 Acts 5:12-42

Day 96 Acts 6

Day 97 Acts 7:1-29

Day 98 Acts 7:30-8:4

Day 99 Acts 8:5-40

Day 100 Acts 9:1-31

Day 101 Acts 9:32-43

Day 102 Acts 10:1-23

Day 103 Acts 10:24-48

Day 104 Acts 11:1-18

Day 105 Acts 11:19-30

Day 106 Acts 12

Day 107 Acts 13:1-25

Day 108 Acts 13:26-52

Day 109 Acts 14

Day 110 Acts 15:1-21

Day 111 Acts 15:22-35

Day 112 Acts 15:36-16:15

Day 113 Acts 16:16-40

Day 114 Acts 17:1-15

Day 115 Acts 17:16-34

Day 116 Acts 18:1-22

Day 117 Acts 18:23-19:20

Day 118 Acts 19:21-41

Day 119 Acts 20:1-16

Day 120 Acts 20:17-38

Day 121 Acts 21:1-16

Day 122 Acts 21:17-40

Day 123 Acts 22:1-21

Day 124 Acts 22:22-23:11

Day 125 Acts 23:12-35

Day 126 Acts 24

Day 127 Acts 25:1-22

Day 128 Acts 25:23-26:11

Day 129 Acts 26:12-32

Day 130 Acts 27:1-26

Day 131 Acts 27:27-28:10

Day 132 Acts 28:11-31 Day 133 Romans 1:1-16

Day 134 Romans 1:17-32

Day 135 Romans 2

Day 136 Romans 3

Day 137 Romans 4:1-22

Day 138 Romans 4:23-5:11

Day 139 Romans 5:12-21

Day 140 Romans 6:1-14

Day 141 Romans 6:15-7:6

Day 142 Romans 7:7-25

Day 143 Romans 8:1-17

Day 144 Romans 8:18-39

Day 145 Romans 9:1-29

Day 146 Romans 9:30-10:21

Day 147 Romans 11:1-15

Day 148 Romans 11:16-36

Day 149 Romans 12

Day 150 Romans 13

Day 151 Romans 14:1-18

Day 152 Romans 14:19-15:13

Day 153 Romans 15:14-33

Day 154 Romans 16

Day 155 1 Thessalonians 1:1- 2:16

Day 156 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13

Day 157 1 Thessalonians 4

Day 158 1 Thessalonians 5

Day 159 2 Thessalonians 1

Day 160 2 Thessalonians 2

Day 161 2 Thessalonians 3

Day 162 1 Timothy 1

Day 163 1 Timothy 2

Day 164 1 Timothy 3:1-14

Day 165 1 Timothy 3:15-29

Day 166 1 Timothy 4:1-20

Day 167 1 Timothy 4:21-5:9

Day 168 1 Timothy 5:10-26

Day 170 2 Timothy 6

Day 171 2 Timothy 1:1-14

Day 172 2 Timothy 1:15-2:10

Day 173 2 Timothy 2:11-22

Day 174 2 Timothy 3

Day 175 2 Timothy 4:1-16

Day 176 Titus 1:1-2:8

Day 177 Titus 2:9-3:15

Day 178 Philemon

Day 179 Matthew 1

Day 180 Matthew 2

Daily Bible Reading Schedule– Read through the New Testament in one year!



Day 181 Matthew 3

Day 182 Matthew 4

Day 183 Matthew 5:1-20

Day 184 Matthew 5:21-48

Day 185 Matthew 6:1-18

Day 186 Matthew 6:19-7:6

Day 187 Matthew 7:7-29

Day 188 Matthew 8:1-27

Day 189 Matthew 8:28-9:17

Day 190 Matthew 9:18-38

Day 191 Matthew 10:1-25

Day 192 Matthew 10:26-10:42

Day 193 Matthew 11

Day 194 Matthew 12:1-21

Day 195 Matthew 12:22-50

Day 196 Matthew 13:1-23

Day 197 Matthew 13:24-43

Day 198 Matthew 13:44-14:13

Day 199 Matthew 14:14-36

Day 200 Matthew 15:1-28

Day 201 Matthew 15:29-16:12

Day 202 Matthew 16:13-17:13

Day 203 Matthew 17:14-18:14

Day 204 Matthew 18:15-35

Day 205 Matthew 19:1-15

Day 206 Matthew 19:16-20:16

Day 207 Matthew 20:17-34

Day 208 Matthew 21:1-32

Day 209 Matthew 21:33-22:14

Day 210 Matthew 22:15-46

Day 211 Matthew 23

Day 212 Matthew 24:1-28

Day 213 Matthew 24:29-51

Day 214 Matthew 25:1-30

Day 215 Matthew 25:31-46

Day 215 Matthew 26:1-30

Day 216 Matthew 26:31-57

Day 217 Matthew 26:58-75

Day 218 Matthew 27:1-26

Day 219 Matthew 27:27-44

Day 220 Matthew 27:45-66

Day 221 Matthew 28

Day 222 Galatians 1

Day 223 Galatians 2

Day 224 Galatians 3

Day 225 Galatians 4

Day 226 Galatians 5

Day 227 Galatians 6

Day 228 Ephesians 1

Day 229 Ephesians 2

Day 230 Ephesians 3

Day 231 Ephesians 4

Day 232 Ephesians 5

Day 233 Ephesians 6

Day 234 Philippians 1

Day 235 Philippians 2

Day 236 Philippians 3

Day 237 Philippians 4

Day 238 Colossians 1

Day 239 Colossians 2

Day 240 Colossians 3

Day 241 Colossians 4

Day 242 Luke 1:1-25

Day 243 Luke 1:26-56

Day 244 Luke 1:57-80

Day 245 Luke 2:1-21

Day 246 Luke 2:22-52

Day 247 Luke 3

Day 248 Luke 4:1-15

Day 249 Luke 4:16-44

Day 250 Luke 5:1-16

Day 251 Luke 5:17-39

Day 252 Luke 6:1-19

Day 253 Luke 6:20-49

Day 254 Luke 7:1-29

Day 255 Luke 7:30-50

Day 256 Luke 8:1-21

Day 257 Luke 8:22-39

Day 258 Luke 8:40-56

Day 259 Luke 9:1-17

Day 260 Luke 9:18-36

Day 261 Luke 9:37-62

Day 262 Luke 10:1-24

Day 263 Luke 10:25-42

Day 264 Luke 11:1-13

Day 265 Luke 11:14-36

Day 266 Luke 11:37-54

Day 267 Luke 12:1-21

Day 268 Luke 12:22-40

Day 269 Luke 12:41-59

Day 270 Luke 13:1-21

Day 271 Luke 13:22-35

Day 272 Luke 14:1-24

Day 273 Luke 14:25-15:10

Day 274 Luke 15:11-32

Day 275 Luke 16

Day 276 Luke 17:1-19

Day 277 Luke 17:20-18:14

Day 278 Luke 18:15-43

Day 279 Luke 19:1-28

Day 280 Luke 19:29-48

Day 281 Luke 20:1-19

Day 282 Luke 20:20-21:4

Day 284 Luke 21:5-38

Day 285 Luke 22:1-30

Day 286 Luke 22:31-53

Day 287 Luke 22:54-23:12

Day 288 Luke 23:13-46

Day 289 Luke 23:47-24:12

Day 290 Luke 24:13-53

Day 291 1 Corinthians 1

Day 292 1 Corinthians 2

Day 293 1 Corinthians 3

Day 294 1 Corinthians 4

Day 295 1 Corinthians 5

Day 296 1 Corinthians 6

Day 297 1 Corinthians 7

Day 298 1 Corinthians 8

Day 299 1 Corinthians 9:1-23

Day 300 1 Corinthians 9:24-10:14

Day 301 1 Corinthians 10:15-33

Day 302 1 Corinthians 11

Day 303 1 Corinthians 12

Day 304 1 Corinthians 13

Day 305 1 Corinthians 14

Day 306 1 Corinthians 15:1-34

Day 307 1 Corinthians 15:35-58

Day 308 1 Corinthians 16

Day 309 2 Corinthians 1

Day 310 2 Corinthians 2

Day 311 2 Corinthians 3:1-4:6

Day 312 2 Corinthians 4:7-5:10

Day 313 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:10

Day 314 2 Corinthians 6:11-7:16

Day 315 2 Corinthians 8

Day 316 2 Corinthians 9

Day 317 2 Corinthians 10

Day 318 2 Corinthians 11

Day 319 2 Corinthians 12:1-13

Day 320 2 Corinthians 12:14-13:14

Day 321 Hebrews 1

Day 322 Hebrews 2

Day 323 Hebrews 3

Day 324 Hebrews 4:1-13

Day 325 Hebrews 4:14-5:10

Day 326 Hebrews 5:11-6:20

Day 327 Hebrews 7

Day 328 Hebrews 8

Day 329 Hebrews 9:1-14

Day 330 Hebrews 9:15-28

Day 331 Hebrews 10:1-18

Day 332 Hebrews 10:19-39

Day 333 Hebrews 11:1-16

Day 334 Hebrews 11:17-40

Day 335 Hebrews 12:1-17

Day 336 Hebrews 12:18-13:6

Day 337 Hebrews 13:7-25

Day 338 Revelation 1

Day 339 Revelation 2:1-17

Day 340 Revelation 2:18-3:6

Day 341 Revelation 3:7-22

Day 342 Revelation 4

Day 343 Revelation 5

Day 344 Revelation 6

Day 345 Revelation 7

Day 346 Revelation 8

Day 347 Revelation 9

Day 348 Revelation 10

Day 349 Revelation 11

Day 350 Revelation 12

Day 351 Revelation 13

Day 352 Revelation 14

Day 353 Revelation 15

Day 354 Revelation 16:1-11

Day 355 Revelation 16:12-21

Day 356 Revelation 17

Day 357 Revelation 18:1-10

Day 358 Revelation 18:11-24

Day 359 Revelation 19:1-10

Day 360 Revelation 19:11-21

Day 361 Revelation 20

Day 362 Revelation 21:1-15

Day 363 Revelation 21:16-27

Day 364 Revelation 22:1-13

Day 365 Revelation 22:14-21

Daily Bible Reading Schedule– Read through the New Testament in one year!



Book of Life Gospel Media

Address and contact info goes here


Th e

Jesus said; “Suffer the

little children to come unto me,

and forbid them not: for of such

is the kingdom of God” Mark


This children’s Vacation

Bible school edition has been designed so children can learn about the

Good news of the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ and to have a fulfill-

ing relationship with him. These powerful Gospel lessons based on the

Bible will teach children the powerful Gos-

pel message of Jesus Christ, how to grow in

the Lord, and live a godly life. Each lesson

has questions and a bible based game to rein-

force what the children have learned.


Book of Life Gospel Media


